Ejemplo n.º 1
def fill_triu(
    shape: tuple[int, ...],
    triu_tensor: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Reconstruct symmetric 2D tensor from flattened upper triangle.

      >>> x = tensor.new_empty([10, 10])
      >>> triu_x = get_triu(x)
      >>> x_new = fill_triu([10, 10], triu_tensor)
      >>> assert torch.equal(x, x_new)  # true

        shape (tuple): tuple(rows, cols) of size of output tensor.
        triu_tensor (tensor): flattened upper triangle of the tensor returned
            by get_triu().

        symmetric tensor with `shape` where the upper/lower triangles are
        filled with the data in `triu_tensor`
    if len(shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('shape must be 2 dimensional')
    rows, cols = shape
    dst_tensor = triu_tensor.new_empty(shape)
    idxs = torch.triu_indices(rows, cols, device=triu_tensor.device)
    dst_tensor[idxs[0], idxs[1]] = triu_tensor
    idxs = torch.triu_indices(rows, rows, 1, device=dst_tensor.device)
    dst_tensor.transpose(0, 1)[idxs[0], idxs[1]] = dst_tensor[idxs[0], idxs[1]]
    return dst_tensor
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, A_src, A_tgt, F_src, F_tgt, U_src, U_tgt, w1=1, w2=1):
            - Compute global affinity matrix 

        # (A) Retrieve shape parameters
        n, m = F_src.shape[-1], F_tgt.shape[-1]
        batch_num = F_src.shape[0]

        # (B) Construct weight Matrix
        lambda1 = self.relu(self.lambda1 + self.lambda1.transpose(0, 1)) * w1
        lambda2 = self.relu(self.lambda2 + self.lambda2.transpose(0, 1)) * w2
        weight = torch.cat((torch.cat(
            (lambda1, lambda2)), torch.cat((lambda2, lambda1))), 1)

        # (C) Construct G1, G2 and H1, H2
        G1 = torch.zeros(batch_num, n, A_src.shape[1],
                         device=F_src.device)  #.to(dtype = torch.bool)
        H1 = torch.zeros(batch_num, n, A_src.shape[1],
                         device=F_src.device)  #.to(dtype = torch.bool)
        G2 = torch.zeros(batch_num, m, A_tgt.shape[1],
                         device=F_src.device)  #.to(dtype = torch.bool)
        H2 = torch.zeros(batch_num, m, A_tgt.shape[1],
                         device=F_src.device)  #.to(dtype = torch.bool)

        a = torch.triu_indices(U_src.shape[1], U_src.shape[2], offset=1)
        b = torch.triu_indices(U_tgt.shape[1], U_tgt.shape[2], offset=1)
        for i in range(batch_num):
            G1[i, a[0, A_src[i] > 0], A_src[i] > 0] = 1
            H1[i, a[1, A_src[i] > 0], A_src[i] > 0] = 1
            G2[i, b[0, A_tgt[i] > 0], A_tgt[i] > 0] = 1
            H2[i, b[1, A_tgt[i] > 0], A_tgt[i] > 0] = 1

        # (D) Reshape Edge Feature for further use
        X = reshape_edge_feature(F_src, G1, H1)
        Y = reshape_edge_feature(F_tgt, G2, H2)

        # (E) Compute Me and Mp (node-to-node and edge-to-edge similarities)
        M_e = torch.bmm(
            torch.bmm(X.permute(0, 2, 1), weight.expand(X.shape[0], -1, -1)),
        M_p = torch.bmm(U_src.permute(0, 2, 1), U_tgt)

        # (F) Compute M based on the Affinity Matrix Factorization [Zhou and De Lea Torre]
        K1 = kronecker_torch(G2, G1)
        K2 = kronecker_torch(H2, H1)

        diagMp = batch_diagonal(M_p.view(M_p.shape[0], -1))
        diagMe = M_e.view(M_e.shape[0], -1, 1)
        K1_new = torch.zeros_like(K1).to(device=K1.device)

        for j in range(K1.shape[2]):
            K1_new[:, :, j] = torch.matmul(K1[:, :, j].unsqueeze(2),
        M = diagMp + torch.bmm(K1_new, K2.permute(0, 2, 1))

