Ejemplo n.º 1
def _options(self, cnf, kw=None):
    """Internal function."""
    if kw:
        cnf = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        cnf = _TK._cnfmerge(cnf)

    # ----------- Added the below block -------------
    # Add the resources to the list to have ColorVar functionality.
    # It'll work as long as it's not an item of canvas or mark_tag of text.
    for i in (
        if isinstance(cnf.get(i), _TK.Variable):
            var = cnf[i]
            cbname = var.trace_add(
                'write', lambda *a, i=i, cls=self: cls.config({i: var.get()}))
            if (self, i) in _all_traces_colorvar:
                v, cb = _all_traces_colorvar.get((self, i))
                v.trace_remove('write', cb)
                _all_traces_colorvar[(self, i)] = (var, cbname)
                _all_traces_colorvar[(self, i)] = (var, cbname)
            cnf[i] = var.get()
    # -----------------------------------------------
    res = ()
    for k, v in cnf.items():
        if v is not None:
            if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
            if callable(v): v = self._register(v)
            elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                nv = []
                for item in v:
                    if isinstance(item, int):
                    elif isinstance(item, str):
                    v = ' '.join(nv)
            res = res + ('-' + k, v)
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        if kw:
            cnf = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        elif cnf:
            cnf = tk._cnfmerge(cnf)
        key = 'width'
        if key in cnf:
            value = int(cnf[key])
            minsize = self.tl_attrs.get('minsize', None)
            maxsize = self.tl_attrs.get('maxsize', None)
            #            print(value, minsize, maxsize)
            remove = False
            #            print('tl_attrs:', self.tl_attrs)
            if minsize and value < minsize[0]:
                remove = True
            if maxsize and value > maxsize[0]:
                remove = True
            if self._w_set:
                resizable = self.tl_attrs.get('resizable', None)
                if resizable and not TKToplevel.RESIZABLE[resizable][0]:
                    remove = True
            if remove:
                #                print('rm', key, value)
                self._w_set = True
        key = 'height'
        if key in cnf:
            value = int(cnf[key])
            minsize = self.tl_attrs.get('minsize', None)
            maxsize = self.tl_attrs.get('maxsize', None)
            #            print(value, minsize, maxsize)
            remove = False
            if minsize and value < minsize[1]:
                remove = True
            if maxsize and value > maxsize[1]:
                remove = True
            if self._h_set:
                resizable = self.tl_attrs.get('resizable', None)
                if resizable and not TKToplevel.RESIZABLE[resizable][1]:
                    remove = True
            if remove:
                #                print('rm', key, value)
                self._h_set = True
        key = 'menu'
        if key in cnf:
            # No menu preview available

        return tk.Frame.configure(self, cnf)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _options(self, cnf, kw=None):
     if kw:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
     res = ()
     for k,v in list(cnf.items()):
         if v is not None:
             if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
             #if callable(v):
             #    v = self._register(v)
             res = res + ('-'+k, v)
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _options(self, cnf, kw=None):
     if kw:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
     res = ()
     for k, v in list(cnf.items()):
         if v is not None:
             if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
             #if callable(v):
             #    v = self._register(v)
             res = res + ('-' + k, v)
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _configure(self, cnf=None, kw={}):
     if kw:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     elif cnf:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
     if cnf is None:
         cnf = {}
         for x in self.tk.split(self.tk.call(self.name, 'configure')):
             cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:], ) + x[1:]
             return cnf
     if type(cnf) is bytes:
         x = self.tk.split(self.tk.call(self.name, 'configure', '-' + cnf))
         return (x[0][1:], ) + x[1:]
     self.tk.call((self.name, 'configure') + self._options(cnf))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _options(self, cnf, kw=None):
     if kw:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
     res = ()
     for k, v in cnf.items():
         if isinstance(v, collections.Callable):
             if k in self._tabsubst_commands:
                 v = "%s %s" % (self._register(v, self._tabsubst), ' '.join(self._tabsubst_format))
                 v = self._register(v)
         res += ('-%s' % k, v)
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _configure(self, cnf=None, kw={}):
     if kw:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     elif cnf:
         cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
     if cnf is None:
         cnf = {}
         for x in self.tk.split(
             self.tk.call(self.name, 'configure')):
             cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:]
             return cnf
     if type(cnf) is bytes:
         x = self.tk.split(self.tk.call(self.name, 'configure', '-'+cnf))
         return (x[0][1:],) + x[1:]
     self.tk.call((self.name, 'configure') + self._options(cnf))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        color_change = False
        for key in ('calendarfg', 'calendarbg', 'headerfg', 'headerbg',
                    'selectbg', 'selectfg', 'markbg', 'markfg'):
            if key in args:
                self.__options[key] = args.pop(key)
                color_change = True

        calendar_change = False
        key = 'locale'
        if key in args:
            value = locale.normalize(args.pop(key))
            self.__options[key] = value
            calendar_change = True
        key = 'firstweekday'
        if key in args:
            value = args.pop(key)
            self.__options[key] = int(value)
            calendar_change = True
        if calendar_change:

        date_change = False
        for key in ('year', 'month'):
            if key in args:
                self.__options[key] = int(args.pop(key))
                date_change = True
        if date_change:

        if color_change or calendar_change or date_change:
        ttk.Frame.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        key = 'values'
        if key in args:
            self.choices = args[key]
            args[key] = self.__choices2tkvalues(self.choices)
            # clear variables:
            keyvar = self.__options['keyvariable']
            if keyvar is not None:
            txtvar = self.cget('textvariable')
            if txtvar is not None:
        key = 'keyvariable'
        if key in args:
            value = args.pop(key)
        key = 'textvariable'
        if key in args:
            value = args[key]

        # only readonly and disabled supported
        key = 'state'
        if key in args:
            if args[key] not in ('readonly', 'disabled'):
                args[key] = 'readonly'
        return ttk.Combobox.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
        kw = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        self.cnf = {
            'value': kw.pop('value', 'rgb'),
            'command': kw.pop("command", None),
            'orient': kw.pop('orient', 'vertical'),
            'mousewheel': kw.pop("mousewheel", True),
            'variable': kw.pop('variable', None),
            'showinfo': kw.pop('showinfo', True),
            'showinfodelay': kw.pop('showinfodelay', 1500),
        kw['width'] = kw.get("width",
                             250 if 'ver' in self.cnf['orient'] else 30)
        kw['height'] = kw.get("height",
                              30 if 'ver' in self.cnf['orient'] else 250)
        kw['highlightthickness'] = kw.get('highlightthickness', 0)
        tk.Canvas.__init__(self, master=master, **kw)
        self.xy_axis = int(self.winfo_width() / 3)
        self._size = (0, 0)

        self.np_im = np.load(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
        self.image_id = self._image(0, 0, anchor='nw')

        # Binds
        self.bind_class(self, '<Button-1>', self.move_marker, '+')
        self.bind_class(self, "<B1-Motion>", self.move_marker, '+')
        self.bind_class(self, '<Configure>', self.on_resize, '+')
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf=None, **kw):
        if cnf is None:
            cnf = {}
        if kw:
            cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        fcnf = {}
        for k in list(cnf.keys()):
            #if type(k) == ClassType or k == 'name':
            if k == 'name' or isinstance(k, type):
                fcnf[k] = cnf[k]
                del cnf[k]
        self.frame = Frame(master, **fcnf)
        self.vbar = AutoScrollbar(self.frame, name='vbar')
        self.vbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N + S)
        #self.vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        cnf['name'] = 'text'
        Text.__init__(self, self.frame, **cnf)
        self.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N + S + E + W)
        #self.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
        self['yscrollcommand'] = self.vbar.set
        self.vbar['command'] = self.yview

        self.master.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.master.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

        # Copy geometry methods of self.frame -- hack!
        methods = list(Pack.__dict__.keys())
        methods = methods + list(Grid.__dict__.keys())
        methods = methods + list(Place.__dict__.keys())

        for m in methods:
            if m[0] != '_' and m != 'config' and m != 'configure':
                setattr(self, m, getattr(self.frame, m))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def fade(widget, smoothness=3, cnf={}, **kw):
    """This function will show faded effect on widget's different color options.

