Ejemplo n.º 1
    def recalc_paramter(self):
            # 平均真实波幅(N值)
            self.n = ATR(self.klines, self.atr_day_length)["atr"].iloc[-1]
            # 买卖单位
            #: 账户权益 (账户权益 = 动态权益 = 静态权益 + 平仓盈亏 + 持仓盈亏 - 手续费 + 权利金 + 期权市值)

            self.unit = max(
                int((self.account.available * 0.06) /
                    (self._quote.volume_multiple * self.n)), 0)
            margin_ratio = 0.1
            while self.unit > 0:
                if self.unit * margin_ratio * self._quote.last_price * self._quote.volume_multiple < self.account.available:
                    # 调整unit的之
                    self.unit -= 1

            # 唐奇安通道上轨:前N个交易日的最高价
            self.donchian_channel_high = max(
                self.klines.high[-self.donchian_channel_open_position - 1:-1])
            # 唐奇安通道下轨:前N个交易日的最低价
            self.donchian_channel_low = min(
                self.klines.low[-self.donchian_channel_open_position - 1:-1])
            # logger.info("账户可用资金 %f " % self.account.available)
                "Pos:%4s,Last_price:%9.2f,Inst:%12s 上下轨:%8s, %8s N值: %6.2f Unit:%4s 可用:%10.2f,QuoteTime:%s"
                % (self.state['position'], self.state['last_price'],
                   self._symbol, self.donchian_channel_high,
                   self.donchian_channel_low, self.n, self.unit,
                   self.account.available, self._quote.datetime))
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_open(signal):
    klines = api.get_kline_serial(
    quote = api.get_quote(品种)
    atr = ATR(klines, 30)
    TR1 = atr.tr
    ATR1 = atr.atr
    kl = klines.set_index("datetime")
    yes = api.get_kline_serial(品种, 60 * 60 * 24)
    time1 = yes.datetime.iloc[-1]
    day_num = yes.datetime.iloc[-1] - yes.datetime.iloc[-2]
    NN = len(klines[(klines['datetime'] > time1)
                    & (klines['datetime'] < time1 + day_num)])
    print('NN', NN)
    H1 = ref(hhv(klines.high, NN), NN)  #昨序列
    print("HHV", hhv(klines.high, NN))
    print("H1", H1)
    L1 = ref(llv(klines.low, NN), NN)
    O2 = klines[(klines['datetime'] > time1)
                & (klines['datetime'] < time1 + day_num)].iloc[0].open
    if (ATR1.values[-1] > 21):
        print('hhaha', ATR1.values[-1])
        KK1 = 3
        KK1 = 5
    if (ATR1.values[-1] > 21):
        KK2 = 3
        KK2 = 5
    HH = O2 + (H1 - L1) * KK1 * 0.1
    print("____________H1-L1", H1 - L1)
    print("HH:", HH, type(HH))
    LL = O2 - (H1 - L1) * KK2 * 0.1
    print('LL', LL)
    DAYBARPOS = len(klines[klines['datetime'] > time1])
    print("daybarpos", DAYBARPOS)
    HH1 = hhv(klines.high, DAYBARPOS)
    LL1 = llv(klines.low, DAYBARPOS)
    UU = HH - LL
    print("HH1:", HH1)
    C = quote.close
    KDTJ = all(
        ((C >= HH).values[-1], (H1 != L1).values[-1], llv(klines.low, NN) >
         (O2 - (H1 - L1) * KK1 * 0.1), UU < 55, UU > 15))
    KKTJ = all((C <= HH, H1 != L1, hhv(klines.high, NN) <
                (O2 + (H1 - L1) * KK1 * 0.1), UU < 55, UU > 15))
    SP_1 = all((TR1 > 18, klines.low <= O2 - (H1 - L1) * 8 * 0.1))
    BP_1 = all((TR1 > 18, klines.high >= O2 + (H1 - L1) * 8 * 0.1))
    dict1 = {"KDTJ": KDTJ, "KKTJ": KKTJ, "SP": SP_1, "BP": BP_1}
    return dict1[signal]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def trend_line(self, kline_level="day", atr_n=14, MA_n=40):
        # profit_space_switch = {
        #     "day":lambda n: ATR(self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, 60*60*24), n),
        #     "hour":lambda n: ATR(self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, 60*60), n)
        # }
        # loss_space_switch = {
        #     "day":lambda n: ATR(self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, 60*60), n),
        #     "hour":lambda n: ATR(self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, 5*60), n)
        # }
        # loss_space = loss_space_switch[self.kline_level](atr_n)
        # profit_space = profit_space_switch[self.kline_level](atr_n)
        trend = 0  # 1 上升趋势,0 震荡, -1 下降趋势
        quote = self.api.get_quote(self.symbol)
        target = TargetPosTask(self.api, self.symbol)

