Ejemplo n.º 1
 def read_sky_model(self, **kwargs):
     ## HACK -- create the sky model on the fly
     img = self.read_image()
     sky = np.median(img)
     print('Median "sky" model:', sky)
     sky = ConstantSky(sky)
     sky.version = '0'
     sky.plver = '0'
     return sky
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def read_sky_model(self, **kwargs):
     print('Constant sky model, median of ', self.imgfn)
     img,hdr = self.read_image(header=True)
     sky = np.median(img)
     print('Median "sky" =', sky)
     sky = ConstantSky(sky)
     sky.version = '0'
     sky.plver = '0'
     return sky
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def read_sky_model(self, imghdr=None, **kwargs):
     ''' The Mosaic CP does a good job of sky subtraction, so just
     use a constant sky level with value from the header.
     from tractor.sky import ConstantSky
     sky = ConstantSky(imghdr['AVSKY'])
     sky.version = ''
     phdr = self.read_image_primary_header()
     sky.plver = phdr.get('PLVER', '').strip()
     return sky
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def read_sky_model(self, imghdr=None, **kwargs):
     ''' Bok CP does same sky subtraction as Mosaic CP, so just
     use a constant sky level with value from the header.
     from tractor.sky import ConstantSky
     # Frank reocmmends SKYADU
     phdr = self.read_image_primary_header()
     sky = ConstantSky(phdr['SKYADU'])
     sky.version = ''
     sky.plver = phdr.get('PLVER', '').strip()
     return sky
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_tractor_image(self,
        Returns a tractor.Image ("tim") object for this image.
        Options describing a subimage to return:

        - *slc*: y,x slice objects
        - *radecpoly*: numpy array, shape (N,2), RA,Dec polygon describing
            bounding box to select.

        Options determining the PSF model to use:

        - *gaussPsf*: single circular Gaussian PSF based on header FWHM value.
        - *pixPsf*: pixelized PsfEx model.
        - *hybridPsf*: combo pixelized PsfEx + Gaussian approx.

        Options determining the sky model to use:
        - *splinesky*: median filter chunks of the image, then spline those.

        Options determining the units of the image:

        - *nanomaggies*: convert the image to be in units of NanoMaggies;
          *tim.zpscale* contains the scale value the image was divided by.

        - *subsky*: instantiate and subtract the initial sky model,
          leaving a constant zero sky model?

        get_dq = dq
        get_invvar = invvar

        band = self.band
        imh, imw = self.get_image_shape()
        wcs = self.get_wcs()
        x0, y0 = 0, 0
        x1 = x0 + imw
        y1 = y0 + imh

        # Clip to RA,Dec polygon?
        if slc is None and radecpoly is not None:
            from astrometry.util.miscutils import clip_polygon
            imgpoly = [(1, 1), (1, imh), (imw, imh), (imw, 1)]
            ok, tx, ty = wcs.radec2pixelxy(radecpoly[:-1, 0], radecpoly[:-1,
            tpoly = zip(tx, ty)
            clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly)
            clip = np.array(clip)
            if len(clip) == 0:
                return None
            x0, y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int)
            x1, y1 = np.ceil(clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int)
            slc = slice(y0, y1 + 1), slice(x0, x1 + 1)
            if y1 - y0 < tiny or x1 - x0 < tiny:
                print('Skipping tiny subimage')
                return None
        # Slice?
        if slc is not None:
            sy, sx = slc
            y0, y1 = sy.start, sy.stop
            x0, x1 = sx.start, sx.stop

        # Is part of this image bad?
        old_extent = (x0, x1, y0, y1)
        new_extent = self.get_good_image_slice((x0, x1, y0, y1),
        if new_extent != old_extent:
            x0, x1, y0, y1 = new_extent
            print('Applying good subregion of CCD: slice is', x0, x1, y0, y1)
            if x0 >= x1 or y0 >= y1:
                return None
            slc = slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)

        # Read image pixels
        if pixels:
            print('Reading image slice:', slc)
            img, imghdr = self.read_image(header=True, slice=slc)
            img = np.zeros((imh, imw), np.float32)
            imghdr = self.read_image_header()
            if slc is not None:
                img = img[slc]
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(img)))

        # Read inverse-variance (weight) map
        if get_invvar:
            invvar = self.read_invvar(slice=slc, clipThresh=0.)
            invvar = np.ones_like(img)
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(invvar)))
        if np.all(invvar == 0.):
            print('Skipping zero-invvar image')
            return None
        # Negative invvars (from, eg, fpack decompression noise) cause havoc
        assert (np.all(invvar >= 0.))

