Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process_request(self, request):
        key = '_tracking_banned_ips'
        # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
        ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process_request(self, request):
        key = '_tracking_banned_ips'
        # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
        ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 3
def handler_profileuser_post(sender, request, extra, **kwargs):
    """docstring for handler_profileuser_create"""
    l.debug("Signal post_signal -> handler_profileuser_post")
    if sender.func_name == 'register':
        from fsb.profile.models import ProfileUser
        p, created = ProfileUser.objects.get_or_create(user=extra['newuser'])
        if created:
            p.regip = get_ip(request)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def handler_profileuser_post(sender, request, extra, **kwargs):
    """docstring for handler_profileuser_create"""
    l.debug("Signal post_signal -> handler_profileuser_post")
    if sender.func_name == 'register':
        from fsb.profile.models import ProfileUser
        p, created = ProfileUser.objects.get_or_create(user=extra['newuser'])
        if created:
            p.regip = get_ip(request)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process_request(self, request):
        # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
            ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]
            # in case we don't have the database setup yet
            ips = []

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def process_request(self, request):
        # filtering authenticated users
        if request.user.is_authenticated():

        # filtering static and media files
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):

        ip_address = get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(
            request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')

        if not request.session.session_key:
        session_key = request.session.session_key

        if request.path.startswith(self.ARTICLE_VIEW_PREFIX):
            opv_list = OutsideArticleVisitor.objects.filter(
                ip_address=ip_address, user_agent=user_agent)
            if opv_list.count() == 1:
                opv = opv_list[0]
                opv.session_key = session_key
            elif opv_list.count() == 0:
                opv, created = OutsideArticleVisitor.objects.get_or_create(

                if created:
                    opv.entry_point = request.path
                    opv.user_agent = user_agent
                    opv.ip_address = ip_address
                opv = opv_list.order_by('-session_start')[0]
                opv.session_key = session_key

                for duplicate in opv_list.order_by('-session_start')[1:]:

        elif request.path.startswith(self.LOGIN_PREFIX):
                opv = OutsideArticleVisitor.objects.get(
                opv.logged_in = True
                opv.login_time = datetime.datetime.now()

            except OutsideArticleVisitor.DoesNotExist:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def process_request(self, request):
        # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
            ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]
            # in case we don't have the database setup yet
            ips = []

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def process_request(self, request):
        key = '_tracking_banned_ips'
        ips = cache.get(key)
        if ips is None:
            # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
            log.info('Updating banned IPs cache')
            ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]
            cache.set(key, ips, 3600)

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def process_request(self, request):
        key = '_tracking_banned_ips'
        ips = cache.get(key)
        if ips is None:
            # compile a list of all banned IP addresses
            log.info('Updating banned IPs cache')
            ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]
            cache.set(key, ips, 3600)

        # check to see if the current user's IP address is in that list
        if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
            raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def track_site_object(sender, **kwargs):
     """Saves information about site object requested by visitor"""
     request = kwargs['request']
     session_key = utils.get_session_key(request)
     ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
         visitor = Visitor.objects.get(session_key=session_key, ip_address=ip_address)
     except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
         # track site object only if visitor is tracked
     if not SiteObject.objects.filter(visitor=visitor).exists():
         site_object = SiteObject(content_object=sender, visitor=visitor)
         except DatabaseError:
             log.error('There was a problem saving site object information:\n%s\n\n%s' %
                       (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self, request):

        # Code to be executed for each request before
        # the view (and later middleware) are called.

        aff_id = request.GET.get('aff_id', default=None)
        if aff_id:
            aff_id = aff_id[:20]

        attrs = {
            'session_key': request.session.session_key,
            'ip_address': utils.get_ip(request),
            'user_agent': request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255],
            'referrer': request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255],
            'url': request.path,
            'request_method': request.method,
            'aff_id': aff_id,
            'language': get_language(),
            'is_bot': False,

        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s', locals())

        response = self.get_response(request)

        # Code to be executed for each request/response after
        # the view is called.

        return response

# class BannedIPMiddleware:
#     def process_request(self, request):
#         key = '_tracking_banned_ips'
#         ips = cache.get(key)
#         if ips is None:
#             log.info('Updating banned IPs cache')
#             ips = [b.ip_address for b in BannedIP.objects.all()]
#             cache.set(key, ips, 3600)
#         if utils.get_ip(request) in ips:
#             raise Http404
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session') and request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)
            session_key = session_key[:40]

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            visitors = Visitor.objects.filter(

            if len(visitors):
                visitor = visitors[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
                log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' % (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
                log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= one_hour_ago:
            visitor.referrer = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.path.startswith("/s/") or request.path.startswith("/static/") or request.path.startswith("/admin/")\
             or request.path.startswith("/favicon.ico") or (request.is_ajax() and not request.path.startswith('/o/')):
        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255],

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' %
                          (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session') and request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)
            session_key = session_key[:40]

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {'session_key': session_key, 'ip_address': ip_address}

        visitor_id = request.session.get('visitor_id', None)
        if not visitor_id:
            # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
                visitor = Visitor.objects.only('id').get(**attrs)
            except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
                # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
                # within the last 5 minutes
                cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
                visitors = Visitor.objects.only('id').filter(

                if len(visitors):
                    visitor = visitors[0]
                    visitor.session_key = session_key
                    log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' %
                              (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                    # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                    visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
                    log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)
                except DatabaseError:
                        'There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s'
                        % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))

            request.session['visitor_id'] = visitor_id = visitor.id

        redis_data = redis.get('visitor_data_%s' % visitor_id) or '{}'
        visitor_data = json.loads(redis_data)
        visitor_data['visitor_id'] = visitor_id

        # update the tracking information
        visitor_data['user_agent'] = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = pytz.UTC.localize(now - timedelta(hours=1))
        # TODO: ensure that we are on the same time zone - I just put UTC for now
        # to get it working
        last_update = visitor_data.get('last_update', None)
        if not last_update or last_update <= time.mktime(
            visitor_data['referrer'] = utils.u_clean(
                request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor_data['page_views'] = 0
            visitor_data['session_start'] = time.mktime(now.timetuple())

        visitor_data['url'] = request.path
        page_views = visitor_data.get('page_views', 0) + 1
        visitor_data['page_views'] = page_views
        visitor_data['last_update'] = time.mktime(now.timetuple())

            # Extracting visitor data from GA cookie
            cookie = request.COOKIES.get('__utmz')
            if cookie:
                    data = cookie.split('.', 4)[-1]
                    data = dict(match.groups() for match in re.finditer(
                        r'(utm(?:csr|ccn|cmd|ctr))=([^\|]*)', data))
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    log.error('Malformed GA cookie: {0!r}'.format(cookie))
                    visitor_data['source'] = normalize_ga_value(
                    visitor_data['medium'] = normalize_ga_value(
                    visitor_data['campaign'] = normalize_ga_value(
                    visitor_data['keywords'] = normalize_ga_value(

            utm_source = request.GET.get("utm_source", "unknown")
            request.session['acquisition_source_name'] = utm_source

            if utm_source != "unknown":
                # utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property, e.g. google, citysearch, newsletter4, billboard.
                # utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, e.g.: cpc, banner, email newsletter.
                # utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product.
                # utm_term: Identify paid search keywords. If you're manually tagging paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword.
                # utm_content: Used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use utm_content and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective.

                #update the tracking info with the latest and bump the old one to be stored in the history

                past_acquisition_info = visitor_data.get(
                    'past_acquisition_info', [])
                if visitor_data.get('acquisition_source', None):
                    old_visitor_data = {'date_valid_until': time.time()}
                    for k in VISITOR_PARAMS_MAPPING.keys():
                        old_visitor_data[k] = visitor_data.get(k, None)
                        'past_acquisition_info'] = past_acquisition_info
                for k, v in VISITOR_PARAMS_MAPPING.items():
                    value = request.GET.get(v, 'unknown')[:255]
                    visitor_data[k] = value

        redis.set('visitor_data_%s' % visitor_id, json.dumps(visitor_data))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session') and request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)
            session_key = session_key[:40]

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = right_now()

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            visitors = Visitor.objects.filter(

            if len(visitors):
                visitor = visitors[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
                log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' % (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
                log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= one_hour_ago:
            visitor.referrer = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255]

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all():
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if str(user_agent).find(ua.keyword) != -1:

        if hasattr(request, 'session'):
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)

        prefixes = utils.get_untracked_prefixes()

        # don't track media file requests
        if settings.MEDIA_URL:
        if settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX:

            # finally, don't track requests to the tracker update pages
        except NoReverseMatch:
            # django-tracking hasn't been included in the URLconf if we get here

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {
                    'session_key': session_key,
                    'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, VisitorTracked.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = VisitorTracked.objects.get(**attrs)
        except VisitorTracked.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            filter_params = {
                    'ip_address': ip_address,
                    'user_agent': user_agent,
                    'last_update__gte': cutoff
                visitor = VisitorTracked.objects.get(**filter_params)
                visitor.session_key = session_key
            except VisitorTracked.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                # just get the first match
                visitor = VisitorTracked.objects.filter(**filter_params)[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
            except VisitorTracked.DoesNotExist:
                # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                visitor = VisitorTracked(**attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= one_hour_ago:
            visitor.referrer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255]

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
    def process_request(self, request):
        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if not request.session.session_key:
        session_key = request.session.session_key

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        # For now we have made a fork that works with MySQL backed Django that
        # also has the setting USE_TZ set to False (we are no longer calling `localtime()`)

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            visitors = Visitor.objects.filter(

            if len(visitors):
                visitor = visitors[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
                log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' % (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                visitor, created = Visitor.objects.get_or_create(**attrs)
                if created:
                    log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= one_hour_ago:
            visitor.referrer = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
            sid = transaction.savepoint()
        except IntegrityError:
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255]

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all():
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if str(user_agent).find(ua.keyword) != -1:

        if hasattr(request, 'session'):
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)

        prefixes = utils.get_untracked_prefixes()

        # don't track media file requests
        if settings.MEDIA_URL and settings.MEDIA_URL != '/':
        if settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX:

            # finally, don't track requests to the tracker update pages
        except NoReverseMatch:
            # django-tracking hasn't been included in the URLconf if we get here

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {
                    'session_key': session_key,
                    'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            filter_params = {
                    'ip_address': ip_address,
                    'user_agent': user_agent,
                    'last_update__gte': cutoff
                visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**filter_params)
                visitor.session_key = session_key
            except Visitor.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                # just get the first match
                visitor = Visitor.objects.filter(**filter_params)[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
            except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
                # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                visitor = Visitor(**attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = now - timedelta(hours=1)
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= one_hour_ago:
            visitor.referrer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255]

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')

	if utils.user_agent_is_untracked( user_agent ):
          log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session'):
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = md5( '%s:%s' % ( ip_address, user_agent ) ).hexdigest()

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in NO_TRACKING_PREFIXES:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
            # within the last 5 minutes
            cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
            visitors = Visitor.objects.filter(

            if len(visitors):
                visitor = visitors[0]
                visitor.session_key = session_key
                log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' % (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
                log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent[:255]

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        if not visitor.last_update or visitor.last_update <= ( now - timedelta( hours = 1 ) ) :
            visitor.referrer = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path[:255]
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255]

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = list(UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all())
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if unicode(user_agent, errors='ignore').find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session'):
            if not request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        # Attributes we use when creating a new user
        new_attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # If we have a visitor_id cookie, use it
        visitor_id = request.COOKIES.get('visitor_id')

        if visitor_id:
            attrs = {'id': visitor_id}
            attrs = new_attrs

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            # add tracking ID to model if specified in the URL
            tid = request.GET.get('tid') or request.GET.get('fb_source')
            if tid:
                get = request.GET.copy()
                attrs['tid'] = tid
                request.GET = get

            visitor = Visitor(**new_attrs)
            log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % new_attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, update their referrer URL
        if not visitor.last_update:
            visitor.referrer = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor.page_views = 0
            visitor.session_start = now

        visitor.url = request.path
        visitor.page_views += 1
        visitor.last_update = now
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))

        request.visitor = visitor
        request.session['visitor_id'] = visitor.pk
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.path.startswith("/s/") or request.path.startswith("/static/") or request.path.startswith("/admin/")\
             or request.path.startswith("/favicon.ico") or (request.is_ajax() and not request.path.startswith('/o/')):
        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session') and request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)
            session_key = session_key[:40]

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = datetime.now()

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address
        visitor_id = request.session.get('visitor_id', None)
        if not visitor_id:
            # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
                visitor = Visitor.objects.only('id').get(**attrs)
            except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
                # see if there's a visitor with the same IP and user agent
                # within the last 5 minutes
                cutoff = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
                visitors = Visitor.objects.only('id').filter(
                if len(visitors):
                    visitor = visitors[0]
                    visitor.session_key = session_key
                    log.debug('Using existing visitor for IP %s / UA %s: %s' % (ip_address, user_agent, visitor.id))
                    # it's probably safe to assume that the visitor is brand new
                    visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
                    log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)
                except DatabaseError:
                    log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
            request.session['visitor_id'] = visitor_id = visitor.id

        redis_data = redis.get('visitor_data_%s' % visitor_id) or '{}'
        visitor_data = json.loads(redis_data)
        visitor_data['visitor_id'] = visitor_id

        # update the tracking information
        visitor_data['user_agent'] = user_agent

        # if the visitor record is new, or the visitor hasn't been here for
        # at least an hour, update their referrer URL
        one_hour_ago = pytz.UTC.localize(now - timedelta(hours=1))
        # TODO: ensure that we are on the same time zone - I just put UTC for now
        # to get it working
        last_update = visitor_data.get('last_update', None)
        if not last_update or last_update <= time.mktime(one_hour_ago.timetuple()):
            visitor_data['referrer'] = utils.u_clean(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown')[:255])