        return M
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def allreduce_async_(self, name, tensor, op=hvd.Average):
        self.op = op
        if self.merge:
            if self.symmetric:
                upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(tensor.shape[0],
                comm_tensor = tensor[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]]
                comm_tensor = tensor
            if self.fp16:
                if self.residual:
                    if name not in self._residuals:
                        self._residuals[name] = comm_tensor.new_zeros(
                half_tensor = comm_tensor.half()
                if self.residual:
                    self._residuals[name] = comm_tensor - half_tensor
                comm_tensor = half_tensor
            self._name_tensors[name] = (tensor, comm_tensor)
            new_name, new_tensor = self._tensor_group.push_tensor(
                name, comm_tensor)
            if new_tensor is not None:
                current_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream()

                handle = hvd.allreduce_async_(new_tensor,
                                              name=self.prefix + new_name)
            if self.symmetric:
                upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(tensor.shape[0],
                comm_tensor = tensor[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]]
                comm_tensor = tensor
            if self.fp16:
                if self.residual:
                    if name not in self._residuals:
                        self._residuals[name] = comm_tensor.new_zeros(
                half_tensor = comm_tensor.half()
                if self.residual:
                    self._residuals[name] = comm_tensor - half_tensor
                comm_tensor = half_tensor  #comm_tensor.half()
                #comm_tensor = comm_tensor.bfloat16()
            self._name_tensors[name] = (tensor, comm_tensor)
            handle = hvd.allreduce_async_(comm_tensor, op=hvd.Sum)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def forward(self, x, calculation_mode = 'einsum'):

        b, t, k = x.shape
        h = self.heads 

        keys = self.tokeys(x).view(b, t, h, k)       # shape: b, t, h*k --> b, t, h, k
        queries = self.toqueries(x).view(b, t, h, k) # shape: b, t, h*k --> b, t, h, k
        values = self.tovalues(x).view(b, t, h, k)   # shape: b, t, h*k --> b, t, h, k

        if calculation_mode == 'einsum':

            # shape: b t h k
            # shape: b t h k
            # shape: b h t t
            weights = torch.einsum('bthk, bihk -> bhti', [queries, keys]) / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(k)) # shape: b, h, t, t 
            if self.masked:
                indicies = torch.triu_indices(t, t, offset=1)
                weights[:, indicies[0], indicies[1]] = float('-inf')

            weights = torch.softmax(weights, dim=-1) # shape: b, h, t, t 

            # shape: b h t t_
            # shape: b t_ h k
            out = torch.einsum('bhte, behk -> bthk', weights, values)# shape: b t h k
            out = out.reshape(b, t, h*k)


            keys = keys.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)
            queries = queries.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)
            values = values.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)

            queries = queries / (k ** (1/4))
            keys    = keys / (k ** (1/4))

            # - get dot product of queries and keys, and scale
            dot = torch.bmm(queries, keys.transpose(1, 2))
            if self.masked:
                indicies = torch.triu_indices(t, t, offset=1)
                dot[:, indicies[0], indicies[1]] = float('-inf')

           # - dot has size (b*h, t, t) containing raw weights
            dot = F.softmax(dot, dim=2) 
            out = torch.bmm(dot, values).view(b, h, t, k)
            out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b, t, h * k)

        return self.unifyheads(out)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def finv(wsh):
    """ Inverse transform 1

    This method takes a block matrix representing a complex Hermitian
    matrix and converts it to a complex matrix represented by its
    upper triangular part. The result will have the following format:

    wsh : tensor
        An input matrix. The tensor must have the following format:

    # Dimensions
    D = wsh.dim()
    C = int(wsh.shape[D - 1] / 2)
    P = int(C * (C + 1) / 2)

    # Output matrix
    ws = torch.zeros(wsh.shape[0:(D - 2)] + (2, P),
    ids = torch.triu_indices(C, C)
    ws[..., 0, :] = wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2]
    ws[..., 1, :] = -1 * wsh[..., ids[0] * 2, ids[1] * 2 + 1]

    return ws
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert_A_to_Avec(A):
    """ Convert BxNXN symmetric matrices to BxM vectors encoding unique values"""
    if A.dim() < 3:
        A = A.unsqueeze(dim=0)
    idx = torch.triu_indices(A.shape[1], A.shape[1])
    A_vec = A[:, idx[0], idx[1]]
    return A_vec.squeeze()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def pairwise_similarity(tensors):
    Computes the pairwise similarity overlap of the tensors.

    tensors : list of torch.Tensor
        A list of binary vectors. Each entry can be either a single vector
        tensor (one incoming area) or a tuple of tensors (multiple incoming

    similarity : float
        The pairwise :math:`L_{0/1}` similarity from 0 to 1.

