Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_aa_points():
    i3 = math.sqrt(1/3.0)
    for theta in (-0.2, 0.5):
        for vec in np.r_[np.eye(3), [[i3, i3, i3]]]:
            for point in [[0.3, 0.4, 0.5],[-0.2, 0, 4.0]]:
                R = axangle2aff(vec, theta)
                v2, t2, p2 = aff2axangle(R)
                assert_array_almost_equal(vec, v2)
                assert_array_almost_equal(theta, t2)
                assert_array_almost_equal(p2[:3], 0)
                # recovering a point
                point = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
                RP = axangle2aff(vec, theta, point)
                v3, t3, p3 = aff2axangle(RP)
                assert_array_almost_equal(vec, v3)
                assert_array_almost_equal(theta, t3)
                # doing the whole thing by hand
                T = np.eye(4)
                T[:3,3] = point
                iT = T.copy()
                iT[:3,3] *= -1
                M_hand = np.dot(T, np.dot(R, iT))
                assert_array_almost_equal(RP, M_hand)
                # do round trip
                RP_back = axangle2aff(v3, t3, p3)
                assert_array_almost_equal(RP, RP_back)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def align_dfmesh_scanpc(df_mesh, df_resolution, scan_pc):
    df_mesh: trimesh
    df_resolution: distance field resolution
    scan_pc: Nx3, np array
    pts_min = np.amin(scan_pc, axis=0)
    pts_max = np.amax(scan_pc, axis=0)
    pc_extents = pts_max - pts_min
    pc_bbox_center = (pts_max + pts_max) / 2.0
    max_pc_size = np.max(pc_extents)

    df_mesh_extents = df_mesh.bounding_box.extents
    max_mesh_size = np.max(df_mesh_extents)
    scale_factor = 1.0 / df_resolution
    trans_v = pc_bbox_center -  np.array([df_resolution/2.0, df_resolution/2.0, df_resolution/2.0])

    # rotate to make the face -z
    rot_m = axangle2aff([0,1,0], np.pi)

    return df_mesh
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_groove_direction():
    '''Direction of grooves may not be parallel to z axis.'''
    photons = generate_test_photons(5)

    g = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=constant_order_factory(1))
    assert np.allclose(np.dot(g.geometry['e_groove'], g.geometry['e_perp_groove']), 0.)
    p = g.process_photons(photons.copy())

    g1 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=constant_order_factory(1), groove_angle=.3)
    p1 = g1.process_photons(photons.copy())

    pos3d = axangles.axangle2mat([1,0,0], .3)
    g2 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=constant_order_factory(1), orientation=pos3d)
    p2 = g2.process_photons(photons.copy())

    pos4d = axangles.axangle2aff([1,0,0], .1)
    g3 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=constant_order_factory(1), groove_angle=.2, pos4d=pos4d)
    p3 = g3.process_photons(photons.copy())

    def angle_in_yz(vec1, vec2):
        '''project in the y,z plane (the plane of the grating) and calculate angle.'''
        v1 = vec1[1:3]
        v2 = vec2[1:3]
        arccosalpha = np.dot(v1, v2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(v1, v1) * np.dot(v2, v2))
        return np.arccos(arccosalpha)

    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p1['dir'][0,:], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)
    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p3['dir'][0,:], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)

    for px in [p1, p2, p3]:
            assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p['dir'][0,:], px['dir'][0, :]), 0.3)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_groove_direction():
    '''Direction of grooves may not be parallel to z axis.'''
    photons = generate_test_photons(5)
    order1 = OrderSelector([1])

    g = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=order1)
    e_groove, e_perp_groove, n = g.e_groove_coos(np.ones((2,1)))
    assert np.isclose(np.dot(e_groove[0, :], e_perp_groove[0, :]), 0.)
    p = g(photons.copy())

    g1 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=order1, groove_angle=.3)
    p1 = g1(photons.copy())

    pos3d = axangles.axangle2mat([1,0,0], .3)
    g2 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=order1, orientation=pos3d)
    p2 = g2(photons.copy())

