Ejemplo n.º 1
def implied_cov_expdecayshk_continuous_not_time_varying(
        var_expdecayshk, omega, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for an exponentially decaying stochastic 
  process, time aggregated in continuous time
  Doesn't allow time-varying parameters (easier to read the code!)
    # Set up covariance matrix, initialized to zero
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))  #/* Income */
    # pre-calculate covariance matrix of a stochasic process with shocks
    # that decay at rate omega
    cov_omega, components = cov_omega_theta(omega, omega)
    var_omega = cov_omega[2]
    cov_omega_1 = cov_omega[3]
    cov_omega_2 = cov_omega[4]

    for j in range(T):
        cov_y[j, j] = var_expdecayshk * var_omega
    for j in range(1, T):
        cov_y[j - 1, j] = var_expdecayshk * cov_omega_1
        cov_y[j, j - 1] = cov_y[j - 1, j]
    for M in range(2, T):
        for j in range(M, T):
            cov_y[j - M,
                  j] = var_expdecayshk * np.exp(-(M - 2) * omega) * cov_omega_2
            cov_y[j, j - M] = cov_y[j - M, j]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parameter_estimation_by_subgroup(moments_BPP_dir,
    subgroup_estimates = np.zeros((len(subgroup_names), 5))
    subgroup_se = np.zeros((len(subgroup_names), 5))
    #Just doing income for now - remove other moments
    income_moments = np.array([[False] * 2 * T] * 2 * T, dtype=bool)
    income_moments[T:, T:] = True
    vech_indices2T = vech_indices(2 * T)
    income_moments = income_moments[vech_indices2T]
    for i in range(len(subgroup_names)):
        this_empirical_moments_all = np.genfromtxt(Path(
            moments_BPP_dir, subgroup_stub + str(i + 1) + "c_vector.txt"),
        this_Omega_all = np.genfromtxt(Path(
            moments_BPP_dir, subgroup_stub + str(i + 1) + "_omega.txt"),
        this_empirical_moments_inc = this_empirical_moments_all[income_moments]
        this_Omega_inc = this_Omega_all[income_moments, :][:, income_moments]
        this_estimates, this_estimate_se = parameter_estimation(
            this_empirical_moments_inc, this_Omega_inc, T, init_params,
            optimize_index, bounds)
        subgroup_estimates[i, :] = this_estimates
        subgroup_se[i, :] = this_estimate_se
    return subgroup_estimates, subgroup_se
Ejemplo n.º 3
def implied_cov_MA1_annual(var_tran, theta, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for MA(1) shocks that arrive in discrete
  annual periods (like BPP 2008)
    if isinstance(var_tran, (np.floating, float)):
        var_tran = var_tran * np.ones(T + 1)
    elif len(var_tran) != T + 1:
        return "var_tran must be a float or array of length T+1"
    if isinstance(theta, (np.floating, float)):
        theta = theta * np.ones(T + 1)
        return "theta must be a float or array of length T+1"

    # Create covariance matrix
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))  #/* Income */
    for j in range(T):
              j] = var_tran[j +
                            1] + (1 - theta[j])**2 * var_tran[j] + theta[max(
                                j - 1, 0)]**2 * var_tran[max(j - 1, 0)]
    for j in range(1, T):
        cov_y[j - 1, j] = -(1 - theta[j]) * var_tran[j] + theta[max(
            j - 1, 0)] * (1 - theta[max(j - 1, 0)]) * var_tran[max(j - 1, 0)]
        cov_y[j, j - 1] = cov_y[j - 1, j]
    for j in range(2, T):
        cov_y[j - 2, j] = -theta[max(j - 1, 0)] * var_tran[max(j - 1, 0)]
        cov_y[j, j - 2] = cov_y[j - 2, j]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 4
def implied_cov_permshk_annual(var_perm, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for permanent shocks that arrive in discrete,
  annual periods (like BPP 2008)
    if isinstance(var_perm, (np.floating, float)):
        var_perm = np.ones(T + 1) * var_perm  # variance of permanent shock
    elif len(var_perm) != T + 1:
        return "Number of parameters must be equal to 1 or T+1"

    # Create covariance matrix
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))  #/* Income */
    for j in range(T):
        cov_y[j, j] = var_perm[j + 1]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 5
def implied_cov_bonusshk_continuous(var_bonus, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for a transitory shock with NO persistence
    if isinstance(var_bonus, (np.floating, float)):
        var_bonus = var_bonus * np.ones(T + 1)
    elif len(var_bonus) != T + 1:
        return "var_bonus must be a float or array of length T+1"
    # Set up covariance matrix, initialized to zero
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))
    for j in range(T):
        cov_y[j, j] = var_bonus[j - 1] + var_bonus[j]
    for j in range(1, T):
        cov_y[j - 1, j] = -var_bonus[j - 1]
        cov_y[j, j - 1] = cov_y[j - 1, j]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 6
def implied_inc_cov_monthly(impact_matrix):
    Calculates the covariance matrix for discrete monthly process defined by
    the "impact_matrix"
    T = impact_matrix.shape[0]
    K = impact_matrix.shape[1]
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))
    for k in range(K):
        for i in range(T):
            for j in range(i + 1):
                      i - j] += impact_matrix[i, k] * impact_matrix[i - j, k]
    for i in range(T):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            cov_y[i - j, i] = cov_y[i, i - j]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 7
def implied_cov_permshk_continuous(var_perm, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for permanent shocks in continuous time
    if isinstance(var_perm, (np.floating, float)):
        var_perm = np.ones(T + 1) * var_perm  # variance of permanent shock
    elif len(var_perm) != T + 1:
        return "Number of parameters must be equal to 1 or T+1"

