def get_recent_tweet(post_wechat=False): auth_url = '' headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 8.0.0; zh-cn; LLD-AL00 Build/HONORLLD-AL00) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) MQQBrowser/7.3 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36" } session = requests.Session() session.request('GET', auth_url, headers=headers) cookie_obj = session.cookies cookie_list = list() for key, value in requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar( cookie_obj).iteritems(): cookie_list.append('{}={}'.format(key, value)) cookie = '; '.join(cookie_list) headers.update({ "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "Host": "", "Accept-Language": "en-us", "Accept-Encoding": "br, gzip, deflate", "Referer": "", "Connection": "keep-alive", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0.2 Safari/605.1.15", "Cookie": cookie, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "X-Previous-Page-Name": "profile", "X-Overlay-Request": "true", "X-Twitter-Active-User": "******" }) resp = session.get("", headers=headers).json()["page"] ids = re.findall(r'data-tweet-id=\"(\d+)\"', resp) for _id in ids: if not search(_id): tweet = session.get( "{id}?conversation_id={id}" .format(id=_id), headers=headers).json() tweet_time_str = re.findall( r'realDonaldTrump/status/{}\" class=\"tweet-timestamp js-permalink js-nav js-tooltip\" title=\"(.*)\"\s+' r'data-conversation-id'.format(_id), tweet["page"])[0] print _id title = tweet["title"] translation = translate(tweet["title"]) tweet_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( tweet_time_str, "%H:%M %p - %d %b %Y") insert(_id, tweet["title"], translate(tweet["title"]), tweet_time_str) msg = { "content": title, "translation": translation, "time": str(tweet_time) } if post_wechat: send_msg(msg) print "###################"
def resolve(lines): """ 翻译字符串 :param lines: 文件内容 :return: """ # 翻译结果 trans_result = "" # 待翻译字符串 string = "" # 状态为0说明在代码行, 状态为1说明在注释行 import re for line in lines: # TODO 改成正则匹配 # 无论是否需要翻译,将原文添加到结果中 trans_result += line string += line # 匹配是否为/*xxxxx*/,匹配注释前面的空白字符 res = re.findall(r"([\t| ]*/\*[\s\S]*?\*/)", string) if len(res) == 1: trans_result += translate(res[0]) string = "" # 匹配当前行是否为 // # 只匹配当前行貌似会有问题,出现 # /** # // # */ # 将会出现错误,虽然肯定不会有人这么写,但为了严谨些,关闭匹配// # else: # line_res = re.findall(r"^[\s]*// .*$", line) # if len(line_res) == 1: # trans_result += trans(line_res[0]) # string = "" return trans_result
def translate_screenshot(get_new_key): screen_array = screen.grab() rgb_screen_array = cv2.cvtColor(screen_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = Image.fromarray(rgb_screen_array) region = capture.select_from_image(img) if region != None: width = region[2] - region[0] height = region[3] - region[1] rect_area = width * height half_rect_area = rect_area // 2 img = crop(screen_array, region) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) retval, img_1 = cv2.threshold(img, 63, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) retval, img_3 = cv2.threshold(img, 191, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) count_1 = cv2.countNonZero(img_1) reverse_1 = False if count_1 < half_rect_area: reverse_1 = True count_1 = rect_area - count_1 count_3 = cv2.countNonZero(img_3) reverse_3 = False if count_3 < half_rect_area: reverse_3 = True count_3 = rect_area - count_3 if count_1 < count_3: img = img_1 reverse = reverse_1 else: img = img_3 reverse = reverse_3 if reverse: img = 255 - img text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) result = translater.translate(text, get_new_key) show_translate_box(result, text)
def on_enter(instance, value): """ The function are triggered by pressing 'enter' while typing in input field. Shows translation in GUI and updates dictionary. """ lang = instance.parent.sett_man.lang_select.text instance.parent.dict_manager.lang = lang for _ in range(15): try: trans_tuple = translate(instance.text.lower(), lang.lower(), render=True) break except AttributeError: pass else: notification.notify(message="", title='Try again!', timeout=1) return if trans_tuple: translation = trans_tuple.translations if not (instance.parent.sett_man.lang_select.text == "Guess"): instance.parent.dict_manager.update_dict(trans_tuple) else: translation = 'No translation found!' instance.parent.trans_inst.text = translation