    pos4d = axangles.axangle2aff([1,0,0], .1)
    g3 = FlatGrating(d=1./500, order_selector=order1, groove_angle=.2, pos4d=pos4d)
    p3 = g3(photons.copy())

    def angle_in_yz(vec1, vec2):
        '''project in the y,z plane (the plane of the grating) and calculate angle.'''
        v1 = vec1[1:3]
        v2 = vec2[1:3]
        arccosalpha = np.dot(v1, v2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(v1, v1) * np.dot(v2, v2))
        return np.arccos(arccosalpha)

    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p1['dir'][0,:], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)
    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p3['dir'][0,:], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)

    for px in [p1, p2, p3]:
        assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p['dir'][0,:], px['dir'][0, :]), 0.3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_pos4d_rotation():
    rotation = axangle2aff(np.array([1, 1, 0]), np.deg2rad(90))
    oe = marxs.optics.aperture.RectangleAperture(orientation=rotation[:3,:3])
    assert np.all(oe.pos4d == rotation)
    assert np.all(oe.geometry['center'] == np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
    assert np.allclose(oe.geometry['e_y'], np.array([.5, .5, 1. / np.sqrt(2), 0]))
    assert np.allclose(oe.geometry['e_z'], np.array([1., -1, 0, 0]) / np.sqrt(2))
    def rotation(self):
        """4x4 rotation matrix of this node relative to its parent"""

        r = self.fields.get('rotation', '').split()
        if len(r) != 4 or r[0] == 'IS':
            return np.identity(4)
        return axangle2aff([float(a) for a in r[:3]], float(r[3]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def renderUnlabeled(BRDF, net, sess, lighting=None):
    sp = np.minimum(np.maximum(np.exp(BRDF[0]), 0.001), 1.0)
    bs = np.shape(sp)[0]
    if bs > 0:
        ro = np.minimum(np.maximum(np.exp(BRDF[1]), 0.001), 1.0)
        albedo = np.minimum(np.maximum(BRDF[2], 0.001), 1.0)
        nm = BRDF[3] * 2 - 1
        normal = (nm / np.stack(
            [np.sqrt(nm[..., 0]**2 + nm[..., 1]**2 + nm[..., 2]**2)] * 3,
            axis=-1) + 1) / 2
        specular = np.zeros([bs, 256, 256, 3])
        roughness = np.zeros([bs, 256, 256])
        normalxy = np.zeros([bs, 256, 256, 2])
        mask = np.ones([bs, 256, 256])
        lid = np.zeros([bs], int)
        matl = np.zeros([bs, 4, 4])
        for b in range(bs):
            if lighting is None:
                lid[b] = np.random.randint(net.num_light)
                matl[b] = np.matmul(
                    axangle2aff([1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 6),
                    axangle2aff([0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2))
                selection = np.random.randint(len(lighting[0]))
                lid[b] = lighting[0][selection]
                matl[b] = lighting[1][selection]
            specular[b] = np.full([256, 256, 3], sp[b][0])
            roughness[b] = np.full([256, 256], ro[b][0])
            normalxy[b] = normal[b][:, :, 2:0:-1] * 2 - 1
        image_out = sess.run(
            net.render_batch, {
                net.albedo_batch: albedo,
                net.specular_batch: specular,
                net.roughness_batch: roughness,
                net.normalxy_batch: normalxy,
                net.mask_batch: mask,
                net.lightID_batch: lid,
                net.matLight_batch: matl
        batchUnlabeled = (image_out, np.log(np.concatenate(
            (sp, ro), axis=1)), albedo, normal)
        return (batchUnlabeled)
        return (None)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_pos4d_rotation():
    rotation = axangle2aff(np.array([1, 1, 0]), np.deg2rad(90))
    oe = marxs.optics.aperture.RectangleAperture(orientation=rotation[:3, :3])
    assert np.all(oe.pos4d == rotation)
    assert np.all(oe.geometry['center'] == np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
    assert np.allclose(oe.geometry['e_y'],
                       np.array([.5, .5, 1. / np.sqrt(2), 0]))
    assert np.allclose(oe.geometry['e_z'],
                       np.array([1., -1, 0, 0]) / np.sqrt(2))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_pos4d_transforms_slit_rotated(photons1000):
    '''Test coordinate transforms on rotated entrance aperture.'''
    p = photons1000

