Ejemplo n.º 1
 def FORWPROJ(self, image):
     if (self.geom == '2D'):
         from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools
         Atools = AstraTools(self.DetectorsDimH, self.AnglesVec,
                             self.device)  # initiate 2D ASTRA class object
         sinogram = Atools.forwproj(image)
     if (self.geom == '3D'):
         from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools3D
         Atools = AstraTools3D(
             self.DetectorsDimH, self.DetectorsDimV, self.AnglesVec,
             self.ObjSize)  # initiate 3D ASTRA class object
         sinogram = Atools.forwproj(image)
     return sinogram
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def BACKPROJ(self, sinogram):
     if (self.geom == '2D'):
         from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools
         Atools = AstraTools(self.DetectorsDimH, self.AnglesVec,
                             self.device)  # initiate 2D ASTRA class object
         image = Atools.backproj(sinogram)
     if (self.geom == '3D'):
         from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools3D
         Atools = AstraTools3D(
             self.DetectorsDimH, self.DetectorsDimV, self.AnglesVec,
             self.ObjSize)  # initiate 3D ASTRA class object
         image = Atools.backproj(sinogram)
     return image
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def FBP(self, sinogram):
     from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools
     if (self.geom == '2D'):
         Atools = AstraTools(self.DetectorsDimH, self.AnglesVec, self.ObjSize, self.device) # initiate 2D ASTRA class object
         FBP_rec = Atools.fbp2D(sinogram)
     if ((self.geom == '3D') and (self.CenterRotOffset is None)):
         FBP_rec = np.zeros((self.DetectorsDimV, self.ObjSize, self.ObjSize), dtype='float32')
         Atools = AstraTools(self.DetectorsDimH, self.AnglesVec-np.pi, self.ObjSize, self.device) # initiate 2D ASTRA class object
         for i in range(0, self.DetectorsDimV):
             FBP_rec[i,:,:] = Atools.fbp2D(np.flipud(sinogram[i,:,:]))
     if ((self.geom == '3D') and (self.CenterRotOffset is not None)):
         # perform FBP using custom filtration
         from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools3D
         Atools = AstraTools3D(self.DetectorsDimH, self.DetectorsDimV, self.AnglesVec, self.CenterRotOffset, self.ObjSize) # initiate 3D ASTRA class object
         filtered_sino = filtersinc(sinogram) # filtering sinogram
         FBP_rec = Atools.backproj(filtered_sino) # backproject
     return FBP_rec
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(
            DetectorsDimH,  # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
            DetectorsDimV,  # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical) for 3D case only
            CenterRotOffset,  # Center of Rotation (CoR) scalar (for 3D case only)
            AnglesVec,  # array of angles in radians OR a (N,12) matrix containing the actual geometry.
            ObjSize,  # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
            datafidelity,  # data fidelity, choose 'LS', 'PWLS', 'GH' (wip), 'Student' (wip)
            nonnegativity,  # select 'nonnegativity' constraint (set to 'ENABLE')
            OS_number,  # the number of subsets, NONE/(or > 1) ~ classical / ordered subsets
            tolerance,  # tolerance to stop OUTER iterations earlier
        if ObjSize is tuple:
            raise (
                " Reconstruction is currently available for square or cubic objects only, provide a scalar "
            self.ObjSize = ObjSize  # size of the object

        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.datafidelity = datafidelity
        self.OS_number = OS_number
        self.DetectorsDimV = DetectorsDimV
        self.DetectorsDimH = DetectorsDimH
        if AnglesVec.ndim == 1:
            self.angles_number = len(AnglesVec)
            self.angles_number = AnglesVec.shape[0]
        if CenterRotOffset is None:
            self.CenterRotOffset = 0.0
            self.CenterRotOffset = CenterRotOffset

        # enables nonnegativity constraint
        if nonnegativity == 'ENABLE':
            self.nonnegativity = 1
            self.nonnegativity = 0

        if device is None:
            self.device = 'gpu'
            self.device = device
        if ((datafidelity != 'LS') and (datafidelity != 'PWLS')):
            raise ('Unknown data fidelity type, select: LS, PWLS')

        if DetectorsDimV is None:
            # Creating Astra class specific to 2D parallel geometry
            if ((OS_number is None) or (OS_number <= 1)):
                # classical approach
                from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools
                self.Atools = AstraTools(
                    DetectorsDimH, AnglesVec, ObjSize,
                    device)  # initiate 2D ASTRA class object
                self.OS_number = 1
                # Ordered-subset approach
                from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraToolsOS
                self.Atools = AstraToolsOS(
                    DetectorsDimH, AnglesVec, ObjSize, self.OS_number,
                    device)  # initiate 2D ASTRA class OS object
            self.geom = '2D'
            # Creating Astra class specific to 3D parallel geometry
            self.geom = '3D'
            if ((OS_number is None) or (OS_number <= 1)):
                from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraTools3D
                self.Atools = AstraTools3D(
                    DetectorsDimH, DetectorsDimV, AnglesVec,
                    ObjSize)  # initiate 3D ASTRA class object
                self.OS_number = 1
                # Ordered-subset
                from tomobar.supp.astraOP import AstraToolsOS3D
                self.Atools = AstraToolsOS3D(
                    DetectorsDimH, DetectorsDimV, AnglesVec,
                    self.CenterRotOffset, ObjSize,
                    self.OS_number)  # initiate 3D ASTRA class OS object