def __init__( self, app, latest_migration_script_number, tool_shed_install_config, migrated_tools_config,
                  install_dependencies ):
        Check tool settings in tool_shed_install_config and install all repositories
        that are not already installed.  The tool panel configuration file is the received
        migrated_tools_config, which is the reserved file named migrated_tools_conf.xml.
        """ = app
        self.toolbox =
        self.migrated_tools_config = migrated_tools_config
        # Initialize the ToolPanelManager.
        self.tpm = tool_panel_manager.ToolPanelManager( )
        # If install_dependencies is True but tool_dependency_dir is not set, do not attempt
        # to install but print informative error message.
        if install_dependencies and app.config.tool_dependency_dir is None:
            message = 'You are attempting to install tool dependencies but do not have a value '
            message += 'for "tool_dependency_dir" set in your galaxy.ini file.  Set this '
            message += 'location value to the path where you want tool dependencies installed and '
            message += 'rerun the migration script.'
            raise Exception( message )
        # Get the local non-shed related tool panel configs (there can be more than one, and the
        # default name is tool_conf.xml).
        self.proprietary_tool_confs = self.non_shed_tool_panel_configs
        self.proprietary_tool_panel_elems = self.get_proprietary_tool_panel_elems( latest_migration_script_number )
        # Set the location where the repositories will be installed by retrieving the tool_path
        # setting from migrated_tools_config.
        tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( migrated_tools_config )
        if tree is None:
            print error_message
            root = tree.getroot()
            self.tool_path = root.get( 'tool_path' )
            print "Repositories will be installed into configured tool_path location ", str( self.tool_path )
            # Parse tool_shed_install_config to check each of the tools.
            self.tool_shed_install_config = tool_shed_install_config
            tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( tool_shed_install_config )
            if tree is None:
                print error_message
                root = tree.getroot()
                defined_tool_shed_url = root.get( 'name' )
                self.tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(, defined_tool_shed_url )
                self.tool_shed = common_util.remove_protocol_and_port_from_tool_shed_url( self.tool_shed_url )
                self.repository_owner = common_util.REPOSITORY_OWNER
                index, self.shed_config_dict = self.tpm.get_shed_tool_conf_dict( self.migrated_tools_config )
                # Since tool migration scripts can be executed any number of times, we need to
                # make sure the appropriate tools are defined in tool_conf.xml.  If no tools
                # associated with the migration stage are defined, no repositories will be installed
                # on disk.  The default behavior is that the tool shed is down.
                tool_shed_accessible = False
                tool_panel_configs = common_util.get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs( app )
                if tool_panel_configs:
                    # The missing_tool_configs_dict contents are something like:
                    # {'emboss_antigenic.xml': [('emboss', '5.0.0', 'package', '\nreadme blah blah blah\n')]}
                    tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict = \
                        common_util.check_for_missing_tools( app,
                                                             latest_migration_script_number )
                    # It doesn't matter if the tool shed is accessible since there are no migrated
                    # tools defined in the local Galaxy instance, but we have to set the value of
                    # tool_shed_accessible to True so that the value of migrate_tools.version can
                    # be correctly set in the database.
                    tool_shed_accessible = True
                    missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
                if tool_shed_accessible:
                    if len( self.proprietary_tool_confs ) == 1:
                        plural = ''
                        file_names = self.proprietary_tool_confs[ 0 ]
                        plural = 's'
                        file_names = ', '.join( self.proprietary_tool_confs )
                    if missing_tool_configs_dict:
                        for proprietary_tool_conf in self.proprietary_tool_confs:
                            # Create a backup of the tool configuration in the un-migrated state.
                            shutil.copy( proprietary_tool_conf, '%s-pre-stage-%04d' % ( proprietary_tool_conf,
                                                                                        latest_migration_script_number ) )
                        for repository_elem in root:
                            # Make sure we have a valid repository tag.
                            if self.__is_valid_repository_tag( repository_elem ):
