Ejemplo n.º 1
    def post_context_change(self, old_context, new_context):
        Handles post-context-change requirements for Nuke, Hiero, and Nuke Studio.

        :param old_context: The sgtk.context.Context being switched away from.
        :param new_context: The sgtk.context.Context being switched to.
        # As we've changed contexts, we should update our environment variables so that if we spawn a new nuke instance
        # it will start up in the same environment.

        # Make sure the callbacks are updated based one the current environment settings.
        # (for example they may be enabled or disabled in the new environment.)
        import tk_nuke

        self.logger.debug("tk-nuke context changed to %s", str(new_context))

        # We also need to run the post init for Nuke, which will handle
        # getting any gizmos setup.
        if not self.hiero_enabled:

        if self.has_ui and self._context_change_menu_rebuild:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def pre_app_init(self):
     Called at startup, but after QT has been initialized
     # note! not using the import as this confuses nuke's calback system
     # (several of the key scene callbacks are in the main init file...)
     import tk_nuke
     # make sure callbacks tracking the context switching are active
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def pre_app_init(self):
        Called at startup, but after QT has been initialized
        # note! not using the import as this confuses nuke's calback system
        # (several of the key scene callbacks are in the main init file...)
        import tk_nuke

        # make sure callbacks tracking the context switching are active
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def pre_app_init(self):
        Sets up the engine into an operational state. This method called before
        any apps are loaded.

        self.logger.debug("%s: Initializing...", self)

        import tk_nuke

        # We need to check to make sure that we are using one of the
        # supported versions of Nuke. Right now that is anything between
        # 6.3v5 and 9.0v*. For versions higher than what we know we
        # support we'll simply warn and continue. For older versions
        # we will have to bail out, as we know they won't work properly.
        nuke_version = (

        msg = "Nuke 7.0v10 is the minimum version supported!"
        if nuke_version[0] < 7:
        elif nuke_version[0] == 7 and nuke_version[1] == 0 and nuke_version[2] < 10:

        # Versions > 10.5 have not yet been tested so show a message to that effect.
        if nuke_version[0] > 12 or (nuke_version[0] == 12 and nuke_version[1] > 0):
            # This is an untested version of Nuke.
            msg = ("The Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit has not yet been fully tested with Nuke %d.%dv%d. "
                   "You can continue to use the Toolkit but you may experience bugs or "
                   "instability.  Please report any issues you see to [email protected]"
                   % (nuke_version[0], nuke_version[1], nuke_version[2]))

            # Show nuke message if in UI mode, this is the first time the engine has been started
            # and the warning dialog isn't overriden by the config. Note that nuke.message isn't
            # available in Hiero, so we have to skip this there.
            if (
                self.has_ui and
                "TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_NAME" not in os.environ and
                nuke_version[0] >= self.get_setting("compatibility_dialog_min_version", 11) and
                not self.hiero_enabled
                nuke.message("Warning - Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit!\n\n%s" % msg)

            # Log the warning.

        # Make sure we are not running Nuke PLE or Non-Commercial!
        if nuke.env.get("ple"):
            self.logger.error("The Nuke Engine does not work with Nuke PLE!")
        elif nuke.env.get("nc"):
            self.logger.error("The Nuke Engine does not work with Nuke Non-Commercial!")

        # Now check that we are at least in a project context. Note that plugin mode
        # does not require this check since it can operate at the site level.
        if not self.in_plugin_mode and self.context.project is None:
            # Must have at least a project in the context to even start!
            raise tank.TankError("The nuke engine needs at least a project "
                                 "in the context in order to start! Your "
                                 "context: %s" % self.context)

        # Do our mode-specific initializations.
        if self.hiero_enabled:
        elif self.studio_enabled:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def handle_new_tank_session():
    import tk_nuke
Ejemplo n.º 6
def handle_new_tank_session():
    import tk_nuke
    # Ensure the engine has been restarted before registering callback since
    # callbacks registration depend on engine setting.
Ejemplo n.º 7
def handle_new_tank_session():
    import tk_nuke
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def init_engine(self):
        # note! not using the import as this confuses nuke's calback system
        # (several of the key scene callbacks are in the main init file...)
        import tk_nuke
        self.log_debug("%s: Initializing..." % self)

        # now check that there is a location on disk which corresponds to the context
        if self.context.project is None:
            # must have at least a project in the context to even start!
            raise tank.TankError("The nuke engine needs at least a project in the context "
                                 "in order to start! Your context: %s" % self.context)
        # make sure we are not running that bloody nuke PLE!
        if nuke.env.get("ple") == True:
            self.log_error("The Nuke Engine does not work with the Nuke PLE!")
        # make sure that nuke has a higher version than 6.3v5
        # this is because of pyside
        nuke_version = (nuke.env.get("NukeVersionMajor"), nuke.env.get("NukeVersionMinor"), nuke.env.get("NukeVersionRelease"))
        if nuke_version[0] < 6:
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")
        elif (nuke_version[0] == 6
              and nuke_version[1] < 3):
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")
        elif (nuke_version[0] == 6
              and nuke_version[1] == 3
              and nuke_version[2] < 5):
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")
        # keep track of if a UI exists
        self._ui_enabled = nuke.env.get("gui")

