Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, T, rdim=None, cdim=None, tsiz=None, option=None):
        """Create a sptenmat object from a given ndarray or sptensor T"""

        if (rdim != None and rdim.__class__ == list):
            rdim = numpy.array(rdim)
        if (cdim != None and cdim.__class__ == list):
            cdim = numpy.array(cdim)
        if (tsiz != None and tsiz.__class__ == list):
            tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz)

        #subs, vals, rdims, cdims, tsize are all given

        #When I is a (2-D) ndarray or sptensor, and rdim, cdim, tsiz are given
        if (rdim != None and cdim != None and tsiz != None):

            B = T.flatten().reshape(len(T), T.size / len(T))
            subs = []
            vals = []
            maxrowind = 0
            maxcolind = 0
            for i in range(0, len(B)):
                for j in range(0, len(B[0])):
                    if (B[i][j] != 0):
                        subs.extend([[i, j]])
                        if (i > maxrowind): maxrowind = i
                        if (j > maxcolind): maxcolind = j

            self.subs = numpy.array(subs)
            self.vals = numpy.array(vals)
            self.rdims = rdim.copy()
            self.cdims = cdim.copy()
            self.tsize = tsiz

            n = len(self.tsize)

            temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rdims, self.cdims))
            if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions")
            if (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rdims).prod() < maxrowind):
                raise ValueError("error, invalid row index")
            if (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cdims).prod() < maxcolind):
                raise ValueError("error, invalid column index")

        # T is a sptensor
        T = T.copy()
        self.tsize = T.shape
        self.subs = T.subs
        self.vals = T.vals
        n = T.ndims()

        if (rdim != None):
            if (cdim != None):
                self.rdims = rdim
                self.cdims = cdim

            elif (option != None):
                if (option == 'fc'):
                    self.rdims = rdim
                    if (self.rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "only one row dimension for 'fc' option")

                    self.cdims = []
                    for i in range(self.rdim[0] + 1, n):
                    for i in range(0, self.rdim[0]):
                    self.cdims = numpy.array(self.cdims)

                elif (option == 'bc'):
                    self.rdims = rdim
                    if (self.rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "only one row dimension for 'bc' option")

                    self.cdims = []
                    for i in range(0, self.rdim[0])[::-1]:
                    for i in range(self.rdim[0] + 1, n)[::-1]:
                    self.cdims = numpy.array(self.cdims)

                    raise ValueError("unknown option: {0}".format(option))

                self.rdims = rdim
                self.cdims = tools.notin(n, self.rdims)

        elif (cdim != None):
            self.cdims = cdim
            if (option == 't'):
                self.rdims = tools.notin(n, self.cdims)
                raise ValueError("unknown option: {0}".format(option))
            raise ValueError("Both rdims and cdims are None")

        #error check
        temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rdims, self.cdims))
        if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
            raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions")

        rsize = tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rdims)
        csize = tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cdims)

        if (len(rsize) == 0):
            ridx = numpy.ndarray([T.nnz()])
            temp1 = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.subs)):
                temp2 = []
                for j in range(0, len(self.rdims)):
            temp1 = numpy.array(temp1)
            ridx = tools.sub2ind(rsize, temp1)

        if (len(csize) == 0):
            cidx = numpy.ndarray([T.nnz()])

            temp1 = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.subs)):
                temp2 = []
                for j in range(0, len(self.cdims)):

            temp1 = numpy.array(temp1)
            cidx = tools.sub2ind(csize, temp1)

        self.subs = []
        for i in range(0, len(ridx)):
            self.subs.extend([[ridx[i][0], cidx[i][0]]])
        self.subs = numpy.array(self.subs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, T, rdim = None, cdim = None, tsiz = None, option = None):

        if(rdim is not None and rdim.__class__ == list):
            rdim = numpy.array(rdim);
        if(cdim is not None and cdim.__class__ == list):
            cdim = numpy.array(cdim);
        if(tsiz is not None and tsiz.__class__ == list):
            tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz);

