Ejemplo n.º 1
    def remove_node_presence(self,node,time):
        Remove node and its interactions over the period

        :param node: node to remove
        :param time: a period, couple (start, stop) or an interval
        if not isinstance(time,Intervals):
            time= Intervals(time)

        if self._graph.has_node(node):
            self._graph.nodes()[node]["t"]= self._graph.nodes()[node]["t"]-time
            if self._graph.nodes()[node]["t"].duration()==0:

            if self._start in time or self._end in time or time.end()==self._end:
                new_max = -math.inf
                new_min = math.inf
                for k,v in self.node_presence().items():
                    new_max = max(new_max,v.end())
                    new_min = min(new_min,v.start())

                self._start = new_min
                self._end = new_max
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def cumulated_graph(self, times=None):
        Compute the cumulated graph.

        Return a networkx graph corresponding to the cumulated graph of the given period (whole graph by default)

        :param times: Intervals object or list of pairs (start, end)
        :return: a networkx (weighted) graph

        if times == None:
            times = Intervals([(self._start, self._end)])
        elif not isinstance(times, Intervals):
            times = Intervals(times)

        to_return = nx.Graph()
        for n, t in nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, "t").items():
            intersect = t.intersection(times)
            to_return.add_node(n, weight=intersect.duration())

        for (u, v), t in nx.get_edge_attributes(self._graph, "t").items():
            intersect = t.intersection(times)
            to_return.add_edge(u, v, weight=intersect.duration())

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def local_format_to_dyn_graph(self):
        to_return = dn.DynGraphIG()
        for n in self._dyn_graph_nodes:
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_nodes[n])

        for e in self._dyn_graph_edges:
            [n1,n2] = list(e)
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_edges[e])

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def local_format_to_dyn_graph(self):
        to_return = dn.DynGraphIG()
        for n in self._dyn_graph_nodes:
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_nodes[n])
            print(n, intv)
            to_return.add_node_presence(n, intv)
        print(nx.get_node_attributes(to_return._graph, "t"))

        for e in self._dyn_graph_edges:
            [n1, n2] = list(e)
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_edges[e])
            to_return._add_interaction_safe(n1, n2, intv)
        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _to_DynCommunitiesIG_fast(self):
        Work only in the standard represntation: all sn have duration 1, no missing snapshot
        dyn_com_local = {}
        for t, part in self.snapshot_communities().items():
            for id, nodes in part.items():
                for n in nodes:
                    name = id
                    dyn_com_local.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(n, [])
                    if len(dyn_com_local[name]
                           [n]) > 0 and dyn_com_local[name][n][-1][-1] == t:
                        dyn_com_local[name][n][-1] = (
                            dyn_com_local[name][n][-1][0], t + 1)
                        dyn_com_local[name][n].append((t, t + 1))

        to_return_com = tn.DynCommunitiesIG()

        for c in dyn_com_local:
            for n in dyn_com_local[c]:
                dyn_com_local[c][n] = Intervals(dyn_com_local[c][n])

        return to_return_com
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def cumulated_graph(self, times=None, weighted=True):
        Compute the cumulated graph.

        Return a networkx graph corresponding to the cumulated graph of the given period (whole graph by default)

        :param times: a pair (start,end)
        :return: a networkx (weighted) graph

        if times == None:
            times = (self._start, self._end)

        times_interval = Intervals(times)

        to_return = nx.Graph()
        for n, t in nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, "t").items():
            intersect = t.intersection(times_interval)
            if weighted:
                to_return.add_node(n, weight=intersect.duration())

        for (u, v), t in nx.get_edge_attributes(self._graph, "t").items():
            intersect = list(
                t.irange(times[0], times[1], inclusive=(True, False)))
            if len(intersect) > 0:
                if weighted:
                    to_return.add_edge(u, v, weight=len(intersect))
                    to_return.add_edge(u, v)

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_inf(self):

        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((10, np.inf))
        anInt.add_interval((20, np.inf))
        self.assertEqual([(10, np.inf)], anInt.periods())
        anInt._substract_one_period((20, np.inf))
        self.assertEqual([(10, 20)], anInt.periods())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def slice(self, start, end):
        Keep only the selected period

        :param start: time of the beginning of the slice
        :param end: time of the end of the slice

        to_return = tn.DynGraphIG()
        slice_time = Intervals((start, end))
        for n, presence in self.node_presence().items():
            to_return.add_node_presence(n, slice_time.intersection(presence))
        for e, presence in self.interactions().items():
            to_return.add_interaction(e[0], e[1],

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add_node_presence(self, n, time):
        Add presence for a node for a period

