def move(self, game, player, history):

		if game == "prison":
			# first round action
			if not history:
				# calculate probabilities
				p_a = float(self.reflvl_a) / (self.reflvl_a + self.reflvl_b)
				p_b = 1 - p_a	# p_b = float(self.reflvl_b) / (self.reflvl_a + self.reflvl_b)
				rdm = random.random()
				#print "rdm: " + str(rdm)
				if rdm < p_a:
					#print "a"
					return "a"
					#print "b"
					return "b"
			# adjust reinforcfement levels
			if history[-1][0] == "a":
				self.reflvl_a = self.reflvl_a + tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "a", history[-1][1])[0]
			if history[-1][0] == "b":
				self.reflvl_b = self.reflvl_b + tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "b", history[-1][1])[0]
			#print "reflvl_(a,b): (" + str(self.reflvl_a) + ", " + str(self.reflvl_b) + ")"
			# calculate probabilities
			p_a = float(self.reflvl_a) / (self.reflvl_a + self.reflvl_b)
			p_b = 1 - p_a	# p_b = float(self.reflvl_b) / (self.reflvl_a + self.reflvl_b)
			#print "probabilities (a,b): (" + str(p_a) + ", " + str(p_b) + ")"
			# choose action
			rdm = random.random()
			#print "rdm: " + str(rdm)
			if rdm < p_a:
				#print "a"
				return "a"
				#print "b"
				return "b"
			return "b"
        def move(self, game, player, history):

                if not history: # first round - randomize
                        if random.randint(0,1) == 0: # play "a" or "b" with prob. 1/2
                                return "a"
                                return "b"
                else: # determine payoffs of last round
                        last_payoffs = tournament.determine_payoff(game, history[-1][0], history[-1][1])

                        best_result = max(last_payoffs) 
                        for i in range(len(last_payoffs)): # look up which player got the best payoff this round
                                if last_payoffs[i] == best_result:
                                        best_key = i

                        return history[-1][best_key] # play the best strategy of last round
    def move(self, game, player, history):

        if not history:  # first round - randomize
            if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:  # play "a" or "b" with prob. 1/2
                return "a"
                return "b"
        else:  # determine payoffs of last round
            last_payoffs = tournament.determine_payoff(game, history[-1][0], history[-1][1])

            if game == "prison":  # for prisoners dilemma, lower values are better!
                best_result = max(last_payoffs)  # min for inversed payoffs
                best_result = min(last_payoffs)  # max for inversed payoffs

            for i in range(len(last_payoffs)):  # look up which player got the best payoff this round
                if last_payoffs[i] == best_result:
                    best_key = i

            return history[-1][best_key]  # play the best strategy of last round
def make_payoff_history(game, history):
	pay_history = []
	for i in range(len(history)):
	return pay_history
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def move(self, game, player, history):

		# play zero determinant strategy in prisoner's dilemma and otherwise all B
		if game == "prison":
			# set ZD strategy factors
			extortion_factor = 2
			phi = float(1)/8
			# range of phi: 0 < phi < (P-S)/((P-S) + extortion_factor*(T-P)) = 1/(1+2*extortion_factor)
			# set payoffs
			R = tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "a", "a")[0]
			S = tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "a", "b")[0]
			T = tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "b", "a")[0]
			P = tournament.determine_payoff("prison", "b", "b")[0]
			#print "R: " + str(R)
			#print "S: " + str(S)
			#print "T: " + str(T)
			#print "P: " + str(P)
			# set probabilities
			p1 = 1 - float(R-P)/float(P-S)*phi*(extortion_factor - 1)
			p2 = 1- phi*(float(T-P)/float(P-S)*extortion_factor + 1)
			p3 = phi*(extortion_factor + float(T-P)/float(P-S))
			p4 = 0
			#print "p1: " + str(p1)
			#print "p2: " + str(p2)
			#print "p3: " + str(p3)
			#print "p4: " + str(p4)
			# get random value to determine behaviour
			rdm = random.random()
			# first round cooperate
			if not history:
				return "a"
			# print history
			#print "move: (" + str(history[-1][0]) + "," + str(history[-1][1]) + ")"
			# set behaviour for rounds
			if history[-1][0] == "a" and history[-1][1] == "a":
				if rdm < p1:
					return "a"
					return "b"
			if history[-1][0] == "a" and history[-1][1] == "b":
				if rdm < p2:
					return "a"
					return "b"
			if history[-1][0] == "b" and history[-1][1] == "a":
				if rdm < p3:
					return "a"
					return "b"
			if history[-1][0] == "b" and history[-1][1] == "b":
				if rdm < p4:
					return "a"
					return "b"

			return "b"
        def move(self, game, player, history):
                # if history is empty, we are in the very first round. Let's cooperate!
                if game == "prison": # in Prisoners' Dilemma I play imitation.
                        if not history: # first round - randomize
                                if random.randint(0,1) == 0: # play "a" or "b" with prob. 1/2
                                        return "a"
                                        return "b"
                        else: # determine payoffs of last round
                                last_payoffs = tournament.determine_payoff(game, history[-1][0], history[-1][1])

                                if game == "prison": # for prisoners dilemma, lower values are better!
                                        best_result = min(last_payoffs)
                                        best_result = max(last_payoffs)

                        for i in range(len(last_payoffs)): # look up which player got the best payoff this round
                                if last_payoffs[i] == best_result:
                                        best_key = i

                                        return history[-1][best_key] # play the best strategy of last round

                elif game == "staghunt": # in staghunt I play grimtrigger
                        if not history: # first round cooperate
                                return "a"


                                sumB = 0
                                for run in history: # let's count how often opponent defected so far
                                        if run[1] == "b":
                                                sumB =+ 1

                                if sumB == 0: # if no defect, play a
                                        return "a"
                                else: # if opponent ever defected, play b
                                        return "b"

                elif game == "chicken": # in chicken i play cournot adjustment

                        best_response = {"chicken":{"a":"b","b":"a"}}

                        if not history: # first round
                                if random.randint(0,1) == 0: # play "a" or "b" with prob. 1/2
                                        return "a"
                                        return "b"
                        else: # subsequent rounds
                                return best_response[game][history[-1][1]]

                elif game == "pennies":
                        if not history:
                                return "a";
                                if player == 1: # when playing matching pennies, player number (1 = row, 2 = column) matters:
                                        if history[-1][1] == "a": # if I am player one, I want matching choices
                                                return "a" # let's mirror what the other has done in his last round
                                                return "b"
                                else: # if I am not player 1, I must be player 2, so i don't want matching choices:
                                        if history[-1][1] == "a":
                                                return "b" # let's do the opposite of what the other did last round.
                                                return "a"