    tensors = [t for t in tensors if t is not None]
    if len(tensors) <= 1:
        return np.nan
    if not isinstance(tensors[0], torch.Tensor):
        # multiple incoming areas
        sim_areas = list(map(pairwise_similarity, zip(*tensors)))
        sim_areas = np.nanmean(sim_areas)
        return sim_areas
        tensors = torch.stack(tensors)
    similarity = tensors.matmul(tensors.t())
    n_elements = len(tensors)
    ii, jj = torch.triu_indices(row=n_elements, col=n_elements, offset=1)
    similarity = similarity[ii, jj].mean()
    similarity /= K_ACTIVE
    return similarity
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_pairwise_distance_matrix(self, particle_tensor):
		Input: tensors of particles
		Output: matrix of pairwise distances
        num_particles = particle_tensor.shape[0]
        euclidean_dists = torch.nn.functional.pdist(input=particle_tensor,
                                                    p=2)  # shape of (N)

        # initialize matrix of pairwise distances as a N x N matrix
        pairwise_d_matrix = torch.zeros((num_particles, num_particles),

        # assign upper-triangle part
        triu_indices = torch.triu_indices(row=num_particles,
        pairwise_d_matrix[triu_indices[0], triu_indices[1]] = euclidean_dists

        # assign lower-triangle part
        pairwise_d_matrix = torch.transpose(pairwise_d_matrix, dim0=0, dim1=1)
        pairwise_d_matrix[triu_indices[0], triu_indices[1]] = euclidean_dists

        return pairwise_d_matrix
    def forward(self, qk, v, query_len = None, input_mask = None, input_attn_mask = None):
        b, seq_len, dim = qk.shape
        query_len = default(query_len, seq_len)
        t = query_len

        q = qk[:, 0:query_len]
        qk = F.normalize(qk, 2, dim=-1).type(q.type())

        dot = torch.einsum('bie,bje->bij', q, qk) * (dim ** -0.5)

        # qk attention requires tokens not attend to self
        i = torch.arange(t)
        dot[:, i, i] = TOKEN_SELF_ATTN_VALUE
        masked_value = max_neg_value(dot)

        # Input mask for padding in variable lengthed sequences
        if input_mask is not None:
            mask = input_mask[:, 0:query_len, None] * input_mask[:, None, :]
            mask = F.pad(mask, (0, seq_len - mask.shape[-1]), value=True)
            dot.masked_fill_(~mask, masked_value)

        # Mask for post qk attention logits of the input sequence
        if input_attn_mask is not None:
            input_attn_mask = F.pad(input_attn_mask, (0, seq_len - input_attn_mask.shape[-1]), value=True)
            dot.masked_fill_(~input_attn_mask, masked_value)

        if self.causal:
            i, j = torch.triu_indices(t, t, 1)
            dot[:, i, j] = masked_value

        dot = dot.softmax(dim=-1)
        out = torch.einsum('bij,bje->bie', dot, v)

        return out, dot, torch.empty(0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def simple_embedding_truth(coords, truth_label_by_hits, device='cpu'):
    truth_ordering = torch.argsort(truth_label_by_hits)    
    uniques, counts = torch.unique(truth_label_by_hits, return_counts=True)
    out_truths: List[PairTensor] = []

    for each latent space 2d -coordinates of category cat, compute all incat and outofcat indices,
    then compute pnorm distace with both kind of categories,
    return distances and truths(in or out)
    for cat in uniques:

        thecat = cat.item()
        in_cat = coords[truth_label_by_hits == thecat]
        not_cat = coords[truth_label_by_hits != thecat]
        in_cat_dists = torch.cdist(in_cat, in_cat)
        in_idxs = torch.triu_indices(in_cat_dists.size()[0], in_cat_dists.size()[0], 
                                     offset=1, device=in_cat.device)
        in_idxs = in_idxs[0] + in_cat_dists.size()[0]*in_idxs[1]
        in_cat_dists = in_cat_dists.view(-1)[in_idxs] / (uniques.size()[0] - 1)
        all pairwise distances between in-category and out of category
        there's a factor of 2 here I need to deal with
        not_cat_dists = torch.cdist(in_cat, not_cat).flatten() / (uniques.size()[0] - 1)
        '''build the final labelled distance vectors'''
        dists = torch.cat([in_cat_dists, not_cat_dists], dim=0)
        truth = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(in_cat_dists, dtype=torch.int64),
                           torch.full_like(not_cat_dists, -1, dtype=torch.int64)], dim=0)
        out_truths.append((dists, truth))

    return out_truths
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def params2orb(params, coeffs, with_penalty):
        # params: (*, nparams)
        # coeffs: (*, nao, norb)
        nao = coeffs.shape[-2]
        norb = coeffs.shape[-1]
        nparams = params.shape[-1]
        bshape = params.shape[:-1]

