def goalie(): goaliePose() while True: track.findRedBall() redballtracker.startTracker() if counter == 0: #This is for the first time to define redballposition since it will be updated after redballposition2 redballposition = redballtracker.getPosition() counter == 1 redballposition2 = redballposition #redballposition2 stores the old position of the ball and we get the difference of them print "redballposition2 :", redballposition2 while count < 100: redballtracker.setWholeBodyOn(True) redballposition2 = redballposition redballposition = redballtracker.getPosition() #Updates the position of the ball print "redballposition:", redballposition distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(redballposition[0],2) + math.pow(redballposition[1],2) + math.pow(redballposition[2],2)) print "distance:" , distance velocity = math.sqrt(math.pow((redballposition[0] - redballposition2[0]), 2))/ .1 print "velocity:" , velocity, "count" , count if velocity >= .2 and redballposition[1] > .1 and redballposition[0] < 2: redballtracker.stopTracker() dive.diveLeftGoal() goaliePose() redballtracker.startTracker() count = 100 elif velocity >= .2 and redballposition[1] < -.1 and redballposition[0] < 2: redballtracker.stopTracker() dive.diveRightGoal() goaliePose() redballtracker.startTracker() count = 100 elif velocity == 0: #If the ball has not moved the count goes up by one and if reaches 100 looks for ball again. count += 1 count = 0 counter = 0
def goalieImproved(option): redballposition=track.findRedBall() print redballposition redballtracker.startTracker() if option == 1: walk.walkClockwise() while redballposition[1]<-.31: redballposition= redballtracker.getPosition() print "Walking!", redballposition[1] redballtracker.stopTracker() walk.stop() else: walk.walkCounterclockwise() while redballposition[1] > .31: redballposition= redballtracker.getPosition() print "counter", redballposition[1] redballtracker.stopTracker() walk.stop() goaliePose()
def run(self): kalmanstop.clear() #clears the flag that seting the event does. trackstop.clear() #initializing the vectors that store the variables. global xkalman, ykalman, xvelocity, yvelocity #these variables are made global, so we can call on them #Whenever we want. xvelocity = [0] yvelocity = [0] T = [0] #Time elapsed xsensed=[1] ysensed=[0] xkalman=[1] ykalman=[1] #setting the constants t=0.01; #change in time r=1; r1=1; G = numpy.matrix([[math.pow(t,2)/2],[math.pow(t,2)/2],[t],[t]]) A = numpy.matrix([[1,0,t,0],[0,1,0,t],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) R = numpy.matrix('1,0;0,1')*math.pow(r,2); H= numpy.matrix('1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0') Q = G*numpy.transpose(G)*math.pow(r1,2) Pk_1 = numpy.matrix([[10,0,0,0],[0,10,0,0],[0,0,10,0],[0,0,0,10]]); xhk_1=numpy.matrix([[1],[0],[1],[2]]); #setting initial conditions xb=0.1 yb=0.1 aj=0 #the time in loop #now we look for and find the ball redballposition=track.findRedBall(trackstop) redballtracker.startTracker() #you have to start the tracker after using the find_red_ball function while(not kalmanstop.is_set()): redballposition=redballtracker.getPosition(); zk= H*numpy.matrix([[redballposition[0]],[redballposition[1]],[xb],[yb]]) ; xhbk = A*xhk_1 Pbk = A * Pk_1 * numpy.transpose(A) + Q; Kk = Pbk*numpy.transpose(H)*numpy.linalg.inv((H * Pbk * numpy.transpose(H)) + R); xhk = xhbk + Kk*(zk-H*xhbk); Pk = (numpy.matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) - Kk*H)*Pbk; Pk_1=Pk; xhk_1=xhk; xb=xhk[2][0] #updates the x velocity yb=xhk[3][0] #updates the y velocity #all this appends the new found positons/velocity to their respective vectors. xvelocity.append(xb) yvelocity.append(yb) xsensed.append(zk[0][0]) ysensed.append(zk[1][0]) xkalman.append(xhk[0][0]) ykalman.append(xhk[1][0]) aj=aj+t T.append(aj) redballtracker.stopTracker() kalmanstop.clear() trackstop.clear() print 'done'
def map(): config.stiffnessOn() config.poseInit() redballposition = track.findRedBall() mapLocation(localization.getNaoLocation(),(redballposition[0],redballposition[1]))
def kalmanFilter(): #initializing the vectors that store the variables. xvelocity = [0] yvelocity = [0] T = [0] #Time elapsed xsensed=[1] ysensed=[0] xkalman=[1] ykalman=[1] #setting the constants t=0.01; #change in time r=1; r1=1; G = numpy.matrix([[math.pow(t,2)/2],[math.pow(t,2)/2],[t],[t]]) A = numpy.matrix([[1,0,t,0],[0,1,0,t],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) R = numpy.matrix('1,0;0,1')*math.pow(r,2); H= numpy.matrix('1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0') Q = G*numpy.transpose(G)*math.pow(r1,2) Pk_1 = numpy.matrix([[10,0,0,0],[0,10,0,0],[0,0,10,0],[0,0,0,10]]); xhk_1=numpy.matrix([[1],[0],[1],[2]]); #setting initial conditions xb=0.1 yb=0.1 aj=0 #the time in loop k=1 iterations=500 #the number of iterations you want #now we look for and find the ball redballposition=track.findRedBall() redballtracker.startTracker() #you have to start the tracker after using the find_red_ball function while k<iterations: redballposition=redballtracker.getPosition() zk= H*numpy.matrix([[redballposition[0]],[redballposition[1]],[xb],[yb]]) ; xhbk = A*xhk_1 Pbk = A * Pk_1 * numpy.transpose(A) + Q; Kk = Pbk*numpy.transpose(H)*numpy.linalg.inv((H * Pbk * numpy.transpose(H)) + R) xhk = xhbk + Kk*(zk-H*xhbk); print xhk[0][0] #prints the kalman estimate of the x position Pk = (numpy.matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) - Kk*H)*Pbk; Pk_1=Pk xhk_1=xhk xb=xhk[2][0] #updates the x velocity yb=xhk[3][0] #updates the y velocity xvelocity.append(xb) yvelocity.append(yb) xsensed.append(zk[0][0]) ysensed.append(zk[1][0]) xkalman.append(xhk[0][0]) ykalman.append(xhk[1][0]) aj=aj+t T.append(aj) k=k+1 redballtracker.stopTracker() texttospeechProxy.say("done") #plots the sensed value the kalman estimated position and velocity. (in y) pyplot.plot(T,ysensed,'r',T,ykalman,'g',T,yvelocity,'b--') pyplot.legend(('Sensed Position', 'Kalman Estimate', 'Velocity')) pyplot.xlabel('Itterations') pyplot.ylabel('value')