        # Read data-quality (flags) map and zero out the invvars of masked pixels
        if get_dq:
            dq = self.read_dq(slice=slc)
            if dq is not None:
                invvar[dq != 0] = 0.
            if np.all(invvar == 0.):
                print('Skipping zero-invvar image (after DQ masking)')
                return None

        # header 'FWHM' is in pixels
        assert (self.fwhm > 0)
        psf_fwhm = self.fwhm
        psf_sigma = psf_fwhm / 2.35
        primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()

        sky = self.read_sky_model(splinesky=splinesky,
        skysig1 = getattr(sky, 'sig1', None)

        midsky = 0.
        if subsky:
            print('Instantiating and subtracting sky model')
            from tractor.sky import ConstantSky
            skymod = np.zeros_like(img)
            img -= skymod
            midsky = np.median(skymod)
            zsky = ConstantSky(0.)
            zsky.version = getattr(sky, 'version', '')
            zsky.plver = getattr(sky, 'plver', '')
            del skymod
            sky = zsky
            del zsky

        orig_zpscale = zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(self.ccdzpt)
        if nanomaggies:
            # Scale images to Nanomaggies
            img /= zpscale
            invvar = invvar * zpscale**2
            if not subsky:
                sky.scale(1. / zpscale)
            zpscale = 1.

        # Compute 'sig1', scalar typical per-pixel noise
        if get_invvar:
            sig1 = 1. / np.sqrt(np.median(invvar[invvar > 0]))
        elif skysig1 is not None:
            sig1 = skysig1
            if nanomaggies:
                # skysig1 is in the native units
                sig1 /= orig_zpscale
            # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD
            slice1 = (slice(0, -5, 10), slice(0, -5, 10))
            slice2 = (slice(5, None, 10), slice(5, None, 10))
            mad = np.median(np.abs(img[slice1] - img[slice2]).ravel())
            sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.)
            print('sig1 estimate:', sig1)
            invvar *= (1. / sig1**2)
        assert (np.isfinite(sig1))

        if constant_invvar:
            print('Setting constant invvar', 1. / sig1**2)
            invvar[invvar > 0] = 1. / sig1**2

        if subsky:
            # Warn if the subtracted sky doesn't seem to work well
            # (can happen, eg, if sky calibration product is inconsistent with
            #  the data)
            imgmed = np.median(img[invvar > 0])
            if np.abs(imgmed) > sig1:
                print('WARNING: image median', imgmed, 'is more than 1 sigma',
                      'away from zero!')

        # tractor WCS object
        twcs = self.get_tractor_wcs(wcs,
        if hybridPsf:
            pixPsf = False
        psf = self.read_psf_model(x0,
                                  cx=(x0 + x1) / 2.,
                                  cy=(y0 + y1) / 2.)

        tim = Image(img,
                    photocal=LinearPhotoCal(zpscale, band=band),
                    name=self.name + ' ' + band)
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(tim.getInvError())))

        # PSF norm
        psfnorm = self.psf_norm(tim)

        # Galaxy-detection norm
        tim.band = band
        galnorm = self.galaxy_norm(tim)

        # CP (DECam) images include DATE-OBS and MJD-OBS, in UTC.
        import astropy.time
        mjd_tai = astropy.time.Time(self.mjdobs, format='mjd',
        tim.time = TAITime(None, mjd=mjd_tai)
        tim.slice = slc
        tim.zpscale = orig_zpscale
        tim.midsky = midsky
        tim.sig1 = sig1
        tim.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm
        tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma
        tim.propid = self.propid
        tim.psfnorm = psfnorm
        tim.galnorm = galnorm
        tim.sip_wcs = wcs
        tim.x0, tim.y0 = int(x0), int(y0)
        tim.imobj = self
        tim.primhdr = primhdr
        tim.hdr = imghdr
        tim.plver = primhdr.get('PLVER', '').strip()
        tim.skyver = (getattr(sky, 'version', ''), getattr(sky, 'plver', ''))
        tim.wcsver = (getattr(wcs, 'version', ''), getattr(wcs, 'plver', ''))
        tim.psfver = (getattr(psf, 'version', ''), getattr(psf, 'plver', ''))
        if get_dq:
            tim.dq = dq
        tim.dq_saturation_bits = self.dq_saturation_bits
        subh, subw = tim.shape
        tim.subwcs = tim.sip_wcs.get_subimage(tim.x0, tim.y0, subw, subh)
        return tim
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_tractor_image(self, slc=None, radecpoly=None,
                          gaussPsf=False, const2psf=False, pixPsf=False,
                          nanomaggies=True, subsky=True, tiny=5,
                          dq=True, invvar=True, pixels=True):
        Returns a tractor.Image ("tim") object for this image.
        Options describing a subimage to return:

        - *slc*: y,x slice objects
        - *radecpoly*: numpy array, shape (N,2), RA,Dec polygon describing bounding box to select.

        Options determining the PSF model to use:

        - *gaussPsf*: single circular Gaussian PSF based on header FWHM value.
        - *const2Psf*: 2-component general Gaussian fit to PsfEx model at image center.
        - *pixPsf*: pixelized PsfEx model at image center.

        Options determining the sky model to use:
        - *splinesky*: median filter chunks of the image, then spline those.

        Options determining the units of the image:

        - *nanomaggies*: convert the image to be in units of NanoMaggies;
          *tim.zpscale* contains the scale value the image was divided by.

        - *subsky*: instantiate and subtract the initial sky model,
          leaving a constant zero sky model?

        from astrometry.util.miscutils import clip_polygon

        get_dq = dq
        get_invvar = invvar
        band = self.band
        imh,imw = self.get_image_shape()

        wcs = self.get_wcs()
        x0,y0 = 0,0
        x1 = x0 + imw
        y1 = y0 + imh
        if slc is None and radecpoly is not None:
            imgpoly = [(1,1),(1,imh),(imw,imh),(imw,1)]
            ok,tx,ty = wcs.radec2pixelxy(radecpoly[:-1,0], radecpoly[:-1,1])
            tpoly = zip(tx,ty)
            clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly)
            clip = np.array(clip)
            if len(clip) == 0:
                return None
            x0,y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int)
            x1,y1 = np.ceil (clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int)
            slc = slice(y0,y1+1), slice(x0,x1+1)
            if y1 - y0 < tiny or x1 - x0 < tiny:
                print('Skipping tiny subimage')
                return None
        if slc is not None:
            sy,sx = slc
            y0,y1 = sy.start, sy.stop
            x0,x1 = sx.start, sx.stop

        old_extent = (x0,x1,y0,y1)
        new_extent = self.get_good_image_slice((x0,x1,y0,y1), get_extent=True)
        if new_extent != old_extent:
            x0,x1,y0,y1 = new_extent
            print('Applying good subregion of CCD: slice is', x0,x1,y0,y1)
            if x0 >= x1 or y0 >= y1:
                return None
            slc = slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1)

        if pixels:
            print('Reading image slice:', slc)
            img,imghdr = self.read_image(header=True, slice=slc)
            #print('SATURATE is', imghdr.get('SATURATE', None))
            #print('Max value in image is', img.max())
            # check consistency... something of a DR1 hangover
            e = imghdr['EXTNAME']
            assert(e.strip() == self.ccdname.strip())
            img = np.zeros((imh, imw))
            imghdr = dict()
            if slc is not None:
                img = img[slc]
        if get_invvar:
            invvar = self.read_invvar(slice=slc, clipThresh=0.)
            invvar = np.ones_like(img)
        if get_dq:
            dq = self.read_dq(slice=slc)
            invvar[dq != 0] = 0.
        if np.all(invvar == 0.):
            print('Skipping zero-invvar image')
            return None
        assert(not(np.all(invvar == 0.)))

