Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_tree(tree_file):
    f = file(tree_file, 'r')  # tree file

    tre = tree.PQRTree()  # PQR-tree

    tre._head._value = PQRTreeValue()
    tre._head._value._type = 'P'

    first = True  # True if curr is the first node

    for buff in f:
        if buff[0] != '#' and buff[0] != '>':
            if first:
                tre._head._child = tree.TreeNode(PQRTreeValue())
                curr = tre._head._child  # current tree

                first = False
                curr._brother = tree.TreeNode(PQRTreeValue())
                curr = curr._brother  # current tree

            a, s, i = parse_tree_rec(buff.split(), 0,
                                     curr)  # aux, support, aux var

            tre._head._value._support |= s


    return tre
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ConstructTree(compatible_splits, split_lengths, taxa_index, taxa_ordered,
    # Progressively build the tree - Inspired by Day's algorithm (but I've not checked how similar)
    # Start from the leaves
    #    t = ConstructTree(compatible_splits)
    nTrees = float(nTrees)
    t = tree.Tree()
    nodes_list = []
    for i, taxon in enumerate(taxa_ordered):
        n = tree.TreeNode()
        n.name = taxon
        x = BitVector(taxa_index, taxon).Canonical()
        n.dist = sum(split_lengths[x]) / float(len(split_lengths[x]))
    compatible_splits = sorted(compatible_splits)  # ascending
    # now nodes are in preorder
    #    one = '1'
    for x, nSup in compatible_splits:
        # have already put leaves on:
        if bin(x).count("1") == 1: continue
        # 1's correspond to the cluster for the tree rooted on the first
        # Nodes are in the array: [0,1,2,3,4]
        # if cluster (2,3) is observed then -> [0, 1, (2,3), None, 4]
        # if cluster (2,3,4) is then observed then go to the first non-zero index for the node?
        #        rep = bin(x)
        # the tree may be non-binary. We may add multiple child nodes at once
        iInsert = None
        for i, node in enumerate(nodes_list):
            if (x >> i) & 1 and node != None:
                # then this is one of the child nodes
                if iInsert == None:
                    iInsert = i
                    node_new = tree.TreeNode()
                    node_new.support = nSup / nTrees
                    node_new.dist = sum(split_lengths[x]) / float(
                    nodes_list[i] = node_new
                    nodes_list[i] = None

#        print(t)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def sample_from_production(self, production, length):
		return a tree that starts with this production.
        #print "sample prod", production, " length ", length
        rhs = production[1]
        l = len(rhs)
        result = tree.TreeNode(production[0])
        if l == 0:
            return result
        if l == 1:
            subtree = self.sample_from_nonterminal(rhs[0], length)
            return result
        one = rhs[0]
        two = rhs[1]

        total = self.index[production][length]
        if total == 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Sampling from empty")
        r = random.randrange(total)
        for i in xrange(length + 1):
            value = self.index[one][i] * self.index[two][length - i]
            #print "split ", i, (length - i), "value", value
            r -= value
            if r < 0:
                result.daughters.append(self.sample_from_nonterminal(one, i))
                    self.sample_from_nonterminal(two, length - i))
                return self.flatten(result)
        raise ValueError("normalisation error?")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def preorder_tree(preorder, l_preorder, r_preorder, inorder, l_inorder, r_inorder, inorder_dict):
    if l_inorder > r_inorder:
        return None
    root = t.TreeNode(preorder[l_preorder])
    left_size = inorder_dict[preorder[l_preorder]] - l_inorder
    root.left_child = preorder_tree(preorder, l_preorder + 1, l_preorder + left_size, inorder, l_inorder, l_inorder + left_size - 1, inorder_dict)
    root.right_child = preorder_tree(preorder, l_preorder + left_size + 1, r_preorder, inorder, l_inorder + left_size + 1, r_inorder, inorder_dict)
    return root
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add(t, fields, level):
    add branch b to tree t