                                # Get all repository dependencies for the repository defined by the
                                # current repository_elem.  Repository dependency definitions contained
                                # in tool shed repositories with migrated tools must never define a
                                # relationship to a repository dependency that contains a tool.  The
                                # repository dependency can only contain items that are not loaded into
                                # the Galaxy tool panel (e.g., tool dependency definitions, custom datatypes,
                                # etc).  This restriction must be followed down the entire dependency hierarchy.
                                name = repository_elem.get( 'name' )
                                changeset_revision = repository_elem.get( 'changeset_revision' )
                                tool_shed_accessible, repository_dependencies_dict = \
                                    common_util.get_repository_dependencies( app,
                                                                             changeset_revision )
                                # Make sure all repository dependency records exist (as tool_shed_repository
                                # table rows) in the Galaxy database.
                                created_tool_shed_repositories = \
                                    self.create_or_update_tool_shed_repository_records( name,
                                                                                        repository_dependencies_dict )
                                # Order the repositories for proper installation.  This process is similar to the
                                # process used when installing tool shed repositories, but does not handle managing
                                # tool panel sections and other components since repository dependency definitions
                                # contained in tool shed repositories with migrated tools must never define a relationship
                                # to a repository dependency that contains a tool.
                                ordered_tool_shed_repositories = \
                                    self.order_repositories_for_installation( created_tool_shed_repositories,
                                                                              repository_dependencies_dict )

                                for tool_shed_repository in ordered_tool_shed_repositories:
                                    is_repository_dependency = self.__is_repository_dependency( name,
                                                                                                tool_shed_repository )
                                    self.install_repository( repository_elem,
                                                             is_repository_dependency=is_repository_dependency )
                        message = "\nNo tools associated with migration stage %s are defined in your " % \
                            str( latest_migration_script_number )
                        message += "file%s named %s,\nso no repositories will be installed on disk.\n" % \
                            ( plural, file_names )
                        print message
                    message = "\nThe main Galaxy tool shed is not currently available, so skipped migration stage %s.\n" % \
                        str( latest_migration_script_number )
                    message += "Try again later.\n"
                    print message
Ejemplo n.º 2
def verify_tools( app, url, galaxy_config_file, engine_options={} ):
    # Check the value in the migrate_tools.version database table column to verify that the number is in
    # sync with the number of version scripts in ~/lib/galaxy/tools/migrate/versions.
    dialect = ( url.split( ':', 1 ) )[0]
        egg = dialect_to_egg[ dialect ]
            eggs.require( egg )
            log.debug( "%s egg successfully loaded for %s dialect" % ( egg, dialect ) )
            # If the module is in the path elsewhere (i.e. non-egg), it'll still load.
            log.warning( "%s egg not found, but an attempt will be made to use %s anyway" % ( egg, dialect ) )
    except KeyError:
        # Let this go, it could possibly work with db's we don't support
        log.error( "database_connection contains an unknown SQLAlchemy database dialect: %s" % dialect )
    # Create engine and metadata
    engine = create_engine( url, **engine_options )
    meta = MetaData( bind=engine )
    # The migrate_tools table was created in database version script
    version_table = Table( "migrate_tools", meta, autoload=True )
    # Verify that the code and the database are in sync.
    db_schema = schema.ControlledSchema( engine, migrate_repository )
    latest_tool_migration_script_number = migrate_repository.versions.latest
    if latest_tool_migration_script_number != db_schema.version:
        # The default behavior is that the tool shed is down.
        tool_shed_accessible = False
        if app.new_installation:
            # New installations will not be missing tools, so we don't need to worry about them.
            missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
            tool_panel_configs = common_util.get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs( app )
            if tool_panel_configs:
                # The missing_tool_configs_dict contents are something like:
                # {'emboss_antigenic.xml': [('emboss', '5.0.0', 'package', '\nreadme blah blah blah\n')]}
                tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict = common_util.check_for_missing_tools( app,
                                                                                                       latest_tool_migration_script_number )
                # It doesn't matter if the tool shed is accessible since there are no migrated tools defined in the local Galaxy instance, but
                # we have to set the value of tool_shed_accessible to True so that the value of migrate_tools.version can be correctly set in
                # the database.
                tool_shed_accessible = True
                missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
        have_tool_dependencies = False
        for k, v in missing_tool_configs_dict.items():
            if v:
                have_tool_dependencies = True
        config_arg = ''
        if os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'galaxy.ini' ) ) != galaxy_config_file:
            config_arg = ' -c %s' % galaxy_config_file.replace( os.path.abspath( os.getcwd() ), '.' )
        if not app.config.running_functional_tests:
            if tool_shed_accessible:
                # Automatically update the value of the migrate_tools.version database table column.
                cmd = 'sh upgrade'  % config_arg
                proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
                return_code = proc.wait()
                output = 32768 )
                if return_code != 0:
                    raise Exception( "Error attempting to update the value of migrate_tools.version: %s" % output )
                elif missing_tool_configs_dict:
                    if len( tool_panel_configs ) == 1:
                        plural = ''
                        tool_panel_config_file_names = tool_panel_configs[ 0 ]
                        plural = 's'
                        tool_panel_config_file_names = ', '.join( tool_panel_configs )
                    msg = "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
                    msg += "\n\nThe list of files at the end of this message refers to tools that are configured to load into the tool panel for\n"
                    msg += "this Galaxy instance, but have been removed from the Galaxy distribution.  These tools and their dependencies can be\n"
                    msg += "automatically installed from the Galaxy tool shed at\n\n"
                    msg += "To skip this process, attempt to start your Galaxy server again (e.g., sh or whatever you use).  If you do this,\n"
                    msg += "be aware that these tools will no longer be available in your Galaxy tool panel, and entries for each of them should\n"
                    msg += "be removed from your file%s named %s.\n\n" % ( plural, tool_panel_config_file_names )
                    msg += "CRITICAL NOTE IF YOU PLAN TO INSTALL\n"
                    msg += "The location in which the tool repositories will be installed is the value of the 'tool_path' attribute in the <tool>\n"
                    msg += 'tag of the file named ./migrated_tool_conf.xml (i.e., <toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools">).  The default location\n'
                    msg += "setting is '../shed_tools', which may be problematic for some cluster environments, so make sure to change it before\n"
                    msg += "you execute the installation process if appropriate.  The configured location must be outside of the Galaxy installation\n"
                    msg += "directory or it must be in a sub-directory protected by a properly configured .hgignore file if the directory is within\n"
                    msg += "the Galaxy installation directory hierarchy.  This is because tool shed repositories will be installed using mercurial's\n"
                    msg += "clone feature, which creates .hg directories and associated mercurial repository files.  Not having .hgignore properly\n"
                    msg += "configured could result in undesired behavior when modifying or updating your local Galaxy instance or the tool shed\n"
                    msg += "repositories if they are in directories that pose conflicts.  See mercurial's .hgignore documentation at the following\n"
                    msg += "URL for details.\n\n\n\n"
                    if have_tool_dependencies:
                        msg += "The following tool dependencies can also optionally be installed (see the option flag in the command below).  If you\n"
                        msg += "choose to install them (recommended), they will be installed within the location specified by the 'tool_dependency_dir'\n"
                        msg += "setting in your main Galaxy configuration file (e.g., uninverse_wsgi.ini).\n"
                        processed_tool_dependencies = []
                        for missing_tool_config, tool_dependencies in missing_tool_configs_dict.items():
                            for tool_dependencies_tup in missing_tool_configs_dict[ missing_tool_config ][ 'tool_dependencies' ]:
                                if tool_dependencies_tup not in processed_tool_dependencies:
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                                    msg += "Tool Dependency\n"
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                                    msg += "Name: %s, Version: %s, Type: %s\n" % ( tool_dependencies_tup[ 0 ],
                                                                                   tool_dependencies_tup[ 1 ],
                                                                                   tool_dependencies_tup[ 2 ] )
                                    if len( tool_dependencies_tup ) >= 4:
                                        msg += "Requirements and installation information:\n"
                                        msg += "%s\n" % tool_dependencies_tup[ 3 ]
                                        msg += "\n"
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                                    processed_tool_dependencies.append( tool_dependencies_tup )
                        msg += "\n"
                    msg += "%s" % output.replace( 'done', '' )
                    msg += "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n"
                    msg += "sh ./scripts/migrate_tools/\n" % latest_tool_migration_script_number
                    msg += "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n"
                    if have_tool_dependencies:
                        msg += "The tool dependencies listed above will be installed along with the repositories if you add the 'install_dependencies'\n"
                        msg += "option to the above command like this:\n\n"
                        msg += "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n"
                        msg += "sh ./scripts/migrate_tools/ install_dependencies\n" % latest_tool_migration_script_number
                        msg += "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n"
                        msg += "Tool dependencies can be installed after the repositories have been installed as well.\n\n"
                    msg += "After the installation process finishes, you can start your Galaxy server.  As part of this installation process,\n"
                    msg += "entries for each of the following tool config files will be added to the file named ./migrated_tool_conf.xml, so these\n"
                    msg += "tools will continue to be loaded into your tool panel.  Because of this, existing entries for these tools have been\n"
                    msg += "removed from your file%s named %s.\n\n" % ( plural, tool_panel_config_file_names )
                    for missing_tool_config, tool_dependencies in missing_tool_configs_dict.items():
                        msg += "%s\n" % missing_tool_config
                    msg += "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
                    raise Exception( msg )
                log.debug( "The main Galaxy tool shed is not currently available, so skipped tool migration %s until next server startup" % db_schema.version )
    else: "At migrate_tools version %d" % db_schema.version )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def verify_tools(app, url, galaxy_config_file, engine_options={}):
