Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_transformed_cellcount(dataframe, dst, transformfiles, lightsheet_parameter_dictionary, verbose=False):
    """Function to take a csv file and generate an input to transformix
    dataframe = preloaded pandas dataframe
    dst = destination to save files
    transformfiles = list of all elastix transform files used, and in order of the original transform****
    lightsheet_parameter_file = .p file generated from lightsheet package
    #set up locations
    transformed_dst = os.path.join(dst, "transformed_points"); makedir(transformed_dst)
    #make zyx numpy arry
    zyx = dataframe[["z","y","x"]].values
    #adjust for reorientation THEN rescaling, remember full size data needs dimension change releative to resample
    fullsizedimensions = get_fullsizedimensions(lightsheet_parameter_dictionary)
    kwargs = load_kwargs(lightsheet_parameter_dictionary)
    zyx = fix_contour_orientation(zyx, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) #now in orientation of resample
    resampled_dims, resampled_vol = get_resampledvol_n_dimensions(lightsheet_parameter_dictionary)
    zyx = points_resample(zyx, original_dims = fix_dimension_orientation(fullsizedimensions, 
            **kwargs), resample_dims = resampled_dims, verbose = verbose)[:, :3]
    #make into transformix-friendly text file
    pretransform_text_file = create_text_file_for_elastix(zyx, transformed_dst)
    #copy over elastix files
    transformfiles = modify_transform_files(transformfiles, transformed_dst) 
    change_transform_parameter_initial_transform(transformfiles[0], "NoInitialTransform")
    #run transformix on points
    points_file = point_transformix(pretransform_text_file, transformfiles[-1], transformed_dst)
    #convert registered points into structure counts
    converted_points = unpack_pnts(points_file, transformed_dst)   
    return converted_points
        if generate_downsized_overlay:
            #load centers
            zyx, dataframe = load_cell_centers(cell_centers_path)

            cellvolloaded = tifffile.imread(cellvol.resampled_for_elastix_vol)
            cnn_cellvolloaded = np.zeros_like(cellvolloaded)
            #adjust for reorientation THEN rescaling, remember full size data needs dimension change releative to resample
            fullsizedimensions = get_fullsizedims_from_kwargs(
            )  #don't get from kwargs['volumes'][0].fullsizedimensions it's bad! use this instead
            zyx = fix_contour_orientation(
                zyx, verbose=verbose,
                **kwargs)  #now in orientation of resample
            zyx = points_resample(zyx,
                                      fullsizedimensions, **kwargs),
                                  verbose=verbose)[:, :3]
            zyx = np.asarray(
                [str((int(xx[0]), int(xx[1]), int(xx[2]))) for xx in zyx])
            zyx_cnt = Counter(zyx)
            #now overlay
            for zyx, v in zyx_cnt.items():
                z, y, x = [
                    int(xx) for xx in zyx.replace(
                    ).replace(')', '').split(',')
                    cnn_cellvolloaded[z, y, x] = v * 100
Ejemplo n.º 3
def overlay_qc(args):  
    #unpacking this way for multiprocessing
    fld, folder_suffix, output_folder, verbose, doubletransform, make_volumes = args
        #get 3dunet cell dataframe csv file
        input_csv = listdirfull(os.path.join(fld, folder_suffix), ".csv")
        assert len(input_csv) == 1, "multiple csv files"
        dataframe = pd.read_csv(input_csv[0])
        #location to save out
        dst = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.basename(fld)); makedir(dst)
        #EXAMPLE USING LIGHTSHEET - assumes marking centers in the "raw" full sized cell channel. This will transform those 
        #centers into "atlas" space (in this case the moving image)
        #in this case the "inverse transform has the atlas as the moving image in the first step, 
        #and the autofluorescence channel as the moving image in the second step 
        #NOTE - it seems that the registration of cell to auto is failing on occasion....thus get new files...
        cell_inverse_folder = listdirfull(os.path.join(fld, "elastix_inverse_transform"), "cellch")[0]
        a2r = listall(cell_inverse_folder, "atlas2reg_TransformParameters"); a2r.sort()
        r2s = listall(cell_inverse_folder, "reg2sig_TransformParameters"); r2s.sort() #possibly remove