    rotation = axangle2aff(np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.deg2rad(90))
    myslit = marxs.optics.aperture.RectangleAperture(orientation=rotation[:3, :3], zoom=0.5)
    p = myslit.process_photons(p)
    assert np.allclose(p['pos'][:, 2], 0)
    assert kstest(p['pos'][:, 0] + 0.5, "uniform")[1] > 0.01
    assert kstest(p['pos'][:, 1] + 0.5, "uniform")[1] > 0.01
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_pos4d_transforms_slit_rotated(photons1000):
    '''Test coordinate transforms on rotated entrance aperture.'''
    p = photons1000

    rotation = axangle2aff(np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.deg2rad(90))
    myslit = marxs.optics.aperture.RectangleAperture(
        orientation=rotation[:3, :3], zoom=0.5)
    p = myslit.process_photons(p)
    assert np.allclose(p['pos'][:, 2], 0)
    assert kstest(p['pos'][:, 0] + 0.5, "uniform")[1] > 0.01
    assert kstest(p['pos'][:, 1] + 0.5, "uniform")[1] > 0.01
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.order_selector = kwargs.pop('order_selector')
        self.transmission = kwargs.pop('transmission', True)
        if 'd' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Input parameter "d" (Grating constant) is required.')
        self.d = kwargs.pop('d')
        self.groove_ang = kwargs.pop('groove_angle', 0.)

        super(FlatGrating, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.groove4d = axangles.axangle2aff(self.geometry['e_x'][:3], self.groove_ang)
        self.geometry['e_groove'] = np.dot(self.groove4d, self.geometry['e_z'])
        self.geometry['e_perp_groove'] = np.dot(self.groove4d, self.geometry['e_y'])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.order_selector = kwargs.pop('order_selector')
        self.transmission = kwargs.pop('transmission', True)
        if 'd' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Input parameter "d" (Grating constant) is required.')
        self._d = kwargs.pop('d')
        self.groove_ang = kwargs.pop('groove_angle', 0.)

        super(FlatGrating, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.groove4d = axangles.axangle2aff(self.geometry['e_x'][:3], self.groove_ang)
        self.geometry['e_groove'] = np.dot(self.groove4d, self.geometry['e_z'])
        self.geometry['e_perp_groove'] = np.dot(self.groove4d, self.geometry['e_y'])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_angle_axis_imps():
    for x, y, z in euler_tuples:
        M = ttb.euler2mat(z, y, x)
        q = tq.mat2quat(M)
        vec, theta = tq.quat2axangle(q)
        M1 = axangle2mat(vec, theta)
        M2 = axangle2aff(vec, theta)[:3,:3]
        assert_array_almost_equal(M1, M2)
        v1, t1 = mat2axangle(M1)
        M3 = axangle2mat(v1, t1)
        assert_array_almost_equal(M, M3)
        A = np.eye(4)
        A[:3,:3] = M
        v2, t2, point = aff2axangle(A)
        M4 = axangle2mat(v2, t2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(M, M4)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def tiltCATGratings(instrum, defaultblaze, blaze):
    '''Tilt Arcus gratings.

