Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_attendance(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
        Generate list of attendance associated to the this journal.
        res = {}
	data = self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['employee_id', 'turn_start', 'turn_end'], context=context)
	delta = tu.timedelta(hours=2)
	for d in data:
            turn_start = d['turn_start']
            turn_end = d['turn_end']
            employee_id = d['employee_id'][0]
	    _id = d['id']
            if turn_start:
                sql_req= """
                SELECT A.id
                FROM hr_attendance as A
                  A.employee_id = %d AND
                  ('%s'::timestamp, '%s'::timestamp)
                  (A.name, A.name)
                ORDER BY A.name asc""" % (
                      tu.dt(turn_start) - delta,
                      tu.dt(turn_end) + delta
                sql_res = cr.fetchall()

                if len(sql_res) > 0:
                    res[_id] = map(lambda (i,): i, sql_res)
                    res[_id] = []
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _date_overlaps(self, cr, uid, ids, date, context=None):
     res = {}
     for j in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         r = True
         r = r and tu.dt(j.turn_start) - tu.timedelta(hours=2) < date
         r = r and date < tu.dt(j.turn_end) + tu.timedelta(hours=2)
         res[j.id] = r
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _date_range_overlaps(self, cr, uid, ids, date_from, date_to, context=None):
     res = {}
     for j in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         r = date_from < date_to and not (
             (date_to < tu.dt(j.turn_start)) or
             (tu.dt(j.turn_end) < date_from)
         res[j.id] = r
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_day_end(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
     res = {}
     dtc = lambda sd: tu.dt(sd.sign_out_id.name)
     for day in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         if day.attendance_ids:
             res[day.id] = tu.dt2s(max(map(lambda i: tu.dt(i.name),
             res[day.id] = False
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _inv_attendance(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, value, arg, context=None):
        Store attendance from a journal. Assign employee id and set the correct
        jou_id = ids
        for no_se, att_id, val in value:
            if val:
                # Who is the associated journal?
                if jou_id == 0:
                    if not isinstance(ids, int):
                        raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                                             _('I expect process attendance just for one journal'))
                    jou_id = ids
                jou = self.browse(cr, uid, jou_id)

                # Check date if not out of turn time.
                if not jou._date_overlaps(tu.dt(val['name']))[jou.id]:
                    an = tu.datetime.combine(tu.d(jou.date).date(), tu.dt(val['name']).time())
                    if not jou._date_overlaps(an)[jou.id]:
                        an = tu.datetime.combine(tu.d(jou.date).date() + tu.timedelta(days=1), tu.dt(val['name']).time())
                    val['name'] = tu.dt2s(an)
                    if not (jou._date_overlaps(tu.dt(val['name']))):
                        raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                                             _('Attendance don\'t belong to this journal'))

        # Sort entries
        att_ids = []
        values = []
        for no_se, att_id, val in value:
            if val:
        values.sort(key=lambda i: i['name'])
        attval = dict(zip(att_ids, values))

        # Store new or modification
        for att_id, val in zip(att_ids, values):
            if val:
                if att_id == 0:
                   val['employee_id'] = jou.employee_id.id
                   self.pool.get('hr.attendance').create(cr, uid, val)
                   self.pool.get('hr.attendance').write(cr, uid, att_id, val)

        # Delete entries
        for no_se, att_id, val in value:
            if not val:
                self.pool.get('hr.attendance').unlink(cr, uid, att_id)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __getitem__(self, name):
     if name in self._local_cache:
         return self._local_cache[name]
     if name in self._cache:
         ret = self._cache[name]
         if isinstance(ret, bool):
             return ret
         field = self._field[name]
         if field["type"] in ["char", "int", "float", "selection"]:
             _r = ret
         elif field["type"] in ["datetime"]:
             _r = tu.dt(ret)
         elif field["type"] in ["date"]:
             _r = tu.d(ret)
         elif field["type"] in ["many2one"]:
             _r = Interface(*(self._parms + (ret[0], field["relation"])))
         elif field["type"] in ["many2many", "one2many"]:
             _r = map(lambda a: Interface(*(self._parms + a)), zip(ret, [field["relation"]] * len(ret)))
             raise NotImplementedError, "Not implemented for %s of type %s (%s)." % (name, field["type"], str(ret))
         self._local_cache[name] = _r
         return _r
         # raise ValueError, "Not exists %s in object." % name
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_turn(self, cr, uid, ids, date, context=None):
     res = {}
     if isinstance(date, str):
         date = tu.dt(date)
     for cont in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         if (tu.d(cont.date_start) <= date and
             (cont.date_end == False or date <= tu.d(cont.date_end))):
             ts = filter(
                 lambda i: i.dayofweek == str(date.weekday()) or i.dayofweek
                 == '', cont.turn_id.timesheet_id)
             if len(ts) == 1:
                 ddate = tu.datetime.combine(date.date(), tu.time(0))
                 res[cont.id] = (
                     ddate + tu.timedelta(hours=ts[0].hour_from), ddate +
                     tu.timedelta(hours=24 *
                                  (ts[0].hour_from > ts[0].hour_to) +
             elif len(ts) > 1:
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     "More than one turn enabled at same time. See Timesheet line."
                 res[cont.id] = False
             res[cont.id] = False
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_turn(self, cr, uid, ids, date, context=None):
     res = {}
     if isinstance(date, str):
         date = tu.dt(date)
     for cont in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
         if (tu.d(cont.date_start) <= date and
             (cont.date_end == False or date <= tu.d(cont.date_end))):
                 ts = filter(lambda i:
                     i.dayofweek == str(date.weekday()) or i.dayofweek == '',
                 if len(ts) == 1:
                     ddate = tu.datetime.combine(date.date(), tu.time(0))
                     res[cont.id] = (ddate +
                                     ddate +
                                     24 * (ts[0].hour_from >
                                           ts[0].hour_to) + ts[0].hour_to))
                 elif len(ts) > 1:
                     raise RuntimeError("More than one turn enabled at same time. See Timesheet line.")
                     res[cont.id] = False
             res[cont.id] = False
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __getitem__(self, name):
     if name in self._local_cache:
         return self._local_cache[name]
     if name in self._cache:
         ret = self._cache[name]
         if isinstance(ret, bool): return ret
         field = self._field[name]
         if field['type'] in ['char', 'int', 'float', 'selection']:
             _r = ret
         elif field['type'] in ['datetime']:
             _r = tu.dt(ret)
         elif field['type'] in ['date']:
             _r = tu.d(ret)
         elif field['type'] in ['many2one']:
             _r = Interface(*(self._parms + (ret[0], field['relation'])))
         elif field['type'] in ['many2many', 'one2many']:
             _r = map(lambda a: Interface(*(self._parms + a)),
                      zip(ret, [field['relation']] * len(ret)))
             raise NotImplementedError, \
                 "Not implemented for %s of type %s (%s)." % (name,
         self._local_cache[name] = _r
         return _r
         # raise ValueError, "Not exists %s in object." % name
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _get_turn_date(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
        res = self._get_turn_start(cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg,
        if not res:
            return False

