def main(argv): global Status Status = global_options() # main window root = Tk() root.title("View Data") # setup interface # 2 windows, one control, one plot plot = Toplevel() plot.title("Plot") Status.plot = plot bg = "black" Status.plot_G = tkplot.tkplot(plot, 300, 500, "white", "black") Status.plot_tilt = tkplot.tkplot(plot, 150, 500, "white", "black") Status.plot_T = tkplot.tkplot(plot, 150, 500, "white", "black") Status.plot_E = tkplot.tkplot(plot, 150, 500, "white", "black") # setup labels, etc. Status.plot_G.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_tilt.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_T.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_E.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_E.xlabel = "Time since station start" Status.plot_G.ylabel = "dG (mGal)" Status.plot_tilt.ylabel = "Tilt (arcsec)" Status.plot_T.ylabel = "Temperature (mK)" Status.plot_E.ylabel = "ETC (mGal)" bg = "white" fg = "black" # create control window title_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) Label(title_F, text="Control Panel", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid() title_F.grid(sticky=E + W) jump_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) jump_F.grid(sticky=E + W) Label(jump_F, text="Jump to Station", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Status.jumpValue = StringVar() Entry(jump_F, textvariable=Status.jumpValue, width=6, background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(jump_F, command=jump_cb, text="Find", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) button_F.grid(sticky=E + W) Label(button_F, text="Previous/Next Station", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Button(button_F, command=prev_cb, text="<--", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F, command=next_cb, text="-->", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F2 = Frame(root, relief=FLAT, background=bg) button_F2.grid(sticky=E + W) Button(button_F2, command=quit_cb, text="Quit", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F2, command=print_cb, text="Save", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E) # get data filename if len(argv) > 1: data_file = argv[1] try: = cg5file.get_cg5_data(data_file) except: data_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=root, title="CG-5M data file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Text CG-5M files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*"))) if not data_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) try: = cg5file.get_cg5_data(data_file) except: print "Cannot process file %s!" % data_file sys.exit(0) else: data_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=root, title="CG-5M data file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Text CG-5M files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*"))) if not data_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) try: = cg5file.get_cg5_data(data_file) except: print "Cannot process file %s!" % data_file sys.exit(0) F = string.split(data_file, "/") Status.data_file = F[-1] del data_file # convert to relative time start = grav_util.calc_relative_date( # create list of sorted unique ids ids = {} for i in range(len( if not ids.has_key([i].station_id): ids[[i].station_id] = 1 Status.ids = ids.keys() Status.ids.sort(grav_util.num_sort) Status.index = 0 Status.current_id = Status.ids[Status.index] Status.jumpValue.set(Status.current_id) Status.plot.bind("<Configure>", resize) plot_cb() # go root.mainloop()
def ekvfit(Vg, Isat, epsilon=0.001, **kwargs): ''' EKVFIT Attempts to fit a simplified EKV model to (VG, ISAT) pairs. EKVFIT(VG, ISAT, EPSILON) attempts to fit a simplified EKV model for the saturation region of MOS transistor operation to measured values of gate voltage (specified in VG) and channel current (specified in ISAT). The assumed form of the model is ISAT = Is * (log(1 + exp(kappa*(VG - VT)/(2*0.0258)))).^2 The return values are [Is, VT, kappa]. EKVFIT makes use of LINEFIT. First, it attempts to find parameters for the weak-inversion region by using LINEFIT on VG and log(ISAT). Then, it attepts to find parameters for the strong-inversion region by using LINEFIT on VG and sqrt(ISAT). It then uses the x-axis intercept from the strong-inversion fit as a starting value for VT and computes a starting value for IS via cubic-spline interpolation as twice the value of ISAT when VG = VT. EKVFIT then attepts to find a the value of IS in the interval between one tenth the initial value of IS and ten times the inital value of IS that minimizes the curvature of the inverse EKV model applied to ISAT, given by log(exp(sqrt(ISAT/Is)) - 1), when plotted as a function of VG, using the golden-section search. Once the best value of Is is found, EKVFIT uses LINEFIT to get the slope and intercept of the best-fit line to the EKV model inverse expression, given above, applied to ISAT versus VG. The slope of this curve should