Ejemplo n.º 1
def scan_dchisq(seeing, target_dchisq, ps, e1=0.):
    pixscale = 0.262
    psfsigma = seeing / pixscale / 2.35
    print('PSF sigma:', psfsigma, 'pixels')
    psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., psfsigma**2, psfsigma**2, 0.)

    sig1 = 0.01
    psfnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psfsigma)
    detsig1 = sig1 / psfnorm

    sz = 50
    cd = pixscale / 3600.
    wcs = Tan(0., 0., float(sz/2), float(sz/2), -cd, 0., 0., cd,
              float(sz), float(sz))
    band = 'r'

    tim = Image(data=np.zeros((sz,sz)), inverr=np.ones((sz,sz)) / sig1,
                wcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs),
                photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band))
    re_vals = np.logspace(-1., 0., 50)
    all_runs = []

    mods = []
    for i,re in enumerate(re_vals):
        true_src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(0., 0.),
                             NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.}),
                             EllipseE(re, e1, 0.))
        print('True source:', true_src)
        tr = Tractor([tim], [true_src])
        true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0)

        dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2)
        scale = np.sqrt(target_dchisq / dchisq_none)


        true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0)
        dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2)

        tim.data = true_mod
        exp_src = true_src.copy()
        psf_src = PointSource(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy())
        simp_src = SimpleGalaxy(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy())

        dchisqs = []
        #for src in [psf_src, simp_src, exp_src]:
        for src in [psf_src, simp_src]:
            #print('Fitting source:', src)
            tr.catalog[0] = src
            #print('Fitted:', src)
            mod = tr.getModelImage(0)
            dchisqs.append(dchisq_none - np.sum(((true_mod - mod) * tim.inverr)**2))
            #print('dchisq:', dchisqs[-1])
        all_runs.append([re,] + dchisqs)

    all_runs = np.array(all_runs)

    re = all_runs[:,0]
    dchi_psf  = all_runs[:,1]
    dchi_simp = all_runs[:,2]
    dchi_exp  = all_runs[:,3]

    dchi_ps = np.maximum(dchi_psf, dchi_simp)
    dchi_cut1 = dchi_ps + 3+9
    dchi_cut2 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.02
    dchi_cut3 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.008
    plt.plot(re, dchi_psf, 'k-', label='PSF')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_simp, 'b-', label='SIMP')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_exp, 'r-', label='EXP')

    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut2, 'm--', alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 2%')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut3, 'm:',  alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 0.08%')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut1, 'm-',  alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 12')

    plt.xlabel('True r_e (arcsec)')
    #plt.legend(loc='lower left')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    tt = 'Seeing = %g arcsec, S/N ~ %i' % (seeing, int(np.round(np.sqrt(target_dchisq))))
    if e1 != 0.:
        tt += ', Ellipticity %g' % e1
    plt.ylim(0.90 * target_dchisq, 1.05 * target_dchisq)

    # aspect = 1.2
    # ax = plt.axis()
    # dre  = (ax[1]-ax[0]) / 20 / aspect
    # dchi = (ax[3]-ax[2]) / 20
    # I = np.linspace(0, len(re_vals)-1, 8).astype(int)
    # for mod,re in [(mods[i], re_vals[i]) for i in I]:
    #     print('extent:', [re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi])
    #     plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto',
    #                extent=[re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi], cmap='gray')
    # plt.axis(ax)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Where are the data?
    datadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data-decam')
    name = 'decam-520206-S16'
    imagefn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-image-sub.fits' % name)
    invvarfn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-invvar-sub.fits' % name)
    psfexfn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-psfex.fits' % name)
    catfn = os.path.join(datadir, 'tractor-1816p325-sub.fits')

    # Read the image and inverse-variance maps.
    image = fitsio.read(imagefn)
    invvar = fitsio.read(invvarfn)
    # The DECam inverse-variance maps are unfortunately corrupted
    # by fpack, causing zeros to become negative.  Fix those.
    invvar[invvar < np.median(invvar) * 0.1] = 0.
    H, W = image.shape
    print('Subimage size:', image.shape)

