Ejemplo n.º 1
def bps_process_active_vmas(auxdata, active_vmas, appname, app_pid):
	tag = 'bps_process_active_vmas'

	# In this processing method, we want to calculate the amount
	# of additional fragmentation that would occur if we mapped
	# the vmas in the active_vmas list with base pages of varying
	# sizes.
	# Notes:
	#   This fragmentation is the fragmentation *beyond* the fragmentation
	#   that already exists with 4 KB base pages; some fragmentation will
	#   already exist with 4 KB base pages because the minimum vma size
	#   is forced up to this size, but we can't know that fragmentation
	#   here.
	plotevents = []

	# items() gets key-value pairs in hash-table order, so sort by
	# increase bps - this will result in datapoints being added to
	# series by increasing bps, so that when the series are used later
	# we don't have to sort again.
	sortedbps = sorted(CANDIDATE_BASEPAGESIZES.items(),
	                     key=lambda pair: pair[1])
	for (bps_label, bps) in sortedbps:
		# For each candidate bps, we add two datapoints to two separate
		# series: one for the total number of pages needed to map all
		# of the vmas, and one for the total bytes of fragmentation that
		# would result from this mapping.
		total_pages = 0
		total_frag = 0
		total_vmsize = 0
		for vma in active_vmas:
			# Ignore shared lib vmas, etc.:
			if vm.ignore_vma(vma):
				debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring vma: {}").format(vma))
				(pages, frag) = vm.pages_needed(bps, vma.length)
				total_pages += pages
				total_frag += frag
				total_vmsize += vma.length
		datapoint = BPSDatapoint('totalpages', bps_label,
		plot_event = PlotEvent(datapoint=datapoint)
		datapoint = BPSDatapoint('fragmentation', bps_label,
		plot_event = PlotEvent(datapoint=datapoint)

		# 'overhead': new overhead of internal fragmentation, expressed
		#   as a percentage of the original virtual memory size.
		datapoint = BPSDatapoint('overhead', bps_label,
				float(total_frag / total_vmsize))
		plot_event = PlotEvent(datapoint=datapoint)

	return plotevents
Ejemplo n.º 2
def os_process_active_vmas(auxdata, active_vmas, appname, app_pid):
	tag = 'os_process_active_vmas'

	# Ok, we want to calculate the number of "translation entries"
	# that would be needed to map all of the vmas in the active_vmas
	# list to physical pages / segments, for particular combinations
	# of page / segment sizes. For example, if we directly mapped
	# each vma with a segment of exactly the right size, then we
	# would need just one translation entry per vma - this is one
	# datapoint to pass to the plot. With just 4 KB pages, we'll need
	# a whole lot more translation entries - this is another datapoint.
	plotevents = []
	txln_entries = len(active_vmas)
	seriesname = 'segments'
	datapoint = OSDatapoint(seriesname, txln_entries)
	plot_event = PlotEvent(datapoint=datapoint)

	# For each set of translation entry sizes that we want to consider,
	# create a mapping in this dict, from the name/description to a
	# list of sizes (in bytes).
	# IMPORTANT: the lists here must be sorted from smallest size to
	# largest.
	txln_size_dict = {
			'4KB'			: [vm.PAGE_SIZE_4KB],
			'4KB,2MB'		: [vm.PAGE_SIZE_4KB, vm.PAGE_SIZE_2MB],
			'4KB,2MB,1GB'	: [vm.PAGE_SIZE_4KB, vm.PAGE_SIZE_2MB,
	for (descr, txln_sizes) in txln_size_dict.items():
		total_entries_needed = 0
		for vma in active_vmas:
			# Ignore shared lib vmas, etc.:
			if vm.ignore_vma(vma):
				debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring vma: {}").format(vma))
				entries_needed = vm.txln_entries_needed(txln_sizes, vma)
				total_entries_needed += sum(entries_needed)
				  # ignore different entry sizes for now

		print_debug(tag, ("adding OSDatapoint: {}, {}").format(
			descr, total_entries_needed))
		datapoint = OSDatapoint(descr, total_entries_needed)
		plot_event = PlotEvent(datapoint=datapoint)

	return plotevents
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_phys_size(page_event, auxdata, do_ratio, separate_components):
	tag = 'update_phys_size'

