Ejemplo n.º 1
def export_triangles(path, Cs, Qs, inds, ray_ind):
    F = len(inds)
    V = 3 * F

    verts = zeros((V, 3), np.float32)
    faces = zeros((F, 3), np.uint32)

    for j, i in enumerate(inds):
        a, b, c = 3 * j, 3 * j + 1, 3 * j + 2
        faces[j] = a, b, c

        v1, v2 = Qs[i], Qs[i + 1]
        verts[a] = Cs[i]
        verts[b] = Cs[i] + 2 * v1
        verts[c] = Cs[i] + 2 * v2

    IO.write_ply(path, verts=verts, faces=faces)

    vert3 = zeros((3, 3), np.float32)
    face3 = zeros((1, 3), np.uint32)
    v1, v2 = Qs[ray_ind], Qs[ray_ind + 1]
    vert3[0] = Cs[ray_ind]
    vert3[1] = Cs[ray_ind] + 2 * v1
    vert3[2] = Cs[ray_ind] + 2 * v2
    face3[:] = 0, 1, 2

    IO.write_ply('tmp/cluster_main.ply', verts=vert3, faces=face3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reconstruct(seq, sub, cloud, config, scale=1.0):
    stat_path = os.path.join(seq, sub, 'segment_stats.npz')
    poly_path = os.path.join(seq, sub, 'poly_data.npz')
    # soft_dir = os.path.join(seq, 'soft_' + sub)

    # --- Load data ---
    npz = np.load(stat_path)
    depths = npz['depths']
    score = npz['score']
    radii = npz['radii']
    edge_angles = npz['edge_angles']
    inlier_frac = npz['inlier_frac']
    neighbors = npz['neighbors']
    neighbor_count = npz['neighbor_count']
    reciprocated = npz['reciprocated']

    # --- Prepare vars ---
    N = cloud.N

    # Valid inds start at zero. Invalids are -1
    frames = cloud.frames

    Cs, Qs, Ns = cloud.global_rays()
    planes = empty((N, 4), Qs.dtype)
    planes[:, :3] = Ns
    planes[:, 3] = -(Cs * Ns).sum(axis=1)

    max_error = 5e-2

    # --- Filter inds ---
    abradii = np.abs(radii)

    min_score = config.min_score
    min_radius = config.min_radius * scale
    min_neighbors = config.min_neighbors
    min_inlier = config.min_inlier
    max_inlier = config.max_inlier

    confident = (score >= min_score) & (abradii > min_radius) & (
        abradii < 100) & (neighbor_count > min_neighbors) & (
            inlier_frac > min_inlier) & (inlier_frac < max_inlier)
    inds = np.where(confident)[0]

    print(score.shape, cloud.N)

    # --- Pull out the lines and export them ----
    Pa = Cs[inds] + depths[inds, 0:1] * Qs[inds]
    Pb = Cs[inds] + depths[inds, 1:2] * Qs[inds + 1]

    # Read in the fitted polylines, and remove any segments that come
    print("Filtering nearby")
    nearby = np.empty(0, int)
    # nearby = filter_nearby_segments(Pa, Pb, verts, starts, sizes, min_dist=1e-2, min_angle=25)
    # nearby = inds[nearby]
    print("Done", len(nearby))

    # Filter outside bounding box
    bbox_min, bbox_max = cloud.bbox_min, cloud.bbox_max
    print(bbox_min, bbox_max)
    outside = inds[~((Pa > bbox_min).all(axis=1) &
                     (Pa < bbox_max).all(axis=1) &
                     (Pb > bbox_min).all(axis=1) &
                     (Pb < bbox_max).all(axis=1))]
    # sel = inds[bad]
    filt = confident
    filt[nearby] = False
    filt[outside] = False
    sel = np.where(filt)[0]

    P1 = Cs[sel] + depths[sel, 0:1] * Qs[sel]
    P2 = Cs[sel] + depths[sel, 1:2] * Qs[sel + 1]

    print("Saving {} edges".format(len(sel)))

    Ps = np.vstack((P1, P2))
    Es = np.r_[0:len(Ps)].reshape(2, -1).T
    normals = np.vstack((Ns[sel], Ns[sel]))

    # mesh = Render.Mesh()
    # mesh.verts = Ps.astype(np.float32)
    # mesh.edges = Es.astype(np.uint32)
    # mesh.normals = Ns[sel].astype(np.float32)
    # mesh_out = os.path.join(seq, 'occlusion_mesh.npz')
    # Render.save_mesh(mesh_out, mesh)

    # datapath = os.path.join(seq, 'occlusion_data.npz')
    # np.savez(datapath, verts=Ps, edges=Es, inds=sel, score=min_score, radius=min_radius, neighbor_count=min_neighbors, inlier=min_inlier)

    cloud_out = os.path.join(seq, sub, 'nonpersistent.ply')
    IO.write_ply(cloud_out, Ps, edges=Es, normals=normals)
    print("Cloud saved")