        if kline_level == "day":
            loss_atr_period = 60 * 60
            profit_atr_period = 24 * 60 * 60
            trend_period = 24 * 60 * 60
            trend_kline = self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, trend_period)
        elif kline_level == "week":
            loss_atr_period = 60 * 60
            profit_atr_period = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
            trend_period = 24 * 60 * 60

        loss_space = ATR(
            self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, loss_atr_period), atr_n)
        profit_space = ATR(
            self.api.get_kline_serial(self.symbol, profit_atr_period), atr_n)
        if trend_kline.iloc[-1].close > MA(
                trend_kline, 40).iloc[-1] + 2 * ATR(trend_kline, atr_n):
            trend = 1
        while True:
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def recalc_paramter(self):
     # 平均真实波幅(N值)
     self.n = ATR(self.klines, self.atr_day_length)["atr"].iloc[-1]
     # 买卖单位
     self.unit = int((self.account.balance * 0.01) /
                     (self.quote.volume_multiple * self.n))
     # 唐奇安通道上轨:前N个交易日的最高价
     self.donchian_channel_high = max(
         self.klines.high[-self.donchian_channel_open_position - 1:-1])
     # 唐奇安通道下轨:前N个交易日的最低价
     self.donchian_channel_low = min(
         self.klines.low[-self.donchian_channel_open_position - 1:-1])
     print("唐其安通道上下轨: %f, %f" %
           (self.donchian_channel_high, self.donchian_channel_low))
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def ThetaATR(self, df, n):
        upper = 6  # 上轨
        mid = 5  # 中轨
        lower = 4  # 下轨

        atr = ATR(df, n)
        # 标准化,每根柱子ATR 设置为5,得出比例
        ratio = atr.atr / mid
        # 算出thetaATR
        thetaATR = atr.tr / ratio

        plt.hlines(upper, 0, 200, colors="r")
        plt.hlines(mid, 0, 200, colors='y')
        plt.hlines(lower, 0, 200, colors='b')
        plt.plot(thetaATR.index, thetaATR.values)
        plt.plot(df["close"] / 500)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_daybar_score(self, klines, id):
        self.debug("======analyze [%s] daybar=========" %
        self.debug("当日:open=%d close=%d" %
                   (klines.iloc[-1].open, klines.iloc[-1].close))
        self.debug("昨日:open=%d close=%d" %
                   (klines.iloc[-id].open, klines.iloc[-id].close))
        BreakScore = 30
        BigBangScore = 20
        CheckSumScore = 20
        ContinueScore = 10
        InRangeAdjust = 10
        TopBomScore = 10
        RED_GREEN_SCORE = 10

        self.kpi = 0
        self.cur_day_bar = id
        if (self.cur_price == 0):
            self.cur_price = klines.iloc[-id].close
        atr = ATR(klines, 30)
        self.ATR_day = int(atr.atr.iloc[-id])
        print("[%s] self.ATR_day=%d" % (self.TAG, self.ATR_day))

        # big bang find
        self.last_big_green_candle, self.last_big_green_candle_hight = pplib.find_big_green_candle(
            klines, 1, id, id + 20, atr.atr.iloc[-id] * 1.5)
        self.last_big_red_candle, self.last_big_red_candle_height = pplib.find_big_red_candle(
            klines, 1, id, id + 20, atr.atr.iloc[-id] * 1.5)
        # big bang score
        if (self.last_big_red_candle - id < 10
                and self.last_big_red_candle < self.last_big_green_candle):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + (11 - (self.last_big_red_candle - id)) * (
                BigBangScore / 10) + int(
                    (self.last_big_red_candle - atr.atr.iloc[-id] * 1.5) /
                    50) * 5
        if (self.last_big_green_candle - id < 10
                and self.last_big_red_candle < self.last_big_green_candle):
            self.kpi = self.kpi - (11 - (self.last_big_green_candle - 1)) * (
                BigBangScore / 10) - int(
                    (self.last_big_red_candle - atr.atr.iloc[-id] * 1.5) /
                    50) * 5
            "[%s] self.last_big_red_candle=%d, self.last_big_green_candle=%d" %
            (self.TAG, self.last_big_red_candle, self.last_big_green_candle))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))