        :param n: node
        :param time: a period, couple (start, stop) or an interval

        if not isinstance(time, Intervals):
            time = Intervals(time)

        if not self._graph.has_node(n):
            self._graph.add_node(n, t=time)
            self._graph.nodes[n]["t"] += time

        self._start = min(self._start, time.start())
        self._end = max(self._end, time.end())
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _local_formats_to_dyn_structures(self):
        to_return_graph = dn.DynGraphIG()
        for n in self._dyn_graph_local_nodes:
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_local_nodes[n])
            to_return_graph.add_node_presence(n, intv)

        for e in self._dyn_graph_local_edges:
            [n1, n2] = list(e)
            intv = Intervals(self._dyn_graph_local_edges[e])
            to_return_graph._add_interaction_safe(n1, n2, intv)

        for c in self._dyn_com_local:
            for n in self._dyn_com_local[c]:
                self._dyn_com_local[c][n] = Intervals(
        to_return_com = dn.DynCommunitiesIG()
        return to_return_graph, to_return_com
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def to_DynGraphSN(self, slices=None):
        Convert to a snapshot representation.

        :param slices: can be one of

        - None, snapshot_affiliations are created such as a new snapshot is created at every node/edge change,
        - an integer, snapshot_affiliations are created using a sliding window
        - a list of periods, represented as pairs (start, end), each period yielding a snapshot

        :return: a dynamic graph represented as snapshot_affiliations, the weight of nodes/edges correspond to their presence time during the snapshot

        dgSN = tn.DynGraphSN()
        if slices == None:
            times = self.change_times()
            slices = [(times[i], times[i + 1]) for i in range(len(times) - 1)]

        if isinstance(slices, int):
            duration = slices
            slices = []
            start = self.start
            end = start + duration
            while (end <= self.end):
                end = start + duration
                slices.append((start, end))
                start = end
                end = end + duration
        for ts in slices:
            dgSN.add_snapshot(t=ts[0], graphSN=nx.Graph())

        for n, interv in self.node_presence().items():
            for ts in slices:
                presence = interv.intersection(Intervals([ts])).duration()
                if presence > 0:
                    dgSN.snapshots(ts[0]).add_node(n, weight=presence)

        for e, interv in self.interactions().items():
            for ts in slices:
                presence = interv.intersection(Intervals([ts])).duration()
                if presence > 0:
                    dgSN.snapshots(ts[0]).add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=presence)

        return dgSN
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def add_interaction(self, u, v, time):
        Add an interaction between nodes u and v at time time

        :param u: first node
        :param b: second node
        :param time: pair (start,end) or Intervals

        if not isinstance(time, Intervals):
            time = Intervals(time)
        self.add_node_presence(u, time)
        self.add_node_presence(v, time)

        self._add_interaction_safe(u, v, time)

        start = time.start()
        end = time.end()
        self._start = min(self._start, start)
        self._end = max(self._end, end)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def slice(self, start, end):
        Keep only the selected period

        :param start: time of the beginning of the slice (inclusive)
        :param end: time of the end of the slice (exclusive)

        to_return = tn.DynGraphLS()
        slice_time = Intervals((start, end))
        for n, presence in self.node_presence().items():
            duration = slice_time.intersection(presence)
            if duration.duration() > 0:
                to_return.add_node_presence(n, duration)

        for e, presence in self.interactions_intervals().items():
            to_return.add_interaction(e[0], e[1], presence.islice(start, end))
            to_return.add_interaction(e[0], e[1],

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def slice(self,start,end):
        Keep only the selected period

        :param start: time of the beginning of the slice
        :param end: time of the end of the slice

        to_return = tn.DynGraphIG()
        slice_time = Intervals((start,end))
        for n,presence in self.node_presence().items():
            duration = slice_time.intersection(presence)
            if duration.duration()>0:

        for e,presence in self.interactions_intervals().items():
            el = list(e)
            duration = slice_time.intersection(presence)
            if duration.duration()>0:

        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def to_DynCommunitiesIG(self, sn_duration, convertTimeToInteger=False):
        Convert to SG communities

        :param sn_duration: time of a snapshot, or None for automatic: each snapshot last until start of the next
        :param convertTimeToInteger: if True, communities IDs will be forgottent and replaced by consecutive integers
        :return: DynamicCommunitiesIG

        dynComTN = tn.DynCommunitiesIG()
        for i in range(len(self.snapshots)):
            if convertTimeToInteger:
                t = i
                tNext = i + 1
                current_t = self.snapshots.peekitem(i)[0]

                if sn_duration != None:
                    tNext = current_t + sn_duration

                    if i < len(self.snapshots) - 1:
                        tNext = self.snapshots.peekitem(i + 1)[0]
                        # computing the min duration to choose as duration of the last period
                        dates = list(self.snapshots.keys())
                        minDuration = min([
                            dates[i + 1] - dates[i]
                            for i in range(len(dates) - 1)
                        tNext = current_t + minDuration

            for (cID, nodes) in self.snapshots.peekitem(
                    i)[1].items():  #for each community for this timestep
                dynComTN.add_affiliation(nodes, cID,
                                         Intervals((current_t, tNext)))

