Ejemplo n.º 1
def transitcalcloop():
    plandataarray = np.load(
        'plandataarray.npy')  #load the planetary data array
    stellardataarray = np.load(
    )  #load the stellar data array (No longer need to run LDCcalc beforehand
    for line in plandataarray:  #now loop through the planetary data array, in which line represents a single planet
        print 'For Kepler {}, planet {}:'.format(line['KeplerID'],
        if os.path.exists(
                    line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) == False:
            Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Rheader = stellarextractor(
                line['KeplerID'], stellardataarray)  #extract the gamma values
            Keplerlc = np.load('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-trandata.npy'.format(
                line['planetnumber']))  #extract the kepler transit data
            tvalues = np.sort(
            )  #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them
            Keplertransit = np.sort(
                order='Foldtime')  #sort the kepler data in the same way
            sigma = sigmacalc(Keplertransit)
            impactpar, T_dur, R_plan, Teff_fit, Logg_fit, Metalicity_fit, bestfitarray, errors, covar = zandtfit(
                line, Keplerlc, Teff, Logg, Metalicity,
                sigma)  #calculate the t and z values
            gamma1, gamma2, = gammainterpolator(Teff_fit, Logg_fit,
            zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, impactpar, T_dur, R_plan)
            f = transit.occultquad(
                zvalues, R_plan,
                [gamma1, gamma2
                 ])  #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
            #transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
                tvalues, f, Keplertransit['Foldtime'], Keplertransit['Flux'],
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'], line['KOI']
            )  #plot both the kepler and anaytical transit data on the same graph
            analyticaltransitlc = np.vstack((tvalues, f))
            chi, chireduced = chicalc(Keplertransit, analyticaltransitlc,
                                      sigma, T_dur)
            #print analyticaltransitlc
            print 'The new impactparameter is {}+-{}, the new duration is {}+-{} and the new radius is {}+-{}'.format(
                impactpar, errors[0], T_dur, errors[1], R_plan, errors[2])
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']),
                    analyticaltransitlc)  #save the analytical transit
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']),
                    covar)  #save the covariance array
            saveplandata(line, impactpar, T_dur, R_plan, line['planetnumber'],
                         line['KeplerID'], errors)
            savefittedstellardata(line['KeplerID'], Teff, Teff_fit, errors[3],
                                  Logg, Logg_fit, errors[4], Metalicity,
                                  Metalicity_fit, errors[5], Rheader, gamma1,
                                  gamma2, line['planetnumber'])
            print 'Already Done'
def minimisefunction(x, Keplerlc=None, fjac = None, sigma = None, Orbitalperiod_SI = None, KeplerID = None, Planetnumberer = None): #DONE
	Inclination = math.acos(x[0]) #extract the impact parameter
	Planetaryradius = x[1] * 6.3675E6 #extract the transit duration 
	Teff = x[2] #Extract the effective surface temperature
	Logg = x[3] #Extract the log of the surface gravity
	Metalicity = x[4] #Extract the metalicity (logged)
	gamma1, gamma2 = gammainterpolator(Teff, Logg, Metalicity) #calculate the gamma values
	tvalues =  np.sort(Keplerlc['Foldtime']) #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them 
	Keplertransit = np.sort(Keplerlc, order = 'Foldtime') #sort the kepler data in the same way
	Stellarmass_SI, StellarRadius_SI, Stellardensity_SI = RMrhocalc(Teff, Logg, (10**Metalicity))
	Planetaryradiusratio  = Planetaryradius / StellarRadius_SI #Planetary radius in terms of the stellar radius
	#print Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Planetaryradius, StellarRadius_SI, Planetaryradiusratio
	zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, Stellardensity_SI, Inclination, Orbitalperiod_SI) #calculate the t and z values
	#print np.min(zvalues)
	f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, Planetaryradiusratio, [gamma1, gamma2]) #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
	#transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
	#tempkeplervalues = np.copy(Keplertransit) #create a copy of the kepler data which will be used to calculate the standard deviation
	for i in range(0, len(Keplertransit['Flux']), 1): #loop over the kepler data array, normalising it to the analytical lightcurve 
		if not 'returnval' in locals():
			returnval = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) / sigma) #calculate the first value to return
			temparray = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) / sigma) #calculate the other values to return
			returnval = np.append(returnval, temparray) #and add them to the return array
	#sigma = np.std(tempkeplervalues['Flux']) #calculate the standard deviation of the normalised lightcurve
	status = 0 #this will not error, so it exists purely as a formality 
