Ejemplo n.º 1
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
#        self.list_namespaces()
        # generate TracLink string
        resource = None
        if filename in ['ticket.html', 'wiki_view.html', 'report_view.html', 'milestone_view.html', 'agilo_ticket_view.html'] \
                and 'context' in data:
            resource = copy(data['context'].resource)
        elif filename in ['search.html']:  # search:
            resource = Resource('search', data['query'])
        elif filename in ['browser.html']:  # source:
            resource = copy(data['context'].resource)
            if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.parent.id, resource.id)
                resource.parent = None
        elif filename in ['revisionlog.html']:  # log:
            resource = copy(data['context'].resource)
            resource.realm = 'log'
            if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.parent.id, resource.id)
                resource.parent = None
            revranges = data.get('revranges', None)
            rev = data.get('rev', None)
            if revranges:
                resource.version = '%s:%s' % (revranges.a, revranges.b)
            elif rev:
                resource.version = rev
        elif filename in ['attachment.html']:
            if isinstance(data['attachment'], Attachment):  # attachment:
                resource = copy(data['attachment'].resource)
                pass  # attachment list page of the ticket; no TracLinks defined
        elif filename in ['timeline.html']:  # timeline:
            resource = Resource('timeline', format_datetime(data['precisedate'], 'iso8601'))
        elif filename in ['changeset.html']:
            if data['changeset']:  # changeset:
                resource = copy(data['context'].resource)
                if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                    resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.id, resource.parent.id)  # OK, I know
                    resource.parent = None
                if data['restricted']:
                    resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.id, data['new_path'])
            else:  # diff:
                args = req.args
                old_path, new_path = args.get('old_path', ''), args.get('new_path', '')
                old_rev, new_rev = args.get('old'), args.get('new')
                if old_path == new_path:  # diff:path@1:3 style
                    resource = Resource('diff', old_path, '%s:%s' % (old_rev, new_rev))
                else:  # diff:path@1//path@3 style
                    if old_rev:
                        old_path += '@%s' % old_rev
                    if new_rev:
                        new_path += '@%s' % new_rev
                    resource = Resource('diff', '%s//%s' % (old_path, new_path))
        elif filename in ['query.html']:
            if 'report_resource' in data:
                resource = copy(data['report_resource'])
                resource = Resource('query', data['query'].to_string().replace("\n", "")[7:])

        # link hash TODO: check wiki_view for agilo
        if filename in ['browser.html', 'changeset.html', 'ticket.html', 'agilo_ticket_view.html', 'wiki_view.html']:
            add_script(req, 'traclinks/js/jquery.ba-hashchange.js')
            add_script(req, 'traclinks/js/onhashchange.js')
        if resource:
            traclinks = '%s' % (resource.id)
            if resource.version != None:
                traclinks += (resource.realm == 'ticket' and '?version=%s' or '@%s') % resource.version
            parent = resource.parent
            while parent and parent.id:
                traclinks += ':%s:%s' % (parent.realm, parent.id)
                if parent.version != None:
                    traclinks += '@%s' % parent.version
                parent = parent.parent
            if ' ' in traclinks:
                traclinks = '"%s"' % traclinks  # surround quote if needed
            traclinks = '%s:%s' % (resource.realm, traclinks)
            # new ticket template
            if resource.id == None and resource.realm == 'ticket':
                query_string = unicode_urlencode(
                    [(k, v) for k, v in data['ticket'].values.iteritems()
                            if v not in (None, '')])
                traclinks = '[/newticket?%s]' % query_string

            #return stream | Transformer('//input[@id="proj-search"]').attr('placeholder', traclinks).attr('size', '50')
            _input = tag.input(value=traclinks, readonly='', style=self.style)
            div = tag.div(_input, id="banner-traclink", style="float:right")
            return stream | Transformer('//div[@id="header"]').before(div)

        return stream
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        #        self.list_namespaces()
        # generate TracLink string
        resource = None
        if filename in ['ticket.html', 'wiki_view.html', 'report_view.html', 'milestone_view.html', 'agilo_ticket_view.html'] \
                and 'context' in data:
            resource = data['context'].resource
        elif filename in ['search.html']:  # search:
            resource = Resource('search', data['query'])
        elif filename in ['browser.html']:  # source:
            resource = data['context'].resource
            if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.parent.id, resource.id)
                resource.parent = None
        elif filename in ['revisionlog.html']:  # log:
            resource = data['context'].resource
            resource.realm = 'log'
            if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.parent.id, resource.id)
                resource.parent = None
            revranges = data.get('revranges', None)
            rev = data.get('rev', None)
            if revranges:
                resource.version = '%s:%s' % (revranges.a, revranges.b)
            elif rev:
                resource.version = rev
        elif filename in ['attachment.html']:
            if isinstance(data['attachment'], Attachment):  # attachment:
                resource = data['attachment'].resource
                pass  # attachment list page of the ticket; no TracLinks defined
        elif filename in ['timeline.html']:  # timeline:
            resource = Resource(
                'timeline', format_datetime(data['precisedate'], 'iso8601'))
        elif filename in ['changeset.html']:
            if data['changeset']:  # changeset:
                resource = data['context'].resource
                if resource.parent and resource.parent.realm == 'repository':
                    resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.id, resource.parent.id
                                             )  # OK, I know
                    resource.parent = None
                if data['restricted']:
                    resource.id = '%s/%s' % (resource.id, data['new_path'])
            else:  # diff:
                args = req.args
                old_path, new_path = args.get('old_path',
                                              ''), args.get('new_path', '')
                old_rev, new_rev = args.get('old'), args.get('new')
                if old_path == new_path:  # diff:path@1:3 style
                    resource = Resource('diff', old_path,
                                        '%s:%s' % (old_rev, new_rev))
                else:  # diff:path@1//path@3 style
                    if old_rev:
                        old_path += '@%s' % old_rev
                    if new_rev:
                        new_path += '@%s' % new_rev
                    resource = Resource('diff',
                                        '%s//%s' % (old_path, new_path))
        elif filename in ['query.html']:
            if 'report_resource' in data:
                resource = data['report_resource']
                resource = Resource(
                    'query', data['query'].to_string().replace("\n", "")[7:])
        # link hash TODO: check wiki_view for agilo
        if filename in [
                'browser.html', 'ticket.html', 'agilo_ticket_view.html',
            add_script(req, 'traclinks/js/jquery.ba-hashchange.js')
            add_script(req, 'traclinks/js/onhashchange.js')
        if resource:
            traclinks = '%s' % (resource.id)
            if resource.version != None:
                traclinks += (resource.realm == 'ticket' and '?version=%s'
                              or '@%s') % resource.version
            if resource.parent and resource.parent.id:
                traclinks += ':%s:%s' % (resource.parent.realm,
                if resource.parent.version != None:
                    traclinks += '@%s' % resource.parent.version
            if ' ' in traclinks:
                traclinks = '"%s"' % traclinks  # surround quote if needed
            traclinks = '%s:%s' % (resource.realm, traclinks)
            # new ticket template
            if resource.id == None and resource.realm == 'ticket':
                query_string = unicode_urlencode([
                    (k, v) for k, v in data['ticket'].values.iteritems()
                    if v not in (None, '')
                traclinks = '[/newticket?%s]' % query_string

            return stream | Transformer('//input[@id="proj-search"]').attr(
                'value', traclinks).attr('size', '50')
        return stream