def mark_task_as_done(task_id): """Marks task as done""" list_name = folder + default_listname + list_extension todo_list = TodoList(list_name) removed_text = todo_list.remove(task_id) print "Removed '%s' from %s" % (removed_text, default_listname + list_extension)
def add_task(task): """Adds an item to the default list""" list_name = folder + default_listname + list_extension todo_list = TodoList(list_name) todo_list.add(task) print "Added to '%s' to %s" % (task, default_listname + list_extension)
def command_loop(self): """Main command loop for todo list application""" self.show_banner() # This class manages my todo list tdlist = TodoList() # Current command the user entered command = "" # Main command loop - ask for the command and execute it. Quit if user enters 'quit' while command != "quit": command = raw_input("What is your command: ").strip().lower() if not command: continue if command == "quit": break #print "Executing", command if command == 'add': self.add_command(tdlist) else: print "Unknown command:", command if command =='save': self.save_command(tdlist) else: print "Uknown command:", command print "Goodbye"
def add_new_subtask(item_id, new_item): """ new_item should be item of type Task, Project, Note or string, in that case it's assumed that it's task """ if isinstance(new_item, str): new_item = TodoList([Task('- ' + new_item)]) TodoList.items_by_id[item_id].append_subtasks(new_item)
class TestTodolist(TestCase): def setUp(self): TestCase.setUp(self) = TodoList("todo.txt") def test_dateparser(self): tests = ["today", "tomorrow", "2012-02-28_17", "21.4.", "17:30"] for i in tests: assert isinstance(, datetime.datetime)
def tag_dependand_action(item_id): item = TodoList.get_item(item_id) if item.has_tag('@web'):'@web')) if item.has_tag('@file'):'@file')) if item.has_any_tags(['@download', '@tvseries']): action.alfread_search('pb ' + item.get_content()) if item.has_any_tags(['@search', '@research']): action.alfread_search('g ' + item.get_content()) action.put_to_clipboard(item.get_content())
def archive(tlist, archive_tlist=None): """ moves @done items to first project of title Archive assumes that it exsits if `archive_tlist` is not specified puts archived items to itself """ done = tlist.filter('@done and project != Archive', remove=True) done_list = done.deep_copy().flatten() if not archive_tlist: archive_tlist = tlist arch_id = archive_tlist.find_project_id_by_title('Archive') TodoList.items_by_id[arch_id].prepend_subtasks(TodoList(done_list))
def main(): def create_error_monitor(): class _App(App): theme_cls = ThemeManager() theme_cls.primary_palette = 'BlueGrey' def build(self): box = BoxLayout() box.add_widget(report) return box app = _App() app = None try: from todolist import TodoList # основной класс программы # Запуск приложения. app = TodoList() except Exception: from import App from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout text_error = traceback.format_exc() print(text_error) traceback.print_exc( file=open(os.path.join(directory, 'error.log'), 'w')) if app: try: app.stop() except AttributeError: app = None def callback_report(*args): '''Функция отправки баг-репорта.''' try: txt = six.moves.urllib.parse.quote( report.txt_traceback.text.encode('utf-8')) url = '' % NICK_NAME_AND_NAME_REPOSITORY + txt except Exception: sys.exit(1) report = BugReporter(callback_report=callback_report, txt_report=text_error, icon_background='data/images/icon.png') if app: try: app.screen.clear_widgets() app.screen.add_widget(report) except AttributeError: create_error_monitor() else: create_error_monitor()
def tag_dependand_action(item_id): item = TodoList.get_item(item_id) to_open = ('@mail', '@web', '@file') for tag in to_open: if item.has_tag(tag): content = item.get_content() if item.has_any_tags(['@download', '@tvseries', '@comics']): action.alfred_search('pb ' + content) if item.has_any_tags(['@search', '@research']): action.alfred_search('g ' + content) action.put_to_clipboard(content)
def todolist(): """parse list""" type_on_top = new_item = None type_to_constructor = { 'task': Task, 'project-title': Project, 'note': Note, } # depending on type on top of input # construct appropriate object if type_on_top == 'newline': self.lexer.pop() new_item = NewLineItem() elif type_on_top in type_to_constructor: new_item = parse_item(type_to_constructor[type_on_top]) elif type_on_top == 'indent': # begining of sublist new_item = parse_sublist() elif type_on_top in ('dedent', '$'): return TodoList() return TodoList([new_item]) + todolist()
def from_files(paths): """ Constructs todolist from many files, content of the file is inserted to project that has file name as title paths - collection of path or tab separated string """ if isinstance(paths, str): paths = paths.split('\t') items = [] for path in paths: path = path.rstrip() tlist = from_file(path) tlist.indent() # set file name as project title title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] + ':' p = Project(line=title, sub_tasks=tlist) p.source = path # set source to use in `save` function items.append(p) return TodoList(items)
def tag(item_id, tag, param=None): TodoList.tag(item_id, tag, param)
def do(item_id):
def get_text(item_id): return TodoList.get_text(item_id)
import json import curses from todolist import TodoItem, TodoList import argutils args = argutils.get_args() if args.list: # TODO: List sys.exit(0) if # Determine list name. Defaults to filename given. name = if else'.json', '') todos = TodoList([], name) # Decides where file will be saved, locally or globally. if args.is_global: prefix = os.environ['HOME'] + "/.corc/" if not os.path.isdir(prefix): os.mkdir(prefix) else: prefix = "./" FILE = prefix +'.json', '') + ".json" elif args.using: # TODO pass else:
def setUp(self): TestCase.setUp(self) = TodoList("todo.txt")
# This is a sample Python script. # Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code. # Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings. def print_hi(name): # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script. print(f'Hi, {name}') # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint. # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': print_hi('PyCharm') # See PyCharm help at from todolist import TodoList p = TodoList('Tarefas de Casa') p.addItem() p.addItem() p.addItem() p.addItem() p.executarTarefa() p.tarefasStatus() p.imprimir()
def remove(item_id): TodoList.remove(item_id)
result_sentence = todolist.clear_confirmed(intent_message) hermes.publish_end_session(intent_message.session_id, result_sentence) elif intentname == user_intent("showTodoList"): result_sentence = hermes.publish_end_session(intent_message.session_id, result_sentence) elif intentname == user_intent("sendTodoList"): result_sentence = todolist.send() hermes.publish_end_session(intent_message.session_id, result_sentence) def intent_not_recognized_callback(hermes, intent_message): configure_message = dialogue.DialogueConfiguration().disable_intent( user_intent("confirmTodoList")) hermes.configure_dialogue(configure_message) todolist.wanted_intents = [] hermes.publish_end_session({ 'sessionId': intent_message.session_id, 'text': "Die Tuhdu-Liste wurde nicht gelöscht." }) if __name__ == "__main__": config = read_configuration_file("config.ini") todolist = TodoList(config) with Hermes("localhost:1883") as h: h.subscribe_intents(intent_callback) h.subscribe_intent_not_recognized(intent_not_recognized_callback) h.start()
def get_content(item_id): return TodoList.get_content(item_id)
from cli import TodoListCLI from storage import load from todolist import TodoList, Todo todolist = TodoList() predefined_todos = load() for todo in predefined_todos: todolist.add(todo) todolist_cli = TodoListCLI(todolist) if __name__ == "__main__": try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def edit(item_id, new_content): TodoList.edit(item_id, new_content.decode('utf-8'))
def edit(item_id, new_content): TodoList.edit(item_id, new_content)