            # reset the number of pages they've been to
            visitor_data['page_views'] = 0
            visitor_data['session_start'] = time.mktime(now.timetuple())

        visitor_data['url'] = request.path
        page_views = visitor_data.get('page_views', 0) + 1
        visitor_data['page_views'] = page_views
        visitor_data['last_update'] = time.mktime(now.timetuple())

            # Extracting visitor data from GA cookie
            cookie = request.COOKIES.get('__utmz')
            if cookie:
                    data = cookie.split('.', 4)[-1]
                    data = dict(match.groups() for match in re.finditer(
                        r'(utm(?:csr|ccn|cmd|ctr))=([^\|]*)', data))
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    log.error('Malformed GA cookie: {0!r}'.format(cookie))
                    visitor_data['source'] = normalize_ga_value(data.get('utmcsr'))
                    visitor_data['medium'] = normalize_ga_value(data.get('utmcmd'))
                    visitor_data['campaign'] = normalize_ga_value(data.get('utmccn'))
                    visitor_data['keywords'] = normalize_ga_value(data.get('utm.ctr'))
            utm_source = request.GET.get("utm_source", "unknown")
            request.session['acquisition_source_name'] = utm_source

            if utm_source != "unknown":
                # utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property, e.g. google, citysearch, newsletter4, billboard.
                # utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, e.g.: cpc, banner, email newsletter.
                # utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product.
                # utm_term: Identify paid search keywords. If you're manually tagging paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword.
                # utm_content: Used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use utm_content and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective.

                #update the tracking info with the latest and bump the old one to be stored in the history
                past_acquisition_info = visitor_data.get('past_acquisition_info', [])
                if visitor_data.get('acquisition_source', None):
                    old_visitor_data = {'date_valid_until': time.time()}
                    for k in VISITOR_PARAMS_MAPPING.keys():
                        old_visitor_data[k] = visitor_data.get(k, None)
                    visitor_data['past_acquisition_info'] = past_acquisition_info
                for k,v in VISITOR_PARAMS_MAPPING.items():
                    value = request.GET.get(v, 'unknown')[:255]
                    visitor_data[k] = value

        redis.set('visitor_data_%s' % visitor_id, json.dumps(visitor_data))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def process_request(self, request):
        # don't process AJAX requests
        if request.is_ajax(): return

        # create some useful variables
        ip_address = utils.get_ip(request)
        #user_agent = unicode(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255], errors='ignore')
        user_agent = str(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')[:255] )

        # retrieve untracked user agents from cache
        ua_key = '_tracking_untracked_uas'
        untracked = cache.get(ua_key)
        if untracked is None:
            log.info('Updating untracked user agent cache')
            untracked = UntrackedUserAgent.objects.all()
            cache.set(ua_key, untracked, 3600)

        # see if the user agent is not supposed to be tracked
        for ua in untracked:
            # if the keyword is found in the user agent, stop tracking
            if user_agent.find(ua.keyword) != -1:
                log.debug('Not tracking UA "%s" because of keyword: %s' % (user_agent, ua.keyword))

        if hasattr(request, 'session') and request.session.session_key:
            # use the current session key if we can
            session_key = request.session.session_key
            # otherwise just fake a session key
            session_key = '%s:%s' % (ip_address, user_agent)
            session_key = session_key[:40]

        # ensure that the request.path does not begin with any of the prefixes
        for prefix in self.prefixes:
            if request.path.startswith(prefix):
                log.debug('Not tracking request to: %s' % request.path)

        # if we get here, the URL needs to be tracked
        # determine what time it is
        now = timezone.now()

        attrs = {
            'session_key': session_key,
            'ip_address': ip_address

        # for some reason, Visitor.objects.get_or_create was not working here
            visitor = Visitor.objects.get(**attrs)
        except Visitor.DoesNotExist:
            visitor = Visitor(**attrs)
            log.debug('Created a new visitor: %s' % attrs)

        # determine whether or not the user is logged in
        user = request.user
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            user = None

        # update the tracking information
        visitor.user = user
        visitor.user_agent = user_agent
        visitor.pv += 1
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))

        #visitor.url = request.path
        pageview, created = PageView.objects.get_or_create(url=request.path, defaults={
            'visitor': visitor})
        pageview.url = request.path
        pageview.pv = pageview.pv + 1
        except DatabaseError:
            log.error('There was a problem saving visitor information:\n%s\n\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(), locals()))
        username = user.username if user else 'anonymous'
        log.info('time: {}, ip: {}, user: {}, url: {},'.format(now, ip_address, username, request.path))