Ejemplo n.º 1
		dict3['level'] = level+5
		dict3['x'] = (currx+1)*32
		dict3['y'] = (curry+1)*32
		dict4['level'] = level+5
		dict4['x'] = (currx+1)*32
		dict4['y'] = 32*curry

		currdict['tileSelection'] = anomdictlist
		currdict['name'] = "anomaly" + str(i+1)
		# use this name to get the run number
		# anomdict['name'] = jsonIn['feature']['name'] + "anomaly" + str(i+1)

		latlon = convertCoords(currx, curry, level)    
		geo = [latlon[0],latlon[1]]
		currdict['geoCenter'] = geo
		currdict['zoomLevel'] = level-1
		currdict['resolution'] = 7
		currdict['description'] = "Anomaly found at nanocube level " + str(level) + " and at day " + str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(currentTime))
		currdict['timeSelect'] = dict()
		currdict['timeZoom'] = dict()
		#These are where the timeline while zoom is on
		currdict['timeSelect']['startMilli'] = long(currentTime*1000 - msecondsperbin)
		currdict['timeSelect']['endMilli'] = long(currentTime*1000 + msecondsperbin)

		#zooming calculation
		if window * 0.10 > 3:
			windowpercent = int(window * 0.10)
Ejemplo n.º 2
                elif j == 1:
                    currdict["x"] = x1
                    currdict["y"] = y2
                elif j == 2:
                    currdict["x"] = x2
                    currdict["y"] = y2
                elif j == 3:
                    currdict["x"] = x2
                    currdict["y"] = y1


            #need to find the center of of the box in latitude/longitude
            xavg = (x1+x2)/2
            yavg = (y1+y2)/2
            latlon = convertCoords(xavg, yavg, currlevel)
            #these coordinates are the geocenter (where the map will center on) 
            geo = [latlon[0],latlon[1]]

            anomdict['tileSelection'] = currdictlist
            anomdict['description'] = "Time bucket: "+ str(anomaly) +  " \nthis anomaly occured around " + str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(currentTime))
            anomdict['geoCenter'] = geo
            anomdict['resolution'] = currjson['resolution']
            anomdict['timeSelect'] = dict()
            anomdict['timeZoom'] = dict()
            #These are where the timeline while zoom is on
            anomdict['timeSelect']['startMilli'] = long(currentTime*1000 - msecondsperbin)
            anomdict['timeSelect']['endMilli'] = long(currentTime*1000 + msecondsperbin)

            #zooming calculation