        # construct the rotation parameters
        triu_idxs = torch.triu_indices(nao, nao, offset=1)[..., :nparams]
        rotmat = torch.zeros((*bshape, nao, nao),
        rotmat[..., triu_idxs[0], triu_idxs[1]] = params
        rotmat = rotmat - rotmat.transpose(-2, -1).conj()

        # calculate the orthogonal orbital
        ortho_orb = torch.matrix_exp(rotmat) @ coeffs

        if with_penalty:
            penalty = torch.zeros((1, ),
            return ortho_orb, penalty
            return ortho_orb
Ejemplo n.º 12
def mask(matrices, mask_val, mask_diagonal=True):
	Mask all values in place of given batch of matrices. Upper triangle becomes mask_val 
    b, h, w = matrices.size()
    indices = torch.triu_indices(h, w, offset=0 if mask_diagonal else 1)
    matrices[:, indices[0], indices[1]] = mask_val
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def forward(self, data):
        x = data.x
        batch = data.batch

        x = self.inp(x)

        xdense, mask = torch_geometric.utils.to_dense_batch(x, data.batch)
        adj_dense = torch_geometric.utils.to_dense_adj(data.edge_index,
        inds = torch.triu_indices(adj_dense.shape[1],

        adj_dense[:, inds[0], inds[1]] += torch.sqrt(
            (xdense[:, inds[0], 0] - xdense[:, inds[1], 0])**2 +
            (xdense[:, inds[0], 1] - xdense[:, inds[1], 1])**2)

        x = self.conv(xdense, adj_dense, mask)[mask]

        cand_ids = self.nn1(x)
        cand_p4 = data.x[:, len(elem_to_id):len(elem_to_id) + 4] + self.nn2(
            torch.cat([cand_ids, x], axis=-1))

        return torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(data.edge_attr), cand_ids, cand_p4
Ejemplo n.º 14
def DeepCoral(source, target):
    # d = source.data.shape[1]
    # xm = torch.mean(source, 1, keepdim=True)
    # xc = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(xm, 0, 1), xm)  # source covariance
    # xmt = torch.mean(target, 1, keepdim=True)
    # xct = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(xmt, 0, 1), xmt)  # target covariance
    # loss = torch.mean(torch.mul((xc - xct), (xc - xct)))  # frobenius norm between source and target
    # res =  - loss / (4 * d * d)
    # return res
    # x = torch.cat([x ** i for i in range(1, self.K + 1)], 1)
    # print(source.shape,target.shape)
    row_idx, col_idx = torch.triu_indices(source.shape[1], source.shape[2],offset=1)
    x = source[:, row_idx, col_idx]
    y = target[:, row_idx, col_idx]
    # print('triu.shape',x.shape,y.shape)
    # x = torch.cat([source[i][torch.triu(torch.ones(source.shape[1], source.shape[2]), diagonal=1) == 1].reshape(1,2278) for i in range(source.shape[0])],0)
    # y = torch.cat([target[i,torch.triu(torch.ones(target.shape[1], target.shape[2]), diagonal=1) == 1].reshape(1,2278) for i in range(target.shape[0])],0)
    # x = source
    # y = target
    vx = x - torch.mean(x, 1, keepdim=True)
    vy = y - torch.mean(y, 1, keepdim=True)
    xy_cov = torch.bmm(vx.view(vx.shape[0], 1, vx.shape[1]), vy.view(vy.shape[0], vy.shape[1], 1), ).view(vx.shape[0])
    # std_x = torch.std(vx,dim=1)
    # std_y = torch.std(vy,dim=1)
    # xy_std = torch.mul(std_x,std_y)

    # corr = torch.div(xy_cov,xy_std)
    cost = xy_cov / torch.mul(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(vx ** 2, dim=1)), torch.sqrt(torch.sum(vy ** 2, dim=1)))
    # print('train_corr',torch.mean(cost),x.shape,y.shape)
    loss = 1 - torch.mean(cost)
    # cost = torch.sum(vx * vy) ./ (torch.sqrt(torch.sum(vx ** 2)) * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(vy ** 2)))