    #constructor for the call tenmat(A, RDIMS, CDIMS, TSIZE)
        if(rdim is not None and cdim is not None and tsiz is not None):
            if(T.__class__ == numpy.ndarray):
                # self.data = T.copy();
                self.data = T
            if(T.__class__ == tensor.tensor):
                # self.data = T.data.copy();
                self.data = T.data
            self.rindices = rdim;
            self.cindices = cdim;
            # self.tsize = tuple(tsiz);
            self.tsize = tsiz

            n = len(self.tsize);

            temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rindices,self.cindices));
            if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions");
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rindices).prod()
                  != len(self.data)):
                raise ValueError("size(T,0) does not match size specified");
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cindices).prod()
                  != len(self.data[0])):
                raise ValueError("size(T,1) does not match size specified");


    #convert tensor to a tenmat
        if(rdim is None and cdim is None):
            self.data = None;
            self.rindices = None;
            self.cindices = None;
            self.tsize = None;
        #     raise ValueError("Both of rdim and cdim are not given");

        # T = T.copy(); #copy the tensor

        self.tsize = numpy.array(T.shape);
        n = T.ndims();

        if (rdim is not None):
            if(cdim is not None):
                rdims = rdim;
                cdims = cdim;
            elif(option is not None):
                if(option == 'fc'):
                    rdims = rdim;
                    if(rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'fc' option");

                    cdims = [];
                    for i in range(rdim[0]+1,n):
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0]):
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims);

                elif(option == 'bc'):
                    rdims = rdim;
                    if(rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'bc' option");
                    cdims = [];
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0])[::-1]:
                    for i in range(rdim[0]+1,n)[::-1]:
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims);

                elif(option == 't'):
                    cdims = rdim
                    rdims = tools.notin(n, cdims)

                    raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option));

                rdims = rdim;
                cdims = tools.notin(n, rdims);

            if(option == 't'):
                cdims = cdim;
                rdims = tools.notin(n, cdims);
                raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option));

        #error check
        temp = numpy.concatenate((rdims,cdims));
        if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
            raise ValueError("error, Incorrect specification of dimensions");

        #permute T so that the dimensions specified by RDIMS come first

        #!!!! order of data in ndarray is different from that in Matlab!
        #this is (kind of odd process) needed to conform the result with Matlab!
        #lis = list(T.shape);
        #temp = lis[T.ndims()-1];
        #lis[T.ndims()-1] = lis[T.ndims()-2];
        #lis[T.ndims()-2] = temp;
        #T.data = T.data.reshape(lis).swapaxes(T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2);
        #print T;

        #T = T.permute([T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2]+(range(0,T.ndims()-2)));
        #print T;

        # ------原始是permute------------
        # T = T.permute(numpy.concatenate((rdims,cdims)));

        #convert T to a matrix;

        # -------这里我改成了without_copy

        T = T.permute_without_copy(numpy.concatenate((rdims,cdims)));

        row = tools.getelts(self.tsize, rdims).prod()
        col = tools.getelts(self.tsize, cdims).prod()

        self.data = T.data.reshape([row, col]);
        self.rindices = rdims;
        self.cindices = cdims;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, T, rdim=None, cdim=None, tsiz=None, option=None):
        A matricized tensor object.
        Converting a tensor to a matrix requires an ordered mapping of the tensor indices for the rows and columns
        if (rdim != None and rdim.__class__ == list):
            rdim = numpy.array(rdim)
        if (cdim != None and cdim.__class__ == list):
            cdim = numpy.array(cdim)
        if (tsiz != None and tsiz.__class__ == list):
            tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz)

        #constructor for the call tenmat(A, RDIMS, CDIMS, TSIZE)
        if (rdim != None and cdim != None and tsiz != None):
            if (T.__class__ == numpy.ndarray):
                self.data = T.copy()
            if (T.__class__ == tensor.tensor):
                self.data = T.data.copy()
            self.rindices = rdim
            self.cindices = cdim
            self.tsize = tuple(tsiz)

            n = len(self.tsize)

            temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rindices, self.cindices))
            if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions")
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rindices).prod() != len(
                raise ValueError("size(T,0) does not match size specified")
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cindices).prod() != len(
                raise ValueError("size(T,1) does not match size specified")