        for k in res:
            if res[k]:
                res[k] = tu.dt2s(
                    tu.datetime.combine(tu.dt(res[k]).date(), tu.time(0)))

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def build(self, cr, uid, date_from, date_to, context=None):
        emp_pool = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        con_pool = self.pool.get('hr.contract')
        journal_ids = []
        for time in tu.daterange(tu.dt(date_from), tu.dt(date_to) + tu.timedelta(days=1)):
            journal_date = tu.dt2s(time)
            emp_ids = emp_pool.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
            con_ids = emp_pool.get_valid_contract(cr, uid, emp_ids, time)

            for (emp_id, con_id) in con_ids.items():
                emp = emp_pool.browse(cr, uid, emp_id, context=context)
                con = con_pool.browse(cr, uid, con_id, context=context)

                contract_hours = (
                    str(time.weekday()) in [ ts.dayofweek for ts in
                                                con.turn_id.timesheet_id ]
                    ) * con.working_hours_per_day

                journal = {
                    'name': emp.name + time.strftime(' (%d/%m/%Y)'),
                    'date': journal_date,
                    'employee_id': emp_id,
                    'turn_id': con.turn_id.id,
                    'department_id': con.department_id.id,
                    'contract_hours': contract_hours,
                jids = self.search(cr, uid, [
                    ('employee_id', '=', journal['employee_id']),
                    ('date', '=', journal['date']),
                if len(jids) == 0:
                    journal_ids.append(self.create(cr, uid, journal, context=context))
                                 'Yet exists journal \'%s\'' %

        self.compute(cr, uid, journal_ids, context=context)
        return len(journal_ids)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _inv_holidays(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, value, arg, context=None):
        Store holidays from a journal. Assign employee id and set the correct
        datetime. Calculate number of days.
        jou_id = ids
        for no_se, hol_id, val in value:
            # Who is the associated journal?
            if jou_id == 0:
                if not isinstance(ids, int):
                    raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                                         _('I expect process holidays just for one journal'))
                jou_id = ids
            jou = self.browse(cr, uid, jou_id)

            # Employee in holiday must be the same employee
            # or none
            if not (not val['employee_id'] or
                    jou.employee_id.id == val['employee_id']):
                raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                                     _('You must assign holiday to the same employee of the journal'))

            # Check if range date if not out of turn range.
            if not ( jou._date_range_overlaps(tu.dt(val['date_from']),
                                              tu.dt(val['date_to']))[jou.id] ):
                raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                                     _('You must define the holiday date range witch overlaps the turn range'))

            # Calculate number of days
            val['number_of_days'] = max([(tu.dt(val['date_to']) -
                                          tu.dt(val['date_from'])).days, 1])

            if hol_id != 0:
                self.pool.get('hr.holidays').write(cr, uid, hol_id, val)
                self.pool.get('hr.holidays').create(cr, uid, val)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _get_turn_start(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
     res = {}
     conts = self._get_contract(cr, uid, ids, 'contract', None, context=context)
     items = conts.items()
     if len(items) == 0: return False
     att_ids, con_ids = tuple(map(list, zip(*items)))
     cons = self.pool.get('hr.contract').browse(cr, uid, con_ids)
     atts = self.pool.get('hr.attendance').browse(cr, uid, att_ids)
     for (att, cont) in zip(atts, cons):
         turns = [ (tu.dt(att.date) +
                    tu.timedelta(days = int(i.dayofweek) - tu.dt(att.date).weekday(), hours=i.hour_from),
                    tu.dt(att.date) +
                    tu.timedelta(days = int(i.dayofweek) - tu.dt(att.date).weekday(), hours=i.hour_to + 24*(i.hour_to < i.hour_from)))
                  for i in  cont.turn_id.timesheet_id ]
         turns = filter(lambda (f,t):
                          f - tu.timedelta(hours=6) <= tu.dt(att.datetime) and
                          tu.dt(att.datetime) <= t + tu.timedelta(hours=6), turns)
         if len(turns) > 0:
             res[att.id] = tu.dt2s(turns[0][0])
             res[att.id] = False
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _get_date(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
     res = map(lambda a: (a.id,
         self.browse(cr, uid, ids))
     return dict(res)