Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
	tdb= traces_database( __TABLE__ )
	brk= des_breaker()
	# Some variables
	fullkey= None
	subkeys= None
	stability= 0
	iteration= 0
	fd= open(__OUTPUT_FILE__(), "w")
	# Multiply outputs
	def out( s ):
		print s
	out( "# Table: " + __TABLE__ )
	out( "# Stability threshold: " + str(__STABILITY_THRESHOLD__)  )
	out( "# Iteration threshold: " + str(__ITERATION_THRESHOLD__)  )
	out( "#" )
	out( "# Columns: Iteration Stability Subkey0 ... Subkey7" )
	# Searching for the key
	#print 'searching for the key..'
	while fullkey == None:
		start_time = time.time()

		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()

		brk.process(msg, trace)
		iteration+= 1

		#text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
		# When enough iterations, trying to guess subkeys
		#if iteration >= __ITERATION_THRESHOLD__:
		if iteration >= __ITERATION_THRESHOLD__ :
			# Computing new subkeys and stability mark
			loc_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys()

			if loc_subkeys == subkeys:
				stability+= 1
				subkeys= loc_subkeys
				stability= 0
			# Gathering some informations
			#text+= str(stability).rjust(3)
			#for sk in subkeys:
				#text+= " " + str(sk).rjust(2)
			# If subkeys have been stable for long enough, try to guess the full key
			if stability >= __STABILITY_THRESHOLD__ :
				print 'Done'
				fullkey= brk.get_key(msg, crypt)
		# Flushing output
		#out( text )

	# End of Attack
	out( "# Key: " + str(fullkey) + "\n" )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():
	sb= sbox_breaker( 0 )
	tdb= traces_database(TABLE)
	for i in range(10):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		sb.process(msg, trace)
		best_key= sb.get_key()
		print "processed trace:", i, "- best key is:", best_key
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test():
	sb= sbox_breaker( 1 )
	tdb= traces_database(__TABLE__)
	for i in range(10):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		sb.process(msg, parse_binary(trace))
		best_key= sb.get_keys()[0]
		print "processed trace:", i, "- best key is:", best_key
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test():
	ke= key_estimator(0, 56) # 56 is the correct key for the sbox #0
	tdb= traces_database.traces_database(TABLE)
	for i in range(10):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		ke.process(msg, trace)
		print "processed trace:", i, "- mark is:", ke.get_mark()

	fd= open("output.csv", "w")
	for f in ke.get_differential():
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test():
	sb= sbox_breaker( 6 )
	tdb= traces_database(TABLE)
	for i in range(300):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		print "processing trace: ",i
		sb.process(msg, trace[START:END])
		if i>150 :
			best_key= sb.get_key()
			print "- best key is:", best_key
	print "Got key ",best_key
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: psul26/DPA_C
def main():
	tdb= traces_database( TABLE )
	brk= des_breaker()
	# Some variables
	fullkey= None
	subkeys= None
	stability= 0
	iteration= 0
	fd= open(OUTPUT_FILE, "w")
	# Multiply outputs
	def out( s ):
		print s
	out( "# Table: " + TABLE )
	out( "# Stability threshold: " + str(STABILITY_THRESHOLD)  )
	out( "# Iteration threshold: " + str(ITERATION_THRESHOLD)  )
	out( "#" )
	out( "# Columns: Iteration Stability Subkey0 ... Subkey7" )
	# Searching for the key
	while fullkey == None:
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		trace = k4(10,trace)
		brk.process(msg, trace[START:END])
		iteration+= 1
		text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
		# When enough iterations, trying to guess subkeys
		if iteration >= ITERATION_THRESHOLD:
			# Computing new subkeys and stability mark
			loc_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys()
			if loc_subkeys == subkeys:
				stability+= 1
				subkeys= loc_subkeys
				stability= 0
			# Gathering some informations
			text+= str(stability).rjust(3)
			for sk in subkeys:
				text+= " " + str(sk).rjust(2)
			# If subkeys have been stable for long enough, try to guess the full key
			if stability >= STABILITY_THRESHOLD:
				fullkey= brk.get_key(msg, crypt)
		# Flushing output
		out( text )

