Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_diff2fd24():
    for n in 2**arange(4,11):
        #Create an evenly-spaced grid of n points
        x = linspace(-1,1,n)
        # Second-order differentiation matrix against second-order derivative        
        D2 = diff2fd24(n,2,2./(n-1))
        D4 = diff2fd24(n,4,2./(n-1))
        du_true, u = testf(x,2)
        du2 = D2.dot(u)
        du4 = D4.dot(u)
        # Discrete L2-norm -- right-hand rule
        err2 = tools.normd(du2-du_true,x,'even')
        print("Discrete L2-error (2nd order) is %20.15e for n = %4d") % (err2,n)
        err4 = tools.normd(du4-du_true,x,'even')
        print("Discrete L2-error (4th order) is %20.15e for n = %4d") % (err4,n)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_diff2lag():
    for n in 2**arange(4,7):
        #Create Chebyshev points (of the second kind) to interpolate
        x = cos(pi*linspace(0,n,n)/n)
        # Second-order differentiation matrix against second-order derivative        
        D = diff2lag(x)
        du_true, u = testf(x,2)
        du = dot(D,u)
        # Discrete L2-norm -- right-hand rule
        err = tools.normd(du-du_true,x,'right')
        print("Discrete L2-error is %20.15e for n = %4d") % (err,n)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test():
    for n in 2**arange(4,7)-1:
        #Create Chebyshev points (of the second kind) to interpolate
        x = cos(pi*linspace(0,n,n)/n)
        y = testf(x)
        # Run the test
        ni = 2*(n+1)
        xi = linspace(-1+1./n**2,1-1./n**2,ni)
        yi = barylag(x,y,xi)
        ytrue = testf(xi)
        err = tools.normd(yi-ytrue,xi,'right')
        print("Discrete L2-error is %20.15e for nodes = %4d, points = %4d") % (err,n,ni)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test():
    t0 = -3
    tf = 3
    hvec = array([0.1, 0.01, 0.001])
    # Euler Test
    y0 = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    print "Scalar Euler Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = euler(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta = tools.normd(y-ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is %20.15e for h = %2.1e") % (delta, h)
    y0 = array([1, 2, 3])*sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    delta = zeros(3)
    print "\nVector Euler Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = euler(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta[0] = tools.normd(y[:,0]-ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[1] = tools.normd(y[:,1]-2*ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[2] = tools.normd(y[:,2]-3*ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is\n %20.15e, %20.15e, %20.15e\nfor h = %2.1e") % (delta[0],delta[1],delta[2], h)
    # Euler Predictor-Corrector Test
    y0 = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    print "Scalar Euler PC Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = eulerpc(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta = tools.normd(y-ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is %20.15e for h = %2.1e") % (delta, h)
    y0 = array([1, 2, 3])*sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    delta = zeros(3)
    print "\nVector Euler PC Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = eulerpc(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta[0] = tools.normd(y[:,0]-ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[1] = tools.normd(y[:,1]-2*ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[2] = tools.normd(y[:,2]-3*ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is\n %20.15e, %20.15e, %20.15e\nfor h = %2.1e") % (delta[0],delta[1],delta[2], h)            
    # RK4 Test
    y0 = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    print "Scalar RK4 Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = RK4(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta = tools.normd(y-ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is %20.15e for h = %2.1e") % (delta, h)
    y0 = array([1, 2, 3])*sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-t0**2)
    delta = zeros(3)
    print "\nVector RK4 Test Results:\n"
    for h in hvec:
        y, tv = RK4(testf,y0,t0,tf,h,True)
        ytrue = sqrt(pi)/2*exp(-tv**2)
        delta[0] = tools.normd(y[:,0]-ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[1] = tools.normd(y[:,1]-2*ytrue,tv,'even')
        delta[2] = tools.normd(y[:,2]-3*ytrue,tv,'even')
        print("Discrete L2 error is\n %20.15e, %20.15e, %20.15e\nfor h = %2.1e") % (delta[0],delta[1],delta[2], h)