Ejemplo n.º 1
def getreport(report, district, monthend, tmyearpiece, asof=""):
    """ Returns (data, reportdate, reportmonthend) tuple from report """
    reportdate = None
    reportmonthend = None
    url = makeurl(report,
    data = getresponse(url)

    if data:
        while not data[-1].strip():
            data = data[:-1]
        dateline = data[-1].replace(',', '')
        reportdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(
            dateline.split()[-1]), '%Y-%m-%d').date(
            )  # "Month of Jun, as of 07/02/2015" => '2015-07-02'

        # Figure out the last day of the month for which the report applies
        reportmonth = datetime.strptime(
            dateline.split()[2], "%b").month  # Extract the month of the report

        if reportmonth == reportdate.month:
            reportmonthend = getmonthend(reportmonth, reportdate.year)
            reportmonthend = getmonthend(
                reportdate.year if reportmonth != 12 else reportdate.year - 1)

    return (data, reportdate, reportmonthend)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getasof(infile):
    """ Gets the "as of" information from a Toastmasters' report.  
        Returns a tuple: (monthstart, date) (both as characters)
        If there is no "as of" information, returns False.
        Seeks the file back to the current position.
    retval = False
    filepos = infile.tell()
    for line in infile:
        if not line:
        if not line.startswith("Month of"):
        (mpart, dpart) = line.split(',')
        month = 1+ ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'].index(mpart.split()[-1].lower()[0:3])
        date = cleandate(dpart.split()[-1])
        asofyear = int(date[0:4])
        asofmon = int(date[5:7])
        if month == 12 and asofmon == 1:
            asofyear = asofyear - 1
        monthstart = '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (asofyear, month, 1)
        retval = (monthstart, date)
    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dolatest(district, altdistrict, finals, tmyearpiece):
    for monthend in finals:
        for (urlpart, filepart) in (('clubperformance', 'clubperf'), 
                                    ('divisionperformance', 'areaperf'),
                                    ('districtperformance', 'distperf')):
            url = makeurl(urlpart, district, monthend=monthend, tmyearpiece=tmyearpiece)
            data = getresponse(url)
            if not data and altdistrict:
                url = makeurl(urlpart, altdistrict, monthend=monthend, tmyearpiece=tmyearpiece)
                data = getresponse(url)
            if data:
                thedate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(data[-1].split()[-1]), '%Y-%m-%d').date()  # "Month of Jun, as of 07/02/2015" => '2015-07-02'
                with open(makefilename(filepart, thedate), 'w') as f:
                print 'Fetched %s for %s (month: %s, year: %s)' % (filepart, thedate, monthend, tmyearpiece)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getasof(infile):
    """ Gets the "as of" information from a Toastmasters' report.  
        Returns a tuple: (monthstart, date) (both as characters)
        If there is no "as of" information, returns False.
        Seeks the file back to the current position.
    retval = False
    filepos = infile.tell()
    for line in infile:
        if not line:
        if not line.startswith("Month of"):
        (mpart, dpart) = line.split(",")
        month = 1 + [
        date = cleandate(dpart.split()[-1])
        asofyear = int(date[0:4])
        asofmon = int(date[5:7])
        if month == 12 and asofmon == 1:
            asofyear = asofyear - 1
        monthstart = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (asofyear, month, 1)

        retval = (monthstart, date)
    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getasof(infile):
    """ Gets the "as of" information from a Toastmasters' report.  
        Returns a tuple: (monthstart, date) (both as characters)
        If there is no "as of" information, returns False.
        Seeks the file back to the current position.
    retval = False
    filepos = infile.tell()
    for line in infile:
        if not line:
        if not line.startswith("Month of"):
        (mpart, dpart) = line.split(",")
        month = 1 + [
        date = cleandate(dpart.split()[-1])
        asofyear = int(date[0:4])
        asofmon = int(date[5:7])
        if month == 12 and asofmon == 1:
            asofyear = asofyear - 1
        monthstart = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (asofyear, month, 1)

        retval = (monthstart, date)
    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getreport(report, district, monthend, tmyearpiece, asof=""):
    """ Returns (data, reportdate, reportmonthend) tuple from report """
    reportdate = None
    reportmonthend = None
    url = makeurl(report, district, monthend=monthend, tmyearpiece=tmyearpiece, asof=asof)
    data = getresponse(url)

    if data:
        while not data[-1].strip():
            data = data[:-1]
        dateline = data[-1].replace(',','')
        reportdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(dateline.split()[-1]), '%Y-%m-%d').date()  # "Month of Jun, as of 07/02/2015" => '2015-07-02'

        # Figure out the last day of the month for which the report applies
        reportmonth = datetime.strptime(dateline.split()[2], "%b").month  # Extract the month of the report
        if reportmonth == reportdate.month:
            reportmonthend = getmonthend(reportmonth, reportdate.year) 
            reportmonthend = getmonthend(reportmonth, reportdate.year if reportmonth != 12 else reportdate.year-1)
    return (data, reportdate, reportmonthend)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn

    # See if we have the data needed to run and build the base part of the query
    if parms.basedate.upper().startswith('M'):
        basemonth = int(parms.basedate[1:])
        if not isMonthFinal(basemonth, curs):
        basepart = 'monthstart = "%s" AND entrytype = "M"' % getMonthStart(basemonth, curs)
        friendlybase = 'New Members on %s' % neaten(getMonthEnd(basemonth))
        msgdate = datetime.date(globals.today.year, basemonth+1, 1)
        if basemonth == 12:
            msgdate = datetime.date(globals.today.year, 1, 1)
        basedate = cleandate(parms.basedate)
        if not haveDataFor(basedate, curs):
        basepart = 'asof = "%s"' % basedate
        msgdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(basedate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        friendlybase = 'New Members on %s' % neaten(msgdate)
    msgbase = dateAsWords(msgdate)

