Ejemplo n.º 1
    def append(self, S, Y, remove=True):
        Add a vector pair. Skipped if the inner product is small or

        Update skip approach similar to that taken in SciPy
            Git master 0a7bc723d105288f4b728305733ed8cb3c8feeb5, June 20 2020
            mainlb subroutine
        and in (3.9) of
            R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, and C. Zhu, "A limited memory
            algorithm for bound constrained optimization", SIAM Journal on
            Scientific Computing 16(5), 1190--1208, 1995
        Specifically, given a step s and gradient change y, only accepts the
        update if
            y^T s > max(skip_atol, skip_rtol sqrt(| s^T M s y^T M_inv y |))
        where the |.| is used to work around possible underflows.

            S       Step
            Y       Gradient change
            remove  Whether to remove any excess vector pairs
            (S_inner_Y, S_Y_added, S_Y_removed)
            S_inner_Y    y^T s
            S_Y_added    Whether the given vector pair was added
            S_Y_removed  A list of any removed vector pairs

        if is_function(S):
            S = (S,)
        if is_function(Y):
            Y = (Y,)
        if len(S) != len(Y):
            raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")

        if self._skip_rtol == 0.0:
            skip_tol = self._skip_atol
            skip_tol = max(
                self._skip_rtol * np.sqrt(abs(functions_inner(S, self._M(*S))
                                              * functions_inner(self._M_inv(*Y), Y))))  # noqa: E501

        S_inner_Y = functions_inner(S, Y)
        if S_inner_Y > skip_tol:
            rho = 1.0 / S_inner_Y
            self._iterates.append((rho, functions_copy(S), functions_copy(Y)))

            if remove:
                S_Y_removed = self.remove()
                S_Y_removed = []

            return S_inner_Y, True, S_Y_removed
            return S_inner_Y, False, []
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def M(*X):
     M_X = M_arg(*X)
     if is_function(M_X):
         M_X = (M_X,)
     if len(M_X) != len(X):
         raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")
     return M_X
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def Fp(*X):
     Fp_calls[0] += 1
     Fp_val = Fp_arg(*X)
     if is_function(Fp_val):
         Fp_val = (Fp_val,)
     if len(Fp_val) != len(X):
         raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")
     return Fp_val
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def action(self, X, H_0=None, theta=1.0):
        Compute the action of the approximate Hessian inverse.

        Implementation of L-BFGS approximate Hessian inverse action, as in
        Algorithm 7.4 of
            J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, second
            edition, Springer, 2006
        with theta scaling, see equation (3.2) of
            R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, and C. Zhu, "A limited memory
            algorithm for bound constrained optimization", SIAM Journal on
            Scientific Computing 16(5), 1190--1208, 1995

            X     Vector on which to compute the action
            H_0   A callable defining the action of the unscaled initial
                  approximate Hessian inverse. Must correspond to the action of
                  a symmetric positive definite matrix. Must not modify input
                  data. Identity used if not supplied.

        if is_function(X):
            X = (X,)
        X = functions_copy(X)

        if H_0 is None:
            def H_0(*X):
                return X  # copy not required
            H_0 = wrapped_action(H_0)

        alphas = []
        for rho, S, Y in reversed(self._iterates):
            alpha = rho * functions_inner(S, X)
            functions_axpy(X, -alpha, Y)

        R = functions_copy(H_0(*X))
        if not np.all(theta == 1.0):
            if isinstance(theta, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
                theta = [theta for r in R]
            assert len(R) == len(theta)
            for r, th in zip(R, theta):
                function_set_values(r, function_get_values(r) / th)

        assert len(self._iterates) == len(alphas)
        for (rho, S, Y), alpha in zip(self._iterates, alphas):
            beta = rho * functions_inner(R, Y)
            functions_axpy(R, alpha - beta, S)

        return R[0] if len(R) == 1 else R
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def inverse_action(self, X, B_0=None, B_approx_decomp=None):
        Compute the action of the approximate Hessian.

