def cropMCMC_old(mcmcfile,outfile,cropperc): """ Removes the "burn-in" phase of the MCMC and writes a shortened MCMC data file """ hdrkeys = readMCMChdr(mcmcfile) Nparams = getNparams(hdrkeys) outfileObject = open(outfile,'w') mcmcfileobj = open(mcmcfile,'r') mcmcfileobj = mcmcfileobj.readlines() for line in mcmcfileobj: if line.startswith('#'): print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') if not line.startswith('#'): data_line = ReadMCMCline(line,hdrkeys) if Nparams == 1: if data_line['acr'] > 0.44-cropperc and data_line['acr'] < 0.44+cropperc: print 'printing ',format(data_line['istep'],'n'),' acr ',data_line['acr'] print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') if Nparams > 1: if data_line['acr'] > 0.23-cropperc and data_line['acr'] < 0.23+cropperc: print 'printing ',format(data_line['istep'],'n'),' acr ',data_line['acr'] print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') outfileObject.close()
def cropMCMC(mcmcfile,outfile,cropperc,NumCropLine,**kwargs): """ Removes the "burn-in" phase of the MCMC and writes a shortened MCMC data file """ silent = True for key in kwargs: if key.lower().startswith('sil'): silent = kwargs[key] hdrkeys = readMCMChdr(mcmcfile) Nparams = getNparams(hdrkeys) outfileObject = open(outfile,'w') mcmcfileobj = open(mcmcfile,'r') mcmcfileobj = mcmcfileobj.readlines() NLine = 0 for line in mcmcfileobj: NLine += 1 if line.startswith('#'): print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') if NLine > NumCropLine: if not line.startswith('#'): data_line = ReadMCMCline(line,hdrkeys) if Nparams == 1: if data_line['acr'] > 0.44-cropperc and data_line['acr'] < 0.44+cropperc: if not silent: print 'printing ',format(data_line['istep'],'n'),' acr ',data_line['acr'] print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') if Nparams > 1: if data_line['acr'] > 0.23-cropperc and data_line['acr'] < 0.23+cropperc: if not silent: print 'printing ',format(data_line['istep'],'n'),' acr ',data_line['acr'] print >> outfileObject, line.strip('\n') outfileObject.close()
def makeStartFromExplore(ListOfChains,StablePerc,SampleParamFile,OutputParamFile): """ Reads a list of single parameter step-exoploration chains and prints a startparam file based on this data. This routine also prints whether a chain has stabilized the correct single-parameter acceptance rate. """ ListFiles = open(ListOfChains,'r') ListFiles = ListFiles.readlines() ModelParams = ReadStartParams(SampleParamFile) step = {} for file in ListFiles: data = readMCMC(file.strip('\n')) if data['acr'][-1] > 0.44-StablePerc and data['acr'][-1] < 0.44+StablePerc: for par in data.keys(): if not isNonParam(par): medfrac = np.median(data['frac'][-1000:]) print par+' has stabilized, acr = '+format(data['acr'][-1],'.2f')+' frac = '+str(medfrac) step[par] = {'frac':medfrac} else: for par in data.keys(): if not isNonParam(par): print par+' has NOT stabilized, acr = '+format(data['acr'][-1],'.2f') for par in step.keys(): for key in ModelParams.keys(): if key == par: ModelParams[par]['step'] = ModelParams[par]['step']*step[par]['frac'] ModelParams[par]['open'] = True PrintModelParams(ModelParams,OutputParamFile)
def TableEntry(errEntry,par,fStr): Entry = 'Wrong' if par == 'Period': Val = format(errEntry[par]['value'],fStr) elif par.startswith('T0'): Val = format(errEntry[par]['value'],fStr) else: Val = format(errEntry[par]['value'],fStr) if np.isnan(errEntry[par]['lower']) or \ np.isnan(errEntry[par]['upper']): Entry = '('+format(errEntry[par]['value'],fStr)+')' elif (errEntry[par]['lower'] != errEntry[par]['upper']) and \ not errEntry[par]['useSingle']: Upp = format(errEntry[par]['upper'],fStr) Low = format(errEntry[par]['lower'],fStr) if float(Upp) == 0e0 or float(Low) == 0e0: maxerr = max([errEntry[par]['upper'],errEntry[par]['lower']]) errPart = '$\pm$'+format(maxerr,fStr) Entry = Val+errPart elif float(Upp) == float(Low): maxerr = max([errEntry[par]['upper'],errEntry[par]['lower']]) errPart = '$\pm$'+format(maxerr,fStr) Entry = Val+errPart else: errPart = '$^{+'+Upp+'}_{-'+Low+'}$' Entry = Val+errPart else: maxerr = max([errEntry[par]['upper'],errEntry[par]['lower']]) errPart = '$\pm$'+format(maxerr,fStr) Entry = Val+errPart return Entry
