Ejemplo n.º 1
def writeErrorFile(workspace,modelScript,p,pCall1,pCall2='not run yet'):
    feErrorFile = os.path.join(workspace,'notRun.txt')
    import counter
    with open(feErrorFile, 'w') as file:
        file.write('running abaqus cae on %s returned %s\n'%(toolbox.getFileName(modelScript), pCall1))
        file.write('running post pro on %s returned %s\n'%(toolbox.getFileName(modelScript), pCall2))
        file.write('parameter inputs: %s\n'%(p))
        file.write('run number: %s\n'%(counter.NFeval))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def writeErrorFile(workspace,modelScript,p,pCall1,pCall2='not run yet'):
    feErrorFile = os.path.join(workspace,'notRun.txt')
    global NFeval
    with open(feErrorFile, 'w') as file:
        file.write('running abaqus cae on %s returned %s\n'%(toolbox.getFileName(modelScript), pCall1))
        file.write('running post pro on %s returned %s\n'%(toolbox.getFileName(modelScript), pCall2))
        file.write('parameter inputs: %s\n'%(p))
        file.write('run number: %s\n'%(NFeval))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def runAbaqusCmd(dirs, cmd, keep=False, gui=False):
    keepFName = ' '
    for file in loopOn(dirs):
        if not os.path.isfile(file): print "module %s not found!" % (file)
            pyKeep = keepFName + '.py'
            if pyKeep in file:
            runType = 'cae'
            if (toolbox.getFileExt(file) == 'inp'):
                runType = 'inp'
                keepFName = toolbox.getFileName(file)
                pyfile = file.replace('.inp', '.py')
                pyfile = file
            if cmd == 'rerun':
                runAbaqus(file, runType, keep=keep, gui=gui)
            elif cmd == 'run':
                runAbaqus(file, runType, keep=keep, gui=gui)
            elif cmd == 'clean':
            elif cmd == 'postPro':
                if os.path.isfile(pyfile): runPostPro(pyfile)
            elif cmd == 'runPost':
                runAbaqus(file, runType, keep=keep, gui=gui)
                if os.path.isfile(pyfile): runPostPro(pyfile)
            elif cmd == 'rerunPost':
                runAbaqus(file, runType, keep=keep, gui=gui)
                if os.path.isfile(pyfile): runPostPro(pyfile)
            else: raise Exception("How the hell did I get here?")
def getParameters(_p={}):
    import specificProjectsTools.beanShaped as beanShaped
    param = {}
    param['modelName'] = toolbox.getFileName(__modpath__)
    param['interfaceType'] = 'CohesiveFriction'  #'Frictionless', 'Friction'
    param['matType'] = 'Holzapfel'  #or 'Holzapfel' or 'neoHooke'
    return beanShaped.getParameters(param)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def runModel(p,modelScript,modelsDir,verbose):
    run abaqus models:
    1/ create a working directory for abaqus (in workspace\name_of_modelsDir_from_common_path_with_current_directory)
    2/ runs an abaqus cae analysis in the working directory (all abaqus files written in that directory): abaqus cae noGUI=path_to_modelScript -- p
    3/ runs an abaqus post-processing analysis by looking for the postPro function defined in the modelScript with argument the odb file of the previously run model
    #1/ create working directory
    baseName = os.getcwd()
    import sys
    if baseName not in sys.path:sys.path.append(baseName)
    filePath = os.path.join(modelsDir,modelScript)
    workspace = toolbox.getWorkspace(filePath,baseName=baseName)
    if not(os.path.isdir(workspace)):
        try: os.makedirs(workspace)
        except WindowsError: print("file(s) probably locked!\n")

    #2/ runs abaqus cae
    # run abaqus analysis (function of parameters p) in workspace
    if verbose: print "running abaqus cae on %s"%(toolbox.getFileName(filePath))
    cmd = 'abaqus cae noGUI=%s'%(filePath)
    try:#multiparam opti
        paramString = ' '.join(map(str,p))
    except(TypeError):#scalar opti
        paramString = str(p)
    cmd += ' -- %s > %s 2>&1'%(paramString,'exeCalls.txt')
    if verbose: print 'cmd= ',cmd
    pCall1 = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
    with open('exeCalls.txt', 'r') as file:
        lastLine = file.readlines()[-1]