    In the early days of this script, my code would place the gratings
    on the Rowlandtorus depending on the input values in the conf
    However, with the more mature design, the position and location of the
    gratings is read from CATfromMechanical. This function will twist those
    gratings to keep he position consistent, but experiment with different
    blaze angles.
    rot = np.deg2rad(blaze - defaultblaze)
    grats = instrum.elements_of_class(CATL1L2Stack)
    for g in grats:
        rotmat = axangle2aff(g.geometry['e_z'][:3], rot)
        newpos = rotmat @ g.geometry.pos4d
        g.geometry.pos4d = newpos
        for ge in g.elements:
            g.geometry.pos4d = newpos
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_groove_direction():
    '''Direction of grooves may not be parallel to z axis.'''
    photons = generate_test_photons(5)
    order1 = OrderSelector([1])

    g = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500, order_selector=order1)
    e_groove, e_perp_groove, n = g.e_groove_coos(np.ones((2, 1)))
    assert np.isclose(np.dot(e_groove[0, :], e_perp_groove[0, :]), 0.)
    p = g(photons.copy())

    g1 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500, order_selector=order1, groove_angle=.3)
    p1 = g1(photons.copy())

    pos3d = axangles.axangle2mat([1, 0, 0], .3)
    g2 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500, order_selector=order1, orientation=pos3d)
    p2 = g2(photons.copy())

    pos4d = axangles.axangle2aff([1, 0, 0], .1)
    g3 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500,
    p3 = g3(photons.copy())

    def angle_in_yz(vec1, vec2):
        '''project in the y,z plane (the plane of the grating) and calculate angle.'''
        v1 = vec1[1:3]
        v2 = vec2[1:3]
        arccosalpha = np.dot(v1, v2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(v1, v1) * np.dot(v2, v2))
        return np.arccos(arccosalpha)

    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p1['dir'][0, :], p2['dir'][0, :]),
    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p3['dir'][0, :], p2['dir'][0, :]),

    for px in [p1, p2, p3]:
        assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p['dir'][0, :], px['dir'][0, :]), 0.3)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_groove_direction():
    '''Direction of grooves may not be parallel to z axis.'''
    photons = generate_test_photons(5)

    g = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500, order_selector=constant_order_factory(1))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.dot(g.geometry['e_groove'], g.geometry['e_perp_groove']), 0.)
    p = g.process_photons(photons.copy())

    g1 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500,
    p1 = g1.process_photons(photons.copy())

    pos3d = axangles.axangle2mat([1, 0, 0], .3)
    g2 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500,
    p2 = g2.process_photons(photons.copy())

    pos4d = axangles.axangle2aff([1, 0, 0], .1)
    g3 = FlatGrating(d=1. / 500,
    p3 = g3.process_photons(photons.copy())

    def angle_in_yz(vec1, vec2):
        '''project in the y,z plane (the plane of the grating) and calculate angle.'''
        v1 = vec1[1:3]
        v2 = vec2[1:3]
        arccosalpha = np.dot(v1, v2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(v1, v1) * np.dot(v2, v2))
        return np.arccos(arccosalpha)

    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p1['dir'][0, :], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)
    assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p3['dir'][0, :], p2['dir'][0, :]), 0)

    for px in [p1, p2, p3]:
        assert np.allclose(angle_in_yz(p['dir'][0, :], px['dir'][0, :]), 0.3)
def align_dfmesh_scanpc(df_mesh, df_resolution):
    df_mesh: trimesh
    df_resolution: distance field resolution
    scan_pc: Nx3, np array
    pc_bbox_center = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    df_mesh_extents = df_mesh.bounding_box.extents
    max_mesh_size = np.max(df_mesh_extents)

    scale_factor = 1.0 / df_resolution
    trans_v = pc_bbox_center - np.array(
        [df_resolution / 2.0, df_resolution / 2.0, df_resolution / 2.0])


    # rotate to make the face -z, from +z to -z
    rot_m = axangle2aff([0, 1, 0], np.pi)

    return df_mesh
Ejemplo n.º 18
def testModelByBRDF(synData,
    splt = 0
    rolt = 0
    ablt = 0
    nmlt = 0
    relt = 0
    stlt = 0
    nllt = 0
    cnt = 0
    pt = 0
    if not lighting is None:
        lids, matls = lighting
    for i in range(len(synData) * times // batch_size):
        BRDF = []
        for b in range(batch_size):
            if pt >= len(synData) * times:
                pt = 0
            BRDF += [synData[pt // times]]
            pt += 1