    # For the PSF model, we need to know what subimage region this is:
    subimage_offset = (35, 1465)
    # We also need the calibrated zeropoint.
    zeropoint = 24.7787

    # What filter was this image taken in?  (z)
    prim_header = fitsio.read_header(imagefn)
    band = prim_header['FILTER'].strip()[0]
    print('Band:', band)
    # These DECam images were calibrated so that the zeropoints need
    # an exposure-time factor, so add that in.
    exptime = prim_header['EXPTIME']
    zeropoint += 2.5 * np.log10(exptime)

    # Read the PsfEx model file
    psf = PixelizedPsfEx(psfexfn)
    # Instantiate a constant pixelized PSF at the image center
    # (of the subimage)
    x0, y0 = subimage_offset
    psf = psf.constantPsfAt(x0 + W / 2., y0 + H / 2.)

    # Load the WCS model from the header
    # We convert from the RA---TPV type to RA---SIP
    header = fitsio.read_header(imagefn, ext=1)
    wcsobj = wcs_pv2sip_hdr(header, stepsize=10)

    # We'll just use a rough sky estimate...
    skyval = np.median(image)

    # Create the Tractor Image (tim).
    tim = Image(data=image,
                    NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zeropoint), band=band))

    # Read the official DECaLS DR3 catalog -- it has only two sources in this subimage.
    catalog = fits_table(catfn)
    print('Read', len(catalog), 'sources')
    print('Source types:', catalog.type)

    # Create Tractor sources corresponding to these two catalog
    # entries.

    # In DECaLS, the "SIMP" type is a round Exponential galaxy with a
    # fixed 0.45" radius, but we'll treat it as a general Exp galaxy.

    sources = []
    for c in catalog:
        # Create a "position" object given the catalog RA,Dec
        position = RaDecPos(c.ra, c.dec)
        # Create a "brightness" object; in the catalog, the fluxes are
        # stored in a [ugrizY] array, so pull out the right index
        band_index = 'ugrizY'.index(band)
        flux = c.decam_flux[band_index]
        brightness = NanoMaggies(**{band: flux})

        # Depending on the source classification in the catalog, pull
        # out different fields for the galaxy shape, and for the
        # galaxy type.  The DECaLS catalogs, conveniently, store
        # galaxy shapes as (radius, e1, e2) ellipses.
        if c.type.strip() == 'DEV':
            shape = EllipseE(c.shapedev_r, c.shapedev_e1, c.shapedev_e2)
            galclass = DevGalaxy
        elif c.type.strip() == 'SIMP':
            shape = EllipseE(c.shapeexp_r, c.shapeexp_e1, c.shapeexp_e2)
            galclass = ExpGalaxy
            assert (False)
        # Create the tractor galaxy object
        source = galclass(position, brightness, shape)
        print('Created', source)

    # Create the Tractor object -- a list of tractor Images and a list of tractor sources.
    tractor = Tractor([tim], sources)

    # Render the initial model image.
    print('Getting initial model...')
    mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)
    make_plot(tim, mod, 'Initial Scene', 'mod0.png')

    # Instantiate a new source at the location of the unmodelled peak.
    print('Adding new source...')
    # Find the peak very naively...
    ipeak = np.argmax((image - mod) * tim.inverr)
    iy, ix = np.unravel_index(ipeak, tim.shape)
    print('Residual peak at', ix, iy)
    # Compute the RA,Dec location of the peak...
    radec = tim.getWcs().pixelToPosition(ix, iy)
    print('RA,Dec', radec)

    # Try modelling it as a point source.
    # We'll initialize the brightness arbitrarily to 1 nanomaggy (= mag 22.5)
    brightness = NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.})
    source = PointSource(radec, brightness)