    # Figure out the end date and build that part of the query
    yesterday = cleandate('yesterday')
    if parms.finaldate.upper().startswith('M'):
        finalmonth = int(parms.finaldate[1:])
        msgdate = getMonthEnd(finalmonth)
        if isMonthFinal(finalmonth, curs):
            finalpart = 'monthstart = "%s" AND entrytype = "M"' % getMonthStart(finalmonth, curs)
            final = True
    eligiblethroughcol = labels.index('eligiblethrough') + 1

    # Get the final date in the database - we don't ask for data later than we have!
    curs.execute("SELECT MAX(asof) FROM clubperf")
    maxasof = curs.fetchone()[0]

    for rownum, row in enumerate(values[1:], start=2):
        club = Clubinfo(labels, row)
        clubnumber = club.clubnumber.strip()
        if not clubnumber:

        ohdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(club.openhousedate), "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        startdate = ohdate - timedelta(1)
        enddate = ohdate

        # Need to compute the same day in the next month - if there is no same day, go to the 1st of the following
        (m, d, y) = (ohdate.month+1, ohdate.day, ohdate.year)
        if (m == 13):
            m = 1
            y += 1
            enddate = ohdate.replace(y, m, d)
        except ValueError:
            enddate = ohdate.replace(y, m+1, 1)   # We need not worry about year overflow because November has fewer days than December

        # But in case something was specified, use it.
        if club.eligiblethrough.strip():
Ejemplo n.º 9
def doDailyClubs(infile, conn, cdate, firsttime=False):
    """ infile is a file-like object """
    global changecount
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    curs = conn.cursor()
    reader = csv.reader(infile)

    hline = reader.next()
    headers = cleanheaders(hline)

        clubcol = headers.index('clubnumber')    
    except ValueError:
        if not hline[0].startswith('{"Message"'):
            print "'clubnumber' not in '%s'" % hline
        prospectiveclubcol = headers.index('prospectiveclub')
    except ValueError:
        prospectiveclubcol = False
    # Find out what fields we have in the database itself
    dbfields = []
    curs.execute("describe clubs")
    for l in curs.fetchall():
    inform("clubs for", cdate, suppress=1)
    dbheaders = [p for p in headers]
    # Convert between Toastmasters' names for address and location and ours; they've changed it a few times.  *sigh*
    if 'address1' in dbheaders:
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index('address1')
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index('location')
    if 'address2' in dbheaders:
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index('address2')
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index('address')
    dbheaders[addrcol1] = 'place'
    dbheaders[addrcol2] = 'address'
    expectedheaderscount = len(dbheaders)
    dbheaders.append('lastdate')     # For now...
    areacol = dbheaders.index('area')
    divisioncol = dbheaders.index('division')
    statecol = dbheaders.index('state')
    # Now, suppress anything in the file that's not in the database:
    suppress = []
    oldheaders = dbheaders
    dbheaders = []
    for i in xrange(len(oldheaders)):
        if oldheaders[i] in dbfields:
    suppress.reverse()   # We remove these columns from the input

    # We need to get clubs for the most recent update so we know whether to update an entry 
    #   or start a new one.
    yesterday = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(cdate, '%Y-%m-%d') - timedelta(1),'%Y-%m-%d')
    clubhist = Club.getClubsOn(curs, date=yesterday)
    for row in reader:
        if len(row) < expectedheaderscount:
            break     # we're finished
        if prospectiveclubcol is not None and row[prospectiveclubcol]:
            continue   # Ignore prospective clubs

        for i in suppress:
            del row[i]

        # Convert to unicode.  Toastmasters usually uses UTF-8 but occasionally uses Windows CP1252 on the wire.
            row = [unicode(t.strip(), "utf8") for t in row]
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            row = [unicode(t.strip(), "CP1252") for t in row]
        if len(row) > expectedheaderscount:
            # Special case...Millbrae somehow snuck two club websites in!
            row[16] = row[16] + ',' + row[17]
            del row[17]
        #print row[addrcol1]
        #print row[addrcol2]
        # Now, clean up the address:
        # Address line 1 is "place" information and can be multiple lines.
        # Address line 2 is the real address and should be treated as one line, with spaces normalized.
        place = '\n'.join([x.strip() for x in row[addrcol1].split('  ')]) 
        row[addrcol1] = place
        address = normalize(row[addrcol2])
        row[addrcol2] = address
        # Toastmasters is currently reversing the "Area" and "Division" items.  "Area" should be a
        #    number; if not, swap the two.
            thearea = row[areacol]
            thedivision = row[divisioncol]
            areanum = int(row[areacol])
        except ValueError:
            row[areacol] = thedivision
            row[divisioncol] = thearea
        # Collapse state names into their abbreviations
        if row[statecol] in statelist:
            row[statecol] = statelist[row[statecol]]
        # Get the right number of items into the row by setting today as the 
        #   tentative first and last date
        # And create the object
        club = Club(row)

        # Now, clean up things coming from Toastmasters

        if club.clubstatus.startswith('Open') or club.clubstatus.startswith('None'):
            club.clubstatus = 'Open'
            club.clubstatus = 'Restricted'
        # Clean up the club and district numbers and the area
        club.clubnumber = cleanitem(club.clubnumber)
        club.district = cleanitem(club.district)
        club.area = cleanitem(club.area)

        # If a club is partially unassigned, mark it as completely unassigned.
        if (club.area == '0A') or (club.area == '0D') or (club.division == '0D') or (club.division == '0A'):
            club.area = '0A'
            club.division = '0D'

        # Clean up the charter date
        club.charterdate = cleandate(club.charterdate)

        # Clean up advanced status
        club.advanced = '1' if (club.advanced != '') else '0'
        # Clean up online status
        club.allowsonlineattendance = '1' if (club.allowsonlineattendance != '') else '0'
        # Now, take care of missing latitude/longitude
        if ('latitude') in dbheaders:
                club.latitude = float(club.latitude)
            except ValueError:
                club.latitude = 0.0
            club.latitude = 0.0
        if ('longitude') in dbheaders:
               club.longitude = float(club.longitude)
           except ValueError:
               club.longitude = 0.0
           club.longitude = 0.0
        # Sometimes, Toastmasters gets the latitude and longitude backwards
        # If that turns out to create an impossible location (which it will in California),
        #    let's swap them.
        if abs(club.latitude) > 90.0:
            (club.latitude, club.longitude) = (club.longitude, club.latitude)

