Ejemplo n.º 1
def _rs_filter(sinogram, window, listsign, sigma, size, pad):
    Remove stripes using the filtering technique.
    sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram)
    padded_sino = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect')
    (_, ncol) = padded_sino.shape
    sinosmooth = np.zeros_like(sinogram)
    for i, sinolist in enumerate(padded_sino):
        sinosmooth[i] = np.real(
            ifft(fft(sinolist * listsign) * window) * listsign)[pad:ncol - pad]
    sinosharp = sinogram - sinosmooth
    sinosmooth_cor = median_filter(sinosmooth, (size, 1))
    return np.transpose(sinosmooth_cor + sinosharp)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _rs_filter(sinogram, window, listsign, sigma, size, pad):
    Remove stripes using the filtering technique.
    sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram)
    padded_sino = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect')
    (_, ncol) = padded_sino.shape
    sinosmooth = np.zeros_like(sinogram)
    for i, sinolist in enumerate(padded_sino):
        sinosmooth[i] = np.real(
            ifft(fft(sinolist * listsign) * window) * listsign)[pad:ncol - pad]
    sinosharp = sinogram - sinosmooth
    sinosmooth_cor = median_filter(sinosmooth, (size, 1))
    return np.transpose(sinosmooth_cor + sinosharp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _rs_filter(sinogram, window, listsign, size, dim, pad):
    Remove stripes using the filtering technique.
    sinogram = np.transpose(sinogram)
    padded_sino = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect')
    (nrow, ncol) = padded_sino.shape
    sinosmooth = np.zeros_like(sinogram)
    for i, sinolist in enumerate(padded_sino):
        sinosmooth[i] = np.real(
            ifft(fft(sinolist * listsign) * window) * listsign)[pad:ncol - pad]
    sinosharp = sinogram - sinosmooth
    matindex = _create_matindex(nrow, ncol - 2 * pad)
    sinosmooth_cor = np.transpose(
        _rs_sort(np.transpose(sinosmooth), size, matindex, dim))
    return np.transpose(sinosmooth_cor + sinosharp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _remove_stripe_fw(tomo, level, wname, sigma, pad):
    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    nx = dx
    if pad:
        nx = dx + dx // 8
    xshift = int((nx - dx) // 2)

    num_jobs = tomo.shape[1]

    for m in range(num_jobs):
        sli = np.zeros((nx, dz), dtype='float32')
        sli[xshift:dx + xshift] = tomo[:, m, :]

        # Wavelet decomposition.
        cH = []
        cV = []
        cD = []
        for n in range(level):
            sli, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sli, wname)

        # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands.
        for n in range(level):
            # FFT
            fcV = np.fft.fftshift(fft(cV[n], axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs))
            my, mx = fcV.shape

            # Damping of ring artifact information.
            y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype='float32') + 1) / 2
            damp = -np.expm1(-np.square(y_hat) / (2 * np.square(sigma)))
            fcV *= np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1)))

            # Inverse FFT.
            cV[n] = np.real(ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(
                fcV), axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs))

        # Wavelet reconstruction.
        for n in range(level)[::-1]:
            sli = sli[0:cH[n].shape[0], 0:cH[n].shape[1]]
            sli = pywt.idwt2((sli, (cH[n], cV[n], cD[n])), wname)
        tomo[:, m, :] = sli[xshift:dx + xshift, 0:dz]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _remove_stripe_fw(tomo, level, wname, sigma, pad):
    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    nx = dx
    if pad:
        nx = dx + dx // 8
    xshift = int((nx - dx) // 2)

    num_jobs = tomo.shape[1]

    for m in range(num_jobs):
        sli = np.zeros((nx, dz), dtype='float32')
        sli[xshift:dx + xshift] = tomo[:, m, :]

        # Wavelet decomposition.
        cH = []
        cV = []
        cD = []
        for n in range(level):
            sli, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sli, wname)

        # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands.
        for n in range(level):
            # FFT
            fcV = np.fft.fftshift(fft(cV[n], axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs))
            my, mx = fcV.shape

            # Damping of ring artifact information.
            y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype='float32') + 1) / 2
            damp = -np.expm1(-np.square(y_hat) / (2 * np.square(sigma)))
            fcV *= np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1)))

            # Inverse FFT.
            cV[n] = np.real(
                ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV), axis=0, extra_info=num_jobs))

        # Wavelet reconstruction.
        for n in range(level)[::-1]:
            sli = sli[0:cH[n].shape[0], 0:cH[n].shape[1]]
            sli = pywt.idwt2((sli, (cH[n], cV[n], cD[n])), wname)
        tomo[:, m, :] = sli[xshift:dx + xshift, 0:dz]