    kids = t.get_children_as_dict()
    key = translate_level_to_key(fields, level + 1)
    if level == LOW_LEVEL:
        code = fields[CLASS_FIELD]
        label = fields[BRANCH_NAME_FIELD]
        kids[key] = tree.TreeNode(code, label, int(fields[DEPOSITS_FIELD]))
        if key not in kids:
            t = tree.TreeNode("", key, 0)
            kids[key] = t
        t = kids[key]
        add(t, fields, level + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parseProjectFile(self):
        with open(self.project_file) as f:
            self.projectSettingContent = f.read()

        projectPat = re.compile(
        # /* Begin PBXGroup section */
        # /* End PBXGroup section */
        rootNamePat = re.compile(r'/\*\s.+\s\*/\s=')
        # 9C4A634822E4828700037752 /* Products */ = {
        namePat = re.compile(r'/\*\s.+\s\*/')
        # /* TestForProjectParser.app */
        nameIdPat = re.compile(r'[0-9A-Z]+\s/\*\s.+\s\*/')
        # 9C4A634722E4828700037752 /* TestForProjectParser.app */,
        idPat = re.compile(r'[0-9A-Z]+')
        # 9C4A634822E4828700037752
        childrenPat = re.compile(r'children\s=\s([\s\S]*)')
        # children = (
        # 	9C4A634722E4828700037752 /* TestForProjectParser.app */,
        # 	9C4A635F22E4828800037752 /* TestForProjectParserTests.xctest */,
        # 	9C4A636A22E4828800037752 /* TestForProjectParserUITests.xctest */,
        # );

        rootItem = re.findall(

        contentItemArray = re.findall(

        contentItemArray.insert(0, rootItem)  # 插入根节点

        for contentItem in contentItemArray:
            node = tree.TreeNode()
            node.md5 = idPat.findall(contentItem)[0]
            if len(rootNamePat.findall(contentItem)) > 0:
                nameSplit = rootNamePat.findall(contentItem)[0].split(' ')
                node.filename = nameSplit[1]

                if len(node.filename.split('.')) > 1:
                    node.isLeafNode = True

            for children in nameIdPat.findall(
                childrenNode = self.nodeWithNameIDString(children)

Ejemplo n.º 7
def load_from_file(filename):
    create a new dposit tree from given file filename
    t = tree.TreeNode("", "", 0)
    with open(filename, 'rU') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for fields in reader:
            add(t, fields, 0)

    return t
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def nodeWithNameIDString(self, nameIdString):
     idPat = re.compile(r'[0-9A-Z]+')
     namePat = re.compile(r'/\*\s.+\s\*/')
     node = tree.TreeNode()
     node.md5 = idPat.findall(nameIdString)[0]
     if len(namePat.findall(nameIdString)) > 0:
         nameSplit = namePat.findall(nameIdString)[0].split(' ')
         node.filename = nameSplit[1]
         if len(node.filename.split('.')) > 1:
             node.isLeafNode = True
     return node
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def copy(self):
        p = Partition(None)  # the copy

        p._part = tree.TreeNode(copy.copy(self._part._value))
        p._support = self._support

        c = self._part._brother  # current node to copy
        d = p._part  # node to copy to

        while c != None:
            d._brother = tree.TreeNode(copy.copy(c._value))
            d._brother._last = d

            c = c._brother
            d = d._brother

        p._end = d

        return p
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run_command(string, root: tree.TreeNode, current: tree.TreeNode):
    command = string.split(' ')
    function_name = command[0]

    if function_name == 'ls':
        if len(command) == 1:
            path = command[1].split('/')
            tmp = root.arrive_node(path)
            if tmp is None:
                print('No such path.')

    elif function_name == 'cd':
        if len(command) == 1:
            print('Path is needed.')
            path = command[1].split('/')
            tmp = root.arrive_node(path)
            if tmp is None:
                print('No such path.')
                current = tmp

    elif function_name == 'pwd':

    elif function_name == 'mkdir':
        if len(command) == 1:
            print('Path is needed.')