	if np.min(zvalues) > (1+Planetaryradiusratio):
		return [status, returnval*100]
	return [status, returnval] #return a list, which is apparently what is required
def transitcalcloop():
	plandataarray = np.load('plandataarray.npy') #load the planetary data array
	stellardataarray = np.load('Stellardataarray.npy') #load the stellar data array (No longer need to run LDCcalc beforehand
	for line in plandataarray: #now loop through the planetary data array, in which line represents a single planet
		print 'For Kepler {}, planet {}:'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])
		if os.path.exists('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-analyticaltransitlc.npy'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) == False:
			Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Rheader = stellarextractor(line['KeplerID'], stellardataarray) #extract the gamma values
			Keplerlc = np.load('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-trandata.npy'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) #extract the kepler transit data
			tvalues =  np.sort(Keplerlc['Foldtime']) #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them 
			Keplertransit = np.sort(Keplerlc, order = 'Foldtime') #sort the kepler data in the same way
			sigma = sigmacalc(Keplertransit)
			impactpar, T_dur, R_plan, Teff_fit, Logg_fit, Metalicity_fit,  bestfitarray, errors, covar = zandtfit(line, Keplerlc, Teff, Logg, Metalicity, sigma) #calculate the t and z values
			gamma1, gamma2, = gammainterpolator(Teff_fit, Logg_fit, np.log10(Metalicity_fit))
			zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, impactpar, T_dur, R_plan)
			f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, R_plan, [gamma1, gamma2]) #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
			#transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
			comtransitplot(tvalues, f, Keplertransit['Foldtime'], Keplertransit['Flux'], line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'], line['KOI']) #plot both the kepler and anaytical transit data on the same graph
			analyticaltransitlc = np.vstack((tvalues, f))
			chi, chireduced = chicalc(Keplertransit, analyticaltransitlc, sigma, T_dur)
			#print analyticaltransitlc
			print 'The new impactparameter is {}+-{}, the new duration is {}+-{} and the new radius is {}+-{}'. format(impactpar, errors[0], T_dur, errors[1], R_plan, errors[2])
			np.save('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-analyticaltransitlc'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']), analyticaltransitlc) #save the analytical transit
			np.save('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-covariance'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']), covar) #save the covariance array
			saveplandata(line, impactpar, T_dur, R_plan, line['planetnumber'], line['KeplerID'], errors)
			savefittedstellardata(line['KeplerID'], Teff, Teff_fit, errors[3], Logg,  Logg_fit, errors[4], Metalicity, Metalicity_fit, errors[5], Rheader, gamma1, gamma2, line['planetnumber'])
		else: print 'Already Done'
def transittest(): # was used to test the analytical transit generator - now not used
	z = np.linspace(0,1.4,200)
	gammaslist = [[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [2., -1.]]
	for gammas in gammaslist:
		f = transit.occultquad(z, 0.1, gammas)
		plt.plot(z, f)
def unbound_transit_calc(Impactpar, Transitduration_days, R_plan_over_R_star,
                         gamma1, gamma2, Time_datapoints):
    zvalues = zandtcalculator_unbound(
        Time_datapoints, Impactpar, Transitduration_days,
        R_plan_over_R_star)  #calculate the zvalues
    f = transit.occultquad(
        zvalues, R_plan_over_R_star,
        [gamma1, gamma2
         ])  #and then use these to calculate the analytical transit
    return f
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def makeModel(self, tt, period, incl, t, dor, ror, ldm_coeff1, ldm_coeff2):
     I have modified this function so that the midpoint of every transit is 0
     find lmdk from the star 
     # use t2z to make z
     z = t2z(tt, period, incl, t, dor)
     return occultquad(z, ror, [ldm_coeff1, ldm_coeff2])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def transittest(
):  # was used to test the analytical transit generator - now not used
    z = np.linspace(0, 1.4, 200)
    gammaslist = [[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [2., -1.]]
    for gammas in gammaslist:
        f = transit.occultquad(z, 0.1, gammas)
        plt.plot(z, f)
def bound_transit_calc(Inclination_rad, Planetaryradius_SI, Orbtialperiod_days,
                       Rstar_SI, RHOstar_SI, gamma1, gamma2, Time_datapoints):
    Orbitalperiod_SI = Orbtialperiod_days * 86400  #convert the orbital period to SI units
    zvalues = zandtcalculator_bound(Time_datapoints, RHOstar_SI,
                                    Orbitalperiod_SI)  #calculate the zvalues
    Planetaryradiusratio = Planetaryradius_SI / Rstar_SI  #calculate the ratio of R_plan/R_star
    f = transit.occultquad(
        zvalues, Planetaryradiusratio,
        [gamma1, gamma2])  #and then calculate the analytical transit
    return f
def minimisefunction(x,
                     Planetnumberer=None):  #DONE