    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def synchronize(self):
     for h in self.handles:
     if self.merge:
     for name in self._name_tensors:
         tensor, comm_tensor = self._name_tensors[name]
         if self.symmetric:
             if self.fp16:
                 comm_tensor = comm_tensor.float()
             lower_indices = torch.tril_indices(tensor.shape[0],
             upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(tensor.shape[0],
             tensor[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]] = comm_tensor
                    lower_indices[1]] = tensor.t()[lower_indices[0],
             if self.fp16:
                 comm_tensor = comm_tensor.float()
         if self.op == hvd.Average:
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def forward(self, x, mask=False):
        # Create queries, keys and values
        b, t, k = x.size()
        h = self.heads
        ## .view reshape (b, t, h*k) to (b,t,h,k)
        queries = self.toqueries(x).view(b, t, h, k)
        keys = self.tokeys(x).view(b, t, h, k)
        values = self.tovalues(x).view(b, t, h, k)

        # Compute the dot products
        ## Fold heads into the batch dimention
        ## .contiguous sorts index order in memory
        ## to avoid error which happens
        ## when applying .view to transposed tensor
        queries = queries.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)
        keys = keys.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)
        values = values.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b * h, t, k)
        ## Avoid gradient disappearing caused by softmax with large value input
        ## Divide by k**1/4 instead of k**1/2 to save memory
        queries = queries / (k**(1 / 4))
        keys = keys / (k**(1 / 4))
        ## dot has shape (b*h, t, t)
        dot = torch.bmm(queries, keys.transpose(1, 2))
        if self.mask:  # for text generation, hide forward part of sequence
            indices = torch.triu_indices(
                k, k, offset=0)  # idx of upper triangle k x k
            dot[:, indices[0], indices[1]] = float('-inf')
        dot = F.softmax(dot, dim=2)

        # Apply the self attention to the values
        out = torch.bmm(dot, values).view(b, h, t, k)
        out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(b, t, h * k)
        return self.unifyhead(out)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def pdist(self, x, squared=False):
     assert x.ndim == 3
     n = x.shape[0]
     l_inv, _ = self.invchol(x)
     m = torch.triu_indices(n, n, 1, device=x.device)
     lylt = tb.axat(l_inv[m[0]], x[m[1]])
     return self._norm_log(lylt, squared=squared)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def synchronize(self):
        for h in self.handles:
            handle, names, tensors, comm_tensors, rank = h

            if rank != hvd.rank():

            name = ','.join(names)
            offset = 0
            buf = self.merged_tensors[name]

            if self.fp16:
                buf = buf.float()

            for i, t in enumerate(tensors):
                numel = comm_tensors[i].numel()
                comm_tensor = buf.data[offset:offset+numel]

                if self.symmetric:
                    lower_indices = torch.tril_indices(t.shape[0], t.shape[1], device=t.device)
                    upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(t.shape[0], t.shape[1], device=t.device)
                    t[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]] = comm_tensor
                    t[lower_indices[0], lower_indices[1]] = t.t()[lower_indices[0], lower_indices[1]]
                offset += numel 
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_stein_pdiv(seed, d):
    spd = SPD(2)
    xs = spd.rand(10, ir=1.0, out=torch.empty(10, d, d, dtype=torch.float64))
    pdivs = spd.stein_pdiv(xs)
    m = torch.triu_indices(10, 10, 1)
    ref_pdivs = spd.stein_div(xs[m[0]], xs[m[1]])
    assert_allclose(ref_pdivs, pdivs, atol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def forward(self, x1, x2, **params):
        computes batched distance operation for two batches of data x1 and x2
        (first dimension refering to the batch dimension) and returns the 
        matrix of distances.
        # get batch dimension of both data batches
        n1 = x1.shape[0]
        n2 = x2.shape[0]

        #if operation is computed on one dataset, we can skip redundant index pairs
        if x1.size() == x2.size() and torch.equal(x1, x2):
            inds = torch.triu_indices(n1, n2)
            triu = True  #use only upper triangular
            inds = self._get_index_pairs(n1,
                                         n2)  #get index pairs without looping
            triu = False
        # expand data such that pair-wise operation covers all required pairs of
        # instances
        x1_batch = x1[inds[0]]
        x2_batch = x2[inds[1]]

        result = self.op(x1_batch, x2_batch)

