Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process_request(self, req):
        serve the request but check wether the file realy is in cache
        ( absolute second part, f.e. an attemp to access restricted areas )
        for those request, trying access files anywhere, serve an Exception,
        otherwise let let it handle send_file, which checks for existence and serves
        either the file or an error
        path = PPHTDPathSelOption.absbasepath()
        if req.path_info.startswith('/'):
            slashes = 2
            slashes = 1
        name = req.path_info[(slashes + len(PPConstant.change_ticket_suffix)):]
        self.conf = PPConfiguration(self.env)
        self.req = req

        done = self.update_connections()
        if done:
            name = 'crystal_project/16x16/state/ok.png'
            accessname = os.path.join(path, name)
            #name = 'images/crystal_project/16x16/messagebox/critical.png'
            raise TracError(
                'Ticket Save Fail: %s --> %s ' %
                (self.get_args('ppdep_from'), self.get_args('ppdep_to')))

        return req.send_file(accessname, get_mimetype(accessname))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render_macro(self, req, name, content):

        # Pull out the arguments
        source_obj = str(content)

        dest_format = "text/x-trac-wiki"

        if not req.perm.has_permission('FILE_VIEW'):
            return ''
        repo = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)
        node = repo.get_node(source_obj)
        out = node.get_content().read()
        if dest_format is None:
            dest_format = node.content_type or get_mimetype(source_obj, out)
        ctxt = Context.from_request(req, 'source', source_obj)
        # RFE: Add ticket: and comment: sources. <NPK>
        # RFE: Add attachment: source. <NPK>

        # If we have a preview format, use it

        # Escape if needed
        #        if not self.config.getbool('wiki', 'render_unsafe_content', False):
        #            try:
        #                out = HTMLParser(StringIO(out)).parse() | HTMLSanitizer()
        #            except ParseError:
        #                out = escape(out)
        #        reader = str(out).split("||")
        need_header = 1
        foo = (str(
            WikiTextRenderer(self.env).render(ctxt, "text/x-trac-wiki",

        return foo
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process_request( self, req ):
        serve the request but check wether the file realy is in cache
        ( absolute second part, f.e. an attemp to access restricted areas )
        for those request, trying access files anywhere, serve an Exception,
        otherwise let let it handle send_file, which checks for existence and serves
        either the file or an error
      path = PPHTDPathSelOption.absbasepath()
      if req.path_info.startswith('/'):
        slashes = 2
        slashes = 1
      name = req.path_info[(slashes+len(PPConstant.change_ticket_suffix)):]
      self.conf = PPConfiguration( self.env )
      self.req = req

      done = self.update_connections()
      if done:
        name = 'crystal_project/16x16/state/ok.png'
        accessname = os.path.join( path, name )
        #name = 'images/crystal_project/16x16/messagebox/critical.png'
        raise TracError( 'Ticket Save Fail: %s --> %s ' % (self.get_args('ppdep_from'), self.get_args('ppdep_to') ) )

      return req.send_file( accessname, get_mimetype( accessname ) )
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        """Post process request filter.
        Removes all trac provided css if required"""

        if template is None and data is None and \
                sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None):
            return template, data, content_type

        def is_active_theme():
            is_active = False
            active_theme = ThemeEngineSystem(self.env).theme
            if active_theme is not None:
                this_theme_name = self.get_theme_names().next()
                is_active = active_theme['name'] == this_theme_name
            return is_active

        req.chrome['labels'] = self._get_whitelabelling()

        if data is not None:
            data['product_list'] = \
                ProductModule.get_product_list(self.env, req)

        links = req.chrome.get('links', {})
        # replace favicon if appropriate
        if self.env.project_icon == 'common/trac.ico':
            bh_icon = 'theme/img/bh.ico'
            new_icon = {
                'href': req.href.chrome(bh_icon),
                'type': get_mimetype(bh_icon)
            if links.get('icon'):
            if links.get('shortcut icon'):
                links.get('shortcut icon')[0].update(new_icon)

        is_active_theme = is_active_theme()
        if self.disable_all_trac_css and is_active_theme:
            if self.disable_all_trac_css:
                stylesheets = links.get('stylesheet', [])
                if stylesheets:
                    path = '/chrome/common/css/'
                    _iter = ([ss, ss.get('href', '')] for ss in stylesheets)
                    links['stylesheet'] = \
                        [ss for ss, href in _iter if not path in href or
                         href.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] in self.BLOODHOUND_KEEP_CSS]
            template, modifier = \
                self.BLOODHOUND_TEMPLATE_MAP.get(template, (template, None))
            if modifier is not None:
                modifier = getattr(self, modifier)
                modifier(req, template, data, content_type, is_active_theme)

        if is_active_theme and data is not None:
            data['responsive_layout'] = \
                self.env.config.getbool('bloodhound', 'responsive_layout',
            data['bhrelations'] = \
                self.env.config.getbool('components', 'bhrelations.*', 'false')

        return template, data, content_type
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        """Post process request filter.
        Removes all trac provided css if required"""
        if template is None and data is None and \
                sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None):
            return template, data, content_type
        def is_active_theme():
            is_active = False
            active_theme = ThemeEngineSystem(self.env).theme
            if active_theme is not None:
                this_theme_name = self.get_theme_names().next()
                is_active = active_theme['name'] == this_theme_name
            return is_active

        req.chrome['labels'] = self._get_whitelabelling()

        if data is not None:
            data['product_list'] = \
                ProductModule.get_product_list(self.env, req)

        links = req.chrome.get('links', {})
        # replace favicon if appropriate
        if self.env.project_icon == 'common/trac.ico':
            bh_icon = 'theme/img/bh.ico'
            new_icon = {'href': req.href.chrome(bh_icon),
                        'type': get_mimetype(bh_icon)}
            if links.get('icon'):
            if links.get('shortcut icon'):
                links.get('shortcut icon')[0].update(new_icon)
        is_active_theme = is_active_theme()
        if self.disable_all_trac_css and is_active_theme:
            if self.disable_all_trac_css:
                stylesheets = links.get('stylesheet', [])
                if stylesheets:
                    path = '/chrome/common/css/'
                    _iter = ([ss, ss.get('href', '')] for ss in stylesheets)
                    links['stylesheet'] = \
                        [ss for ss, href in _iter if not path in href or
                         href.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] in self.BLOODHOUND_KEEP_CSS]
            template, modifier = \
                self.BLOODHOUND_TEMPLATE_MAP.get(template, (template, None))
            if modifier is not None:
                modifier = getattr(self, modifier)
                modifier(req, template, data, content_type, is_active_theme)

        if is_active_theme and data is not None:
            data['responsive_layout'] = \
                self.env.config.getbool('bloodhound', 'responsive_layout',
            data['bhrelations'] = \
                self.env.config.getbool('components', 'bhrelations.*', 'false')

        return template, data, content_type
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_from_content_using_CONTENT_RE(self):
                         get_mimetype('xxx', """
# This is a python script
                         get_mimetype('xxx', """
# This is a shell script
                         get_mimetype('xxx', """
# -*- Python -*-
# This is a python script
                         get_mimetype('xxx', """
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# This is a ruby script
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_icon_data(self, req):
     icon = {}
     icon_src = icon_abs_src = self.env.project_icon
     if icon_src:
         if not icon_src.startswith('/') and icon_src.find('://') == -1:
             if '/' in icon_src:
                 icon_abs_src = req.abs_href.chrome(icon_src)
                 icon_src = req.href.chrome(icon_src)
                 icon_abs_src = req.abs_href.chrome('common', icon_src)
                 icon_src = req.href.chrome('common', icon_src)
         mimetype = get_mimetype(icon_src)
         icon = {
             'src': icon_src,
             'abs_src': icon_abs_src,
             'mimetype': mimetype
     return icon
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        """Post process request filter.
        Removes all trac provided css if required"""
        def is_active_theme():
            is_active = False
            active_theme = ThemeEngineSystem(self.env).theme
            if active_theme is not None:
                this_theme_name = self.get_theme_names().next()
                is_active = active_theme['name'] == this_theme_name
            return is_active

        links = req.chrome.get('links', {})
        # replace favicon if appropriate
        if self.env.project_icon == 'common/trac.ico':
            bh_icon = 'theme/img/bh.ico'
            new_icon = {
                'href': req.href.chrome(bh_icon),
                'type': get_mimetype(bh_icon)
            if links.get('icon'):
            if links.get('shortcut icon'):
                links.get('shortcut icon')[0].update(new_icon)

        is_active_theme = is_active_theme()
        if self.disable_all_trac_css and is_active_theme:
            if self.disable_all_trac_css:
                stylesheets = links.get('stylesheet', [])
                if stylesheets:
                    path = req.base_path + '/chrome/common/css/'
                    _iter = ([ss, ss.get('href', '')] for ss in stylesheets)
                    links['stylesheet'] = [
                        ss for ss, href in _iter if not href.startswith(path)
                        or href.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] in self.BLOODHOUND_KEEP_CSS
            template, modifier = self.BLOODHOUND_TEMPLATE_MAP.get(
                template, (template, None))
            if modifier is not None:
                modifier = getattr(self, modifier)
                modifier(req, template, data, content_type, is_active_theme)
        return template, data, content_type
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def process_request(self, req):
        prefix = req.args['prefix']
        filename = req.args['filename']

        dirs = []
        for provider in self.template_providers:
            for dir in [
                    for dir in provider.get_htdocs_dirs() or []
                    if dir[0] == prefix and dir[1]
                path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, filename))
                if os.path.commonprefix([dir, path]) != dir:
                    raise TracError(
                        _("Invalid chrome path %(path)s.", path=filename))
                elif os.path.isfile(path):
                    req.send_file(path, get_mimetype(path))

        self.log.warning('File %s not found in any of %s', filename, dirs)
        raise HTTPNotFound('File %s not found', filename)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def process_request(self, req):
     serve the request but check wether the file realy is in cache
     ( absolute second part, f.e. an attemp to access restricted areas )
     for those request, trying access files anywhere, serve an Exception,
     otherwise let it handle send_file, which checks for existence and serves
     either the file or an error
     if req.path_info.startswith('/'):
         slashes = 2
         slashes = 1
     name = req.path_info[(slashes + len(PPConstant.cache_content_suffix)):]
     # dont use the cache, just verify the file existence and
     conf = PPConfiguration(self.env)
     cpath = os.path.normpath(conf.get('cachepath'))
     fname = os.path.normpath(name)
     if os.path.isabs(fname):
         self.env.log.warn('Attempted bypass ( access for %s ) ' % fname)
         raise TracError('Access Denied for "%s"' % fname)
     accessname = os.path.join(cpath, name)
     # no isfile and exitence check, both are done on send_file with error handling
     return req.send_file(accessname, get_mimetype(accessname))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def process_request( self, req ):
     serve the request but check wether the file realy is in cache
     ( absolute second part, f.e. an attemp to access restricted areas )
     for those request, trying access files anywhere, serve an Exception,
     otherwise let it handle send_file, which checks for existence and serves
     either the file or an error
   if req.path_info.startswith('/'):
     slashes = 2
     slashes = 1
   name = req.path_info[(slashes+len(PPConstant.cache_content_suffix)):]
   # dont use the cache, just verify the file existence and
   conf = PPConfiguration( self.env )
   cpath = os.path.normpath( conf.get( 'cachepath' ) )
   fname = os.path.normpath( name )
   if os.path.isabs( fname ):
     self.env.log.warn( 'Attempted bypass ( access for %s ) ' %fname )
     raise TracError( 'Access Denied for "%s"' % fname )
   accessname = os.path.join( cpath, name )
   # no isfile and exitence check, both are done on send_file with error handling
   return req.send_file( accessname, get_mimetype( accessname ) )
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_from_suffix_using_mimetypes(self):
     accepted = ('image/png', 'image/x-png')
     self.assertTrue(get_mimetype('doc/trac_logo.png', None) in accepted)
Ejemplo n.º 13
            repos_name, repos, source_obj = \
        except AttributeError:  # 0.11
            repos = repos_mgr.get_repository(formatter.req.authname)
        path, rev = _split_path(source_obj)
            node = repos.get_node(path, rev)
        except (NoSuchChangeset, NoSuchNode), e:
            return system_message(e), None, None
        content = node.get_content()
        out = ''
        ctxt = dest_format = None
        if content:
            out = content.read()
            if dest_format is None:
                dest_format = node.content_type or get_mimetype(path, out)
            ctxt = Context.from_request(formatter.req, 'source', path)