    elif function_name == 'touch':
        if len(command) == 1:
            print('Path is needed.')

    elif function_name == 'rm':
        if len(command) == 1:
            print('Path is needed.')

    elif function_name == 'tree':

        print('Command not found.')

    return current
Ejemplo n.º 11
def WriteSpeciesTreeIDs_TwoThree(taxa, outFN):
    Get the unrooted species tree for two or three species
        taxa - list of species names
    t = tree.Tree()
    for s in taxa:
def load_from_file(filename):
	Input: a .csv file

	Returns: a TreeNode object

    cs4all_schools = pd.read_csv(CS4ALL_SCHOOLS_FILE)
    cs4all_school_ids = cs4all_schools['school_id'].tolist()
    cs4all = tree.TreeNode('1', 'cs4all Schools', 0)
    other = tree.TreeNode('0', 'Other Schools', 0)
    cs4all_child = cs4all.get_children_as_dict()
    other_child = other.get_children_as_dict()
    with open(filename) as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, skipinitialspace=True)
        header = next(reader)
        for row in reader:
            school = dict(zip(header, row))
            if school['School Code'] in [
                    str(int(x)) for x in cs4all_school_ids
                name = school['School Name']
                count = school['Count']
                weight = cs4all.weight + int(count)
                cs4all.weight = weight
                label = "%s (%s)" % (name, int(count))
                cs4all_child[name] = tree.TreeNode('1', label, int(count))
                name = school['School Name']
                count = school['Count']
                weight = other.weight + int(count)
                other.weight = weight
                label = "%s (%s)" % (name, int(count))
                other_child[name] = tree.TreeNode('0', label, int(count))
    t = tree.TreeNode('', '', cs4all.weight + other.weight)
    children = t.get_children_as_dict()
    children['cs4all'] = cs4all
    children['other'] = other
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 13
def add_category(t, code, partial_code, weight, code_to_label):
    Add category to the tree recursively.

        t: (TreeNode) a tree
        code: (string) represents the rest of the time use code to add.
        partial_code: (string) prefix of the time use code that leads
          from the root to t.
        weight: (float) minutes spent on the activity
        code_to_label: (dict) maps time use codes to time use category names.

    kids = t.get_children_as_dict()
    if len(code) == 2:
        # tier 3 code.  t is a tier 2 node and we should not
        # have seen this code at this node before.
        assert code not in t._children
        complete_code = partial_code + code
        label = code_to_label.get(complete_code, "")
        t = tree.TreeNode(complete_code, label, weight)
        kids[code] = t
        # tier 1 or tier 2 sub-code
        sub_code = code[:2]
        if sub_code not in kids:
            # need to add the child for the sub_code
            # interior node, initial weight is zero
            complete_code = partial_code + sub_code
            label = code_to_label.get(complete_code, "")
            t = tree.TreeNode(partial_code + sub_code, label, 0)
            kids[sub_code] = t
            t = kids[sub_code]

        # recursively add the rest of the time code.
        add_category(t, code[2:], partial_code + sub_code, weight,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def left_refine(self, row):
        node = self._part

        while node != self._end and node._value <= row._set:
            node = node._brother

        x = node._value & row._set

        if len(x) > 0 and x != node._value:
            y = node._value - x
            node._value = y

            self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(x), node)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def right_refine(self, row):
        node = self._end

        while node != self._part and node._value <= row._set:
            node = node._last

        x = node._value & row._set

        if len(x) > 0 and x != node._value:
            y = node._value - x
            node._value = y

            self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(x), node)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def GraftAndUpdate(top, n, s):
    Remove n from its location in the tree and make it sister to s. Update only the sp_down data. NOT the sp_up data.
        nTop - node being reconcilled
        n - node to move
        s - node to make n sister to.
        The root of the tree
        n and s could be anywhere in relation to one another, need to change all the species sets that could be affected
    n, nUp, top = DetachAndCleanup(top, n)
    parent = s.up
    if parent == None:
        new = tree_lib.TreeNode()
        new.add_feature("sp_up", set())
        parent = new
        top = new
        s = s.detach()
        s.sp_up = n.sp_down
        new = parent.add_child()
        s = s.detach()

