Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_chair_images():
    """Create different colored variations of chairlift rider images."""
    #colors for each potential rider in the original image 
    original_colors = {
        "hat": [(0, 38, 255), (72, 0, 255), (255, 0, 220)],
        "hair": [(255, 189, 0), (76, 255, 0), (0, 255, 33)],
        "skin": [(191, 84, 33), (255, 178, 127), (104, 41, 0)],
        "shirt": [(1, 127, 15), (255, 0, 0), (255, 106, 0)],
        "pants": [(0, 148, 255), (0, 74, 127), (0, 127, 127)],
        "board": [(127, 0, 0), (127, 51, 0), (127, 106, 0)]}
    chairs = []
    skin_tones = tools.strip_from_sheet(GFX["skin-palette"], (0, 0), (16, 16), 3)    
    skin_colors = [img.get_at((0, 0)) for img in skin_tones]         
    hair_tones = tools.strip_from_sheet(GFX["hair-palette"], (0, 0), (16, 16), 4)
    hair_colors = [hair.get_at((0, 0)) for hair in hair_tones]
    elf_tones = tools.strip_from_sheet(GFX["elf-palette"], (0, 0), (16, 16), 15)
    elf_colors = [elf.get_at((0, 0)) for elf in elf_tones]
    originals = [GFX["upchair{}".format(x)] for x in range(1, 4)]
    names = ("skin", "hair", "hat", "shirt", "pants", "board")
    for original in originals:
        for _ in range(10):
            swap_dict = {}
            for i in range(3):
                old_colors = [original_colors[name][i] for name in names]             
                new_colors = [choice(skin_colors), choice(hair_colors)]
                new_colors.extend(sample(elf_colors, 4))
                swap_dict.update(zip(old_colors, new_colors))
            chairs.append(tools.color_swap(original, swap_dict))   
    return chairs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_images(sheet, strip_size, num_columns, num_rows, sprite_size,
    """Load sprite component images into a dict of dicts."""
    d = {}
    strips = strip_from_sheet(sheet, (0, 0), strip_size, num_columns, num_rows)
    for i, strip in enumerate(strips):
        d[i] = {}
        imgs = strip_from_sheet(strip, (0, 0), sprite_size, sprites_per_row)
        for j, img in enumerate(imgs):
            d[i][j] = img
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load_images(sheet, strip_size, num_columns, num_rows,
                                                 sprite_size, sprites_per_row):
    """Load sprite component images into a dict of dicts."""
    d = {}
    strips = strip_from_sheet(sheet, (0, 0), strip_size, num_columns,
    for i, strip in enumerate(strips):
        d[i] = {}
        imgs = strip_from_sheet(strip, (0, 0), sprite_size, sprites_per_row)
        for j, img in enumerate(imgs):        
            d[i][j] = img
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 4
CURSOR1_IMAGE = GFX['mouse0']
CURSOR2_IMAGE = GFX['mouse3']

    'default' : pg.mouse.get_cursor(),
    'hand'    : cursor_from_image(CURSOR1_IMAGE,16,(8,4)),
    'move'    : cursor_from_image(CURSOR2_IMAGE,16,(8,4))}

def change_cursor(name):
    return name

#Sprite component image loading
HATS = load_images(GFX["hats"], (816, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 12)
SPECIAL_HATS = strip_from_sheet(GFX["special-hats"],(0,0),(68,116),5)
HAIR = load_images(GFX["hair"], (1020, 116), 1, 5, (68, 116), 15)                                          
SKIN = strip_from_sheet(GFX["skin"], (0, 0), (68, 112), 12)
EYES = strip_from_sheet(GFX["eyes"], (0, 0), (68, 112), 17)
FACIAL_HAIR = load_images(GFX["facial-hair"], (1088, 116), 1, 5, (68, 116), 16)
TOPS = load_images(GFX["tops"], (1496, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 22)
BOTTOMS = load_images(GFX["bottoms"], (544, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 8)
SHOES = strip_from_sheet(GFX["shoes"], (0, 0), (68, 114), 17, 2)
MASKS = load_images(GFX["masks"], (408, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 6)
SPECIAL_MASKS = strip_from_sheet(GFX["special-masks"], (0, 0), (68, 116), 12, 2)

BUTTON_HELP = pg.Rect(60,420,80,40)
BUTTON_RESET = pg.Rect(150,420,100,40)
BUTTON_SHOW = pg.Rect(270,420,90,40)
BUTTON_SAVE = pg.Rect(380,420,80,40)
BUTTON_QUIT = pg.Rect(480,420,80,40)
Ejemplo n.º 5
            d[i][j] = img
    return d

SCREEN_SIZE = (1280, 720)
ORIGINAL_CAPTION = "Sprite Builder"

pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 512)

os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = "TRUE"
SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE)

GFX = load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources", "graphics"))

#Sprite component image loading
HATS = load_images(GFX["hats"], (816, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 12)
SPECIAL_HATS = strip_from_sheet(GFX["special-hats"], (0, 0), (68, 116), 5)
HAIR = load_images(GFX["hair"], (1020, 116), 1, 5, (68, 116), 15)
SKIN = strip_from_sheet(GFX["skin"], (0, 0), (68, 112), 12)
EYES = strip_from_sheet(GFX["eyes"], (0, 0), (68, 112), 17)
FACIAL_HAIR = load_images(GFX["facial-hair"], (1088, 116), 1, 5, (68, 116), 16)
TOPS = load_images(GFX["tops"], (1496, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 22)
BOTTOMS = load_images(GFX["bottoms"], (544, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 8)
SHOES = strip_from_sheet(GFX["shoes"], (0, 0), (68, 114), 17, 2)
MASKS = load_images(GFX["masks"], (408, 116), 1, 34, (68, 116), 6)
SPECIAL_MASKS = strip_from_sheet(GFX["special-masks"], (0, 0), (68, 116), 12,