Ejemplo n.º 1
Created on 28.04.2015

@author: Felk
from __future__ import division, print_function

from tppVisu.stat import Stat, StatAccEva
from tppVisu.tables import abilityFuncs
from tppVisu.util import Stages, TypeSet, Effs, enum

Gender = enum(male='m', female='f', none='-')

class Pokemon(object):
    '''class to represent a pokemon. Including all the needed data like types, moves, etc.'''
    def __init__(self, natID, name, type1, type2, stats, moves, gender, ability='', status='', statusVolatile='', happiness=0, level=100, weight=1, stages=Stages(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)):
        '''name, type1, type2, ability, status, statusVolatile are strings.
        natID is a number.
        stats is a Stats-namedtuple, see util.
        gender is an enum, see above.
        moves is an array of Move-objects, see module move.'''
        self.natID = natID
        self.name = name
        self.type1 = type1.lower() if type1 != None else None
        self.type2 = type2.lower() if type2 != None else None
        self.gender = gender
        self.ability = ability.title()  # First letters uppercase
        self.abilityVisuable = abilityFuncs.isVisuable(self.ability)
        self.moves = moves
Ejemplo n.º 2

# no special display message. Just force a highlight on this move.
others = ['Dream Eater',
          'Future Sight',
          'Wake-Up Slap',
          'Focus Punch',
          'Last Resort',

MoveAnomaly = enum(recoiling='recoiling',
                   lasting_two_turns='lasting 2 turns',
                   power_doubling='lower damage displayed',
                   health_dependend='full health assumed.',
                   special_powerrange='full power range displayed',
                   round_dependend='first round displayed',
def getAnomaly(move):
    if   move.name in recoiling:          return MoveAnomaly.recoiling
    elif move.name in leeching:           return MoveAnomaly.leeching
    elif move.name in selfdestructing:    return MoveAnomaly.selfdestructing
    elif move.name in lasting_two_turns:  return MoveAnomaly.lasting_two_turns
    elif move.name in power_doubling:     return MoveAnomaly.power_doubling
    elif move.name in health_dependend:   return MoveAnomaly.health_dependend
    elif move.name in special_powerrange: return MoveAnomaly.special_powerrange
    elif move.name in round_dependend:    return MoveAnomaly.round_dependend
    elif move.name in others:             return MoveAnomaly.other
Ejemplo n.º 3
Created on 29.04.2015

@author: Felk
from __future__ import division, print_function

from tppVisu.tables.moveAnomalies import getAnomaly
from tppVisu.tables.moveHits import getMinMaxHits
from tppVisu.tables.movePriorities import getPriority
from tppVisu.tables.moveVisuables import isVisuable
from tppVisu.util import enum

MoveCategory = enum(physical='physical',

class Move(object):
    '''class to represent a pokemon move, including all the needed data like type, category, power etc.'''
    def __init__(self, name, description, type, category, power, pp, accuracy):
        '''name, description and type are strings.
        categoryis an Enum, see above.
        power, pp and accuracy are numbers.'''
        self.name = name.title(
        )  # First letters uppercase. Dirty fix. TODO Might not work for U-turn
        self.description = description
        self.type = type
        self.category = category
        self.power = power
        self.pp = pp
Ejemplo n.º 4
Created on 28.04.2015

@author: Felk
from __future__ import division, print_function

from tppVisu.stat import Stat, StatAccEva
from tppVisu.tables import abilityFuncs
from tppVisu.util import Stages, TypeSet, Effs, enum

Gender = enum(male='m', female='f', none='-')

class Pokemon(object):
    '''class to represent a pokemon. Including all the needed data like types, moves, etc.'''
    def __init__(self,
                 stages=Stages(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)):
Ejemplo n.º 5

# no special display message. Just force a highlight on this move.
others = ('Dream Eater',
          'Future Sight',
          'Wake-Up Slap',
          'Focus Punch',
          'Last Resort',

MoveAnomaly = enum(recoiling='recoiling',
                   lasting_two_turns='lasting 2 turns',
                   power_doubling='lower damage displayed',
                   health_dependend='full health assumed.',
                   special_powerrange='full power range displayed',
                   round_dependend='first round displayed',
def getAnomaly(move):
    if   move.name in recoiling:          return MoveAnomaly.recoiling
    elif move.name in leeching:           return MoveAnomaly.leeching
    elif move.name in selfdestructing:    return MoveAnomaly.selfdestructing
    elif move.name in lasting_two_turns:  return MoveAnomaly.lasting_two_turns
    elif move.name in power_doubling:     return MoveAnomaly.power_doubling
    elif move.name in health_dependend:   return MoveAnomaly.health_dependend
    elif move.name in special_powerrange: return MoveAnomaly.special_powerrange
    elif move.name in round_dependend:    return MoveAnomaly.round_dependend
    elif move.name in others:             return MoveAnomaly.other
Ejemplo n.º 6
Created on 29.04.2015

@author: Felk
from __future__ import division, print_function

from tppVisu.tables.moveAnomalies import getAnomaly
from tppVisu.tables.moveHits import getMinMaxHits
from tppVisu.tables.movePriorities import getPriority
from tppVisu.tables.moveVisuables import isVisuable
from tppVisu.util import enum

MoveCategory = enum(physical='physical', special='special', nonDamaging='nonDamaging')

class Move(object): 
    '''class to represent a pokemon move, including all the needed data like type, category, power etc.'''
    def __init__(self, name, description, type, category, power, pp, accuracy):
        '''name, description and type are strings.
        categoryis an Enum, see above.
        power, pp and accuracy are numbers.'''
        self.name = name.title()  # First letters uppercase. Dirty fix. TODO Might not work for U-turn
        self.description = description
        self.type = type
        self.category = category
        self.power = power
        self.pp = pp
        self.accuracy = accuracy
        self.priority = getPriority(self)
        self.visuable = isVisuable(self)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Created on 02.05.2015

@author: Felk
from __future__ import division, print_function

from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy

from tppVisu.move import MoveCategory
from tppVisu.tables import moveFuncs, abilityFuncs
from tppVisu.tables.typeEffs import getEff
from tppVisu.util import Eff, enum

Kind = enum(normal='normal', status='status', ohko='ohko', notVisuable='notVisuable')

class MoveResult(object):
    def __init__(self, env, accuracy, speed, kind=Kind.normal, eff=Eff.NORMAL, damage=None):
        self.env = env
        if accuracy == None:
            self.accuracy = None
            self.accuracy = int(accuracy)
        self.speed = int(speed)
        self.kind = kind
        self.eff = eff
        if damage == None:
            self.damage = None
            self.damage = tuple(int(D) for D in damage)