    # sort out distances, new node will have a default distance of 1.0, correct this
    new.dist = 0.1 * s.dist
    s.dist = 0.9 * s.dist

    # sort out sp_down data - can do a more efficient routine later if necessary (updating only what needs updating). Otherwise:
    # all nodes on path from nTop to s need sp_down updating
    new.add_feature("sp_down", s.sp_down.union(n.sp_down))
    parent.sp_down = parent.sp_down.union(n.sp_down)
    if not parent == top:
        r = parent.up
        while r != top:
            r.sp_down = set.union(*[ch.sp_down for ch in r.get_children()])
            r = r.up
    # all nodes on path from nTop to n need sp_down updating
    r = nUp
    if r != None:
        while r != top:
            r.sp_down = set.union(*[ch.sp_down for ch in r.get_children()])
            r = r.up
    return new.get_tree_root()
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def generateAllFromProduction(self, production, length):
     rhs = production[1]
     lhs = production[0]
     l = len(rhs)
     result = []
     if l == 0:
     if l == 1:
         subtrees = self.generateAllFrom(rhs[0], length)
         for subtreet in subtrees:
             root = tree.TreeNode(lhs)
     if l == 2:
         one = rhs[0]
         two = rhs[1]
         for i in xrange(length + 1):
             value = self.index[one][i] * self.index[two][length - i]
             for subtree1 in self.generateAllFrom(one, i):
                 for subtree2 in self.generateAllFrom(two, length - i):
                     root = tree.TreeNode(lhs)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
def make_PQR_tree_from_graph(support, og):
	# add leaves
	for x in support:
		og.insert(0, c1p.OverlapComponent(bm.Row(set([x]), 'leaf', 0, [], False)))

	# create PQR-tree nodes
	nodes = [tree.TreeNode(g._support) for g in og]		# the nodes of the PQR-tree
	# for each overlap graph make a node in the PQR-tree
	for g in xrange(len(og)):
		head = og[g]._head		# the head of the current overlap graph
		# if there is only one node in the tree the component is a P node otherwise: 
		if len(og[g]._rows) > 0:		# refine to determine order or R'ness
			is_R = False		# True if node is an R-node
			p = part.Partition(head)		# partition of the
														# current overlap graph
			for row in og[g]._rows:
				if not p.refine(row):
					is_R = True
			if is_R:
				nodes[g]._value = 'R'
				nodes[g]._value = 'Q'
				nodes[g]._child = p._part
		else:		# P node
			if len(og[g]._support) == 1:
				nodes[g]._value = og[g]._support.__iter__().next()
				nodes[g]._value = 'P'
	return make_PQR_tree_from_partitions(support, nodes, og)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def sample_from_nonterminal(self, nonterminal, length):
		return a tree with length n, root is nonterminal.
		Pick a production and then sample from that.
        #print "sampling from ", nonterminal, "length ", length
        if nonterminal in self.grammar.terminals:
            if length == 1:
                return tree.TreeNode(nonterminal)
                raise ValueError("terminals are of length 1")
        total = self.index[nonterminal][length]
        if total == 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Sampling from empty " + nonterminal + " " +
        r = random.randrange(total)
        for prod in self.prodindex[nonterminal]:
            r -= self.index[prod][length]
            if r < 0.0:
                return self.sample_from_production(prod, length)
        #print "Residue %f" % r
        raise ValueError("normalisation error?" + str(r))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def build_tree(atus_filename, participant, code_to_label):
    Construct a tree for a specific participant or a subtree that participant.

        atus_filename: (string) name of the participants data file
        participant: (integer) line number for the participant in the file