        #IMPORTANT. the idea is to apply cfos->auto->atlas
        transformfiles = r2s + a2r if doubletransform else a2r #might get rid of r2s
        lightsheet_parameter_dictionary = os.path.join(fld, "param_dict.p")
        converted_points = generate_transformed_cellcount(dataframe, dst, transformfiles, 
                                                          lightsheet_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose)
        #load and convert to single voxel loc
        zyx = np.asarray([str((int(xx[0]), int(xx[1]), int(xx[2]))) for xx in np.nan_to_num(np.load(converted_points))])
        from collections import Counter
        zyx_cnt = Counter(zyx)
        if make_volumes:
            #manually call transformix
            kwargs = load_dictionary(lightsheet_parameter_dictionary)
            vol = [xx for xx in kwargs["volumes"] if xx.ch_type == "cellch"][0].resampled_for_elastix_vol
            transformed_vol = os.path.join(dst, "transformed_volume"); makedir(transformed_vol)
            if not doubletransform:
                transformfiles = [os.path.join(fld, "elastix/TransformParameters.0.txt"), os.path.join(fld, 
                transformfiles = modify_transform_files(transformfiles, transformed_vol) #copy over elastix files
                transformix_command_line_call(vol, transformed_vol, transformfiles[-1])
                v=[xx for xx in kwargs["volumes"] if xx.ch_type == "cellch"][0]
                #sig to reg
                tps = [listall(os.path.dirname(v.ch_to_reg_to_atlas), "/TransformParameters.0")[0], 
                       listall(os.path.dirname(v.ch_to_reg_to_atlas), "/TransformParameters.1")[0]]
                #reg to atlas
                transformfiles = tps+[os.path.join(fld, "elastix/TransformParameters.0.txt"), 
                                      os.path.join(fld, "elastix/TransformParameters.1.txt")]
                transformfiles = modify_transform_files(transformfiles, transformed_vol) #copy over elastix files
                transformix_command_line_call(vol, transformed_vol, transformfiles[-1])

            #cell_registered channel
            cell_reg = tifffile.imread(os.path.join(transformed_vol, "result.tif"))
            tifffile.imsave(os.path.join(transformed_vol, "result.tif"), cell_reg, compress=1)
            cell_cnn = np.zeros_like(cell_reg)
            tarr = []; badlist=[]
            for zyx,v in zyx_cnt.items():
                z,y,x = [int(xx) for xx in zyx.replace("(","",).replace(")","").split(",")]
                    cell_cnn[z,y,x] = v*100
            #apply x y dilation
            r = 2
            selem = ball(r)[int(r/2)]
            cell_cnn = cell_cnn.astype("uint8")
            cell_cnn = np.asarray([cv2.dilate(cell_cnn[i], selem, iterations = 1) for i in range(cell_cnn.shape[0])])
            if len(badlist)>0: 
                print("{} errors in mapping with cell_cnn shape {}, each max dim {}, \npossibly due to a registration overshoot \
                      or not using double transform\n\n{}".format(len(badlist), cell_cnn.shape, np.max(tarr,0), badlist))
            merged = np.stack([cell_cnn, cell_reg, np.zeros_like(cell_reg)], -1)
            tifffile.imsave(os.path.join(transformed_vol, "merged.tif"), merged)#, compress=1)
            #out = np.concatenate([cell_cnn, cell_reg, ], 0)
        #####check at the resampled for elastix phase before transform...this mapping looks good...
        if make_volumes:
            #make zyx numpy arry
            zyx = dataframe[["z","y","x"]].values
            kwargs = load_dictionary(lightsheet_parameter_dictionary)
            vol = [xx for xx in kwargs["volumes"] if xx.ch_type =="cellch"][0]
            fullsizedimensions = get_fullsizedims_from_kwargs(kwargs) #don"t get from kwargs["volumes"][0].fullsizedimensions it"s bad! use this instead
            zyx = fix_contour_orientation(zyx, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) #now in orientation of resample
            zyx = points_resample(zyx, original_dims = fix_dimension_orientation(fullsizedimensions, **kwargs), 
                                  resample_dims = tifffile.imread(vol.resampled_for_elastix_vol).shape, verbose = verbose)[:, :3]
            #cell channel
            cell_ch = tifffile.imread(vol.resampled_for_elastix_vol)
            cell_cnn = np.zeros_like(cell_ch)
            tarr = []; badlist=[]
            for _zyx in zyx:
                z,y,x = [int(xx) for xx in _zyx]
                    cell_cnn[z,y,x] = 100
            merged = np.stack([cell_cnn, cell_ch, np.zeros_like(cell_ch)], -1)
            tifffile.imsave(os.path.join(transformed_vol, "resampled_merged.tif"), merged)#, compress=1)
    except Exception as e:
        with open(error_file, "a") as err_fl:
            err_fl.write("\n\n{} {}\n\n".format(fld, e))