    # Check the value in the migrate_tools.version database table column to verify that the number is in
    # sync with the number of version scripts in ~/lib/galaxy/tools/migrate/versions.
    dialect = (url.split(':', 1))[0]
        egg = dialect_to_egg[dialect]
            log.debug("%s egg successfully loaded for %s dialect" %
                      (egg, dialect))
            # If the module is in the path elsewhere (i.e. non-egg), it'll still load.
                "%s egg not found, but an attempt will be made to use %s anyway"
                % (egg, dialect))
    except KeyError:
        # Let this go, it could possibly work with db's we don't support
            "database_connection contains an unknown SQLAlchemy database dialect: %s"
            % dialect)
    # Create engine and metadata
    engine = create_engine(url, **engine_options)
    meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
    # The migrate_tools table was created in database version script
    version_table = Table("migrate_tools", meta, autoload=True)
    # Verify that the code and the database are in sync.
    db_schema = schema.ControlledSchema(engine, migrate_repository)
    latest_tool_migration_script_number = migrate_repository.versions.latest
    if latest_tool_migration_script_number != db_schema.version:
        # The default behavior is that the tool shed is down.
        tool_shed_accessible = False
        if app.new_installation:
            # New installations will not be missing tools, so we don't need to worry about them.
            missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
            tool_panel_configs = common_util.get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs(
            if tool_panel_configs:
                # The missing_tool_configs_dict contents are something like:
                # {'emboss_antigenic.xml': [('emboss', '5.0.0', 'package', '\nreadme blah blah blah\n')]}
                tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict = common_util.check_for_missing_tools(
                    app, tool_panel_configs,
                # It doesn't matter if the tool shed is accessible since there are no migrated tools defined in the local Galaxy instance, but
                # we have to set the value of tool_shed_accessible to True so that the value of migrate_tools.version can be correctly set in
                # the database.
                tool_shed_accessible = True
                missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
        have_tool_dependencies = False
        for k, v in missing_tool_configs_dict.items():
            if v:
                have_tool_dependencies = True
        config_arg = ''
        if os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
                os.getcwd(), 'universe_wsgi.ini')) != galaxy_config_file:
            config_arg = ' -c %s' % galaxy_config_file.replace(
                os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), '.')
        if not app.config.running_functional_tests:
            if tool_shed_accessible:
                # Automatically update the value of the migrate_tools.version database table column.
                cmd = 'sh upgrade' % config_arg
                proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd,
                return_code = proc.wait()
                output =
                if return_code != 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Error attempting to update the value of migrate_tools.version: %s"
                        % output)
                elif missing_tool_configs_dict:
                    if len(tool_panel_configs) == 1:
                        plural = ''
                        tool_panel_config_file_names = tool_panel_configs[0]
                        plural = 's'
                        tool_panel_config_file_names = ', '.join(
                    msg = "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
                    msg += "\n\nThe list of files at the end of this message refers to tools that are configured to load into the tool panel for\n"
                    msg += "this Galaxy instance, but have been removed from the Galaxy distribution.  These tools and their dependencies can be\n"
                    msg += "automatically installed from the Galaxy tool shed at\n\n"
                    msg += "To skip this process, attempt to start your Galaxy server again (e.g., sh or whatever you use).  If you do this,\n"
                    msg += "be aware that these tools will no longer be available in your Galaxy tool panel, and entries for each of them should\n"
                    msg += "be removed from your file%s named %s.\n\n" % (
                        plural, tool_panel_config_file_names)
                    msg += "CRITICAL NOTE IF YOU PLAN TO INSTALL\n"
                    msg += "The location in which the tool repositories will be installed is the value of the 'tool_path' attribute in the <tool>\n"
                    msg += 'tag of the file named ./migrated_tool_conf.xml (i.e., <toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools">).  The default location\n'
                    msg += "setting is '../shed_tools', which may be problematic for some cluster environments, so make sure to change it before\n"
                    msg += "you execute the installation process if appropriate.  The configured location must be outside of the Galaxy installation\n"
                    msg += "directory or it must be in a sub-directory protected by a properly configured .hgignore file if the directory is within\n"
                    msg += "the Galaxy installation directory hierarchy.  This is because tool shed repositories will be installed using mercurial's\n"
                    msg += "clone feature, which creates .hg directories and associated mercurial repository files.  Not having .hgignore properly\n"
                    msg += "configured could result in undesired behavior when modifying or updating your local Galaxy instance or the tool shed\n"
                    msg += "repositories if they are in directories that pose conflicts.  See mercurial's .hgignore documentation at the following\n"
                    msg += "URL for details.\n\n\n\n"
                    if have_tool_dependencies:
                        msg += "The following tool dependencies can also optionally be installed (see the option flag in the command below).  If you\n"
                        msg += "choose to install them (recommended), they will be installed within the location specified by the 'tool_dependency_dir'\n"
                        msg += "setting in your main Galaxy configuration file (e.g., uninverse_wsgi.ini).\n"
                        processed_tool_dependencies = []
                        for missing_tool_config, tool_dependencies in missing_tool_configs_dict.items(
                            for tool_dependencies_tup in missing_tool_configs_dict[
                                if tool_dependencies_tup not in processed_tool_dependencies:
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                                    msg += "Tool Dependency\n"
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                                    msg += "Name: %s, Version: %s, Type: %s\n" % (
                                    if len(tool_dependencies_tup) >= 4:
                                        msg += "Requirements and installation information:\n"
                                        msg += "%s\n" % tool_dependencies_tup[3]
                                        msg += "\n"
                                    msg += "------------------------------------\n"
                        msg += "\n"
                    msg += "%s" % output.replace('done', '')
                    msg += "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n"
                    msg += "sh ./scripts/migrate_tools/\n" % latest_tool_migration_script_number
                    msg += "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n"
                    if have_tool_dependencies:
                        msg += "The tool dependencies listed above will be installed along with the repositories if you add the 'install_dependencies'\n"
                        msg += "option to the above command like this:\n\n"
                        msg += "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n"
                        msg += "sh ./scripts/migrate_tools/ install_dependencies\n" % latest_tool_migration_script_number
                        msg += "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n"
                        msg += "Tool dependencies can be installed after the repositories have been installed as well.\n\n"
                    msg += "After the installation process finishes, you can start your Galaxy server.  As part of this installation process,\n"
                    msg += "entries for each of the following tool config files will be added to the file named ./migrated_tool_conf.xml, so these\n"
                    msg += "tools will continue to be loaded into your tool panel.  Because of this, existing entries for these tools have been\n"
                    msg += "removed from your file%s named %s.\n\n" % (
                        plural, tool_panel_config_file_names)
                    for missing_tool_config, tool_dependencies in missing_tool_configs_dict.items(
                        msg += "%s\n" % missing_tool_config
                    msg += "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"
                    raise Exception(msg)
                    "The main Galaxy tool shed is not currently available, so skipped tool migration %s until next server startup"
                    % db_schema.version)
    else:"At migrate_tools version %d" % db_schema.version)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, app, latest_migration_script_number,
                 tool_shed_install_config, migrated_tools_config,
        Check tool settings in tool_shed_install_config and install all repositories
        that are not already installed.  The tool panel configuration file is the received
        migrated_tools_config, which is the reserved file named migrated_tools_conf.xml.