be kappa/(2*UT) and the VG-axis intercept should be VT. See the LINEFIT docstring for an explanation of the EPSILON parameter. ''' if not isinstance(Vg, ndarray) or not isinstance(Isat, ndarray): raise TypeError('Vg and Isat must both be ndarrays') if len(Vg) != len(Isat): raise IndexError('Vg and Isat must have the same length') plotting = kwargs.get('plotting', 'off') WIepsilon = kwargs.get('WIepsilon', epsilon) SIepsilon = kwargs.get('SIepsilon', epsilon) if plotting not in ('on', 'off'): raise ValueError("if supplied, plotting must be either 'on' or 'off'") if plotting == 'on': fig = tkplot.tkplot() Is = 0 VT = 0 kappa = 0 [WIfirst, WIlast, WIm, WIb, WIN] = linefit(Vg, log(Isat), WIepsilon) if WIN == 0: raise RuntimeError('could not find a weak-inversion region') elif plotting == 'on': fig.semilogy(Vg, Isat) temp = fig.ylimits() fig.semilogy( [Vg, array(Vg[WIfirst:WIlast + 1]), Vg], [Isat, array(Isat[WIfirst:WIlast + 1]), exp(WIm * Vg + WIb)], ['b.', 'r.', 'k-']) fig.ylimits(temp) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('Isat (A)') fig.ylabel('Weak-Inversion Fit', side='right') raw_input() if min(abs(array(Isat[WIfirst:WIlast + 1]))) > 1e-6: raise ValueError( 'identified a candidate weak-inversion region, but all current levels exceed typical weak-inversion currents' ) if max(abs(array(Isat[WIfirst:WIlast + 1]))) > 1e-6: print 'ValueWarning: identified a candidate weak-inversion region, but some current levels exceed typical weak-inversion currents' # warnings.warn('ValueWarning', 'identified a candidate weak-inversion region, but some current levels exceed typical weak-inversion currents') [SIfirst, SIlast, SIm, SIb, SIN] = linefit(Vg, sqrt(Isat), SIepsilon) if SIN == 0: raise RuntimeError('could not find a strong-inversion region') elif plotting == 'on': fig.plot(Vg, sqrt(abs(Isat))) temp = fig.ylimits() fig.plot([Vg, array(Vg[SIfirst:SIlast + 1]), Vg], [ sqrt(abs(Isat)), sqrt(array(Isat[SIfirst:SIlast + 1])), SIm * Vg + SIb ], ['b.', 'r.', 'k-']) fig.ylimits(temp) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('sqrt(Isat) (sqrt(A))') fig.ylabel('Strong-Inversion Fit', side='right') raw_input() if max(abs(array(Isat[SIfirst:SIlast + 1]))) < 0.1e-6: raise ValueError( 'identified a candidate strong-inversion region, but all current levels are lower than typical strong-inversion currents' ) if min(abs(array(Isat[SIfirst:SIlast + 1]))) < 0.1e-6: print 'ValueWarning: identified a candidate strong-inversion region, but some current levels are lower than typical strong-inversion currents' # warnings.warn('ValueWarning', 'identified a candidate strong-inversion region, but some current levels are lower than typical strong-inversion currents') if SIfirst > WIlast: first = WIfirst last = SIlast elif WIfirst > SIlast: first = SIfirst last = WIlast else: raise RuntimeError( 'weak-inversion and strong-inversion regions found were not disjoint' ) VT = -SIb / SIm # Is = 2*spline(array(Vg[first:last+1]), array(Isat[first:last+1]), VT) for i in range(first, last): if ((Vg[i] <= VT) and (Vg[i + 1] > VT)) or ((Vg[i + 1] <= VT) and (Vg[i] > VT)): Is = 2 * (Isat[i] + (Isat[i + 1] - Isat[i]) * (VT - Vg[i]) / (Vg[i + 1] - Vg[i])) break if Is == 0.: Is = 1e-6 R = 0.61803399 C = 1. - R tol = 1e-4 x0 = 0.1 * Is x1 = Is x2 = (1. + 9. * C) * Is x3 = 10. * Is dVg = diff(array(Vg[first:last + 1])) temp = diff(log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x1)) - 1)) / dVg f1 = std(temp) / mean(temp) temp = diff(log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x2)) - 1)) / dVg f2 = std(temp) / mean(temp) while abs(x3 - x0) > tol * (abs(x1) + abs(x2)): if f2 < f1: x0 = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = R * x1 + C * x3 f1 = f2 temp = diff( log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x2)) - 1)) / dVg f2 = std(temp) / mean(temp) if plotting == 'on': [EKVfirst, EKVlast, m, b, N] = linefit( array(Vg[first:last + 1]), log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x2)) - 1), epsilon) fig.plot( [array(Vg[first:last + 1]), array(Vg[first:last + 1])], [ log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x2)) - 1), m * array(Vg[first:last + 1]) + b ], ['b.', 'k-']) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('log(exp(sqrt(Isat/Is))-1)') fig.ylabel('Optimizing Is = {0}A'.format(num2str(x2, 3)), side='right') raw_input() else: x3 = x2 x2 = x1 x1 = R * x2 + C * x0 f2 = f1 temp = diff( log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x1)) - 1)) / dVg f1 = std(temp) / mean(temp) if plotting == 'on': [EKVfirst, EKVlast, m, b, N] = linefit( array(Vg[first:last + 1]), log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x1)) - 1), epsilon) fig.plot( [array(Vg[first:last + 1]), array(Vg[first:last + 1])], [ log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / x1)) - 1), m * array(Vg[first:last + 1]) + b ], ['b.', 'k-']) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('log(exp(sqrt(Isat/Is))-1)') fig.ylabel('Optimizing