Ejemplo n.º 1
def scale_trajectory_speed(traj, scale):
    # Create a new trajectory object
    new_traj = RobotTrajectory()
    # Initialize the new trajectory to be the same as the planned trajectory
    new_traj.joint_trajectory = traj.joint_trajectory
    # Get the number of joints involved
    n_joints = len(traj.joint_trajectory.joint_names)
    # Get the number of points on the trajectory
    n_points = len(traj.joint_trajectory.points)
    # Store the trajectory points
    points = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points)
    # Cycle through all points and scale the time from start, speed and acceleration
    for i in range(n_points):
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.time_from_start = traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].time_from_start / scale
        point.velocities = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].velocities)
        point.accelerations = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].accelerations)
        point.positions = traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions
        for j in range(n_joints):
            point.velocities[j] = point.velocities[j] * scale
            point.accelerations[j] = point.accelerations[j] * scale * scale
        points[i] = point
    # Assign the modified points to the new trajectory
    new_traj.joint_trajectory.points = points
    # Return the new trajectory
    return new_traj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

    pub = rospy.Publisher('sevenbot/joint_traj_controller/trajectory_command',JointTrajectory)

    p1 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    p1.positions = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p1.velocities = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p1.accelerations = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

    p2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    p2.positions = [0,0,1.0,0,-1.0,0,0]
    p2.velocities = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p2.accelerations = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p2.time_from_start = rospy.Time(4.0)

    p3 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    p3.positions = [0,0,-1.0,0,1.0,0,0]
    p3.velocities = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p3.accelerations = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    p3.time_from_start = rospy.Time(20.0)

    traj = JointTrajectory()
    traj.joint_names = ['j1','j2','j3','j4','j5','j6','j7']
    traj.points = [p1,p2,p3]


    r = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def readInPoses(self):
        poses = rospy.get_param('~poses')
        rospy.loginfo("Found %d poses on the param server", len(poses))

        for key,value in poses.iteritems():
            # TODO: handle multiple points in trajectory
                trajectory = JointTrajectory()
                trajectory.joint_names = value["joint_names"]
                point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
                point.time_from_start = Duration(value["time_from_start"])
                point.positions = value["positions"]
                trajectory.points = [point]
                self.poseLibrary[key] = trajectory
                rospy.logwarn("Could not parse pose \"%s\" from the param server:", key);

        # add a default crouching pose:
        if not "crouch" in self.poseLibrary:
            trajectory = JointTrajectory()
            trajectory.joint_names = ["Body"]
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.time_from_start = Duration(1.5)
            point.positions = [0.0,0.0,                     # head
                1.545, 0.33, -1.57, -0.486, 0.0, 0.0,        # left arm
                -0.3, 0.057, -0.744, 2.192, -1.122, -0.035,     # left leg
                -0.3, 0.057, -0.744, 2.192, -1.122, -0.035,    # right leg
                1.545, -0.33, 1.57, 0.486, 0.0, 0.0]        # right arm
            trajectory.points = [point]
            self.poseLibrary["crouch"] = trajectory;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def tuck(self):
        # prepare a joint trajectory
        msg = JointTrajectory()
        msg.joint_names = servos
        msg.points = list()
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = forward
        point.velocities = [ 0.0 for servo in msg.joint_names ]
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0)
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = to_side
        point.velocities = [ 0.0 for servo in msg.joint_names ]
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(8.0)
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = tucked
        point.velocities = [ 0.0 for servo in msg.joint_names ]
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(11.0)

        # call action
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(0.1)
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.trajectory = msg
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dual_arm_test():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/lwr/lbr_controller/command', JointTrajectory)
    cob_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cob3_1/lbr_controller/command', JointTrajectory)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        traj = JointTrajectory()
        traj.joint_names = ['lbr_1_joint', 'lbr_2_joint', 'lbr_3_joint', 'lbr_4_joint', 'lbr_5_joint', 'lbr_6_joint', 'lbr_7_joint']
        ptn = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        ptn.positions = [0.5, 0.8, 0.8, -0.8, 0.8, 0.8, -0.3]
        ptn.velocities = [0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.1]
        ptn.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0)
        traj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ptn.positions = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        ptn.velocities = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
        ptn.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0)
        traj.points = []
        traj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_grasp_posture(pre):
    pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
    pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = END_EFFECTOR
    pre_grasp_posture.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [GRIPPER_JOINTS]
    pos = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    if pre:  # gripper open
        pos.positions = [0.0]
    else:  # gripper closed
        pos.positions = [0.04]
    return pre_grasp_posture
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def send_cmd_msg(self):
        jtm = JointTrajectory()
        jtm.joint_names = self.joint_names
        jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()

        # Check if we're dealing with one single float value
        if len(self.joint_names) > 1:
            jtp.positions = self.position
            jtp.positions = [self.position]*len(self.joint_names)
        jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0)
        jtm.points = [jtp]
        return jtm
Ejemplo n.º 8
        def move_torso(self, string_operation):
		jt = JointTrajectory()
		jt.joint_names = ['torso_lift_joint']
		jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
		if string_operation == "lift":
			jtp.positions = [0.34]
		elif string_operation == "lower":
			jtp.positions = [0.15]

		jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5)
		rospy.loginfo("Moving torso " + string_operation)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, test="idle", output="screen", ):
    	if output == "file":
    	    except Exception:
    	    dateTime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")
    	    self.file_handle = open(os.path.expanduser("~/cwru_battery_analyzer/"+dateTime+".csv"), "w")
         self.file_handle.write('Time,Battery Voltage,13.8v Rail Voltage,cRIO Voltage\n')
    	    self.file_output = True
         self.file_output = False
     if test == "idle":
     	self.behavior = self.idle
     elif test == "drivetrain":
         self.commandPublisher = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist)
         self.twistMsg = Twist()
         self.twistMsg.angular.x = 0.0
         self.twistMsg.angular.y = 0.0
         self.twistMsg.angular.z = 0.0
         self.twistMsg.linear.x = 0.0
         self.twistMsg.linear.y = 0.0
         self.twistMsg.linear.z = 0.0
         self.twistIncrement = 0.1
         self.behavior = self.exerciseDT
     elif test == "arm":
         self.armPublisher = rospy.Publisher("command", JointTrajectory)
         self.gripperService = rospy.ServiceProxy('/abby_gripper/gripper', gripper)
         self.gripperStatus = True
         self.jointTrajectoryMsg = JointTrajectory()
         self.jointTrajectoryMsg.joint_names= ["joint1","joint2","joint3","joint4","joint5","joint6"]
         jointAngles = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #initial arm position in radians
         jointRange = 2*.77777770 #radians
         jointNum = 0 
         for seq in range(0,10):
             jointAngles[jointNum] = jointAngles[jointNum] + (jointRange/11)
             jointTrajectoryPt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
             jointTrajectoryPt.positions = copy.deepcopy(jointAngles)
         for seq in range(10,0):
             jointAngles[jointNum] = jointAngles[jointNum] + (jointRange/11)
             jointTrajectoryPt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
             jointTrajectoryPt.positions = copy.deepcopy(jointAngles)
         self.behavior = self.exerciseArm
     self.batteryListener = rospy.Subscriber("power_state", PowerState, self.batteryCallback)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def check_collision(self):
        if not self.collsion_srv:
            return False

        # Create a new trajectory by combining both the trajectories, assumption is that the timing is same
        # The order of joining should be [left + right]
        traj = JointTrajectory()
        traj.joint_names = self.left._goal.trajectory.joint_names + self.right._goal.trajectory.joint_names

        no_points = len(self.left._goal.trajectory.points)
        for index in xrange(no_points):
            pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            left_pt = self.left._goal.trajectory.points[index]
            right_pt = self.right._goal.trajectory.points[index]

            pt.positions = left_pt.positions + right_pt.positions
            pt.velocities = left_pt.velocities + right_pt.velocities
            pt.time_from_start = left_pt.time_from_start

        msg = CollisionCheckRequest()
        msg.trajectory = traj

            collision_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("collision_check", CollisionCheck)
            resp = collision_service(msg)
            if resp.collision_found:
                rospy.logwarn("Collision Found")
                rospy.loginfo("Collision not found, good to go :)")
            return resp.collision_found
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logwarn("Exception on collision check {}".format(e))
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def build_traj(start, end, duration):

  if sorted(start.name) <> sorted(end.name):
    rospy.logerr('Start and End position joint_names mismatch')

  # assume the start-position joint-ordering
  joint_names = start.name

  # 始点定義
  start_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
  start_pt.positions = start.position
  start_pt.velocities = [0]*len(start.position)
  start_pt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0)  # 始点なので、待ち時間 = 0 [sec]

  # 中間地点定義
  middle_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
  for j in joint_names:
    idx = end.name.index(j)
    middle_pt.positions.append((start.position[idx] + end.position[idx])/2.0)
  middle_pt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) # 中間地点までの到達時間 = duration [sec]

  # 執着地点
  end_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
  for j in joint_names:
    idx = end.name.index(j)
  end_pt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration*2) # 終点までの到達時間 = duration*2 [sec]
  return JointTrajectory(joint_names=joint_names, points=[start_pt, middle_pt, end_pt])
def build_traj(start, end, duration):

  # print start.name
  # print end.name
  if sorted(start.name) <> sorted(end.name):
    rospy.logerr('Start and End position joint_names mismatch')

  # assume the start-position joint-ordering
  joint_names = start.name
  start_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
  start_pt.positions = start.position
  start_pt.velocities = [0.05]*len(start.position)
  start_pt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0)

  end_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
  # end_pt = start_pt;
  # end_pt.positions[3] = end_pt.positions[3]+.1
  for j in joint_names:
    idx = end.name.index(j)
    end_pt.positions.append(end.position[idx])  # reorder to match start-pos joint ordering
  end_pt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration)

  return JointTrajectory(joint_names=joint_names, points=[start_pt, end_pt])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def move(self, angles):
        goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
        char = self.name[0] #either 'r' or 'l'
        goal.trajectory.joint_names = [char+'_shoulder_pan_joint',
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        new_angles = list(angles)
        #replace angles that have None with last commanded joint position from this Arm class.
        for i,ang in enumerate(angles):
            if ang is None:
                assert self.last_angles is not None
                new_angles[i] = self.last_angles[i]

        self.last_angles = new_angles
        point.positions = new_angles

        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def set_jep(self, arm, q, duration=0.15):
        if q is None or len(q) != 7:
            raise RuntimeError("set_jep value is " + str(q))

        jtg = JointTrajectoryGoal()
        jtg.trajectory.joint_names = self.joint_names_list[arm]
        jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtp.positions = q
        #jtp.velocities = [0 for i in range(len(q))]
        #jtp.accelerations = [0 for i in range(len(q))]
        jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration)

        self.jep[arm] = q
        cep, r = self.arms.FK_all(arm, q)

        o = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.,1.]).T
        cep_marker = hv.single_marker(cep, o, 'sphere',
                        '/torso_lift_link', color=(0., 0., 1., 1.),
                            scale = (0.02, 0.02, 0.02),
                            m_id = self.cep_marker_id)

        cep_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def execute(self, userdata):
     rospy.loginfo('In create_move_group_joints_goal')
     _move_joint_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
     _move_joint_goal.trajectory.joint_names = userdata.move_joint_list
     jointTrajectoryPoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
     jointTrajectoryPoint.positions = userdata.move_joint_poses
     for x in range(0, len(userdata.move_joint_poses)):
     jointTrajectoryPoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0)
     for joint in _move_joint_goal.trajectory.joint_names:
         goal_tol = JointTolerance()
         goal_tol.name = joint
         goal_tol.position = 5.0
         goal_tol.velocity = 5.0
         goal_tol.acceleration = 5.0
     _move_joint_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(2.0)
     _move_joint_goal.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     rospy.loginfo('Move_Joint_GOAL: ' + str(_move_joint_goal))
     userdata.move_joint_goal = _move_joint_goal
     return 'succeeded'
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_joint_trajectory_action(self):
        larm = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("/fullbody_controller/joint_trajectory_action", JointTrajectoryAction)

            self.listener.waitForTransform('/BASE_LINK', '/J7_LINK', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(120))
        except tf.Exception:
            self.assertTrue(None, "could not found tf from /BASE_LINK to /J7_LINK")
        (trans1,rot1) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/BASE_LINK', '/J7_LINK', rospy.Time(0))
        rospy.logwarn("tf_echo /BASE_LINK /J7_LINK %r %r"%(trans1,rot1))
        goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()

        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = [ x * math.pi / 180.0 for x in [10,20,30,40,50,60,70] ]
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0)
        (trans2,rot2) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/BASE_LINK', '/J7_LINK', rospy.Time(0))
        rospy.logwarn("tf_echo /BASE_LINK /J7_LINK %r %r"%(trans2,rot2))
        rospy.logwarn("difference between two /J7_LINK %r %r"%(array(trans1)-array(trans2),linalg.norm(array(trans1)-array(trans2))))
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(linalg.norm(array(trans1)-array(trans2)), 0, delta=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def control_loop(self):
        if self.commands is None:
            raise Exception('Command list is empty.  Was the control plan loaded?')
        # loop through the command list
        for cmd in self.commands:

            # wait for proxy to be in active state
            # process commands
            cmd_spec_str = None
            spec = None
            t = cmd[ProxyCommand.key_command_type]
            if not (t == "noop"):
                cmd_spec_str = cmd[ProxyCommand.key_command_spec]
                if not isinstance(cmd_spec_str, basestring):
                    spec = float(cmd_spec_str)
                    spec = self.positions[cmd_spec_str]
                rospy.loginfo("Command type: " + t + ", spec: " + str(cmd_spec_str) + ", value: " + str(spec))
            # check for any wait depends

            # execute command
            # could do this with a dictionary-based function lookup, but who cares
            if t == 'noop':
                rospy.loginfo("Command type: noop")
            elif t == 'sleep':
                rospy.loginfo("sleep command")
                v = float(spec)
            elif t == 'move_gripper':
                rospy.loginfo("gripper command")
            elif t == 'move_arm':
                rospy.loginfo("move_arm command")
                goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
                goal.trajectory.joint_names = self.arm_joint_names
                jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
                jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.5)  # fudge factor for gazebo controller
                jtp.positions = spec
                jtp.velocities = [0]*len(spec)
                self._arm_goal = copy.deepcopy(goal)
            elif t == 'plan_exec_arm':
                rospy.loginfo("plan and execute command not implemented")
                raise NotImplementedError()
                raise Exception("Invalid command type: " + str(cmd.type))

            # check for any set dependencies action

            # check for any clear dependencies action
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, arm = 'l', record_data = False):
        self.arm = arm
        if arm == 'r':
            print "using right arm on Darci"
            self.RIGHT_ARM = 0  # i don't think this was used anywhere
            self.LEFT_ARM = 1
        #     print "Left and both arms not implemented in this client yet ... \n"
        #     print "will require writing different function calls since joint data for left and right arm come in together from the meka server"
        #     sys.exit()

        self.kinematics = dak.DarciArmKinematics(arm)
        self.joint_pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+self.arm+'_arm_controller/command', JointTrajectory)
        self.joint_names = None
        self.lock = RLock()
        self.joint_angles = None
        self.joint_velocities = None
        self.J_h = None
        self.time = None
        self.desired_joint_angles = None
        self.stiffness_percent = 0.75
        self.ee_force = None
        self.ee_torque = None
        self.skins = None #will need code for all of these skin interfaces
        self.Jc_l = []
        self.n_l = []
        self.values_l = []