def WriteLightCurveFile(OutFileName,file,IngressTime,EgressTime): """ Writes a Lightcurve file (usable by MCMC), normalizing the out-of-transit lightcurve to 1. Inputs OutFileName - String with the name of the file to write the lightcurve file - String with the name of the file with Input data (IDL data file) IngressTime - Float with an approximate guess of the onset of Ingress EgressTime - Float with an approximate guess of the end of Egress Result - Lightcurve with out-of-eclipse data normalized to 1 is written to OutFileName """ DataDictionary, HeaderData = ReadData(file) FileObject = open(OutFileName,'w') Nlen = len(DataDictionary['(BJD)']) outdata = {'time':[],'flux_ratio':[],'err_fluxratio':[]} for i in range(Nlen): outdata['time'].append(DataDictionary['JDprefix']+DataDictionary['(BJD)'][i]) if DataDictionary['f1'][i] == 0.0 or DataDictionary['f2'][i] == 0.0 or \ DataDictionary['f1'][i] < 0.0 or DataDictionary['f2'][i] < 0.0: # if there is no flux data write 'nans' outdata['flux_ratio'].append(float('nan')) outdata['err_fluxratio'].append(float('nan')) else: # compute flux ratios outdata['flux_ratio'].append(DataDictionary['f1'][i]/DataDictionary['f2'][i]) outdata['err_fluxratio'].append((1e0/DataDictionary['f2'][i])*\ np.sqrt(DataDictionary['erf1sq'][i] + DataDictionary['erf2sq'][i]*\ (DataDictionary['f1'][i]/DataDictionary['f2'][i])**2)) flat_flux = [] for i in range(len(outdata['time'])): if outdata['time'][i] < IngressTime or outdata['time'][i] > EgressTime: flat_flux.append(outdata['flux_ratio'][i]) # normalize lightcurve normalizing_factor = np.median(np.array(flat_flux)) print normalizing_factor if np.isnan(normalizing_factor): normalizing_factor = 1e0 print >> FileObject, '# TDB | flux_ratio | err_fluxratio' for i in range(len(outdata['time'])): time = format(outdata['time'][i],'.9f') fratio = format(outdata['flux_ratio'][i]/normalizing_factor,'.7f') err_fratio = format(outdata['err_fluxratio'][i]/normalizing_factor,'.7f') print >> FileObject, time+' | '+fratio+' | '+err_fratio FileObject.close()
def printMCMCline(param_tagorder,ModelParams,istep,frac,acr,chi1,chi2): """ Given ModelParams, the parameter order and other simulation parameters writes lines for the MCMC file. """ line = '' Nparams = len(param_tagorder.keys()) # print param_tagorder for el in range(Nparams): if el == 0: line =\ str(format(ModelParams[param_tagorder[el]]['value'],\ ModelParams[param_tagorder[el]]['printformat'])) if el > 0: line = line+'|'+format(ModelParams[param_tagorder[el]]['value'],\ ModelParams[param_tagorder[el]]['printformat']) line = line+'|'+str(format(istep,'.0f'))+'|'+str(frac)+'|'+str(acr)+\ '|'+str(format(chi1,'.4f'))+'|'+str(format(chi2,'.4f'))+'|:' return line
def PrintModelParams(ModelParams,OutFile): """ Given the dictionary of Model parameters, this routine write a file in the format of the starting parameter files """ OutFileObject = open(OutFile,'w') print >> OutFileObject, '# Parname | value | step | open | printformat ' for param in ModelParams.keys(): if param == 'RefFilt': print >> OutFileObject, param+' | '+str(ModelParams[param]['value'])+' | '\ +str(ModelParams[param]['step'])+' | '\ +str(ModelParams[param]['open'])+' | '+str(ModelParams[param]['printformat']) else: print >> OutFileObject, param+' | '+str(format(ModelParams[param]['value'],ModelParams[param]['printformat']))+' | '\ +str(format(ModelParams[param]['step'],ModelParams[param]['printformat']))+' | '\ +str(ModelParams[param]['open'])+' | '+str(ModelParams[param]['printformat']) OutFileObject.close() return
def MinuitPar2Err(ParFile,ErrFile): """ Convert a Minuit par file to an error file """ ModelParams = ReadStartParams(ParFile) OutFile = open(ErrFile,'w') header = '# parname | value | lower | upper | useSingle ?' print >> OutFile, header for par in ModelParams.keys(): if par.lower() != 'reffilt': if ModelParams[par]['open']: ValString = format(ModelParams[par]['value'],ModelParams[par]['printformat']) ErrString = format(ModelParams[par]['step'],ModelParams[par]['printformat']) print >> OutFile, par+'|'+ValString+'|'+ErrString+'|'+ErrString+'| True ' else: ValString = format(ModelParams[par]['value'],ModelParams[par]['printformat']) ErrString = 'nan' print >> OutFile, par+'|'+ValString+'|'+ErrString+'|'+ErrString+'| False ' OutFile.close()
