Ejemplo n.º 1
    def statistics(self):
        #get the request parameters
        s = request.forms.get('start_time', type=str)
        e = request.forms.get('end_time', type=str)
        dst = request.forms.get('daylight_savings')
        timezone = request.forms.get('timezone')
        sea_file = request.forms.get('sea_file')
        baro_file = request.forms.get('baro_file')
        #add a response header so the service understands it is json
        response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
        if sea_file is None:
            file_name = './data/SSS.true.nc'
            air_file_name = './data/SSS.hobo.nc'
            file_name = ny_wv_data[int(sea_file)]
            air_file_name = ny_bp_data[int(baro_file)]
        #process data
        so = StormOptions()
        so.sea_fname = file_name
        so.air_fname = air_file_name
        so.high_cut = 1.0
        so.low_cut = 0.045
        #temp deferring implementation of type of filter
        self.process_data(so, s, e, dst, timezone, 25, data_type="stat")
        stat_data = {}
        ignore_list = ['PSD Contour', 'time', 'Spectrum', 'HighSpectrum', 'LowSpectrum', 'Frequency']
        for i in so.stat_dictionary:
            if i not in ignore_list:
                stat = []
                upper_ci = []
                lower_ci = []
                for x in range(0, len(so.stat_dictionary['time'])):
                    stat.append({"x": so.stat_dictionary['time'][x], 'y':so.stat_dictionary[i][x]})
                    upper_ci.append({"x": so.stat_dictionary['time'][x], 'y':so.upper_stat_dictionary[i][x]})
                    lower_ci.append({"x": so.stat_dictionary['time'][x], 'y':so.lower_stat_dictionary[i][x]})
                stat_data[i] = stat
                stat_data[''.join(['upper_', i])] = upper_ci
                stat_data[''.join(['lower_', i])] = lower_ci
        #add land surface elevation to water level so statistics can be superimposed
#             wave_data = []
#             scale = 0 - np.min(so.wave_water_level)        
#             for x in range(0, len(adjusted_times)):
#                 wave_data.append({"x": adjusted_times[x], "y": (so.wave_water_level[x] + scale) * uc.METER_TO_FEET}) 
#             stat_data['wave_wl'] = wave_data
        self.stat_data = stat_data
        return self.stat_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
    def get(self):
        return self.val
if __name__ == '__main__':
    so = StormOptions()
    so.clip = False
    so.air_fname = 'NCDAR00003_1511478_stormtide_unfiltered.nc'
    so.sea_fname = 'NCDAR00003_1511478_stormtide_unfiltered.nc'
    so.int_units = False
    so.high_cut = 1.0
    so.low_cut = 0.045
    so.from_water_level_file = True

    so.timezone = 'GMT'
    so.daylight_savings = False
    ss = StormStatistics()
    for y in so.statistics:
        so.statistics[y] = Bool(False)
    so.statistics['H1/3'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['Average Z Cross'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['PSD Contour'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['Peak Wave'] = Bool(True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def process_storm_files(args):

    so = StormOptions()

    so.air_fname = args['air_fname']
    so.sea_fname = args['sea_fname']

    #check to see if the correct type of files were uploaded
    if so.check_file_types() == False:
        return 2

    so.wind_fname = None

    so.timezone = args['tz_info']
    so.daylight_savings = args['daylight_savings']

    if 'baro_y_min' in args and args['baro_y_min'] is not None:
        so.baroYLims = []

    if 'wl_y_min' in args and args['wl_y_min'] is not None:
        so.wlYLims = []

    #check to see if the time series of the water and air file overlap
    overlap = so.time_comparison()

    #if there is no overlap
    if overlap == 2:
        return 4

        snc = Storm_netCDF()
        so.netCDF['Storm Tide with Unfiltered Water Level'] = Bool(True)
        so.netCDF['Storm Tide Water Level'] = Bool(True)

        sg = StormGraph()
        so.graph['Storm Tide with Wind Data'] = Bool(False)
        so.graph['Storm Tide with Unfiltered Water Level'] = Bool(True)
        so.graph['Storm Tide Water Level'] = Bool(True)
        so.graph['Atmospheric Pressure'] = Bool(True)

        if args['sea_4hz'].lower() == 'true':
            so.int_units = False
            so.high_cut = 1.0
            so.low_cut = 0.045
            so.from_water_level_file = False

            ss = StormStatistics()

            for y in so.statistics:
                so.statistics[y] = Bool(False)

            so.statistics['H1/3'] = Bool(True)
            so.statistics['Average Z Cross'] = Bool(True)
            so.statistics['PSD Contour'] = Bool(True)


        return 0
        return 5
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
    def get(self):
        return self.val
if __name__ == '__main__':
    so = StormOptions()
    so.clip = False
    so.air_fname = 'NCDAR00003_1511478_stormtide_unfiltered.nc'
    so.sea_fname = 'NCDAR00003_1511478_stormtide_unfiltered.nc'
    so.int_units = False
    so.high_cut = 1.0
    so.low_cut = 0.045
    so.from_water_level_file = True