        """ = app
        self.toolbox =
        self.migrated_tools_config = migrated_tools_config
        # Initialize the ToolPanelManager.
        self.tpm = tool_panel_manager.ToolPanelManager(
        # If install_dependencies is True but tool_dependency_dir is not set, do not attempt
        # to install but print informative error message.
        if install_dependencies and app.config.tool_dependency_dir is None:
            message = 'You are attempting to install tool dependencies but do not have a value '
            message += 'for "tool_dependency_dir" set in your galaxy.ini file.  Set this '
            message += 'location value to the path where you want tool dependencies installed and '
            message += 'rerun the migration script.'
            raise Exception(message)
        # Get the local non-shed related tool panel configs (there can be more than one, and the
        # default name is tool_conf.xml).
        self.proprietary_tool_confs = self.non_shed_tool_panel_configs
        self.proprietary_tool_panel_elems = self.get_proprietary_tool_panel_elems(
        # Set the location where the repositories will be installed by retrieving the tool_path
        # setting from migrated_tools_config.
        tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml(migrated_tools_config)
        if tree is None:
            root = tree.getroot()
            self.tool_path = root.get('tool_path')
                "Repositories will be installed into configured tool_path location ",
            # Parse tool_shed_install_config to check each of the tools.
            self.tool_shed_install_config = tool_shed_install_config
            tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml(tool_shed_install_config)
            if tree is None:
                root = tree.getroot()
                defined_tool_shed_url = root.get('name')
                self.tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(
          , defined_tool_shed_url)
                self.tool_shed = common_util.remove_protocol_and_port_from_tool_shed_url(
                self.repository_owner = common_util.REPOSITORY_OWNER
                self.shed_config_dict = self.tpm.get_shed_tool_conf_dict(
                # Since tool migration scripts can be executed any number of times, we need to
                # make sure the appropriate tools are defined in tool_conf.xml.  If no tools
                # associated with the migration stage are defined, no repositories will be installed
                # on disk.  The default behavior is that the tool shed is down.
                tool_shed_accessible = False
                tool_panel_configs = common_util.get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs(
                if tool_panel_configs:
                    # The missing_tool_configs_dict contents are something like:
                    # {'emboss_antigenic.xml': [('emboss', '5.0.0', 'package', '\nreadme blah blah blah\n')]}
                    tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict = \
                    # It doesn't matter if the tool shed is accessible since there are no migrated
                    # tools defined in the local Galaxy instance, but we have to set the value of
                    # tool_shed_accessible to True so that the value of migrate_tools.version can
                    # be correctly set in the database.
                    tool_shed_accessible = True
                    missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
                if tool_shed_accessible:
                    if len(self.proprietary_tool_confs) == 1:
                        plural = ''
                        file_names = self.proprietary_tool_confs[0]
                        plural = 's'
                        file_names = ', '.join(self.proprietary_tool_confs)
                    if missing_tool_configs_dict:
                        for proprietary_tool_conf in self.proprietary_tool_confs:
                            # Create a backup of the tool configuration in the un-migrated state.
                                proprietary_tool_conf, '%s-pre-stage-%04d' %
                        for repository_elem in root:
                            # Make sure we have a valid repository tag.
                            if self.__is_valid_repository_tag(repository_elem):
                                # Get all repository dependencies for the repository defined by the
                                # current repository_elem.  Repository dependency definitions contained
                                # in tool shed repositories with migrated tools must never define a
                                # relationship to a repository dependency that contains a tool.  The
                                # repository dependency can only contain items that are not loaded into
                                # the Galaxy tool panel (e.g., tool dependency definitions, custom datatypes,
                                # etc).  This restriction must be followed down the entire dependency hierarchy.
                                name = repository_elem.get('name')