        #continue find
        self.last_continue_up_bar = 999
        self.last_continue_down_bar = 999
        for i in range(id, id + 6):
            count = 0
            for j in range(0, 3):
                if (klines.iloc[-(i + j)].open < klines.iloc[-(i + j)].close):
                    count = count + 1
                    count = count - 1
            if (count >= 3):
                self.last_continue_up_bar = i
            elif (count <= -3):
                self.last_continue_down_bar = i
        if (self.last_continue_up_bar - id <= 1):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + ContinueScore
        if (self.last_continue_down_bar - id <= 1):
            self.kpi = self.kpi - ContinueScore
            "[%s] self.last_continue_up_bar=%d self.last_continue_down_bar=%d"
            (self.TAG, self.last_continue_up_bar, self.last_continue_down_bar))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d after ContinueScore" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
        self.day_checksum_4 = pplib.get_checksum(klines, 5, 1)
        cks_ret = abs(self.day_checksum_4) / self.ATR_day
        print("[%s] self.day_checksum_4=%d cks_ret=%f" %
              (self.TAG, self.day_checksum_4, cks_ret))
        cks_score = 0
        cks_weight = 0.2
        if (cks_ret > 1.5):
            cks_weight = 1
        elif (cks_ret > 1):
            cks_weight = 0.7
        elif (cks_ret > 0.5):
            cks_weight = 0.5
            cks_weight = 0.2
        if (self.day_checksum_4 > 0):
            cks_score = int(CheckSumScore * cks_weight)
        if (self.day_checksum_4 < 0):
            cks_score = -int(CheckSumScore * cks_weight)
        print("[%s] cks_score=%d" % (self.TAG, cks_score))
        # inrange find
        heightest = 1000
        heightest_bar = 1
        for i in range(id, id+2):
            height = pplib.get_height_in_range(klines, i, i+3)
            if (height > heightest):
                heightest = height
                heightest_bar = i
        heightest = pplib.get_height_in_range(klines, id, id + 5)
        result = heightest / atr.atr.iloc[-i]
        print("[%s] result=%f" % (self.TAG, result))
        if (result < 1.5):
            self.last_inrange_bar = heightest_bar
        self.last_inrange_height = heightest
        self.last_inrange_high = pplib.get_hest_in_range(klines, id, id + 5)
        self.last_inrange_low = pplib.get_lest_in_range(klines, id, id + 5)

        #inrange score
        if (self.last_inrange_bar - id < 2
                and self.last_continue_up_bar - id > 3
                and self.last_continue_down_bar - id > 3):
            if (klines.iloc[-id].close > klines.iloc[-id].open):
                self.kpi = self.kpi - InRangeAdjust
                self.kpi = self.kpi - InRangeAdjust
        print("[%s] last_inrange_bar=%d" % (self.TAG, self.last_inrange_bar))
            "last_inrange_high=%d last_inrange_low=%d last_inrange_height=%d" %
            (self.last_inrange_high, self.last_inrange_low,
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
        # break find
        self.last_break_up_bar = 999
        self.last_break_down_bar = 999
        for i in range(id, id + 6):
            tmp = pplib.get_hest_in_range(klines, i + 1, i + 1 + 4)
            if (klines.iloc[-i].close > tmp):
                self.last_break_up_bar = i
        for i in range(id, id + 6):
            tmp = pplib.get_lest_in_range(klines, i + 1, i + 1 + 4)
            if (klines.iloc[-i].close < tmp):
                self.last_break_down_bar = i
        if (self.last_break_up_bar - id == 0):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + BreakScore
        elif (self.last_break_up_bar - id == 1):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + int(BreakScore / 2)
        elif (self.last_break_up_bar - id == 2):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + int(BreakScore / 3)
        if (self.last_break_down_bar - id == 0):
            self.kpi = self.kpi - BreakScore
        elif (self.last_break_down_bar - id == 1):
            self.kpi = self.kpi - int(BreakScore / 2)
        elif (self.last_break_down_bar - id == 2):
            self.kpi = self.kpi - int(BreakScore / 3)
        print("[%s] self.last_break_up_bar=%d self.last_break_down_bar=%d " %
              (self.TAG, self.last_break_up_bar, self.last_break_down_bar))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
        # price pos find
        self.hh_100, self.hh_100_bar = pplib.get_hest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 100)
        self.ll_100, self.ll_100_bar = pplib.get_lest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 100)
        price_pos_ratio = (self.cur_price - self.ll_100) / (self.hh_100 -
        if (price_pos_ratio <= 0.5):
            self.kpi = self.kpi + (5 - int(price_pos_ratio * TopBomScore)) * 2
            self.kpi = self.kpi - (int(price_pos_ratio * TopBomScore) - 5) * 2
        print("[%s] price_pos_ratio=%f" % (self.TAG, price_pos_ratio))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))

