Ejemplo n.º 1
from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection
from tinkerforge.bricklet_humidity import Humidity

# Callback for humidity outside of 30 to 60 %RH
def cb_reached(humidity):
    if humidity < 30*10:
        print('Humidity too low: ' + str(humidity/10.0) + ' %RH')
    if humidity > 60*10:
        print('Humidity too high: ' + str(humidity/10.0) + ' %RH')

    print('Recommended humiditiy for human comfort is 30 to 60 %RH.')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ipcon = IPConnection() # Create IP connection
    h = Humidity(UID, ipcon) # Create device object

    ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT) # Connect to brickd
    # Don't use device before ipcon is connected

    # Get threshold callbacks with a debounce time of 10 seconds (10000ms)

    # Register threshold reached callback to function cb_reached
    h.register_callback(h.CALLBACK_HUMIDITY_REACHED, cb_reached)

    # Configure threshold for "outside of 30 to 60 %RH" (unit is %RH/10)
    h.set_humidity_callback_threshold('o', 30*10, 60*10)

    raw_input('Press key to exit\n') # Use input() in Python 3