        #convert tensor to a tenmat
        if (rdim == None and cdim == None):
            raise ValueError("Both of rdim and cdim are not given")

        T = T.copy()
        #copy the tensor
        self.tsize = T.shape
        n = T.ndims()

        if (rdim != None):
            if (cdim != None):
                rdims = rdim
                cdims = cdim
            elif (option != None):
                if (option == 'fc'):
                    rdims = rdim
                    if (rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "only one row dimension for 'fc' option")

                    cdims = []
                    for i in range(rdim[0] + 1, n):
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0]):
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims)

                elif (option == 'bc'):
                    rdims = rdim
                    if (rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "only one row dimension for 'bc' option")
                    cdims = []
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0])[::-1]:
                    for i in range(rdim[0] + 1, n)[::-1]:
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims)

                    raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option))

                rdims = rdim
                cdims = tools.notin(n, rdims)

            if (option == 't'):
                cdims = cdim
                rdims = tools.notin(n, cdims)
                raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option))

        #error check
        temp = numpy.concatenate((rdims, cdims))
        if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
            raise ValueError("error, Incorrect specification of dimensions")

        #permute T so that the dimensions specified by RDIMS come first

        #!!!! order of data in ndarray is different from that in Matlab!
        #this is (kind of odd process) needed to conform the result with Matlab!
        #lis = list(T.shape);
        #temp = lis[T.ndims()-1];
        #lis[T.ndims()-1] = lis[T.ndims()-2];
        #lis[T.ndims()-2] = temp;
        #T.data = T.data.reshape(lis).swapaxes(T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2);
        #print T;

        #T = T.permute([T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2]+(range(0,T.ndims()-2)));
        #print T;
        T = T.permute(numpy.concatenate((rdims, cdims)))
        #convert T to a matrix;

        row = tools.getelts(self.tsize, rdims).prod()
        col = tools.getelts(self.tsize, cdims).prod()

        self.data = T.data.reshape([row, col], order='F')
        self.rindices = rdims
        self.cindices = cdims
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, T, rdim=None, cdim=None, tsiz=None, option=None):
        A matricized tensor object.
        Converting a tensor to a matrix requires an ordered mapping of the tensor indices for the rows and columns
        if rdim != None and rdim.__class__ == list:
            rdim = numpy.array(rdim)
        if cdim != None and cdim.__class__ == list:
            cdim = numpy.array(cdim)
        if tsiz != None and tsiz.__class__ == list:
            tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz)

        # constructor for the call tenmat(A, RDIMS, CDIMS, TSIZE)
        if rdim != None and cdim != None and tsiz != None:
            if T.__class__ == numpy.ndarray:
                self.data = T.copy()
            if T.__class__ == tensor.tensor:
                self.data = T.data.copy()
            self.rindices = rdim
            self.cindices = cdim
            self.tsize = tuple(tsiz)

            n = len(self.tsize)

            temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rindices, self.cindices))
            if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions")
            elif tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rindices).prod() != len(self.data):
                raise ValueError("size(T,0) does not match size specified")
            elif tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cindices).prod() != len(self.data[0]):
                raise ValueError("size(T,1) does not match size specified")


        # convert tensor to a tenmat
        if rdim == None and cdim == None:
            raise ValueError("Both of rdim and cdim are not given")

        T = T.copy()
        # copy the tensor
        self.tsize = T.shape
        n = T.ndims()

        if rdim != None:
            if cdim != None:
                rdims = rdim
                cdims = cdim
            elif option != None:
                if option == "fc":
                    rdims = rdim
                    if rdims.size != 1:
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'fc' option")

                    cdims = []
                    for i in range(rdim[0] + 1, n):
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0]):
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims)

                elif option == "bc":
                    rdims = rdim
                    if rdims.size != 1:
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'bc' option")
                    cdims = []
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0])[::-1]:
                    for i in range(rdim[0] + 1, n)[::-1]:
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims)

                    raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option))

                rdims = rdim
                cdims = tools.notin(n, rdims)

            if option == "t":
                cdims = cdim
                rdims = tools.notin(n, cdims)
                raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option))

        # error check
        temp = numpy.concatenate((rdims, cdims))
        if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
            raise ValueError("error, Incorrect specification of dimensions")