    Inclination = math.acos(x[0])  #extract the impact parameter
    Planetaryradius = x[1] * 6.3675E6  #extract the transit duration
    Teff = x[2]  #Extract the effective surface temperature
    Logg = x[3]  #Extract the log of the surface gravity
    Metalicity = x[4]  #Extract the metalicity (logged)
    gamma1, gamma2 = gammainterpolator(Teff, Logg,
                                       Metalicity)  #calculate the gamma values
    tvalues = np.sort(
    )  #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them
    Keplertransit = np.sort(
        Keplerlc, order='Foldtime')  #sort the kepler data in the same way
    Stellarmass_SI, StellarRadius_SI, Stellardensity_SI = RMrhocalc(
        Teff, Logg, (10**Metalicity))
    Planetaryradiusratio = Planetaryradius / StellarRadius_SI  #Planetary radius in terms of the stellar radius
    #print Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Planetaryradius, StellarRadius_SI, Planetaryradiusratio
    zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, Stellardensity_SI, Inclination,
                              Orbitalperiod_SI)  #calculate the t and z values
    #print np.min(zvalues)
    f = transit.occultquad(
        zvalues, Planetaryradiusratio,
        [gamma1, gamma2])  #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
    #transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
    #tempkeplervalues = np.copy(Keplertransit) #create a copy of the kepler data which will be used to calculate the standard deviation
    for i in range(
            0, len(Keplertransit['Flux']), 1
    ):  #loop over the kepler data array, normalising it to the analytical lightcurve
        if not 'returnval' in locals():
            returnval = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) /
                                 sigma)  #calculate the first value to return
            temparray = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) /
                                 sigma)  #calculate the other values to return
            returnval = np.append(returnval,
                                  temparray)  #and add them to the return array
    #sigma = np.std(tempkeplervalues['Flux']) #calculate the standard deviation of the normalised lightcurve
    status = 0  #this will not error, so it exists purely as a formality
    if np.min(zvalues) > (1 + Planetaryradiusratio):
        return [status, returnval * 100]
    return [status,
            returnval]  #return a list, which is apparently what is required
def transitcalcloop(): #Just need to add the save functions
	plandataarray = np.load('plandataarray.npy') #load the planetary data array
	stellardataarray = np.load('Stellardataarray.npy') #load the stellar data array (No longer need to run LDCcalc beforehand
	flats = np.loadtxt('flats.txt')
	for line in plandataarray: #now loop through the planetary data array, in which line represents a single planet
		print 'For Kepler {}, planet {}:'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])
		if line['KeplerID'] in flats and os.path.exists('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-analyticaltransitlc.npy'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) == False:
			Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Rheader = stellarextractor(line['KeplerID'], stellardataarray) #extract the gamma values
			Inclination = math.acos(line['Impactpar'] / line['a/R_star']) #calculate the inclination from the normalised impactpar
			#print Inclination
			Planetaryradius = line['R_planet'] #extract the planetary radius
			Planetaryradius_SI = Planetaryradius * 6.3675E6 #and convert it from earth radii to meters
			Orbitalperiod = line['Orbitalperiod'] #Extract the orbital period 
			Orbitalperiod_SI = Orbitalperiod * 86400 #and convert it from days to seconds
			Keplerlc = np.load('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-trandata.npy'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) #extract the kepler transit data
			tvalues =  np.sort(Keplerlc['Foldtime']) #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them 
			Keplertransit = np.sort(Keplerlc, order = 'Foldtime') #sort the kepler data in the same way
			sigma = sigmacalc(Keplertransit) #Calculate the standard deviation of the surrounding data points
			Inclination_fit, Planetaryradius_SI_fit, Teff_fit, Logg_fit, Metalicity_fit, Mstar_SI, Rstar_SI, Stellardensity_SI, semimajoraxis_SI, T_dur_SI, errors, covar = \
				zandtfit(Inclination, Planetaryradius_SI, Keplerlc, Teff, Logg, Metalicity, sigma, Orbitalperiod_SI, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #calculate the t and z values
			gamma1, gamma2, = gammainterpolator(Teff_fit, Logg_fit, np.log10(Metalicity_fit)) #calculate the LDC
			zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, Stellardensity_SI, Inclination_fit, Orbitalperiod_SI) #calculate the zvalues
			#print zvalues #testing
			#print tvalues
			#print 'The minimum zvalue is:'
			#print np.min(zvalues)
			norm_impactparameter = (semimajoraxis_SI * math.cos(Inclination_fit) / Rstar_SI)
			print 'The transit duration is:'
			print T_dur_SI / 86400
			Rplanratio = Planetaryradius_SI_fit / Rstar_SI #Calculate the ratio of planetary radius to stellar radius
			#print 'The Planetary Ratio is'
			print Logg, Logg_fit