def _hotkey_action(self): """ Translate word, write results into dictionary and notify user if hotkey is pressed. """ word = clip.paste() # Place requested word in input field. self.query_input.text = word # Current language self.dict_manager.lang = self.sett_man.lang_select.text # Translate word. for _ in range(10): try: trans_tuple = translate(word.lower(), self.dict_manager.lang.lower(), render=True) break except AttributeError: pass else: notification.notify(message="", title='Try again!', timeout=1) return if trans_tuple: translation = trans_tuple.translations if not (self.sett_man.lang_select.text == "Guess"): self.dict_manager.update_dict(trans_tuple) else: translation = 'No translation found!' # Show translation in GUI. self.trans_inst.text = translation # Notification containing translation results. notification.notify(message=translation, title=f'Перевод "{word}"', timeout=10)
def trans(lines): """ 读取和翻译文件 :param file_name: 文件名 :return: """ trans_result = "" # TODO 字符串是否是不可改变的? waiting_trans = "" for line in lines: # TODO 改成正则匹配 if line.lstrip().startswith('*') or line.lstrip().startswith( '/*') or line.lstrip().startswith('*/'): # 添加当前行 trans_result += line waiting_trans += line else: # 查询翻译结果 if len(waiting_trans) != 0: # 查看第一行注释开头的空格数, 因为有可能是\t制表符 space_index = waiting_trans.index('/') space_content = waiting_trans[0:space_index] deco = decorator.before_trans(waiting_trans) # 添加异常处理是为了定位异常来源 try: trans_res = translate(deco) # 添加翻译结果 trans_result += decorator.after(trans_res, space_content) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: print("翻译内容是:") print(deco) raise e # 添加不用翻译的当前行 trans_result += line # 待翻译置为空 waiting_trans = "" return trans_result
import argparse from parser import parse from prettyprinter import prettyprint from translater import translate from vm import HammyVM, init, run parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Hammy interpreter') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prettyprint', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-d', '--decompile', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-t', '--trace', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() if args.file: src = open(args.file).read() else: src = vm = HammyVM() init(vm) ast = parse(src) if ast is not None: if args.prettyprint: print 'Parsed code:' print(prettyprint(ast)) print if args.decompile: print 'Bytecode:' func = translate(ast, args.decompile) run(vm, func, args.trace)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import trainer import translater parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='LInput: Pinyin to Chinese; Author: Chenggang Zhao, CST 75') parser.add_argument('--train', type=str, default='', help='Training dataset config path') parser.add_argument('--test', type=str, default='', help='Test condig path') parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, default='', help='Input file path for test mode') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, default='', help='Output file path for test mode') options = parser.parse_args() if options.train != '': trainer.train(options.train) if options.test != '': translater.translate(options.test, options.input, options.output)
refresh_key_time = 60.0 refresh_time_remain = refresh_key_time get_new_key = False print("复制需要翻译的文本,或者按Ctrl+>截屏并选取需要翻译的区域") while True: time.sleep(0.01) if not get_new_key: refresh_time_remain -= 0.01 if refresh_time_remain <= 0.0: get_new_key = True text = pyperclip.paste() if text != previous_text: previous_text = text result = translater.translate(text) show_translate_box(result) continue if not keyboard.check(keyboard.VK_CODE["."]): previous_key_status = False continue if previous_key_status: continue previous_key_status = True if not keyboard.check(keyboard.VK_CODE["left_control"]): continue translate_screenshot(get_new_key) if get_new_key: get_new_key = False refresh_time_remain = refresh_key_time