Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    inp = bytes(70)
    data_set = []
    for _ in range(10):
        enc = ''
        data, answer = encryption_oracle(inp)
        reps = len(split_blocks(data, 16)) - len(set(split_blocks(data, 16)))
        if answer == 0:
            enc = 'ECB'
            enc = 'CBC'
        data_set.append((enc, reps))
    for element in data_set:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cbc_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv=bytes(16)):
    Currently has AES-128 hardcoded
    default iv is 16 zerobytes
    blocksize = len(iv)
    pre_plain = decrypt_ecb_aes(ciphertext, key, False)
    c_blocks = [iv]
    c_blocks += split_blocks(ciphertext, blocksize)
    pp_blocks = split_blocks(pre_plain, blocksize)
    plaintext = b''
    for i, block in enumerate(pp_blocks):
        plaintext += cbc_decrypt_block(c_blocks[i], block)
    plaintext = pkcs7_depad(plaintext, blocksize)
    return plaintext
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ctr_transform(plain, key, nonce):
    plain_blocks = split_blocks(plain, 16)
    cipher_blocks = []
    keystream = ctr_aes128_keystream_gen(key, nonce)
    for block in plain_blocks:
        ks_block = next(keystream)
        cipher_blocks.append(xor_bytes(ks_block, block))
    return b''.join(cipher_blocks)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cbc_padding_oracle(oracle, ciphertext, blocksize, iv=None):
    if iv is None:
        iv = bytes(blocksize)
    c_blocks = tools.split_blocks(ciphertext, blocksize)
    p_blocks = []
    for i, c_block in enumerate(c_blocks):
        if i == 0:
            pre = iv
            pre = c_blocks[i-1]
        p_blocks.append(cbc_po_block(oracle, pre, c_block))
    return b''.join(p_blocks)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def remove_pref_blocks(func, inp, pref_length, blocksize):
    takes a func pain --> ciphertext
    padds the input to fill prefix blocks and strip output
    return output as if there was no prefix"""
    padding = bytes(blocksize - pref_length % blocksize)
    padded_out = func(padding+inp)
    block_to_remove = pref_length//blocksize
    if pref_length % blocksize != 0:
        block_to_remove += 1
    stripped_out = tools.split_blocks(padded_out, blocksize)[block_to_remove:]
    return b''.join(stripped_out)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    blocksize, padding = analyse.test_blocksize(profile_for)
    print("Blocksize found: ", blocksize)
    print("Paddingbytes: ", padding)
    print("ECB detected: ", analyse.test_ecb(profile_for, blocksize))
    pref_length = tools.get_pref_len(profile_for, blocksize)
    print("prefix_length: ", pref_length)
    print("constructing fake end block")
    fill = b'A'*(blocksize-(pref_length % blocksize))
    fake_end_plain = tools.pkcs7_padding(b'admin', blocksize)
    target_block = (pref_length//blocksize)+1
    end = tools.split_blocks(profile_for(fill+fake_end_plain), blocksize)[target_block]
    dec_end = dec_profile(end)
    print("test decoding generated fake end block: ", dec_end)
    if dec_end == b'admin':
    print("generating aligned main cipherblocks")
    main_fill = b'A'*(padding+len(b"user"))
    main_blocks = tools.split_blocks(profile_for(main_fill), blocksize)[:-1]
    main_ciphertext = b''.join(main_blocks)
    print("constructing payload")
    payload = main_ciphertext+end
    print("Testdecoding payload: ", dec_profile(payload))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def cbc_encrypt(plaintext, key, iv=bytes(16)):
    hardcoded to use aes-128, and pkcs7_padding
    default iv is 16 zerobytes
        plaintext = plaintext.encode()
    except AttributeError:
    blocksize = len(iv)
    plain_padded = pkcs7_padding(plaintext, blocksize)
    plain_blocks = split_blocks(plain_padded, blocksize)
    cipher_blocks = [iv]
    for block in plain_blocks:
        cipher_blocks.append(cbc_encrypt_block(cipher_blocks[-1], block, key))
    return b''.join(cipher_blocks[1:])  # return ciphertext without IV
Ejemplo n.º 8
def cbc_byteflip(func, target_plain, base_plain, blocksize, prefix_length=0):
    if max(len(target_plain), len(base_plain)) > blocksize:
        raise ValueError("Attack does not support targets larger than blocksize")
    elif len(target_plain) != len(base_plain):
        raise ValueError("target_plain and base_plain have to be of equal length")
    offset = 0
    if prefix_length % blocksize != 0:
        offset = blocksize - prefix_length % blocksize
    padd_start = b'A' * offset + b'A' * blocksize
    base_cipher_blocks = tools.split_blocks(func(padd_start + base_plain), blocksize)
    target_index = (prefix_length + offset) // blocksize
    target_block = base_cipher_blocks[target_index]
    padd_block = bytes(blocksize - len(target_plain))
    base_plain += padd_block
    target_plain += padd_block
    # generate modified cipher_block
    diff = tools.xor_bytes(target_plain, base_plain)
    new_block = tools.xor_bytes(diff, target_block)
    mod_cipher_blocks = base_cipher_blocks[:]
    mod_cipher_blocks[target_index] = new_block
    return b''.join(mod_cipher_blocks)