        widget (tk.Widget): Passed by the bind function.
        smoothness (int): Set the smoothness of the fading (1-10).
        background (str): Fade background color to.
        foreground (str): Fade foreground color to."""

    kw = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
    if not kw: raise ValueError("No option given, -bg, -fg, etc")
    if len(kw) > 1:
        return [fade(widget, smoothness, {k: v}) for k, v in kw.items()][0]
    if not getattr(widget, '_after_ids', None): widget._after_ids = {}
    widget.after_cancel(widget._after_ids.get(list(kw)[0], ' '))
    c1 = tuple(map(lambda a: a / 65535, widget.winfo_rgb(widget[list(kw)[0]])))
    c2 = tuple(map(lambda a: a / 65535,
    colors = tuple(
        colour.rgb2hex(c, force_long=True)
        for c in colour.color_scale(c1, c2, max(1, smoothness * 15)))

    def worker(count=0):
        if len(colors) - 1 <= count: return
        widget.config({list(kw)[0]: colors[count]})
            widget.after(max(1, int(smoothness / 10)), worker, count + 1)

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf=None, **kw):
        if cnf is None:
            cnf = {}
        if kw:
            cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        fcnf = {k:v for k,v in cnf.items() if isinstance(k,type) or k=='name'}
        for k in fcnf.keys():
            del cnf[k]

        self.frame = Frame(master, **fcnf)
        self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, name='vbar')
        self.vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        cnf['name'] = 'text'
        Text.__init__(self, self.frame, **cnf)
        self.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
        self['yscrollcommand'] = self.vbar.set
        self.vbar['command'] = self.yview

        # Copy geometry methods of self.frame -- hack!
        methods = Pack.__dict__.keys()
        methods = methods + Grid.__dict__.keys()
        methods = methods + Place.__dict__.keys()

        for m in methods:
            if m[0] != '_' and m != 'config' and m != 'configure':
                setattr(self, m, getattr(self.frame, m))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'type'
     if key in args:
         self._choose = args[key]
         del args[key]
     key = 'image'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     key = 'path'
     if key in args:
         self.entry.delete(0, 'end')
         self.entry.insert(0, args[key])
         del args[key]
     key = 'textvariable'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     key = 'state'
     if key in args:
         value = args[key]
         if value in ('disabled', 'readonly'):
         del args[key]
     ttk.Frame.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        if kw:
            cnf = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        elif cnf:
            cnf = tk._cnfmerge(cnf)
        key = 'width'
        if key in cnf:
            value = int(cnf[key])
            minsize = self.tl_attrs.get('minsize', None)
            maxsize = self.tl_attrs.get('maxsize', None)
#            print(value, minsize, maxsize)
            remove = False
#            print('tl_attrs:', self.tl_attrs)
            if minsize and value < minsize[0]:
                remove = True
            if maxsize and value > maxsize[0]:
                remove = True
            if self._w_set:
                resizable = self.tl_attrs.get('resizable', None)
                if resizable and not TKToplevel.RESIZABLE[resizable][0]:
                    remove = True
            if remove:
#                print('rm', key, value)
                self._w_set = True
        key = 'height'
        if key in cnf:
            value = int(cnf[key])
            minsize = self.tl_attrs.get('minsize', None)
            maxsize = self.tl_attrs.get('maxsize', None)
#            print(value, minsize, maxsize)
            remove = False
            if minsize and value < minsize[1]:
                remove = True
            if maxsize and value > maxsize[1]:
                remove = True
            if self._h_set:
                resizable = self.tl_attrs.get('resizable', None)
                if resizable and not TKToplevel.RESIZABLE[resizable][1]:
                    remove = True
            if remove:
#                print('rm', key, value)
                self._h_set = True
        return tk.Frame.configure(self, cnf)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'usemousewheel'
     if key in args:
         self.usemousewheel = tk.getboolean(args[key])
         del args[key]
     frame_class.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _options(self, cnf, kw=None):
        if kw:
            cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
            cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)