			f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, Rplanratio, [gamma1, gamma2]) #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
			##transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
			comtransitplot(tvalues, f, Keplertransit['Foldtime'], Keplertransit['Flux'], line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'], line['KOI']) #plot both the kepler and analytical transit data on the same graph
			analyticaltransitlc = np.vstack((tvalues, f)) #make a single array to contain the analytical transit lightcurve
			chi, chireduced, DOF, chifull, chireducedfull, DOFfull = chicalc(Keplertransit, analyticaltransitlc, sigma, T_dur_SI) #calculate the chisquared values
			#print analyticaltransitlc
			#print 'The new impactparameter is {}+-{}, the new duration is {}+-{} and the new radius is {}+-{}'. format(impactpar, errors[0], T_dur, errors[1], R_plan, errors[2])
			print 'Saving'
			np.save('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-analyticaltransitlc'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']), analyticaltransitlc) #save the analytical transit
			np.save('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-covariance'.format(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']), covar) #save the covariance array
			saveplandata(line, Inclination_fit, T_dur_SI, Planetaryradius_SI_fit, semimajoraxis_SI, line['planetnumber'], line['KeplerID'], errors, chireduced, norm_impactparameter, DOF, chireducedfull, DOFfull)
			savefittedstellardata(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'], Mstar_SI, Rstar_SI, Stellardensity_SI, Teff, Teff_fit, errors[2], Logg, Logg_fit, errors[3], Metalicity, Metalicity_fit, errors[4], Rheader, gamma1, gamma2, chireduced, DOF, chireducedfull, DOFfull)
		else: print 'Already Done'
Ejemplo n.º 11
def minimisefunction(x, Keplerlc=None, fjac=None, sigma=None):
    impactparameter = x[0]  #extract the impact parameter
    Transitduration = x[1]  #extract the transit duration
    R_plan = x[2]  #extract the planetary radius
    Teff = x[3]
    Logg = x[4]
    Metalicity = x[5]
    gamma1, gamma2 = gammainterpolator(Teff, Logg, Metalicity)
    tvalues = np.sort(
    )  #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them
    Keplertransit = np.sort(
        Keplerlc, order='Foldtime')  #sort the kepler data in the same way
    zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, impactparameter, Transitduration,
                              R_plan)  #calculate the t and z values
    f = transit.occultquad(
        zvalues, R_plan,
        [gamma1, gamma2])  #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
    #transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
    tempkeplervalues = np.copy(
    )  #create a copy of the kepler data which will be used to caculate the standard deviation
    for i in range(
            0, len(Keplertransit['Flux']), 1
    ):  #loop over the kepler data array, normalising it to the analytical lightcuve
        if not 'returnval' in locals():
            returnval = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) /
                                 sigma)  #calculate the first value to return
            temparray = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) /
                                 sigma)  #calculate the other values to return
            returnval = np.append(returnval,
                                  temparray)  #and add them to the return array
    sigma = np.std(
    )  #calculate the standard deivation of the normalised lightcurve
    status = 0  #this will not error, so it exists purely as a formality
    return [status,
            returnval]  #return a list, which is apparently what is required
def minimisefunction(x, Keplerlc=None, fjac = None, sigma = None):
	impactparameter = x[0] #extract the impact parameter
	Transitduration = x[1] #extract the transit duration 
	R_plan = x[2] #extract the planetary radius 
	Teff = x[3]
	Logg = x[4]
	Metalicity = x[5]
	gamma1, gamma2 = gammainterpolator(Teff, Logg, Metalicity)
	tvalues =  np.sort(Keplerlc['Foldtime']) #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them 
	Keplertransit = np.sort(Keplerlc, order = 'Foldtime') #sort the kepler data in the same way
	zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, impactparameter, Transitduration, R_plan) #calculate the t and z values
	f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, R_plan, [gamma1, gamma2]) #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
	#transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
	tempkeplervalues = np.copy(Keplertransit) #create a copy of the kepler data which will be used to caculate the standard deviation
	for i in range(0, len(Keplertransit['Flux']), 1): #loop over the kepler data array, normalising it to the analytical lightcuve 
		if not 'returnval' in locals():
			returnval = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) / sigma) #calculate the first value to return
			temparray = np.array((Keplertransit['Flux'][i] - f[i]) / sigma) #calculate the other values to return
			returnval = np.append(returnval, temparray) #and add them to the return array
	sigma = np.std(tempkeplervalues['Flux']) #calculate the standard deivation of the normalised lightcurve