        # header 'FWHM' is in pixels
        # imghdr['FWHM']
        psf_fwhm = self.fwhm 
        psf_sigma = psf_fwhm / 2.35
        primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()

        sky = self.read_sky_model(splinesky=splinesky, slc=slc)
        midsky = 0.
        if subsky:
            print('Instantiating and subtracting sky model...')
            from tractor.sky import ConstantSky
            skymod = np.zeros_like(img)
            img -= skymod
            midsky = np.median(skymod)
            zsky = ConstantSky(0.)
            zsky.version = sky.version
            zsky.plver = sky.plver
            del skymod
            del sky
            sky = zsky
            del zsky

        magzp = self.decals.get_zeropoint_for(self)
        orig_zpscale = zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(magzp)
        if nanomaggies:
            # Scale images to Nanomaggies
            img /= zpscale
            invvar *= zpscale**2
            if not subsky:
            zpscale = 1.

        assert(np.sum(invvar > 0) > 0)
        if get_invvar:
            sig1 = 1./np.sqrt(np.median(invvar[invvar > 0]))
            # Estimate from the image?
            # # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD
            slice1 = (slice(0,-5,10),slice(0,-5,10))
            slice2 = (slice(5,None,10),slice(5,None,10))
            mad = np.median(np.abs(img[slice1] - img[slice2]).ravel())
            sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.)
            print('sig1 estimate:', sig1)
            invvar *= (1. / sig1**2)

        if subsky:
            imgmed = np.median(img[invvar>0])
            if np.abs(imgmed) > sig1:
                print('WARNING: image median', imgmed, 'is more than 1 sigma away from zero!')
                # Boom!

        twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)
        if x0 or y0:

        psf = self.read_psf_model(x0, y0, gaussPsf=gaussPsf, pixPsf=pixPsf,
                                  const2psf=const2psf, psf_sigma=psf_sigma,
                                  cx=(x0+x1)/2., cy=(y0+y1)/2.)

        tim = Image(img, invvar=invvar, wcs=twcs, psf=psf,
                    photocal=LinearPhotoCal(zpscale, band=band),
                    sky=sky, name=self.name + ' ' + band)

        # PSF norm
        psfnorm = self.psf_norm(tim)
        print('PSF norm', psfnorm, 'vs Gaussian',
              1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma))

        # Galaxy-detection norm
        tim.band = band
        galnorm = self.galaxy_norm(tim)
        print('Galaxy norm:', galnorm)
        # CP (DECam) images include DATE-OBS and MJD-OBS, in UTC.
        import astropy.time
        #mjd_utc = mjd=primhdr.get('MJD-OBS', 0)
        mjd_tai = astropy.time.Time(primhdr['DATE-OBS']).tai.mjd
        tim.slice = slc
        tim.time = TAITime(None, mjd=mjd_tai)
        tim.zr = [-3. * sig1, 10. * sig1]
        tim.zpscale = orig_zpscale
        tim.midsky = midsky
        tim.sig1 = sig1
        tim.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm
        tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma
        tim.propid = self.propid
        tim.psfnorm = psfnorm
        tim.galnorm = galnorm
        tim.sip_wcs = wcs
        tim.x0,tim.y0 = int(x0),int(y0)
        tim.imobj = self
        tim.primhdr = primhdr
        tim.hdr = imghdr
        tim.plver = primhdr['PLVER'].strip()
        tim.skyver = (sky.version, sky.plver)
        tim.wcsver = (wcs.version, wcs.plver)
        tim.psfver = (psf.version, psf.plver)
        if get_dq:
            tim.dq = dq
        tim.dq_bits = CP_DQ_BITS
        tim.saturation = imghdr.get('SATURATE', None)
        tim.satval = tim.saturation or 0.
        if subsky:
            tim.satval -= midsky
        if nanomaggies:
            tim.satval /= orig_zpscale
        subh,subw = tim.shape
        tim.subwcs = tim.sip_wcs.get_subimage(tim.x0, tim.y0, subw, subh)
        mn,mx = tim.zr
        tim.ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray',
                       vmin=mn, vmax=mx)
        return tim
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_tractor_image(self, slc=None, radecpoly=None,
                          gaussPsf=False, const2psf=False, pixPsf=False,
                          nanomaggies=True, subsky=True, tiny=5,
                          dq=True, invvar=True, pixels=True):
        Returns a tractor.Image ("tim") object for this image.
        Options describing a subimage to return:

        - *slc*: y,x slice objects
        - *radecpoly*: numpy array, shape (N,2), RA,Dec polygon describing bounding box to select.

        Options determining the PSF model to use:

        - *gaussPsf*: single circular Gaussian PSF based on header FWHM value.
        - *const2Psf*: 2-component general Gaussian fit to PsfEx model at image center.
        - *pixPsf*: pixelized PsfEx model at image center.

        Options determining the sky model to use:
        - *splinesky*: median filter chunks of the image, then spline those.

        Options determining the units of the image:

        - *nanomaggies*: convert the image to be in units of NanoMaggies;
          *tim.zpscale* contains the scale value the image was divided by.

        - *subsky*: instantiate and subtract the initial sky model,
          leaving a constant zero sky model?

        from astrometry.util.miscutils import clip_polygon
        get_dq = dq
        get_invvar = invvar
        band = self.band
        imh,imw = self.get_image_shape()
        wcs = self.get_wcs()
        x0,y0 = 0,0
        x1 = x0 + imw
        y1 = y0 + imh
        #if don't comment out tim = NoneType b/c clips all pixels out
        #if slc is None and radecpoly is not None:
        #    imgpoly = [(1,1),(1,imh),(imw,imh),(imw,1)]
        #    ok,tx,ty = wcs.radec2pixelxy(radecpoly[:-1,0], radecpoly[:-1,1])
        #    tpoly = zip(tx,ty)
        #    clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly)
        #    clip = np.array(clip)
        #    if len(clip) == 0:
        #        return None
        #    x0,y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int)
        #    x1,y1 = np.ceil (clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int)
        #    slc = slice(y0,y1+1), slice(x0,x1+1)
        #    if y1 - y0 < tiny or x1 - x0 < tiny:
        #        print('Skipping tiny subimage')
        #        return None
        #if slc is not None:
        #    sy,sx = slc
        #    y0,y1 = sy.start, sy.stop
        #    x0,x1 = sx.start, sx.stop

        #old_extent = (x0,x1,y0,y1)
        #new_extent = self.get_good_image_slice((x0,x1,y0,y1), get_extent=True)
        #if new_extent != old_extent:
        #    x0,x1,y0,y1 = new_extent
        #    print('Applying good subregion of CCD: slice is', x0,x1,y0,y1)
        #    if x0 >= x1 or y0 >= y1:
        #        return None
        #    slc = slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1)
        if pixels:
            print('Reading image slice:', slc)
            img,imghdr = self.read_image(header=True, slice=slc)
            #print('SATURATE is', imghdr.get('SATURATE', None))
            #print('Max value in image is', img.max())
            # check consistency... something of a DR1 hangover
            #e = imghdr['EXTNAME']
            #assert(e.strip() == self.ccdname.strip())
            img = np.zeros((imh, imw))
            imghdr = dict()
            if slc is not None:
                img = img[slc]
        if get_invvar:
            invvar = self.read_invvar(slice=slc, clipThresh=0.)
            invvar = np.ones_like(img)
        if get_dq:
            dq = self.read_dq(slice=slc)
            invvar[dq != 0] = 0.
        if np.all(invvar == 0.):
            print('Skipping zero-invvar image')
            return None
        assert(not(np.all(invvar == 0.)))