	# End of Attack
	out( "# Key: " + str(fullkey) + "\n" )
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test():
	ke= n_key_estimator( [(0, 56), (1, 11)] ) # 56 and 11 are the correct keys for sbox #0 and #1
	tdb= traces_database.traces_database(TABLE)
	for i in range(10):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		ke.process(msg, trace)
		print "Processed trace:", i, "- mark is:", ke.get_mark()

	fd= open("output.csv", "w")
	for f in ke.get_differential():
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():

	# Start timer
	start_time = time.time()

	# Preparing output directory
	OUTDIR= outdir()
	if not path.isdir( OUTDIR ):
		print "WARNING: Output directory "+OUTDIR+ " does not exist: creating it !!"

	# Checking consistency of <N> and <ORDER>
	if N>1 and ORDER != "randomized":
		print "ERROR: You choose multiple analyses (N="+str(N)+") but ORDER is different of \"randomized\" !!"

	for n in range(N):
		# Choose whether or not we are local or distant
		if DB_or_FS:
			tdb= traces_database(TABLE)
			tdb= traces_filesystem(DIRECTORY)

		# Some variables
		fullkey= None
		subkeys= None
		stability= 0
		iteration= 0

		# Build name and opening file log
		logfile= OUTDIR+"/output_#"+str(n)+".txt"
		fd= open( logfile, 'w' )
		def out( s ): # Multiply outputs
			print s

		out( "# Table: " + TABLE )
		out( "# Stability threshold: " + str(STABILITY_THRESHOLD)  )
		out( "# Iteration threshold: " + str(ITERATION_THRESHOLD)  )
		out( "#" )
		out( "# Columns: Iteration Stability Subkey0 ... Subkey7" )

		# Create DES breaker object
		brk= des_breaker()

		# Searchs for the key
		while fullkey == None:
			msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
			if not msg: # At the end of the database
				print "WARNING: All files used, key undisclosed !!"
			if msg != 'err':
				wave= dsp( trace )
				brk.process(msg, wave)
				iteration+= 1
				text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
				# When enough iterations, trying to guess subkeys
				if iteration >= ITERATION_THRESHOLD:
					# Computing new subkeys and stability mark
					loc_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys()
					if loc_subkeys == subkeys:
						stability+= 1
						subkeys= loc_subkeys
						stability= 0
					# Gathering some informations
					text+= str(stability).rjust(3)
					for sbox in range(8):
						if sbox in SB_LST:
							text+= " " + str( subkeys[ SB_LST.index(sbox) ] ).rjust(2)
							text+= " ".rjust(2)

					# If subkeys have been stable for long enough, try to guess the full key
					if stability >= STABILITY_THRESHOLD:
						if len( SB_LST ) == 8: # Attack on all SBox
							fullkey= brk.get_key(msg, crypt)
							fullkey="All attacked subkeys disclosed"
							for sbox in SB_LST:
								if subkeys[sbox] != SK_R1[sbox]:

				# Flushing output
				out( text )

		# End of Attack
		out( "# Key: " + str(fullkey) + "\n" )

		print "# Execution time: ", time.time() - start_time

Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: psul26/DPA_C
def main():
	# Checks consistency of <N> and <ORDER>
	if N>1 and ORDER != "randomized":
		print "ERROR: You choose multiple analyses (N="+str(N)+") but ORDER is different of \"randomized\" !!"

	# Prepares output directory
	OUTDIR= outdir()
	if not path.isdir( OUTDIR ):
		print "WARNING: Output directory "+OUTDIR+ " does not exist: creating it !!"

