Ejemplo n.º 1
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.lib.callbacks import first_callbacks

## basic imports

import socket
import re
import time
import queue
import logging

# defines

udplistener = None

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('udp', 0) # set to 0 to disnable
cfg.define('udpparty', 0)
cfg.define('udpipv6', 0)
cfg.define('udpmasks', ['192.168*', ])
cfg.define('udphost', "localhost")
cfg.define('udpport', 5500)
cfg.define('udpallow', ["", ])
cfg.define('udpallowednicks', ["#dunkbots", "#tl", "dunk_"])
cfg.define('udppassword', "mekker", exposed=False)
cfg.define('udpseed', "blablablablablaz", exposed=False) # needs to be 16 chars wide
cfg.define('udpstrip', 1) # strip all chars < char(32)
cfg.define('udpsleep', 0) # sleep in sendloop .. can be used to delay pack
cfg.define('udpdblog', 0)
cfg.define('udpbots', [cfg['udpbot'] or 'default-irc', ])
Ejemplo n.º 2
from tl.utils.generic import getwho
from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
from tl.lib.examples import examples
from tl.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from tl.lib.users import getusers
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig

## basic imports

import time
import logging

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('oponsplit', 0)

## onjoincb callback

def opjoincb(bot, ievent):
    """ see if we should op a user on join """
    # don't try to op the bot
    if ievent.nick == bot.nick: return
    #if bot.state.has_key('no-op') and chan in bot.state['no-op']: return
    import time
    if (ievent.user and 'OPER' in ievent.user.data.perms) or (ievent.chan and ievent.userhost in ievent.chan.data.ops): bot.doop(ievent.channel.lower(), ievent.nick)
    try: bot.splitted.remove(ievent.nick.lower())
    except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass
Ejemplo n.º 3
json = getjson()

## basic imports

import os
import logging
import uuid
import time
import io
import gzip
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define("enable", 0)
cfg.define("sleep", 5)

state = PlugState()
state.define("ids", {})
state.define("seen", [])
state.define("names", {})
state.define("watch", [])

teller = 0
dostop = False

## plugin init

def init_threaded():
Ejemplo n.º 4
import logging
import pickle

## check for pycrypto dependancy
got = False

    import Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish
    import Crypto.Cipher.AES
    got = True
except ImportError: 
    raise RequireError("PyCrypto is required for FiSH. Please install this library if you want to use this plug")

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define("enable", 0)

users = getusers()

## KeyStore class

class KeyStore(Persist):
  def __init__(self, keyname):
    Persist.__init__(self, getdatadir() + os.sep + 'keys' + os.sep + 'fish' + os.sep + stripname(keyname))

## make sure we get loaded

def dummycb(bot, event): pass

callbacks.add("START", dummycb)
Ejemplo n.º 5
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.lib.plugins import plugs as plugins

## basic imports

import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.parse
import copy
import re
import socket

## defines

cfg           = PlugPersist('snarf.cfg')
pcfg          = PersistConfig()
pcfg.define('allow', ['text/plain', 'text/html', 'application/xml'])

re_html_title = re.compile('<title>(.*?)</title>', re.I | re.M | re.S)

re_url_match  = re.compile('((?:http|https)://\S+)')

re_html_valid = {
    'result':   re.compile('(Failed validation, \d+ errors?|Passed validation)', re.I | re.M),
    'modified': re.compile('<th>Modified:</th><td colspan="2">([^<]+)</td>', re.I | re.M),
    'server':   re.compile('<th>Server:</th><td colspan="2">([^<]+)</td>', re.I | re.M),
    'size':     re.compile('<th>Size:</th><td colspan="2">([^<]+)</td>', re.I | re.M),
    'content':  re.compile('<th>Content-Type:</th><td colspan="2">([^<]+)</td>', re.I | re.M),
    'encoding': re.compile('<td>([^<]+)</td><td><select name="charset" id="charset">', re.I | re.M),
    'doctype':  re.compile('<td>([^<]+)</td><td><select id="doctype" name="doctype">', re.I | re.M)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from tl.lib.datadir import getdatadir
from tl.lib.examples import examples
from tl.lib.fleet import fleet
from tl.utils.pdod import Pdod
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.lib.threads import start_new_thread