def makeStatLabels(Stats,DataFile): """ """ parList = getPars(DataFile) Npar = len(parList) iplot = 1 StatLabels = {} for iy in range(Npar): for ix in range(Npar): if not ix >= iy: parName1 = parList[ix] parName2 = parList[iy] cov = r'$|\sigma_{(x,y)}|$='+\ format(abs(Stats['cov'][parName1][parName2]['value']),'0.2f') spe = r'$|\rho|$='+\ format(abs(Stats['spear'][parName1][parName2]['value']),'0.2f') pea = r'$|r|$='+\ format(abs(Stats['pear'][parName1][parName2]['value']),'0.2f') StatLabels[iplot] = {'cov':cov,'spe':spe,'pea':pea}
def WriteLowestChisq(file,ModelParams,OutFileName,ShowOutput): """ Finds the lowest chisq point in MCMC and prints to a file of format similar to the start paramfile. Inputs file - the MCMC file ModelPars OutFileName Output a file with OutFileName """ ModelParamsCopy = {} if checkFileExists(file): FileObject = open(file,'r') FileObjectLines = FileObject.readlines() minchi = 1e308 for line in FileObjectLines: if line.startswith('#'): ParNames = ReadHeaderMCMC(line) else: if line.endswith("|:\n"): par0 = ReadMCMCline(line,ParNames) if par0['chi1'] < minchi: minchi = par0['chi1'] if ShowOutput: print 'Lowest chisq = ',format(minchi,'.2f'),\ ' @ step = ',format(par0['istep'],'n') for key in ModelParams.keys(): if ModelParams[key]['open']: ModelParamsCopy[key] = {'value':par0[key],'step':ModelParams[key]['step'],\ 'printformat':ModelParams[key]['printformat'],'open':ModelParams[key]['open']} else: ModelParamsCopy[key] = {'value':ModelParams[key]['value'],'step':\ ModelParams[key]['step'],'printformat':ModelParams[key]\ ['printformat'],'open':ModelParams[key]['open']} else: pass PrintModelParams(ModelParamsCopy,OutFileName) else: print file, ' does not exist.'
def getEntryString(value,lower,upper,useSingle,parformat): """ """ if useSingle: errVal = np.max([lower,upper]) errStr = format(errVal,parformat) ValStr = format(value,parformat) EntryStr = r'%s $\pm$ %s' % (ValStr,errStr) else: if lower == upper: errVal = np.max([lower,upper]) errStr = format(errVal,parformat) ValStr = format(value,parformat) EntryStr = r'%s $\pm$ %s' % (ValStr,errStr) else: errUpStr = format(upper,parformat) errLowStr = format(lower,parformat) ValStr = format(value,parformat) EntryStr = r'%s$^{+%s}_{-%s}$' % (ValStr,errUpStr,errLowStr) return EntryStr
def printErrors(MCMCfile,BestfitFile,OutputFile): """ Gets data out from the MCMC data file and the BESTFIT parameters file and prints uncertainties """ mcmcData = readMCMC(MCMCfile) BestFitParams = ReadStartParams(BestfitFile) erf15 = ((1e0 - scipy.special.erf(1e0/np.sqrt(2e0)))/2e0) erf84 = (1e0 - erf15) OutFileObject = open(OutputFile,'w') print >> OutFileObject, '# Parameter | low15 | upp84 | use Single ?' for param in BestFitParams.keys(): if BestFitParams[param]['open']: sort_list = sorted(mcmcData[param]) Npoints = len(mcmcData[param]) id84 = long(round(erf84*(Npoints-1))) id15 = long(round(erf15*(Npoints-1))) low15 = abs(BestFitParams[param]['value']-sort_list[id15]) upp84 = abs(BestFitParams[param]['value']-sort_list[id84]) if low15 >= upp84: greater = low15 lower = upp84 else: greater = upp84 lower = low15 useSingle = False if 1.1*lower >= 0.9*greater: useSingle = True print >> OutFileObject, param+'|'+\ format(BestFitParams[param]['value'],BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ format(low15,BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ format(upp84,BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ str(useSingle)+'|:' else: if param.lower() != 'reffilt': print >> OutFileObject, param+'|'+\ format(BestFitParams[param]['value'],BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ format(float('nan'),BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ format(float('nan'),BestFitParams[param]['printformat'])+'|'+\ str(True)+'|:' OutFileObject.close()