	# Runs <N> analyses
	for n in range(N):

		# Chooses whether or not we are local or distant
		if DB_or_FS:
			tdb= traces_database(TABLE)
			tdb= traces_filesystem(DIRECTORY)

		# Builds name and opens file log
		logfile= OUTDIR + '/' + str( id(tdb) ) + time.strftime("_%Y_%b_%d_%H:%M:%S") + "_key_info_#" + str(n) + ".txt"
		fd= open( logfile, 'w' )
		def out( s ): # Multiple outputs
			print s

		# Displays some informations
		out( "# Table: " + TABLE )
		out( "# Stability threshold: " + str(STABILITY_THRESHOLD)  )
		out( "# Iteration threshold: " + str(ITERATION_THRESHOLD)  )
		out( "#" )
		out( "# Columns: Iteration Stability Subkey0 ... Subkey7" )

		# Searches for the key
		fullkey= None
		sk_lst= [] # List of disclosed key_sbox couples

		while fullkey == None:

			# Searches for one subkey
			iteration= 0
			prev_subkeys= {} # Dictionnary to store subkeys of previous step
			stability= {}    # Dictionnary to store stability and each undisclosed sboxes
			brk= des_breaker12( list(sk_lst) ) # Creates DES breaker object

			new_sb= False # No new subkey disclosed
			while not new_sb:
				msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
				if not msg: # At the end of the database
					print "WARNING: All files used, key undisclosed !!"
				wave= dsp( trace ) # Passes trace to DSP
				brk.process(msg, wave) # Passes trace to DES breaker
				iteration+= 1
				text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
				# When enough iterations, tries to guess subkeys
				if iteration >= ITERATION_THRESHOLD:
					# Computes new subkeys
					cur_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys() # Returns (sbox, key)
					# Computes stability mark...
					for s,k in cur_subkeys:
						if s not in map( lambda sk: sk[0], sk_lst ): # ...for undisclosed subkeys
							if k == prev_subkeys.get( s, None ):
								stability[s]= ( k, stability.get( s, [0,0] )[1] + 1 ) # stability= { sbox:( key, stability ) }
								stability[s]= ( k, 0 )
								prev_subkeys[s]= k

					# Gathers some informations
					max_stab= max( map( lambda k_s: k_s[1], stability.values() ) )
					text+= str( max_stab ).rjust(3)
					for sbox in range(8):
						if sbox in SB_LST:
							text+= " " + str( cur_subkeys[ SB_LST.index(sbox) ][1] ).rjust(2)
							text+= " ".rjust(2) 
					out( text )
					# Checks if one subkey has been stable for long enough
					for sbox, key_stab in stability.items():
						if key_stab[1] == STABILITY_THRESHOLD:
							new_sb= True
							sk_lst.append( [ sbox, key_stab[0] ] ) # Saves info on new disclosed subkey
							out( "SBox #" + str(sbox) + " disclosed (" + str( key_stab[0] ) + ") - MTD= " + str(iteration) )

					# If all subkey disclosed, tries to guess the full key
					if len( sk_lst ) == 8: # Attack on all SBox
						full_sk= list (sk_lst ) # Hard copy of sk_lst
						full_sk.sort( reverse=False, key=itemgetter(0) ) # Sorts subkeys by increasing sbox
						full_subkeys= map( lambda s_k: s_k[1], full_sk)
						fullkey= brk.get_key(msg, crypt, full_subkeys )
					elif len( sk_lst ) == len( SB_LST ):
						fullkey="All attacked sbox stable" 
						# @note we do no longer check the full key as error may have occur later
						#for sbox in SB_LST:
						#	if subkeys[sbox] != SK_R1[sbox]:
						#		fullkey=None

			# Prepares next run
			tdb.rollback() # Rolls back database
			del brk

		# Outputs value of full key
		out( "# Key: " + str(fullkey) + "\n" )

		# Prepares next analysis (if any)
		del tdb
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def process(self, msg, trace):
		Process the given trace for the given message.
		Updates the best key (instance member)
		# Computing differential traces and the best key at that point
		# (i.e. given the number of traces consumed from the database so far)
		for fv, nke in self.__n_key_estimators:
			nke.process( msg, trace )
		self.__best_key= None
	def get_keys(self):
		"Return the keys sorted by best candidates"
		keys_marks= []
		if self.__best_key == None:
			for fv, nke in self.__n_key_estimators:
				keys_marks.append( list( [fv, nke.get_mark()] ) )
			keys_marks.sort( reverse=True, key=itemgetter(1) ) # Sort by sbox