        # And put it into the database if need be
        if club.clubnumber in clubhist:
            changes = different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber], dbheaders[:-2])
            changes = []

        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist and not firsttime:
            # This is a new (or reinstated) club; note it in the changes database.
            curs.execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, "New Club", "", "")', (club.clubnumber, cdate))
        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist or changes:
            club.firstdate = club.lastdate
            # Encode newlines in the place as double-semicolons for the database
            club.place = club.place.replace('\n',';;')
            values = [club.__dict__[x] for x in dbheaders]
            # And then put the place back into normal form
            club.place = club.place.replace(';;','\n')
            thestr = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO clubs (' + ','.join(dbheaders) + ') VALUES (' + ','.join(['%s' for each in values]) + ');'

                changecount += curs.execute(thestr, values)
            except Exception, e:
                print e
            # Capture changes
            for (item, old, new) in changes:
                if (item == 'place'):
                    # Clean up the place (old and new) for the database
                    old = old.replace('\n', ';;')
                    new = new.replace('\n', ';;')
                    curs.execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (club.clubnumber, cdate, item, old, new))
                except Exception, e:
                     print e
            clubhist[club.clubnumber] = club
            if different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber], dbheaders[:-2]):
                print 'it\'s different after being set.'
Ejemplo n.º 10
        print("Getting the latest performance info")
        # And get and write current club data unless told not to
        # WHQ doesn't supply date information, but it's always as of yesterday
        if not parms.skipclubs:
            url = "https://www.toastmasters.org/api/sitecore/FindAClub/DownloadCsv?district=%s&advanced=1&latitude=0&longitude=0" % district
            clubdata = getresponse(url)
            if clubdata:
                with open(makefilename('clubs', date.today() - timedelta(1)), 'w') as f:
                print("Fetched clubs")
                print('No data received from %s' % url)

        # We are getting historical data
        startdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(parms.startdate), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        if parms.enddate:
            enddate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(parms.enddate), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
            enddate = startdate
        d = startdate
        while d <= enddate:
            doreportsfor(district, d)
            d += timedelta(1)
Ejemplo n.º 11

        # And get and write current club data unless told not to
        # WHQ doesn't supply date information, but it's always as of yesterday
        if not parms.skipclubs:
            url = "https://www.toastmasters.org/api/sitecore/FindAClub/DownloadCsv?district=%s&advanced=1&latitude=0&longitude=0" % district
            clubdata = getresponse(url)
            if clubdata:
                with open(makefilename('clubs',
                                       date.today() - timedelta(1)), 'w') as f:
                    f.write('\n'.join(clubdata).replace('\r', ''))
                print("Fetched clubs")
                print('No data received from %s' % url)

        # We are getting historical data
        startdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(parms.startdate),
        if parms.enddate:
            enddate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(parms.enddate),
            enddate = startdate

        d = startdate
        while d <= enddate:

            doreportsfor(district, d)
            d += timedelta(1)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        help='Specify to require that clubs meet membership goals to qualify.')

    # Do global setup
    curs = myglobals.curs
    conn = myglobals.conn

    # Your main program begins here.

    # We want data from either the final date or the latest available, whichever is earlier
    curs.execute("SELECT MAX(asof) FROM clubperf")
    latest = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
    parms.finaldate = cleandate(parms.finaldate)
    targetdate = min(latest, parms.finaldate)
    final = (targetdate == parms.finaldate)
    status = "final" if final else "updated daily"

    # Open the output file
    outfile = open(parms.outfile, 'w')

    winners = []

    if parms.requiremembership:

        # See if WHQ has posted any President's Distinguished Clubs; if so,
        #   use their information.  If not, calculate on our own.

Ejemplo n.º 13
    eligiblethroughcol = labels.index('eligiblethrough') + 1

    # Google has introduced rate limits for updates, so we need to batch them
    updatelist = []

    # Get the final date in the database - we don't ask for data later than we have!
    curs.execute("SELECT MAX(asof) FROM clubperf")
    maxasof = curs.fetchone()[0]

    for rownum, row in enumerate(values[1:], start=2):
        club = Clubinfo(labels, row)
        clubnumber = club.clubnumber.strip()
        if not clubnumber:

        ohdate = datetime.strptime(cleandate(club.openhousedate),
        startdate = ohdate - timedelta(1)
        enddate = ohdate

        # Need to compute the same day in the next month - if there is no same day, go to the 1st of the following
        (m, d, y) = (ohdate.month + 1, ohdate.day, ohdate.year)
        if (m == 13):
            m = 1
            y += 1
            enddate = ohdate.replace(y, m, d)
        except ValueError:
            enddate = ohdate.replace(
                y, m + 1, 1
            )  # We need not worry about year overflow because November has fewer days than December
Ejemplo n.º 14
    parms.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='count')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--mailYML", dest='mailyml', default="awardmail.yml")
    parms.parser.add_argument("--mailserver", dest='mailserver')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--mailpw", dest='mailpw')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--mailport", dest='mailport')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--sender", dest='sender')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--reply-to", dest='replyto')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--to", dest='to', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--cc", dest='cc', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--bcc", dest='bcc', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.add_argument('--fromdate', default='yesterday', dest='fromdate', help="First date for congrats.")
    parms.add_argument('--todate', default='yesterday', dest='todate', help="Last date for congrats")
    # Add other parameters here
    parms.fromdate = cleandate(parms.fromdate)
    parms.todate = cleandate(parms.todate)
    # If there are mail-related values not yet resolved, get them from the mailYML file.
    ymlvalues = yaml.load(open(parms.mailyml, 'r'))

    for name in ['mailserver', 'mailpw', 'mailport', 'from', 'replyto']:
        if name not in parms.__dict__ or not parms.__dict__[name]:
            parms.__dict__[name] = ymlvalues[name]
    parms.sender = parms.__dict__['from']    