def WriteLCNUSoutlierRejection(OutFileTag,file,IngressTime,EgressTime): """ Writes a LC and Nuisance Data file (usable by tmcmc). Inputs OutFileName - String with the name of the file to write the nuisance data file - String with the name of the file with Input data (IDL data file) Results Nuisance data is written to OutFileName """ namesplit = map(str,file.split('.')) LCFileObject = open('LIGHTCURVE.'+OutFileTag+'.data','w') NusFileObject = open('NUISANCE.'+OutFileTag+'.data','w') DataDictionary, HeaderData = ReadData(file) outdata = {'time':[],'flux_ratio':[],'err_fluxratio':[]} Nlen = len(DataDictionary['(BJD)']) NheaderLen = len(HeaderData.keys()) LineList = {} for i in range(Nlen): Line = '' outdata['time'].append(DataDictionary['JDprefix']+DataDictionary['(BJD)'][i]) if DataDictionary['f1'][i] == 0.0 or DataDictionary['f2'][i] == 0.0 or \ DataDictionary['f1'][i] < 0.0 or DataDictionary['f2'][i] < 0.0: # if there is no flux data write 'nans' outdata['flux_ratio'].append(float('+99')) outdata['err_fluxratio'].append(float('+99')) else: # compute flux ratios outdata['flux_ratio'].append(DataDictionary['f1'][i]/DataDictionary['f2'][i]) outdata['err_fluxratio'].append((1e0/DataDictionary['f2'][i])*\ np.sqrt(DataDictionary['erf1sq'][i] + DataDictionary['erf2sq'][i]*\ (DataDictionary['f1'][i]/DataDictionary['f2'][i])**2)) for j in range(NheaderLen): if HeaderData[j] != '(BJD)' and HeaderData[j] != 'f1' \ and HeaderData[j] != 'f2' and HeaderData[j] != 'erf1sq' \ and HeaderData[j] != 'erf2sq' and HeaderData[j] != 'ootfg': Line = Line+str(DataDictionary[HeaderData[j]][i])+' | ' time = str(i) dist = np.sqrt((DataDictionary['x1'][i]-DataDictionary['x2'][i])**2 + (DataDictionary['y1'][i]-DataDictionary['y2'][i])**2) diff_sky = DataDictionary['msky1'][i]-DataDictionary['msky2'][i] sky_ratio1 = DataDictionary['msky1'][i]/DataDictionary['gsky'][i] sky_ratio2 = DataDictionary['msky2'][i]/DataDictionary['gsky'][i] Line = Line+time+' | '+str(diff_sky)+' | '+str(dist)+' | '+str(sky_ratio1)+' | '+str(sky_ratio2) LineList[i] = Line # normalize lightcurve dd = np.array(outdata['flux_ratio'])/np.median(outdata['flux_ratio']) #print np.isnan(dd) mm, sdv, ngood, goodindex, badindex = binning.MedianMeanOutlierRejection(dd,5.0,'median') #print mm, TT, file, np.shape(dd), np.shape(goodindex) import pylab t = np.array(outdata['time']) x = np.array(outdata['flux_ratio']) pylab.plot(t[goodindex],\ x[goodindex], 'bo') pylab.plot(t[badindex],\ x[badindex], 'ro') normalizing_factor = mm if np.isnan(normalizing_factor): normalizing_factor = 1e0 for goodi in goodindex: time = format(outdata['time'][goodi],'.9f') fratio = format(outdata['flux_ratio'][goodi]/normalizing_factor,'.7f') err_fratio = format(outdata['err_fluxratio'][goodi]/normalizing_factor,'.7f') print >> LCFileObject,time+' | '+fratio+' | '+err_fratio print >> NusFileObject,LineList[goodi] LCFileObject.close() NusFileObject.close()
def autocorMCMC_old(File, lowtol, jmax, OutStatFile, mkPlotsFlag, **keywords): """ Compute the auto-correlation of parameters in a chain """ #ftag = '' ftag = 'mcmc' silent = False for keyw in keywords: if keyw == 'ftag': ftag = keywords[keyw] if keyw == 'Silent': silent = keywords[keyw] chain_stats = {} OutFileObject = open(OutStatFile,'w') hdrKeys = readMCMChdr(File) for i in hdrKeys.keys(): key = hdrKeys[i] # empty list for autocorrelation data x = [] # skip the non-parameter data if isNonParam(key): pass else: data = read1parMCMC(File,key) #ChainLength = len(data['istep']) #print np.shape(data['istep']) if not silent: print 'Par '+key #x = np.array(data[key]) #for i in range(ChainLength): #x.append(data[key][i]) median_x = np.median(x) # removing median value x1 = np.array(data[key])-median_x cj = [] # auto-correlation jarr = [] # lag # starting auto-correlation, set to be much higher than tolerance cval = 1e0 j = 0 szx1 = len(x1) while cval > lowtol and j < jmax: sli0 = 0 sli1 = szx1-j-1 slj0 = j slj1 = szx1-1 next2 = x1[sli0:sli1] x1i_x1ipj = x1[sli0:sli1]*x1[slj0:slj1] x1i_sq = (x1[sli0:sli1]*x1[sli0:sli1]) x1i = (x1[sli0:sli1]) val = (np.mean(x1i_x1ipj) - (np.mean(x1i))**2)/\ (np.mean(x1i_sq) - (np.mean(x1i))**2) cj.append(val) jarr.append(j) cval = val j += 1 cj = np.array(cj) jarr = np.array(jarr) corlen_index = np.where( np.abs(cj-0.5e0) == np.min( np.abs(cj-0.5e0)) )[0] corlen = jarr[corlen_index[0]] efflen = long(float(ChainLength)/float(corlen)) if mkPlotsFlag: print 'plotting acor', ftag+'.ACOR.par_'+key+'.png' plt.plot(jarr,cj,'b.') plt.plot([corlen,corlen],[0,1],'k--') plt.plot([0,max(jarr)],[0.5,0.5],'k--') plt.xlabel('j (Lag)') plt.ylabel('C (Auto-Correlation)') plt.title('Auto-Correlation for "'+key+'"') plt.savefig(ftag+'.ACOR.par_'+key+'.png') plt.clf() print >> OutFileObject, '##'+key+'## Corr Length = '+format(corlen,'d') print >> OutFileObject, '##'+key+'## Eff Length = '+format(efflen,'d') chain_stats[key] = {'corlength':corlen,'efflength':efflen} clen = [] elen = [] for key in chain_stats.keys(): clen.append(chain_stats[key]['corlength']) elen.append(chain_stats[key]['efflength']) if not silent: print '## ALL ## Chain Length = '+format(ChainLength,'d') print '## ALL ## Corr Length = '+format(max(clen),'d') print '## ALL ## Eff Length = '+format(min(elen),'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Chain Length = '+format(ChainLength,'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Corr Length = '+format(max(clen),'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Eff Length = '+format(min(elen),'d') OutFileObject.close()
def autocorMCMC(File, lowtol, jmax, OutStatFile, mkPlotsFlag, **keywords): """ Compute the auto-correlation of parameters in a chain """ #ftag = '' ftag = 'mcmc' silent = False Nres = 1 Jstep = Nres SetDynamic = False for keyw in keywords: if keyw == 'ftag': ftag = keywords[keyw] if keyw.lower() == 'silent': silent = keywords[keyw] if keyw.lower().startswith('res'): Nres = keywords[keyw] if keyw.lower().startswith('dyn'): SetDynamic = keywords[keyw] chain_stats = {} OutFileObject = open(OutStatFile,'w') hdrKeys = readMCMChdr(File) ParList = [] for i in hdrKeys.keys(): key = hdrKeys[i] if not isNonParam(key): ParList.append(key) for key in ParList: data = read1parMCMC(File,key) if not silent: print 'Par '+key x1 = np.array(data[key])-np.median(data[key]) cj = [] # auto-correlation jarr = [] # lag # starting auto-correlation, set to be much higher than tolerance val = 1e0 j = 0 szx1 = len(x1) sli0 = 0 slj1 = szx1-1 while val > lowtol and j < jmax: sli1 = szx1-j-1 slj0 = j #t0 = time.time() x1i_x1ipj = x1[sli0:sli1]*x1[slj0:slj1] x1i_sq = (x1[sli0:sli1]*x1[sli0:sli1]) x1i = (x1[sli0:sli1]) mean_x1i_x1ipj = np.mean(x1i_x1ipj) mean_x1i = np.mean(x1i) mean_x1i_sq = np.mean(x1i_sq) #mean_x1i_x1ipj = quickMean(x1i_x1ipj) #mean_x1i = quickMean(x1i) #mean_x1i_sq = quickMean(x1i_sq) val = (mean_x1i_x1ipj - (mean_x1i)**2)/\ (mean_x1i_sq - (mean_x1i)**2) #t1 = time.time() if j > 0 and SetDynamic: dc_dj = np.abs( (cj[-1]-val)/(jarr[-1]-j)) if (val > 0.45) and (val < 0.55): scale = 0.005 else: scale = 0.01 Jstep = long(round(scale/dc_dj)) #print t1-t0,j,val, dc_dj, 0.01/(dc_dj), Jstep if Jstep < 1: Jstep = 1 elif Jstep > 100: Jstep = 100 cj.append(val) jarr.append(j) if SetDynamic: j += Jstep else: j += Nres cj = np.array(cj) jarr = np.array(jarr) ChainLength = szx1 corlen_index = np.where( np.abs(cj-0.5e0) == np.min( np.abs(cj-0.5e0)) )[0] corlen = jarr[corlen_index[0]] efflen = long(float(ChainLength)/float(corlen)) if mkPlotsFlag: print 'plotting acor', ftag+'.ACOR.par_'+key+'.png' plt.plot(jarr,cj,'b.') plt.plot([corlen,corlen],[0,1],'k--') plt.plot([0,max(jarr)],[0.5,0.5],'k--') plt.xlabel('j (Lag)') plt.ylabel('C (Auto-Correlation)') plt.title('Auto-Correlation for "'+key+'"') plt.savefig(ftag+'.ACOR.par_'+key+'.png') plt.clf() print >> OutFileObject, '##'+key+'## Corr Length = '+format(corlen,'d') print >> OutFileObject, '##'+key+'## Eff Length = '+format(efflen,'d') chain_stats[key] = {'corlength':corlen,'efflength':efflen} clen = [] elen = [] for key in chain_stats.keys(): clen.append(chain_stats[key]['corlength']) elen.append(chain_stats[key]['efflength']) if not silent: print '## ALL ## Chain Length = '+format(ChainLength,'d') print '## ALL ## Corr Length = '+format(max(clen),'d') print '## ALL ## Eff Length = '+format(min(elen),'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Chain Length = '+format(ChainLength,'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Corr Length = '+format(max(clen),'d') print >> OutFileObject, '## ALL ## Eff Length = '+format(min(elen),'d') OutFileObject.close()