    Returns: a TreeNode

    # construct the tree
    data = [row for row in csv.reader(open(atus_filename), delimiter=",")]
    header = data[0]
    t = tree.TreeNode("", "", 0)
    if participant >= len(data):
        print("Invalid participant number:", participant, file=sys.stderr)

    add(t, header, data[participant], code_to_label)

    return t
Ejemplo n.º 21
    return call_tuples

filename = "test.out"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    filename = sys.argv[1]

buf_len = 3

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    buf_len = int(sys.argv[2])

syscall_file = open(filename, "r")

instr_tree = tree.TreeNode("")

total_count = 0

correct_preds = 0
incorrect_preds = 0

predicted_instr = ""

for line in syscall_file:
    instrs = line.split("|")

    total_count += len(instrs)

    level = instr_tree
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def join(self, p):
        if p._support <= self._support:  # refine inside
            c = self._part  # current class

            # find first intersection and direction
            while c != None:
                #				if len(c._value[0] & p._part._value[0]) > 0:
                if len(c._value & p._part._value) > 0:
                    # backwards
                    #					if len(c._value[0] & p._end._value[0]) > 0 and len(p._end._value[0]) == len(c._value[0] & p._end._value[0]):
                    if len(c._value & p._end._value) > 0 and len(
                            p._end._value) == len(c._value & p._end._value):

                        direction = False  # direction to iterate in
                        d = p._end  # 'start' of the refining partition
                        #						s = d._value[0]		# class at the 'start' of the
                        #											# refining partition
                        s = d._value  # class at the 'start' of the
                        # refining partition
                        end = c  # marks the class that will be the end
                        # of this class once refined
                    # forwards
                        direction = True
                        d = p._part
                        #						s = d._value[0]
                        s = d._value
                        end = c

#				elif len(c._value[0] & p._end._value[0]) > 0:
                elif len(c._value & p._end._value) > 0:
                    direction = False
                    d = p._end
                    #					s = d._value[0]
                    s = d._value
                    end = c


                c = c._brother

            # refine the first intersection
#			while len(s & c._value[0]) > 0:
            while len(s & c._value) > 0:
                #				x = tree.TreeNode([s & c._value[0], d._value[1] | c._value[1]])		# class to add
                x = tree.TreeNode(s & c._value)  # class to add

                self.insert_after(x, end)

                end = x

                #				s = s - x._value[0]
                s = s - x._value
                #				c._value[0] = c._value[0] - x._value[0]
                c._value = c._value - x._value

                if len(s) > 0:
                    if direction:
                        d = d._brother
                        d = d._last

                    if d != None:
                        #						s = d._value[0]
                        s = d._value

            # remove empty partition
#			if len(c._value[0]) == 0:
            if len(c._value) == 0:
                if c._brother != None:
                    c._brother._last = c._last

                if c._last != None:
                    c._last._brother = c._brother
                    self._part = c._brother

            c = end._brother

            # refine the rest of partition
            while c != None and d != None:
                #				while len(s & c._value[0]) > 0:
                while len(s & c._value) > 0:
                    #					x = tree.TreeNode([s & c._value[0], c._value[1] | d._value[1]])		# class to add
                    x = tree.TreeNode(s & c._value)  # class to add

                    self.insert_before(x, c)

                    #					s = s - x._value[0]
                    s = s - x._value
                    #					c._value[0] = c._value[0] - x._value[0]
                    c._value = c._value - x._value

                    if len(s) > 0:
                        if direction:
                            d = d._brother
                            d = d._last

                        if d != None:
                            #							s = d._value[0]
                            s = d._value

#				if d != None and len(c._value[0]) > 0:		# gap found
                if d != None and len(c._value) > 0:  # gap found
                    return False
                    # remove empty partition
                    #					if len(c._value[0]) == 0:
                    if len(c._value) == 0:
                        if c._last != None:
                            c._last._brother = c._brother