Is = {0}A'.format(num2str(x1, 3)), side='right') raw_input() Is = x1 if f1 < f2 else x2 [EKVfirst, EKVlast, m, b, N] = linefit(array(Vg[first:last + 1]), log(exp(sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1]) / Is)) - 1), epsilon) VT = -b / m kappa = 2 * m * 0.0258 if plotting == 'on': fig.semilogy(Vg, Isat) temp = fig.ylimits() fig.semilogy([Vg, array(Vg[first:last + 1]), Vg], [ Isat, array(Isat[first:last + 1]), Is * (log(1 + exp(kappa * (Vg - VT) / (2 * 0.0258))))**2 ], ['b.', 'r.', 'k-']) fig.ylimits(temp) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('Isat (A)') fig.ylabel('EKV Fit: Is = {0}A, VT = {1!s}V, kappa = {2!s}'.format( num2str(Is, 3), round(VT, 3), round(kappa, 3)), side='right') raw_input() fig.plot(Vg, sqrt(abs(Isat))) temp = fig.ylimits() fig.plot([Vg, array(Vg[first:last + 1]), Vg], [ sqrt(abs(Isat)), sqrt(array(Isat[first:last + 1])), sqrt(Is * (log(1 + exp(kappa * (Vg - VT) / (2 * 0.0258))))**2) ], ['b.', 'r.', 'k-']) fig.ylimits(temp) fig.xlabel('VG (V)') fig.ylabel('sqrt(Isat) (sqrt(A))') fig.ylabel('EKV Fit: Is = {0!s}A, VT = {1!s}V, kappa = {2!s}'.format( num2str(Is, 3), round(VT, 3), round(kappa, 3)), side='right') raw_input() return [Is, VT, kappa]
def correction(repeats, data, tares, options, window, write): global figures # 1) compute drift function, using tare matrix # 2) display dg vs. time # 3) display residual between repeats after computing drift # 4) allow entry of tare pts on plot # 5) go back to 1) until done, then break # mangle filename t = string.split(options["raw_file"], "/") fname = t[-1] del t timestamp = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) figures.order = int(options["order"]) figures.start_order = int(options["start_order"]) if figures.order < 0: # minimum of flat drift fn figures.order = 0 figures.weighting = grav_util.Truth(options["weighted_drift"]) # init figures.C to dummy value figures.C = [0.0] figures.repeats = repeats = data figures.tares = tares # flag to determine if we plot figures.window = window # save pointer to write() function figures.write = write # plot dg vs time and pre-/post-drift dG # 3 windows if figures.window: win1 = tkplot.Toplevel() win2 = tkplot.Toplevel() win3 = tkplot.Toplevel() win4 = tkplot.Toplevel() win5 = tkplot.Toplevel() win1.title("Instructions") win2.title("Figure 1") win3.title("Figure 2") win4.title("Figure 3") bg = "white" fg = "black" figure1 = tkplot.tkplot(win2, 600, 800, bg, fg) figure2 = tkplot.tkplot(win3, 600, 800, bg, fg) figure3 = tkplot.tkplot(win4, 600, 800, bg, fg) figure4 = tkplot.tkplot(win5, 600, 800, bg, fg) figures.fig1 = figure1 figures.fig2 = figure2 figures.fig3 = figure3 figures.fig4 = figure4 figures.win1 = win1 # setup plot parameters figure1.title = "Drift Correction vs. Time\n%s\n%s" % (fname, timestamp) figure1.xlabel = "Time (hrs)" figure1.xlabeltype = "time" figure1.ylabel = "Drift Correction (uGal)" figure1.nprec = 2 figure2.title = "g-<g> BEFORE Drift Correction\n%s\n%s" % (fname, timestamp) figure2.xlabel = "Time (hrs)" figure2.xlabeltype = "time" figure2.ylabel = "dg (uGal)" figure2.nprec = 2 figure3.title = "g-<g> AFTER Drift Correction\n%s\n%s" % (fname, timestamp) figure3.xlabel = "Time (hrs)" figure3.xlabeltype = "time" figure3.ylabel = "dg (uGal)" figure3.nprec = 2 figure4.title = "Station Repeat Spans\n%s\n%s" % (fname, timestamp) figure4.xlabel = "Time (hrs)" figure4.xlabeltype = "time" figure4.ylabel = "" figure4.nprec = 0 figure4.ytics(0) # create buttons in window 1 labeltext = ' --- INSTRUCTIONS ---\n\ UPDATE - Updates the figures, recomputing the drift function and dG.\n\ SAVE - Sends a PostScript copy of all figures to disk with fixed filenames.\n\ TARE ENTRY - Enter a tare using the mouse in Figure 2.\n\ TARE EDIT - Edit the times and values of existing tares, or add new ones.\n\ DONE - Return to the text window and finish reduction\n' win1.configure(width=400, height=200) window_width = int(win1.cget("width")) label1 = tkplot.Label(win1, text=labeltext, wraplength=(window_width - 10), justify="left") # create buttons, and pack it all here button1 = tkplot.Button(win1, padx=5, pady=5, text="Update", width=10, height=1, command=apply_cb) button2 = tkplot.Button(win1, padx=5, pady=5, text="Save", width=10, height=1, command=print_cb) button3 = tkplot.Button(win1, padx=5, pady=5, text="Tare Entry", width=10, height=1, command=tare_cb) button5 = tkplot.Button(win1, padx=5, pady=5, text="Tare Edit", width=10, height=1, command=edit_cb) button4 = tkplot.Button(win1, padx=5, pady=5, text="Done", width=6, height=1, command=done_cb) label1.grid(columnspan=2) button1.grid(row=1, column=0) button2.grid(row=1, column=1) button3.grid(row=2, column=0) button5.grid(row=2, column=1) button4.grid(row=3, columnspan=2) figures.label1 = label1 figures.button3 = button3 figures.button5 = button5 apply_cb(None) if figures.window == 2: print_cb(None) else: win1.mainloop() win1.destroy() win2.destroy() win3.destroy() win4.destroy() win5.destroy() else: apply_cb(None) # reset nodrift_gravity to tare-corrected gravity for i in data.keys(): data[i].nodrift_gravity = data[i].G return (figures.order, figures.C)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.state_handler = None self.smu = smu.smu() if self.smu == None: print 'Could not find a USB Source/Measure Unit device.' self.background = '#CDCDCD' self.delay = 2 self.root = kwargs.get('parent') if self.root == None: if __name__ != '__main__': self.root = tk.Toplevel(__main__.