        Computed using the representation in Theorem 7.4 of
            J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, second
            edition, Springer, 2006

            X    A Function, or list or tuple of Function objects, defining the
                 vector on which to compute the action
            B_0  A callable defining the action of the initial approximate
                 Hessian. Must correspond to the action of a symmetric positive
                 definite matrix. Must not modify input data. Identity used if
                 not supplied.
                 As returned by self.inverse_update_decomposition

        if is_function(X):
            X = (X,)

        if B_0 is None:
            def B_0(*X):
                return X  # copy not required
            B_0 = wrapped_action(B_0)

        m = len(self._iterates)
        if B_approx_decomp is None:
            G, G_solve, F = self.inverse_update_decomposition(B_0=B_0)
            G, G_solve, F = B_approx_decomp

        F_X = np.zeros(2 * m, dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(2 * m):
            F_X[i] = functions_inner(X, F[i])

        G_inv_F_x = G_solve(F_X)

        R = functions_copy(B_0(*X))
        for i in range(2 * m):
            functions_axpy(R, -G_inv_F_x[i], F[i])

        return R[0] if len(R) == 1 else R
Ejemplo n.º 6
def l_bfgs(F, Fp, X0, m, s_atol, g_atol, converged=None, max_its=1000,
           H_0=None, theta_scale=True, block_theta_scale=True, delta=1.0,
           skip_atol=0.0, skip_rtol=1.0e-12, M=None, M_inv=None,
           c1=1.0e-4, c2=0.9,
    Minimization using L-BFGS, following Algorithm 7.5 of
        J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, second edition,
        Springer, 2006

    Theta scaling is similar to that in
        R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, J. Nocedal, and C. Zhu, "A limited memory algorithm
        for bound constrained optimization", SIAM Journal on Scientific
        Computing 16(5), 1190--1208, 1995
    but using y_k^T H_0 y_k in place of y_k^T y_k, and with a general H_0. On
    the first iteration, and when restarting due to line search failures, theta
    is set equal to
        theta = { sqrt(| g^T M_inv g |) / delta   if delta is not None
                { 1                               if delta is None
    where g is the (previous) gradient vector -- see 'Implementation' in
    section 6.1 of
        J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, second edition,
        Springer, 2006

    Restart on line search failure similar to approach described in
        C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd, P. Lu, and J. Nocedal, "Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B:
        Fortran subroutines for large-scale bound-constrained optimization",
        ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 23(4), 550--560, 1997
    but using gradient-descent defined using the H_0 norm in place of I

        F          A callable defining the functional
        Fp         A callable defining the functional gradient
        X0         Initial guess
        m          Keep the last m vector pairs
        s_atol     Step absolute tolerance. If None then the step norm
                   convergence test is disabled.
        g_atol     Gradient absolute tolerance. If None then the gradient
                   change norm convergence test is disabled.
        converged  A callable of the form
                       def converged(it, F_old, F_new, X_new, G_new, S, Y):
                   where X_new, G_new, S, and Y are a Function, or a list or
                   tuple of Function objects, and with
                       it      The iteration number, an integer
                       F_old   The old value of the functional
                       F_new   The new value of the functioanl
                       X_new   The new value of X, with F_new = F(X_new)
                       G_new   The new gradient, Fp(X_new)
                       S       The step
                       Y       The gradient change
                   and returning True if the problem has converged, and False
                   otherwise. X_new, G_new, S, and Y must not be modified.
        max_its    Maximum number of iterations
        H_0        A callable defining the action of the unscaled initial
                   approximate Hessian inverse. Must correspond to the action
                   of a symmetric positive definite matrix. Must not modify
                   input data. Identity used if not supplied. If supplied then
                   M must be supplied.
        theta_scale  Whether to apply theta scaling (see above).
        block_theta_scale  Whether to apply separate theta scaling to each
                   control function. Intended to be used with block-diagonal
                   H_0 (and M_inv if delta is not None).
        delta      Defines the initial theta scaling (see above). If delta is
                   None then no scaling is applied on the first iteration, or
                   when restarting due to line search failures.
        skip_atol  Skip absolute tolerance (see H_approximation.append)
        skip_rtol  Skip relative tolerance (see H_approximation.append)
        M          A callable defining the action of a symmetric positive
                   definite matrix, used to define the step norm. Must not
                   modify input data. Identity used if not supplied. If
                   supplied then H_0 or M_inv must be supplied.
        M_inv      A callable defining the action of a symmetric positive
                   definite matrix, used to define the gradient norm. Must not
                   modify input data. Defaults to H_0. If supplied then M must
                   be supplied.
        c1, c2     Parameters in the Wolfe conditions. See section 3.1
                   (where values are suggested) and (3.6) of
                     J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization,
                     second edition, Springer, 2006
        old_F_val  Value of F at the initial guess
        line_search_rank0         See below.
        line_search_rank0_kwargs  See below.
        comm       MPI communicator