		# For calculating VM size, we're skipping vmas that represent
		# shared libs, guard regions, etc. (in update_vm_size()). So,
		# seems like we have to skip PTE events linked to those VMAs too.
		# Looking at the plots output for dedup before and after adding
		# this check, this makes no difference in the plot appearance; only
		# 306 ptes were ignored here. Perhaps more of a difference would
		# be made for e.g. firefox or office.
		if page_event.pte.vma and vm.ignore_vma(page_event.pte.vma):
			debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring pte linked to vma {}").format(
			return []

	# At the very least, components will contain ['total'].
	components = determine_basic_components(page_event.pte.vma,
	if page_event.pte.vma:
		filename = page_event.pte.vma.filename
		filename = "no-linked-vma"

	# See extensive comments in consume_vma() about how each operation
	# is encoded, especially frees!
	if page_event.unmap:
		print_debug_sizes(("page unmap, filename={}, size={}").format(
			filename, page_event.pte.pagesize))
		newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
				page_event.pte.pagesize, 'sub', vm.PHYS_LABEL,
				page_event.timestamp, do_ratio)
		print_debug_sizes(("page map, filename={}, size={}").format(
			filename, page_event.pte.pagesize))
		newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
				page_event.pte.pagesize, 'add', vm.PHYS_LABEL,
				page_event.timestamp, do_ratio)

	return newpoints
Ejemplo n.º 4
def vmacount_datafn(auxdata, plot_event, tgid, currentapp):
	tag = 'vmacount_datafn'
	print_allocs_frees = False

	vma = plot_event.vma
	if vma is None:
		return None

	# Skip this vma if it's for a shared lib, guard region, etc.
	if vm.ignore_vma(vma):
		debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring vma {}").format(vma))
		return None

	# See extensive comments in consume_plot_event() about how each
	# operation is encoded, especially frees!
	# Note: similar logic is used here for both vmacount_datafn() and
	# update_vm_size() - if you change one, examine the other one too.
	if ((vma.vma_op == 'alloc' or vma.vma_op == 'access_change') and
		not vma.is_unmapped):
		# Very first allocation of this vma, OR a remap for an access_change:
		# on an access_change, a vma that we were previously ignoring (e.g.
		# due to read-only permissions) may now be not-ignored (e.g. if its
		# permissions were changed to writeable), so we need to count the
		# vma here now.
		#   Ugh, this is complicated and ugly... effectively we're hiding
		#   the unmap-remap pairs for resizes, relocations, and
		#   flag_changes now, but not for access_changes, which is kind
		#   of inconsistent :-/
		auxdata.current_vmacount += 1
		point = datapoint()
		point.timestamp = vma.timestamp
		point.count = auxdata.current_vmacount
		if print_allocs_frees:
			print(("{} ALLOC [{}]: {}").format(tgid,
	elif (vma.is_unmapped and 
		  (vma.unmap_op == 'free' or vma.unmap_op == 'access_change')):
		# Explicit free of this vma (no matter the operation that
		# allocated it (most recently operated on it)), OR an
		# unmap operation for an access_change: we can't ignore
		# access_change operations because when the vma is remapped,
		# we might ignore it (see ignore_vma() above), so we need
		# to un-count it here first!
		#   This access_change case definitely happens regularly:
		#   shared lib file vmas are mapped in as rw-p first, then
		#   changed to r--p.
		auxdata.current_vmacount -= 1
		point = datapoint()
		point.timestamp = vma.unmap_timestamp
		point.count = auxdata.current_vmacount
		if auxdata.current_vmacount < 0:
			print_error_exit(tag, ("current_vmacount hit {}; unmap "
				"timestamp is {}, vma is {}").format(
				auxdata.current_vmacount, vma.unmap_timestamp,
		if print_allocs_frees:
			print(("{} FREE  [{}]: {}").format(tgid,
		#print_debug(tag, ("vma_op={}, is_unmapped={}, unmap_op={}: "
		#	"not an explicit alloc or free, "
		#	"so ignoring this vma").format(vma.vma_op,
		#	vma.is_unmapped, vma.unmap_op))
		return None

	seriesname = currentapp
	point.appname = currentapp
	debug_ignored(tag, ("counted vma: {}").format(vma))
	debug_count(tag, ("{}  [series {}]").format(point.count, seriesname))
	#debug_ignored(tag, "")
	#debug_ignored(tag, "")

	return [(seriesname, point)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_vm_size(vma, auxdata, do_ratio, separate_components,
	tag = 'update_vm_size'

	#debug_vmsize(tag, None, ("total_vm_size    - got vma {}").format(
	#	vma))