    so.timezone = 'GMT'
    so.daylight_savings = False
    ss = StormStatistics()
    for y in so.statistics:
        so.statistics[y] = Bool(False)
    so.statistics['H1/3'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['Average Z Cross'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['PSD Contour'] = Bool(True)
    so.statistics['Peak Wave'] = Bool(True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def psd_contour(self):
        #get the request parameters
        s = request.forms.get('start_time', type=str)
        e = request.forms.get('end_time', type=str)
        dst = request.forms.get('daylight_savings')
        timezone = request.forms.get('timezone')
        sea_file = request.forms.get('sea_file')
        baro_file = request.forms.get('baro_file')
        #keep this number static for now, will make dynamic if necessary
        num_colors = 11
        #add a response header so the service understands it is json
        response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
        if sea_file is None:
            file_name = './data/SSS.true.nc'
            air_file_name = './data/SSS.hobo.nc'
            file_name = ny_wv_data[int(sea_file)]
            air_file_name = ny_bp_data[int(baro_file)]
        #process data
        so = StormOptions()
        so.sea_fname = file_name
        so.air_fname = air_file_name
        so.high_cut = 1.0
        so.low_cut = 0.045
        #temp deferring implementation of type of filter
        self.process_data(so, s, e, dst, timezone, 25, data_type="stat")
        psd_data = {}
        #Get the min and max for the PSD since it is easier to compute on the server
        print('time len', len(so.stat_dictionary['time']))
        x_max = so.stat_dictionary['time'][-1]
        x_min = so.stat_dictionary['time'][0]
        freqs = [x for x in so.stat_dictionary['Frequency'][0] if x > .033333333]
        y_min = 1.0/np.max(freqs)
        y_max = 1.0/np.min(freqs)
        z_max = np.max(np.max(so.stat_dictionary['Spectrum'], axis = 1))
        z_min = np.min(np.min(so.stat_dictionary['Spectrum'], axis = 1))
        z_range = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, num_colors)
        print(z_range[1] - z_range[0], x_max, x_min)
        psd_data['x'] = list(so.stat_dictionary['time'])
#         psd_data['y'] = list(so.stat_dictionary['Frequency'][0])
        psd_data['z'] = list([list(x) for x in so.stat_dictionary['Spectrum']])
        psd_data['x_range'] = list([x_min,x_max])
        psd_data['y_range']  = list([y_min,y_max])
        psd_data['z_range'] = list(z_range)
        self.psd_data = psd_data
        self.stat_so = so.stat_dictionary
        return self.psd_data   
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def single(self):
     '''This displays the single waterlevel and atmospheric pressure'''
     #get the request parameters
     s = request.forms.get('start_time', type=str)
     e = request.forms.get('end_time', type=str)
     dst = request.forms.get('daylight_savings')
     timezone = request.forms.get('timezone')
     sea_file = request.forms.get('sea_file')
     baro_file = request.forms.get('baro_file')
     multi = request.forms.get('multi')
     event = request.forms.get('event')
     self.fs = 4
     if sea_file is None:
         file_name = './data/SSS.true.nc'
         air_file_name = './data/SSS.hobo.nc'
         from_wl = False
         if event is None or event == "ny":
             file_name = ny_wv_data[int(sea_file)]
             air_file_name = ny_bp_data[int(baro_file)]
             if int(sea_file) in [2,3]:
                 self.fs = 1/30
             from_wl = False
             file_name = nc_wv_data[int(sea_file)]
             air_file_name = nc_bp_data[int(baro_file)]
             from_wl = True
 #     filter = request.forms.get('filter')
     #add a response header so the service understands it is json
     response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
     #process data
     so = StormOptions()
     so.from_water_level_file = from_wl
     so.sea_fname = file_name
     so.air_fname = air_file_name
     so.high_cut = 1.0
     so.low_cut = 0.045
     #temp deferring implementation of type of filter
     if multi == 'True':
         step = 100
         step = 25
     adjusted_times = self.process_data(so, s, e, dst, timezone, step=step)
     #convert in format for javascript
     raw_final = []
     for x in range(0, len(adjusted_times)):
         raw_final.append({"x": adjusted_times[x], 'y':so.raw_water_level[x] * uc.METER_TO_FEET})
     surge_final = []
     for x in range(0, len(adjusted_times)):
         surge_final.append({"x": adjusted_times[x], 'y':so.surge_water_level[x] * uc.METER_TO_FEET})
     wave_final = []
     for x in range(0, len(adjusted_times)):
         wave_final.append({"x": adjusted_times[x], 'y':so.wave_water_level[x] * uc.METER_TO_FEET})
     air_final = []
     for x in range(0, len(adjusted_times)):
         air_final.append({"x": adjusted_times[x], 'y':so.interpolated_air_pressure[x] * uc.DBAR_TO_INCHES_OF_MERCURY})
     return {'raw_data': raw_final , 
             'surge_data': surge_final,
             'wave_data': wave_final,
             'air_data': air_final ,
             'latitude': float(so.latitude), 'longitude': float(so.longitude), 
             'air_latitude': float(so.air_latitude), 'air_longitude': float(so.air_longitude), 
             'sea_stn': [so.stn_station_number,so.stn_instrument_id],
             'air_stn': [so.air_stn_station_number,so.air_stn_instrument_id]}