        if (self.last_break_up_bar - id <= 2
                and self.last_big_red_candle - id < 6):
            print("last_break_up_bar=%d last_big_red_candle=%d  " %
                  (self.last_break_up_bar - id <= 2,
                   self.last_big_red_candle - id))
            self.kpi += 20
        if (self.last_break_down_bar - id <= 2
                and self.last_big_green_candle - id < 6):
            self.kpi -= 20
        if (self.last_break_up_bar - id <= 2 and price_pos_ratio < 0.6):
            self.kpi += 20
            print("last_break_up_bar=%d price_pos_ratio=%d  " %
                  (self.last_break_up_bar - id <= 2, price_pos_ratio))
        if (self.last_break_down_bar - id <= 2
                and self.last_big_green_candle - id < 6):
            self.kpi -= 20
        #print ("height=%d atr=%d wave ratio=%f "%(height, atr.atr.iloc[-i], height/atr.atr.iloc[-i]))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
        # 距离底、顶的距离
        self.hh_20, self.hh_20_bar = pplib.get_hest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 20)
        self.ll_20, self.ll_20_bar = pplib.get_lest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 20)
        self.hh_10, self.hh_10_bar = pplib.get_hest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 10)
        self.ll_10, self.ll_10_bar = pplib.get_lest_in_range2(
            klines, id, id + 10)
        self.hh_5, self.hh_5_bar = pplib.get_hest_in_range2(klines, id, id + 6)
        self.ll_5, self.ll_5_bar = pplib.get_lest_in_range2(klines, id, id + 6)
        dif = self.hh_10_bar - id
        if (dif == 0):
            self.kpi += TopBomScore
        if (dif == 1):
            self.kpi += int(TopBomScore / 2)
        elif (dif == 2):
            self.kpi -= TopBomScore
        elif (dif == 3):
            self.kpi += TopBomScore
        elif (dif > 3 and dif <= 5):
            self.kpi -= TopBomScore
        self.to_top = dif

        dif = self.ll_10_bar - id
        if (dif == 0):
            self.kpi -= TopBomScore
        if (dif == 1):
            self.kpi -= int(TopBomScore / 2)
        elif (dif == 2):
            self.kpi += TopBomScore
        elif (dif == 3):
            self.kpi -= TopBomScore
        elif (dif > 3 and dif <= 5):
            self.kpi += TopBomScore
        self.to_bottom = dif
        print("[%s] to top=%d, to bottom=%d " %
              (self.TAG, self.hh_10_bar - id, self.ll_10_bar - id))
        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
        # 红绿数量
        red_gre_score = 0
        self.reds = pplib.get_reds_candle(klines, 6)
        self.greens = pplib.get_greens_candle(klines, 6)
        if (self.greens > 0):
            red_gre_score -= self.greens * 20
        if (self.reds > 0):
            red_gre_score += self.reds * 20
        self.kpi += red_gre_score * (RED_GREEN_SCORE / 100)
        print("[%s] greens=%d reds=%d" % (self.TAG, self.greens, self.reds))
        gap_v = klines.iloc[-id].open - klines.iloc[-(id + 1)].close
        if (gap_v > 10):
            print("[%s] 高跳" % (self.TAG))
            self.manager.drive_event(self.TAG, StgEvent.GapUp, gap_v)
            self.kpi += 10
        gap_v = klines.iloc[-(id + 1)].close - klines.iloc[-id].open
        if (gap_v > 10):
            print("[%s] 低跳" % (self.TAG))
            self.manager.drive_event(self.TAG, StgEvent.GapDown, gap_v)
            self.kpi -= 10