        return out, ctxt, dest_format

    def _extract_section(self, text, section):
        m1 = re.search("(^\s*(?P<heading>={1,6})\s(.*?)(\#%s)\s*$)" % section,
                       text, re.MULTILINE)
        if m1:
            stext = text[m1.end(0):]
            m2 = re.search(
                "(^\s*%s\s(.*?)(\#%s)?\s*$)" %
                (m1.group('heading'), WikiParser.XML_NAME), stext,
            if m2:
                return stext[:m2.start(0)]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_from_suffix_using_MIME_MAP(self):
     self.assertEqual('text/plain', get_mimetype('README', None))
     self.assertEqual('text/plain', get_mimetype('README.txt', None))
Ejemplo n.º 15
            # XXX: Check for recursion in page includes. <NPK>
            if not req.perm.has_permission('WIKI_VIEW'):
                return ''
            page = WikiPage(self.env, source_obj)
            if not page.exists:
                return system_message('Wiki page %s does not exist'%source_obj)
            out = page.text
            ctxt = Context.from_request(req, 'wiki', source_obj)
        elif source_format == 'source':
            if not req.perm.has_permission('FILE_VIEW'):
                return ''
            repo = self.env.get_repository(authname=req.authname)
            node = repo.get_node(source_obj)
            out = node.get_content().read()
            if dest_format is None:
                dest_format = node.content_type or get_mimetype(source_obj, out)
            ctxt = Context.from_request(req, 'source', source_obj)
        # RFE: Add ticket: and comment: sources. <NPK>
        # RFE: Add attachment: source. <NPK>
            return system_message('Unsupported include source %s'%source)

        # If there was a fragment name given then find the fragment.
        fragment = []
        current_fragment_name = None
        if fragment_name:
            for line in out.splitlines():
                res = re.search(r'FRAGMENT\(([^)]*)\)', line)
                if res:
                    current_fragment_name = res.groups()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def render_macro(self, req, name, content):
        args = [x.strip() for x in content.split(',')]
        #        return args
        if len(args) == 1:
        elif len(args) != 2:
            return system_message('Invalid arguments "%s"' % content)

        # Pull out the arguments
        source, theader = args
            source_format, source_obj = source.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:  # If no : is present, assume its a wiki page
            source_format, source_obj = 'source', source

        # Apply a default format if needed
            if theader is not None:
                isTheader, theader_content = theader.split("=", 1)
        except AttributeError:

            dest_format = self.default_formats[source_format]
        except KeyError:

        if source_format == 'source':
            if not req.perm.has_permission('FILE_VIEW'):
                return ''
            repo = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)
            node = repo.get_node(source_obj)
            out = node.get_content().read()
            if dest_format is None:
                dest_format = node.content_type or get_mimetype(
                    source_obj, out)
            ctxt = Context.from_request(req, 'source', source_obj)
        # RFE: Add ticket: and comment: sources. <NPK>
        # RFE: Add attachment: source. <NPK>
            return system_message('Unsupported include source %s' % source)