    # Connect to the database        
    conn = dbconn.dbconn(parms.dbhost, parms.dbuser, parms.dbpass, parms.dbname)
    curs = conn.cursor()
Ejemplo n.º 15
def doDailyClubs(infile, conn, cdate, firsttime=False):
    """ infile is a file-like object """
    global changecount
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    curs = conn.cursor()
    reader = csv.reader(infile)

    hline = next(reader)
    headers = cleanheaders(hline)

        clubcol = headers.index("clubnumber")
    except ValueError:
        if not hline[0].startswith('{"Message"'):
            print("'clubnumber' not in '%s'" % hline)

        prospectiveclubcol = headers.index("prospectiveclub")
    except ValueError:
        prospectiveclubcol = False

    # Find out what fields we have in the database itself
    dbfields = []
    curs.execute("describe clubs")
    for l in curs.fetchall():

    inform("clubs for", cdate, suppress=1)
    dbheaders = [p for p in headers]

    # Convert between Toastmasters' names for address and location and ours; they've changed it a few times.  *sigh*
    if "address1" in dbheaders:
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index("address1")
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index("location")
    if "address2" in dbheaders:
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index("address2")
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index("address")

    dbheaders[addrcol1] = "place"
    dbheaders[addrcol2] = "address"
    expectedheaderscount = len(dbheaders)
    dbheaders.append("lastdate")  # For now...

    areacol = dbheaders.index("area")
    divisioncol = dbheaders.index("division")
    statecol = dbheaders.index("state")

    # Now, suppress anything in the file that's not in the database:
    suppress = []
    oldheaders = dbheaders
    dbheaders = []
    for i in range(len(oldheaders)):
        if oldheaders[i] in dbfields:
    suppress.reverse()  # We remove these columns from the input


    # We need to get clubs for the most recent update so we know whether to update an entry
    #   or start a new one.
    yesterday = datetime.strftime(
        datetime.strptime(cdate, "%Y-%m-%d") - timedelta(1), "%Y-%m-%d"
    clubhist = Club.getClubsOn(curs, date=yesterday)

    for row in reader:
        if len(row) < expectedheaderscount:
            break  # we're finished
        if prospectiveclubcol is not None and row[prospectiveclubcol]:
            continue  # Ignore prospective clubs

        for i in suppress:
            del row[i]

        if len(row) > expectedheaderscount:
            # Special case...Millbrae somehow snuck two club websites in!
            row[16] = row[16] + "," + row[17]
            del row[17]

        # print row[addrcol1]
        # print row[addrcol2]
        # Now, clean up the address:
        # Address line 1 is "place" information and can be multiple lines.
        # Address line 2 is the real address and should be treated as one line, with spaces normalized.
        place = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in row[addrcol1].split("  ")])
        row[addrcol1] = place
        address = normalize(row[addrcol2])
        row[addrcol2] = address

        # Toastmasters is currently reversing the "Area" and "Division" items.  "Area" should be a
        #    number; if not, swap the two.
            thearea = row[areacol]
            thedivision = row[divisioncol]
            areanum = int(row[areacol])
        except ValueError:
            row[areacol] = thedivision
            row[divisioncol] = thearea

        # Collapse state names into their abbreviations
        if row[statecol] in statelist:
            row[statecol] = statelist[row[statecol]]

        # Get the right number of items into the row by setting today as the
        #   tentative first and last date

        # And create the object
        club = Club(row)

        # Now, clean up things coming from Toastmasters

        if club.clubstatus.startswith("Open") or club.clubstatus.startswith("None"):
            club.clubstatus = "Open"
            club.clubstatus = "Restricted"

        # Clean up the club and district numbers and the area
        club.clubnumber = cleanitem(club.clubnumber)
        club.district = cleanitem(club.district)
        club.area = cleanitem(club.area)

        # If a club is partially unassigned, mark it as completely unassigned.
        if (
            (club.area == "0A")
            or (club.area == "0D")
            or (club.division == "0D")
            or (club.division == "0A")
            club.area = "0A"
            club.division = "0D"

        # Clean up the charter date
        club.charterdate = cleandate(club.charterdate)

        # Clean up advanced status
        club.advanced = "1" if (club.advanced != "") else "0"

        # Clean up online status
        club.allowsonlineattendance = (
            "1" if (club.allowsonlineattendance != "") else "0"

        # Add missing schemes to any URLs

        # Now, take care of missing latitude/longitude
        if ("latitude") in dbheaders:
                club.latitude = float(club.latitude)
            except ValueError:
                club.latitude = 0.0
            club.latitude = 0.0

        if ("longitude") in dbheaders:
                club.longitude = float(club.longitude)
            except ValueError:
                club.longitude = 0.0
            club.longitude = 0.0

        # Sometimes, Toastmasters gets the latitude and longitude backwards
        # If that turns out to create an impossible location (which it will in California),
        #    let's swap them.
        if abs(club.latitude) > 90.0:
            (club.latitude, club.longitude) = (club.longitude, club.latitude)

        # And put it into the database if need be
        if club.clubnumber in clubhist:
            changes = different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber], dbheaders[:-2])
            changes = []

        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist and not firsttime:
            # This is a new (or reinstated) club; note it in the changes database.
                'INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, "New Club", "", "")',
                (club.clubnumber, cdate),

        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist or changes:
            club.firstdate = club.lastdate
            # Encode newlines in the place as double-semicolons for the database
            club.place = club.place.replace("\n", ";;")
            values = [club.__dict__[x] for x in dbheaders]

            # And then put the place back into normal form
            club.place = club.place.replace(";;", "\n")

            thestr = (
                "INSERT IGNORE INTO clubs ("
                + ",".join(dbheaders)
                + ") VALUES ("
                + ",".join(["%s" for each in values])
                + ");"

                changecount += curs.execute(thestr, values)
            except Exception as e:
            # Capture changes
            for (item, old, new) in changes:
                if item == "place":
                    # Clean up the place (old and new) for the database
                    old = old.replace("\n", ";;")
                    new = new.replace("\n", ";;")
                        "INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                        (club.clubnumber, cdate, item, old, new),
                except Exception as e:
            clubhist[club.clubnumber] = club
            if different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber], dbheaders[:-2]):
                print("it's different after being set.")
            # update the lastdate
            changecount += curs.execute(
                "UPDATE clubs SET lastdate = %s WHERE clubnumber = %s AND lastdate = %s;",
                (cdate, club.clubnumber, clubhist[club.clubnumber].lastdate),