__root__) else: self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.configure(background=self.background) self.root.title('SMUtake') self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.shut_down) self.function_options = ('SV/MI', 'SI/MV') self.primary_source_options = ('CH1', 'CH2') self.speed_accuracy_options = ('accurate', 'medium', 'fast') self.axes_options = ('linear', 'log') self.buffer_lengths = ((1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (5, 3, 1), (10, 5, 3)) self.ch1_function_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch1_function_var.set(self.function_options[0]) self.ch1_source_name_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch1_source_name_var.set('') self.ch1_source_values_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch1_source_values_var.set('') self.ch1_measurement_name_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch1_measurement_name_var.set('') self.ch1_measurement_auto_var = tk.IntVar() self.ch1_measurement_auto_var.set(1) self.ch1_measurement_plot_var = tk.IntVar() self.ch1_measurement_plot_var.set(0) self.ch2_function_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch2_function_var.set(self.function_options[0]) self.ch2_source_name_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch2_source_name_var.set('') self.ch2_source_values_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch2_source_values_var.set('') self.ch2_measurement_name_var = tk.StringVar() self.ch2_measurement_name_var.set('') self.ch2_measurement_auto_var = tk.IntVar() self.ch2_measurement_auto_var.set(1) self.ch2_measurement_plot_var = tk.IntVar() self.ch2_measurement_plot_var.set(0) self.primary_source_var = tk.StringVar() self.primary_source_var.set(self.primary_source_options[0]) self.speed_accuracy_var = tk.StringVar() self.speed_accuracy_var.set(self.speed_accuracy_options[0]) self.xaxis_var = tk.StringVar() self.xaxis_var.set(self.axes_options[0]) self.left_yaxis_var = tk.StringVar() self.left_yaxis_var.set(self.axes_options[0]) self.right_yaxis_var = tk.StringVar() self.right_yaxis_var.set(self.axes_options[0]) ch_settings_frame = tk.Frame(self.root, background=self.background) ch1_settings_frame = tk.LabelFrame( ch_settings_frame, text=self.primary_source_options[0] + ' Settings', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch1_function_row = tk.Frame(ch1_settings_frame, background=self.background) ch1_function_menu = tk.OptionMenu(ch1_function_row, self.ch1_function_var, *self.function_options) self.set_width(ch1_function_menu, self.function_options) ch1_function_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch1_function_row, text='Function:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch1_function_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.W) ch1_source_frame = tk.LabelFrame(ch1_settings_frame, text='Source', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch1_source_name_row = tk.Frame(ch1_source_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry(ch1_source_name_row, textvariable=self.ch1_source_name_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch1_source_name_row, text='Name:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch1_source_name_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch1_source_values_row = tk.Frame(ch1_source_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry(ch1_source_values_row, textvariable=self.ch1_source_values_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch1_source_values_row, text='Values:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch1_source_values_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch1_source_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady=5) ch1_measurement_frame = tk.LabelFrame(ch1_settings_frame, text='Measurement', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch1_measurement_name_row = tk.Frame(ch1_measurement_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry( ch1_measurement_name_row, textvariable=self.ch1_measurement_name_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch1_measurement_name_row, text='Name:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch1_measurement_name_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch1_measurement_settings_row = tk.Frame(ch1_measurement_frame, background=self.background) tk.Checkbutton(ch1_measurement_settings_row, text='Autorange', variable=self.ch1_measurement_auto_var, background=self.background).