	status = 0 #this will not error, so it exists purely as a formality 
	return [status, returnval] #return a list, which is apparently what is required
def transitcalcloop():  #Just need to add the save functions
    plandataarray = np.load(
        'plandataarray.npy')  #load the planetary data array
    stellardataarray = np.load(
    )  #load the stellar data array (No longer need to run LDCcalc beforehand
    for line in plandataarray:  #now loop through the planetary data array, in which line represents a single planet
        print 'For Kepler {}, planet {}:'.format(line['KeplerID'],
        if os.path.exists(
                    line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'])) == False:
            Teff, Logg, Metalicity, Rheader = stellarextractor(
                line['KeplerID'], stellardataarray)  #extract the gamma values
            Inclination = math.acos(
                line['Impactpar'] / line['a/R_star']
            )  #calculate the inclination from the normalised impact-parameter
            #print Inclination
            Planetaryradius = line['R_planet']  #extract the planetary radius
            Planetaryradius_SI = Planetaryradius * 6.3675E6  #and convert it from earth radii to meters
            Orbitalperiod = line['Orbitalperiod']  #Extract the orbital period
            Orbitalperiod_SI = Orbitalperiod * 86400  #and convert it from days to seconds
            Keplerlc = np.load('kepler-{0}-planet-{1}-trandata.npy'.format(
                line['planetnumber']))  #extract the kepler transit data
            tvalues = np.sort(
            )  #create an array of times associated with each data point and sort them
            Keplertransit = np.sort(
                order='Foldtime')  #sort the kepler data in the same way
            sigma = sigmacalc(
            )  #Calculate the standard deviation of the surrounding data points
            Inclination_fit, Planetaryradius_SI_fit, Teff_fit, Logg_fit, Metalicity_fit, Mstar_SI, Rstar_SI, Stellardensity_SI, semimajoraxis_SI, T_dur_SI, errors, covar = \
             zandtfit(Inclination, Planetaryradius_SI, Keplerlc, Teff, Logg, Metalicity, sigma, Orbitalperiod_SI, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #calculate the t and z values
            gamma1, gamma2 = gammainterpolator(
                Teff_fit, Logg_fit,
                np.log10(Metalicity_fit))  #calculate the LDC
            zvalues = zandtcalculator(tvalues, Stellardensity_SI,
                                      Orbitalperiod_SI)  #calculate the zvalues
            #print zvalues #testing
            #print tvalues
            #print 'The minimum zvalue is:'
            #print np.min(zvalues)
            norm_impactparameter = (semimajoraxis_SI *
                                    math.cos(Inclination_fit) / Rstar_SI)
            print 'The transit duration is:'
            print T_dur_SI / 86400
            Rplanratio = Planetaryradius_SI_fit / Rstar_SI  #Calculate the ratio of planetary radius to stellar radius
            #print 'The Planetary Ratio is'
            print Logg, Logg_fit
            f = transit.occultquad(
                zvalues, Rplanratio,
                [gamma1, gamma2
                 ])  #calculate/find the analytical transit lightcurve
            ##transitplot(tvalues, f, line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']) #plot the analytical transit lightcurve
                tvalues, f, Keplertransit['Foldtime'], Keplertransit['Flux'],
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'], line['KOI']
            )  #plot both the kepler and analytical transit data on the same graph
            analyticaltransitlc = np.vstack(
                (tvalues, f)
            )  #make a single array to contain the analytical transit lightcurve
            chi, chireduced, DOF, chifull, chireducedfull, DOFfull = chicalc(
                Keplertransit, analyticaltransitlc, sigma,
                T_dur_SI)  #calculate the chi-squared values
            #print analyticaltransitlc
            #print 'The new impact-parameter is {}+-{}, the new duration is {}+-{} and the new radius is {}+-{}'. format(impactpar, errors[0], T_dur, errors[1], R_plan, errors[2])
            print 'Saving'
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']),
                    analyticaltransitlc)  #save the analytical transit
                line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber']),
                    covar)  #save the covariance array
            saveplandata(line, Inclination_fit, T_dur_SI,
                         Planetaryradius_SI_fit, semimajoraxis_SI,
                         line['planetnumber'], line['KeplerID'], errors,
                         chireduced, norm_impactparameter, DOF, chireducedfull,
            savefittedstellardata(line['KeplerID'], line['planetnumber'],
                                  Mstar_SI, Rstar_SI, Stellardensity_SI, Teff,
                                  Teff_fit, errors[2], Logg, Logg_fit,
                                  errors[3], Metalicity, Metalicity_fit,
                                  errors[4], Rheader, gamma1, gamma2,
                                  chireduced, DOF, chireducedfull, DOFfull)
            print 'Already Done'
def transit_model(x,hjd,airmass,fix=[]):