        # If we have a preview format, use it

        # Escape if needed
#        if not self.config.getbool('wiki', 'render_unsafe_content', False):
#            try:
#                out = HTMLParser(StringIO(out)).parse() | HTMLSanitizer()
#            except ParseError:
#                out = escape(out)
#        reader = str(out).split("||")
        need_header = 1
        foo = ''
        foo += '<table class="sortable"  style="border:1px solid #000;">'
            if theader is not None:
                if isTheader == "header":
                    custom_theader = theader_content.split(";")
                    foo += '<tr>'
                    for theader_cell in custom_theader:
                        foo += '<th style="border:1px solid #000;">' + str(
                            theader_cell) + '</th>'
                    foo += "</tr>\n"
        except AttributeError:

        for row in str(out).splitlines():
            foo += "<tr>\n"
            for cell in row.split("||"):
                if cell.startswith("|"):
                    foo += '<td align="right" style="border:1px solid #000;">'
                    if dest_format:
                        foo += (str(
                                None, "text/x-trac-wiki",

                    foo += "</td>"
                    foo += '<td align="right" style="border:1px solid #000;">'
                    if dest_format:
                        foo += (str(
                                None, "text/x-trac-wiki",
                    foo += "</td>"
#            foo +=str(row)
#            for cell in row:
#                foo += cell
#                foo += "-"
        foo += "</tr></table>"

        return foo
Ejemplo n.º 17
        return out

    # IPermissionRequestor methods
    def get_permission_actions(self):
        yield "INCLUDE_URL"

    # Private methods
    def _get_source(self, formatter, source_obj, dest_format):
        repos_mgr = RepositoryManager(self.env)
        try:  # 0.12+
            repos_name, repos, source_obj = repos_mgr.get_repository_by_path(source_obj)
        except AttributeError, e:  # 0.11
            repos = repos_mgr.get_repository(formatter.req.authname)
        path, rev = _split_path(source_obj)
        node = repos.get_node(path, rev)
        out = node.get_content().read()
        if dest_format is None:
            dest_format = node.content_type or get_mimetype(path, out)
        ctxt = Context.from_request(formatter.req, "source", path)

        return out, ctxt, dest_format

def _split_path(source_obj):
    if "@" in source_obj:
        path, rev = source_obj.split("@", 1)
        path, rev = source_obj, None
    return path, rev
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_from_suffix_using_mimetypes(self):
                      get_mimetype('doc/trac_logo.png', None))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_from_suffix_using_mimetypes(self):
     accepted = ('image/png', 'image/x-png')
     self.assertIn(get_mimetype('doc/trac_logo.png', None), accepted)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        """Post process request filter.
        Removes all trac provided css if required"""
        #if "TRAC_ADMIN" in req.perm:
        #    add_ctxtnav(req, "Admin", "#", "Admin")


        if self.is_active_theme:
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/foundation.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/foundation-icons.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_browser.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_milestone.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_tickets.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_admin_um.css')
            add_script(req, 'theme/js/custom.modernizr.js')
            add_script(req, 'theme/js/foundation.min.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/jquery.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/zepto.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/jquery.js')

        # if data no has the key page means that am not on a wiki page, initialize value o page in ""
        if not data.has_key('page'): data['page'] = ""

        #if template is using user manager plugin...
        if template == "admin_um.html":
            if data['user_manager'].has_key('panel'):
                if data['user_manager']['panel'] == "account":
                        'template'] = "zurb_admin_um_account.html"
                elif data['user_manager']['panel'] == "permissions":
                        'template'] = "zurb_admin_um_permissions.html"
                elif data['user_manager']['panel'] == "profile":
                        'template'] = "zurb_admin_um_profile.html"

        if template is None and data is None and sys.exc_info() == (None, None,
            return template, data, content_type

        links = req.chrome.get('links', {})
        #replace favicon if appropriate
        if self.env.project_icon == 'common/trac.ico':
            bh_icon = 'theme/img/bh.ico'
            new_icon = {
                'href': req.href.chrome(bh_icon),
                'type': get_mimetype(bh_icon)
            if links.get('icon'):
            if links.get('shortcut icon'):
                links.get('shortcut icon')[0].update(new_icon)