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Checkbutton(ch1_measurement_settings_row, text='Plot', variable=self.ch1_measurement_plot_var, background=self.background).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5) ch1_measurement_settings_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady=2) ch1_measurement_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) ch1_settings_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=5, pady=5) ch2_settings_frame = tk.LabelFrame( ch_settings_frame, text=self.primary_source_options[1] + ' Settings', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch2_function_row = tk.Frame(ch2_settings_frame, background=self.background) ch2_function_menu = tk.OptionMenu(ch2_function_row, self.ch2_function_var, *self.function_options) self.set_width(ch2_function_menu, self.function_options) ch2_function_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch2_function_row, text='Function:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch2_function_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.W) ch2_source_frame = tk.LabelFrame(ch2_settings_frame, text='Source', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch2_source_name_row = tk.Frame(ch2_source_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry(ch2_source_name_row, textvariable=self.ch2_source_name_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch2_source_name_row, text='Name:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch2_source_name_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch2_source_values_row = tk.Frame(ch2_source_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry(ch2_source_values_row, textvariable=self.ch2_source_values_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch2_source_values_row, text='Values:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch2_source_values_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch2_source_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady=5) ch2_measurement_frame = tk.LabelFrame(ch2_settings_frame, text='Measurement', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) ch2_measurement_name_row = tk.Frame(ch2_measurement_frame, background=self.background) tk.Entry( ch2_measurement_name_row, textvariable=self.ch2_measurement_name_var).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(ch2_measurement_name_row, text='Name:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) ch2_measurement_name_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) ch2_measurement_settings_row = tk.Frame(ch2_measurement_frame, background=self.background) tk.Checkbutton(ch2_measurement_settings_row, text='Autorange', variable=self.ch2_measurement_auto_var, background=self.background).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Checkbutton(ch2_measurement_settings_row, text='Plot', variable=self.ch2_measurement_plot_var, background=self.background).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5) ch2_measurement_settings_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady=2) ch2_measurement_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) ch2_settings_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=5, pady=5) ch_settings_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.S) plot_frame = tk.Frame(self.root, background=self.background) settings_row = tk.Frame(plot_frame, background=self.background) measurement_settings_frame = tk.LabelFrame(settings_row, text='Measurement Settings', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) primary_source_row = tk.Frame(measurement_settings_frame, background=self.background) primary_source_menu = tk.OptionMenu(primary_source_row, self.primary_source_var, *self.primary_source_options) self.set_width(primary_source_menu, self.speed_accuracy_options) primary_source_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(primary_source_row, text='Primary Source:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) primary_source_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) speed_accuracy_row = tk.Frame(measurement_settings_frame, background=self.background) speed_accuracy_menu = tk.OptionMenu(speed_accuracy_row, self.speed_accuracy_var, *self.speed_accuracy_options) self.set_width(speed_accuracy_menu, self.speed_accuracy_options) speed_accuracy_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(speed_accuracy_row, text='Speed/Accuracy:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) speed_accuracy_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) measurement_settings_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y, padx=5, pady=5) axes_settings_frame = tk.LabelFrame(settings_row, text='Axes Settings', background=self.background, padx=5, pady=5) xaxis_row = tk.Frame(axes_settings_frame, background=self.background) xaxis_menu = tk.OptionMenu(xaxis_row, self.xaxis_var, *self.axes_options) self.set_width(xaxis_menu, self.axes_options) xaxis_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(xaxis_row, text='X-Axis:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) xaxis_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) left_yaxis_row = tk.Frame(axes_settings_frame, background=self.background) left_yaxis_menu = tk.OptionMenu(left_yaxis_row, self.left_yaxis_var, *self.axes_options) self.set_width(left_yaxis_menu, self.axes_options) left_yaxis_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(left_yaxis_row, text='Left Y-Axis:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) left_yaxis_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) right_yaxis_row = tk.Frame(axes_settings_frame, background=self.background) right_yaxis_menu = tk.OptionMenu(right_yaxis_row, self.right_yaxis_var, *self.axes_options) self.set_width(right_yaxis_menu, self.axes_options) right_yaxis_menu.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) tk.Label(right_yaxis_row, text='Right Y-Axis:', background=self.background).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) right_yaxis_row.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.E, pady=2) axes_settings_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.run_stop_button = tk.Button(settings_row, text='Start', command=self.sweep_start) self.run_stop_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.E, padx=40) settings_row.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor=tk.W) plot_row = tk.Frame(plot_frame, background=self.background) plot_row.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor=tk.W, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.TRUE) plot_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.S, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.TRUE) self.root.update() plot_width = float(settings_row.winfo_width()) plot_height = float(ch_settings_frame.winfo_height() - settings_row.winfo_height()) self.plot = tkplot.tkplot(parent=plot_row, width=plot_width, height=plot_height) self.plot.yaxes['right'] = self.plot.y_axis(name='right', color='#FF0000') self.plot.right_yaxis = 'right'
def main(data): global priv priv = PrivateData() = data # General flowchart # Build GUI # Main window to set plot options # 3 buttons at bottom: # 1. PLOT - redraw the plot # 2. QUIT - end the session (maybe have confirmation dialog!) # 3. CLEAR - erase plot and start again # Plot window to draw plots # Key window with plot key (symbol -> data map) # main window priv.root = tkplot.Toplevel() priv.root.title("Interactive Data Viewer") #priv.root.configure() priv.main_frame = tkplot.Frame(priv.root, relief="flat", borderwidth=3) # Instructions instruct_box = tkplot.Frame(priv.root, relief="raised", borderwidth=3) instructions = "View Raw Data Module\nv0.8 June 1999" tkplot.Label(instruct_box, text=instructions).grid() # Plot fields fields_box = tkplot.Frame(priv.main_frame, relief="raised", borderwidth=3) tkplot.Label(fields_box, text="Plot field:").grid() priv.field = tkplot.StringVar() tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="Gravity Reading", value="G").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="Gravity +- Std. Dev.", value="S").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="Tilt X", value="X").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="Tilt Y", value="Y").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="ETC", value="E").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="Duration", value="D").grid(sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(fields_box, var=priv.field, text="# Rejected", value="R").grid(sticky="W") # Station filter filter_box = tkplot.Frame(priv.main_frame, relief="raised", borderwidth=3) tkplot.Label(filter_box, text="Plot station:").pack(side="top", fill="both") station_sb = tkplot.Scrollbar(filter_box, orient="vertical") priv.station = tkplot.Listbox(filter_box, selectmode="multiple", yscrollcommand=station_sb.set) priv.station.configure(height=4) station_sb.config(command=priv.station.yview) station_sb.pack(side="right", fill="y") priv.station.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=1) # create unique ID list ids = [] last_id = "" for i in range(len(data)): if data[i].station_id != last_id: last_id = data[i].station_id unique = True for i in range(len(ids)): if ids[i] == last_id: unique = False if unique: ids.append(last_id) # fill the selection box priv.station.insert("end", "All stations") for i in range(len(ids)): priv.station.insert("end", ids[i]) # Plot style choices style_box = tkplot.Frame(priv.main_frame, relief="raised", borderwidth=3) tkplot.Label(style_box, text="Plot Style:").grid() priv.ptstyle = tkplot.StringVar() priv.lstyle = tkplot.StringVar() tkplot.Label(style_box, text="Point Type").