    line_search_rank0 is a callable implementing a one dimensional line search
    algorithm, yielding a value of alpha_k such that the Wolfe conditions are
    satisfied as defined in (3.6) of
        J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization, second edition,
        Springer, 2006
    for the case x_k=[0] and p_k=[1]. This has interface:
        def line_search_rank0(
            F, Fp, c1, c2, old_F_val=None, old_Fp_val=None, **kwargs):
    with arguments:
        F           A callable, with a floating point input x, and returning
                    the value of the functional F(x)
        Fp          A callable, with a floating point input x, and returning
                    the value of the functional derivative F'(x)
        c1, c2      Parameters in the Wolfe conditions. See (3.6) of
                      J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical optimization,
                      second edition, Springer, 2006
        old_F_val   Value of the functional at x = 0, F(x = 0)
        old_Fp_val  Value of the functional at x = 0, F'(x = 0)
    and with remaining keyword arguments given by line_search_rank0_kwargs.
    This returns
        (alpha_k, new_F_val)
        alpha_k    Resulting value of alpha_k, or None on failure
        new_F_val  Value of the functional at F(x = alpha), or None if not

        (X, its, conv, reason, F_calls, Fp_calls, H_approx)
        X         Result of the minimization
        its       Iterations taken
        conv      Whether converged
        reason    A string describing the reason for return
        F_calls   Number of functional evaluation calls
        Fp_calls  Number of functional gradient evaluation calls
        H_approx  The inverse Hessian approximation

    logger = logging.getLogger("fenics_ice.l_bfgs")

    F_arg = F
    F_calls = [0]

    def F(*X):
        F_calls[0] += 1
        return F_arg(*X)

    Fp_arg = Fp
    Fp_calls = [0]

    def Fp(*X):
        Fp_calls[0] += 1
        Fp_val = Fp_arg(*X)
        if is_function(Fp_val):
            Fp_val = (Fp_val,)
        if len(Fp_val) != len(X):
            raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")
        return Fp_val

    if is_function(X0):
        X0 = (X0,)

    if converged is None:
        def converged(it, F_old, F_new, X_new, G_new, S, Y):
            return False
        converged_arg = converged

        def converged(it, F_old, F_new, X_new, G_new, S, Y):
            return converged_arg(it, F_old, F_new,
                                 X_new[0] if len(X_new) == 1 else X_new,
                                 G_new[0] if len(G_new) == 1 else G_new,
                                 S[0] if len(S) == 1 else S,
                                 Y[0] if len(Y) == 1 else Y)

    if (H_0 is None and M_inv is None) and M is not None:
        raise OptimizationException("If M is supplied, then H_0 or M_inv must "
                                    "be supplied")
    if (H_0 is not None or M_inv is not None) and M is None:
        raise OptimizationException("If H_0 or M_inv are supplied, then M "
                                    "must be supplied")

    if H_0 is None:
        def H_0(*X):
            return X  # copy not required
        H_0 = wrapped_action(H_0)

    if M is None:
        def M(*X):
            return X  # copy not required
        M = wrapped_action(M)

    if M_inv is None:
        M_inv = H_0
        M_inv = wrapped_action(M_inv)

    if comm is None:
        comm = function_comm(X0[0])