        albedo = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
        specular = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
        roughness = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256])
        normalxy = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 2])
        mask = np.ones([batch_size, 256, 256])
        lid = np.zeros([batch_size], int)
        matl = np.zeros([batch_size, 4, 4])
        sr = np.zeros([batch_size, 2])
        normal = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
        for b in range(batch_size):
            if not lighting is None:
                lid[b] = lids[i * batch_size + b]
                matl[b] = matls[i * batch_size + b]
                lid[b] = np.random.randint(net.num_light)
                matl[b] = np.matmul(
                    axangle2aff([1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 6),
                    axangle2aff([0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2))
            specular[b] = np.full([256, 256, 3], BRDF[b][0])
            roughness[b] = np.full([256, 256], BRDF[b][1])
            albedo[b] = BRDF[b][2]
            normal[b] = BRDF[b][3]
            normalxy[b] = normal[b][:, :, 2:0:-1] * 2 - 1
            sr[b, 0] = BRDF[b][0]
            sr[b, 1] = BRDF[b][1]
        image_out = sess.run(
            net.render_batch, {
                net.albedo_batch: albedo,
                net.specular_batch: specular,
                net.roughness_batch: roughness,
                net.normalxy_batch: normalxy,
                net.mask_batch: mask,
                net.lightID_batch: lid,
                net.matLight_batch: matl
        batchSyn = (image_out, np.log(sr), albedo, normal)
        spl, rol, abl, nml, spp, rop, alp, nmp = sess.run(
                net.loss_Sp_test, net.loss_Ro_test, net.loss_Al_test,
                net.loss_Nm_test, net.specular_pred_test,
                net.roughness_pred_test, net.albedo_pred_test,
                net.inputimage: batchSyn[0],
                net.sr_gt: batchSyn[1],
                net.albedo_gt: batchSyn[2],
                net.normal_gt: batchSyn[3]
        splt += spl
        rolt += rol
        ablt += abl
        nmlt += nml

        for b in range(batch_size):
            specular[b] = np.full([256, 256, 3], np.exp(spp[b]))
            roughness[b] = np.full([256, 256], np.exp(rop[b]))
            nm = nmp[b] * 2 - 1
            normalxy[b] = (nm / np.stack(
                [np.sqrt(nm[..., 0]**2 + nm[..., 1]**2 + nm[..., 2]**2)] * 3,
                axis=-1))[:, :, 2:0:-1]
        rerender_out = sess.run(
            net.render_batch, {
                net.albedo_batch: alp,
                net.specular_batch: specular,
                net.roughness_batch: roughness,
                net.normalxy_batch: normalxy,
                net.mask_batch: mask,
                net.lightID_batch: lid,
                net.matLight_batch: matl

        for b in range(batch_size):
            rel = np.mean((rerender_out[b] - image_out[b])**2)
            relt += rel
            dssim = 1 - ssim(toLDR(rerender_out[b]).astype(np.uint8),
            stlt += dssim
            if outputFreq > 0:
                if (cnt * batch_size + b) % outputFreq == 0:
                        '{}/{}_{}.png'.format(root, step,
                                              cnt * batch_size + b),
                        rerender_out[b], image_out[b], alp[b], batchSyn[2][b],
                        nmp[b], batchSyn[3][b], np.exp(spp[b][0]),
                        np.exp(batchSyn[1][b][0]), np.exp(rop[b][0]),
                        np.exp(batchSyn[1][b][1]), rel, dssim)
        cnt += 1