        #convert also events
        for (u, v, d) in self.events.edges(data=True):
            if d["type"] != "continue":  #if communities have different IDs
                dynComTN.events.add_event(u[1], v[1], d["time"][0],
                                          d["time"][1], d["type"])
        return dynComTN
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _add_interaction_safe(self, u, v, time):
        Same as add_interaction but do not modify nodes presences to save time. To use only if nodes
        have been added manually first

        :param u:
        :param v:
        :param time: pair or directly an Intervals object

        if not self._graph.has_edge(u, v):
            self._graph.add_edge(u, v, t=Intervals())

        if isinstance(time, Intervals):
            self._graph.add_edge(u, v, t=time)
            start = time[0]
            end = time[1]
            self._graph[u][v]["t"].add_interval((start, end))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def add_node_presence(self, n, time):
        Add presence for a node for a period

        :param n: node
        :param time: a period, couple (start, stop)

        if not self._graph.has_node(n):
            self._graph.add_node(n, t=Intervals())

        if isinstance(time, Intervals):
            self._graph.node[n]["t"] = time
            start = time[0]
            stop = time[1]
            self._graph.node[n]["t"].add_interval((start, stop))

        start = time[0]
        end = time[1]
        self.start = min(self.start, start)
        self.end = max(self.end, end)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_union(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((5, 10))

        another = Intervals()
        another.add_interval((3, 105))

        test1 = another.union(anInt)
        test2 = anInt.union(another)
        self.assertEqual(test1, test2)
        self.assertEqual(test1, another)

        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((5, 10))

        another = Intervals()
        another.add_interval((30, 105))

        test1 = another.union(anInt)
        test2 = anInt.union(another)
        self.assertEqual(test1, test2)
        self.assertEqual(test1, Intervals([(5, 10), (30, 105)]))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_addingIntervals(self):
     anInt = Intervals()
     anInt.add_interval((2, 3))
     anInt.add_interval((5, 7))
     results = anInt.periods()
     self.assertEqual(results, [(2, 3), (5, 7)])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_addingIntervalsComplex(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((2, 3))

        anInt.add_interval((5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 3), (5, 6)])

        anInt.add_interval((6, 10))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 3), (5, 10)])

        anInt.add_interval((20, 100))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 3), (5, 10), (20, 100)])

        anInt.add_interval((101, 201))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 3), (5, 10), (20, 100),
                                           (101, 201)])

        anInt.add_interval((100, 101))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 3), (5, 10), (20, 201)])

        anInt.add_interval((3, 300))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(2, 300)])
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_addingOverlappingIntervals2(self):
     anInt = Intervals()
     anInt.add_interval((2, 3))
     anInt.add_interval((0, 5))
     results = anInt.periods()
     self.assertEqual(results, [(0, 5)])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_intersect(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((5, 10))
        anInt.add_interval((12, 20))
        anInt.add_interval((50, 100))

        another = Intervals()
        another.add_interval((3, 105))

        test1 = another.intersection(anInt)
        test2 = anInt.intersection(another)
        self.assertEqual(test1, test2)
        self.assertEqual(test1, anInt)

        another = Intervals()
        another.add_interval((3, 18))

        test1 = another.intersection(anInt)

        self.assertEqual(test1.periods(), [(5, 10), (12, 18)])

        another = Intervals()
        another.add_interval((19, 55))
        test1 = anInt.intersection(another)

        self.assertEqual(test1.periods(), [(19, 20), (50, 55)])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_delete(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((10, 100))

        anInt._substract_one_period((20, 30))
        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(10, 20), (30, 100)])
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_deleteComplete(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((10, 100))
        anInt.add_interval((200, 300))

        anInt._substract_one_period((5, 15))
        self.assertEqual([(15, 100), (200, 300)], anInt.periods())

        anInt._substract_one_period((20, 30))
        self.assertEqual([(15, 20), (30, 100), (200, 300)], anInt.periods())

        anInt._substract_one_period((0, 300))
        self.assertEqual([], anInt.periods())
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_oneInterval(self):
     anInt = Intervals()
     anInt.add_interval((2, 3))
     results = anInt.periods()
     self.assertEqual(results, [(2, 3)])
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_delete2(self):
        anInt = Intervals()
        anInt.add_interval((10, 100))
        anInt.add_interval((200, 300))

        anInt._substract_one_period((0, 5))
        anInt._substract_one_period((150, 160))
        anInt._substract_one_period((350, 450))

        self.assertEqual(anInt.periods(), [(10, 100), (200, 300)])