    X = functions_copy(X0)
    del X0
    if old_F_val is None:
        old_F_val = F(*X)
    old_Fp_val = functions_copy(Fp(*X))
    old_Fp_norm_sq = abs(functions_inner(M_inv(*old_Fp_val), old_Fp_val))

    H_approx = H_approximation(m=m,
                               skip_atol=skip_atol, skip_rtol=skip_rtol,
                               M=M, M_inv=M_inv)
    if theta_scale and delta is not None:
        if block_theta_scale and len(old_Fp_val) > 1:
            old_M_inv_Fp = M_inv(*old_Fp_val)
            assert len(old_Fp_val) == len(old_M_inv_Fp)
            theta = [
                np.sqrt(abs(function_inner(old_M_inv_Fp[i], old_Fp_val[i])))
                / delta
                for i in range(len(old_Fp_val))]
            del old_M_inv_Fp
            theta = np.sqrt(old_Fp_norm_sq) / delta
        theta = 1.0

    it = 0
    conv = None
    reason = None
    logger.info(f"L-BFGS: Iteration {it:d}, "
                f"F calls {F_calls[0]:d}, "
                f"Fp calls {Fp_calls[0]:d}, "
                f"functional value {old_F_val:.6e}")
    while True:
        logger.debug(f"  Gradient norm = {np.sqrt(old_Fp_norm_sq):.6e}")
        if g_atol is not None and old_Fp_norm_sq <= g_atol * g_atol:
            conv = True
            reason = "g_atol reached"

        minus_P = H_approx.action(old_Fp_val, H_0=H_0, theta=theta)
        if is_function(minus_P):
            minus_P = (minus_P,)
        alpha, old_Fp_val_rank0, new_F_val, new_Fp_val, new_Fp_val_rank0 = line_search(  # noqa: E501
            F, Fp, X, minus_P, c1=c1, c2=c2,
            old_F_val=old_F_val, old_Fp_val=old_Fp_val,
        if is_function(new_Fp_val):
            new_Fp_val = (new_Fp_val,)
        if alpha is None:
            if it == 0:
                raise OptimizationException("L-BFGS: Line search failure -- "
                                            "consider changing l-bfgs 'delta_lbfgs' value")
            logger.warning("L-BFGS: Line search failure -- resetting "
                           "Hessian inverse approximation")

            if theta_scale and delta is not None:
                if block_theta_scale and len(old_Fp_val) > 1:
                    old_M_inv_Fp = M_inv(*old_Fp_val)
                    assert len(old_Fp_val) == len(old_M_inv_Fp)
                    theta = [
                        np.sqrt(abs(function_inner(old_M_inv_Fp[i], old_Fp_val[i])))
                        / delta
                        for i in range(len(old_Fp_val))]
                    del old_M_inv_Fp
                    theta = np.sqrt(old_Fp_norm_sq) / delta
                theta = 1.0

            minus_P = H_approx.action(old_Fp_val, H_0=H_0, theta=theta)
            if is_function(minus_P):
                minus_P = (minus_P,)
            alpha, old_Fp_val_rank0, new_F_val, new_Fp_val, new_Fp_val_rank0 = line_search(  # noqa: E501
                F, Fp, X, minus_P, c1=c1, c2=c2,
                old_F_val=old_F_val, old_Fp_val=old_Fp_val,
            if is_function(new_Fp_val):
                new_Fp_val = (new_Fp_val,)
            if alpha is None:
                raise OptimizationException("L-BFGS: Line search failure")

        if new_F_val > old_F_val + c1 * alpha * old_Fp_val_rank0:
            raise OptimizationException("L-BFGS: Armijo condition not "
        if new_Fp_val_rank0 < c2 * old_Fp_val_rank0:
            raise OptimizationException("L-BFGS: Curvature condition not "
        if abs(new_Fp_val_rank0) > c2 * abs(old_Fp_val_rank0):
            logger.warning("L-BFGS: Strong curvature condition not satisfied")

