Ejemplo n.º 1
class Velocity(Layer):
    _view_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityModel').tag(sync=True)

    u_var = Unicode('')
    v_var = Unicode('')
    lat_dim = Unicode('latitude')
    lon_dim = Unicode('longitude')
    units = Unicode(None, allow_none=True)

    data = Dataset().tag(sync=True, to_json=ds_x_to_json)

    # Options
    display_values = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    display_options = Dict({
        'velocityType': 'Global Wind',
        'position': 'bottomleft',
        'emptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'angleConvention': 'bearingCW',
        'displayPosition': 'bottomleft',
        'displayEmptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'speedUnit': 'kt'
    }).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    min_velocity = Float(0).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    max_velocity = Float(10).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    velocity_scale = Float(0.005).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    color_scale = List([
        "rgb(36,104, 180)", "rgb(60,157, 194)", "rgb(128,205,193)",
        "rgb(151,218,168)", "rgb(198,231,181)", "rgb(238,247,217)",
        "rgb(255,238,159)", "rgb(252,217,125)", "rgb(255,182,100)",
        "rgb(252,150,75)", "rgb(250,112,52)", "rgb(245,64,32)",
        "rgb(237,45,28)", "rgb(220,24,32)", "rgb(180,0,35)"
    ]).tag(sync=True, o=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        class Foo(HasTraits):
            bar = Dataset({
                xr.DataArray([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]],
                             coords={'x': ['a', 'b']},
                             dims=('x', 'y')),
                'bar': ('x', [1, 2]),

            def _(self, change):
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Velocity(Layer):
        import xarray
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ImportError(
            'The `xarray` module (required for use of the Velocity layer) is '
            'not installed.')

    _view_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityModel').tag(sync=True)

    zonal_speed = Unicode('', help='Name of the zonal speed in the dataset')
    meridional_speed = Unicode(
        '', help='Name of the meridional speed in the dataset')
    latitude_dimension = Unicode(
        'latitude', help='Name of the latitude dimension in the dataset')
    longitude_dimension = Unicode(
        'longitude', help='Name of the longitude dimension in the dataset')
    units = Unicode(None, allow_none=True)

    data = Dataset().tag(dtype=None, sync=True, to_json=ds_x_to_json)

    # Options
    display_values = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    display_options = Dict({
        'velocityType': 'Global Wind',
        'position': 'bottomleft',
        'emptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'angleConvention': 'bearingCW',
        'displayPosition': 'bottomleft',
        'displayEmptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'speedUnit': 'kt'
    min_velocity = Float(0).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    max_velocity = Float(10).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    velocity_scale = Float(0.005).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    color_scale = List([
        "rgb(36,104, 180)", "rgb(60,157, 194)", "rgb(128,205,193)",
        "rgb(151,218,168)", "rgb(198,231,181)", "rgb(238,247,217)",
        "rgb(255,238,159)", "rgb(252,217,125)", "rgb(255,182,100)",
        "rgb(252,150,75)", "rgb(250,112,52)", "rgb(245,64,32)",
        "rgb(237,45,28)", "rgb(220,24,32)", "rgb(180,0,35)"
    ]).tag(sync=True, o=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Velocity(Layer):
    """Velocity class, with Layer as parent class

    To visualize the direction and intensity of arbitrary velocities

    data: dataset, default Empty dataset
        Underlying dataset
    zonal_speed: string, default ''
        Variable name in underlying dataset for the zonal speed.
    meridional_speed: string, default ''
       Variable name in underlying dataset for the meridional speed.
    latitude_dimension: string, default Empty dataset.
        Name of the latitude dimension in underlying dataset.
    longitude_dimension: string, default True
        Name of the longitude dimension in underlying dataset.
    units: string, default None
        Whether to show imperial units.
    display_values: bool, default True
        Display velocity data on mouse hover.
    display_options: dict, default {}
        Display options.
    min_velocity: float, default 0
        Used to align color scale
    max_velocity: float, default 10.0
        Used to align color scale.
    velocity_scale: float, 0.005
        To be modified for particle animations.
    color_scale: array, default []
        Array of hex/rgb colors for user-specified color scale.

    _view_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('LeafletVelocityModel').tag(sync=True)

    zonal_speed = Unicode('', help='Name of the zonal speed in the dataset')
    meridional_speed = Unicode('', help='Name of the meridional speed in the dataset')
    latitude_dimension = Unicode('latitude', help='Name of the latitude dimension in the dataset')
    longitude_dimension = Unicode('longitude', help='Name of the longitude dimension in the dataset')
    units = Unicode(None, allow_none=True)

    data = Dataset().tag(dtype=None, sync=True, to_json=ds_x_to_json)

    # Options
    display_values = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    display_options = Dict({
        'velocityType': 'Global Wind',
        'position': 'bottomleft',
        'emptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'angleConvention': 'bearingCW',
        'displayPosition': 'bottomleft',
        'displayEmptyString': 'No velocity data',
        'speedUnit': 'kt'
    min_velocity = Float(0).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    max_velocity = Float(10).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    velocity_scale = Float(0.005).tag(sync=True, o=True)
    color_scale = List([
        "rgb(36,104, 180)",
        "rgb(60,157, 194)",
    ]).tag(sync=True, o=True)
 class Foo(HasTraits):
     bar = Dataset()
     baz = Dataset(allow_none=True)
 class Foo(HasTraits):
     a = Dataset()
     b = Dataset(None, allow_none=True)
     d = Dataset(Undefined)