def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # remove all modules from list that were being watched
        obj = self.get_object()
        modules = list(obj.modules.all())
        watcher = WatcherWrapper(obj.user)

        return super(AdminReviewerDeleteView,
                     self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
    def __process_watchers(self):
        Private method that removes the modules that
        are being watched by these tutor.
        obj = self.get_object()

        modules = obj.modules.all()

        # remove the modules from watch list
        watcher = WatcherWrapper(obj.programme_tutor_user)
    def __process_watchers(self, request):
        Private method to update the tutor's watch list
        by removing and adding relevant modules

        # get the list of new module codes
        module_codes = request.POST.getlist('modules', None)
        obj = self.get_object()
        watcher = WatcherWrapper(obj.programme_tutor_user)

        # get the current and new modules
        new_modules = set(Module.objects.filter(module_code__in=module_codes))
        current_modules = set(obj.modules.all())

        # determine what needs to be removed
        modules_to_remove = list(current_modules.difference(new_modules))

        # update the modules this tutor is watching
    def __process_watchers(self, request):
        Private method that updates notification watcher for a reviewer.
        # get the new list of module codes
        module_codes = request.POST.getlist('modules', None)
        obj = self.get_object()
        watcher = WatcherWrapper(obj.user)

        # get the new modules
        new_modules = set(Module.objects.filter(module_code__in=module_codes))
        old_modules = set(obj.modules.all())

        # compare the old modules to new to determine which
        # modules are no longer being reviewed by reviewer
        modules_to_remove = list(old_modules.difference(new_modules))

        # remove modules that are not being reviewed by user

        # add any new modules that are being reviewed