        #check if op returns tuple of results and use the result_index'th element:
        if type(result) == tuple:
            result = result[self.result_index]

        #convert flat output to result matrix (e.g. a distance matrix)
        D = torch.zeros(n1, n2, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
        D[inds[0], inds[1]] = result.to(dtype=self.dtype)
        if triu:  #mirror upper triangular such that full distance matrix is recovered
            D = self._triu_to_full(D)
        return D
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def reduce_async_(self, names, tensors, rank):
        if self.fp16:
            comm_tensors = [t.half() for t in tensors]
            comm_tensors = tensors

        if self.symmetric:
            sym_comm_tensors = []
            for tensor in comm_tensors:
                upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[0], device=tensor.device)
                comm_tensor = tensor[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]]
            comm_tensors = sym_comm_tensors

        name = ','.join(names)

        if len(comm_tensors) > 1:
            if name not in self.merged_tensors:
                size = 0
                for t in comm_tensors:
                    size += t.numel()
                buf = comm_tensors[0].new_zeros(size)
                self.merged_tensors[name] = buf
            self.merged_tensors[name] = comm_tensors[0]
        buf = self.merged_tensors[name]
        if len(comm_tensors) > 1:
            offset = 0
            for t in comm_tensors:
                numel = t.numel()
                offset += numel
        handle = self.merged_comm.reduce(buf, rank)
        self.handles.append((handle, names, tensors, comm_tensors, rank))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def neighbor_pairs_nopbc(padding_mask: Tensor, coordinates: Tensor, cutoff: float) -> Tensor:
    """Compute pairs of atoms that are neighbors (doesn't use PBC)

    This function bypasses the calculation of shifts and duplication
    of atoms in order to make calculations faster

        padding_mask (:class:`torch.Tensor`): boolean tensor of shape
            (molecules, atoms) for padding mask. 1 == is padding.
        coordinates (:class:`torch.Tensor`): tensor of shape
            (molecules * atoms, 3) for atom coordinates.
        cutoff (float): the cutoff inside which atoms are considered pairs
    coordinates = coordinates.detach()
    current_device = coordinates.device
    num_atoms = padding_mask.shape[1]
    num_mols = padding_mask.shape[0]
    p12_all = torch.triu_indices(num_atoms, num_atoms, 1, device=current_device)
    p12_all_flattened = p12_all.view(-1)

    pair_coordinates = coordinates.index_select(1, p12_all_flattened).view(num_mols, 2, -1, 3)
    distances = (pair_coordinates[:, 0, ...] - pair_coordinates[:, 1, ...]).norm(2, -1)
    padding_mask = padding_mask.index_select(1, p12_all_flattened).view(num_mols, 2, -1).any(dim=1)
    distances.masked_fill_(padding_mask, math.inf)
    in_cutoff = (distances <= cutoff).nonzero()
    molecule_index, pair_index = in_cutoff.unbind(1)
    molecule_index *= num_atoms
    atom_index12 = p12_all[:, pair_index] + molecule_index
    return atom_index12
Ejemplo n.º 23
def triu_index(num_species: int) -> Tensor:
    species1, species2 = torch.triu_indices(num_species, num_species).unbind(0)
    pair_index = torch.arange(species1.shape[0], dtype=torch.long)
    ret = torch.zeros(num_species, num_species, dtype=torch.long)
    ret[species1, species2] = pair_index
    ret[species2, species1] = pair_index
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def second_order(self, batch_size, index, values, embeddings, n_fields,
                     embedding_dim, mats):
        # type: (int, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, int, int, List[Tensor]) -> Tensor

        attention_w, attention_b, attention_h, attention_p = mats
        biinteraction_num = int(n_fields * (n_fields - 1) * 0.5)
        embeddings_ = embeddings.view(batch_size, n_fields, embedding_dim)
        tri_indices = torch.triu_indices(n_fields, n_fields, 1)
        indices_i = tri_indices[0]
        indices_j = tri_indices[1]
        biinteraction_result = torch.index_select(
            embeddings_, 1, indices_i) * torch.index_select(
                embeddings_, 1, indices_j)

        temp_mul = torch.matmul(
            biinteraction_result.view(batch_size, biinteraction_num,
                                      embedding_dim), attention_w)
        temp_w = torch.relu(
            temp_mul.view(batch_size, -1) +

        attention_weight_matrix = F.softmax(torch.matmul(
            temp_w.view(batch_size, biinteraction_num, -1), attention_h),
        attention_weighted_sum = attention_weight_matrix.view(batch_size, biinteraction_num).repeat(1, embedding_dim) * \
                                 biinteraction_result.view(batch_size, -1)
        attention_out = torch.matmul(
            attention_weighted_sum.view(batch_size, biinteraction_num, -1),

        return attention_out
Ejemplo n.º 25
def cal_sal_rank_loss(real_pred, lite_pred, target, margin=0):
    B, T, K = real_pred.shape