        # permute T so that the dimensions specified by RDIMS come first

        #!!!! order of data in ndarray is different from that in Matlab!
        # this is (kind of odd process) needed to conform the result with Matlab!
        # lis = list(T.shape);
        # temp = lis[T.ndims()-1];
        # lis[T.ndims()-1] = lis[T.ndims()-2];
        # lis[T.ndims()-2] = temp;
        # T.data = T.data.reshape(lis).swapaxes(T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2);
        # print T;

        # T = T.permute([T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2]+(range(0,T.ndims()-2)));
        # print T;
        T = T.permute(numpy.concatenate((rdims, cdims)))
        # convert T to a matrix;

        row = tools.getelts(self.tsize, rdims).prod()
        col = tools.getelts(self.tsize, cdims).prod()

        self.data = T.data.reshape([row, col], order="F")
        self.rindices = rdims
        self.cindices = cdims
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, T, rdim = None, cdim = None, tsiz = None, option = None):
        if(rdim != None and rdim.__class__ == list):
            rdim = numpy.array(rdim);
        if(cdim != None and cdim.__class__ == list):
            cdim = numpy.array(cdim);
        if(tsiz != None and tsiz.__class__ == list):
            tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz);        

    #constructor for the call tenmat(A, RDIMS, CDIMS, TSIZE)
        if(rdim != None and cdim != None and tsiz != None):
            if(T.__class__ == numpy.ndarray):
                self.data = T.copy();
            if(T.__class__ == tensor.tensor):
                self.data = T.data.copy();
            self.rindices = rdim;
            self.cindices = cdim;
            self.tsize = tuple(tsiz);
            n = len(self.tsize);
            temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rindices,self.cindices));
            if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
                raise ValueError("Incorrect specification of dimensions");
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rindices).prod()
                  != len(self.data)):
                raise ValueError("size(T,0) does not match size specified");
            elif (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cindices).prod()
                  != len(self.data[0])):
                raise ValueError("size(T,1) does not match size specified");
    #convert tensor to a tenmat
        if(rdim == None and cdim == None):
            raise ValueError("Both of rdim and cdim are not given");
        T = T.copy(); #copy the tensor
        self.tsize = T.shape;
        n = T.ndims();
        if (rdim != None):
            if(cdim != None):
                rdims = rdim;
                cdims = cdim;
            elif(option != None):
                if(option == 'fc'):
                    rdims = rdim;
                    if(rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'fc' option");
                    cdims = [];
                    for i in range(rdim[0]+1,n):
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0]):
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims);
                elif(option == 'bc'):
                    rdims = rdim;
                    if(rdims.size != 1):
                        raise ValueError("only one row dimension for 'bc' option");                    
                    cdims = [];
                    for i in range(0, rdim[0])[::-1]:
                    for i in range(rdim[0]+1,n)[::-1]:
                    cdims = numpy.array(cdims);
                    raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option));
                rdims = rdim;
                cdims = tools.notin(n, rdims);
            if(option == 't'):
                cdims = cdim;
                rdims = tools.notin(n, cdims);
                raise ValueError("unknown option {0}".format(option));
        #error check
        temp = numpy.concatenate((rdims,cdims));
        if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
            raise ValueError("error, Incorrect specification of dimensions");
        #permute T so that the dimensions specified by RDIMS come first
        #!!!! order of data in ndarray is different from that in Matlab!
        #this is (kind of odd process) needed to conform the result with Matlab!
        #lis = list(T.shape);
        #temp = lis[T.ndims()-1];
        #lis[T.ndims()-1] = lis[T.ndims()-2];
        #lis[T.ndims()-2] = temp;
        #T.data = T.data.reshape(lis).swapaxes(T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2);
        #print T;