    #3/ run abaqus postPro -- needs to be called with abaqus python as abaqus-specific modules are needed!!
    # solution: run in a new subprocess the file runPostPro.py called with the appropriate modelScript and working directory
    cmd = r"abaqus python opti4AbqTools\runPostPro.py %s %s"%(filePath,workspace)
    pCall2 = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
    if pCall2:#the post pro function has not run properly --> writes an error file
        raise Exception("!! something has gone wrong, check notRun.txt")
    else:# reads the written output of the post-processing function as a float
        feOutputFile = os.path.join(workspace,'output.dat')#could be generalised to allow the user to input a fileName!
        with open(feOutputFile, 'r') as file:   
            output = zip(*(map(float,line.split()) for line in file))
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 6
def runCae(file, baseName, workspace, keep=False, gui=False):
    resFile = os.path.join(workspace, 'abaqus.rpy')
    if runNeeded(file, workspace, resFile):
        print "running abaqus cae on %s" % (toolbox.getFileName(file))
        cmd = 'abaqus cae '
        if (gui):
            cmd += 'script=%s -- %s' % (file, str(baseName))
            cmd += 'noGUI=%s -- %s > %s 2>&1' % (file, str(baseName),
        import subprocess
        p = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        if p:
                "!! something has gone wrong, check exeCalls.txt and/or rpy file"

        if not keep: cleanFiles(file, baseName=baseName)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def runModel(p,modelScript,modelsDir):
    run abaqus models:
    1/ create a working directory for abaqus (in workspace\name_of_modelsDir_from_common_path_with_current_directory)
    2/ runs an abaqus cae analysis in the working directory (all abaqus files written in that directory): abaqus cae noGUI=path_to_modelScript -- p
    3/ runs an abaqus post-processing analysis by looking for the postPro function defined in the modelScript with argument the odb file of the previously run model
    #1/ create working directory
    baseName = os.getcwd()#os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    import sys
    if baseName not in sys.path:sys.path.append(baseName)
    filePath = os.path.join(modelsDir,modelScript)
    workspace = toolbox.getWorkspace(filePath,baseName=baseName)
    if not(os.path.isdir(workspace)):
        try: os.makedirs(workspace)
        except WindowsError: print("file(s) probably locked!\n")
    # run abaqus analysis (function of parameters p) in workspace
    #2/ runs abaqus cae
    if verbose: print "running abaqus cae on %s"%(toolbox.getFileName(filePath))
    cmd = 'abaqus cae noGUI=%s'%(filePath)
    paramString = str(p)
    cmd += ' -- %s > %s 2>&1'%(paramString,'exeCalls.txt')
    if verbose: print 'cmd= ',cmd
    pCall1 = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
    #3/ run abaqus postPro -- needs to be called with abaqus python as abaqus-specific modules are needed!!
    # solution: run in a new subprocess the file runPostPro.py called with the appropriate modelScript and working directory
    cmd = 'abaqus python runPostPro.py %s %s'%(filePath,workspace)
    pCall2 = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
    if pCall2:#the post pro function has not run properly --> writes an error file
        raise Exception("!! something has gone wrong, check notRun.txt")
    else:# reads the written output of the post-processing function as a float
        feOutputFile = os.path.join(workspace,'output.ascii')#could be generalised to allow the user to input a fileName!
        with open(feOutputFile, 'r') as file:   
            output = zip(*(map(float,line.split()) for line in file))
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 8
def runInp(file, baseName, workspace, keep=False):
    resFile = os.path.join(
        workspace, 'exeCalls.txt')  # no abaqus.rpy file for this method!!
    if (toolbox.getFileExt(file) == 'inp') and (runNeeded(
            file, workspace, resFile)):
        shutil.copy(file, workspace)
        jobName = toolbox.getFileName(file)
        print "running abaqus on %s" % (jobName)
        cmd = 'abaqus job=%s interactive > %s 2>&1' % (jobName, 'exeCalls.txt')

        import subprocess
        if toolbox.isUnix():
            p = subprocess.call(cmd, close_fds=True)
            p = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        if p:
                "!! something has gone wrong, check exeCalls.txt and /or msg file"

        if not keep: cleanFiles(file, baseName=baseName)