        'Test: avg sp_loss: {}, avg ro_loss: {}, avg al_loss: {}, avg nm_loss: {}, avg rerender_loss: {}, avg dssim: {}'
        .format(splt / cnt, rolt / cnt, ablt / cnt, nmlt / cnt,
                relt / cnt / batch_size, stlt / cnt / batch_size))
    summ_test = sess.run(net.summ_op_test,
                             net.phloss_Sp_test: splt / cnt,
                             net.phloss_Ro_test: rolt / cnt,
                             net.phloss_Al_test: ablt / cnt,
                             net.phloss_Nm_test: nmlt / cnt
    return (summ_test)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def getBatchShuffle(synData, pt, net, sess, lighting=None):
    BRDF = []
    for b in range(batch_size):
        if pt >= len(synData):
            nms = []
            sps = []
            ros = []
            for i in range(len(synData)):
                nms += [synData[i][3]]
                sps += [synData[i][0]]
                ros += [synData[i][1]]
            for i in range(len(synData)):
                synData[i][3] = nms[i]
                synData[i][0] = sps[i]
                synData[i][1] = ros[i]
            pt = 0
        BRDF += [synData[pt]]
        pt += 1

    albedo = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
    specular = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
    roughness = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256])
    normalxy = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 2])
    mask = np.ones([batch_size, 256, 256])
    lid = np.zeros([batch_size], int)
    matl = np.zeros([batch_size, 4, 4])
    sr = np.zeros([batch_size, 2])
    normal = np.zeros([batch_size, 256, 256, 3])
    for b in range(batch_size):
        if lighting is None:
            lid[b] = np.random.randint(net.num_light)
            matl[b] = np.matmul(
                axangle2aff([1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                            (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * np.pi / 6),
                axangle2aff([0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                            np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2))
            selection = np.random.randint(len(lighting[0]))
            lid[b] = lighting[0][selection]
            matl[b] = lighting[1][selection]
        specular[b] = np.full([256, 256, 3], BRDF[b][0])
        roughness[b] = np.full([256, 256], BRDF[b][1])
        albedo[b] = BRDF[b][2]
        normal[b] = BRDF[b][3]
        normalxy[b] = normal[b][:, :, 2:0:-1] * 2 - 1
        sr[b, 0] = BRDF[b][0]
        sr[b, 1] = BRDF[b][1]
    image_out = sess.run(
        net.render_batch, {
            net.albedo_batch: albedo,
            net.specular_batch: specular,
            net.roughness_batch: roughness,
            net.normalxy_batch: normalxy,
            net.mask_batch: mask,
            net.lightID_batch: lid,
            net.matLight_batch: matl
    batchSyn = (image_out, np.log(sr), albedo, normal)
    return (batchSyn, pt)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def plane_which_side(pts_on_plane, plane_normal, query_pts):
    d = - (plane_normal[0]*pts_on_plane[0] + plane_normal[1]*pts_on_plane[1] + plane_normal[2]*pts_on_plane[2])
    res = np.dot(np.array([plane_normal[0], plane_normal[1], plane_normal[2], d]), np.array([query_pts[0], query_pts[1], query_pts[2], 1]))

    if res > 0: 
        return 1 # positive side
    elif res == 0:
        return 0 # on
        return -1 # negtive side

sdf_data = []
for mesh in REAL_TEST_DATASET.meshes:

    # v2 (-z) -> 3D-EPN (+z)
    rot_affmat = axangle2aff([0,1,0], radians(180))

    mesh_points, mesh_sample_fidx  = trimesh.sample.sample_surface(mesh, 20480)
    mesh_point_normals = mesh.face_normals[mesh_sample_fidx]
    print('Construct cKD-tree from %d points.'%(mesh_points.shape[0]))
    tree = spatial.cKDTree(mesh_points)
    # get centers of volumn voxels
    vox_len = sdf_scale / sdf_resolution
    x_coords = np.linspace(-sdf_scale/2. + vox_len/2.,  sdf_scale/2. - vox_len/2., sdf_resolution)
    y_coords = np.linspace(-sdf_scale/2. + vox_len/2.,  sdf_scale/2. - vox_len/2., sdf_resolution)
    z_coords = np.linspace(-sdf_scale/2. + vox_len/2.,  sdf_scale/2. - vox_len/2., sdf_resolution)
    xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, indexing='xy')
    xv = np.expand_dims(xv, axis=-1)
    yv = np.expand_dims(yv, axis=-1)