Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_aliasget(bot, ievent):
    """ not arguments - show aliases. (per user) """
    aliases = ievent.chan.data.aliases
    if aliases: ievent.reply("channel aliases: %s" % str(aliases))
    from tl.lib.aliases import getaliases
    aliases = getaliases()
    if aliases: ievent.reply("global aliases: %s" % aliases.tojson())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_aliasmakeglobal(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments -  make channel aliases global. """
    aliases = ievent.chan.data.aliases
    if not aliases: ievent.chan.data.aliases = aliases = {}
    from tl.lib.aliases import getaliases, savealiases
    galiases = getaliases()
    ievent.reply('global aliases updated')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def reloadcheck(self, bot, event, target=None):
            check if event requires a plugin to be reloaded. if so 
            reload the plugin.  

        from .boot import getcmndtable 
        from .boot import plugins
        plugloaded = None
        plugin = None
            if not target:
                target = event.iscmnd().split()[0]
                if not target: target = event.txt.split()[0]
        except Exception as ex: target = None
        if not target: logging.debug("can't find target in %s" % event.txt) ; return
        from tl.lib.aliases import getaliases
        aliases = getaliases()
        try: target = aliases[target]
        except KeyError:
            try: target = event.chan.data.aliases[target]
            except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): pass
        cmndtable = getcmndtable()
        if not target in cmndtable:
                short = getshorttable()     
                if target in short:   
                    cmndlist = short[target]
                    if len(cmndlist) == 1: target = cmndlist[0]
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
        if target: target = target.split()[0]
        logging.info("checking for reload of %s" % target)
            plugin = cmndtable[target]
        except KeyError:
            logging.warn("no cmnd for %s .. trying REGEX" % target)
                retable = getretable()
                for regex, mod in retable.items():
                    if re.search(regex, event.stripcc() or event.txt): plugin = mod ; break
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
        logging.info("plugin is %s" % plugin)
        if not plugin: logging.debug("can't find plugin to reload for %s" % target) ; return  
        if plugin in bot.plugs: logging.info("%s already loaded" % plugin) ; return plugloaded
        elif plugin in plugins.data.refused: logging.warn("%s is refused" % plugin) ; return plugloaded
        elif bot.cfg.loadlist and plugin not in bot.cfg.loadlist: logging.warn("plugin %s is blacklisted" % plugin) ; return plugloaded
        logging.info("loaded %s on demand" % plugin)
        plugloaded = bot.plugs.reload(plugin)
        return plugloaded
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def resolvealias(self, cmnd, event=None):
     alias = None
     if event:
         try: alias = event.chan.data.aliases[cmnd]
         except (KeyError, TypeError): pass
     if not alias:
         try: alias = getaliases()[cmnd]
         except (KeyError, TypeError): pass
     if not alias:
         if not cmnd in self:
                 short = getshorttable()
                 if cmnd in short:
                     cmndlist = short[cmnd]
                     if len(cmndlist) == 1: alias = cmndlist[0]
                     else: event and event.reply("choose one of: ", cmndlist) ; return
             except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
     return alias