    # If all the files were processed, today's work is done.
        'INSERT IGNORE INTO loaded (tablename, loadedfor) VALUES ("clubs", %s)',
Ejemplo n.º 16
    # Do global setup
    conn = myglobals.conn
    curs = myglobals.curs

    # Let's see if we're supposed to run today.
    if parms.runon:
        weekday = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%A')
        run = [True for w in parms.runon if weekday.startswith(w)]  # Note:  T means Tuesday OR Thursday; S is Saturday OR Sunday
        if not run:
            #sys.stderr.write('Not running because today is %s but --runon=%s was specified\n' % (weekday, ' '.join(parms.runon)))
            sys.exit(0)  # Not running is a normal exit.
    # OK, we are running.  Figure out the dates to use.
    if parms.todate:
        cleanedtodate = cleandate(parms.todate, usetmyear=False)
        # Go forward to the first date with data on or after the date specified
        curs.execute("SELECT MIN(loadedfor) FROM loaded where tablename = 'clubs' AND loadedfor >= %s", (cleanedtodate,))
        todate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
        if todate is None:
            todate = cleanedtodate
        # We want the last date in the database
        curs.execute("SELECT MAX(loadedfor) FROM loaded WHERE tablename = 'clubs'")
        todate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])

    if parms.fromdate:
        fromdate = cleandate(parms.fromdate,usetmyear=False)
        # Go backwards to the last date with data on or before the date specified 
        curs.execute("SELECT MAX(loadedfor) FROM loaded where tablename = 'clubs' AND loadedfor <= %s", (fromdate,))
        fromdate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    parms.parser.add_argument('--outfile', default='presidentsclub.txt')
    parms.parser.add_argument('--earning', default='$101 in District Credit')
    parms.parser.add_argument('--requiremembership', action='store_true', help='Specify to require that clubs meet membership goals to qualify.')

    # Do global setup
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn
    # Your main program begins here.
    # We want data from either the final date or the latest available, whichever is earlier
    curs.execute("SELECT MAX(asof) FROM clubperf")
    latest = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
    parms.finaldate = cleandate(parms.finaldate)
    targetdate = min(latest, parms.finaldate)
    final = (targetdate == parms.finaldate)
    status = "final" if final else "updated daily"
    # Open the output file
    outfile = open(parms.outfile, 'w')

    winners = []
    if parms.requiremembership:
        # See if WHQ has posted any President's Distinguished Clubs; if so,
        #   use their information.  If not, calculate on our own.

        curs.execute("SELECT clubnumber, clubname FROM clubperf WHERE clubdistinguishedstatus = 'P' AND asof = %s", (targetdate,))
Ejemplo n.º 18
yesterday = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
parms.parser.add_argument("--date", dest='date', default=None)

# Do global setup
conn = myglobals.conn
curs = myglobals.curs

date = parms.date
have = {}
want = ['clubs', 'clubperf', 'distperf', 'areaperf']
for x in want:
    have[x] = False
count = 0
if date:
    date = tmutil.cleandate(date)
    # All tables have to be there for the specified date.
    curs.execute("SELECT tablename FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor='%s'" % (date))
    for x in curs.fetchall():
        have[x[0]] = True
        count += 1
        "SELECT tablename FROM loaded WHERE (loadedfor=%s OR loadedfor=%s) AND tablename IN ('clubperf', 'distperf', 'areaperf', 'clubs') GROUP BY tablename",
        (today, yesterday))
    for x in curs.fetchall():
        have[x[0]] = True
        count += 1
if count == len(want):
    sys.exit(0)  # Success!
if count == 3 and not have['clubs']:
Ejemplo n.º 19
    clauses = []
    # Figure out the timeframe for the queries.
    today = datetime.datetime.today()

    if parms.lastmonth:
        month = today.month - 1
        year = today.year
        if month <= 0:
            month = 12
            year = year - 1
        clauses.append('MONTH(awarddate) = %d' % month)
        timestamp = 'during ' + datetime.date(year, month, 1).strftime('%B, %Y')

        firstdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tmutil.cleandate(parms.since), '%Y-%m-%d')
        clauses.append("awarddate >= '%s'" % firstdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
        timestamp = 'since {d:%B} {d.day}, {d.year}'.format(d=firstdate)

    if not parms.include_hpl:
        clauses.append('award != "LDREXC"')

    if parms.district:
        clauses.append('district = %s' % parms.district)

    ### Bypass 'name unavailable'
    clauses.append('membername NOT LIKE "%unavailable%"')

    curs.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT membername) FROM awards WHERE " + ' AND '.join(clauses))
    count = curs.fetchone()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def cleandate(s):
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(tmutil.cleandate(s, usetmyear=False),
Ejemplo n.º 21
    # Do global setup
    conn = globals.conn
    curs = globals.curs

    # Let's see if we're supposed to run today.
    if parms.runon:
        weekday = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%A')
        run = [True for w in parms.runon if weekday.startswith(w)]  # Note:  T means Tuesday OR Thursday; S is Saturday OR Sunday
        if not run:
            #sys.stderr.write('Not running because today is %s but --runon=%s was specified\n' % (weekday, ' '.join(parms.runon)))
            sys.exit(0)  # Not running is a normal exit.
    # OK, we are running.  Figure out the dates to use.
    if parms.todate:
        cleanedtodate = cleandate(parms.todate, usetmyear=False)
        # Go forward to the first date with data on or after the date specified
        curs.execute("SELECT MIN(loadedfor) FROM loaded where tablename = 'clubs' AND loadedfor >= %s", (cleanedtodate,))
        todate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
        if todate is None:
            todate = cleanedtodate
        # We want the last date in the database
        curs.execute("SELECT MAX(loadedfor) FROM loaded WHERE tablename = 'clubs'")
        todate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])

    if parms.fromdate:
        fromdate = cleandate(parms.fromdate,usetmyear=False)
        # Go backwards to the last date with data on or before the date specified 
        curs.execute("SELECT MAX(loadedfor) FROM loaded where tablename = 'clubs' AND loadedfor <= %s", (fromdate,))
        fromdate = stringify(curs.fetchone()[0])
Ejemplo n.º 22
if 'TM_DIRECTORY' in os.environ:

# Handle parameters
parms = tmparms.tmparms()
parms.parser.add_argument("--date", dest='date', default='today')
parms.add_argument('--newAlignment', dest='newAlignment', default=None, help='Overrides area/division data from the CLUBS table.')
parms.add_argument('--mapoverride', dest='mapoverride', default=None, help='Google spreadsheet with overriding address and coordinate information')

# Do global setup
conn = globals.conn
curs = globals.curs

parms.date = cleandate(parms.date)

# Promote information from parms.makemap if not already specified
parms.mapoverride = parms.mapoverride if parms.mapoverride else parms.makemap.get('mapoverride',None)

# Get the club information for the specified date
clubs = Club.getClubsOn(curs, parms.date)

# And remove suspended clubs.
clubs = removeSuspendedClubs(clubs, curs)

# And override it if needed.
if parms.newAlignment:
    overrideClubs(clubs, parms.newAlignment, exclusive=False)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    clauses = []
    # Figure out the timeframe for the queries.
    today = datetime.datetime.today()

    if parms.lastmonth:
        month = today.month - 1
        year = today.year
        if month <= 0:
            month = 12
            year = year - 1
        clauses.append('MONTH(awarddate) = %d' % month)
        timestamp = 'during ' + datetime.date(year, month, 1).strftime('%B, %Y')

        firstdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tmutil.cleandate(parms.since), '%Y-%m-%d')
        clauses.append("awarddate >= '%s'" % firstdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
        timestamp = 'since {d:%B} {d.day}, {d.year}'.format(d=firstdate)

    if not parms.include_hpl:
        clauses.append('award != "LDREXC"')

#    if parms.district:
#        clauses.append('district = %s' % parms.district)

    #remove non pathways:
Ejemplo n.º 24
    # Handle parameters
    parms = tmparms.tmparms()
    parms.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='count')
    parms.add_argument('--clubsonly', action='store_true')
                       help="Date to reset the database to.")
    # Add other parameters here

    # Do global setup
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn

    # Your main program begins here.
    resetdate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.resetto)
    print('Resetting %sdatabase to %s' %
          ('CLUBS and CLUBCHANGES tables in ' if parms.clubsonly else '',

    # Reset LOADED; reset the performance tables (if called for)
    # NOTE:  Does NOT reset the entrytype in the performance tables to match the latest for each club.
    if parms.clubsonly:
            "DELETE FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor > %s AND tablename = 'clubs'",
            (resetdate, ))
        curs.execute("DELETE FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor > %s", (resetdate, ))
            "DELETE FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor > %s AND tablename LIKE '%%perf'",
            (resetdate, ))
Ejemplo n.º 25
  # Handle parameters
  parms = tmparms.tmparms()
  parms.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='count')
  parms.add_argument('resetto', default='yesterday', help="Date to reset the database to.")
  # Add other parameters here
  # Connect to the database        
  conn = dbconn.dbconn(parms.dbhost, parms.dbuser, parms.dbpass, parms.dbname)
  curs = conn.cursor()
  # Your main program begins here.
  resetdate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.resetto)
  print 'Resetting database to', resetdate
  # Do the straightforward resets
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor > %s", (resetdate,))
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM areaperf WHERE asof > %s", (resetdate, ))
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM clubperf WHERE asof > %s", (resetdate, ))
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM distperf WHERE asof > %s", (resetdate, ))
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM clubchanges WHERE changedate > %s", (resetdate,))
  # Take care of clubs
  # First, remove any items whose first date is after the resetdate
  curs.execute("DELETE FROM clubs WHERE firstdate > %s", (resetdate,))
  # And now, reset any items whose last date is after the resetdate
  curs.execute("UPDATE clubs SET lastdate = %s where lastdate > %s", (resetdate, resetdate))
Ejemplo n.º 26
parms.parser.add_argument("--date", dest='date', default=None)

# Do global setup
conn = globals.conn
curs = globals.curs

date = parms.date
have = {}
want = ['clubs', 'clubperf', 'distperf', 'areaperf']
for x in want:
    have[x] = False
count = 0
if date:
    date = tmutil.cleandate(date)
    # All tables have to be there for the specified date.
    curs.execute("SELECT tablename FROM loaded WHERE loadedfor='%s'"% (date))
    for x in curs.fetchall():
        have[x[0]] = True
        count += 1
    curs.execute("SELECT tablename FROM loaded WHERE (loadedfor=%s OR loadedfor=%s) AND tablename IN ('clubperf', 'distperf', 'areaperf', 'clubs') GROUP BY tablename", (today, yesterday))
    for x in curs.fetchall():
        have[x[0]] = True
        count += 1
if count == len(want):
    sys.exit(0)   # Success!
if count == 3 and not have['clubs']:
    print('Only clubs table is not current')
Ejemplo n.º 27

# Establish parameters
parms = tmparms.tmparms()
parms.parser.add_argument("--enddate", dest='enddate', type=str, default='6/30')
parms.parser.add_argument("--startdate", dest="startdate", type=str, default="M5")
parms.parser.add_argument("--outfileprefix", dest='outfileprefix', type=str, default='revup')
parms.parser.add_argument("--required", dest="required", type=int, default=3)