        if self.disable_all_trac_css and self.is_active_theme:
            if self.disable_all_trac_css:
                stylesheets = links.get('stylesheet', [])
                if stylesheets:
                    path = req.base_path + '/chrome/common/css/'
                    _iter = ([ss, ss.get('href', '')] for ss in stylesheets)
                    links['stylesheet'] = [
                        ss for ss, href in _iter if not href.startswith(path)
                        or href.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] in self.ZURB_KEEP_CSS
            template, modifier = self.ZURB_TEMPLATE_MAP.get(
                template, (template, None))
            if modifier is not None:
                modifier = getattr(self, modifier)
                modifier(req, template, data, content_type,

    # if is_active_theme and data is not None:
    #    data['responsive_layout'] = self.env.config.getbool(
    #       'bloodhound', 'responsive_layout', 'true')

        return template, data, content_type
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_from_suffix_using_mimetypes(self):
                      get_mimetype('test.pyc', None))
 def get_content_type(self):
     return get_mimetype(self.path)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_from_content_using_is_binary(self):
                      get_mimetype('xxx', "abc\0xyz"))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
        """Post process request filter.
        Removes all trac provided css if required"""
        #if "TRAC_ADMIN" in req.perm:
        #    add_ctxtnav(req, "Admin", "#", "Admin")

        add_meta(req, "width=device-width", http_equiv=None, name="viewport", scheme=None, lang=None)

        if self.is_active_theme:
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/foundation.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/foundation-icons.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_browser.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_milestone.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_tickets.css')
            add_stylesheet(req, 'theme/css/zurb_admin_um.css')
            add_script(req, 'theme/js/custom.modernizr.js')
            add_script(req, 'theme/js/foundation.min.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/jquery.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/zepto.js')
            #add_script(req, 'theme/js/jquery.js')

        # if data no has the key page means that am not on a wiki page, initialize value o page in ""
        if not data.has_key('page'): data['page'] = "";

        #if template is using user manager plugin...
        if template=="admin_um.html":
            if data['user_manager'].has_key('panel'):
                if data['user_manager']['panel'] == "account":
                    data['user_manager']['template'] = "zurb_admin_um_account.html"
                elif data['user_manager']['panel'] == "permissions":
                    data['user_manager']['template'] = "zurb_admin_um_permissions.html"
                elif data['user_manager']['panel'] == "profile":
                    data['user_manager']['template'] = "zurb_admin_um_profile.html"

        if template is None and data is None and sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None):
            return template, data, content_type

        links = req.chrome.get('links',{})
        #replace favicon if appropriate
        if self.env.project_icon == 'common/trac.ico':
            bh_icon = 'theme/img/bh.ico'
            new_icon = {'href': req.href.chrome(bh_icon),
                        'type': get_mimetype(bh_icon)}
            if links.get('icon'):
            if links.get('shortcut icon'):
                links.get('shortcut icon')[0].update(new_icon)

        if self.disable_all_trac_css and self.is_active_theme:
            if self.disable_all_trac_css:
                stylesheets = links.get('stylesheet',[])
                if stylesheets:
                    path = req.base_path + '/chrome/common/css/'
                    _iter = ([ss, ss.get('href', '')] for ss in stylesheets)
                    links['stylesheet'] = [ss for ss, href in _iter
                                           if not href.startswith(path) or
                                              href.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] in self.ZURB_KEEP_CSS]
            template, modifier = self.ZURB_TEMPLATE_MAP.get(
                template, (template, None))
            if modifier is not None:
                modifier = getattr(self, modifier)
                modifier(req, template, data, content_type, self.is_active_theme)

       # if is_active_theme and data is not None:
        #    data['responsive_layout'] = self.env.config.getbool(
         #       'bloodhound', 'responsive_layout', 'true')

        return template, data, content_type