## basic imports

import os
import socket
import time

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('server-host', '')
cfg.define('server-port', 6600)
cfg.define('server-pass', '')
cfg.define('socket-timeout', 15)
cfg.define('watcher-interval', 10)
cfg.define('watcher-enabled', 0)
cfg.define('song-status', 'now playing: %(artist)s - %(title)s on "%(album)s" (duration: %(time)s)')

## classes

class MPDError(Exception):
    """ exception to raise. """

class MPDDict(dict):
Ejemplo n.º 7
import time
import os
import logging
import _thread
from os import path
from datetime import datetime

## locks

outlock = _thread.allocate_lock()
outlocked = lockdec(outlock)

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('channels', [])
cfg.define('format', 'log')
cfg.define('basepath', getdatadir())
cfg.define('nologprefix', '[nolog]')
cfg.define('nologmsg', '-= THIS MESSAGE NOT LOGGED =-')
cfg.define('backend', 'log')

logfiles = {}
backends = {}
stopped = False
db = None

## logging part
Ejemplo n.º 8
from tl.lib.persist import PlugPersist
from tl.lib.fleet import getfleet
from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
from tl.lib.examples import examples
from tl.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.utils.generic import fromenc, toenc

## basic imports

import logging
import time

## plugin configuration

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define("botnames", ["default-sxmpp","default-irc"])
cfg.define("host", "localhost")
cfg.define("port", "54321")
cfg.define("aliases", {})
cfg.define("enable", False)

## SocketServer imports

import socketserver
from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn, StreamRequestHandler

## defines

shared_data = {}
Ejemplo n.º 9
from tl.utils.lazydict import LazyDict

## basic imports

import copy
import os
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import xml.dom.minidom

## defines

feedparser = getfeedparser()  
json = getjson()

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('sep', '..')

## Error classes

class BugTrackerNotFound(Exception):

class BugTrackerNotImplemented(Exception):

class BugTrackerNotSupported(Exception):

## BugTracker class
Ejemplo n.º 10
__author__ = "Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman - http://tehmaze.com"
__license__ = 'BSD'

## tl imports

from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
from tl.utils.url import striphtml, useragent
from tl.lib.examples import examples
from tl.utils.exception import handle_exception
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.lib.cache import get, set

## plug config

plugcfg = PersistConfig()
plugcfg.define("url", 'http://tinyurl.com/create.php')

## simpljejson

from tl.imports import getjson
json = getjson()

## basic imports

import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.parse
import re
import logging
Ejemplo n.º 11
## basic imports

import urllib
import time
import re
import random
import types
import logging
import os

from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig

## config stuff

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define("enable", [])
cfg.define("command", 0)
cfg.define("onjoin", [])
cfg.define("loud", 0)
cfg.define("target", "tl")

## enabled function

def enabled(botname, channel):
    if jsonstring([botname, channel]) in cfg["enable"]:
        return True

## Markers (is Marker the correct name for this?)
Ejemplo n.º 12
from tl.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
from tl.lib.datadir import getdatadir
from tl.utils.pdod import Pdod
from tl.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from tl.lib.examples import examples

## basic imports

import os
import time

## defines

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define("tz", "+0100")

## Seen-class

class Seen(Pdod):

    """ maintain last seen information. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.datadir = os.path.join(getdatadir(), "plugs", "tl.plugs.extra.seen")
        Pdod.__init__(self, os.path.join(self.datadir, "seen.data"))

    def privmsgcb(self, bot, ievent):
        self.data[ievent.nick.lower()] = {