# Set up global environment
myglobals = tmglobals.tmglobals(parms)

conn = myglobals.conn
curs = myglobals.curs
today = myglobals.today
enddate = cleandate(parms.enddate, usetmyear=True)

qparms = []
qpart1 = "SELECT clubperf.clubnumber, clubperf.clubname, clubperf.activemembers - old.activemembers AS delta FROM clubperf INNER JOIN "
qpart2 = "(SELECT clubnumber, clubname, activemembers FROM clubperf WHERE "

if parms.startdate.startswith('M'):
    qpart2 += "entrytype = 'M' AND district = %s AND monthstart = %s"
    qparms += [parms.district, f"{today.year}-{('0'+parms.startdate[1:])[-2:]}-01"]
    qpart2 += "entrytype = 'L' AND district = %s"
    qparms += [parms.district]

qpart2 += ") old ON old.clubnumber = clubperf.clubnumber WHERE "
Ejemplo n.º 28
    parms.add_argument('--requireopenhouse', action='store_true')

    #Do global setup
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn
    # Connect to the database        
    conn = dbconn.dbconn(parms.dbhost, parms.dbuser, parms.dbpass, parms.dbname)
    curs = conn.cursor()
    # Your main program begins here.
    # Figure out the full base and final dates, anchoring them in the current TM year
    basedate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.basedate)
    finaldate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.finaldate)
    # Also figure out the term end date we need, anchored to the calendar year
    renewtodate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.renewto, usetmyear=False)
    # Get all clubs for this year; we'll sort out suspended clubs later if need be
    clubs = Club.getClubsOn(curs)
    # And index them by name as well as number; set memdiff = 0 for each club.
    clubsByName = {}
    for c in list(clubs.keys()):
        clubs[c].memdiff = 0
        clubs[c].openhouse = False
        clubs[c].earnings = 0
        clubname = simplify(clubs[c].clubname)
        clubsByName[clubname] = clubs[c]
Ejemplo n.º 29
    parms.parser.add_argument("--sender", dest='sender')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--reply-to", dest='replyto')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--to", dest='to', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--cc", dest='cc', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.parser.add_argument("--bcc", dest='bcc', nargs='+', default=[], action='append')
    parms.add_argument('--fromdate', default='yesterday', dest='fromdate', help="First date for congrats.")
    parms.add_argument('--todate', default='yesterday', dest='todate', help="Last date for congrats")
    parms.add_argument('--dryrun', action='store_true', help="Don't send letters; do say who they'd go to.")
    # Do global setup
    myglobals.setup(parms, sections='awardmail')
    curs = myglobals.curs
    conn = myglobals.conn
    parms.fromdate = cleandate(parms.fromdate)
    parms.todate = cleandate(parms.todate)

    parms.sender = parms.__dict__['from']    

    report = []
    # Find anyone who earned one or more awards in the time period in question      

    curs.execute("SELECT awarddate, membername FROM awards WHERE awarddate >= %s AND awarddate <= %s AND acknowledged = 0 AND award != 'LDREXC' GROUP BY awarddate, membername ORDER BY awarddate, membername", (parms.fromdate, parms.todate))
    targetlist = curs.fetchall()
    # Now, for each person/date, get all of their info and generate the letter:
    for (awarddate, membername) in targetlist:
Ejemplo n.º 30
def doDailyClubs(infile, conn, cdate, firsttime=False):
    """ infile is a file-like object """
    global changecount
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    curs = conn.cursor()
    reader = csv.reader(infile)

    hline = next(reader)
    headers = cleanheaders(hline)

        clubcol = headers.index("clubnumber")
    except ValueError:
        if not hline[0].startswith('{"Message"'):
            print("'clubnumber' not in '%s'" % hline)

        prospectiveclubcol = headers.index("prospectiveclub")
    except ValueError:
        prospectiveclubcol = False

    # Find out what fields we have in the database itself
    dbfields = []
    curs.execute("describe clubs")
    for l in curs.fetchall():

    inform("clubs for", cdate, suppress=1)
    dbheaders = [p for p in headers]

    # Convert between Toastmasters' names for address and location and ours; they've changed it a few times.  *sigh*
    if "address1" in dbheaders:
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index("address1")
        addrcol1 = dbheaders.index("location")
    if "address2" in dbheaders:
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index("address2")
        addrcol2 = dbheaders.index("address")

    dbheaders[addrcol1] = "place"
    dbheaders[addrcol2] = "address"
    expectedheaderscount = len(dbheaders)
    dbheaders.append("lastdate")  # For now...

    areacol = dbheaders.index("area")
    divisioncol = dbheaders.index("division")
    statecol = dbheaders.index("state")

    # Now, suppress anything in the file that's not in the database:
    suppress = []
    oldheaders = dbheaders
    dbheaders = []
    for i in range(len(oldheaders)):
        if oldheaders[i] in dbfields:
    suppress.reverse()  # We remove these columns from the input


    # We need to get clubs for the most recent update so we know whether to update an entry
    #   or start a new one.
    yesterday = datetime.strftime(
        datetime.strptime(cdate, "%Y-%m-%d") - timedelta(1), "%Y-%m-%d")
    clubhist = Club.getClubsOn(curs, date=yesterday)

    for row in reader:
        if len(row) < expectedheaderscount:
            break  # we're finished
        if prospectiveclubcol is not None and row[prospectiveclubcol]:
            continue  # Ignore prospective clubs

        for i in suppress:
            del row[i]

        if len(row) > expectedheaderscount:
            # Special case...Millbrae somehow snuck two club websites in!
            row[16] = row[16] + "," + row[17]
            del row[17]

        # print row[addrcol1]
        # print row[addrcol2]
        # Now, clean up the address:
        # Address line 1 is "place" information and can be multiple lines.
        # Address line 2 is the real address and should be treated as one line, with spaces normalized.
        place = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in row[addrcol1].split("  ")])
        row[addrcol1] = place
        address = normalize(row[addrcol2])
        row[addrcol2] = address

        # Toastmasters is currently reversing the "Area" and "Division" items.  "Area" should be a
        #    number; if not, swap the two.
            thearea = row[areacol]
            thedivision = row[divisioncol]
            areanum = int(row[areacol])
        except ValueError:
            row[areacol] = thedivision
            row[divisioncol] = thearea

        # Collapse state names into their abbreviations
        if row[statecol] in statelist:
            row[statecol] = statelist[row[statecol]]