        S = functions_new(minus_P)
        functions_axpy(S, -alpha, minus_P)
        functions_axpy(X, 1.0, S)

        Y = functions_copy(new_Fp_val)
        functions_axpy(Y, -1.0, old_Fp_val)

        S_inner_Y, S_Y_added, S_Y_removed = H_approx.append(S, Y, remove=True)
        if S_Y_added:
            if theta_scale:
                H_0_Y = H_0(*Y)
                if block_theta_scale and len(Y) > 1:
                    assert len(S) == len(Y)
                    assert len(S) == len(H_0_Y)
                    theta = [abs(function_inner(H_0_y, y) / function_inner(s, y))
                             for s, y, H_0_y in zip(S, Y, H_0_Y)]

                    theta = functions_inner(H_0_Y, Y) / S_inner_Y
                del H_0_Y

            logger.warning(f"L-BFGS: Iteration {it + 1:d}, small or negative "
                           f"inner product {S_inner_Y:.6e} -- update skipped")
        del S_Y_removed

        it += 1
        logger.info(f"L-BFGS: Iteration {it:d}, "
                    f"F calls {F_calls[0]:d}, "
                    f"Fp calls {Fp_calls[0]:d}, "
                    f"functional value {new_F_val:.6e}")
        if s_atol is not None:
            s_norm_sq = abs(functions_inner(S, M(*S)))
            logger.debug(f"  Change norm = {np.sqrt(s_norm_sq):.6e}")
            if s_norm_sq <= s_atol * s_atol:
                conv = True
                reason = "s_atol reached"
        if converged(it, old_F_val, new_F_val, X, new_Fp_val, S, Y):
            conv = True
            reason = "converged"

        if it >= max_its:
            conv = False
            reason = "max_its reached"

        old_F_val = new_F_val
        old_Fp_val = new_Fp_val
        del new_F_val, new_Fp_val, new_Fp_val_rank0
        old_Fp_norm_sq = abs(functions_inner(M_inv(*old_Fp_val), old_Fp_val))

    assert conv is not None
    assert reason is not None
    return (X[0] if len(X) == 1 else X,
            it, conv, reason, F_calls[0], Fp_calls[0],
Ejemplo n.º 7
def line_search(F, Fp, X, minus_P, c1=1.0e-4, c2=0.9,
                old_F_val=None, old_Fp_val=None,
    Fp = wrapped_action(Fp)

    if is_function(X):
        X_rank1 = (X,)
        X_rank1 = X
    del X

    if is_function(minus_P):
        minus_P = (minus_P,)
    if len(minus_P) != len(X_rank1):
        raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")

    if comm is None:
        comm = function_comm(X_rank1[0])
    comm = comm.Dup()

    last_F = [None, None]

    def F_rank0(x):
        X_rank0 = x
        del x
        X = functions_copy(X_rank1)
        functions_axpy(X, -X_rank0, minus_P)
        last_F[0] = float(X_rank0)
        last_F[1] = F(*X)
        return last_F[1]

    last_Fp = [None, None, None]

    def Fp_rank0(x):
        X_rank0 = x
        del x
        X = functions_copy(X_rank1)
        functions_axpy(X, -X_rank0, minus_P)
        last_Fp[0] = float(X_rank0)
        last_Fp[1] = functions_copy(Fp(*X))
        last_Fp[2] = -functions_inner(minus_P, last_Fp[1])
        return last_Fp[2]

    if old_F_val is None:
        old_F_val = F_rank0(0.0)