        res = ()
        for k, v in cnf.items():
            if isinstance(v, collections.Callable):
                if k in self._tabsubst_commands:
                    v = "%s %s" % (self._register(v, self._tabsubst),
                                   ' '.join(self._tabsubst_format))
                    v = self._register(v)
            res += ('-%s' % k, v)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self._canvas['width'] = kw.pop('width', self._canvas['width'])
     self._canvas['height'] = kw.pop('height', self._canvas['height'])
     self.yScroll['width'] = kw.pop('scrollbarwidth', self.yScroll['width'])
     self.mousewheel = kw.pop('mousewheel', self.mousewheel)
     return super().configure(**kw)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'usemousewheel'
     if key in args:
         self.usemousewheel = tk.getboolean(args[key])
         del args[key]
     super(ScrollbarHelperBase, self).configure(args)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw):
     kw = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.previous_ln = None
     self._text = kw.pop('textwidget', None)
     self._padx = kw.pop('padx', 1)
     kw['width'] = kw.get('width', 40)
     kw['highlightthickness'] = kw.get('highlightthickness', 0)
     tk.Canvas.__init__(self, master=master, **kw)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _options(self, cnf, kw):
     if kw and cnf:
         cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     elif kw:
         cnf = kw
     opts = ()
     for k, v in cnf.items():
         opts = opts + ('-'+k, v)
     return opts
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'usemousewheel'
     if key in args:
         self.usemousewheel = tk.getboolean(args[key])
         del args[key]
     #super(ScrolledFrameBase, self).configure(args)
     self._framecls.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
     cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.widgetName = "__dialogue__"
     AsyncWidget._setup(self, master, cnf)
     self.num = self.tk.getint(
         self.tk.call("tk_dialog", self._w, cnf["title"], cnf["text"],
                      cnf["bitmap"], cnf["default"], *cnf["strings"]))
     except TclError:
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _patch(self, cnf, kw=None):
        """Internal function."""
        cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
        if kw:
            cnf = tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))

        for i in _properties2:
            if isinstance(cnf.get(i), tkinter.Variable):
                var = cnf[i]
                cbname = var.trace_variable(
                    'w', lambda a, b, c, i=i, var=var,
                    cls=self: cls.config({i: var.get()}))
                if (self, i) in _all_traces_colorvar:
                    v, cb = _all_traces_colorvar.get((self, i))
                    v.trace_vdelete('w', cb)
                    _all_traces_colorvar[(self, i)] = (var, cbname)
                    _all_traces_colorvar[(self, i)] = (var, cbname)
                cnf[i] = var.get()
        return fn(self, cnf, None)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        if cnf is None:
            cnf = {}
        cnf = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kwargs))
        super(HoverButton, self).__init__(master=master, cnf=cnf, **kwargs)

        self.DefaultBG = self.kwargs['bg']
        self.HoverBG = self.kwargs['activeback']
        self.bind_class(self, "<Enter>", self.Enter)
        self.bind_class(self, "<Leave>", self.Leave)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
        kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if v is not None}
        self.stopped = None
        self.cnf = {}
        for i in kw.copy().keys():
            if i in self._features: self.cnf[i] = kw.pop(i, None)

        self.cnf['fg'] = self.cnf.get('fg') if self.cnf.get(
            'fg', None) else self.cnf.get('foreground', 'black')
        self.cnf['bd'] = self.cnf.get('bd') if self.cnf.get(
            'bd', None) else self.cnf.get('borderwidth', 6)
        self.cnf['borderless'] = self.cnf.get('borderless', False)
        self.cnf['disabledforeground'] = self.cnf.get('disabledforeground',
        if self.cnf.get('textvariable') is not None:
            self.cnf['text'] = self.cnf['textvariable'].get()
        self.cnf['anchor'] = self.cnf.get('anchor', 'center')

        kw['takefocus'] = kw.get('takefocus', 1)
        kw['highlightthickness'] = kw.get('highlightthickness', 0)
        kw['width'] = kw.get('width', 87)
        kw['height'] = kw.get('height', 24)