  p0 = abs(x[0])
  gamma = x[5:7]

  if len(fix) > 0:
    x = fix

  tt = x[1]
  per = x[2]
  inc = x[3]
  ars = x[4]
  airmass_2 = x[7]
  norm_1 = x[8]
  norm_2 = x[9]
  t_10 = x[10] 
  t_11 = x[11]
  t_20 = x[12]
  t_21 = x[13]
  poly_p = x[14:]

  poly_p_1 = x[14:14+len(poly_p)/2]
  poly_p_2 = x[14+len(poly_p)/2:]

  #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
  #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

  per = 1.7497798
  inc = 85.35
  ars = 7.38
#  gamma = [0,0]
  tt = -1.25135820e-04

  tt += 2456892.54327

  gamma[0] = abs(gamma[0])
  gamma[1] = abs(gamma[1])
  if gamma[1] > gamma[0]:
    gamma[1] = gamma[0]

  #print airmass_2
  #print norm_1, norm_2
  #print t_1, t_2

  z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)

  divider = 2456895

  poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10,t_11],hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20,t_21],hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

  extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

  poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4*(airmass + airmass_2*airmass**2.0)*extinction) 
  print x
  model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)

  detrended = t_dep*model / poly_m

  for i in range(0,len(hjd)):
    if hjd[i] < divider:
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_1
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

  return detrended, z
def bound_transit_calc(Inclination_rad, Planetaryradius_SI, Orbtialperiod_days, Rstar_SI, RHOstar_SI, gamma1, gamma2, Time_datapoints):
	Orbitalperiod_SI = Orbtialperiod_days * 86400 #convert the orbital period to SI units
	zvalues = zandtcalculator_bound(Time_datapoints, RHOstar_SI, Inclination_rad, Orbitalperiod_SI) #calculate the zvalues
	Planetaryradiusratio = Planetaryradius_SI / Rstar_SI #calculate the ratio of R_plan/R_star
	f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, Planetaryradiusratio, [gamma1, gamma2]) #and then calculate the analytical transit
	return f
def unbound_transit_calc(Impactpar, Transitduration_days, R_plan_over_R_star, gamma1, gamma2, Time_datapoints):
	zvalues = zandtcalculator_unbound(Time_datapoints, Impactpar, Transitduration_days, R_plan_over_R_star) #calculate the zvalues
	f = transit.occultquad(zvalues, R_plan_over_R_star, [gamma1, gamma2]) #and then use these to calculate the analytical transit
	return f
Ejemplo n.º 17
def transit_model(x, hjd, airmass, fix=[], SPOT_DATA=False):

    spotlong = x[6]
    spotlat = x[7]
    spotsize = abs(x[8])
    spotflux = abs(x[9])

    if spotsize > 20:
        spotsize = 20

    if spotflux > 1.0:
        spotflux = 1.0

    print SPOT_DATA

    print x

    p0 = x[0]