    if old_Fp_val is None:
        old_Fp_val_rank0 = Fp_rank0(0.0)
        if is_function(old_Fp_val):
            old_Fp_val = (old_Fp_val,)
        if len(old_Fp_val) != len(X_rank1):
            raise OptimizationException("Incompatible shape")
        old_Fp_val_rank0 = -functions_inner(minus_P, old_Fp_val)
    del old_Fp_val

    if comm.rank == 0:
        def F_rank0_bcast(x):
            comm.bcast(("F_rank0", (x,)), root=0)
            return F_rank0(x)

        def Fp_rank0_bcast(x):
            comm.bcast(("Fp_rank0", (x,)), root=0)
            return Fp_rank0(x)

        alpha, new_F_val = line_search_rank0(
            F_rank0_bcast, Fp_rank0_bcast, c1, c2,
            old_F_val=old_F_val, old_Fp_val=old_Fp_val_rank0,
        comm.bcast(("return", (alpha, new_F_val)), root=0)
        while True:
            action, data = comm.bcast(None, root=0)
            if action == "F_rank0":
                X_rank0, = data
            elif action == "Fp_rank0":
                X_rank0, = data
            elif action == "return":
                alpha, new_F_val = data
                raise OptimizationException(f"Unexpected action '{action:s}'")


    if alpha is None:
        return None, old_Fp_val_rank0, None, None, None
        if new_F_val is None:
            if last_F[0] is not None and last_F[0] == alpha:
                new_F_val = last_F[1]
                new_F_val = F_rank0(alpha)

        if last_Fp[0] is not None and last_Fp[0] == alpha:
            new_Fp_val_rank1 = last_Fp[1]
            new_Fp_val_rank0 = last_Fp[2]
            new_Fp_val_rank0 = Fp_rank0(alpha)
            assert last_Fp[0] == alpha
            new_Fp_val_rank1 = last_Fp[1]
            assert last_Fp[2] == new_Fp_val_rank0

        return (alpha, old_Fp_val_rank0, new_F_val,
                new_Fp_val_rank1[0] if len(new_Fp_val_rank1) == 1 else new_Fp_val_rank1,  # noqa: E501
Ejemplo n.º 8
def minimize_l_bfgs(forward, M0, m, s_atol, g_atol, J0=None, manager=None,
    if not isinstance(M0, Sequence):
        (x,), optimization_data = minimize_l_bfgs(
            forward, (M0,), m, s_atol, g_atol, J0=J0, manager=manager,
        return x, optimization_data

    M0 = [m0 if is_function(m0) else m0.m() for m0 in M0]

    if manager is None:
        manager = _manager()

    M = [function_new(m0, static=function_is_static(m0),
         for m0 in M0]

    last_F = [None, None, None]
    if J0 is not None:
        last_F[0] = functions_copy(M0)
        last_F[1] = M0
        last_F[2] = J0

    def F(*X, force=False):
        if not force and last_F[0] is not None:
            change_norm = 0.0
            assert len(X) == len(last_F[0])
            for m, last_m in zip(X, last_F[0]):
                change = function_copy(m)
                function_axpy(change, -1.0, last_m)
                change_norm = max(change_norm, function_linf_norm(change))
            if change_norm == 0.0:
                return last_F[2].value()

        last_F[0] = functions_copy(X)
        functions_assign(M, X)


        last_F[1] = M
        last_F[2] = forward(last_F[1])

        return last_F[2].value()

    def Fp(*X):
        F(*X, force=last_F[1] is None)
        dJ = manager.compute_gradient(last_F[2], last_F[1])
        if manager._cp_method not in ["memory", "periodic_disk"]:
            last_F[1] = None
        return dJ

    X, its, conv, reason, F_calls, Fp_calls, H_approx = l_bfgs(
        F, Fp, M0, m, s_atol, g_atol, comm=manager.comm(), **kwargs)
    if is_function(X):
        X = (X,)

    return X, (its, conv, reason, F_calls, Fp_calls, H_approx)