        #values from m3gtt repository in robot_config folder
        # These could be read in from a yaml file like this (import yaml; stream = open("FILE_NAME_HERE", 'r'); data = yaml.load(stream))
        # However, not clear if absolute path to yaml file (possibly on another computer) is better then just defining it here
        # The downside is obviously if someone tunes gains differently on the robot.
        self.joint_stiffness = (np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.08])*180/np.pi*self.stiffness_percent).tolist()
        self.joint_damping = (np.array([0.06, 0.1, 0.015, 0.015, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.002])*180/np.pi*self.stiffness_percent).tolist()
        self.record_data = record_data

        if self.record_data:
            from collections import deque
            self.q_record = deque()
            self.qd_record = deque()
            self.times = deque()

        self.state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/'+self.arm+'_arm_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.robotStateCallback)

        while self.joint_angles is None:
        self.desired_joint_angles = copy.copy(self.joint_angles)

        self.joint_cmd = JointTrajectory()
        self.joint_cmd.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        self.joint_cmd.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
        self.joint_cmd.joint_names = self.joint_names
        jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtp.positions = self.desired_joint_angles
        jtp.velocities = [1.]*len(self.joint_names)
        self.joint_cmd.points = [jtp]
    def get_place_locations(self):
        locations = []
        for xx in np.arange(0.4, 0.7, 0.1):
            for yy in np.arange(0.5, 0.9, 0.1):
                pl = PlaceLocation()
                pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
                pt.positions = [0.5]
                pl.post_place_posture.joint_names = ['l_gripper_motor_screw_joint']
                pl.place_pose.header.frame_id = "odom_combined"
                pl.place_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                pl.place_pose.pose.position.x = xx
                pl.place_pose.pose.position.y = yy
                pl.place_pose.pose.position.z = 1.05
                # Quaternion obtained by pointing wrist down
                #pl.place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
                pl.place_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.761
                pl.place_pose.pose.orientation.y = -0.003
                pl.place_pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.648
                pl.place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.015

                pl.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = "odom_combined"
                pl.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = -1.0
                pl.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = 0.2
                pl.pre_place_approach.min_distance = 0.1
                pl.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = "odom_combined"
                pl.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 1.0
                pl.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = 0.2
                pl.post_place_retreat.min_distance = 0.1
        return locations
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def create_placings_from_object_pose(self, posestamped):
        """ Create a list of PlaceLocation of the object rotated every 15deg"""
        place_locs = []
        pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
        # Actually ignored....
        pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = self._grasp_pose_frame_id
        pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [
            name for name in self._gripper_joint_names.split()]
        jtpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_pre_grasp_positions.split()]
        jtpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._time_pre_grasp_posture)
        # Generate all the orientations every step_degrees_yaw deg
        for yaw_angle in np.arange(0.0, 2.0 * pi, radians(self._step_degrees_yaw)):
            pl = PlaceLocation()
            pl.place_pose = posestamped
            newquat = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, yaw_angle)
            pl.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(
                newquat[0], newquat[1], newquat[2], newquat[3])
            # TODO: the frame is ignored, this will always be the frame of the gripper
            # so arm_tool_link
            pl.pre_place_approach = self.createGripperTranslation(
                Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
            pl.post_place_retreat = self.createGripperTranslation(
                Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0))

            pl.post_place_posture = pre_grasp_posture

        return place_locs
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _store_path(self, final_path, retrieved_path):
     store_request = ManagePathLibraryRequest()
     store_request.joint_names = self.current_joint_names
     store_request.robot_name = self.robot_name
     store_request.action = store_request.ACTION_STORE
     # convert into apporpriate request.
     for point in final_path:
         jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
         jtp.positions = point
     for point in retrieved_path:
         jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
         jtp.positions = point
     store_response = self.manage_library_client(store_request)
     return (store_response.path_stored, store_response.num_library_paths)
	def stage_3(self):

		# Move arm to grasping position
		rospy.loginfo("Begin stage 3")
		# Create a joint state publisher
		self.arm_pub = rospy.Publisher('arm_controller/command', JointTrajectory)
		# How fast will we update the robot's movement? in Hz
        	rate = 10
		# Set the equivalent ROS rate variable
        	r = rospy.Rate(rate)
		# Define a joint trajectory message for grasp position
		rospy.loginfo("Position arm in grasp position")
		msg = JointTrajectory()
		msg.header.seq = 1
		msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		msg.header.frame_id = '0'
		# Define joint trajectory points
		point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
		point.positions  = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6, 0.1]
		point.velocities = [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0]
		point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3.0)
            	# publish joint stage message
Ejemplo n.º 23
def states_to_trajectory(states, time_step=0.1):
    Converts a list of RobotState/JointState in Robot Trajectory
    :param robot_states: list of RobotState
    :param time_step: duration in seconds between two consecutive points
    :return: a Robot Trajectory
    rt = RobotTrajectory()
    for state_idx, state in enumerate(states):
        if isinstance(state, RobotState):
            state = state.joint_state

        jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtp.positions = state.position
        # jtp.velocities = state.velocity
        # Probably does not make sense to keep velocities and efforts here
        # jtp.effort = state.effort
        jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(state_idx*time_step)

    if len(states) > 0:
        if isinstance(states[0], RobotState):
            rt.joint_trajectory.joint_names = states[0].joint_state.name
            rt.joint_trajectory.joint_names = states[0].joint_names

    return rt
    def test_trajectory(self):
        # our goal variable
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()

        # First, the joint names, which apply to all waypoints
        goal.trajectory.joint_names = ('shoulder_pitch_joint',

        # We will have two waypoints in this goal trajectory

        # First trajectory point
        # To be reached 1 second after starting along the trajectory
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = [0.0] * 7
        point.velocities = [1.0] * 7
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(3.0)

        #we are done; return the goal
        return goal
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_joint_angles(self):
        larm = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("/larm_controller/joint_trajectory_action", JointTrajectoryAction)

            self.listener.waitForTransform('/WAIST_LINK0', '/LARM_LINK7', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(120))
        except tf.Exception:
            self.assertTrue(None, "could not found tf from /WAIST_LINK0 to /LARM_LINK7")
        (trans1,rot1) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/WAIST_LINK0', '/LARM_LINK7', rospy.Time(0))
        rospy.logwarn("tf_echo /WAIST_LINK0 /LARM_LINK7 %r %r"%(trans1,rot1))
        goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()

        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = [ x * math.pi / 180.0 for x in [30,30,30,-90,-40,-30] ]
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0)
        (trans2,rot2) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/WAIST_LINK0', '/LARM_LINK7', rospy.Time(0))
        rospy.logwarn("tf_echo /WAIST_LINK0 /LARM_LINK7 %r %r"%(trans2,rot2))
        rospy.logwarn("difference between two /LARM_LINK7 %r %r"%(array(trans1)-array(trans2),linalg.norm(array(trans1)-array(trans2))))
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(linalg.norm(array(trans1)-array(trans2)), 0, delta=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def goal_cb(self, pt_msg):
     rospy.loginfo("[{0}] New LookatIK goal received.".format(rospy.get_name()))
     if (pt_msg.header.frame_id != self.camera_ik.base_frame):
             now = pt_msg.header.stamp
                                       now, rospy.Duration(1.0))
             pt_msg = self.tfl.transformPoint(self.camera_ik.base_frame, pt_msg)
         except (LookupException, ConnectivityException, ExtrapolationException):
             rospy.logwarn("[{0}] TF Error tranforming point from {1} to {2}".format(rospy.get_name(),
     target = np.array([pt_msg.point.x, pt_msg.point.y, pt_msg.point.z])
     # Get IK Solution
     current_angles = list(copy.copy(self.joint_angles_act))
     iksol = self.camera_ik.lookat_ik(target, current_angles[:len(self.camera_ik.arm_indices)])
     # Start with current angles, then replace angles in camera IK with IK solution
     # Use desired joint angles to avoid sagging over time
     jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
     jtp.positions = list(copy.copy(self.joint_angles_des))
     for i, joint_name in enumerate(self.camera_ik.arm_joint_names):
         jtp.positions[self.joint_names.index(joint_name)] = iksol[i]
     deltas = np.abs(np.subtract(jtp.positions, current_angles))
     duration = np.max(np.divide(deltas, self.max_vel_rot))
     jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration)
     jt = JointTrajectory()
     jt.joint_names = self.joint_names
     rospy.loginfo("[{0}] Sending Joint Angles.".format(rospy.get_name()))
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _command_stop(self, joint_names, joint_angles, start_time, dimensions_dict):
     if self._mode == "velocity":
         velocities = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
         cmd = dict(zip(joint_names, velocities))
         while not self._server.is_new_goal_available() and self._alive:
             if self._cuff_state:
             rospy.sleep(1.0 / self._control_rate)
     elif self._mode == "position" or self._mode == "position_w_id":
         raw_pos_mode = self._mode == "position_w_id"
         if raw_pos_mode:
             pnt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
             pnt.positions = self._get_current_position(joint_names)
             if dimensions_dict["velocities"]:
                 pnt.velocities = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
             if dimensions_dict["accelerations"]:
                 pnt.accelerations = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
         while not self._server.is_new_goal_available() and self._alive:
             self._limb.set_joint_positions(joint_angles, raw=raw_pos_mode)
             # zero inverse dynamics feedforward command
             if self._mode == "position_w_id":
                 pnt.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_time() - start_time)
                 ff_pnt = self._reorder_joints_ff_cmd(joint_names, pnt)
             if self._cuff_state:
             rospy.sleep(1.0 / self._control_rate)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def traj_speed_up(traj, spd=3.0):
    new_traj = RobotTrajectory()
    new_traj = traj

    n_joints = len(traj.joint_trajectory.joint_names)
    n_points = len(traj.joint_trajectory.points)

    points = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points)
    for i in range(n_points):
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.time_from_start = traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].time_from_start / spd
        point.velocities = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].velocities)
        point.accelerations = list(traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].accelerations)
        point.positions = traj.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions

        for j in range(n_joints):
            point.velocities[j] = point.velocities[j] * spd
            point.accelerations[j] = point.accelerations[j] * spd * spd

        points[i] = point

    new_traj.joint_trajectory.points = points

    return new_traj
def runTrajectory(req):

    global Traj_server;
    print "---------------------------------"
    print req.task
    print " "
    print req.bin_num
    print " "
    print req.using_torso
    print "---------------------------------"
    if req.using_torso == "y":
        file_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../optimize_trajectories/Torso/bin"+req.bin_num);
        file_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../optimize_trajectories/bin"+req.bin_num);

    if req.task == "Forward":
        file_name = file_root+"/forward";
    elif req.task == "Drop":
        file_name = file_root+"/drop";
    else :
        return taskResponse(False);

    f = open(file_name,"r");
    plan_file = RobotTrajectory();
    buf = f.read();
    plan = copy.deepcopy(plan_file); 
    arm_right_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm_right"); 
    arm_left_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm_left");	
    StartPnt = JointTrajectoryPoint();
    StartPnt.positions = arm_left_group.get_current_joint_values();
    StartPnt.velocities = [0]*len(StartPnt.positions);
    StartPnt. accelerations = [0]*len(StartPnt.positions);
    #print StartPnt;
    plan.joint_trajectory.points[0] = StartPnt;
    #print plan;
    display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path',moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory)
    display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory();    
    robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander();
    display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state()
    print "============ Waiting while", file_name, " is visualized (again)..." 
    print "Trajectory ", file_name, " finished!"   
    return taskResponse(True);
Ejemplo n.º 30
def move():
    global prev_state
    global req
    global pub
    global tf_listener

    execution_time = 0.5

    seconds = rospy.get_time()
    seconds -= 0.1
    now = rospy.Time.from_sec(seconds)

    while True:
            #(trans, rot) = tf_listener.lookupTransform("ee_link", "/world", rospy.Time(0))

    # Send request for new pose to IK (inverse kinematics) service


    pose_goal = PoseStamped()
    pose_goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    pose_goal.header.frame_id = "world"
    pose_goal.pose.orientation.x = 0.889824  #quaternion[0]
    pose_goal.pose.orientation.y = -0.446493  #quaternion[1]
    pose_goal.pose.orientation.z = -0.0939676  #quaternion[2]
    pose_goal.pose.orientation.w = 0.00515905  #quaternion[3]

    pose_goal.pose.position.x = -0.2712
    pose_goal.pose.position.y = -0.185915
    pose_goal.pose.position.z = 0.451176

    req.ik_request.pose_stamped = pose_goal
    resp = ik_srv.call(req)

    # rospy.logerr("Before check error")

    # Check if valid robot configuration can be found
    if (resp.error_code.val == -31):
        print('No IK found!')

    # Check if we are near a singularity
    # Skip movement if that is the case
    diff = np.array(resp.solution.joint_state.position) - np.array(prev_state)
    max_diff = np.max(diff)
    if (max_diff > 1.0):
        print('Singularity detected. Skipping!')
    #    return

    # Publish new pose as JointTrajectory
    traj = JointTrajectory()
    point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    #traj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    traj.header.frame_id = pose_goal.header.frame_id
    traj.joint_names = resp.solution.joint_state.name
    point.positions = resp.solution.joint_state.position

    point.time_from_start.secs = 20
    print("should be published")

    # Update previous state of robot to current state
    prev_state = resp.solution.joint_state.position
Ejemplo n.º 31
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        # Create symbols
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')

        # Create Modified DH parameters
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')
        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
        s = {alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75,  # row 1
             alpha1: -pi / 2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi / 2,  # row 2
             alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0,  # row 3
             alpha3: -pi / 2, a3: -0.054, d4: 1.5,  # row 4
             alpha4: pi / 2, a4: 0, d5: 0,  # row 5
             alpha5: -pi / 2, a5: 0, d6: 0,  # row 6
             alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: 0.303, }  # row 7
        # Create individual transformation matrices, better to do this outside of the loop
        T0_1 = Matrix([[cos(q1), -sin(q1), 0, a0],
                       [sin(q1) * cos(alpha0), cos(q1) * cos(alpha0), -sin(alpha0), -sin(alpha0) * d1],
                       [sin(q1) * sin(alpha0), cos(q1) * sin(alpha0), cos(alpha0), cos(alpha0) * d1],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T0_1 = T0_1.subs(s)

        T1_2 = Matrix([[cos(q2), -sin(q2), 0, a1],
                       [sin(q2) * cos(alpha1), cos(q2) * cos(alpha1), -sin(alpha1), -sin(alpha1) * d2],
                       [sin(q2) * sin(alpha1), cos(q2) * sin(alpha1), cos(alpha1), cos(alpha1) * d2],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T1_2 = T1_2.subs(s)

        T2_3 = Matrix([[cos(q3), -sin(q3), 0, a2],
                       [sin(q3) * cos(alpha2), cos(q3) * cos(alpha2), -sin(alpha2), -sin(alpha2) * d3],
                       [sin(q3) * sin(alpha2), cos(q3) * sin(alpha2), cos(alpha2), cos(alpha2) * d3],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T2_3 = T2_3.subs(s)

        T3_4 = Matrix([[cos(q4), -sin(q4), 0, a3],
                       [sin(q4) * cos(alpha3), cos(q4) * cos(alpha3), -sin(alpha3), -sin(alpha3) * d4],
                       [sin(q4) * sin(alpha3), cos(q4) * sin(alpha3), cos(alpha3), cos(alpha3) * d4],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T3_4 = T3_4.subs(s)

        T4_5 = Matrix([[cos(q5), -sin(q5), 0, a4],
                       [sin(q5) * cos(alpha4), cos(q5) * cos(alpha4), -sin(alpha4), -sin(alpha4) * d5],
                       [sin(q5) * sin(alpha4), cos(q5) * sin(alpha4), cos(alpha4), cos(alpha4) * d5],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T4_5 = T4_5.subs(s)

        T5_6 = Matrix([[cos(q6), -sin(q6), 0, a5],
                       [sin(q6) * cos(alpha5), cos(q6) * cos(alpha5), -sin(alpha5), -sin(alpha5) * d6],
                       [sin(q6) * sin(alpha5), cos(q6) * sin(alpha5), cos(alpha5), cos(alpha5) * d6],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T5_6 = T5_6.subs(s)

        T6_7 = Matrix([[cos(q7), -sin(q7), 0, a6],
                       [sin(q7) * cos(alpha6), cos(q7) * cos(alpha6), -sin(alpha6), -sin(alpha6) * d7],
                       [sin(q7) * sin(alpha6), cos(q7) * sin(alpha6), cos(alpha6), cos(alpha6) * d7],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T6_7 = T6_7.subs(s)

        T0_7 = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_7

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
                [req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                 req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])

            # Generate Rrpy matrix for end effector wrt base link
            Rrpy = create_rrpy_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw)

            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            # I managed to aling the axes by rotating on z axis by 180 degree and rotating on y axis by -90 degree
            Rcorr = rotation_z(pi) * rotation_y(-pi / 2)

            # Apply the correction matrix
            Rrpy = Rrpy * Rcorr

            # Calculating wrist center position wrt base link
            nx = Rrpy[0, 2]
            ny = Rrpy[1, 2]
            nz = Rrpy[2, 2]

            # d7 = 0.303 which is wc to end effector
            wx = px - 0.303 * nx
            wy = py - 0.303 * ny
            wz = pz - 0.303 * nz

            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method

            ### Calculate theta1 - theta3 - Inverse Position Problem
            # theta 1 is the easy one as it is simply tangent angle between wy and wx looking from above

            theta1 = atan2(wy, wx)

            # theta 2 and theta 3 is relatively tricky as it is hard to visualize. For both ve need to use
            # trigonometric calculations for two adjacent triangle

            r = sqrt(wx ** 2 + wy ** 2) - 0.35  # radial distance from link2 to wc from above, 0.35 is a1

            # Construct the triangle for cosine law. A is the angle in front of corner with angle a,
            # B is the angle in front of corner with angle b. For more detail, see writeup.md

            A = 1.5011                          # sqrt(1.5 **2 + 0.054 **2)
            B = sqrt(r ** 2 + (wz - 0.75) ** 2) #
            C = 1.25                            # a2 = 1.25

            # calculate angle a by using cosine law
            a = acos((B ** 2 + C ** 2 - A ** 2) / (2 * B * C))

            # compensate 90 degree resting angle and the vertical difference between link2 and wc
            theta2 = pi / 2 - a - atan2(wz - 0.75, r)

            # calculate angle b by using cosine law
            b = acos((A ** 2 + C ** 2 - B ** 2) / (2 * A * C))

            # compensate 90 degree resting angle and the small drop difference between link3 and wc
            # 0.036 radian is necessary to be taken into account for small drop from joint3 to 4. It is simply atan2(0.054,1.5)
            theta3 = pi / 2 - (b + 0.036)

            print("Theta1, theta2 and theta3 joint angles are calculated")

            ### Calculate theta4 - theta6 - Inverse Orientation Problem

            #Rotation matrix from base link to link 3 derived from transformation matrix
            R0_3 = (T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3)[0:3, 0:3]

            # Apply the calculated theta1 - theta 3 values into rotation matrix.
            R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={'q1': theta1, 'q2': theta2, 'q3': theta3})

            #Calculate the rotation matrix from link3 to link 6 and apply the correction matrix

            R3_6 = R0_3.T * Rrpy  # in theory inverse and transpose of R0_3 is equal as rotation matrix is orthogonal.
            # But sometimes inverse method seems to be causing some numerical problems so I used transpose method.