        print("[%s] kpi=%d" % (self.TAG, self.kpi))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def preparse_dayline_trend(self, d_klines):
        back_count = 6
        red_count = 0
        checksum = 0
        atr = ATR(d_klines, 30)
        self.atr_daily = int(atr.atr.iloc[-1])
        #print(self.TAG, self.atr_daily)  # 平均真实波幅
        for i in range(1, back_count):
            if (d_klines.iloc[-i].open - d_klines.iloc[-i].close > 0):
                red_count = red_count + 1
            checksum = checksum + (d_klines.iloc[-i].close -

        weight = tafunc.abs(checksum) / atr.atr.iloc[-i]
        print("[%s] parse_dayline_trend checksum=%d weight=%f " %
              (self.TAG, checksum, weight))
        #if (checksum > 0 and checksum > back_count*atr.atr):

        self.day_trend = red_count - (back_count - red_count)
        if (float(weight) > float(0.001) and checksum > 0):
            self.day_trend = self.day_trend + weight
        if (float(weight) > float(0.001) and checksum < 0):
            self.day_trend = self.day_trend - weight

        # 关键

        #range_H = tafunc.hhv(klines.high, 5)
        #range_L = tafunc.llv(klines.low, 5)
        self.Long_HH = pplib.get_hest_in_range(d_klines, 1, 50)
        self.Long_LL = pplib.get_lest_in_range(d_klines, 1, 50)
        self.range_HH, self.hh_day_bar = get_hh_price_bar(d_klines, 5)
        self.range_LL, self.ll_day_bar = get_ll_price_bar(d_klines, 5)
        print("[%s] Long_HH=%d Long_LL=%f " %
              (self.TAG, self.Long_HH, self.Long_LL))
        # 大小口 配合
        self.support_line = get_support_line(d_klines, 1, 2, 10)
        self.resistance_line = get_resistance_line(d_klines, 1, 2, 10)
        # 敏感价格基于前长周期的波峰波谷,后期被打破或形成支撑阻力
        self.sensitive_hh_bar, self.sensitive_hh = get_sensitive_hh(
            d_klines, 2)
        self.sensitive_ll_bar, self.sensitive_ll = get_sensitive_ll(
            d_klines, 2)

        self.debug("support_line=%d resistance_line=%d" %
                   (self.support_line, self.resistance_line))

            "sensitive_hh_bar=%d sensitive_hh=%d sensitive_ll_bar=%d sensitive_ll=%d"
            % (self.sensitive_hh_bar, self.sensitive_hh, self.sensitive_ll_bar,

        if (self.sensitive_hh != 0):
            self.set_indor_value(Indicator.RangeHDaily, self.sensitive_hh)
        if (self.sensitive_ll != 0):
            self.set_indor_value(Indicator.RangeLDaily, self.sensitive_ll)
        # 关键,需手动录入
        self.key_hh = 
        self.key_ll = 
        self.ma10 = 0
        self.ma20 = 0
        self.forecast = 0

        for i in range(1, 5):

        self.debug("last_day: open=%d close=%d high=%d low=%d" %
                   (self.lastday_quote[1].open, self.lastday_quote[1].close,
                    self.lastday_quote[1].high, self.lastday_quote[1].low))

        return self.day_trend
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def on_day_bar(self, dklines):
        start_id = 2

        self.support_ll = 0
        self.resistance_hh = 0
        self.range_hh = 0
        self.range_ll = 0
        self.boll_top = 0
        self.boll_bottom = 0
        self.trade_ll = 0
        self.trade_hh = 0

        atr = ATR(dklines, 30)
        self.atr_daily = int(atr.atr.iloc[-1])

        inrange_result = self.find_inrange_daily(start_id, dklines)
        strong_result = self.find_strong_daliy(start_id, dklines)
        # boll
        self.find_boll_daily(start_id, dklines)