    # TODO(shape) B * T
    b_idx = [[x] * T for x in range(B)]
    t_idx = [list(range(T)) for _ in range(B)]
    k_idx = [[tgt] * T for tgt in target[:, 0].cpu().numpy()]

    # TODO(shape) B * T
    real_cfd = real_pred[b_idx, t_idx, k_idx]
    lite_cfd = lite_pred[b_idx, t_idx, k_idx]

    x, y = torch.triu_indices(T - 1, T - 1) + torch.tensor([[0], [1]])

    # TODO(shape) B * (T*(T-1)/2)
    real_cfd_x = real_cfd[:, x]
    real_cfd_y = real_cfd[:, y]
    lite_cfd_x = lite_cfd[:, x]
    lite_cfd_y = lite_cfd[:, y]

    psu_label = (real_cfd_x > real_cfd_y).double() * 2 - 1

    return F.margin_ranking_loss(lite_cfd_x,
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def forward(self, q, k, v, attn_mask=None):
        n, device = q.size(1), q.device
        q, k, v = map(
            lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h=self.n_heads),
            (q, k, v))

        # classic dot-product attention
        dots = torch.einsum('bhid,bhjd->bhij', q * self.scale, k)

        if exists(attn_mask):
            dots.masked_fill_(~attn_mask, MASK_VAL)
            del attn_mask
        if self.shared_qk:
            m = torch.arange(n)
            dots[:, :, m, m] = SELF_ATTN_MASK_VAL
        if self.causal:
            i, j = torch.triu_indices(n, n, 1)
            dots[:, :, i, j] = MASK_VAL

        attn = F.softmax(dots, -1)
        if self.store_attention: self.attention = attn.detach().cpu()

        attn = self.dropout(attn)
        out = torch.einsum('b h i j, b h j d -> b h i d', attn, v)
        out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)')
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def bcast_async_(self, names, tensors, rank):
        #name = 'merged_tensor_comm_'+','.join(names)
        if self.fp16:
            comm_tensors = [t.half() for t in tensors]
            comm_tensors = tensors

        if self.symmetric:
            sym_comm_tensors = []
            for tensor in comm_tensors:
                upper_indices = torch.triu_indices(tensor.shape[0],
                comm_tensor = tensor[upper_indices[0], upper_indices[1]]
            comm_tensors = sym_comm_tensors

        name = ','.join(names)
        if name not in self.merged_tensors:
            size = 0
            for t in comm_tensors:
                size += t.numel()
            buf = comm_tensors[0].new_zeros(size)
            self.merged_tensors[name] = buf
        buf = self.merged_tensors[name]
        offset = 0
        for t in comm_tensors:
            numel = t.numel()
            buf.data[offset:offset + numel].copy_(t.view(numel))
            offset += numel
        #handle = hvd.broadcast_async_(buf, rank, name=name)
        handle = hvd.broadcast_async_(buf, rank)
        self.handles.append((handle, names, tensors, comm_tensors))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get_weights(self, device):
        # Generate the full weights.
        # return: weights of shape (hidden_dim * 4 , input_dim * hidden_dim)

        # input to hidden
        w_ih = None
        ind = torch.triu_indices(self.hidden_dim,
        weights_f = torch.zeros([self.hidden_dim, self.input_dim],
        for coeffs in self.in_coeffss:
            if self.dropout_dct:
                coeffs = self.wdrop(coeffs)

            weights = self.to_weights(coeffs, ind, weights_f,
                                      self.in_dct_layer, self.hid_dct_layer)

            if w_ih is not None:
                w_ih = torch.cat([w_ih, weights], dim=0)
                w_ih = weights

        # hidden to hidden
        w_hh = None
        ind = torch.triu_indices(self.hidden_dim,
        weights_f = torch.zeros([self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim],
        for coeffs in self.hid_coeffss:
            if self.dropout_dct:
                coeffs = self.wdrop(coeffs)

            weights = self.to_weights(coeffs, ind, weights_f,
                                      self.hid_dct_layer, self.hid_dct_layer)

            if w_hh is not None:
                w_hh = torch.cat([w_hh, weights], dim=0)
                w_hh = weights

