Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_delta_r():
    """assert that
    * delta_r(ri, rj, box) == - delta_r(rj, ri, box)
    * delta_r agrees with jit(delta_r)
    * jit(norm(delta_r)) symmetric
    on a few random inputs of varying size
    def _distances(ri, rj, box):
        return np.linalg.norm(delta_r(ri, rj, box), axis=1)

    for _ in range(5):
        n_atoms = onp.random.randint(50, 1000)
        dim = onp.random.randint(3, 5)
        ri, rj = onp.random.randn(2, n_atoms, dim)
        box = np.eye(dim)

        dr_ij_1 = delta_r(ri, rj, box)
        dr_ji_1 = delta_r(rj, ri, box)

        onp.testing.assert_allclose(dr_ij_1, -dr_ji_1)

        dr_ij_2 = jit(delta_r)(ri, rj, box)
        dr_ji_2 = jit(delta_r)(rj, ri, box)

        onp.testing.assert_allclose(dr_ij_1, dr_ij_2)
        onp.testing.assert_allclose(dr_ji_1, dr_ji_2)

        dij = _distances(ri, rj, box)
        dji = _distances(rj, ri, box)

        onp.testing.assert_allclose(dij, dji)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def harmonic_angle(conf, params, box, angle_idxs, param_idxs, cos_angles=True):
    Compute the harmonic bond energy given a collection of molecules.

    This implements a harmonic angle potential: V(t) = k*(t - t0)^2 or V(t) = k*(cos(t)-cos(t0))^2

    conf: shape [num_atoms, 3] np.array
        atomic coordinates

    params: shape [num_params,] np.array
        unique parameters

    box: shape [3, 3] np.array
        periodic boundary vectors, if not None

    angle_idxs: shape [num_angles, 3] np.array
        each element (a, b, c) is a unique angle in the conformation. atom b is defined
        to be the middle atom.

    param_idxs: shape [num_angles, 2] np.array
        each element (k_idx, t_idx) maps into params for angle constants and ideal angles

    cos_angles: True (default)
        if True, then this instead implements V(t) = k*(cos(t)-cos(t0))^2. This is far more
        numerically stable when the angle is pi.

    ci = conf[angle_idxs[:, 0]]
    cj = conf[angle_idxs[:, 1]]
    ck = conf[angle_idxs[:, 2]]

    kas = params[param_idxs[:, 0]]
    a0s = params[param_idxs[:, 1]]

    vij = delta_r(ci, cj, box)
    vjk = delta_r(ck, cj, box)

    top = np.sum(np.multiply(vij, vjk), -1)
    bot = np.linalg.norm(vij, axis=-1) * np.linalg.norm(vjk, axis=-1)

    tb = top / bot

    # (ytz): we used the squared version so that we make this energy being strictly positive
    if cos_angles:
        energies = kas / 2 * np.power(tb - np.cos(a0s), 2)
        angle = np.arccos(tb)
        energies = kas / 2 * np.power(angle - a0s, 2)

    return np.sum(energies, -1)  # reduce over all angles
Ejemplo n.º 3
def signed_torsion_angle(ci, cj, ck, cl):
    Batch compute the signed angle of a torsion angle.  The torsion angle
    between two planes should be periodic but not necessarily symmetric.

    ci: shape [num_torsions, 3] np.array
        coordinates of the 1st atom in the 1-4 torsion angle

    cj: shape [num_torsions, 3] np.array
        coordinates of the 2nd atom in the 1-4 torsion angle

    ck: shape [num_torsions, 3] np.array
        coordinates of the 3rd atom in the 1-4 torsion angle

    cl: shape [num_torsions, 3] np.array
        coordinates of the 4th atom in the 1-4 torsion angle

    shape [num_torsions,] np.array
        array of torsion angles.


    # Taken from the wikipedia arctan2 implementation:
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihedral_angle

    # We use an identical but numerically stable arctan2
    # implementation as opposed to the OpenMM energy function to
    # avoid asingularity when the angle is zero.

    rij = delta_r(cj, ci)
    rkj = delta_r(cj, ck)
    rkl = delta_r(cl, ck)

    n1 = np.cross(rij, rkj)
    n2 = np.cross(rkj, rkl)

    lhs = np.linalg.norm(n1, axis=-1)
    rhs = np.linalg.norm(n2, axis=-1)
    bot = lhs * rhs

    y = np.sum(np.multiply(np.cross(n1, n2),
                           rkj / np.linalg.norm(rkj, axis=-1, keepdims=True)),
    x = np.sum(np.multiply(n1, n2), -1)

    return np.arctan2(y, x)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def nonbonded_block(xi, xj, box, params_i, params_j, beta, cutoff):
    This is a modified version of nonbonded_v3 that computes a block of
    interactions between two sets of particles x_i and x_j. It is assumed that
    there are no exclusions between the two particle sets. Typical use cases
    include computing the interaction energy between the environment and a ligand.

    This is mainly used for testing, as it does not support 4D decoupling or
    alchemical semantics yet.

    xi : (N,3) np.ndarray
    xj : (N,3) np.ndarray
    box : Optional 3x3 np.array
        Periodic boundary conditions
    beta : float
        the charge product q_ij will be multiplied by erfc(beta*d_ij)
    cutoff : Optional float
        a pair of particles (i,j) will be considered non-interacting if the distance d_ij
        between their 3D coordinates exceeds cutoff

        Interaction energy

    ri = np.expand_dims(xi, axis=1)
    rj = np.expand_dims(xj, axis=0)
    d2ij = np.sum(np.power(delta_r(ri, rj, box), 2), axis=-1)
    dij = np.sqrt(d2ij)
    sig_i = np.expand_dims(params_i[:, 1], axis=1)
    sig_j = np.expand_dims(params_j[:, 1], axis=0)
    eps_i = np.expand_dims(params_i[:, 2], axis=1)
    eps_j = np.expand_dims(params_j[:, 2], axis=0)

    sig_ij = sig_i + sig_j
    eps_ij = eps_i * eps_j

    qi = np.expand_dims(params_i[:, 0], axis=1)
    qj = np.expand_dims(params_j[:, 0], axis=0)

    qij = np.multiply(qi, qj)

    es = direct_space_pme(dij, qij, beta)
    lj = lennard_jones(dij, sig_ij, eps_ij)

    nrg = np.where(dij > cutoff, 0, es + lj)
    return np.sum(nrg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _distances(ri, rj, box):
     return np.linalg.norm(delta_r(ri, rj, box), axis=1)