    # Add it to the catalog!

    # Render the new model image with this source added.
    mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)
    make_plot(tim, mod, 'New Source (Before Fit)', 'mod1.png')

    print('Fitting new source...')
    # Now we're going to fit for the properties of the new source we
    # added.
    # We don't want to fit for any of the image calibration properties:
    # And we don't (yet) want to fit the existing sources.  The new
    # source is index number 2, so freeze everything else in the catalog.

    print('Fitting parameters:')

    # Do the actual optimization:

    mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)
    make_plot(tim, mod, 'New Source Fit', 'mod2.png')

    print('Fitting sources simultaneously...')
    # Now let's unfreeze all the sources and fit them simultaneously.


    mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)
    make_plot(tim, mod, 'Simultaneous Fit', 'mod3.png')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def scan_dchisq(seeing, target_dchisq, ps, e1=0.):
    pixscale = 0.262
    psfsigma = seeing / pixscale / 2.35
    print('PSF sigma:', psfsigma, 'pixels')
    psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., psfsigma**2, psfsigma**2, 0.)

    sig1 = 0.01
    psfnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psfsigma)
    detsig1 = sig1 / psfnorm

    sz = 50
    cd = pixscale / 3600.
    wcs = Tan(0., 0., float(sz/2), float(sz/2), -cd, 0., 0., cd,
              float(sz), float(sz))
    band = 'r'

    tim = Image(data=np.zeros((sz,sz)), inverr=np.ones((sz,sz)) / sig1,
                wcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs),
                photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band))
    re_vals = np.logspace(-1., 0., 50)
    all_runs = []

    mods = []
    for i,re in enumerate(re_vals):
        true_src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(0., 0.),
                             NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.}),
                             EllipseE(re, e1, 0.))
        print('True source:', true_src)
        tr = Tractor([tim], [true_src])
        true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0)

        dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2)
        scale = np.sqrt(target_dchisq / dchisq_none)


        true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0)
        dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2)

        tim.data = true_mod
        exp_src = true_src.copy()
        psf_src = PointSource(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy())
        simp_src = SimpleGalaxy(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy())

        dchisqs = []
        #for src in [psf_src, simp_src, exp_src]:
        for src in [psf_src, simp_src]:
            #print('Fitting source:', src)
            tr.catalog[0] = src
            #print('Fitted:', src)
            mod = tr.getModelImage(0)
            dchisqs.append(dchisq_none - np.sum(((true_mod - mod) * tim.inverr)**2))
            #print('dchisq:', dchisqs[-1])
        all_runs.append([re,] + dchisqs)

    all_runs = np.array(all_runs)

    re = all_runs[:,0]
    dchi_psf  = all_runs[:,1]
    dchi_simp = all_runs[:,2]
    dchi_exp  = all_runs[:,3]

    dchi_ps = np.maximum(dchi_psf, dchi_simp)
    dchi_cut1 = dchi_ps + 3+9
    dchi_cut2 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.02
    dchi_cut3 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.008
    plt.plot(re, dchi_psf, 'k-', label='PSF')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_simp, 'b-', label='SIMP')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_exp, 'r-', label='EXP')

    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut2, 'm--', alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 2%')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut3, 'm:',  alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 0.08%')
    plt.plot(re, dchi_cut1, 'm-',  alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 12')

    plt.xlabel('True r_e (arcsec)')
    #plt.legend(loc='lower left')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    tt = 'Seeing = %g arcsec, S/N ~ %i' % (seeing, int(np.round(np.sqrt(target_dchisq))))
    if e1 != 0.:
        tt += ', Ellipticity %g' % e1
    plt.ylim(0.90 * target_dchisq, 1.05 * target_dchisq)

    # aspect = 1.2
    # ax = plt.axis()
    # dre  = (ax[1]-ax[0]) / 20 / aspect
    # dchi = (ax[3]-ax[2]) / 20
    # I = np.linspace(0, len(re_vals)-1, 8).astype(int)
    # for mod,re in [(mods[i], re_vals[i]) for i in I]:
    #     print('extent:', [re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi])
    #     plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto',
    #                extent=[re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi], cmap='gray')
    # plt.axis(ax)