def begin_training(config): create_training_ops() sess = tf.Session() ops = TrainOps() ops.populate(sess) train(sess, ops, config)
def load_session(config): sess = tf.Session() # load stored graph into current graph graph_filename = str(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_dir)) + '.meta' saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(graph_filename) # restore variables into graph saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_dir)) # load operations ops = TrainOps() ops.populate(sess) return sess, ops
def train(sess, dataset, config): # prepare train ops ops = TrainOps(sess.graph) logger = Logger(config, sess, ops) epoch = # loop through epochs while epoch < config.num_epochs: iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() batch_var = iterator.get_next() # loop through batches while True: try: # get mini-batch batch = x_images, y_images = DataLoader().split_images(batch) # train feed_dict = {ops.x_images_holder: x_images, ops.y_images_holder: y_images}[ops.train_g, ops.train_d], feed_dict=feed_dict) logger.log(feed_dict) logger.checkpoint(feed_dict), 1)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # increment epoch, 1)) epoch =
def main(_): GPU_ID = FLAGS.gpu os.environ[ "CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" # see issue #152 on stackoverflow os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(GPU_ID) RUN = EXP_DIR = FLAGS.exp_dir SEED = int(FLAGS.seed) ARCH = FLAGS.arch model = Model(arch=ARCH) train_ops = TrainOps(model, EXP_DIR, RUN, ARCH) train_ops.load_exp_config() if FLAGS.mode == 'train': print 'Training' train_ops.train(seed=SEED) if FLAGS.mode == 'test': print 'Testing' train_ops.test()
def sample(self, input_images_dir, output_dir, sess): ops = TrainOps(sess.graph) # input_images dataset dataset = DataLoader().load_images(input_images_dir, batch_size=100) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() batch = iterator.get_next() x_images = # correct num channels if needed channel_axis = 3 if x_images.shape[channel_axis] < A.input_channels: x_images = np.repeat(x_images, A.input_channels, axis=channel_axis) # create feed-dict feed_dict = {ops.x_images_holder: x_images} # run generated_image generated_images =, feed_dict=feed_dict) generated_images = generated_images + 1. generated_images = generated_images * 128. # save resulting image to sample_dir self.save_images(generated_images, output_dir)
def main(_): #npr.seed(int(FLAGS.seed)) GPU_ID = FLAGS.gpu os.environ[ "CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" # see issue #152 on stackoverflow os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(GPU_ID) EXP_DIR = FLAGS.exp_dir model = Model() tr_ops = TrainOps(model, EXP_DIR) if 'train' in FLAGS.mode: npr.seed(int(FLAGS.seed)) if FLAGS.mode == 'train_ERM': print 'Training model with standard ERM' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.train() if FLAGS.mode == 'train_RDA': print 'Training model with RDA' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.train(random_transf=True) if FLAGS.mode == 'train_RSDA': print 'Training model with RSDA' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.train_search(search_algorithm='random_search') if FLAGS.mode == 'train_ESDA': print 'Training model with ESDA' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.train_search(search_algorithm='evolution_search') elif FLAGS.mode == 'test_all': print 'Testing all' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.test_all() elif FLAGS.mode == 'test_RS': print 'Random search' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.test_random_search(run=str(, seed=int(FLAGS.seed), no_iters=int(FLAGS.search_no_iters), string_length=int( FLAGS.transf_string_length)) elif FLAGS.mode == 'test_ES': print 'Evolution search' tr_ops.load_exp_config() tr_ops.test_evolution_search(run=str(, seed=int(FLAGS.seed), no_iters=int(FLAGS.search_no_iters), string_length=int( FLAGS.transf_string_length), pop_size=int(FLAGS.pop_size), mutation_rate=float(FLAGS.mutation_rate))