		return map( lambda km: km[0], keys_marks )

if __name__ == "__main__":
	sb= n_sbox_breaker( [ [0,56], [1,None] ] ) # Here, subkey #0 is known, we look for subkey #1
	tdb= traces_database(TABLE)
	for i in range(100):
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		sb.process(msg, trace)
		best_keys= sb.get_keys()
		print "Processed trace:", i, " - Best key is:", best_keys[0], " - True key is at position: ", best_keys.index( [ [0,56], [1,11] ] )
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Modules only for test
from traces_database import traces_database

def dsp( wave ):
	#Limiting number of samples
	trace= wave[BEGIN_T:END_T]

	# Pre-processing
	if   DSP == "kurtosis":
		trace= k4( 100, trace )
	elif DSP == "RMS":
		sum = 0.
		n = 0.
		for sample in trace:
			sum += sample ** 2
			n += 1
		trace= [ sqrt( sum / n ) ] # @note "trace" should remain a list for other classes

	return trace

if __name__ == "__main__":
	tdb= traces_database(TABLE)  # Open database
	msg, crypt, data= tdb.get_trace() # Reads one trace
	wave= dsp( data ) # Read one trace and apply pre-processing
                     # @note Change "constant.py" to modify DSP

	fd= open("trace.csv",'w')
	for sample in wave:
		fd.write( str(sample)+'\n' )
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: psul26/DPA_C
def main():
	tdb= traces_database( __TABLE__ )
	brk= des_breaker()
	# Some variables
	fullkey= None
	subkeys= None
	stability= 0
	iteration= 0
	fd= open(__OUTPUT_FILE__(), "w")
	# Multiply outputs
	def out( s ):
		print s
	out( "# Table: " + __TABLE__ )
	out( "# Stability threshold: " + str(__STABILITY_THRESHOLD__)  )
	out( "# Iteration threshold: " + str(__ITERATION_THRESHOLD__)  )
	out( "#" )
	out( "# Columns: Iteration Stability Subkey0 ... Subkey7" )
	# Searching for the key
	out( "Recherche de 48 bits de cle par analyse du premier tour" )
	while fullkey == None:
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
		brk.process(msg, trace)
		iteration+= 1
		text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
		# When enough iterations, trying to guess subkeys
		if iteration >= __ITERATION_THRESHOLD__:
			# Computing new subkeys and stability mark
			loc_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys()
			if loc_subkeys == subkeys:
				stability+= 1
				subkeys= loc_subkeys
				stability= 0
			# Gathering some informations
			text+= str(stability).rjust(3)
			for sk in subkeys:
				text+= " " + str(sk).rjust(2)
			# If subkeys have been stable for long enough, try to guess the full key
			if stability >= __STABILITY_THRESHOLD__:
#				fullkey= brk.get_key(msg, crypt)
		# Flushing output
		out( text )
	second_round_begin= iteration
	subkeys2= None
  	out( "Recherche des 8 derniers bits par analyse du second tour" )
	while fullkey == None:
		msg, crypt, trace= tdb.get_trace()
  		brk.process2(msg, trace)
  		iteration+= 1
		text= str(iteration).rjust(4) + " "
		if iteration >= second_round_begin + __ITERATION_THRESHOLD__:
			# When enough iterations, trying to guess subkeys
			# Computing new subkeys and stability mark
			loc_subkeys= brk.get_subkeys2()
			if loc_subkeys == subkeys2:
				stability+= 1
				subkeys2= loc_subkeys
				stability= 0
			# Gathering some informations
			text+= str(stability).rjust(3)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[0]).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[1]).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[2]).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(0).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[3]).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(0).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[4]).rjust(2)
			text+= " " + str(subkeys2[5]).rjust(2)
			# If subkeys have been stable for long enough, try to guess the full key
			if stability >= __STABILITY_THRESHOLD__:
		# Flushing output
		out( text )
	# End of Attack
	fullkey= brk.recover_full_key(subkeys, subkeys2)
	out( "# Key: " + str(fullkey) + "\n" )