def covcorStats(File, FileTag, **kwargs): """ Given MCMC parameters, this function computes the covariance between parameters, the pearson's correlation coefficient and spearman's rank correlation. """ DFlag = False for key in kwargs: if key.lower().startswith('derive'): DFlag = kwargs[key] stats = {} OutFileObject_COV = open(FileTag+'','w') OutFileObject_PR = open(FileTag+'','w') OutFileObject_SR = open(FileTag+'','w') #print >> OutFileObject, '# par1 | par2 | cov | pearson\'s r | spearman\'s r ' topline = '#' passCount = 0 hdrKeys = readMCMChdr(File) parList1 = [] parList2 = [] for i in hdrKeys.keys(): key = hdrKeys[i] if not isNonParam(key): parList1.append(key) parList2.append(key) ComboList = [] ComboDict = {} for par1 in parList1: covline = '' pcorline = '' scorline = '' for par2 in parList2: t0 = time.time() #x1 = np.arange(10) Combo = (par1,par2) if not Combo[::-1] in ComboList: if par1 == par2: d1 = read1parMCMC(File,par1,derived=DFlag) x1 = np.array(d1[par1]) x2 = x1 else: d1 = read1parMCMC(File,par1,derived=DFlag) x1 = np.array(d1[par1]) d2 = read1parMCMC(File,par2,derived=DFlag) x2 = np.array(d2[par2]) ComboList.append((par1,par2)) cov = np.cov(x1,x2) pcor = scipy.stats.pearsonr(x1,x2) scor = scipy.stats.spearmanr(x1,x2) ComboDict[Combo] = {'cov':cov,'pcor':pcor,'scor':scor} else: cov = ComboDict[Combo[::-1]]['cov'] pcor = ComboDict[Combo[::-1]]['pcor'] scor = ComboDict[Combo[::-1]]['scor'] #x2 = np.arange(10) t1 = time.time() print par1, par2, t1-t0 covline = covline+' '+format(cov[0][1],'+.2e') pcorline = pcorline+' '+format(pcor[0],'+.2e') scorline = scorline+' '+format(scor[0],'+.2e') if passCount == 0: topline = topline+5*' '+par2 if passCount == 0: print >> OutFileObject_COV, topline print >> OutFileObject_COV, '#'+88*'-' print >> OutFileObject_PR, topline print >> OutFileObject_PR, '#'+88*'-' print >> OutFileObject_SR, topline print >> OutFileObject_SR, '#'+88*'-' lenkey = len(par1) if lenkey < 10: fac = 10-lenkey else: fac = 10 print >> OutFileObject_COV, par1+fac*' '+' | '+covline print >> OutFileObject_PR, par1+fac*' '+' | '+pcorline print >> OutFileObject_SR, par1+fac*' '+' | '+scorline passCount += 1 OutFileObject_COV.close() OutFileObject_PR.close() OutFileObject_SR.close()
def RunMinuit(FunctionName,ObservedData,ModelParams,NuisanceData,BoundParams,tolnum,OutFile): """ Designed to run Minuit on tmcmc format Data dictionaries """ OpenParNames = [] for key in ModelParams.keys(): if ModelParams[key]['open']: OpenParNames.append(key) startchi2 = f_chisquared(FunctionName,ObservedData,ModelParams,NuisanceData,BoundParams) dumpfile1 = open('dump1','wb') dumpfile2 = open('dump2','wb') dumpfile3 = open('dump3','wb') dumpfile4 = open('dump4','wb') dumpfile5 = open('dump5','wb') dumpfile6 = open('dump6','wb') pickle.dump(FunctionName,dumpfile1,-1) pickle.dump(ObservedData,dumpfile2,-1) pickle.dump(ModelParams,dumpfile3,-1) pickle.dump(NuisanceData,dumpfile4,-1) pickle.dump(BoundParams,dumpfile5,-1) pickle.dump(OpenParNames,dumpfile6,-1) dumpfile1.close() dumpfile2.close() dumpfile3.close() dumpfile4.close() dumpfile5.close() dumpfile6.close() # Begin running Minuit converge = False CountA1 = 0 CountFail = 0 AbsoluteFail = False while not converge: if CountFail > 20: print 'Failed' AbsoluteFail = True break try: m = minuit2.Minuit2(transit_chisquared(OpenParNames)) m.tol = tolnum #55.4720096 #*1e8 m.up = 1 m.strategy = 2 for key in m.values.keys(): m.values[key] = ModelParams[key]['value'] m.errors[key] = ModelParams[key]['step'] m.migrad() #print 'edm = ',m.edm, '(edm < 1e-3 signifies convergence, edm > 1e2 is probably too high)' #print m.edm, converge, tolnum, 1e-3*m.tol*m.up, m.ncalls tolStatus = m.edm/(1e-3*m.tol*m.up) if tolStatus <= 1e0: if tolStatus == 1e0: CountA1 = 100 CountA1 += 1 if CountA1 <= 4: converge = False else: converge = True tolnum *= tolStatus #CloseDict['a1'] = tolnum w = 'a1 Good Convergence' else: converge = False tolnum *= tolStatus w = 'a2 Poor Convergence' if np.isnan(tolStatus): CountFail += 1 print tolStatus, m.edm, m.tol, tolnum, converge, w, CountFail except: if m.edm != None: edm = m.edm else: edm = 1e-2*m.tol*m.up if CountFail < 11: tolStatus = (edm/(1e-3*m.tol*m.up)) elif CountFail > 11: tolStatus = (edm/(1e-3*m.tol*m.up))**(-1) else: tolStatus = 10e0/tolnum if tolStatus == 1.0: tolStatus = 10e0 tolnum *= tolStatus converge = False CountFail += 1 print tolStatus, m.edm, m.tol, tolnum, converge, 'b Failed Convergence', CountFail #raise for key in m.values.keys(): ModelParams[key]['value'] = m.values[key] ModelParams[key]['step'] = m.errors[key] if not AbsoluteFail: DOF = len(ObservedData['all']['y']) - len(OpenParNames) PrintModelParams(ModelParams,OutFile) OutFileObjectAppend = open(OutFile,'a') print >> OutFileObjectAppend, \ '# Best-fit ChiSQ = '+format(m.fval,'.2f')+' | Starting ChiSQ = ',format(startchi2,'.2f') print >> OutFileObjectAppend, '# DOF = '+format(DOF) print >> OutFileObjectAppend, \ '# Best-fit reduced ChiSQ = '+format(m.fval/DOF,'.2f')+' | Starting reduced ChiSQ = '+format(startchi2/DOF,'.2f') OutFileObjectAppend.close()