        super(Widget, self).__init__(master=master, **kw)
        self._size = (self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height())
        if self.cnf.get('text'): self._text(0, 0, text=None, tag='_txt')
        if self.cnf.get('image'): self._image(0, 0, image=None, tag='_img')
        elif self.cnf.get('bitmap'): self._bitmap(0, 0, image=None, tag='_bit')
        self.bind_class('button_release', '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.on_release,
        self.bind_class('button_press', '<Button-1>', self.on_press, '+')
        self.bind_class('set_size', '<Configure>', self._set_size, '+')
        self.original_bg = self['bg']

        #  Focus in and out effect
        main_win = self.winfo_toplevel()

        def _chngIn(evt):
            if self.focus_get() is None:
                color = get_shade(self['bg'], 0.04, 'auto-120')
                self.itemconfig('_border1', outline=color)
                self.itemconfig('_border2', fill=color)
            if self.focus_get() and get_shade(self['bg'], 0.04,
                                              'auto-120') == self.itemcget(
                                                  '_border2', 'fill'):
                color = get_shade(self['bg'], 0.1, 'auto-120')
                self.itemconfig('_border1', outline=color)
                self.itemconfig('_border2', fill=color)

        main_win.bind_class(main_win, '<FocusIn>', _chngIn, '+')
        main_win.bind_class(main_win, '<FocusOut>', _chngIn, '+')
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
     cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.widgetName = '__dialog__'
     Widget._setup(self, master, cnf)
     self.num = self.tk.getint(
         self.tk.call('tk_dialog', self._w, cnf['title'], cnf['text'],
                      cnf['bitmap'], cnf['default'], *cnf['strings']))
     except TclError:
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def tix_configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     """Query or modify the configuration options of the Tix application
     context. If no option is specified, returns a dictionary all of the
     available options.  If option is specified with no value, then the
     command returns a list describing the one named option (this list
     will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value
     returned if no option is specified).  If one or more option-value
     pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given option(s)
     to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an
     empty string. Option may be any of the configuration options.
     # Copied from Tkinter.py
     if kw:
         cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     elif cnf:
         cnf = _cnfmerge(cnf)
     if cnf is None:
         return self._getconfigure('tix', 'configure')
     if isinstance(cnf, str):
         return self._getconfigure1('tix', 'configure', '-'+cnf)
     return self.tk.call(('tix', 'configure') + self._options(cnf))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
     cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.widgetName = '__dialog__'
     Widget._setup(self, master, cnf)
     self.num = self.tk.getint(
                   'tk_dialog', self._w,
                   cnf['title'], cnf['text'],
                   cnf['bitmap'], cnf['default'],
     try: Widget.destroy(self)
     except TclError: pass
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__ (self, master=None, widgetName=None,
                static_options=None, cnf={}, kw={}):
        # Merge keywords and dictionary arguments
        if kw:
            cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
            cnf = _cnfmerge(cnf)

        # Move static options into extra. static_options must be
        # a list of keywords (or None).

        # 'options' is always a static option
        if static_options:
            static_options = ['options']

        for k,v in list(cnf.items()):
            if k in static_options:
                extra = extra + ('-' + k, v)
                del cnf[k]

        self.widgetName = widgetName
        Widget._setup(self, master, cnf)

        # If widgetName is None, this is a dummy creation call where the
        # corresponding Tk widget has already been created by Tix
        if widgetName:
            self.tk.call(widgetName, self._w, *extra)

        # Non-static options - to be done via a 'config' command
        if cnf:
            Widget.config(self, cnf)

        # Dictionary to hold subwidget names for easier access. We can't
        # use the children list because the public Tix names may not be the
        # same as the pathname component
        self.subwidget_list = {}
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def image_create(self, imgtype, cnf={}, master=None, **kw):
     if not master:
         master = tkinter._default_root
         if not master:
             raise RuntimeError('Too early to create image')
     if kw and cnf: cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     elif kw: cnf = kw
     options = ()
     for k, v in cnf.items():
         if callable(v):
             v = self._register(v)
         options = options + ('-'+k, v)
     return master.tk.call(('image', 'create', imgtype,) + options)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def _configure(self, cmd, cnf, kw):
    """Internal function."""
    if kw:
        cnf = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
    elif cnf:
        cnf = _TK._cnfmerge(cnf)
    if cnf is None:
        return self._getconfigure(_TK._flatten((self._w, cmd)))
    if isinstance(cnf, str):
        return self._getconfigure1(_TK._flatten((self._w, cmd, '-' + cnf)))