        # concatenate both
        weights = torch.cat([w_ih, w_hh], dim=1)
        return weights
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __call__(self, x, target):
        :param x: output segmentation, shape [*, C, *]
        :param Sigma: co-variance coefficients. It can be:
            (1) If no_covar==False, shape [*, C(C+1)/2, *] organized as row-first according to tril_indices
               from torch and numpy : [rho_11, rho_12, ..., rho_1C, rho_22, rho_23,...rho_2C,... rho_CC]
               with rho_ii = exp(.) > 0 encodes the variances and rho_ij = tanh(.) encodes the correlations.
               The covariance matrix is M is s.t  M[i][j] = rho_ij * srqrt(rho_ii) * sqrt(rho_ij)
            (2) If no_covar==True, shape [*, C, *], assuming that all non-diagonal coeff are zeros. We assume it
                has the form [sigma_1**2, sigma_2**2, ..., sigma_C**2]
        :param target: true segmentation, shape [*, C, *]
        :return: log-likelihood for logistic regression with uncertainty

        if isinstance(
                x, list
        ):  #should happen just for regression, where sigma_prediction is used in metric (utils)
            x, Sigma = x[0], x[1]
            log_Sigma = Sigma
            Sigma = torch.exp(log_Sigma) + 1e-6
            #if Sigma.min() < 1e-6:
            #    print(f'Warning min Sigma {Sigma.min()}')

        C, ndims = x.shape[1], x.ndim

        if self.no_covar:
            # Simplified Case
            assert C == Sigma.shape[1] and Sigma.ndim == ndims,\
                "Inconsistent shape for input data and covariance: {} vs {}".format(x.shape, Sigma.shape)
            assert torch.all(Sigma > 0), "Negative values found in Sigma"
            inv_Sigma = 1. / Sigma  # shape [*, C, *]
            #logdet_sigma = torch.log(torch.prod(Sigma, dim=1)) # shape [*, *]
            logdet_sigma = torch.sum(log_Sigma, dim=1)  # shape [*, *]
            err = (target - x)  # shape [*, C, *]
            return ((err * inv_Sigma * err).sum(dim=1) +
            # General Case
            assert (C * (C+1))//2 == Sigma.shape[1] and Sigma.ndim == ndims, \
                "Inconsistent shape for input data and covariance: {} vs {}".format(x.shape, Sigma.shape)
            # permutes the 2nd dim to last, keeping other unchanged (in v1.9, eq. to torch.moveaxis(1, -1))
            swap_channel_last = (0, ) + tuple(range(2, ndims)) + (1, )
            # First, re-arrange covar matrix to have shape [*, *, C, C]
            covar_shape = (Sigma.shape[0], ) + Sigma.shape[2:] + (C, C)
            tril_ind = torch.tril_indices(row=C, col=C, offset=0)
            triu_ind = torch.triu_indices(row=C, col=C, offset=0)
            Sigma_ = torch.zeros(covar_shape, device=x.device)
            Sigma_[..., tril_ind[0],
                   tril_ind[1]] = Sigma.permute(swap_channel_last)
            Sigma_[..., triu_ind[0],
                   triu_ind[1]] = Sigma.permute(swap_channel_last)
            # Then compute determinant and inverse of covariance matrices
            logdet_sigma = torch.logdet(Sigma_)  # shape [*, *]
            inv_sigma = torch.inverse(Sigma_)  # shape [*, *, C, C]
            # Finally, compute log-likehood of multivariate gaussian distribution
            err = (target - x).permute(swap_channel_last).unsqueeze(
                -1)  # shape [*, *, C, 1]
            return ((err.transpose(-1, -2) @ inv_sigma @ err).squeeze() +
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def q(self) -> torch.Tensor:
     indices = torch.triu_indices(self.state_count, self.state_count, 1)
     R = torch.zeros((self.state_count, self.state_count), dtype=self.rates.dtype)
     R[indices[0], indices[1]] = self.rates[self.mapping.tensor]
     R[indices[1], indices[0]] = self.rates[self.mapping.tensor]
     Q = R @ self.frequencies.diag()
     Q[range(len(Q)), range(len(Q))] = -torch.sum(Q, dim=1)
     return Q