    #p0 = abs(x[0])
    #if p0 > 0.25:
    #p0 = 0.25

    gamma = x[10:12]

    if len(fix) > 0:
        x = fix

    #if abs(gamma[0]) > 1.0:
    #gamma[0] = 2.0*(gamma[0]/abs(gamma[0]))

    #if abs(gamma[0] + gamma[1]) >= 1.0:
    #gamma[1] = 1.0 - gamma[0]

    airmass_2 = x[1]
    norm_1 = x[2]
    norm_2 = x[3]
    t_11 = x[4]
    t_21 = x[5]

    poly_p = x[12:]

    poly_p_1 = x[12:12 + len(poly_p) / 2]
    poly_p_2 = x[12 + len(poly_p) / 2:]

    #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
    #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

    per = 1.7497798
    inc = 85.35
    ars = 7.38
    #  gamma = [0,0]
    tt = -1.25135820e-04

    tt += 2456892.54327

    t_10 = 1.0
    t_20 = 1.0

    #print airmass_2
    #print norm_1, norm_2
    #print t_1, t_2

    print gamma

    divider = 2456895

    poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,
                          hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
    poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,
                          hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

    poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10, t_11],
                          hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
    poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20, t_21],
                          hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

    t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

    extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

    poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4 *
                          (airmass + airmass_2 * airmass**2.0) * extinction)

    z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)
    #model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)
    #  model = transit.occultnonlin(z, p0, gamma)

    radiustotal = (1.0 + p0) / ars

    phase_offset = 0

    INPUT = [
        p0, radiustotal, gamma[0], gamma[1], inc, phase_offset, spotlong,
        spotlat, spotsize, spotflux

    if SPOT_DATA == True:
        plotting = False
        model = fprism((hjd - tt) / (per), INPUT, SPOT_DATA, plotting=plotting)
        if plotting == True:
        model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)


    detrended = t_dep * model / poly_m

    for i in range(0, len(hjd)):
        if hjd[i] < divider:
            detrended[i] = detrended[i] * norm_1
            detrended[i] = detrended[i] * norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

    return detrended, z
Ejemplo n.º 18
def transit_model(x,hjd,airmass,fix=[],SPOT_DATA=False):

  spotlong = x[6]
  spotlat = x[7]
  spotsize = abs(x[8])
  spotflux = abs(x[9])

  if spotsize > 20:
    spotsize = 20

  if spotflux > 1.0:
    spotflux = 1.0

  print SPOT_DATA

  print x

  p0 = x[0]

  #p0 = abs(x[0])
  #if p0 > 0.25:
    #p0 = 0.25

  gamma = x[10:12]

  if len(fix) > 0:
    x = fix

  #if abs(gamma[0]) > 1.0:
    #gamma[0] = 2.0*(gamma[0]/abs(gamma[0]))

  #if abs(gamma[0] + gamma[1]) >= 1.0:
    #gamma[1] = 1.0 - gamma[0]

  airmass_2 = x[1]
  norm_1 = x[2]
  norm_2 = x[3]
  t_11 = x[4]
  t_21 = x[5]

  poly_p = x[12:]

  poly_p_1 = x[12:12+len(poly_p)/2]
  poly_p_2 = x[12+len(poly_p)/2:]

  #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
  #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

  per = 1.7497798
  inc = 85.35
  ars = 7.38
#  gamma = [0,0]
  tt = -1.25135820e-04

  tt += 2456892.54327

  t_10 = 1.0
  t_20 = 1.0

  #print airmass_2
  #print norm_1, norm_2
  #print t_1, t_2

  print gamma

  divider = 2456895

  poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10,t_11],hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20,t_21],hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

  extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

  poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4*(airmass + airmass_2*airmass**2.0)*extinction) 
  z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)
  #model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)
#  model = transit.occultnonlin(z, p0, gamma)

  radiustotal = (1.0 + p0)/ars

  phase_offset = 0

  INPUT = [p0,radiustotal,gamma[0],gamma[1],inc,phase_offset,spotlong,spotlat,spotsize,spotflux]

  if SPOT_DATA == True:
    plotting = False
    model = fprism((hjd-tt)/(per),INPUT,SPOT_DATA,plotting=plotting)
    if plotting == True:
    model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)


  detrended = t_dep*model / poly_m

  for i in range(0,len(hjd)):
    if hjd[i] < divider:
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_1
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

  return detrended, z