	# Skip this vma if it's for a shared lib, guard region, etc.
	# See more detailed comments in vmacount_datafn().
	if vm.ignore_vma(vma):
		debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring vma {}").format(vma))
		return []

	# At the very least, components will contain ['total'].
	components = determine_basic_components(vma, separate_components)

	# See extensive comments in consume_plot_event() about how each
	# operation is encoded, especially frees.
	# IMPORTANT: when tracking vma SIZE (and not just counts), we
	# also need to consider resize events!
	#   The HIDE_RESIZE constant controls whether or not we completely
	#   remove the vma's size on the unmap and add the new size back
	#   on the remap (HIDE_RESIZE = False), or if we make the plots
	#   looks smoother by keeping track of the unmap-remap pair and
	#   only adding/subtracting the difference in size (HIDE_RESIZE =
	#   True).
	# handle_plot_event() should ensure that we never get
	# a resize-remap without getting a resize-unmap first
	# (unless we happen to have started our kernel trace
	# right in the middle of an unmap-remap pair, which is
	# extremely unlikely, and even if this happens it
	# will be noticed in the analysis script already I
	# think).
	#   Does it matter that the unmap-remap pairs for multiple
	#   processes may be fed into the same plot? Possibly; if
	#   it turns out that this sort of interleaving does happen
	#   in some traces, then it's non-trivial to solve here
	#   because the tgid passed to the datafn is the same (the
	#   "tgid_for_stats") for all of the processes, so we can't
	#   separate out the context in that way. Presumably we could
	#   keep a running "deficit" of unmapped sizes, and only
	#   generate new points on the plot when the number of
	#   outstanding unmaps is actually 0. I should probably just
	#   implement this now, before I run into this case in a
	#   real trace...
	# Note: similar logic is used here for both vmacount_datafn() and
	# update_vm_size() - if you change one, examine the other one too.
	if ((vma.vma_op == 'alloc' or vma.vma_op == 'access_change') and
		not vma.is_unmapped):
		# Very first allocation of this vma, OR a remap for an
		# access_change, which could result in a previously-ignored
		# vma now being not-ignored (see vmacount_datafn()).
		#print_debug_sizes(("vma alloc, filename={}, size={}").format(
		#	vma.filename, vma.length))
		newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
				vma.length, 'add', vm.VIRT_LABEL, vma.timestamp,
				do_ratio, do_difference)
	elif vma.vma_op == 'resize' and not vma.is_unmapped:
			size = auxdata.resize_remap(vma.length)
			print_debug(tag, ("resize unmap-remap pair: resized "
				"length is {}, adding diff {} to component "
				"sizes").format(vma.length, size))
			size = vma.length

		# resize_remap() may return None if there are still outstanding
		# unmaps.
		if size is not None:
			# update_component_sizes() should work ok even if size
			# is negative with 'add'.
			newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
					size, 'add', vm.VIRT_LABEL, vma.timestamp,
					do_ratio, do_difference)
			newpoints = []

	elif vma.is_unmapped and vma.unmap_op == 'resize':
			# When we get a resize-unmap, save the unmapped vma's size
			# in auxdata, but don't update any tracked sizes or generate
			# any new points yet.
			print_debug(tag, ("resize unmap: saved unmapped vma length "
			newpoints = []
			# Same as unmapped-free case below.
			newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
					vma.length, 'sub', vm.VIRT_LABEL, vma.unmap_timestamp,
					do_ratio, do_difference)
	elif (vma.is_unmapped and
		  (vma.unmap_op == 'free' or vma.unmap_op == 'access_change')):
		# Explicit free of this vma (no matter the operation that
		# allocated it (most recently operated on it)), OR an
		# unmap operation for an access_change, which could be
		# changing the permissions on a vma to something that we
		# want to ignore, so we need to un-count the vma's size here
		# first! (see vmacount_datafn() too).
		#print_debug_sizes(("vma free, filename={}, size={}").format(
		#	vma.filename, vma.length))
		newpoints = update_component_sizes(components, auxdata,
				vma.length, 'sub', vm.VIRT_LABEL, vma.unmap_timestamp,
				do_ratio, do_difference)
		newpoints = []

	return newpoints
Ejemplo n.º 6
def vmaops_datafn(auxdata, plot_event, tgid, currentapp, desired_ops,
		label_series_with_app=True, combine_ops=False):
	tag = 'vmaops_datafn'