                                changeset_revision = repository_elem.get(
                                tool_shed_accessible, repository_dependencies_dict = \
                                # Make sure all repository dependency records exist (as tool_shed_repository
                                # table rows) in the Galaxy database.
                                created_tool_shed_repositories = \
                                # Order the repositories for proper installation.  This process is similar to the
                                # process used when installing tool shed repositories, but does not handle managing
                                # tool panel sections and other components since repository dependency definitions
                                # contained in tool shed repositories with migrated tools must never define a relationship
                                # to a repository dependency that contains a tool.
                                ordered_tool_shed_repositories = \

                                for tool_shed_repository in ordered_tool_shed_repositories:
                                    is_repository_dependency = self.__is_repository_dependency(
                                        name, changeset_revision,
                        message = "\nNo tools associated with migration stage %s are defined in your " % \
                        message += "file%s named %s,\nso no repositories will be installed on disk.\n" % \
                            (plural, file_names)
                    message = "\nThe main Galaxy tool shed is not currently available, so skipped migration stage %s.\n" % \
                    message += "Try again later.\n"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__( self, app, latest_migration_script_number, tool_shed_install_config, migrated_tools_config, install_dependencies ):
     Check tool settings in tool_shed_install_config and install all repositories that are not already installed.  The tool
     panel configuration file is the received migrated_tools_config, which is the reserved file named migrated_tools_conf.xml.
     """ = app
     self.toolbox =
     self.migrated_tools_config = migrated_tools_config
     # If install_dependencies is True but tool_dependency_dir is not set, do not attempt to install but print informative error message.
     if install_dependencies and app.config.tool_dependency_dir is None:
         message = 'You are attempting to install tool dependencies but do not have a value for "tool_dependency_dir" set in your universe_wsgi.ini '
         message += 'file.  Set this location value to the path where you want tool dependencies installed and rerun the migration script.'
         raise Exception( message )
     # Get the local non-shed related tool panel configs (there can be more than one, and the default name is tool_conf.xml).
     self.proprietary_tool_confs = self.non_shed_tool_panel_configs
     self.proprietary_tool_panel_elems = self.get_proprietary_tool_panel_elems( latest_migration_script_number )
     # Set the location where the repositories will be installed by retrieving the tool_path setting from migrated_tools_config.
     tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( migrated_tools_config )
     if tree is None:
         print error_message
         root = tree.getroot()
         self.tool_path = root.get( 'tool_path' )
         print "Repositories will be installed into configured tool_path location ", str( self.tool_path )
         # Parse tool_shed_install_config to check each of the tools.
         self.tool_shed_install_config = tool_shed_install_config
         tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( tool_shed_install_config )
         if tree is None:
             print error_message
             root = tree.getroot()
             self.tool_shed = suc.clean_tool_shed_url( root.get( 'name' ) )
             self.repository_owner = common_util.REPOSITORY_OWNER
             index, self.shed_config_dict = suc.get_shed_tool_conf_dict( app, self.migrated_tools_config )
             # Since tool migration scripts can be executed any number of times, we need to make sure the appropriate tools are defined in
             # tool_conf.xml.  If no tools associated with the migration stage are defined, no repositories will be installed on disk.
             # The default behavior is that the tool shed is down.
             tool_shed_accessible = False
             tool_panel_configs = common_util.get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs( app )
             if tool_panel_configs:
                 # The missing_tool_configs_dict contents are something like:
                 # {'emboss_antigenic.xml': [('emboss', '5.0.0', 'package', '\nreadme blah blah blah\n')]}
                 tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict = common_util.check_for_missing_tools( app, tool_panel_configs, latest_migration_script_number )
                 # It doesn't matter if the tool shed is accessible since there are no migrated tools defined in the local Galaxy instance, but
                 # we have to set the value of tool_shed_accessible to True so that the value of migrate_tools.version can be correctly set in 
                 # the database.
                 tool_shed_accessible = True
                 missing_tool_configs_dict = odict()
             if tool_shed_accessible:
                 if len( self.proprietary_tool_confs ) == 1:
                     plural = ''
                     file_names = self.proprietary_tool_confs[ 0 ]
                     plural = 's'
                     file_names = ', '.join( self.proprietary_tool_confs )
                 if missing_tool_configs_dict:
                     for repository_elem in root:
                         self.install_repository( repository_elem, install_dependencies )
                     message = "\nNo tools associated with migration stage %s are defined in your " % str( latest_migration_script_number )
                     message += "file%s named %s,\nso no repositories will be installed on disk.\n" % ( plural, file_names )
                     print message
                 message = "\nThe main Galaxy tool shed is not currently available, so skipped migration stage %s.\n" % str( latest_migration_script_number )
                 message += "Try again later.\n"
                 print message