            # each element of R3_6 matrix consist of one or more trigonometric terms.
            # Derivation of theta4,5 and 6 from these terms are well explained in the writeup document.
            # Simply, first I calculated theta 5 by acos function as, R3_6[1, 2] = cos(q5)
            # Then theta4 and 6 are calculated by dividing to terms of the matrix to cancel-out unwanted angle terms.

            theta5 = acos(R3_6[1, 2])

            if sin(theta5) < 0:
                theta4 = atan2(-R3_6[2, 2], R3_6[0, 2])
                theta6 = atan2(R3_6[1, 1], -R3_6[1, 0])
                theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
                theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])

            print("Theta4, theta5 and theta6 joint angles are calculated")
            print("Joint angles for eef position", str(x), "are : ", theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6)

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols
	    # Create Modified DH parameters
	    # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
	    # Create individual transformation matrices
	    # Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8') # link offset
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7') # link length
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')# twist angle	
        # Define Joint angle symbols
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')

        # Create Modified DH parameters
        DH_table = {
                alpha0:        0, a0:      0, d1:  0.75, q1: q1,
	            alpha1: rad(-90), a1:   0.35, d2:     0, q2: q2-rad(90),
	            alpha2:        0, a2:   1.25, d3:     0, q3: q3,
	            alpha3: rad(-90), a3: -0.054, d4:  1.50, q4: q4,
	            alpha4:  rad(90), a4:      0, d5:     0, q5: q5,
	            alpha5: rad(-90), a5:      0, d6:     0, q6: q6,
	            alpha6:        0, a6:      0, d7: 0.303, q7: 0}

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
        def TF_matrix(alpha, a, d, q):
            T = Matrix([[            cos(q),           -sin(q),           0,             a],
	                [ sin(q)*cos(alpha), cos(q)*cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha)*d],
	                [ sin(q)*sin(alpha), cos(q)*sin(alpha),  cos(alpha),  cos(alpha)*d],
	                [                 0,                 0,           0,             1]])
            return T

        # Create individual transformation matrices
        T0_1 =  TF_matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(DH_table)
        T1_2 =  TF_matrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(DH_table)
        T2_3 =  TF_matrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(DH_table)
        T3_4 =  TF_matrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(DH_table)
        T4_5 =  TF_matrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(DH_table)
        T5_6 =  TF_matrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(DH_table)
        T6_G = TF_matrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(DH_table)

        T0_G = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_G
        # G->g
        r, p, y = symbols('r p y')

        ROT_x = Matrix([[ 1,            0,       0],
	                    [ 0,       cos(r), -sin(r)],
	                    [ 0,       sin(r),  cos(r)]]) # Roll

        ROT_y = Matrix([[ cos(p),       0,  sin(p)],
	                    [      0,       1,       0],
	                    [-sin(p),       0,  cos(p)]]) # Pitch

        ROT_z = Matrix([[ cos(y), -sin(y),       0],
	                    [ sin(y),  cos(y),       0],
	                    [      0,       0,       1]]) # Yaw

        ROT_gg = ROT_z * ROT_y * ROT_x

        # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo (URDF)
        # More information can be found in KR210 Forward Kinematics section
        Rot_Correct = ROT_z.subs(y, radians(180)) * ROT_y.subs(p, radians(-90))

        ROT_gg = ROT_gg * Rot_Correct

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

	        # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
	        # px,py,pz = end-effector position
	        # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
                [req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                    req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])

            ### Your IK code here
	        # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
	        # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method

            ROT_gg = ROT_gg.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})

            gg = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]])

            WC = gg - 0.303 * ROT_gg[:,2]
            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
            theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])

            # theta3
            side_O2_O3 = DH_table[a2]
            side_O3_WC = sqrt(DH_table[d4] * DH_table[d4] + DH_table[a3] * DH_table[a3])
            size_O2_WC = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - DH_table[a1]), 2) + pow(WC[2] - DH_table[d1], 2))

            cos_angle_O2_O3_WC = ((side_O2_O3 * side_O2_O3 + side_O3_WC * side_O3_WC - size_O2_WC * size_O2_WC) / (2 * side_O2_O3 * side_O3_WC))
            angle_O2_O3_WC = atan2(sqrt(1 - cos_angle_O2_O3_WC * cos_angle_O2_O3_WC), cos_angle_O2_O3_WC)

            angle_p0_O3_O4 = atan2(Abs(DH_table[d4]), Abs(DH_table[a3]))

            theta3 = -(angle_O2_O3_WC - angle_p0_O3_O4)

            cos_angle_O3_O2_WC = ((side_O2_O3 * side_O2_O3 + size_O2_WC * size_O2_WC - side_O3_WC * side_O3_WC) / (2 * side_O2_O3 * size_O2_WC))
            angle_O3_O2_WC = atan2(sqrt(1 - cos_angle_O3_O2_WC * cos_angle_O3_O2_WC), cos_angle_O3_O2_WC)
            angle_WC_O2_X1 = atan2(WC[2] - Abs(DH_table[d1]), sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - Abs(DH_table[a1]))

            theta2 = pi/2 - angle_O3_O2_WC - angle_WC_O2_X1

            # theta4, 5, 6
            R0_3 = T0_1[0:3,0:3] * T1_2[0:3,0:3] * T2_3[0:3,0:3]
            R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1:theta1, q2:theta2, q3:theta3})
            R3_6 = R0_3.T * ROT_gg

            # Euler angles from rotation matrix
            # More information can be found in the Euler Angles from a Rotation Matrix section
            theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2,2], -R3_6[0,2])
            theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1,1], R3_6[1,0])
            theta5 = atan2(R3_6[1,0]/cos(theta6), R3_6[1,2])

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
	    joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols for joint variables
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(

        # Create Modified DH parameters
        s = {
            alpha0: 0,
            a0: 0,
            d1: 0.75,
            q1: q1,
            alpha1: -pi / 2.,
            a1: 0.35,
            d2: 0,
            q2: -pi / 2. + q2,
            alpha2: 0,
            a2: 1.25,
            d3: 0,
            q3: q3,
            alpha3: -pi / 2.,
            a3: -0.054,
            d4: 1.5,
            q4: q4,
            alpha4: pi / 2.,
            a4: 0,
            d5: 0,
            q5: q5,
            alpha5: -pi / 2.,
            a5: 0,
            d6: 0,
            q6: q6,
            alpha6: 0,
            a6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            q7: 0

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
        def DH_Tmatrix(alpha, a, d, q):
            T = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],
                            sin(q) * cos(alpha),
                            cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d
                            sin(q) * sin(alpha),
                            cos(q) * sin(alpha),
                            cos(alpha) * d
                        ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            return T

        # Create individual transformation matrices
        T0_1 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(s)
        T1_2 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(s)
        T2_3 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(s)
        T3_4 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(s)
        T4_5 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(s)
        T5_6 = DH_Tmatrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(s)
        T6_EE = DH_Tmatrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(s)

        T0_EE = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_EE

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w

            ### Your IK code here
            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            # rotation matrices
            r, p, y = symbols('r p y')
            R_x = Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(r), -sin(r)], [0,

            R_y = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(p), 0,

            R_z = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0], [sin(y), cos(y), 0], [0, 0,

            # R_EE = simplify(R_z * R_y * R_x)

            R_EE = R_z * R_y * R_x

            R_error = R_z.subs(y, radians(180)) * R_y.subs(p, radians(-90))

            R_EE = R_EE * R_error
            R_EE = R_EE.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})

            EE = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]])

            WC = EE - (0.303) * R_EE[:, 2]

            theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])

            side_a = 1.501
            side_b = sqrt(
                pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) +
                pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))
            side_c = 1.25

            angle_a = acos(
                (side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a) /
                (2 * side_b * side_c))
            angle_b = acos(
                (side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b) /
                (2 * side_a * side_c))
            angle_c = acos(
                (side_a * side_a + side_b * side_b - side_c * side_c) /
                (2 * side_a * side_b))

            theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(
                WC[2] - 0.75,
                sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)
            theta3 = pi / 2 - (angle_b + 0.036)

            R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]
            R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})

            R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * R_EE

            theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
            theta5 = atan2(
                sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]),
                R3_6[1, 2])
            theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
        joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
            theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def call_TOPP(req):

    ### Get the request path and prepare for TOPP
    t0 = time.time()
    print("= Get the request path...")
    path_points = req.path
    vel_limits = req.vel_limits
    acc_limits = req.acc_limits
    discrtimestep = req.timestep

    # create a path going through viapoints
    print("== Create a path going through viapoints...")
    dim = len(path_points[0].positions)
    ndata = len(path_points)
    path_array = np.zeros((dim, ndata))
    for i in range(ndata):
        path_array[:, i] = np.array(path_points[i].positions)
    print("=== Interpolate viapoints...")
    #import pdb
    path = Utilities.InterpolateViapoints(
        path_array)  # Interpolate using splines

    # Constraints
    vmax = np.array(vel_limits)
    amax = np.array(acc_limits)

    ### Set up the TOPP instance
    print("==== Set up a TOPP instance...")
    t1 = time.time()
    trajectorystring = str(path)
    uselegacy = True  # True to use KinematicLimits(vel & acc)
    if uselegacy:  #Using the legacy KinematicLimits (a bit faster but not fully supported)
        constraintstring = str(discrtimestep)
        constraintstring += "\n" + string.join([str(v) for v in vmax])
        constraintstring += "\n" + string.join([str(a) for a in amax])
        x = TOPPbindings.TOPPInstance(None, "KinematicLimits",
                                      constraintstring, trajectorystring)
    else:  #Using the general QuadraticConstraints (fully supported)
        constraintstring = str(discrtimestep)
        constraintstring += "\n" + string.join([str(v) for v in vmax])
        constraintstring += TOPPpy.ComputeKinematicConstraints(
            path, amax, discrtimestep)
        x = TOPPbindings.TOPPInstance(None, "QuadraticConstraints",
                                      constraintstring, trajectorystring)

    ### Run TOPP
    print("===== Run TOPP...")
    t2 = time.time()
    #import pdb
    ret = x.RunComputeProfiles(0, 0)

    ### Convert resultant array to plan
    print("====== Convert resultant array to plan...")
    t3 = time.time()
    )  # be sure to write the result before reading it!!!
    traj = Trajectory.PiecewisePolynomialTrajectory.FromString(
    traj_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    traj_points = []  #PathToTrajResponse() # just an empty list
    t = 0.0
    while t < traj.duration:
        traj_point.positions = traj.Eval(t).tolist()
        traj_point.velocities = traj.Evald(t).tolist()
        traj_point.accelerations = traj.Evaldd(t).tolist()
        traj_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t)
        t += discrtimestep
    # the last point
    traj_point.positions = traj.Eval(traj.duration).tolist()
    traj_point.velocities = traj.Evald(traj.duration).tolist()
    traj_point.accelerations = traj.Evaldd(traj.duration).tolist()
    traj_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(traj.duration)

    ### Display statistics
    t4 = time.time()
    print(">>>>> Statistics of TOPP <<<<<")
    print("Dimension of path point: " + str(path_array.shape[0]))
    print("Number of data points: " + str(path_array.shape[1]))
    print("Using legacy: " + str(uselegacy))
    print("Discretization step: " + str(discrtimestep) + " s")
    print("Obtain request path and get prepared: " + str(t1 - t0) + " s")
    print("Setup TOPP: " + str(t2 - t1) + " s")
    print("Run TOPP: " + str(t3 - t2) + " s")
    print("Convert resultant array to plan: " + str(t4 - t3) + " s")
    print("Total: " + str(t4 - t0) + " s")
    print("Trajectory duration before TOPP: " + str(path.duration) + " s")
    print("Trajectory duration after TOPP: " + str(traj.duration) + " s")
    print(">>>>> End <<<<<")

    ### Return result
    res = PathToTrajResponse()
    res.traj = traj_points
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def add_point(self, positions, time):
     point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
     point.positions = copy(positions)
     point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Load the array of path points
    #path_points_array = np.array(csv_read('data_real(1).csv'))
    path_points_array = np.loadtxt(open("data_real(1).csv", "rb"),

    # Construct a plan of path points
    path_points_plan = []
    path_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    for i in range(path_points_array.shape[0]):
        path_point.positions = path_points_array[i, 0:5].tolist()

    # Limits
    vel_limits = [math.pi for _ in range(5)]
    acc_limits = [math.pi for _ in range(5)]  # 5-dim!!!

    # Call the server to add time parameterization
    import pdb
    new_path_points_plan = add_time_optimal_parameterization_client(
        path_points_plan, vel_limits, acc_limits, 0.04)
    #TOPPRA_client(path_points_plan, vel_limits, acc_limits, 0.01)
    #add_time_optimal_parameterization_client(path_points_plan, vel_limits, acc_limits, 0.04)

    # Write to .csv
Ejemplo n.º 37
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1
        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []

        def DH_transform(q, d, alpha, a):
            '''The modified DH convention transform matrix
            alpha: twist angle, a: link length, 
            d: link offset, q: joint angle'''
            T = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],
                            sin(q) * cos(alpha),
                            cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d
                            sin(q) * sin(alpha),
                            cos(q) * sin(alpha),
                            cos(alpha) * d
                        ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            return T

        def rot_x(q):
            ''' Rotation matrix along x axis'''
            R_x = Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(q), -sin(q)], [0,

            return R_x

        def rot_y(q):
            ''' Rotation matrix along y axis'''
            R_y = Matrix([[cos(q), 0, sin(q)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(q), 0,

            return R_y

        def rot_z(q):
            ''' Rotation matrix along z axis'''
            R_z = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0], [sin(q), cos(q), 0], [0, 0,

            return R_z

        def Euler_angles_from_matrix_URDF_old(R, angles_pre):
            ''' Calculate q4-6 from R3_6 rotation matrix
            Input R is 3x3 rotation matrix, output are Euler angles :q4, q5, q6'''
            r12, r13 = R[0, 1], R[0, 2]
            r21, r22, r23 = R[1, 0], R[1, 1], R[1, 2]
            r32, r33 = R[2, 1], R[2, 2]
            # # Euler angles from rotation matrix
            # q5 = atan2(sqrt(r13**2 + r33**2), r23)
            # q4 = atan2(r33, -r13)
            # q6 = atan2(-r22, r21)
            if np.abs(r23) is not 1:
                q5 = atan2(sqrt(r13**2 + r33**2), r23)
                if sin(q5) < 0:
                    q4 = atan2(-r33, r13)
                    q6 = atan2(r22, -r21)
                    q4 = atan2(r33, -r13)
                    q6 = atan2(-r22, r21)
                q6 = angles_pre[5]
                if r23 == 1:
                    q5 = 0
                    q4 = -q6 + atan2(-r12, -r32)
                    q5 = 0
                    q4 = q6 - atan2(r12, -r32)

            return np.float64(q4), np.float64(q5), np.float64(q6)

        def Euler_angles_from_matrix_URDF(R, angles_pre):
            ''' Calculate q4-6 from R3_6 rotation matrix
            Input R is 3x3 rotation matrix, output are Euler angles :q4, q5, q6'''
            r12, r13 = R[0, 1], R[0, 2]
            r21, r22, r23 = R[1, 0], R[1, 1], R[1, 2]
            r32, r33 = R[2, 1], R[2, 2]
            if np.abs(r23) is not 1:
                q5 = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(r13**2 + r33**2), r23)
                if sin(q5) < 0:
                    q4 = np.arctan2(-r33, r13)
                    q6 = np.arctan2(r22, -r21)
                    q4 = np.arctan2(r33, -r13)
                    q6 = np.arctan2(-r22, r21)
                q6 = angles_pre[5]
                if r23 == 1:
                    q5 = 0
                    q4 = -q6 + np.arctan2(-r12, -r32)
                    q5 = 0
                    q4 = q6 - np.arctan2(r12, -r32)

            return q4, q5, q6

        def angle_simplify(theta):
            ''' Transfer the theta into [-2pi, 2pi]'''
            return np.float64(np.abs(theta) % (2 * np.pi) * np.sign(theta))

