Ejemplo n.º 1
    def post(self, command, output_dir, vars):
        install PostGIS on the PostgreSQL db;
        see http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.3/ch02.html

        TracProject.post(self, command, output_dir, vars)

        # needed .sql files
        postgis_files = {'lwpostgis.sql': None, 'spatial_ref_sys.sql': None}

        # ensure `locate` is available
        if subprocess.call(['locate', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
            print "locate not available and sadly that seems to be the only way to locate the PostGIS .sql files: %s" % ', '.join(

        # locate the needed PostGIS .sql files
        # if they exist and can't be found with locate,
        # the locate db may need to be updated:
        # `updatedb`
        for f in postgis_files:
            process = subprocess.Popen(['locate', f], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            files, stderr = process.communicate()
            files = files.strip().split('\n')
            if not len(files):
                print '"%s" could not be located (needed for PostGIS)' % f
            if len(files) != 1:
                print 'Multiple file found for "%s":\n %s' % (f,
            postgis_files[f] = files[0]

        # ensure createlang is available
        if subprocess.call(['createlang', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
            print "Error: createlang executable could not be found"

        # setup the DB with PostGIS
        db = PostgreSQL.prefix + vars['project']
        commands = [[
            'createlang', '--username', vars['database_admin'], 'plpgsql', db
            'psql', '-d', db, '--username', vars['database_admin'], '-f',
        ] for f in postgis_files])
        for command in commands:
            if subprocess.call(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
                print 'Error calling command: %s' % ' '.join(command)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self, command, output_dir, vars):
        install PostGIS on the PostgreSQL db;
        see http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.3/ch02.html

        TracProject.post(self, command, output_dir, vars)

        # needed .sql files
        postgis_files = { 'lwpostgis.sql': None, 
                          'spatial_ref_sys.sql': None }
        # ensure `locate` is available
        if subprocess.call(['locate', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
            print "locate not available and sadly that seems to be the only way to locate the PostGIS .sql files: %s" % ', '.join(postgis_files.keys())

        # locate the needed PostGIS .sql files
        # if they exist and can't be found with locate, 
        # the locate db may need to be updated:
        # `updatedb`
        for f in postgis_files:
            process = subprocess.Popen(['locate', f], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            files, stderr = process.communicate()
            files = files.strip().split('\n')
            if not len(files):
                print '"%s" could not be located (needed for PostGIS)' % f
            if len(files) != 1:
                print 'Multiple file found for "%s":\n %s' % (f, '\n'.join(files))
            postgis_files[f] = files[0]

        # ensure createlang is available
        if subprocess.call(['createlang', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
            print "Error: createlang executable could not be found"
        # setup the DB with PostGIS
        db = PostgreSQL.prefix + vars['project']
        commands = [ ['createlang', '--username', vars['database_admin'], 'plpgsql', db] ]
        commands.extend([ [ 'psql', '-d', db, '--username', vars['database_admin'], '-f', postgis_files[f]] 
                          for f in postgis_files])
        for command in commands:
            if subprocess.call(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
                print 'Error calling command: %s' % ' '.join(command)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def pre(self, command, output_dir, vars):
     TracProject.pre(self, command, output_dir, vars)
     vars['basedir'] = os.path.realpath(vars['basedir'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def pre(self, command, output_dir, vars):
     TracProject.pre(self, command, output_dir, vars)
     vars['basedir'] = os.path.realpath(vars['basedir'])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def pre(self, command, output_dir, vars):
     # from OSSTracProject template
     # TODO: figure out a way of munging this functionality
     TracProject.pre(self, command, output_dir, vars)
     vars['basedir'] = os.path.realpath(vars['basedir'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def pre(self, command, output_dir, vars):
     # from OSSTracProject template
     # TODO: figure out a way of munging this functionality
     TracProject.pre(self, command, output_dir, vars)
     vars['basedir'] = os.path.realpath(vars['basedir'])