        # versions > 7.x have not yet been tested so show a message to that effect:
        if nuke_version[0] > 7:
            # this is an untested version of Nuke
            msg = ("The Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit has not yet been fully tested with Nuke %d.%dv%d. "
                   "You can continue to use the Toolkit but you may experience bugs or "
                   "instability.  Please report any issues you see to [email protected]" 
                   % (nuke_version[0], nuke_version[1], nuke_version[2]))
            # show nuke message if in UI mode, this is the first time the engine has been started
            # and the warning dialog isn't overriden by the config:
            if (self._ui_enabled 
                and not "TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_NAME" in os.environ
                and nuke_version[0] >= self.get_setting("compatibility_dialog_min_version", 8)):
                nuke.message("Warning - Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit!\n\n%s" % msg)
            # and log the warning
        # now prepare tank so that it will be picked up by any new processes
        # created by file->new or file->open.
        # Store data needed for bootstrapping Tank in env vars. Used in startup/menu.py
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_NAME"] = self.instance_name
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_CONTEXT"] = yaml.dump(self.context)
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_PROJECT_ROOT"] = self.tank.project_path
        # add our startup path to the nuke init path
        startup_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "startup"))
        tank.util.append_path_to_env_var("NUKE_PATH", startup_path)        
        # we also need to pass the path to the python folder down to the init script
        # because nuke python does not have a __file__ attribute for that file
        local_python_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "python"))
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH"] = local_python_path
        # make sure callbacks tracking the context switching are active
Ejemplo n.º 9

    if not "TANK_ENGINE" in os.environ:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Unable to determine engine to start!")

    engine_name = os.environ.get("TANK_ENGINE")
        context = tank.context.deserialize(os.environ.get("TANK_CONTEXT"))
    except Exception, e:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Could not create context! " "Shotgun Toolkit will be disabled. Details: %s" % str(e))

        engine = tank.platform.start_engine(engine_name, context.tank, context)
    except Exception, e:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Could not start engine: %s" % str(e))

    path = os.environ.get("TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH")
    if path:
        import tk_nuke

        output_handle("Shotgun could not find the environment variable TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH!")

Ejemplo n.º 10
    if not "TANK_ENGINE" in os.environ:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Unable to determine engine to start!")

    engine_name = os.environ.get("TANK_ENGINE")
        context = tank.context.deserialize(os.environ.get("TANK_CONTEXT"))
    except Exception, e:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Could not create context! "
                      "Shotgun Toolkit will be disabled. Details: %s" % str(e))

        engine = tank.platform.start_engine(engine_name, context.tank, context)
    except Exception, e:
        output_handle("Shotgun: Could not start engine: %s" % str(e))

    path = os.environ.get("TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH")
    if path:
        import tk_nuke
            "Shotgun could not find the environment variable TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH!"

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def init_engine(self):

        # note! not using the import as this confuses nuke's calback system
        # (several of the key scene callbacks are in the main init file...)
        import tk_nuke

        self.log_debug("%s: Initializing..." % self)

        # now check that there is a location on disk which corresponds to the context
        if self.context.project is None:
            # must have at least a project in the context to even start!
            raise tank.TankError(
                "The nuke engine needs at least a project in the context "
                "in order to start! Your context: %s" % self.context)

        # make sure we are not running that bloody nuke PLE!
        if nuke.env.get("ple") == True:
            self.log_error("The Nuke Engine does not work with the Nuke PLE!")

        # make sure that nuke has a higher version than 6.3v5
        # this is because of pyside
        nuke_version = (nuke.env.get("NukeVersionMajor"),

        if nuke_version[0] < 6:
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")
        elif (nuke_version[0] == 6 and nuke_version[1] < 3):
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")
        elif (nuke_version[0] == 6 and nuke_version[1] == 3
              and nuke_version[2] < 5):
            self.log_error("Nuke 6.3v5 is the minimum version supported!")

        # keep track of if a UI exists
        self._ui_enabled = nuke.env.get("gui")

        # versions > 8.0 have not yet been tested so show a message to that effect:
        if nuke_version[0] > 8 or (nuke_version[0] == 8
                                   and nuke_version[1] > 0):
            # this is an untested version of Nuke
            msg = (
                "The Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit has not yet been fully tested with Nuke %d.%dv%d. "
                "You can continue to use the Toolkit but you may experience bugs or "
                "instability.  Please report any issues you see to [email protected]"
                % (nuke_version[0], nuke_version[1], nuke_version[2]))

            # show nuke message if in UI mode, this is the first time the engine has been started
            # and the warning dialog isn't overriden by the config:
            if (self._ui_enabled
                    and not "TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_NAME" in os.environ
                    and nuke_version[0] >= self.get_setting(
                        "compatibility_dialog_min_version", 9)):
                nuke.message("Warning - Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit!\n\n%s" % msg)

            # and log the warning

        # now prepare tank so that it will be picked up by any new processes
        # created by file->new or file->open.

        # Store data needed for bootstrapping Tank in env vars. Used in startup/menu.py
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_NAME"] = self.instance_name
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_CONTEXT"] = yaml.dump(self.context)
            "TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_PROJECT_ROOT"] = self.tank.project_path

        # add our startup path to the nuke init path
        startup_path = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "startup"))
        tank.util.append_path_to_env_var("NUKE_PATH", startup_path)

        # we also need to pass the path to the python folder down to the init script
        # because nuke python does not have a __file__ attribute for that file
        local_python_path = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "python"))
        os.environ["TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_MOD_PATH"] = local_python_path

        # make sure callbacks tracking the context switching are active