        # Define variables
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(
        r, p, y = symbols("r p y")  # end-effector orientation
        px_s, py_s, pz_s = symbols("px_s py_s pz_s")  # end-effector position
        R_corr = rot_z(pi) * rot_y(
            -pi / 2)  # Compensation matix from URDF to world frame

        theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        angles_pre = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        r2d = 180. / np.pi
        loop_times = []

        # The Modified DH params
        s = {
            alpha0: 0,
            a0: 0,
            d1: 0.75,
            alpha1: -pi / 2,
            a1: 0.35,
            d2: 0,
            q2: q2 - pi / 2,
            alpha2: 0,
            a2: 1.25,
            d3: 0,
            alpha3: -pi / 2,
            a3: -0.054,
            d4: 1.5,
            alpha4: pi / 2,
            a4: 0,
            d5: 0,
            alpha5: -pi / 2,
            a5: 0,
            d6: 0,
            alpha6: 0,
            a6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            q7: 0

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
        if not os.path.exists("R0_3_inv.p"):
            print("No DH matrices, create and save it.")
            # base_link to link1
            T0_1 = DH_transform(q1, d1, alpha0, a0).subs(s)
            # linke1 to link 2
            T1_2 = DH_transform(q2, d2, alpha1, a1).subs(s)
            # link2 to link3
            T2_3 = DH_transform(q3, d3, alpha2, a2).subs(s)
            # link3 to link4
            T3_4 = DH_transform(q4, d4, alpha3, a3).subs(s)
            # link4 to link5
            T4_5 = DH_transform(q5, d5, alpha4, a4).subs(s)
            # link5 to link6
            T5_6 = DH_transform(q6, d6, alpha5, a5).subs(s)
            # link6 to end-effector
            T6_7 = DH_transform(q7, d7, alpha6, a6).subs(s)

            # Create individual transformation matrices
            T0_2 = simplify(T0_1 * T1_2)
            p2_0_sym = T0_2 * Matrix([0, 0, 0, 1])
            # R0_3 inv matrix would be used in R3_6
            T0_3 = simplify(T0_2 * T2_3)
            R0_3 = T0_3[0:3, 0:3]
            R0_3_inv = simplify(R0_3**-1)
            # T0_4 = simplify(T0_3 * T3_4)
            # T0_5 = simplify(T0_4 * T4_5)
            # T0_6 = simplify(T0_5 * T5_6)
            # T0_G = simplify(T0_6 * T6_7)
            # R_corr = rot_z(pi) * rot_y(-pi/2)
            #T_total = simplify(T0_G * R_corr)
            # T3_6 = simplify(T3_4*T4_5*T5_6)
            R0_g_sym = simplify(rot_z(y) * rot_y(p) * rot_x(r))
            # pickle.dump(T0_2, open("T0_2.p", "wb"))
            # pickle.dump(T3_6, open("T3_6.p", "wb"))
            pickle.dump(p2_0_sym, open("p2_0_sym.p", "wb"))
            pickle.dump(R0_3_inv, open("R0_3_inv.p", "wb"))
            pickle.dump(R0_g_sym, open("R0_g_sym.p", "wb"))

            print("Transformation matrices have been saved!!")
            # T0_2 = pickle.load(open("T0_2.p", "rb"))
            # T3_6 = pickle.load(open("T3_6.p", "rb"))
            p2_0_sym = pickle.load(open("p2_0_sym.p", "rb"))
            R0_3_inv = pickle.load(open("R0_3_inv.p", "rb"))
            R0_g_sym = pickle.load(open("R0_g_sym.p", "rb"))

            print("Transformation matrices have been loaded!")

        # Joint angles calculation
        pg_0 = Matrix([[px_s], [py_s], [pz_s]])
        R0_g = R0_g_sym[0:3, 0:3] * R_corr
        pwc_0 = pg_0 - 0.303 * R0_g * Matrix([[0], [0], [1]])
        theta1_sym = atan2(pwc_0[1], pwc_0[0]).subs(s)

        pwc_2 = pwc_0 - p2_0_sym[0:3, :]
        l23 = a2
        l35 = sqrt(a3**2 + d4**2)
        # l25 = sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pwc_2)))
        l25 = sqrt(pwc_2[0]**2 + pwc_2[1]**2 + pwc_2[2]**2)

        # Calculate theta2
        theta22 = atan2(pwc_2[2], sqrt(pwc_2[0]**2 + pwc_2[1]**2))
        c523 = (-l35**2 + l23**2 + l25**2) / (2 * l23 * l25)
        theta21 = atan2(sqrt(1 - c523**2), c523)
        theta2_sym = (pi / 2 - (theta21 + theta22)).subs(s)

        # Calculate theta3
        theta31 = atan2(a3, d4)
        c235 = (l25**2 - l23**2 - l35**2) / (2 * l23 * l35)
        theta32 = atan2(sqrt(1 - c235**2), c235)
        theta3_sym = (theta32 + theta31 - pi / 2).subs(s)

        # Transfer symbol into numpy function to evaluate an expression more efficient
        theta1_f = lambdify((px_s, py_s, pz_s, r, p, y), theta1_sym, "numpy")
        theta2_f = lambdify((q1, px_s, py_s, pz_s, r, p, y), theta2_sym,
        theta3_f = lambdify((q1, px_s, py_s, pz_s, r, p, y), theta3_sym,

        # Calculate R3_6 for theta4-6
        R3_6_sym = R0_3_inv * R0_g
        R3_6_f = lambdify((q1, q2, q3, px_s, py_s, pz_s, r, p, y), R3_6_sym,

        loop_start_time = time.time()
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            loop_current_time = time.time()
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w

            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
            theta1 = theta1_f(px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw)
            theta2 = theta2_f(theta1, px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw)
            theta3 = theta3_f(theta1, px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw)

            R3_6 = R3_6_f(theta1, theta2, theta3, px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw)
            theta4, theta5, theta6 = Euler_angles_from_matrix_URDF(
                R3_6, angles_pre)

            angles_pre = (theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6)

            loop_time = time.time() - loop_current_time
            # print("Calculating trajectory:{:2d}, Time cost:{:>2f}".format(x, loop_time))

            # Populate response for the IK request
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6
        print("Inverse kinematics calculation has been done!")
        print("Total calculation time: {:>4f}".format(time.time() -
        print("Average calculation time: {:>4f}".format(np.mean(loop_times)))
        print("theta1: {:>4f}".format(theta1 * r2d))
        print("theta2: {:>4f}".format(theta2 * r2d))
        print("theta3: {:>4f}".format(theta3 * r2d))
        print("theta4: {:>4f}".format(theta4 * r2d))
        print("theta5: {:>4f}".format(theta5 * r2d))
        print("theta6: {:>4f}".format(theta6 * r2d))
        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        print("Moving robot arm...")
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def handle_calculate_IK(self, req):
        rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
        if len(req.poses) < 1:
            print "No valid poses received"
            return -1

            # Initialize service response
            joint_trajectory_list = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
                # IK code starts here
                joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

                # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
                # px,py,pz = end-effector position
                # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
                px = req.poses[i].position.x
                py = req.poses[i].position.y
                pz = req.poses[i].position.z

                (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                    req.poses[i].orientation.x, req.poses[i].orientation.y,
                    req.poses[i].orientation.z, req.poses[i].orientation.w

                ### Your IK code here
                # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
                R0_ee = self.R0_ee.subs({
                    self.r: roll,
                    self.p: pitch,
                    self.y: yaw

                ## Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
                # 1. find the location of the WC relative to the base frame.
                EE = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]])
                WC = (EE - 0.303 * R0_ee[:, 2])

                # 2. find theta1, theta2, theta3 from r_WC
                theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])

                side_a = 1.501  #sqrt(1.5*1.5 + 0.054*0.054)
                side_b = sqrt((sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - 0.35)**2 +
                              (WC[2] - 0.75)**2)
                side_c = 1.25  #a2

                angle_a = acos((side_b**2 + side_c**2 - side_a**2) /
                               (2. * side_b * side_c))
                angle_b = acos((side_c**2 + side_a**2 - side_b**2) /
                               (2. * side_c * side_a))
                angle_c = acos((side_a**2 + side_b**2 - side_c**2) /
                               (2. * side_a * side_b))

                theta2 = pi / 2. - angle_a - atan2(
                    WC[2] - 0.75,
                    sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - 0.35)
                theta3 = pi / 2. - (angle_b + 0.036
                                    )  #0.036 = atan2(abs(a3), d4)

                # 3. find R0_3 via application of homogeneous transforms up to the WC.
                R0_3 = self.R0_3.subs({
                    self.q1: theta1,
                    self.q2: theta2,
                    self.q3: theta3
                R3_6 = R0_3.transpose() * R0_ee

                # 4. find the final set of Euler angles corresponding to the rotation matrix
                # R3_6 = Matrix([
                # [-sin(q4)*sin(q6) + cos(q4)*cos(q5)*cos(q6), -sin(q4)*cos(q6) - sin(q6)*cos(q4)*cos(q5), -sin(q5)*cos(q4)],
                # [sin(q5)*cos(q6), -sin(q5)*sin(q6), cos(q5)],
                # [-sin(q4)*cos(q5)*cos(q6) - sin(q6)*cos(q4), sin(q4)*sin(q6)*cos(q5) - cos(q4)*cos(q6), sin(q4)*sin(q5)]])

                theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2]**2 + R3_6[2, 2]**2), R3_6[1, 2])
                theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
                theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])

                # Populate response for the IK request
                # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
                joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                    theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6

            rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
            return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
def trapezoidal_speed_trajectory(goal, start,
                                 kv_max, ka_max,
    Calculate a trajectory from a start state (or current state)
    to a goal in joint space using a trapezoidal velocity model
    If no kv and ka max are given the default are used
    :param goal: A JointState to be used as the goal of the trajectory
    :param nb_points: Number of joint-space points in the final trajectory
    :param kv_max: max K for velocity,
        can be a dictionary joint_name:value or a single value
    :param ka_max: max K for acceleration,
        can be a dictionary joint_name:value or a single value
    :param start: A JointState to be used as the start state,
        joint order must be the same as the goal
    :return: The corresponding RobotTrajectory
    def calculate_coeff(k, dist):
        coeff = []
        for i in range(len(dist)):
            min_value = 1
            for j in range(len(dist)):
                if i != j:
                    if k[i] * dist[j] > 0.0001:
                        min_value = min(min_value, (k[j] * dist[i]) / (k[i] * dist[j]))
        return coeff

    def calculate_max_speed(kv_des, ka, dist):
        kv = []
        for i in range(len(dist)):
            if dist[i] <= 1.5 * kv_des[i] * kv_des[i] / ka[i]:
                kv.append(np.sqrt((2.0 / 3) * dist[i] * ka[i]))
        return kv

    def calculate_tau(kv, ka, lambda_i, mu_i):
        tau = []
        for i in range(len(kv)):
            if mu_i[i] * ka[i] > 0.0001:
                tau.append((3.0 / 2) * (lambda_i[i] * kv[i]) / (mu_i[i] * ka[i]))
        return tau

    def calculate_time(tau, lambda_i, kv, dist):
        time = []
        for i in range(len(tau)):
            if kv[i] > 0.0001:
                time.append(tau[i] + dist[i] / (lambda_i[i] * kv[i]))
        return time

    def calculate_joint_values(qi, D, tau, tf, nb_points):
        if tf > 0.0001:
            q_values = []
            time = np.linspace(0, tf, nb_points)
            for t in time:
                if t <= tau:
                    q_values.append(qi + D * (1.0 / (2 * (tf - tau))) *
                                    (2 * t**3 / (tau**2) - t**4 / (tau**3)))
                elif t <= tf - tau:
                    q_values.append(qi + D * ((2 * t - tau) / (2 * (tf - tau))))
                    q_values.append(qi + D * (1 - (tf - t)**3 / (2 * (tf - tau)) *
                                    ((2 * tau - tf + t) / (tau**3))))
            q_values = np.ones(nb_points) * qi
        return q_values

    # check that goal and start are not RobotState
    if isinstance(goal, RobotState):
        goal = goal.joint_state
    if isinstance(start, RobotState):
        start = start.joint_state
    # create the joint trajectory message
    jt = JointTrajectory()
    joints = []
    start_state = start.position
    goal_state = [goal.position[goal.name.index(joint)] for joint in start.name]

    # calculate the max joint velocity
    dist = np.array(goal_state) - np.array(start_state)
    abs_dist = np.absolute(dist)
    if isinstance(ka_max, dict):
        ka = np.ones(len(goal_state)) * map(lambda name: ka_max[name],
        ka = np.ones(len(goal_state)) * ka_max
    if isinstance(kv_max, dict):
        kv = np.ones(len(goal_state)) * map(lambda name: kv_max[name],
        kv = np.ones(len(goal_state)) * kv_max
    kv = calculate_max_speed(kv, ka, abs_dist)

    # calculate the synchronisation coefficients
    lambda_i = calculate_coeff(kv, abs_dist)
    mu_i = calculate_coeff(ka, abs_dist)

    # calculate the total time
    tau = calculate_tau(kv, ka, lambda_i, mu_i)
    tf = calculate_time(tau, lambda_i, kv, abs_dist)
    dt = np.array(tf).max() * (1.0 / nb_points)

    if np.array(tf).max() > 0.0001:
        # calculate the joint value
        for j in range(len(goal_state)):
            pose_lin = calculate_joint_values(start_state[j], dist[j],
                                              tau[j], tf[j], nb_points + 1)
        for i in range(nb_points):
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            for j in range(len(goal_state)):
            # append the time from start of the position
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec((i + 1) * dt)
            # append the position to the message
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = start_state
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(0)
        # append the position to the message
    # put name of joints to be moved
    jt.joint_names = start.name
    return jt
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1
        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []

        # Define DH param symbols
	d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
	a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
	alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')

        # Joint angle symbols
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8') # joint variables: theta_i
        roll, pitch, yaw = symbols('roll pitch yaw')

        # Modified DH params
	s = {alpha0:0,     a0:0,        d1:0.75,
	     alpha1:-pi/2, a1:0.35,     d2:0,        q2:q2 - pi / 2,
	     alpha2:0,     a2:1.25,     d3:0,
	     alpha3:-pi/2, a3:-0.054,   d4:1.50,
	     alpha4:pi/2,  a4:0,        d5:0,
	     alpha5:-pi/2, a5:0,        d6:0,
	     alpha6:0,     a6:0,        d7:0.303,    q7:0}

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
	T0_1 = Matrix([[             cos(q1),            -sin(q1),            0,              a0 ],
		       [ sin(q1)*cos(alpha0), cos(q1)*cos(alpha0), -sin(alpha0), -sin(alpha0)*d1 ],
	               [ sin(q1)*sin(alpha0), cos(q1)*sin(alpha0),  cos(alpha0),  cos(alpha0)*d1 ],
            	       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T0_1 = T0_1.subs(s)

	T1_2 = Matrix([[             cos(q2),            -sin(q2),            0,              a1 ],
          	       [ sin(q2)*cos(alpha1), cos(q2)*cos(alpha1), -sin(alpha1), -sin(alpha1)*d2 ],
	               [ sin(q2)*sin(alpha1), cos(q2)*sin(alpha1),  cos(alpha1),  cos(alpha1)*d2 ],
		       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T1_2 = T1_2.subs(s)

	T2_3 = Matrix([[             cos(q3),            -sin(q3),            0,              a2 ],
        	       [ sin(q3)*cos(alpha2), cos(q3)*cos(alpha2), -sin(alpha2), -sin(alpha2)*d3 ],
	               [ sin(q3)*sin(alpha2), cos(q3)*sin(alpha2),  cos(alpha2),  cos(alpha2)*d3 ],
            	       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T2_3 = T2_3.subs(s)

	T3_4 = Matrix([[             cos(q4),            -sin(q4),            0,              a3 ],
        	       [ sin(q4)*cos(alpha3), cos(q4)*cos(alpha3), -sin(alpha3), -sin(alpha3)*d4 ],
	               [ sin(q4)*sin(alpha3), cos(q4)*sin(alpha3),  cos(alpha3),  cos(alpha3)*d4 ],
            	       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T3_4 = T3_4.subs(s)

	T4_5 = Matrix([[             cos(q5),            -sin(q5),            0,              a4 ],
	               [ sin(q5)*cos(alpha4), cos(q5)*cos(alpha4), -sin(alpha4), -sin(alpha4)*d5 ],
        	       [ sin(q5)*sin(alpha4), cos(q5)*sin(alpha4),  cos(alpha4),  cos(alpha4)*d5 ],
	               [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T4_5 = T4_5.subs(s)

	T5_6 = Matrix([[             cos(q6),            -sin(q6),            0,              a5 ],
        	       [ sin(q6)*cos(alpha5), cos(q6)*cos(alpha5), -sin(alpha5), -sin(alpha5)*d6 ],
	               [ sin(q6)*sin(alpha5), cos(q6)*sin(alpha5),  cos(alpha5),  cos(alpha5)*d6 ],
            	       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T5_6 = T5_6.subs(s)

	T6_G = Matrix([[             cos(q7),            -sin(q7),            0,              a6 ],
        	       [ sin(q7)*cos(alpha6), cos(q7)*cos(alpha6), -sin(alpha6), -sin(alpha1)*d7 ],
	               [ sin(q7)*sin(alpha6), cos(q7)*sin(alpha6),  cos(alpha6),  cos(alpha1)*d7 ],
            	       [                   0,                   0,            0,               1 ]])
	T6_G = T6_G.subs(s)

        # Transform from base link to end effector
	T0_2 = T0_1 * T1_2
	T0_3 = T0_2 * T2_3
	T0_4 = T0_3 * T3_4
	T0_5 = T0_4 * T4_5
	T0_6 = T0_5 * T5_6
	T0_G = T0_6 * T6_G

        # Correcting gripper Orientation to  be same that of base frame
        R_z = rot_z(pi)
        R_y = rot_y(-pi/2)
        R_corr = R_z * R_y

	R0_3 = T0_3[0:3, 0:3]
	R0_3_inv = R0_3**(-1)

        for i in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
	    main_start = datetime.datetime.now()
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[i].position.x
            py = req.poses[i].position.y
            pz = req.poses[i].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
                [req.poses[i].orientation.x, req.poses[i].orientation.y,
                    req.poses[i].orientation.z, req.poses[i].orientation.w])

            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
	    WC_start = datetime.datetime.now()
	    R_roll = rot_x(roll)
            R_pitch = rot_y(pitch)
            R_yaw = rot_z(yaw)
	    R0_6 = R_roll * R_pitch * R_yaw * R_corr

            # Calculate WC - Wrist Center
	    # Wrist Center is d7 distance away from End Effector
            P = Matrix([px, py, pz])
	    WC = P - R0_6 * Matrix([0, 0, s[d7]])

	    WC_end = datetime.datetime.now()
	    WC_delta = WC_end - WC_start

	    theta1_3_start = datetime.datetime.now()

	    # theta1, theta2 and theta3 are are calculated using geometry.
            # Calculate theta1
            theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0]).evalf()

	    # Calculate theta2
            s1 = sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - s[a1]
            s2 = WC[2] - s[d1]
            s3 = sqrt(s1**2 + s2**2)
            s4 = sqrt(s[a3]**2 + s[d4]**2)

            beeta1 = atan2(s2, s1)

            cos_beeta2 = (s[a2]**2 + s3**2 - s4**2)/(2*s[a2]*s3)
            sin_beeta2 = sqrt(1-cos_beeta2**2)
            beeta2 = atan2(sin_beeta2, cos_beeta2)

            theta2 = (pi/2 - beeta1 - beeta2).evalf()

            # Calculate theta3
            cos_beeta3 = (s[a2]**2 + s4**2 - s3**2)/(2*s[a2]*s4)
            sin_beeta3 = sqrt(1 - cos_beeta3**2)
            beeta3 = atan2(sin_beeta3, cos_beeta3)

            beeta4 = atan2(-s[a3], s[d4])

            theta3 = (pi/2 - beeta4 - beeta3).evalf()
	    theta1_3_end = datetime.datetime.now()
	    theta1_3_delta = theta1_3_end - theta1_3_start

            # Calculate theta4, 5, 6:
	    theta4_6_start = datetime.datetime.now()

	    # Refering to the leassons
	    R3_6 = R0_3_inv * R0_6
	    R3_6_num = R3_6.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})

            theta4 = atan2(R3_6_num[2, 2], -R3_6_num[0, 2]).evalf()
	    theta5 = atan2(sqrt(1 - R3_6_num[1, 2]**2), R3_6_num[1, 2]).evalf()
            theta6 = atan2(-R3_6_num[1, 1], R3_6_num[1, 0]).evalf()
	    theta4_6_end = datetime.datetime.now()
	    theta4_6_delta = theta4_6_end - theta4_6_start

	    main_end = datetime.datetime.now()
	    main_delta = main_end - main_start

	    print ('time - main, WC, theta1_3, theta4_6: ', main_delta, WC_delta, theta1_3_delta, theta4_6_delta)
            print ('theta1 to 6: ', theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6)

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols
        #here I define the four symbols needed for forward kinematics translations.
        #first symbol is the link-offsets which is in the user defined z-axis from 		#the links i-1 to i
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        #second symbol is the link lengths in user defined x-axis from links i-1 to i
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        #third symbol is twist angle
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(
        #fourth symbol is theta values for rotational transformations
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')

        # Create Modified DH parameters: using the symbols above to help us define transformation matrix with each transformation using two 		rotations and two translations in the two different axes
        #the calculations is shown in pictures in README with the first three pages of illustrations.
        DH_Table = {
            d1: 0.75,
            d2: 0,
            d3: 0,
            d4: 1.5,
            d5: 0,
            d6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            a0: 0,
            a1: 0.35,
            a2: 1.25,
            a3: -0.054,
            a4: 0,
            a5: 0,
            a6: 0,
            alpha0: 0,
            alpha1: -pi / 2,
            alpha2: 0,
            alpha3: -pi / 2,
            alpha4: pi / 2,
            alpha5: -pi / 2,
            alpha6: 0,
            q1: q1,
            q2: q2 - pi / 2,
            q3: q3,
            q4: q4,
            q5: q5,
            q6: q6,
            q7: 0

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix (This matrix was shown multiple times in the lesson to give two translations and two 		rotations per coordinate frame change)
        def TM(alpha, a, d, q):
            Mod_DH = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],
                                 sin(q) * cos(alpha),
                                 cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha),
                                 -sin(alpha) * d
                                 sin(q) * sin(alpha),
                                 cos(q) * sin(alpha),
                                 cos(alpha) * d
                             ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
            return Mod_DH

        # Create individual transformation matrices using the DH Table, copy the matrix multiple times

        T0_1 = TM(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(DH_Table)
        T1_2 = TM(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(DH_Table)
        T2_3 = TM(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(DH_Table)
        T3_4 = TM(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(DH_Table)
        T4_5 = TM(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(DH_Table)
        T5_6 = TM(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(DH_Table)
        T6_EE = TM(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(DH_Table)

        # finally multiply them all together and you get the T0_EE which is the end effector coordinates in the baselink
        #coordinate frame.
        T0_EE = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_EE

        # Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices
        ROT0_1 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT1_2 = T1_2[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT2_3 = T2_3[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT3_4 = T3_4[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT4_5 = T04_5[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT5_6 = T5_6[0:3, 0:3]
        ROT6_EE = T6_EE[0:3, 0:3]


        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w
            ### Your IK code here
            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            #I'm assuming this is the correction between the URDF and the DH parameter axis for the gripper
            #We want to rotate about the z-xis 180 degrees and then around the y-axis by -90 degrees.
            #this graphic is shown in README
            #due to this rotation being extrinsic, we would reverse the intrinsic operation normally done on an airplane which would be roll, 		    pitch and yaw. So to reverse x-y-z, we will find the rotation of the end effector and its correction using the opposite operations 		    of yaw, pitch and then roll (z,y,x) and then times the correction between urdf and our analysis.
            r, p, y = symbols('r p y')
            ROT_x = Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(r), -sin(r)],
                            [0, sin(r), cos(r)]])  #roll
            ROT_z = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0], [sin(y), cos(y), 0],
                            [0, 0, 1]])  #yaw
            ROT_y = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)], [0, 1, 0],
                            [-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])  #pitch
            R_corr_gripper = ROT_z.subs({y: pi}) * ROT_y.subs({p: -pi / 2})

            ROT_EE = ROT_z * ROT_y * ROT_x * R_corr_gripper
            #now sub in the given values using a dictionary

            ROT_EE = ROT_EE.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})

            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
            #First find the wrist center using the rotation matrix of the end effector and subtracting d7 from the end effector position to 	        give us WC position and orientation (which, the orientation of the WC is the same at the end effector in the z-axis direction)
            EE = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]])
            WC = EE - .303 * ROT_EE[:, 2]
            #d = .303
            #now that we know WC, we do trigonmetric analysis to find theta1, theta2, theta3
            # to find theta1 we know that WCx and WCy are adjacent and opposite. since joint1 rotates about the z-axis, its movement is in the 		    #xy-plane. So, we project the movement on xy-place and using SOHCAHTOA => tan^-1(O/A).  using atan2 since my mentor said it was better. I googled it and found out atan2 actually helps determine quadrants. Very helpful since I was getting wild paths and my errors were not low enough
            theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])
            #to find theta2 we need to set theta1 to zero and draw out the robot in the xz-plane. See figure in write up.
            #we use law of cosines to find triangle angle and side values
            side_A = sqrt((.054)**2.0 + (1.5)**2.0)
            side_B = sqrt((sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - .350)**2 +
                          (WC[2] - .75)**2)
            side_C = 1.25

            #supporting angles to find theta2 and theta3 using law of cosines
            angle_a = acos(
                (side_B**2 + side_C**2 - side_A**2) / (2 * side_B * side_C))
            angle_b = acos(
                (side_A**2 + side_C**2 - side_B**2) / (2 * side_A * side_C))
            angle_c = acos(
                (side_A**2 + side_B**2 - side_C**2) / (2 * side_A * side_B))

            #supporting angle for finding theta2 (see write up picture)
            angle_aprime = atan2((WC[2] - .75),
                                 (sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - .35))

            theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - angle_aprime
            #to find theta3 we set theta2 and theta1 equal to zero and analyze over xz-plane
            theta3 = pi / 2 - angle_b - atan2(.054, 1.5)

            #now find theta4,theta5,theta6
            #we know that the Rotation matrix for 3/6 = the inverse rotation matrix of joints 0/3 times the rotation matrix for joints 0/6
            #See write up for proof. also needed to understand the LU inversion as talked about in the course: https://docs.sympy.org/0.7.0/modules/matrices.html
            #T0_3 = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3
            #ROT0_3 = T0_3[:3,:3]
            ROT0_3 = ROT0_1 * ROT1_2 * ROT2_3

            ROT0_3 = ROT0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})

            #T3_EE = T3_4*T4_5*T5_6*T6_EE

            ROT3_EE = ROT0_3.transpose() * ROT_EE

            #OK now we have our rotation matrix from joints 4-6
            #For these angles we can think about that each roll, pitch and yaw is done on a seperate axis which is described
            #by a column of the rotation matrix. From the lecture "Euler angles from a rotation matrix" We find:
            #theta4 is represented by the roll and gamma = arctan(r32, r33)
            #theta 5 is represented by pitch or beta
            #theta6 is represented by yaw of the end effector or alpha

            theta4 = atan2(ROT3_EE[2, 2], -ROT3_EE[0, 2])
            theta5 = atan2(sqrt(ROT3_EE[0, 2]**2 + ROT3_EE[2, 2]**2),
                           ROT3_EE[1, 2])
            theta6 = atan2(-ROT3_EE[1, 1], ROT3_EE[1, 0])

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def main(whole_body, gripper, wrist_wrench):

    armPub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/arm_trajectory_controller/command',
    ## Grab the handle of door
    target_pose_Msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/handle_detector/grasp_point",
    recog_pos.pose.position.x = target_pose_Msg.pose.position.x
    recog_pos.pose.position.y = target_pose_Msg.pose.position.y
    recog_pos.pose.position.z = target_pose_Msg.pose.position.z

    # whole_body.impedance_config= 'grasping'
    switch = ImpedanceControlSwitch()
    # wrist_wrench.reset()

    grab_pose = geometry.multiply_tuples(
        geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x - HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS,
                      ej=math.pi / 2), geometry.pose(ek=math.pi / 2))
    whole_body.move_end_effector_pose(grab_pose, _ORIGIN_TF)
    # whole_body.impedance_config= 'compliance_middle'
    # gripper.command(0.01)


    #### test manipulation
    whole_body.impedance_config = 'grasping'
    # print(whole_body.impedance_config)
    # desired_rot=-1.95
    # whole_body.move_to_joint_positions({"wrist_roll_joint":desired_rot})
    wrist_roll = latest_positions["wrist_roll_joint"] - 0.55

    traj = JointTrajectory()
    # This controller requires that all joints have values
    traj.joint_names = [
        "arm_lift_joint", "arm_flex_joint", "arm_roll_joint",
        "wrist_flex_joint", "wrist_roll_joint"
    p = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    current_positions = [latest_positions[name] for name in traj.joint_names]
    current_positions[0] = latest_positions["arm_lift_joint"] - 0.04
    current_positions[1] = latest_positions["arm_flex_joint"] - 0.015
    current_positions[2] = latest_positions["arm_roll_joint"]
    current_positions[3] = latest_positions["wrist_flex_joint"]
    current_positions[4] = wrist_roll
    p.positions = current_positions
    p.velocities = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    p.time_from_start = rospy.Time(3)
    traj.points = [p]


    # whole_body.end_effector_frame = u'odom'
    # whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 0, 1), -0.2)

    # publish_arm(latest_positions["arm_lift_joint"],latest_positions["arm_flex_joint"],latest_positions["arm_roll_joint"], latest_positions["wrist_flex_joint"],wrist_roll)
    # whole_body.end_effector_frame = u'base_link'
    whole_body.impedance_config = 'grasping'
    whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 0, 1), 0.35)
    whole_body.impedance_config = None

    # whole_body.move_to_joint_positions({"wrist_roll_joint": -0.3})
    # rospy.sleep(2.0)
    # whole_body.end_effector_frame = u'odom'
    # whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 0, 1), -0.2)

    # whole_body.move_end_effector_by_arc(geometry.pose(x=0.2, y=0.25, z=0.38, ej=math.radians(90.0)), math.radians(60.0))
    # whole_body.move_end_effector_by_arc(geometry.pose(y=0.45, z=0.08, ej=math.radians(90.0)), math.radians(60.0), ref_frame_id='hand_palm_link')

    # listener = tf.TransformListener()
    # listener.waitForTransform("/odom", "/hand_palm_link", rospy.Time().now(), rospy.Duration(3.0))

    # now = rospy.Time.now()
    # listener.waitForTransform("/odom", "/hand_palm_link", now, rospy.Duration(5.0))
    # (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform("/map", "/hand_palm_link", now)

    # cur_tuples = geometry.transform_to_tuples(target_trans)

    # print trans
    # print rot

    # Rotate the handle (Angle: math.pi/6)
    # wrist_wrench.reset()
    # whole_body.end_effector_frame = 'hand_palm_link'
    # whole_body.impedance_config= 'dumper_soft'

    # odom_to_hand = get_relative_tuples(_ORIGIN_TF, _HAND_TF)
    # tsr_to_odom = geometry.pose(x=-(recog_pos.pose.position.x+HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS),
    #                             y=-(recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_HANDLE_HINGE_POS),
    #                             z=-recog_pos.pose.position.z)
    # tsr_to_hand = geometry.multiply_tuples(tsr_to_odom, odom_to_hand)

    # const_tsr = TaskSpaceRegion()
    # const_tsr.end_frame_id = _HAND_TF
    # const_tsr.origin_to_tsr = geometry.tuples_to_pose(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x+HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS,
    #                                                                 y=recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_HANDLE_HINGE_POS,
    #                                                                 z=recog_pos.pose.position.z))
    # const_tsr.tsr_to_end = geometry.tuples_to_pose(tsr_to_hand)
    # const_tsr.min_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0,-(math.pi/7) , 0, 0]
    # const_tsr.max_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0]

    # goal_tsr = TaskSpaceRegion()
    # goal_tsr.end_frame_id = _HAND_TF
    # goal_tsr.origin_to_tsr = geometry.tuples_to_pose(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x+HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS,
    #                                                                y=recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_HANDLE_HINGE_POS,
    #                                                                z=recog_pos.pose.position.z))
    # goal_tsr.tsr_to_end = geometry.tuples_to_pose(tsr_to_hand)
    # goal_tsr.min_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0,-math.pi/7, 0, 0]
    # goal_tsr.max_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0,-math.pi/7, 0, 0]

    # response = call_tsr_plan_service(whole_body, [const_tsr], [goal_tsr])
    # if response.error_code.val != ArmManipulationErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
    #     rospy.logerr("Planning failed: (Error Code {0})".format(response.error_code.val))
    #     exit(-1)
    # response.base_solution.header.frame_id = _ORIGIN_TF
    # constrain_traj = whole_body._constrain_trajectories(response.solution,
    #                                                     response.base_solution)
    # # wrist_wrench.reset()
    # # switch.activate("grasping")
    # whole_body._execute_trajectory(constrain_traj)
    # # whole_body.impedance_config= 'dumper_soft'
    # # switch.inactivate()
    # rospy.sleep(10.0)

    # listener = tf.TransformListener()
    # now = rospy.Time.now()
    # listener.waitForTransform("/odom", "/hand_palm_link", now, rospy.Duration(3.0))

    # rospy.sleep(3.0)
    # # Open the door (Angle: math.pi/4)
    # #rist_wrench.reset()
    # # switch.activate("placing")
    # odom_to_hand = get_relative_tuples(_ORIGIN_TF, _HAND_TF)           #T0h
    # tsr_to_odom = geometry.pose(x=-(recog_pos.pose.position.x),
    #                             y=-(recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_DOOR_HINGE_POS+HANDLE_GOAL_OFFSET),
    #                             z=-recog_pos.pose.position.z) #Twe
    # tsr_to_hand = geometry.multiply_tuples(tsr_to_odom, odom_to_hand) #T0s'

    # const_tsr = TaskSpaceRegion()
    # const_tsr.end_frame_id = _HAND_TF
    # const_tsr.origin_to_tsr = geometry.tuples_to_pose(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x,
    #                                                                 y=recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_DOOR_HINGE_POS+HANDLE_GOAL_OFFSET,
    #                                                                 z=recog_pos.pose.position.z))
    # const_tsr.tsr_to_end = geometry.tuples_to_pose(tsr_to_hand)
    # const_tsr.min_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0]
    # const_tsr.max_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, math.pi/4]

    # goal_tsr = TaskSpaceRegion()
    # goal_tsr.end_frame_id = _HAND_TF
    # goal_tsr.origin_to_tsr = geometry.tuples_to_pose(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x,
    #                                                                y=recog_pos.pose.position.y+HANDLE_TO_DOOR_HINGE_POS+HANDLE_GOAL_OFFSET,
    #                                                                z=recog_pos.pose.position.z))
    # goal_tsr.tsr_to_end = geometry.tuples_to_pose(tsr_to_hand)
    # goal_tsr.min_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, math.pi/4]
    # goal_tsr.max_bounds = [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, math.pi/4]

    # response = call_tsr_plan_service(whole_body, [const_tsr], [goal_tsr])
    # if response.error_code.val != ArmManipulationErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
    #     rospy.logerr("Planning failed: (Error Code {0})".format(response.error_code.val))
    #     exit(-1)
    # response.base_solution.header.frame_id = _ORIGIN_TF
    # constrain_traj = whole_body._constrain_trajectories(response.solution,
    #                                                     response.base_solution)
    # whole_body._execute_trajectory(constrain_traj)

    # # whole_body.impedance_config= None
    # # switch.inactivate()

Ejemplo n.º 43
    def _on_trajectory_action(self, goal):
        joint_names = goal.trajectory.joint_names
        self._get_trajectory_parameters(joint_names, goal)
        num_joints = len(joint_names)
        trajectory_points = goal.trajectory.points
        pnt_times = [0.0]*len(trajectory_points)
        # Create a new discretized joint trajectory
        num_points = len(trajectory_points)
        if num_points == 0:
            rospy.logerr("%s: Empty Trajectory" % (action_name,))
        # Force Velocites/Accelerations to zero at the final timestep
        # if they exist in the trajectory
        # Remove this behavior if you are stringing together trajectories,
        # and want continuous, non-zero velocities/accelerations between
        # trajectories
        trajectory_points[-1].velocities = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
        trajectory_points[-1].accelerations = [0.0] * len(joint_names)

        # Compute Full Bezier Curve Coefficients for all 7 joints
        pnt_times = [pnt.time_from_start.to_sec() for pnt in trajectory_points]
        if (num_points == 1) or (pnt_times[0] > 0.0):
            # Add current position as trajectory point
            first_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            first_trajectory_point.positions = self._get_current_position(joint_names)
            # To preserve desired velocities and accelerations, copy them to the first
            # trajectory point if the trajectory is only 1 point.
            first_trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0)
            trajectory_points.insert(0, first_trajectory_point)
            num_points = len(trajectory_points)
        for i in range(num_points):
            trajectory_points[i].velocities = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
            trajectory_points[i].accelerations = [0.0] * len(joint_names)
        for i in range(1,num_points):
            for j in range(num_joints):
                if ((pnt_times[i] - pnt_times[i-1]) > 0.0):
                    trajectory_points[i].velocities[j] = (trajectory_points[i].positions[j]-trajectory_points[i-1].positions[j])/(pnt_times[i] - pnt_times[i-1])
        Wait for the specified execution time, if not provided use now
        start_time = goal.trajectory.header.stamp.to_sec()
        now = rospy.get_time()
        if start_time == 0.0:
            start_time = rospy.get_time()
        while start_time > now:
            now = rospy.get_time()
        Loop until end of trajectory time.  Provide a single time step
        of the control rate past the end to ensure we get to the end.
        Keep track of current indices for spline segment generation
        control_rate = rospy.Rate(self._trajectory_control_rate)
        now_from_start = rospy.get_time() - start_time
        end_time = trajectory_points[-1].time_from_start.to_sec()
        last_idx = 0
        slewed_pos = self._get_current_position(joint_names)
        self._command_joints(joint_names, deepcopy(trajectory_points[0]))
        while (now_from_start < end_time and not rospy.is_shutdown() and
            now = rospy.get_time()
            now_from_start = now - start_time
            for i in range(num_points):
                if (pnt_times[i] >= now_from_start):
                    idx = i
            if (idx >= num_points):
                idx = num_points-1
            for j in range(num_joints):
                slewed_pos[j] += trajectory_points[idx].velocities[j] * (1.0/self._trajectory_control_rate)

            point = deepcopy(trajectory_points[idx])
            point.positions = slewed_pos
            Command Joint Position, Velocity, Acceleration
            command_executed = self._command_joints(joint_names, point)
            self._update_feedback(deepcopy(point), joint_names, now_from_start)

            Break the loop if the command cannot be executed
            if not command_executed:
        Keep trying to meet goal until goal_time constraint expired
        last = trajectory_points[-1]
        last_time = trajectory_points[-1].time_from_start.to_sec()
        end_angles = dict(zip(joint_names, last.positions))
        while (now_from_start < (last_time + self._goal_time)
               and not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.robot_is_enabled()):
            if not self._command_joints(joint_names, last):
            now_from_start = rospy.get_time() - start_time
            self._update_feedback(deepcopy(last), joint_names,

        now_from_start = rospy.get_time() - start_time
        self._update_feedback(deepcopy(last), joint_names,

        Verify goal constraint
        result = self._check_goal_state(joint_names, last)
        if result is True:
            rospy.loginfo("%s: Joint Trajectory Action Succeeded" %self._action_name)
            self._result.error_code = self._result.SUCCESSFUL
        elif result is False:
            rospy.logerr("%s: Exceeded Max Goal Velocity Threshold" %self._action_name)
            self._result.error_code = self._result.GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED
            rospy.logerr("%s: Exceeded Goal Threshold Error %s"%(self._action_name, result))
            self._result.error_code = self._result.GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED
Ejemplo n.º 44
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols
        # Joint angles
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')

        # DH
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')  # offset for links
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')  # length of links
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(
            'alpha0:7')  # twist angle

        # EE Poses
        r, p, y = symbols('r p y')

        # Create Modified DH parameters
        s = {
            alpha0: 0,
            a0: 0,
            d1: 0.75,
            q1: q1,
            alpha1: rad(-90),
            a1: 0.35,
            d2: 0,
            q2: q2 - rad(90),
            alpha2: 0,
            a2: 1.25,
            d3: 0,
            q3: q3,
            alpha3: rad(-90),
            a3: -0.054,
            d4: 1.50,
            q4: q4,
            alpha4: rad(90),
            a4: 0,
            d5: 0,
            q5: q5,
            alpha5: rad(-90),
            a5: 0,
            d6: 0,
            q6: q6,
            alpha6: 0,
            a6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            q7: 0

        # Create individual transformation matrices
        T_0_1 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(s)
        T_1_2 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(s)
        T_2_3 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(s)
        T_3_4 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(s)
        T_4_5 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(s)
        T_5_6 = get_transformation_matrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(s)
        T_6_EE = get_transformation_matrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(s)

        # Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices
        T_0_EE = T_0_1 * T_1_2 * T_2_3 * T_3_4 * T_4_5 * T_5_6 * T_6_EE

        # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
        R_x = get_rotation_matrix('roll', r)
        R_y = get_rotation_matrix('pitch', p)
        R_z = get_rotation_matrix('yaw', y)

        # Initialize rotation matrix of End Effector
        R_EE = R_z * R_y * R_x

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w

            ### Your IK code here

            # Calculate ee values and correct rotation matrix of EE
            R_EE, P_WC, theta1, theta2, theta3 = calculate_ee(
                R_EE, px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw)

            # Inverse kinematic rotation matrix from wraist to EE
            R_0_3 = T_0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T_1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T_2_3[0:3, 0:3]
            R_0_3 = R_0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})
            R_3_6 = Transpose(R_0_3) * R_EE

            # Angles from rotation matrix
            theta4 = atan2(R_3_6[2, 2], -R_3_6[0, 2])
            theta5 = atan2(
                sqrt(R_3_6[0, 2] * R_3_6[0, 2] + R_3_6[2, 2] * R_3_6[2, 2]),
                R_3_6[1, 2])
            theta6 = atan2(-R_3_6[1, 1], R_3_6[1, 0])

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
    def trajopt_plan(self,

        with self.lock:

            if (json_config_str is None and json_config_name is not None):
                json_config_str = self.load_json_config(json_config_name)

            robot = self.controller_commander.rox_robot

            #vel_upper_lim = np.array(robot.joint_vel_limit) * speed_scalar
            #vel_lower_lim = -vel_upper_lim
            #joint_lower_limit = np.array(robot.joint_lower_limit)
            #joint_upper_limit = np.array(robot.joint_upper_limit)
            joint_names = robot.joint_names

            joint_positions = self.controller_commander.get_current_joint_values(

            if target_pose is not None:
                p = PoseArray()
                p.header.frame_id = "world"
                p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            self.tesseract_env.setState(joint_names, joint_positions)

            init_pos = self.tesseract_env.getCurrentJointValues()
                np.reshape(init_pos, (1, 6)))

            planner = tesseract.TrajOptPlanner()

            manip = "move_group"
            end_effector = "vacuum_gripper_tool"

            pci = tesseract.ProblemConstructionInfo(self.tesseract_env)


            pci.kin = self.tesseract_env.getManipulator(manip)

            pci.init_info.type = tesseract.InitInfo.STATIONARY

            if target_pose is not None:
                #Final target_pose constraint
                pose_constraint = tesseract.CartPoseTermInfo()
                pose_constraint.term_type = tesseract.TT_CNT
                pose_constraint.link = end_effector
                pose_constraint.timestep = pci.basic_info.n_steps - 1
                q = rox.R2q(target_pose.R)
                pose_constraint.wxyz = np.array(q)
                pose_constraint.xyz = np.array(target_pose.p)
                pose_constraint.pos_coefs = np.array(
                    [1000000, 1000000, 1000000], dtype=np.float64)
                pose_constraint.rot_coefs = np.array([10000, 10000, 10000],
                pose_constraint.name = "final_pose"
            elif target_joints is not None:
                joint_constraint = tesseract.JointPosTermInfo()
                joint_constraint.term_type = tesseract.TT_CNT
                joint_constraint.link = end_effector
                joint_constraint.first_step = pci.basic_info.n_steps - 2
                joint_constraint.last_step = pci.basic_info.n_steps - 1
                #joint_constraint.coeffs = tesseract.DblVec([10000]*6)
                joint_constraint.targets = tesseract.DblVec(
                print target_joints
                assert False

            prob = tesseract.ConstructProblem(pci)

            config = tesseract.TrajOptPlannerConfig(prob)

            config.params.max_iter = 100000

            planning_response = planner.solve(config)

            if (planning_response.status_code != 0):
                raise Exception(
                    "TrajOpt trajectory planning failed with code: %d" %

                planning_response.trajectory[:, 0:6])

            jt = JointTrajectory()
            jt.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            jt.joint_names = joint_names

            trajectory_time = np.cumsum(1.0 /
                                        planning_response.trajectory[:, 6])
            trajectory_time = trajectory_time - trajectory_time[0]

            for i in xrange(planning_response.trajectory.shape[0]):
                jt_p = JointTrajectoryPoint()
                jt_p.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(trajectory_time[i])
                jt_p.positions = planning_response.trajectory[i, 0:6]

            return jt
Ejemplo n.º 46
def make_trajectory_point(duration, position):
    point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    point.positions = [position] * 7
    point.velocities = [0] * 7
    point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration)
    return point
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')  #for theta values
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(
            'alpha0:7')  #Twisting angles

        # Create Modified DH parameters

        DH_T = {
            alpha0: 0,
            a0: 0,
            d1: 0.75,
            alpha1: -pi / 2,
            a1: 0.35,
            d2: 0,
            q2: q2 - pi / 2,
            alpha2: 0,
            a2: 1.25,
            d3: 0,
            alpha3: -pi / 2,
            a3: -0.054,
            d4: 1.5,
            alpha4: pi / 2,
            a4: 0,
            d5: 0,
            alpha5: -pi / 2,
            a5: 0,
            d6: 0,
            alpha6: 0,
            a6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            q7: 0

        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix

        # Create individual transformation matrices
        TF0_1 = matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(DH_T)

        TF1_2 = matrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(DH_T)

        TF2_3 = matrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(DH_T)

        TF3_4 = matrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(DH_T)

        TF4_5 = matrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(DH_T)
        TF5_6 = matrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(DH_T)

        TF6_G = matrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(DH_T)

        TF0_G = simplify(TF0_1 * TF1_2 * TF2_3 * TF3_4 * TF4_5 * TF5_6 * TF6_G)

        R_corr = simplify(rot_z(pi) * rot_y(-pi / 2))

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w

            ### Your IK code here
            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            # rotation matrix for EE
            Rot_EE = rot_z(yaw)[0:3, 0:3] * rot_y(pitch)[0:3, 0:3] * rot_x(
                roll)[0:3, 0:3] * R_corr[0:3, 0:3]
            EE_Pos = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]])
            WC = EE_Pos - 0.303 * Rot_EE[:, 2]  # EE  relative to WC
            # Calculate theta 1 directly
            theta_1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])

            # calculate theta 2
            new_wx = sqrt(WC[0]**2 + WC[1]**2) - 0.35
            new_wz = WC[2] - 0.75  # WC_Z - d1
            B = sqrt(new_wx**2 + new_wz**2)

            # A and C fixed from urdf
            C = 1.25
            A = 1.5

            angle_a = math.acos(
                (pow(B, 2) + pow(C, 2) - pow(A, 2)) / (2 * B * C))
            theta_2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(new_wz, new_wx)

            # to get theta 3 we have to calculate angle_b first as follows:-
            angle_b = math.acos(
                (pow(C, 2) + pow(A, 2) - pow(B, 2)) / (2 * C * A))
            theta_3 = pi / 2 - angle_b - 0.03598  # 0.03598 is fixed angle = atan2(0.054,1.5)

            # cal theta 3 -> 6

            TF0_2 = simplify(TF0_1 * TF1_2)
            TF0_3 = simplify(TF0_2 * TF2_3)

            R0_3 = TF0_3.evalf(subs={
                q1: theta_1,
                q2: theta_2,
                q3: theta_3
            })[0:3, 0:3]

            R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * Rot_EE
            theta_4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
            theta_5 = atan2(
                sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]),
                R3_6[1, 2])
            theta_6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])
            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                theta_1, theta_2, theta_3, theta_4, theta_5, theta_6

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
pub = rospy.Publisher("/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal", FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal, queue_size=20)

topic_name = rospy.resolve_name("/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal")
rospy.loginfo("Sending goal to %s", topic_name)

traj = JointTrajectory()
traj.joint_names = ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']

now = rospy.get_rostime()
rospy.loginfo("Current time %i %i", now.secs, now.nsecs)
traj.header.stamp = now

home = JointTrajectoryPoint()
home.positions = home_position
home.velocities = home_velocity
home.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0/2)

shelf_A = JointTrajectoryPoint()
shelf_A.positions = [math.radians(100.63), math.radians(-106.49), math.radians(89.88), math.radians(-73.64), math.radians(274.08) ,math.radians(11.66)]
shelf_A.velocities = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
shelf_A.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(10.0/2)

shelf_ATLL = JointTrajectoryPoint()
shelf_ATLL.positions = [math.radians(118.62), math.radians(-94.75), math.radians(73.14), math.radians(-63.7), math.radians(275.07) ,math.radians(48.84)]
shelf_ATLL.velocities = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
shelf_ATLL.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(15.0/2)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def add_point(self, positions, time):
     point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
     point.positions = copy(positions)
     point.velocities = [0.0] * len(self._goal.trajectory.joint_names)
     point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def moveArm(self, flag, data):
        rospy.loginfo("received the following point " + str(data))
        # Get the current pose so we can add it as a waypoint
        j = 0
        while (j < 3):

            start_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.end_effector_link).pose

            # Initialize the waypoints list
            waypoints = []

            # Set the first waypoint to be the starting pose
            # Append the pose to the waypoints list

            wpose = deepcopy(start_pose)
            if (flag):
                if (j == 0):
                    eef_step = 0.02
                    self.goal.command.position = 0.0  # From 0.0 to 0.8
                    self.goal.command.max_effort = -1  # Do not limit the effort
                    # Set the next waypoint to location of the pick object
                    wpose.position.x = data.x - 0.025
                    wpose.position.y = data.y - 0.025
                    wpose.position.z = travel_height
                    wpose.orientation.x = -1
                    wpose.orientation.y = 0
                    wpose.orientation.z = 1
                    wpose.orientation.w = 0
                elif (j == 1):
                    eef_step = 0.01
                    wpose.position.x = data.x
                    wpose.position.y = data.y
                    wpose.position.z = data.depth + end_effector_length
                    wpose.orientation.x = -1
                    wpose.orientation.y = 0
                    wpose.orientation.z = 1
                    wpose.orientation.w = 0

                    eef_step = 0.02
                    self.goal.command.position = 0.37  # From 0.0 to 0.8
                    self.goal.command.max_effort = -1  # Do not limit the effort
                    # raise
                    wpose.position.x = data.x
                    wpose.position.y = data.y
                    wpose.position.z = travel_height

                    #move to the bin
                    wpose.position.x = bucket_x
                    wpose.position.y = bucket_y
                    wpose.position.z = travel_height
                    wpose.orientation.x = -1
                    wpose.orientation.y = 0
                    wpose.orientation.z = 0.5
                    wpose.orientation.w = 0

                eef_step = 0.01
                wpose.position.x = start_pose.position.x - 0.3
                wpose.position.y = start_pose.position.y + 0.1
                wpose.position.z = travel_height

                wpose.position.x = start_pose.position.x - 0.6
                wpose.position.y = start_pose.position.y + 0.2
                wpose.position.z = travel_height
                wpose.orientation.x = -1
                wpose.orientation.y = 0
                wpose.orientation.z = 0.5
                wpose.orientation.w = 0

                wpose.position.x = bucket_x
                wpose.position.y = bucket_y
                wpose.position.z = travel_height

                j = 3

            fraction = 0.0
            maxtries = 100
            attempts = 0
            j = j + 1

            # Set the internal state to the current state

            # Plan the Cartesian path connecting the waypoints
            while fraction < 1.0 and attempts < maxtries:
                (plan, fraction) = self.arm.compute_cartesian_path(
                    waypoints, eef_step, 0.0, True)

                # Increment the number of attempts
                attempts += 1

                # Print out a progress message
                if attempts % 10 == 0:
                    rospy.loginfo("Still trying after " + str(attempts) +
                                  " attempts...")

            # If we have a complete plan, execute the trajectory
            if fraction > 0.8:
                rospy.loginfo("Path computed successfully. Moving the arm.")
                num_pts = len(plan.joint_trajectory.points)

                rospy.loginfo("\n# waypoints: " + str(num_pts))
                waypoints = []
                for i in range(num_pts):

                pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/command',

                # Create the topic message
                traj = JointTrajectory()
                traj.header = Header()
                # Joint names for UR5
                traj.joint_names = [
                    'shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint',
                    'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'

                rate = rospy.Rate(20)
                cnt = 0
                pts = JointTrajectoryPoint()
                while not rospy.is_shutdown() and cnt < num_pts - 1:

                    # print(pub.get_Status())

                    cnt += 1
                    traj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

                    #        pts.positions = [0.0, -2.33, 1.57, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

                    pts.positions = waypoints[cnt]

                    pts.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.001 * cnt)

                    # Set the points to the trajectory
                    traj.points = []
                    # Publish the message


        # self.arm.execute(plan)
                rospy.loginfo("Path execution complete.")

                rospy.loginfo("Path planning failed with only " +
                              str(fraction) + " success after " +
                              str(maxtries) + " attempts.")

        self.goal.command.position = 0.0  # From 0.0 to 0.8
        self.goal.command.max_effort = -1  # Do not limit the effort
    def test_trajectories(self):
        """Test robot movement"""
        #### Power cycle the robot in order to make sure it is running correctly####

        rospy.sleep(0.5)  # TODO properly wait until the controller is running

        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()

        goal.trajectory.joint_names = [
            "elbow_joint", "shoulder_lift_joint", "shoulder_pan_joint",
            "wrist_1_joint", "wrist_2_joint", "wrist_3_joint"
        position_list = [[0.0 for i in range(6)]]
        position_list.append([-0.5 for i in range(6)])
        position_list.append([-1.0 for i in range(6)])
        duration_list = [6.0, 9.0, 12.0]

        for i, position in enumerate(position_list):
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.positions = position
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration_list[i])

        rospy.loginfo("Sending simple goal")


        rospy.loginfo("Received result SUCCESSFUL")
        """Test trajectory server. This is more of a validation test that the testing suite does the
        right thing."""
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()

        goal.trajectory.joint_names = [
            "elbow_joint", "shoulder_lift_joint", "shoulder_pan_joint",
            "wrist_1_joint", "wrist_2_joint", "wrist_3_joint"
        position_list = [[0.0 for i in range(6)]]
        position_list.append([-0.5 for i in range(6)])
        # Create illegal goal by making the second point come earlier than the first
        duration_list = [6.0, 3.0]

        for i, position in enumerate(position_list):
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.positions = position
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration_list[i])

        rospy.loginfo("Sending illegal goal")

        # As timings are illegal, we expect the result to be INVALID_GOAL
        rospy.loginfo("Received result INVALID_GOAL")
        """Test robot movement"""
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()

        goal.trajectory.joint_names = [
            "elbow_joint", "shoulder_lift_joint", "shoulder_pan_joint",
            "wrist_1_joint", "wrist_2_joint", "wrist_3_joint"
        position_list = [[0.0 for i in range(6)]]
        position_list.append([-1.0 for i in range(6)])
        duration_list = [6.0, 6.5]

        for i, position in enumerate(position_list):
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.positions = position
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration_list[i])

        rospy.loginfo("Sending scaled goal without time restrictions")

        rospy.loginfo("Received result SUCCESSFUL")

        # Now do the same again, but with a goal time constraint
        rospy.loginfo("Sending scaled goal with time restrictions")
        goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(0.01)

        rospy.loginfo("Received result GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED")
Ejemplo n.º 52
hand_gesture3.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=thumbs_up)]
hand_gesture4 = JointTrajectory()
hand_gesture4.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=fist)]
hand_gesture5 = JointTrajectory()
hand_gesture5.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=open_hand)]

arm_names = ['shoulder_medial_joint', 'elbow_joint']

raised = [1, 1]
lowered = [1.6, 1.6]

arm_gesture1 = JointTrajectory()
arm_gesture1.joint_names = arm_names
arm_gesture_points1 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
arm_gesture_points1.positions = [raised]
arm_gesture1.points = [arm_gesture_points1]
arm_gesture2 = JointTrajectory()
arm_gesture2.joint_names = arm_names
arm_gesture_points2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
arm_gesture_points2.positions = [lowered]
arm_gesture2.points = [arm_gesture_points2]

# ================== #
# Callback Functions #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Evaluates an action and sets the gesture points to reflect that action. #
# ======================================================================= #
def setHandGesture(msg):
    global hand_gesture
Ejemplo n.º 53
def gen_traj(joint_limits=np.array([[-math.pi, math.pi]] * 6),

    traj = JointTrajectory()
    traj.joint_names = [
        'shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint',
        'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'

    traj.header.frame_id = '/world'

    t = 0.
    iters = 0

    init_pose = np.array(
    )  ##### TODO: remove the dependency on global pose ####
    init_pose[0:3] = init_pose[2::-1]

    pos = np.array([0.] * 6)
    vel = np.array([0.] * 6)
    acc = np.array([0.] * 6)

    while t < duration:

        # print("############################")
        # print(t)
        # print(pos)
        # print(vel)
        # print(acc)

        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = pos + init_pose
        point.velocities = [0.] * 6
        point.accelerations = [0.] * 6
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t)


        pos += vel * time_step
        pos = np.minimum(pos, joint_limits[:, 1])
        pos = np.maximum(pos, joint_limits[:, 0])

        vel += acc * time_step
        vel = np.minimum(vel, vel_limit)
        vel = np.maximum(vel, -vel_limit)

        # print (iters % action_step)

        if iters % action_step == 0:
            acc = np.random.rand(6) - 0.5
            acc = acc / np.linalg.norm(acc)
            acc *= acc_mod

        t += time_step
        iters += 1

    point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    point.positions = init_pose
    point.velocities = [0.] * 6
    point.accelerations = [0.] * 6
    point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration + 3)


    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def create_grasp(self, pose, grasp_id):
        :type pose: Pose
            pose of the gripper for the grasp
        :type grasp_id: str
            name for the grasp
        :rtype: Grasp
        g = Grasp()
        g.id = grasp_id

        pre_grasp_posture = JointTrajectory()
        pre_grasp_posture.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id
        pre_grasp_posture.joint_names = [
            name for name in self._gripper_joint_names.split()
        jtpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_pre_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._time_pre_grasp_posture)

        grasp_posture = copy.deepcopy(pre_grasp_posture)
        grasp_posture.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture)
        jtpoint2 = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtpoint2.positions = [
            float(pos) for pos in self._gripper_grasp_positions.split()
        jtpoint2.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(
            self._time_pre_grasp_posture + self._time_grasp_posture +

        g.pre_grasp_posture = pre_grasp_posture
        g.grasp_posture = grasp_posture

        header = Header()
        header.frame_id = self._grasp_pose_frame_id  # base_footprint
        q = [
            pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z,
        # Fix orientation from gripper_link to parent_link (tool_link)
        fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q = quaternion_from_euler(
        q = quaternion_multiply(q, fix_tool_to_gripper_rotation_q)
        fixed_pose = copy.deepcopy(pose)
        fixed_pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        g.grasp_pose = PoseStamped(header, fixed_pose)
        g.grasp_quality = self._grasp_quality

        g.pre_grasp_approach = GripperTranslation()
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = self._pre_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = self._pre_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = self._pre_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance
        g.post_grasp_retreat = GripperTranslation()
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = self._post_grasp_direction_x  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = self._post_grasp_direction_y  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = self._post_grasp_direction_z  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._grasp_postures_frame_id  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = self._grasp_desired_distance  # NOQA
        g.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = self._grasp_min_distance

        g.max_contact_force = self._max_contact_force
        g.allowed_touch_objects = self._allowed_touch_objects

        return g
 def add_point(self, positions, goal, time):
     # creates a point in trajectory with time_from_start and positions
     point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
     point.positions = copy.copy(positions)
     point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time)
Ejemplo n.º 56
def calculate_sensor_offsets():
    package_to_store = rospy.get_param('~package_to_store')
    store_to_file = rospy.get_param('~store_to_file')
    scenario = rospy.get_param('~scenario')
    robot = rospy.get_param('~robot')
    set_calculated_offset = rospy.get_param('~set_calculated_offset')
    offset_params_ns = rospy.get_param('~offset_params_ns', "/temp") # /arm/driver
    recalibrate_srv_ns = rospy.get_param('~recalibrate_srv_ns', "") # /arm/driver
    if robot == "kuka":
        joint_names = rospy.get_param('/controller_joint_names')
        controller_topic = '/position_trajectory_controller/command'
        calcOffset_service = '/CalculateOffsets'
        setOffset_service = '/SetSensorOffset'
    elif robot == "ur":
        joint_names = rospy.get_param("/hardware_interface/joints")
        controller_topic = "/pos_based_pos_traj_controller/command"
        calcOffset_service = '/CalculateOffsets'
        setOffset_service = '/SetSensorOffset'
        joint_names = rospy.get_param('/arm/joint_names')
        controller_topic = '/arm/joint_trajectory_controller/command'
        calcOffset_service = '/arm/CalculateOffsets'
        setOffset_service = '/arm/SetSensorOffset'

    trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher(controller_topic, JointTrajectory, latch=True, queue_size=1)
    calculate_offsets_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(calcOffset_service, CalculateSensorOffset)
    set_offsets_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(setOffset_service, SetSensorOffset)
    ##print call('rospack find force_torque_sensor', shell=True)
    ##call('rosparam dump -v `rospack find force_torque_sensor`/config/sensor_offset.yaml /fts/Offset')
    # Posees
    poses = [[0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, -1.5707963, 0.0],
             [0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0]]

    poses_kuka = [[0.0, -1.5707963, 1.5707963, 0.0, -1.5707963, 0.0],
             [0.0, -1.5707963, 1.5707963, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0]]
    poses_ur = [[1.5707963, -1.5707963, 1.5707963, -1.5707963, 1.5707963, 0.0],
                [1.5707963, -1.5707963, 1.5707963, -1.5707963, -1.5707963, 0.0]]

    measurement = Wrench()
    for i in range(0,len(poses)):
        trajectory = JointTrajectory()
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        trajectory.joint_names = joint_names
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5)
        if robot == "kuka":
            point.positions = poses_kuka[i]
        elif robot == "ur":
            point.positions = poses_ur[i]
            point.positions = poses[i]
        rospy.loginfo("Going to position: " + str(point.positions))
        rospy.loginfo("Calculating offsets.")
        ret = calculate_offsets_srv(False)

        measurement.force.x += ret.offset.force.x
        measurement.force.y += ret.offset.force.y
        measurement.force.z += ret.offset.force.z
        measurement.torque.x += ret.offset.torque.x
        measurement.torque.y += ret.offset.torque.y
        measurement.torque.z += ret.offset.torque.z

    measurement.force.x /= len(poses)
    measurement.force.y /= len(poses)
    measurement.force.z /= len(poses)
    measurement.torque.x /= len(poses)
    measurement.torque.y /= len(poses)
    measurement.torque.z /= len(poses)

    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/force/x', measurement.force.x)
    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/force/y', measurement.force.y)
    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/force/z', measurement.force.z)
    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/torque/x', measurement.torque.x)
    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/torque/y', measurement.torque.y)
    rospy.set_param(offset_params_ns + '/Offset/torque/z', measurement.torque.z)

    if set_calculated_offset:
        ret = set_offsets_srv(measurement)
        #client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client(recalibrate_srv_ns)
        #client.update_configuration({"force":{"x":measurement.force.x, "y":measurement.force.y, "z":measurement.force.z}, "torque":{"x":measurement.torque.x, "y":measurement.torque.y, "z":measurement.torque.z}})

    if store_to_file:
        if scenario == '':
            call('rosparam dump -v `rospack find ' + package_to_store + ' `/config/sensor_offset.yaml  '  + offset_params_ns +  '/Offset', shell=True)
            call('rosparam dump -v `rospack find ' + package_to_store + ' `/config/robot_with_' + scenario + '_offset.yaml  '  + offset_params_ns +  '/Offset', shell=True)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        ### Your FK code here
        # Create symbols
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 =symbols('a0:7') #link length
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 =symbols('d1:8') #link offsets
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 =symbols('alpha0:7') #twist angles
        #create symbols for theta  
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 =symbols('q1:8') #thetas

        # Create Modified DH parameters
        s={ alpha0:     0,    a0:           0, d1:      0.75, q1:  q1,
            alpha1: -pi/2,    a1:        0.35, d2:         0, q2: -pi/2+q2, 
            alpha2:     0,    a2:        1.25, d3:         0, q3:  q3,      
            alpha3: -pi/2,    a3:      -0.054, d4:       1.5, q4:  q4,      
            alpha4:  pi/2,    a4:           0, d5:         0, q5:  q5,         
            alpha5: -pi/2,    a5:           0, d6:         0, q5:  q6,        
            alpha6:     0,    a6:           0, d7:     0.303, q7:          0}
        # Define Modified DH Transformation matrix
        def TF_Matrix(alpha, a, d, q):
            TF = Matrix([[           cos(q),         -sin(q),            0,              a],
                         [ sin(q)*cos(alpha), cos(q)*cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha)*d],
                         [ sin(q)*sin(alpha), cos(q)*sin(alpha),  cos(alpha),  cos(alpha)*d],
                         [                   0,                   0,            0,               1]])
            return TF
         # Create individual transformation matrices

        T0_1 = TF_Matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(s)
        T1_2 = TF_Matrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(s)
        T2_3 = TF_Matrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(s)
        T3_4 = TF_Matrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(s)
        T4_5 = TF_Matrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(s)
        T5_6 = TF_Matrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(s)
        T6_EE = TF_Matrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(s)
        T0_EE= T0_1*T1_2*T2_3*T3_4*T4_5*T5_6*T6_EE  #from base length to end effector
        # Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices


            # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
                # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
                [req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                    req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])

                ### Your IK code here
            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
            ## Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices
            r, p, y = symbols('r p y')
            R_x  = Matrix([[1,      0,       0],
                       [0, cos(r), -sin(r)],
                       [0 ,sin(r),  cos(r)]])

            R_y  = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)],
               [0,      1,       0],
               [-sin(p), 0,  cos(p)]])

            R_z  = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],
               [sin(y),  cos(y), 0],
               [0 ,     0,       1]])
            R_EE = R_z * R_y * R_x   #extrinsic rotation

            R_correction = R_z.subs(y, pi) * R_y.subs(p, -pi/2)

            R_EE = R_EE* R_correction 
            R_EE = R_EE. subs({'r': roll, 'p' :pitch, 'y': yaw})

        #postion of Wrist circle

            EE = Matrix([[px],

            WC = EE - (0.303)*R_EE[:,2]

            a = 1.501 
            b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0]*WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1])-0.35),2)+pow((WC[2]-0.75),2))
            c = 1.25 

            theta1 = atan2(WC[1],WC[0])    
            theta1_2 = acos((b*b + c*c - a*a)/(2*b*c))
            theta2_3 = acos((a*a + c*c - b*b)/(2*a*c))
            theta2 = (pi/2 -  theta1_2 - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0]*WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35))
            theta3 = (pi/2 - (theta2_3 + 0.036))
            R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]
            R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1:theta1, q2:theta2, q3:theta3})
            R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * R_EE        

            theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2,2], -R3_6[0,2])
            theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1,1], R3_6[1,0])
            theta5 = atan2(sqrt(pow(R3_6[0,2],2)+pow(R3_6[2,2],2)), R3_6[1,2])


                # Populate response for the IK request
                # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 58
def main(whole_body, base, gripper, wrist_wrench):

    cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
    # publisher for delvering command for base move
    vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/command_velocity',
    # base_pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base/move/goal',move_base_msgs.msg.MoveBaseActionGoal,queue_size=10)

    armPub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/arm_trajectory_controller/command',
    ## Grab the handle of door

    #test with service - get the handle position from handle

    global recog_pos
    global Is_found

    print recog_pos.pose.position
    # target_pose_Msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/handle_detector/grasp_point", PoseStamped)
    # recog_pos.pose.position.x=target_pose_Msg.pose.position.x
    # recog_pos.pose.position.y=target_pose_Msg.pose.position.y
    # recog_pos.pose.position.z=target_pose_Msg.pose.position.z

    # whole_body.impedance_config= 'grasping'
    switch = ImpedanceControlSwitch()
    # wrist_wrench.reset()

    grab_pose = geometry.multiply_tuples(
        geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x - HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_X,
                      y=recog_pos.pose.position.y - HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_Y,
                      ej=math.pi / 2), geometry.pose(ek=math.pi / 2))
    whole_body.move_end_effector_pose(grab_pose, _ORIGIN_TF)
    # whole_body.impedance_config= 'compliance_middle'
    # gripper.command(0.01)


    #### test manipulation
    #change the impedance config to grasping
    whole_body.impedance_config = 'grasping'
    ## Direct Joint trajectory
    traj = JointTrajectory()
    # This controller requires that all joints have values
    traj.joint_names = [
        "arm_lift_joint", "arm_flex_joint", "arm_roll_joint",
        "wrist_flex_joint", "wrist_roll_joint"
    p = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    current_positions = [latest_positions[name] for name in traj.joint_names]
    current_positions[0] = latest_positions["arm_lift_joint"] - 0.07
    current_positions[1] = latest_positions["arm_flex_joint"] - 0.02
    current_positions[2] = latest_positions["arm_roll_joint"]
    current_positions[3] = latest_positions["wrist_flex_joint"]
    current_positions[4] = latest_positions["wrist_roll_joint"] - 0.65
    p.positions = current_positions
    p.velocities = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    p.time_from_start = rospy.Time(3)
    traj.points = [p]



    ## Move by End-effector line
    whole_body.impedance_config = 'compliance_hard'
    whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0.0, 0.0, 1), 0.45)

    ## Move base with linear & Angular motion
    tw = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
    tw.linear.x = 0.9
    tw.angular.z = 0.45

    ## Move base with linear & Angular motion second
    tw_cmd0 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
    tw_cmd0.linear.x = 0.3
    tw_cmd0.angular.z = 0.45
    # rospy.sleep(4.0)


    ## Open the gripper

    ## Move back
    tw_cmd = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
    tw_cmd.linear.x = -1.2

    ## Move back  2
    tw_cmd2 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
    tw_cmd2.linear.x = -1.1
    tw_cmd2.angular.z = -0.4
    ## Move back

    tw_cmd2 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
    tw_cmd2.linear.x = -0.6
    tw_cmd2.angular.z = -0.3
def handle_calculate_IK(req):
    rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))
    if len(req.poses) < 1:
        print "No valid poses received"
        return -1

        # Create symbols
        alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols(
        a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
        d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
        q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')

        #  Modified DH parameters
        s = {
            a0: 0,
            alpha0: 0,
            d1: 0.75,
            a1: 0.35,
            alpha1: -pi / 2,
            d2: 0,
            q2: q2 - pi / 2,
            a2: 1.25,
            alpha2: 0,
            d3: 0,
            a3: -0.054,
            alpha3: -pi / 2,
            d4: 1.5,
            a4: 0,
            alpha4: pi / 2,
            d5: 0,
            a5: 0,
            alpha5: -pi / 2,
            d6: 0,
            a6: 0,
            alpha6: 0,
            d7: 0.303,
            q7: 0
        #Modified DH Transformation matrix

        T0_1 = Matrix([[cos(q1), -sin(q1), 0, a0],
                           sin(q1) * cos(alpha0),
                           cos(q1) * cos(alpha0), -sin(alpha0),
                           -sin(alpha0) * d1
                           sin(q1) * sin(alpha0),
                           cos(q1) * sin(alpha0),
                           cos(alpha0) * d1
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T0_1 = T0_1.subs(s)

        T1_2 = Matrix([[cos(q2), -sin(q2), 0, a1],
                           sin(q2) * cos(alpha1),
                           cos(q2) * cos(alpha1), -sin(alpha1),
                           -sin(alpha1) * d2
                           sin(q2) * sin(alpha1),
                           cos(q2) * sin(alpha1),
                           cos(alpha1) * d2
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T1_2 = T1_2.subs(s)

        T2_3 = Matrix([[cos(q3), -sin(q3), 0, a2],
                           sin(q3) * cos(alpha2),
                           cos(q3) * cos(alpha2), -sin(alpha2),
                           -sin(alpha2) * d3
                           sin(q3) * sin(alpha2),
                           cos(q3) * sin(alpha2),
                           cos(alpha2) * d3
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T2_3 = T2_3.subs(s)

        T3_4 = Matrix([[cos(q4), -sin(q4), 0, a3],
                           sin(q4) * cos(alpha3),
                           cos(q4) * cos(alpha3), -sin(alpha3),
                           -sin(alpha3) * d4
                           sin(q4) * sin(alpha3),
                           cos(q4) * sin(alpha3),
                           cos(alpha3) * d4
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T3_4 = T3_4.subs(s)

        T4_5 = Matrix([[cos(q5), -sin(q5), 0, a4],
                           sin(q5) * cos(alpha4),
                           cos(q5) * cos(alpha4), -sin(alpha4),
                           -sin(alpha4) * d5
                           sin(q5) * sin(alpha4),
                           cos(q5) * sin(alpha4),
                           cos(alpha4) * d5
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T4_5 = T4_5.subs(s)

        T5_6 = Matrix([[cos(q6), -sin(q6), 0, a5],
                           sin(q6) * cos(alpha5),
                           cos(q6) * cos(alpha5), -sin(alpha5),
                           -sin(alpha5) * d6
                           sin(q6) * sin(alpha5),
                           cos(q6) * sin(alpha5),
                           cos(alpha5) * d6
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T5_6 = T5_6.subs(s)

        T6_7 = Matrix([[cos(q7), -sin(q7), 0, a6],
                           sin(q7) * cos(alpha6),
                           cos(q7) * cos(alpha6), -sin(alpha6),
                           -sin(alpha6) * d7
                           sin(q7) * sin(alpha6),
                           cos(q7) * sin(alpha6),
                           cos(alpha6) * d7
                       ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        T6_7 = T6_7.subs(s)

        # Create individual transformation matrices
        T0_2 = simplify(T0_1 * T1_2)
        T0_3 = simplify(T0_2 * T2_3)
        T0_4 = simplify(T0_3 * T3_4)
        T0_5 = simplify(T0_4 * T4_5)
        T0_6 = simplify(T0_5 * T5_6)
        T0_7 = simplify(T0_6 * T6_7)

        #Rotation Matrix
        x_angle, y_angle, z_angle = symbols('x_angle y_angle z_angel')

        R_Z = Matrix([[cos(z_angle), -sin(z_angle), 0, 0],
                      [sin(z_angle), cos(z_angle), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        R_Y = Matrix([[cos(y_angle), 0, sin(y_angle), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                      [-sin(y_angle), 0, cos(y_angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        R_X = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, cos(x_angle), -sin(x_angle), 0],
                      [0, sin(x_angle), cos(x_angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        #Correction matrix, This matrix is you to transform Gazebo coordinate system to DH coordinate system

        R_corr = simplify(R_Z * R_Y)

        T_total = simplify(T0_7 * R_corr)
        # Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices
        R0_1 = T0_1[:3, :3]
        R0_2 = T0_2[:3, :3]
        R0_3 = T0_3[:3, :3]
        R0_4 = T0_4[:3, :3]
        R0_5 = T0_5[:3, :3]
        R0_6 = T0_6[:3, :3]
        R0_7 = T0_7[:3, :3]

        # Initialize service response
        joint_trajectory_list = []
        for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):
            # IK code starts here
            joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()

            # Extract end-effector position and orientation from request
            # px,py,pz = end-effector position
            # roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientation
            px = req.poses[x].position.x
            py = req.poses[x].position.y
            pz = req.poses[x].position.z

            (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([
                req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
                req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w

            # Compensate for rotation discrepancy between DH parameters and Gazebo
            # r_corr is the correction matrix require to transform from gazebo coordinate system to DH coordinate system
            r_corr = R_corr[:3, :3]
            r_corr = r_corr.evalf(subs={y_angle: -pi / 2, z_angle: pi})
            r_x = R_X[:3, :3]
            r_y = R_Y[:3, :3]
            r_z = R_Z[:3.:3]

            # Rotation matrix for end effector (In Gazebo coordinate systme)
            Rrpy = simplify(r_z * r_y * r_x)

            R_EE_URDF = Rrpy.evalf(subs={
                x_angel: roll,
                y_angle: pitch,
                z_angle: yaw

            # Rotation matrix for end effector (In DH coordinate system)
            R_EE_DH = R_EE_URDF * r_corr

            # Wrist center position
            WC_pos = Matrix([[px], [py], [pz]]) - d7 * R_EE_DH[:, 2]

            # Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method
            # Look the the triangle abc image in writup
            # A,B and C are the sides of triangle
            theta1 = atan2(WC_pos[1], WC_pos[0])
            A = 1.5009
            C = 1.25
            B = (((WC_pos[0]**2 + WC_pos[1]**2)**(0.5) - 0.35)**2 +
                 (WC_pos[2] - 0.75)**2)**(
                     0.5)  #0.35 is a1, 0.75 is the z-coordinate of joint 2
            # Standered cos rule to find the angles of triangle
            a_angle = acos((-A**2 + B**2 + C**2) / (2 * B * C))
            b_angle = acos((A**2 - B**2 + C**2) / (2 * A * C))
            c_angle = acos((A**2 + B**2 - C**2) / (2 * B * A))

            theta2 = pi / 2 - a_angle - atan2(
                WC_pos[2] - 0.75, (WC_pos[0]**2 + WC_pos[1]**2)**(0.5) - 0.35)
            theta3 = (
                pi / 2 - 0.036
            ) - b_angle  # pi/2 - 0.036 is the initial angle between the side A and side B (look the dig1 in readme file)

            R0_3_val = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})

            #R3_6 is the rotation matrix for 3rd joint to 6th joint coordinate system
            R3_6 = R0_3_val.inv('LU') * R_EE_DH

            theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
            theta5 = atan2((R3_6[0, 2]**2 + R3_6[2, 2]**2)**0.5, R3_6[1, 2])
            theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])

            # Populate response for the IK request
            # In the next line replace theta1,theta2...,theta6 by your joint angle variables
            joint_trajectory_point.positions = [
                theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6

            #Calculating the error in the position of end-effector
            EE = T_total.evalf(
                    q1: theta1,
                    q2: theta2,
                    q3: theta3,
                    q4: theta4,
                    q5: theta5,
                    q6: theta6
            EE_pos_cal = [EE[0, 3], EE[1, 3], EE[2, 3]]

            ee_x_e = abs(EE_pos_cal[0] - px)
            ee_y_e = abs(EE_pos_cal[1] - py)
            ee_z_e = abs(EE_pos_cal[2] - pz)
            ee_offset = sqrt(ee_x_e**2 + ee_y_e**2 + ee_z_e**2)
            print("\nEnd effector error for x position is: %04.8f" % ee_x_e)
            print("End effector error for y position is: %04.8f" % ee_y_e)
            print("End effector error for z position is: %04.8f" % ee_z_e)
            print("Overall end effector offset is: %04.8f units \n" %

        rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" %
        return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)
Ejemplo n.º 60
def move_arm( positions, time_from_start = 3.0, arm = 'r', client = None ):

    if (client == None):
        client = init_jt_client(arm)
        arm = client.action_client.ns[0:1]; # ignore arm argument

    rospy.loginfo( 'move arm \'%s\' to position %s'%( arm, positions ) )    

    joint_names = get_joint_names( ''.join( ( arm, '_arm_controller' ) ) )
    jt = JointTrajectory()
    jt.joint_names = joint_names
    jt.points = []
    jp = JointTrajectoryPoint()
    jp.time_from_start = rospy.Time.from_seconds( time_from_start )
    jp.positions = positions
    jt.points.append( jp )
    # push trajectory goal to ActionServer
    jt_goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
    jt_goal.trajectory = jt
    jt_goal.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() # + rospy.Duration.from_sec( time_from_start )
    client.send_goal( jt_goal )
    return client.get_state()