        if (inrange_result == True or strong_result == True):
            if (self.support_ll!=0 and self.range_ll!=0):
                self.trade_ll = int((self.range_ll + self.support_ll)/2)
            elif(self.support_ll != 0):
                self.trade_ll = self.support_ll
            elif(self.range_ll != 0):
                self.trade_ll = self.range_ll

            if (self.resistance_hh!=0 and self.range_hh!=0):
                self.trade_hh = int((self.range_hh + self.resistance_hh)/2)
            elif(self.resistance_hh != 0):
                self.trade_hh = self.resistance_hh
            elif(self.range_hh != 0):
                self.trade_hh = self.range_hh
            self.trend_type_daily = TrendType.WAVE
            if (self.support_ll!=0 and self.resistance_hh!=0):
            elif (self.support_ll != 0):
            elif(self.resistance_hh != 0):
            if (self.trade_hh == 0):
                self.trade_hh = self.boll_top
            if (self.trade_ll == 0):
                self.trade_ll = self.boll_bottom
            self.trend_type_daily = TrendType.TREND
            self.trade_ll = self.boll_bottom
            self.trade_hh = self.boll_top
        self.debug("on_day_bar trade_hh=%d trade_ll=%d"%(self.trade_hh, self.trade_ll))
        self.hh_3day = pplib.get_hest_in_range(dklines, start_id, start_id+3)
        self.ll_3day = pplib.get_lest_in_range(dklines, start_id, start_id+3)
        self.debug("on_day_bar hh_3day=%d ll_3day=%d"%(self.hh_3day, self.ll_3day))
        self.hh_50day = pplib.get_hest_in_range(dklines, start_id, start_id+50)
        self.ll_50day = pplib.get_lest_in_range(dklines, start_id, start_id+50)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# SYMBOL = "SHFE.au1912"
code_index = "wr"
SYMBOL = SYMBOL_JSON[code_index]["symbol"]       ## 合约代码
VALUE  = SYMBOL_JSON[code_index]["contractSize"] ## 合约乘数

api = TqApi(web_gui=True,backtest=TqBacktest(start_dt=date(2000, 5, 1), end_dt=date(2019, 12, 31)))
# klines = api.get_kline_serial(SYMBOL, 60*5) ## 60*5=50分钟
klines = api.get_kline_serial(SYMBOL, 60*60*24) ## 60*60*24=日线
maxvol_hl = 0
maxvol_oc = 0
minvol_oc = 0
while True:
    # 通过wait_update刷新数据
    atr = ATR(klines,14)
    boll = BOLL(klines, 14 , 2)
    rsi = RSI(klines,14)
    lastKline = klines.iloc[-1]
    maxvol_oc = max(maxvol_oc,lastKline.close-lastKline.open)
    minvol_oc = min(minvol_oc,lastKline.close-lastKline.open)
    maxvol_hl = max(maxvol_hl,lastKline.high-lastKline.low)
    midline = boll["mid"].iloc[-1]
    topline = boll["top"].iloc[-1]
    bottomline = boll["bottom"].iloc[-1]
    bollmatitude = topline-bottomline
    atr_ma = 0
        atr_ma = atr.atr.iloc[-1] / midline
Ejemplo n.º 10
api = TqApi(TqSim(200000),
            backtest=TqBacktest(start_dt=date(2019, 7, 15),
                                end_dt=date(2020, 1, 15)),

klines = api.get_kline_serial(SYMBOL, 60 * 60 * 24)  # 1小时K线
klines_long = api.get_kline_serial(SYMBOL, 60 * 60 * 24)  # 日K线
quote = api.get_quote(SYMBOL)
position = api.get_position(SYMBOL)
target_pos = TargetPosTask(api, SYMBOL)

# 使用BOLL指标计算中轨、上轨和下轨,其中26为周期N  ,2为参数p
atr = ATR(klines, 26)
midline = tafunc.ema2(klines.close, MA_FAST)
topline = midline + atr.atr
bottomline = midline - atr.atr

#print("策略运行,中轨:%.2f,上轨为:%.2f,下轨为:%.2f" % (midline, topline, bottomline))

while True:

    # 每次生成新的K线时重新计算BOLL指标
    if api.is_changing(klines.iloc[-1], "datetime") or api.is_changing(
            quote, "last_price"):
        atr.atr = ATR(klines, 26)
        midline = tafunc.ema2(klines.close, MA_FAST)
        topline = midline + atr.atr