        # Get the right number of items into the row by setting today as the
        #   tentative first and last date

        # And create the object
        club = Club(row)

        # Now, clean up things coming from Toastmasters

        if club.clubstatus.startswith("Open") or club.clubstatus.startswith(
            club.clubstatus = "Open"
            club.clubstatus = "Restricted"

        # Clean up the club and district numbers and the area
        club.clubnumber = cleanitem(club.clubnumber)
        club.district = cleanitem(club.district)
        club.area = cleanitem(club.area)

        # If a club is partially unassigned, mark it as completely unassigned.
        if ((club.area == "0A") or (club.area == "0D")
                or (club.division == "0D") or (club.division == "0A")):
            club.area = "0A"
            club.division = "0D"

        # Clean up the charter date
        if not club.charterdate.strip():
            continue  # This is a prospective club that Toastmasters didn't mark properly; ignore it.
        club.charterdate = cleandate(club.charterdate)

        # Clean up advanced status
        club.advanced = "1" if (club.advanced != "") else "0"

        # Clean up online status
        club.allowsonlineattendance = ("1" if
                                       (club.allowsonlineattendance != "") else

        # Add missing schemes to any URLs

        # Now, take care of missing latitude/longitude
        if ("latitude") in dbheaders:
                club.latitude = float(club.latitude)
            except ValueError:
                club.latitude = 0.0
            club.latitude = 0.0

        if ("longitude") in dbheaders:
                club.longitude = float(club.longitude)
            except ValueError:
                club.longitude = 0.0
            club.longitude = 0.0

        # Sometimes, Toastmasters gets the latitude and longitude backwards
        # If that turns out to create an impossible location (which it will in California),
        #    let's swap them.
        if abs(club.latitude) > 90.0:
            (club.latitude, club.longitude) = (club.longitude, club.latitude)

        # And put it into the database if need be
        if club.clubnumber in clubhist:
            changes = different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber],
            changes = []

        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist and not firsttime:
            # This is a new (or reinstated) club; note it in the changes database.
                'INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, "New Club", "", "")',
                (club.clubnumber, cdate),

        if club.clubnumber not in clubhist or changes:
            club.firstdate = club.lastdate
            # Encode newlines in the place as double-semicolons for the database
            club.place = club.place.replace("\n", ";;")
            values = [club.__dict__[x] for x in dbheaders]

            # And then put the place back into normal form
            club.place = club.place.replace(";;", "\n")

            thestr = ("INSERT IGNORE INTO clubs (" + ",".join(dbheaders) +
                      ") VALUES (" + ",".join(["%s"
                                               for each in values]) + ");")

                changecount += curs.execute(thestr, values)
            except Exception as e:
            # Capture changes
            for (item, old, new) in changes:
                if item == "place":
                    # Clean up the place (old and new) for the database
                    old = old.replace("\n", ";;")
                    new = new.replace("\n", ";;")
                        "INSERT IGNORE INTO clubchanges (clubnumber, changedate, item, old, new) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                        (club.clubnumber, cdate, item, old, new),
                except Exception as e:
            clubhist[club.clubnumber] = club
            if different(club, clubhist[club.clubnumber], dbheaders[:-2]):
                print("it's different after being set.")
            # update the lastdate
            changecount += curs.execute(
                "UPDATE clubs SET lastdate = %s WHERE clubnumber = %s AND lastdate = %s;",
                (cdate, club.clubnumber, clubhist[club.clubnumber].lastdate),

    # If all the files were processed, today's work is done.
        'INSERT IGNORE INTO loaded (tablename, loadedfor) VALUES ("clubs", %s)',
        (cdate, ),
Ejemplo n.º 31
    parms.add_argument('--requireopenhouse', action='store_true')

    #Do global setup
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn

    # Connect to the database
    conn = dbconn.dbconn(parms.dbhost, parms.dbuser, parms.dbpass,
    curs = conn.cursor()

    # Your main program begins here.

    # Figure out the full base and final dates, anchoring them in the current TM year
    basedate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.basedate)
    finaldate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.finaldate)
    # Also figure out the term end date we need, anchored to the calendar year
    renewtodate = tmutil.cleandate(parms.renewto, usetmyear=False)

    # And get the clubs on the base date
    clubs = Club.getClubsOn(curs, date=basedate)

    # And index them by name as well as number; set memdiff = 0 for each club.
    clubsByName = {}
    for c in list(clubs.keys()):
        clubs[c].memdiff = 0
        clubs[c].openhouse = False
        clubs[c].earnings = 0
        clubname = simplify(clubs[c].clubname)
        clubsByName[clubname] = clubs[c]
Ejemplo n.º 32
    curs = globals.curs
    conn = globals.conn

    # See if we have the data needed to run and build the base part of the query
    if parms.basedate.upper().startswith('M'):
        basemonth = int(parms.basedate[1:])
        if not isMonthFinal(basemonth, curs):
        basepart = 'monthstart = "%s" AND entrytype = "M"' % getMonthStart(
            basemonth, curs)
        friendlybase = 'New Members on %s' % neaten(getMonthEnd(basemonth))
        msgdate = datetime.date(globals.today.year, basemonth + 1, 1)
        if basemonth == 12:
            msgdate = datetime.date(globals.today.year, 1, 1)
        basedate = cleandate(parms.basedate)
        if not haveDataFor(basedate, curs):
        basepart = 'asof = "%s"' % basedate
        msgdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(basedate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        friendlybase = 'New Members on %s' % neaten(msgdate)
    msgbase = dateAsWords(msgdate)

    # Figure out the end date and build that part of the query
    yesterday = cleandate('yesterday')
    if parms.finaldate.upper().startswith('M'):
        finalmonth = int(parms.finaldate[1:])
        msgdate = getMonthEnd(finalmonth)
        if isMonthFinal(finalmonth, curs):
            finalpart = 'monthstart = "%s" AND entrytype = "M"' % getMonthStart(
                finalmonth, curs)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def cleandate(s):
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(tmutil.cleandate(s, usetmyear=False), '%Y-%m-%d').date()