        # header 'FWHM' is in pixels
        # imghdr['FWHM']
        psf_fwhm = self.fwhm 
        psf_sigma = psf_fwhm / 2.35
        primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()

        sky = self.read_sky_model(splinesky=splinesky, slc=slc)
        midsky = 0.
        if subsky:
            print('Instantiating and subtracting sky model...')
            from tractor.sky import ConstantSky
            skymod = np.zeros_like(img)
            img -= skymod
            midsky = np.median(skymod)
            zsky = ConstantSky(0.)
            zsky.version = sky.version
            zsky.plver = sky.plver
            del skymod
            del sky
            sky = zsky
            del zsky

        magzp = self.survey.get_zeropoint_for(self)
        orig_zpscale = zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(magzp)
        if nanomaggies:
            # Scale images to Nanomaggies
            img /= zpscale
            invvar *= zpscale**2
            if not subsky:
            zpscale = 1.

        assert(np.sum(invvar > 0) > 0)
        if get_invvar:
            sig1 = 1./np.sqrt(np.median(invvar[invvar > 0]))
            # Estimate from the image?
            # # Estimate per-pixel noise via Blanton's 5-pixel MAD
            slice1 = (slice(0,-5,10),slice(0,-5,10))
            slice2 = (slice(5,None,10),slice(5,None,10))
            mad = np.median(np.abs(img[slice1] - img[slice2]).ravel())
            sig1 = 1.4826 * mad / np.sqrt(2.)
            print('sig1 estimate:', sig1)
            invvar *= (1. / sig1**2)

        if subsky:
            imgmed = np.median(img[invvar>0])
            if np.abs(imgmed) > sig1:
                print('WARNING: image median', imgmed, 'is more than 1 sigma away from zero!')
                # Boom!

        twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)
        if x0 or y0:

        #print('gaussPsf:', gaussPsf, 'pixPsf:', pixPsf, 'const2psf:', const2psf)
        psf = self.read_psf_model(x0, y0, gaussPsf=gaussPsf, pixPsf=pixPsf,
                                  cx=(x0+x1)/2., cy=(y0+y1)/2.)

        tim = Image(img, invvar=invvar, wcs=twcs, psf=psf,
                    photocal=LinearPhotoCal(zpscale, band=band),
                    sky=sky, name=self.name + ' ' + band)
        # PSF norm
        psfnorm = self.psf_norm(tim)
        print('PSF norm', psfnorm, 'vs Gaussian',
              1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma))

        # Galaxy-detection norm
        tim.band = band
        galnorm = self.galaxy_norm(tim)
        print('Galaxy norm:', galnorm)
        # CP (DECam) images include DATE-OBS and MJD-OBS, in UTC.
        import astropy.time
        #mjd_utc = mjd=primhdr.get('MJD-OBS', 0)
        mjd_tai = astropy.time.Time(primhdr['DATE-OBS']).tai.mjd
        tim.slice = slc
        tim.time = TAITime(None, mjd=mjd_tai)
        tim.zpscale = orig_zpscale
        tim.midsky = midsky
        tim.sig1 = sig1
        tim.psf_fwhm = psf_fwhm
        tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma
        tim.propid = self.propid
        tim.psfnorm = psfnorm
        tim.galnorm = galnorm
        tim.sip_wcs = wcs
        tim.x0,tim.y0 = int(x0),int(y0)
        tim.imobj = self
        tim.primhdr = primhdr
        tim.hdr = imghdr
        tim.plver = str(primhdr['PTFVERSN']).strip()
        tim.skyver = (sky.version, sky.plver)
        tim.wcsver = ('-1','-1') #wcs.version, wcs.plver)
        tim.psfver = (psf.version, psf.plver)
        if get_dq:
            tim.dq = dq
        tim.dq_saturation_bits = 0
        tim.saturation = imghdr.get('SATURATE', None)
        tim.satval = tim.saturation or 0.
        if subsky:
            tim.satval -= midsky
        if nanomaggies:
            tim.satval /= orig_zpscale
        subh,subw = tim.shape
        tim.subwcs = tim.sip_wcs.get_subimage(tim.x0, tim.y0, subw, subh)
        return tim