def statsTable(self,Stats,stype, **kwargs): width, height = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] size = max([width,height]) # make a square figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size,size)) # default font sizes xfsize = np.floor(300e0*size/(24*max(self.GridNX,self.GridNY))) yfsize = np.floor(300e0*size/(24*max(self.GridNX,self.GridNY))) fsize = np.floor(300e0*size/(24*max(self.GridNX,self.GridNY))) yshift = 0 xshift = 0 PlotFile = False TitleString = '' #print xfsize,yfsize,fsize if fsize > 24.0: fsize = 24.0 if xfsize > 18.0: xfsize = 18.0 if yfsize > 18.0: yfsize = 18.0 for key in kwargs: if key.lower().startswith('plotfile'): PlotFile = True FileName = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('numfsize'): fsize = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('fsizex'): xfsize = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('fsizey'): yfsize = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('xshift'): xshift = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('yshift'): yshift = kwargs[key] elif key.lower().startswith('title'): TitleString = kwargs[key] else: pass for grid in self.GridDict.keys(): plotID = subID(grid,self.GridNX,self.GridNY) plt.subplot(self.GridNY,self.GridNX,plotID) Stat = Stats[stype]\ [self.GridDict[grid][0]]\ [self.GridDict[grid][1]]\ ['value'] absStat = abs(Stat) cross = np.linspace(0,1,3) plt.plot(cross,cross,marker='o',\ markerfacecolor='w',\ markeredgecolor='w',\ linestyle='None') #numsplit = map(str,text.split('e')) #OutText = r'%s$\times 10^{%s}$' % (numsplit[0],numsplit[1]) if absStat < 0.01: text = r'$< 0.01$' OutText = r'%s' % text plt.text(0.0-xshift,0.4-yshift,OutText,fontsize=fsize) elif absStat >= 0.5: text = format(abs(Stat),'0.2f') plt.subplot(self.GridNY,self.GridNX,plotID, axisbg='gray') OutText = r'%s' % text plt.text(0.0-xshift,0.4-yshift,OutText,fontsize=fsize,color='w') else: text = format(abs(Stat),'0.2f') plt.subplot(self.GridNY,self.GridNX,plotID) OutText = r'%s' % text plt.text(0.0-xshift,0.4-yshift,OutText,fontsize=fsize) plt.setp(plt.gca(),yticklabels=[],yticks=[]) plt.setp(plt.gca(),xticklabels=[],xticks=[]) if grid[1] == 0: #print self.Label[grid]['x'], grid plt.xlabel(self.Label[grid]['x'],fontsize=xfsize) if grid[0] == 0: #print self.Label[grid]['y'], grid plt.ylabel(self.Label[grid]['y'],fontsize=yfsize) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) plt.suptitle(TitleString,fontsize=24,y=0.95) if PlotFile: plt.savefig(FileName,pad_inches=0.5) else:
def returnDerivedLine_MTQ2011(ModelParams,istep,keyList0): """ print a file with Derived parameters from the MCMC ensemble. """ derived = {} Period = computePeriod(ModelParams) derived['Period'] = {'value':Period,'printformat':'.9f'} RefFilt = ModelParams['RefFilt']['printformat'] # get Filter and Transit time tags Tags = getTags(ModelParams) # compute parameters used to compute lightcurve using the reference filter Dref, v1ref, v2ref = MTQ_2011.MTQ_FilterParams(RefFilt,Tags,ModelParams) u1ref, u2ref = LDC_v2u(v1ref,v2ref) tT = ModelParams['tT']['value'] tG = ModelParams['tG']['value'] TransitRef = MTQ_2011.MTQ_getDerivedParams(Dref,tT,tG,u1ref,u2ref,Period) #print TransitRef derived['inc'] = {'value':TransitRef['inc']*180e0/np.pi,'printformat':'.4f'} derived['b'] = {'value':TransitRef['b'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['aRs'] = {'value':TransitRef['aRs'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['velRs'] = {'value':TransitRef['velRs'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['rho_star'] = {'value':TransitRef['rho_star'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['RpRs'+'.'