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Label(style_box, text="Line Type").grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.ptstyle, text="None", value="None").grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.ptstyle, text="X", value="X").grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.ptstyle, text="o", value="o").grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.ptstyle, text="+", value="+").grid(row=5, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.ptstyle, text="*", value="*").grid(row=6, column=0, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.lstyle, text="None", value="None").grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.lstyle, text="Solid", value="-").grid(row=3, column=1, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.lstyle, text="Gray12", value="1").grid(row=4, column=1, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.lstyle, text="Gray25", value="2").grid(row=5, column=1, sticky="W") tkplot.Radiobutton(style_box, var=priv.lstyle, text="Gray75", value="4").grid(row=6, column=1, sticky="W") # bottom buttons plot_button = tkplot.Button(priv.main_frame, text="Plot", command=plot_cb) clear_button = tkplot.Button(priv.main_frame, text="Clear", command=clear_cb) print_button = tkplot.Button(priv.main_frame, text="Save", command=print_cb) quit_button = tkplot.Button(priv.main_frame, text="Quit", command=quit_cb) # Grid (display) the interface instruct_box.grid() fields_box.grid(column=0, row=0, rowspan=2, sticky="WENS") filter_box.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky="WENS") style_box.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky="WENS") priv.main_frame.grid() plot_button.grid(column=0, row=2) clear_button.grid(column=1, row=2) print_button.grid(column=0, row=3) quit_button.grid(column=1, row=3) # Setup Plot window(s) priv.plot_win = tkplot.Toplevel() priv.plot_win.title("Data Plot") priv.plot_area = tkplot.tkplot(priv.plot_win, 480, 640, "white", "black") priv.plot_area.title = "" priv.plot_area.xlabel = "Time" priv.plot_area.xlabeltype = "time" priv.plot_area.ylabel = "" priv.plot_area.nprec = 3 priv.plot_area.xstart = 99999.0 priv.plot_area.xo = 99999.0 priv.plot_area.xend = 0.0 priv.plot_area.ystart = 99999.0 priv.plot_area.yo = 99999.0 priv.plot_area.yend = 0.0 # Run mainloop() priv.root.mainloop() # die on callback return
def main(argv): global Status Status = global_options() # main window root = Tk() root.title("View Aliod Data") # setup interface # 2 windows, one control, one plot plot = Toplevel() plot.title("Aliod Data Plot") bg = "black" # create 4 plot areas G_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) tilt_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) T_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) E_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) Status.plot_G = tkplot.tkplot(G_frame, 400, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_tilt = tkplot.tkplot(tilt_frame, 200, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_T = tkplot.tkplot(T_frame, 150, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_V = tkplot.tkplot(E_frame, 150, 800, "white", "black") # setup labels, etc. Status.plot_G.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_tilt.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_T.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_V.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_V.xlabel = "Time since station start (H:M:S)" Status.plot_G.ylabel = "dG (mGal)" Status.plot_tilt.ylabel = "Tilt (count - 30000)" Status.plot_T.ylabel = "Temperature Difference (K)" Status.plot_V.ylabel = "Battery Voltage (V)" G_frame.grid() tilt_frame.grid() T_frame.grid() E_frame.grid() bg = "white" fg = "black" # create control window title_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) Label(title_F, text="Control Panel", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid() title_F.grid(sticky=E+W) jump_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) jump_F.grid(sticky=E+W) Label(jump_F, text="Jump to Station", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Status.jumpValue = StringVar() Entry(jump_F, textvariable=Status.jumpValue, width=6, background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(jump_F, command=jump_cb, text="Find", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) button_F.grid(sticky=E+W) Label(button_F, text="Previous/Next Station", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Button(button_F, command=prev_cb, text="<--", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F, command=next_cb, text="-->", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F2 = Frame(root, relief=FLAT, background=bg) button_F2.grid(sticky=E+W) Button(button_F2, command=quit_cb, text="Quit", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F2, command=print_cb, text="Save", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E) # get data filename if len(argv) > 2: data_file = argv[2] meter_file = argv[1] = aliodfile.get_aliod_data(data_file, meter_file, 1) else: data_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title="Aliod data file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Data files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*"))) if not data_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) meter_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title="Aliod Meter file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Meter files", "*.inf"), ("All files", "*"))) if not meter_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) try: = aliodfile.get_aliod_data(data_file, meter_file) except: print "Cannot process file %s (meter constant file %s)!"%(data_file, meter_file) sys.exit(0) F = string.split(data_file, "/") Status.data_file = F[-1] del data_file, meter_file # convert to relative time start = grav_util.calc_relative_date( # create list of sorted unique ids ids = {} for i in range(len( if not ids.has_key([i].station_id): ids[[i].station_id] = 1 Status.ids = ids.keys() Status.ids.sort(grav_util.num_sort) Status.index = 0 Status.current_id = Status.ids[Status.index] Status.jumpValue.set(Status.current_id) plot_cb() # go root.mainloop()
def main(argv): global Status Status = global_options() # main window root = Tk() root.title("View Aliod Data") # setup interface # 2 windows, one control, one plot plot = Toplevel() plot.title("Aliod Data Plot") bg = "black" # create 4 plot areas G_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) tilt_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) T_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) E_frame = Frame(plot, relief=FLAT, background=bg) Status.plot_G = tkplot.tkplot(G_frame, 400, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_tilt = tkplot.tkplot(tilt_frame, 200, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_T = tkplot.tkplot(T_frame, 150, 800, "white", "black") Status.plot_V = tkplot.tkplot(E_frame, 150, 800, "white", "black") # setup labels, etc. Status.plot_G.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_tilt.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_T.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_V.xlabeltype = "time" Status.plot_V.xlabel = "Time since station start (H:M:S)" Status.plot_G.ylabel = "dG (mGal)" Status.plot_tilt.ylabel = "Tilt (count - 30000)" Status.plot_T.ylabel = "Temperature Difference (K)" Status.plot_V.ylabel = "Battery Voltage (V)" G_frame.grid() tilt_frame.grid() T_frame.grid() E_frame.grid() bg = "white" fg = "black" # create control window title_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) Label(title_F, text="Control Panel", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid() title_F.grid(sticky=E + W) jump_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) jump_F.grid(sticky=E + W) Label(jump_F, text="Jump to Station", foreground=fg, background=bg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Status.jumpValue = StringVar() Entry(jump_F, textvariable=Status.jumpValue, width=6, background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(jump_F, command=jump_cb, text="Find", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F = Frame(root, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background=bg) button_F.grid(sticky=E + W) Label(button_F, text="Previous/Next Station", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(columnspan=2, row=0) Button(button_F, command=prev_cb, text="<--", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F, command=next_cb, text="-->", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) button_F2 = Frame(root, relief=FLAT, background=bg) button_F2.grid(sticky=E + W) Button(button_F2, command=quit_cb, text="Quit", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Button(button_F2, command=print_cb, text="Save", background=bg, foreground=fg).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E) # get data filename if len(argv) > 2: data_file = argv[2] meter_file = argv[1] = aliodfile.get_aliod_data(data_file, meter_file, 1) else: data_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=root, title="Aliod data file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Data files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*"))) if not data_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) meter_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( parent=root, title="Aliod Meter file", initialdir=".", filetypes=(("Meter files", "*.inf"), ("All files", "*"))) if not meter_file: print "Must enter a filename!" sys.exit(0) try: = aliodfile.get_aliod_data(data_file, meter_file) except: print "Cannot process file %s (meter constant file %s)!" % ( data_file, meter_file) sys.exit(0) F = string.split(data_file, "/") Status.data_file = F[-1] del data_file, meter_file # convert to relative time start = grav_util.calc_relative_date( # create list of sorted unique ids ids = {} for i in range(len( if not ids.has_key([i].station_id): ids[[i].station_id] = 1 Status.ids = ids.keys() Status.ids.sort(grav_util.num_sort) Status.index = 0 Status.current_id = Status.ids[Status.index] Status.jumpValue.set(Status.current_id) plot_cb() # go root.mainloop()