        #T = T.permute([T.ndims()-1, T.ndims()-2]+(range(0,T.ndims()-2)));
        #print T;  
        T = T.permute(numpy.concatenate((rdims,cdims)));
        #convert T to a matrix;
        row = tools.getelts(self.tsize, rdims).prod()
        col = tools.getelts(self.tsize, cdims).prod()
        self.data = T.data.reshape([row, col]);
        self.rindices = rdims;
        self.cindices = cdims;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, T, rdim = None, cdim = None, tsiz = None, option = None):
     """Create a sptenmat object from a given ndarray or sptensor T"""
     if(rdim != None and rdim.__class__ == list):
         rdim = numpy.array(rdim);
     if(cdim != None and cdim.__class__ == list):
         cdim = numpy.array(cdim);
     if(tsiz != None and tsiz.__class__ == list):
         tsiz = numpy.array(tsiz);
     #subs, vals, rdims, cdims, tsize are all given
     #When I is a (2-D) ndarray or sptensor, and rdim, cdim, tsiz are given
     if(rdim != None and cdim != None and tsiz != None):
         B = T.flatten().reshape(len(T), T.size / len(T));
         subs = [];
         vals = [];
         maxrowind = 0;
         maxcolind = 0;
         for i in range(0,len(B)):
             for j in range(0, len(B[0])):
                 if(B[i][j] != 0):
                     if(i > maxrowind): maxrowind = i;
                     if(j > maxcolind): maxcolind = j;
         self.subs = numpy.array(subs);
         self.vals = numpy.array(vals);
         self.rdims = rdim.copy();
         self.cdims = cdim.copy();
         self.tsize = tsiz;
         n = len(self.tsize);
         temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rdims,self.cdims));
         if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
             raise ValueError ("Incorrect specification of dimensions");
         if (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rdims).prod() < maxrowind):
             raise ValueError ("error, invalid row index");
         if (tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cdims).prod() < maxcolind):
             raise ValueError ("error, invalid column index");
     # T is a sptensor
     T = T.copy();
     self.tsize = T.shape;
     self.subs = T.subs;
     self.vals = T.vals;
     n = T.ndims();
     if (rdim != None):
         if(cdim != None):
             self.rdims = rdim;
             self.cdims = cdim;
         elif(option != None):
             if(option == 'fc'):
                 self.rdims = rdim;
                 if(self.rdims.size != 1):
                     raise ValueError ("only one row dimension for 'fc' option");
                 self.cdims = [];
                 for i in range(self.rdim[0]+1,n):
                 for i in range(0, self.rdim[0]):
                 self.cdims = numpy.array(self.cdims);
             elif(option == 'bc'):
                 self.rdims = rdim;
                 if(self.rdims.size != 1):
                     raise ValueError ("only one row dimension for 'bc' option");
                 self.cdims = [];
                 for i in range(0, self.rdim[0])[::-1]:
                 for i in range(self.rdim[0]+1,n)[::-1]:
                 self.cdims = numpy.array(self.cdims);
                 raise ValueError ("unknown option: {0}".format(option));
             self.rdims = rdim;
             self.cdims = tools.notin(n, self.rdims);
     elif(cdim != None):
         self.cdims = cdim;
         if(option == 't'):
             self.rdims = tools.notin(n, self.cdims);
             raise ValueError ("unknown option: {0}".format(option));
         raise ValueError("Both rdims and cdims are None");
     #error check
     temp = numpy.concatenate((self.rdims,self.cdims));
     if not ((numpy.arange(n) == temp).all()):
         raise ValueError ("Incorrect specification of dimensions");
     rsize = tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.rdims);
     csize = tools.getelts(self.tsize, self.cdims);
     if (len(rsize) == 0):
         ridx = numpy.ndarray([T.nnz()]);
         temp1 = [];
         for i in range (0, len(self.subs)):
             temp2 = [];
             for j in range(0, len(self.rdims)):
         temp1 = numpy.array(temp1);
         ridx = tools.sub2ind(rsize, temp1);
     if (len(csize) == 0):
         cidx = numpy.ndarray([T.nnz()]);
         temp1 = [];
         for i in range (0, len(self.subs)):
             temp2 = [];
             for j in range(0, len(self.cdims)):
         temp1 = numpy.array(temp1);
         cidx = tools.sub2ind(csize, temp1);
     self.subs = [];
     for i in range(0,len(ridx)):
         self.subs.extend([[ridx[i][0], cidx[i][0]]]);
     self.subs = numpy.array(self.subs);