+ModelParams['RefFilt']['printformat']] = \ {'value':TransitRef['RpRs'],'printformat':'.9f'} for key in ModelParams.keys(): if key.startswith('T0'): split_TT = map(str,key.split('.')) transit_tag = split_TT[1].strip() # compute D, v1, v2 and then u1 and u2 for a given transit tag D, v1, v2 = MTQ_2011.MTQ_FilterParams(transit_tag,Tags,ModelParams) u1, u2 = LDC_v2u(v1,v2) RpRs = computeRpRs(u1,u2,tT,tG,D) filterD = filterMatchD(transit_tag,Tags,ModelParams) #print filterD derived['RpRs'+'.'+filterD] = {'value':RpRs,'printformat':'.9f'} DerivedLine = '' if istep == 0: keylist = derived.keys() else: keylist = keyList0 Nkeys = len(keylist) if istep == 0: keyorder = {} for i in range(len(keylist)): keyorder[i] = keylist[i] for i in range(Nkeys): if i == 0: DerivedLine =\ str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: DerivedLine =\ DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: for i in range(Nkeys): if i == 0: DerivedLine =\ str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: DerivedLine = DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) DerivedLine = DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(istep,'.0f'))+'|:' return DerivedLine, keylist
def printDerived_MTQ_2011(STARTFILE,MCMCfile,DerivedFile): """ print a file with Derived parameters from the MCMC ensemble. """ hdrKeys = readMCMChdr(MCMCfile) ModelParams = ReadStartParams(STARTFILE) mcmcFile = open(MCMCfile,'r') mcmcFile = mcmcFile.readlines() OutFileObject = open(DerivedFile,'w') for line in mcmcFile: derived = {} if not line.startswith('#'): data_line = ReadMCMCline(line,hdrKeys) print 'step/line = ',format(long(data_line['istep']),'n') for key in ModelParams.keys(): if ModelParams[key]['open']: ModelParams[key]['value'] = data_line[key] Period = computePeriod(ModelParams) derived['Period'] = {'value':Period,'printformat':'.9f'} RefFilt = ModelParams['RefFilt']['printformat'] # get Filter and Transit time tags Tags = getTags(ModelParams) # compute parameters used to compute lightcurve using the reference filter Dref, v1ref, v2ref = MTQ_2011.MTQ_FilterParams(RefFilt,Tags,ModelParams) u1ref, u2ref = LDC_v2u(v1ref,v2ref) tT = ModelParams['tT']['value'] tG = ModelParams['tG']['value'] TransitRef = MTQ_2011.MTQ_getDerivedParams(Dref,tT,tG,u1ref,u2ref,Period) #print TransitRef derived['inc'] = {'value':TransitRef['inc']*180e0/np.pi,'printformat':'.4f'} derived['b'] = {'value':TransitRef['b'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['aRs'] = {'value':TransitRef['aRs'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['velRs'] = {'value':TransitRef['velRs'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['rho_star'] = {'value':TransitRef['rho_star'],'printformat':'.6f'} derived['RpRs'+'.'+ModelParams['RefFilt']['printformat']] = \ {'value':TransitRef['RpRs'],'printformat':'.9f'} for key in ModelParams.keys(): if key.startswith('T0'): split_TT = map(str,key.split('.')) transit_tag = split_TT[1].strip() # compute D, v1, v2 and then u1 and u2 for a given transit tag D, v1, v2 = MTQ_2011.MTQ_FilterParams(transit_tag,Tags,ModelParams) u1, u2 = LDC_v2u(v1,v2) RpRs = computeRpRs(u1,u2,tT,tG,D) filterD = filterMatchD(transit_tag,Tags,ModelParams) #print filterD derived['RpRs'+'.'+filterD] = {'value':RpRs,'printformat':'.9f'} DerivedLine = '' keylist = derived.keys() Nkeys = len(keylist) if data_line['istep'] == 0: keyorder = {} for i in range(len(keylist)): keyorder[i] = keylist[i] for i in range(Nkeys): if i == 0: DerivedLine =\ str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: DerivedLine =\ DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: for i in range(Nkeys): if i == 0: DerivedLine =\ str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) else: DerivedLine = DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(derived[keylist[i]]['value'],\ derived[keylist[i]]['printformat'])) DerivedLine = DerivedLine+'|'+str(format(data_line['istep'],'.0f'))+'|:' print >> OutFileObject, DerivedLine keyline = '' for i in range(Nkeys): if i == 0: keyline = '#'+keylist[i] else: keyline = keyline+'|'+keylist[i] keyline = keyline+'|istep|:' OutFileObject.close() #print >> OutFileObject, keyline opencopy = open(DerivedFile,'r') opencopy = opencopy.readlines() os.system('rm -v %s' % (DerivedFile)) rearranged = open(DerivedFile,'w') print >> rearranged, keyline for iline in range(len(opencopy)): print >> rearranged, opencopy[iline].strip('\n') rearranged.close()