    # -------------------- Added the below block --------------------
    # Add the resources to the list to have ColorVar functionality.
    if isinstance(cmd, tuple) and isinstance(self, _TK.Canvas):
        tags = self.find_withtag(cmd[1])
        cnf_copy = cnf.copy()
        for tag in tags:
            for i in ('activefill', 'activeoutline', 'disabledfill',
                      'disabledoutline', 'fill', 'outline', 'background',
                      'activebackground', 'activeforeground',
                      'disabledbackground', 'disabledforeground',
                if isinstance(cnf_copy.get(i), _TK.Variable):
                    var = cnf_copy[i]
                    cbname = var.trace_add(
                        lambda *a, cls=self, opt=i, tagId=tag, var=var: cls.
                        itemconfig(tagId, {opt: var.get()}))
                    if (self, (i, tag)) in _all_traces_colorvar:
                        v, cb = _all_traces_colorvar.get((self, (i, tag)))
                        v.trace_remove('write', cb)
                        _all_traces_colorvar[(self, (i, tag))] = (var, cbname)
                        _all_traces_colorvar[(self, (i, tag))] = (var, cbname)
                    cnf[i] = var.get()
    self.tk.call(_TK._flatten((self._w, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'values'
     if key in args:
         self.choices = args[key]
         args[key] = self.__choices2tkvalues(self.choices)
     key = 'keyvariable'
     if key in args:
         value = args.pop(key)
     key = 'textvariable'
     if key in args:
         value = args[key]
     return ttk.Combobox.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def configure(self, cnf={}, **kw):
        """Configure resources of a widget.

        The values for resources are specified as keyword
        arguments. To get an overview about
        the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
        cnf = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        for k in cnf.copy():
            if k in self.cnf.keys():
                self.cnf[k] = cnf.pop(k)
        rv = super().configure(**cnf)
        if rv is not None:
            return rv
Ejemplo n.º 35
            def configure(cnf=None, **kw):
                """Configure resources of a widget.

                The values for resources are specified as keyword
                arguments. To get an overview about
                the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
                #  Need a better fix ..
                kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
                r = self.master._configure('configure', None, kw)
                if kw.get('bg') or kw.get('background'):
                    for i in self._buttons:
                        if i['borderless']:
                            i.cnf.update({'bordercolor': i.master['bg']})
                            i.itemconfig('_bd_color1', outline=i.master['bg'])
                            i.itemconfig('_bd_color2', fill=i.master['bg'])
                return r
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def configure(self, cnf={}, **kw):
     kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.cnf = dict(
         text=kw.pop('text', self.cnf.get('text')),
         font=kw.pop('font', self.cnf.get('font')),
         fg=kw.pop('fg', self.cnf.get('fg')) if kw.get('fg')
         else kw.pop('foreground', self.cnf.get('foreground')),
         fps=kw.pop('fps', self.cnf.get('fps')),
         left_margin=kw.pop('left_margin', self.cnf.get('left_margin')),
             'initial_delay', self.cnf.get('initial_delay')),
         end_delay=kw.pop('end_delay', self.cnf.get('end_delay')),
         smoothness=kw.pop('smoothness', self.cnf.get('smoothness')),
     self.itemconfig('text', text=self.cnf.get('text'),
                     font=self.cnf.get('font'), fill=self.cnf.get('fg'))
     return super().configure(**kw)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def __init__(self, master=None, status=None,
     changed_cond=None, cnf={}, **kw):
   cnf_ = {
       'background': self.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND,
   cnf_.update(tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw)))
   super().__init__(master=master, cnf=cnf_, **kw)
   self._worker_thread = None
   self.status = ({} if status is None else status)
   self.changed_cond = changed_cond or threading.Condition()
   self.head = InfoPanelHead(self)
   self.head.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news')
   self.table = InfoPanelTable(self, bg='white')
   self.table.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='news')
   self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
   self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
   self.bind('<Configure>', self.on_configure)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
     kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     self.cnf = dict(
         text=kw.pop('text', ''),
         font=kw.pop('font', None),
         fg=kw.pop('fg', 'black') if kw.get(
             'fg') else kw.pop('foreground', 'black'),
         fps=kw.pop('fps', 30),
         left_margin=kw.pop('left_margin', 10),
         initial_delay=kw.pop('initial_delay', 1000),
         end_delay=kw.pop('end_delay', 1000),
         smoothness=kw.pop('smoothness', 1),  # 1 <= smooth < 1
     kw['height'] = kw.get('height', 24)
     kw['highlightthickness'] = kw.get('highlightthickness', 0)
     super().__init__(master=master, **kw)
     self.create_text(3, 1, anchor='w', tag='text', text=self.cnf.get('text'),
                      font=self.cnf.get('font'), fill=self.cnf.get('fg'))
     self.bind_class(self, '<Configure>', self.check, '+')
     self.after_id = ' '
Ejemplo n.º 39
def _create(self, itemType, args, kw):  # Args: (val, val, ..., cnf={})
    """Internal function."""
    args = _TK._flatten(args)
    cnf = args[-1]
    if isinstance(cnf, (dict, tuple)):
        args = args[:-1]
        cnf = {}

    # -------------------- Added the below block --------------------
    # Add the resources to the list to have ColorVar functionality.
    ckw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
    var = None
    for i in ('activefill', 'activeoutline', 'disabledfill', 'disabledoutline',
              'fill', 'outline', 'background', 'activebackground',
              'activeforeground', 'disabledbackground', 'disabledforeground',
        if isinstance(ckw.get(i), _TK.Variable):
            var = ckw[i]
            _all_traces_colorvar[(self, (i, None))] = (var, None)
            if i in cnf:
                cnf[i] = var.get()
            elif i in kw:
                kw[i] = var.get()
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    tagId = self.tk.getint(
        self.tk.call(self._w, 'create', itemType,
                     *(args + self._options(cnf, kw))))

    for key, value in _all_traces_colorvar.copy().items():
        wid, (opt, tag_id) = key
        var, cbname = value
        if tag_id is None and cbname is None:
            cbname = var.trace_add(
                lambda *a, cls=self, opt=opt, tagId=tagId, var=var: cls.
                itemconfig(tagId, {opt: var.get()}))
            _all_traces_colorvar[(self, (opt, tagId))] = (var, cbname)
            _all_traces_colorvar.pop((self, (opt, None)))
    return tagId
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'type'
     if key in args:
         self._choose = args[key]
         del args[key]
     key = 'image'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     key = 'path'
     if key in args:
         self.entry.delete(0, 'end')
         self.entry.insert(0, args[key])
         del args[key]
     key = 'textvariable'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     ttk.Frame.configure(self, args)
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        """Configure resources of a widget.

        The values for resources are specified as keyword
        arguments. To get an overview about
        the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.

        Returns tuple of 2 configuration settings info, if any
        kw = _TK._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
        cnf = {}
        for i in list(kw):
            if i in self._features:
                cnf[i] = kw.pop(i, None)
        r1 = super().configure(**kw)
        if kw.get('bg') or kw.get('background'):
            self.original_bg = self['bg']
        self.after(10, self._getconfigure2, cnf)
        if r1 is not None:
        return r1
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
     args = tk._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
     key = 'type'
     if key in args:
         self._choose = args[key]
         del args[key]
     key = 'image'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     key = 'path'
     if key in args:
         self.entry.delete(0, 'end')
         self.entry.insert(0, args[key])
         del args[key]
     key = 'textvariable'
     if key in args:
         del args[key]
     ttk.Frame.configure(self, args)