	vma = plot_event.vma
	if vma is None:
		return None

	# Skip this vma if it's for a shared lib, guard region, etc.
	# Are there any other special considerations that we have to
	# make for ignored vmas here (like in vmacount_datafn and
	# vm_size_datafn)? These are the vma-op possibilities that
	# are tracked below:
	#   alloc          map
	#   resize         remap
	#   relocation     remap
	#   access_change  remap
	#   flag_change    remap
	#   free           unmap
	# If any of these operations act on a shared-lib / guard /
	# shared-file vma, then they will be ignored here. One
	# possible weirdness that I see is if a vma is first allocated
	# as something that's ignored (e.g. r--pf for a shared lib) and
	# then is access_changed to something that's not ignored, it
	# will appear to be an access_change without a corresponding
	# alloc, but I think this case occurs rarely if ever. The opposite
	# occurs more frequently: something that was previously counted
	# (e.g. rw-pf for a shared lib) is access_changed to something
	# that's now ignored. In this case, the access_change will
	# never be counted, and additionally there will be an alloc
	# without a corresponding free.
	#   Ok, so this could be a little weird, and difficult to handle
	#   here because we don't do any tracking on unmaps at all.
	#   Just live with the weirdness I guess, or comment out the
	#   ignore_vma code here altogether for vmaops plots, depending
	#   on what we want to count exactly.
	if vm.ignore_vma(vma):
		debug_ignored(tag, ("ignoring vma {}").format(vma))
		return None

	# See extensive comments in consume_vma() about how each operation
	# is encoded, especially frees!
	# Look for explicit free operations first, then ignore any unmap
	# operations that are part of unmap-remap pairs and count the
	# remap operations.
	if vma.is_unmapped and vma.unmap_op == 'free':
		op = 'free'
		timestamp = vma.unmap_timestamp
	elif not vma.is_unmapped:
		op = vma.vma_op
		timestamp = vma.timestamp
	elif auxdata.veryfirstvma:
		# Create a point with the very first timestamp, so that every
		# plot will start from the same time (rather than every plot
		# starting from the first occurrence of a desired_op). This
		# difference is meaningful for apps with very short execution
		# times (e.g. it's misleading if the "frees" plot starts from
		# the time of the very first free, which could only be at
		# the very end of the execution).
		# Only check this condition after checking the op conditions
		# above, so that we don't skip the first op if it's meaningful
		# for desired_ops.
		# This works for the very first timestamp, but we should also
		# do this for the very last timestamp too (which we don't
		# know until plotting time... crap).
		op = 'veryfirst'
		timestamp = vma.timestamp
		print_debug(tag, ("vma_op={}, is_unmapped={}, unmap_op={}"
			"this is an unmap for an unmap-remap "
			"pair, so not counting this as an op.").format(vma.vma_op,
			vma.is_unmapped, vma.unmap_op))
		return None
	print_debug(tag, ("op={}, timestamp={}").format(op, timestamp))

	if op not in desired_ops and op != 'veryfirst':
		# Don't care about this op type
		return None
	elif combine_ops:
		# Combine all desired ops into one series
		op_orig = op
		op = 'combined'

		count = auxdata.opcounts[op]
	except KeyError:
		if op != 'veryfirst':   # usual case
			count = 0
			# This is the weird case: we want to create a 0 datapoint
			# for the op that this plot is tracking. If this plot is
			# tracking more than one op type, but is not combining
			# them, then this gets a bit weird... but this doesn't
			# actually happen right now.
			count = -1
			op = desired_ops[0]
			if len(desired_ops) > 1:
				print_warning(tag, ("very first op is not in desired_ops, "
					"but desired_ops has len > 1, so creating a 0 datapoint "
					"for just the first op {}").format(op))
	count += 1
	auxdata.opcounts[op] = count
	auxdata.veryfirstvma = False
	if count == 0:
		print_debug(tag, ("creating a 0 datapoint for op {} "
			"at timestamp {}").format(op, timestamp))

	point = datapoint()
	point.timestamp = timestamp
	point.count = count
	point.appname = currentapp
	if label_series_with_app:
		# No longer label seriesname with op - just with app name, and
		# then use op in the title.
		#seriesname = "{}-{}".format(currentapp, op)
		seriesname = "{}".format(currentapp)
		seriesname = op
		if combine_ops:
			# don't allow, would put all ops for all apps into one series.
			print_error(tag, ("invalid combination of label_series "
				"and combine_ops"))
			seriesname = op_orig

	# Return a list of (seriesname, datapoint) tuples:
	return [(seriesname, point)]