Ejemplo n.º 1
from generation import transform
from Experiment import Experiment
from os import path
from tools import sec_to_time, gen_datestr
from time import time
from tools import check_folder

# Record start time for this experiment
start_time = time()
start_date = gen_datestr()
print(f"---- Started experiment : {start_date}")
# %%
# Determine name for save folder
report_folder = '/home/ronimber/PycharmProjects/temporal-coding/results/experiments/30_neurons/50_hz'
# Make sure the folder exists, create with all subfolders if it does not
# Name of files from current condition
condition_name = 'interval=(1, 3)_relprob=0.25_relduration=6_'

# Main shared parameters
number_of_repetitions = 30
set_size = 200
fraction_training = 0.5
stimulus_duration = 500

# Machine learning model parameters
model_params = dict(
    tau=2,  # Voltage time decay constant
    0.025  # Threshold for firing, firing will result in a "1" classification
    main_conditions)  # Creating list with dictionary for each condition
for condition in conditions_list:
    condition_params = shared_conditions.copy(
    )  # Grabbing the shared conditios
    condition_params.update(condition)  # Adding current conditions
    # Setting the threshold and learning rate
    condition_params['threshold'] = number_of_neuron_params[
    condition_params['learning_rate'] = number_of_neuron_params[

    # Determine location and name of generated template file
    condition_report_folder = os.path.join(
        save_folder, f"{condition['number_of_neurons']}_neurons",
    condition_name = f"interval={condition_params['interval']}_relprob={condition_params['release_probability']}_relduration={condition_params['release_duration']}_"
    # Adding to params dictionary
    condition_params['report_folder'] = condition_report_folder
    condition_params['condition_name'] = condition_name
    target_file = os.path.join(condition_report_folder,

    # Creating template text
    target_contents = template.substitute(condition_params)

    # Saving template
    with open(target_file, 'w') as file:

# target_contents = template.substitute(substitutions)
Ejemplo n.º 3
print(f"---- Started experiment : {start_date}")
# %% Specific parameters for parameter selection, easier to control from here
threshold = 250e-3
learning_rate = 5e-5
# %% Parameter specification
# Set location of root report (results) folder
# report_folder = '/home/ron/OneDrive/Documents/Masters/Parnas/temporal-coding/Results/' # For laptop
report_folder = '/home/ronimber/PycharmProjects/temporal-coding/Results/'  # For Google-Compute-Engine
# Optional: Set ordered sub-folders according to condition keywords
condition_folders = ('parameter_selection', '30_neurons', '15_hz',
                     'interval_(1-3)')  # If empty, saves at report folder

# Determine name for save folder
save_folder = path.join(report_folder, *condition_folders)
# Make sure the folder exists, create with all subfolders if it does not

# Optional: Set custom name for the experiment, useful when running several experiments with some shared conditions,
# All experiment related files will have this name prepended to them with an underscore
experiment_name = f'thresh={threshold}_lrnRate={learning_rate}'  # This can be left empty to save without experiment name

# Base experiment parameters
number_of_repetitions = 10  # Number of times to repeat the experiment with the exact same conditions
set_size = 200  # The size of the set(s) to generate for this experiment
fraction_training = 0.5  # Fraction of samples to be used in training, the rest go to testing
stimulus_duration = 500  # Maximal duration of the stimulus

# Machine learning model parameters
model_params = dict(
    tau=2,  # Voltage time decay constant
the spikes in the original stimulus are allowed to shift, for
this purpose a symmetric interval shift is used, allowing
each spike to move forward or backward in time within a specified interval.
# %%
from generation import make_stimulus
from generation.transform import symmetric_interval_shift
from tools import calc_stimuli_distance, check_folder, time_tools
import numpy as np
import os
import datetime

# %%
# Set up file saving
target_folder = '/mnt/disks/data'  # Set up where the sets will be saved

# Stimuli generation parameters
frequencies = [15, 50, 100]
number_of_neurons = [30, 150, 500]
duration = 500  # Units: ms

# Pair generation parameters
number_of_pairs = 100  # Number of stimulus pairs for each interval condition
# Intervals to use for temporal shifting
temporal_shift_intervals = [[3, 5], [3, 7],
                            [3, 10], [3, 15]]  # Units: Seconds

# %%
current_date = time_tools(with_time=False)
for num_neur in number_of_neurons: