Ejemplo n.º 1
class Flickrfs(Fuse):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
    Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
    log.info("mountpoint: %s", repr(self.mountpoint))
    log.info("mount options: %s", ', '.join(self.optlist))
    log.info("named mount options: %s",
        ', '.join([ "%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in self.optdict.items() ]))
    self.inodeCache = inodes.InodeCache(dbPath) # Inodes need to be stored.
    self.imgCache = inodes.ImageCache()
    self.NSID = ""
    self.transfl = TransFlickr(browserName)

    # Set some variables to be utilized by statfs function.
    self.statfsCounter = -1
    self.max = 0L
    self.used = 0L

    self.NSID = self.transfl.getUserId()
    if self.NSID is None:
      log.error("can't retrieve user information")

    log.info('getting list of licenses available')
    self.licenses = self.transfl.getLicenses()
    if self.licenses is None:
      log.error("can't retrieve license information")

    # do stuff to set up your filesystem here, if you want
    background(timerThread, self.sets_thread, 
               self.sync_sets_thread, sets_sync_int) #sync every 2 minutes

  def imageResize(self, bufData):
    # If no resizing information is present, then return the buffer directly.
    if GetResizeStr() == "":
      return bufData

    # Else go ahead and do the conversion.
    im = '/tmp/flickrfs-' + str(int(random.random()*1000000000))
    f = open(im, 'w')
    cmd = 'identify -format "%%w" %s'%(im,)
    status,ret = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
    msg = ("%s command not found; you must install Imagemagick to get "
      "auto photo resizing")
    if status!=0:
      print msg % 'identify'
      log.error(msg, identify)
      return bufData
      if int(ret)<int(GetResizeStr().split('x')[0]):
        log.info('image size is smaller than size specified in config.txt;'
                 ' retaining original size')
        return bufData
      log.error('invalid format of image.size in config.txt')
      return bufData
    log.debug("resizing image %s to size %s" % (im, GetResizeStr()))
    cmd = 'convert %s -resize %s %s-conv'%(im, GetResizeStr(), im)
    ret = os.system(cmd)
    if ret!=0:
      print msg % 'convert'
      log.error(msg, 'convert')
      return bufData
      f = open(im + '-conv')
      return f.read()

  def writeMetaInfo(self, id, INFO):
    #The metadata may be unicode strings, so we need to encode them on write
    filePath = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+id)
    f = codecs.open(filePath, 'w', 'utf8')
    f.write('# Metadata file : flickrfs - Virtual filesystem for flickr\n')
    f.write('# Photo owner: %s NSID: %s\n' % (INFO[7], INFO[8]))
    f.write('# Handy link to photo: %s\n'%(INFO[9]))
    f.write('# Licences available: \n')
    for (k, v) in self.licenses:
      f.write('# %s : %s\n' % (k, v))
    f.write("%s:%s\n"%('title', INFO[4]))
    f.write("%s:%s\n"%('description', INFO[3]))
    tags = ','.join(INFO[5])
    f.write("%s:%s\n"%('tags', tags))
    f = open(filePath)
    fileSize = f.tell()
    return fileSize

  def __populate_set(self, set_id, curdir):
    # Exception handling will be done by background function.
    photosInSet = self.transfl.getPhotosFromPhotoset(set_id)
    for b,p in photosInSet.iteritems():
      info = self.transfl.parseInfoFromPhoto(b,p)
      self._mkfileWithMeta(curdir, info)
    log.info("set %s populated, photo count %s", curdir, len(photosInSet))

  def sets_thread(self):
      The beauty of the FUSE python implementation is that with the 
      python interpreter running in foreground, you can have threads
    print "Sets are being populated in the background."
    for a in self.transfl.getPhotosetList():
      title = a.title[0].elementText.replace('/', '_')
      log.info("populating set %s", title)
      curdir = "/sets/" + title
      if title.strip()=='':
        curdir = "/sets/" + a['id']
      set_id = a['id']
      self._mkdir(curdir, id=set_id)
      self.__populate_set(set_id, curdir)

  def _sync_code(self, psetOnline, curdir):
    psetLocal = set(map(lambda x: x[0], self.getdir(curdir, False)))
    for b in psetOnline:
      info = self.transfl.parseInfoFromPhoto(b)
      imageTitle = info.get('title','')
      if hasattr(b, 'originalformat'):
        imageTitle = self.__getImageTitle(imageTitle, 
                                        b['id'], b['originalformat'])
        imageTitle = self.__getImageTitle(imageTitle, b['id'])
      path = "%s/%s"%(curdir, imageTitle)
      inode = self.inodeCache.get(path)
      # This exception throwing is just for debugging.
      if inode == None and self.inodeCache.has_key(path):
        e = OSError("Path %s present in inodeCache" % path)
        e.errno = ENOENT
        raise e
      if inode == None: # Image inode not present in the set.
        log.debug("new image found: %s", path)
        self._mkfileWithMeta(curdir, info)
        if inode.mtime != int(info.get('dupdate')):
          log.debug("image %s changed", path)
          if self.inodeCache.has_key(path + ".meta"):
            self.inodeCache.pop(path + ".meta")
          self._mkfileWithMeta(curdir, info)
    if len(psetLocal)>0:
      log.info('%s photos have been deleted online' % len(psetLocal))
    for c in psetLocal:
      log.info('deleting %s', c)
      self.unlink("%s/%s" % (curdir, c), False)

  def __sync_set_in_background(self, set_id, curdir):
    # Exception handling will be done by background function.
    log.info("syncing set %s", curdir)
    psetOnline = self.transfl.getPhotosFromPhotoset(set_id)
    self._sync_code(psetOnline, curdir)
    log.info("set %s sync successfully finished", curdir)
  def sync_sets_thread(self):
    setListOnline = self.transfl.getPhotosetList()
    setListLocal = self.getdir('/sets', False)
    for a in setListOnline:
      title = a.title[0].elementText.replace('/', '_')
      if title.strip()=="":
        title = a['id']
      if (title,0) not in setListLocal: #New set added online
        log.info("new set %s found online", title)
        self._mkdir('/sets/'+title, a['id'])
      else: #Present Online
    for a in setListLocal: #List of sets present locally, but not online
      log.info('set %s no longer online, recursively deleting it', a)
      self.rmdir('/sets/'+a[0], online=False, recr=True)
    for a in setListOnline:
      title = a.title[0].elementText.replace('/', '_')
      curdir = "/sets/" + title
      if title.strip()=='':
        curdir = "/sets/" + a['id']
      set_id = a['id']
      self.__sync_set_in_background(set_id, curdir)

  def sync_stream_thread(self):
    psetOnline = self.transfl.getPhotoStream(self.NSID)
    self._sync_code(psetOnline, '/stream')
  def stream_thread(self):
    print "Populating photostream"
    for b in self.transfl.getPhotoStream(self.NSID):
      info = self.transfl.parseInfoFromPhoto(b)
      self._mkfileWithMeta('/stream', info)
    print "Photostream population finished."
  def tags_thread(self, path):
    ind = string.rindex(path, '/')
    tagName = path[ind+1:]
    if tagName.strip()=='':
      log.error("the tagName '%s' doesn't contain any tags", tagName)
    log.info("started for %s", tagName)
    sendtagList = ','.join(tagName.split(':'))
      user_id = self.NSID
      user_id = None
    for b in self.transfl.getTaggedPhotos(sendtagList, user_id):
      info = self.transfl.parseInfoFromPhoto(b)
      self._mkfileWithMeta(path, info)

  def getUnixPerms(self, info):
    mode = info.get('mode')
    if mode is not None:
      return mode
    perms = info.get('perms')
    if perms is None:
      return 0644
    if perms is "1": # public
      return 0755
    elif perms is "2": # friends only. Add 1 to 4 in middle letter.
      return 0754
    elif perms is "3": # family only. Add 2 to 4 in middle letter.
      return 0764
    elif perms is "4": # friends and family. Add 1+2 to 4 in middle letter.
      return 0774
      return 0744 # private

  def __getImageTitle(self, title, id, format = "jpg"):
    temp = title.replace('/', '')
#    return "%s_%s.%s" % (temp[:32], id, format)
    # Store the photos original name. Thus, when pictures are uploaded
    # their names would remain as it is, allowing easy resumption of
    # uploading of images, in case some of the photos fail uploading.
    return "%s.%s" % (temp, format)

  def _mkfileWithMeta(self, path, info):
    # Don't write the meta information here, because it requires access to
    # the full INFO. Only do with the smaller version of information that
    # is provided.
    if info is None:
    title = info.get("title", "")
    id =    info.get("id", "")
    ext =   info.get("format", "jpg")
    title = self.__getImageTitle(title, id, ext)

    # Refactor this section of code, so that it can be called
    # from read.
    # Figure out a way to retrieve information, which can be 
    # used in _mkfile.
    mtime = info.get("dupdate")
    ctime = info.get("dupload")
    perms = self.getUnixPerms(info)
    self._mkfile(path+"/"+title, id=id, mode=perms, mtime=mtime, ctime=ctime)
    self._mkfile(path+'/.'+title+'.meta', id)

  def _parsepathid(self, path, id=""):
    #Path and Id may be unicode strings, so encode them to utf8 now before
    #we use them, otherwise python will throw errors when we combine them
    #with regular strings.
    path = path.encode('utf8')
    if id!=0: id = id.encode('utf8')
    parentDir, name = os.path.split(path)
    if parentDir=='':
      parentDir = '/'
    log.debug("parentDir %s", parentDir)
    return path, id, parentDir, name

  def _mkdir(self, path, id="", mtime=None, ctime=None):
    path, id, parentDir, name = self._parsepathid(path, id)
    log.debug("creating directory %s", path)
    self.inodeCache[path] = inodes.DirInode(path, id, mtime=mtime, ctime=ctime)
    if path!='/':
      pinode = self.getInode(parentDir)
      pinode.nlink += 1
      self.updateInode(parentDir, pinode)
      log.debug("nlink of %s is now %s", parentDir, pinode.nlink)

  def _mkfile(self, path, id="", mode=None, 
              comm_meta="", mtime=None, ctime=None):
    path, id, parentDir, name = self._parsepathid(path, id)
    log.debug("creating file %s with id %s", path, id)
    image_name, extension = os.path.splitext(name)
    if not extension:
      log.error("can't create file without extension")
    fInode = inodes.FileInode(path, id, mode=mode, comm_meta=comm_meta,
                              mtime=mtime, ctime=ctime)
    self.inodeCache[path] = fInode
    # Now create the meta info inode if the meta info file exists
    # refactoring: create the meta info inode, regardless of the
    # existence of datapath.
#    path = os.path.join(parentDir, '.' + image_name + '.meta')
#    datapath = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+id)
#    if os.path.exists(datapath):
#    size = os.path.getsize(datapath)
#    self.inodeCache[path] = FileInode(path, id)

  def getattr(self, path):
    # getattr is being called 4-6 times every second for '/'
    # Don't log those calls, as they clutter up the log file.
    if path != "/":
      logattr.debug("getattr: %s", path)
    templist = path.split('/')
    if path.startswith('/sets/'):
      templist[2] = templist[2].split(':')[0]
    elif path.startswith('/stream'):
      templist[1] = templist[1].split(':')[0]
    path = '/'.join(templist)

    if inode:
      #log.debug("inode %s", inode)
      statTuple = (inode.mode,inode.ino,inode.dev,inode.nlink,
      #log.debug("statsTuple %s", statTuple)
      return statTuple
      e = OSError("No such file"+path)
      e.errno = ENOENT
      raise e

  def readlink(self, path):
    return os.readlink(path)
  def getdir(self, path, hidden=True):
    logattr.debug("getdir: %s", path)
    templist = []
    if hidden:
      templist = ['.', '..']
    for a in self.inodeCache.keys():
      ind = a.rindex('/')
      if path=='/':
      if path==a[:ind]:
        name = a.split('/')[-1]
        if name=="":
        if hidden and name.startswith('.'):
        elif not name.startswith('.'):
    return map(lambda x: (x,0), templist)

  def unlink(self, path, online=True):
    log.debug("unlink %s", path)
    if self.inodeCache.has_key(path):
      inode = self.inodeCache.pop(path)
      # Remove the meta data file as well if it exists
      if self.inodeCache.has_key(path + ".meta"):
        self.inodeCache.pop(path + ".meta")

      typesinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
      if typesinfo[0] is None or typesinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
        log.debug("unlinked non-image file %s", path)

      if path.startswith('/sets/'):
        ind = path.rindex('/')
        pPath = path[:ind]
        pinode = self.getInode(pPath)
        if online:
          log.info("photo %s removed from set", path)
      del inode
      log.error("%s is not a known file", path)
      #Dont' raise an exception. Not useful when
      #using editors like Vim. They make loads of 
      #crap buffer files
  def rmdir(self, path, online=True, recr=False):
    log.debug("removing %s", path)
    if self.inodeCache.has_key(path):
      for a in self.inodeCache.keys():
        if a.startswith(path+'/'):
          if recr:
            self.unlink(a, online)
            e = OSError("Directory not empty")
            e.errno = ENOTEMPTY
            raise e
      log.error("%s is not a known directory", path)
      e = OSError("No such folder"+path)
      e.errno = ENOENT
      raise e
    if path=='/sets' or path=='/tags' or path=='/tags/personal' \
        or path=='/tags/public' or path=='/stream':
      log.debug("attempt to remove framework file %s rejected", path)
      e = OSError("removal of folder %s not allowed" % (path))
      e.errno = EPERM
      raise e

    ind = path.rindex('/')
    pPath = path[:ind]
    inode = self.inodeCache.pop(path)
    if online and path.startswith('/sets/'):
    del inode
    pInode = self.getInode(pPath)
    pInode.nlink -= 1
    self.updateInode(pPath, pInode)
  def symlink(self, path, path1):
    return os.symlink(path, path1)

  def rename(self, path, path1):
    log.debug("%s %s", path, path1)
    #Donot allow Vim to create a file~
    #Check for .meta in both paths
    if path.count('~')>0 or path1.count('~')>0:
      log.debug("vim enablement path entered")
        #Get inode, but _dont_ remove from cache
        inode = self.getInode(path)
        if inode is not None:
          self.inodeCache[path1] = inode
        log.debug("couldn't find inode for %s", path)

    #Read from path
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    if inode is None or not hasattr(inode, 'photoId'):
    fname = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId)
    f = open(fname, 'r')
    buf = f.read()

    #Now write to path1
    inode = self.getInode(path1)
    if inode is None or not hasattr(inode, 'photoId'):
    fname = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId)
    f = open(fname, 'w')
    inode.size = os.path.getsize(fname)
    self.updateInode(path1, inode)
    retinfo = self.parse(fname, inode.photoId)
    if retinfo.count('Error')>0:
  def link(self, srcpath, destpath):
    log.debug("%s %s", srcpath, destpath)
    #Add image from stream to set, w/o retrieving
    slist = srcpath.split('/')
    sname_file = slist.pop(-1)
    dlist = destpath.split('/')
    dname_file = dlist.pop(-1)
    error = 0
    if sname_file=="" or sname_file.startswith('.'):
      error = 1
    if dname_file=="" or dname_file.startswith('.'):
      error = 1
    if not destpath.startswith('/sets/'):
      error = 1
    if error is 1:
      log.error("linking is allowed only between 2 image files")
    sinode = self.getInode(srcpath)
    self._mkfile(destpath, id=sinode.id, mode=sinode.mode, 
                 comm_meta=sinode.comm_meta, mtime=sinode.mtime, 
    parentPath = '/'.join(dlist)
    pinode = self.getInode(parentPath)
    if pinode.setId==0:
        pinode.setId = self.transfl.createSet(parentPath, sinode.photoId)
        self.updateInode(parentPath, pinode)
        e = OSError("Can't create a new set")
        e.errno = EIO
        raise e
      self.transfl.put2Set(pinode.setId, sinode.photoId)

  def chmod(self, path, mode):
    log.debug("%s %s" % path, mode)
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    typesinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)

    if inode.comm_meta is None:
      log.debug("chmod on directory ignored")
    elif typesinfo[0] is None or typesinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
      os.chmod(path, mode)

    elif self.transfl.setPerm(inode.photoId, mode, inode.comm_meta)==True:
      inode.mode = mode
      self.updateInode(path, inode)
  def chown(self, path, user, group):
    log.debug("%s:%s %s (ignored)", user, group, path)
  def truncate(self, path, size):
    log.debug("%s %s", path, size)
    ind = path.rindex('/')
    name_file = path[ind+1:]

    typeinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if typeinfo[0] is None or typeinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
      inode = self.getInode(path)
      filePath = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId)
      f = open(filePath, 'w+')
      return f.truncate(size)
  def mknod(self, path, mode, dev):
    log.debug("%s %s %s ", path, mode, dev)
    templist = path.split('/')
    name_file = templist[-1]

    if name_file.startswith('.') and name_file.count('.meta') > 0:
      # We need to handle the special case, where some meta files are being
      # created through mknod. Creation of meta files is done when adding
      # images automatically; and they should not go through mknod system call.
      # Editors like Vim, try to generate random swap files when reading
      # meta; and this should be *disallowed*.
      log.debug("mknod for meta file %s ignored", path)

    if path.startswith('/sets/'):
      templist[2] = templist[2].split(':')[0]
    elif path.startswith('/stream'):
      templist[1] = templist[1].split(':')[0]
    path = '/'.join(templist)

    log.debug("modified file path %s", path)
    #Lets guess what kind of a file is this. 
    #Is it an image file? or, some other temporary file
    #created by the tools you're using. 
    typeinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if typeinfo[0] is None or typeinfo[0].count('image') <= 0:
      f = open(os.path.join(flickrfsHome,'.'+name_file), 'w')
      # TODO(manishrjain): This should not be FileInode, it should rather be
      # Inode.
      self.inodeCache[path] = inodes.FileInode(path, name_file, mode=mode)
      self._mkfile(path, id="NEW", mode=mode)

  def mkdir(self, path, mode):
    log.debug("%s with mode %s", path, mode)
    if path.startswith("/tags"):
      if path.count('/')==3:   #/tags/personal (or private)/dirname ONLY
        background(self.tags_thread, path)
        e = OSError("Not allowed to create directory %s" % path)
        e.errno = EACCES
        raise e
    elif path.startswith("/sets"):
      if path.count('/')==2:  #Only allow creation of new set /sets/newset
        self._mkdir(path, id=0)
          #id=0 means that not yet created online
        e = OSError("Not allowed to create directory %s" % path)
        e.errno = EACCES
        raise e
    elif path=='/stream':
      background(timerThread, self.stream_thread, 
                 self.sync_stream_thread, stream_sync_int)
      e = OSError("Not allowed to create directory %s" % path)
      e.errno = EACCES
      raise e
  def utime(self, path, times):
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    inode.atime = times[0]
    inode.mtime = times[1]
    self.updateInode(path, inode)
    return 0

  def open(self, path, flags):
    log.info("%s with flags %s", path, flags)
    ind = path.rindex('/')
    name_file = path[ind+1:]
    if name_file.startswith('.') and name_file.endswith('.meta'):
      return 0
    typesinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if typesinfo[0] is None or typesinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
      log.debug('non-image file found %s', path)
      return 0
    templist = path.split('/')
    if path.startswith('/sets/'):
      templist[2] = templist[2].split(':')[0]
    elif path.startswith('/stream'):
      templist[1] = templist[1].split(':')[0]
    path = '/'.join(templist)
    log.debug("path after modification is %s", path)
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    if inode.photoId=="NEW": #Just skip if new (i.e. uploading)
      return 0
    if self.imgCache.getBuffer(inode.photoId)=="":  
      log.debug("retrieving image %s from flickr", inode.photoId)
      inode.size = self.imgCache.getBufLen(inode.photoId)
      log.debug("size of image is %s", inode.size)
      self.updateInode(path, inode)
    return 0
  def read(self, path, length, offset):
    log.debug("%s offset %s length %s", path, offset, length)
    ind = path.rindex('/')
    name_file = path[ind+1:]
    if name_file.startswith('.') and name_file.endswith('.meta'):
      # Check if file is not present. If not, retrieve and 
      # create the file locally.
      buf = self.handleReadNonImage(path, length, offset)
      return buf
    typesinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if typesinfo[0] is None or typesinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
      return self.handleReadNonImage(path, length, offset)
    return self.handleReadImage(path, length, offset)

  def parse(self, fname, photoId):
    cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    log.debug("parsing file %s for photoid %s", fname, photoId)
    log.debug("file %s has been read by ConfigParser", fname)
    options = cp.options('metainfo')
    if 'description' in options:
      desc = cp.get('metainfo', 'description')
    if 'tags' in options:
      tags = cp.get('metainfo', 'tags')
    if 'title' in options:
      title = cp.get('metainfo', 'title')
    if 'license' in options:
      license = cp.get('metainfo', 'license')
    log.debug("setting metadata for file %s", fname)
    if self.transfl.setMeta(photoId, title, desc)==False:
      return "Error:Can't set Meta information"
    log.debug("setting tags for %s", fname)
    if self.transfl.setTags(photoId, tags)==False:
      log.debug("setting tags for %s failed", fname)
      return "Error:Can't set tags"

    log.debug("setting license for %s", fname)
    if self.transfl.setLicense(photoId, license)==False:
      return "Error:Can't set license"
 #   except:
 #     log.error("Can't parse file:%s:"%(fname,))
 #     return "Error:Can't parse"
    return 'Success:Updated photo:%s:%s:'%(fname,photoId)

  # 'handle' Functions for handling read and writes.
  def handleAccessToNonImage(self, path):
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    if inode is None:
      log.error("inode %s doesn't exist", path)
      e = OSError("No inode found")
      e.errno = EIO
      raise e
    fname = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId) #ext
    # Handle the case when file already exists.
    if not os.path.exists(fname) or os.path.getsize(fname) == 0L:
      log.info("retrieving meta information for file %s and photo id %s", 
               fname, inode.photoId)
      INFO = self.transfl.getPhotoInfo(inode.photoId)
      size = self.writeMetaInfo(inode.photoId, INFO)
      log.info("information has been written for photo id %s", inode.photoId)
      inode.size = size
      self.updateInode(path, inode)
      time.sleep(1) # Enough time for OS to call for getattr again.
    return inode

  def handleReadNonImage(self, path, length, offset):
    inode = self.handleAccessToNonImage(path)
    f = open(os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId), 'r')
    return f.read(length)
  def handleReadImage(self, path, length, offset):
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    if inode is None:
      log.error("inode %s doesn't exist", path)
      e = OSError("No inode found")
      e.errno = EIO
      raise e
    if self.imgCache.getBufLen(inode.photoId) is 0:  
      log.debug("retrieving image %s from flickr", inode.photoId)
      buf = retryFlickrOp(False, self.transfl.getPhoto,
      if len(buf) == 0:
        log.error("can't retrieve image %s", inode.photoId)
        e = OSError("Unable to retrieve image.")
        e.errno = EIO
        raise e
      self.imgCache.setBuffer(inode.photoId, buf)
      inode.size = self.imgCache.getBufLen(inode.photoId)
    temp =  self.imgCache.getBuffer(inode.photoId, offset, offset+length)
    if len(temp) < length:
    self.updateInode(path, inode)
    return temp

  def handleWriteToNonImage(self, path, buf, off):
    inode = self.handleAccessToNonImage(path)
    fname = os.path.join(flickrfsHome, '.'+inode.photoId) #ext
    log.debug("writing to %s", fname)
    f = open(fname, 'r+')
    if len(buf)<4096:
      inode.size = os.path.getsize(fname)
      retinfo = self.parse(fname, inode.photoId)
      if retinfo.count('Error')>0:
        e = OSError(retinfo.split(':')[1])
        e.errno = EIO
        raise e
      self.updateInode(path, inode)
    return len(buf)

  def handleUploadingImage(self, path, inode, taglist):
    tags = [ '"%s"'%(a,) for a in taglist]
    taglist = ' '.join(tags)
    log.info('uploading %s with len %s', 
             path, self.imgCache.getBufLen(inode.photoId))
    id = None
    bufData = self.imgCache.getBuffer(inode.photoId)
    bufData = self.imageResize(bufData)
    id = retryFlickrOp(False, self.transfl.uploadfile,
                       path, taglist, bufData, inode.mode)
    if id is None:
      log.error("unable to upload file %s", inode.photoId)
      e = OSError("Unable to upload file.")
      e.errno = EIO
      raise e
    inode.photoId = id
    self.updateInode(path, inode)
    return inode

  def handleWriteToBuffer(self, path, buf):
    inode = self.getInode(path)
    if inode is None:
      log.error("inode %s doesn't exist", path)
      e = OSError("No inode found")
      e.errno = EIO
      raise e
    self.imgCache.addBuffer(inode.photoId, buf)
    return inode

  def handleWriteAddToSet(self, parentPath, pinode, inode):
    #Create set if it doesn't exist online (i.e. if id=0)
    if pinode.setId is 0:
      # Retry creation of set if unsuccessful.
      pinode.setId = retryFlickrOp(False, self.transfl.createSet,
                                   parentPath, inode.photoId)
      # If the set is created, then return.
      if pinode.setId is not None:
        self.updateInode(parentPath, pinode)
        log.error("unable to create set %s", parentPath)
        e = OSError("Unable to create set.")
        e.errno = EIO
        raise e
      # If the operation put2Set doesn't throw exception, that means
      # that the picture has been successfully added to set.
      # Return in that case, retry otherwise.
      retryFlickrOp(True, self.transfl.put2Set,
                    pinode.setId, inode.photoId)

  # End of 'handle' Functions.

  def write(self, path, buf, off):
    log.debug("write to %s at offset %s", path, off)
    ind = path.rindex('/')
    name_file = path[ind+1:]
    if name_file.startswith('.') and name_file.count('.meta')>0:
      return self.handleWriteToNonImage(path, buf, off)
    typesinfo = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
    if typesinfo[0] is None or typesinfo[0].count('image')<=0:
      return self.handleWriteToNonImage(path, buf, off)
    templist = path.split('/')
    inode = None
    if path.startswith('/tags'):
      e = OSError("Copying to tags not allowed")
      e.errno = EIO
      raise e
    if path.startswith('/stream'):
      tags = templist[1].split(':')
      templist[1] = tags.pop(0)
      path = '/'.join(templist)
      inode = self.handleWriteToBuffer(path, buf)
      if len(buf) < 4096:
        self.handleUploadingImage(path, inode, tags)
    elif path.startswith('/sets/'):
      setnTags = templist[2].split(':')
      setName = setnTags.pop(0)
      templist[2] = setName
      path = '/'.join(templist)
      inode = self.handleWriteToBuffer(path, buf)
      if len(buf) < 4096:
        parentPath = '/'.join(templist)
        pinode = self.getInode(parentPath)
        inode = self.handleUploadingImage(path, inode, setnTags)
        self.handleWriteAddToSet(parentPath, pinode, inode)
    log.debug("done write to %s at offset %s", path, off)
    if len(buf)<4096:
      templist = path.split('/')
      parentPath = '/'.join(templist)
      INFO = self.transfl.getPhotoInfo(inode.photoId)
      info = self.transfl.parseInfoFromFullInfo(inode.photoId, INFO)
      self._mkfileWithMeta(parentPath, info)
      self.writeMetaInfo(inode.photoId, INFO)
    return len(buf)

  def getInode(self, path):
    if self.inodeCache.has_key(path):
      #log.debug("got cached inode for %s", path)
      return self.inodeCache[path]
      #log.debug("%s is not in inode cache", path)
      return None

  def updateInode(self, path, inode):
    self.inodeCache[path] = inode

  def release(self, path, flags):
    log.debug("%s with flags %s ignored", path, flags)
    return 0
  def statfs(self):
  Should return a tuple with the following elements in respective order:
  F_BSIZE - Preferred file system block size. (int)
  F_FRSIZE - Fundamental file system block size. (int)
  F_BLOCKS - Total number of blocks in the filesystem. (long)
  F_BFREE - Total number of free blocks. (long)
  F_BAVAIL - Free blocks available to non-super user. (long)
  F_FILES - Total number of file nodes. (long)
  F_FFREE - Total number of free file nodes. (long)
  F_FAVAIL - Free nodes available to non-super user. (long)
  F_FLAG - Flags. System dependent: see statvfs() man page. (int)
  F_NAMEMAX - Maximum file name length. (int)
  Feel free to set any of the above values to 0, which tells
  the kernel that the info is not available.
    block_size = 1024
    blocks = 0L
    blocks_free = 0L
    files = 0L
    files_free = 0L
    namelen = 255
    # statfs is being called repeatedly at least once a second.
    # The bandwidth information doesn't change that often, so
    # save upon communication with flickr servers to retrieve this
    # information. Only retrieve it once in a while.
    if self.statfsCounter >= 500 or self.statfsCounter is -1:
      (self.max, self.used) = self.transfl.getBandwidthInfo()
      self.statfsCounter = 0
      log.info('retrieved bandwidth info: max %s used %s', 
               self.max, self.used)
    self.statfsCounter = self.statfsCounter + 1

    if self.max is not None:
      blocks = long(self.max)/block_size
      blocks_used = long(self.used)/block_size
      blocks_free = blocks - blocks_used
      blocks_available = blocks_free
      return (block_size, blocks, blocks_free, blocks_available, 
              files, files_free, namelen)

  def fsync(self, path, isfsyncfile):
    log.debug("%s,  isfsyncfile=%s", path, isfsyncfile)
    return 0