    # Create covariance matrix
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))  #/* Income */
    for j in range(T):
        cov_y[j, j] = 1.0 / 3.0 * var_perm[j] + 1.0 / 3.0 * var_perm[j + 1]
    for j in range(1, T):
        cov_y[j - 1, j] = 1.0 / 6.0 * var_perm[j - 1]
        cov_y[j, j - 1] = cov_y[j - 1, j]
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 8
from tools import vech_indices

moments_BPP_dir = Path("../../Data/BPP_moments/")

#First load the moments
empirical_moments_all = np.genfromtxt(Path(moments_BPP_dir,
Omega_all = np.genfromtxt(Path(moments_BPP_dir, "moments_all_omega.txt"),
T = 12
#Just doing income for now - remove other moments
income_moments = np.array([[False] * 2 * T] * 2 * T, dtype=bool)
income_moments[T:, T:] = True
vech_indices2T = vech_indices(2 * T)
income_moments = income_moments[vech_indices2T]
empirical_moments_inc = empirical_moments_all[income_moments]
Omega_inc = Omega_all[income_moments, :][:, income_moments]

# set up initial guess and bounds
init_params = np.array([
    0.005,  #permanent variance
    0.003,  #transitory variance
    0.5,  #decay parameter of slightly persistant transitory shock
    0.5,  #fraction of transitory variance that has no persistence
])  # decay parameter of perm shock
optimize_index = np.array([
    0,  #permanent variance
    1,  #transitory variance
Ejemplo n.º 9
def implied_cov_expdecayshk_continuous(var_expdecayshk, omega, T):
  Calculates the covariance matrix for an exponentially decaying stochastic 
  process, time aggregated in continuous time
    time_varying_omega = False
    if isinstance(var_expdecayshk, (np.floating, float)):
        var_expdecayshk = var_expdecayshk * np.ones(T + 1)
    elif len(var_expdecayshk) != T + 1:
        return "var_expdecayshk must be a float or array of length T+1"
    if isinstance(omega, (np.floating, float)):
        omega = omega * np.ones(T + 1)
    if len(omega) == T + 1:
        time_varying_omega = (max(np.abs(np.diff(omega))) > 0.0)
        return "omega must be a float or array of length T+1"
    # Set up covariance matrix, initialized to zero
    cov_y = np.zeros((T, T))  #/* Income */
    # pre-calculate covariance matrix of a stochasic process with shocks
    # that decay at rate omega, will be updated if omega is time-varying
    cov_omega, components = cov_omega_theta(omega[0], omega[0])
    #first add in components of variance from shocks from before time starts
    for t in range(T):
        if t + 2 <= T - 1:
            for m in range(T - t - 2):
                cov_y[t, t + 2 +
                      m] += var_expdecayshk[0] * components[0, 3] * np.exp(
                          -(2 * t + m) * omega[0])
        if t + 1 <= T - 1:
            cov_y[t, t + 1] += var_expdecayshk[0] * components[1, 3] * np.exp(
                -t * 2 * omega[0])
        cov_y[t, t] += var_expdecayshk[0] * components[2, 3] * np.exp(
            -t * 2 * omega[0])
    # Now add in compoments of variance for each time period (loop over k is for shock years, loop over t is the year for which we are calculating the variance/covariance)
    for k in np.array(range(T + 2)) - 1:
        param_index = max(
            k, 0)  #Shocks before time -1 take same params at time -1
        # If omega is time-varying, then update the cov_omega results to reflect parameters from the shock year (K)
        if time_varying_omega:
            cov_omega, components = cov_omega_theta(omega[param_index],
        # Now loop over the T years in which we measure variance/covariance, adding in the effect of shocks that originate at time k
        for t in range(T):
            if (t - k >= 2):
                for m in range(T - t - 2):
                    if t + 2 + m <= T - 1:
                        cov_y[t, t + 2 +
                              m] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[
                                  0, 2] * np.exp(-(2 * (t - k - 2) + m) *
                if t + 1 <= T - 1:
                          t + 1] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[
                              1, 2] * np.exp(-2 *
                                             (t - k - 2) * omega[param_index])
                cov_y[t, t] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[
                    2, 2] * np.exp(-2 * (t - k - 2) * omega[param_index])
            if (t - k == 1):
                for m in range(T - t - 2):
                    if t + 2 + m <= T - 1:
                        cov_y[t, t + 2 +
                              m] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[
                                  0, 1] * np.exp(-m * omega[0])
                if t + 1 <= T - 1:
                    cov_y[t, t +
                          1] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[1, 1]
                cov_y[t, t] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[2, 1]
            if (t - k == 0):
                for m in range(T - t - 2):
                    if t + 2 + m <= T - 1:
                        cov_y[t, t + 2 +
                              m] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[
                                  0, 0] * np.exp(-m * omega[0])
                if t + 1 <= T - 1:
                    cov_y[t, t +
                          1] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[1, 0]
                cov_y[t, t] += var_expdecayshk[param_index] * components[2, 0]
    # So far we've created an upper triangular matrix, reflect it along diagonal:
    for t in np.array(range(T)):
        for j in np.array(range(T - t - 1)) + 1:
            cov_y[t + j, t] = cov_y[t, t + j]
    # Turn matrix into vector
    vech_indicesT = vech_indices(T)
    cov_y_vec = cov_y[vech_indicesT]
    return cov_y_vec