                        if c._brother != None:
                            c._brother._last = c._last
                            self._end = c._last

                c = c._brother

            if d != None:
                return False
#		elif self._support <= p._support:		# refine outside
#			if not p.join(self):
#				return False
#			#endif
#			self._part = p._part
#			self._end = p._end
#		elif len(self._part._value[0] & p._support):		# add to start
        elif len(self._part._value & p._support):  # add to start
            # flip if needed
            #			if p._part._value[0] <= self._part._value[0]:
            if p._part._value <= self._part._value:
#			elif len(self._part._value[0] & p._end._value[0]) == 0:
            elif len(self._part._value & p._end._value) == 0:
                return False  # gap found

            # refine the end of the joining partition
            c = p._end  # current node

            # find full classes
            #			while c != None and c._value[0] <= self._part._value[0]:
            while c != None and c._value <= self._part._value:
                #				self._part._value[0] = self._part._value[0] - c._value[0]
                self._part._value = self._part._value - c._value
                #				c._value[1] = c._value[1] | self._part._value[1]

                c = c._last

            # split last class
#			if len(c._value[0] & self._part._value[0]) > 0:
            if len(c._value & self._part._value) > 0:
                #				x = c._value[0] & self._part._value[0]	# class to add
                x = c._value & self._part._value  # class to add
                #				self._part._value[0] = self._part._value[0] - x
                self._part._value = self._part._value - x
                #				c._value[0] = c._value[0] - x
                c._value = c._value - x

                #				p.insert_after(tree.TreeNode([x, c._value[1] | self._part._value[1]]), c)
                p.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(x), c)

#			if len(p._support & self._part._value[0]) > 0:
            if len(p._support & self._part._value) > 0:
                return False  # gap found

            # attach partition to start
#			if len(self._part._value[0]) == 0:
            if len(self._part._value) == 0:
                p._end._brother = self._part._brother
                self._part._brother._last = p._end
                p._end._brother = self._part
                self._part._last = p._end

            self._part = p._part
#		elif len(self._end._value[0] & p._support):		# add to end
        elif len(self._end._value & p._support):  # add to end
            # flip if needed
            #			if p._end._value[0] <= self._end._value[0]:
            if p._end._value <= self._end._value:
#			elif len(self._end._value[0] & p._part._value[0]) == 0:
            elif len(self._end._value & p._part._value) == 0:
                return False  # gap found

            # refine the end of the joining partition
            c = p._part  # current node

            # find full classes
            #			while c != None and c._value[0] <= self._end._value[0]:
            while c != None and c._value <= self._end._value:
                #				self._end._value[0] = self._end._value[0] - c._value[0]
                self._end._value = self._end._value - c._value
                #				c._value[1] = c._value[1] | self._end._value[1]

                c = c._brother

            # split last class
#			if len(c._value[0] & self._end._value[0]) > 0:
            if len(c._value & self._end._value) > 0:
                #				x = c._value[0] & self._end._value[0]		# class to add
                x = c._value & self._end._value  # class to add
                #				self._end._value[0] = self._end._value[0] - x
                self._end._value = self._end._value - x
                #				c._value[0] = c._value[0] - x
                c._value = c._value - x

                #				p.insert_before(tree.TreeNode([x, c._value[1] | self._end._value[1]]), c)
                p.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(x), c)

#			if len(p._support & self._end._value[0]) > 0:
            if len(p._support & self._end._value) > 0:
                return False  # gap found

            # attach partition to end
#			if len(self._end._value[0]) == 0:
            if len(self._end._value) == 0:
                p._part._last = self._end._last
                self._end._last._brother = p._part
                p._part._last = self._end
                self._end._brother = p._part

            self._end = p._end
        else:  # gap found
            return False

        self._support = self._support | p._support

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, r):
     if r != None:
         #			self._part = tree.TreeNode([r._set, set([r])])		# head of partition
         self._part = tree.TreeNode(r._set)  # head of partition
         self._end = self._part  # tail of partition
         self._support = r._set  # support of the partition
Ejemplo n.º 24
def parse_tree_rec(tre, i, current):
    current._value._type = tre[i][1]
    child = None  # current child
    first = None
    last = None

    i += 1

    # find end of node and next node
    end = tre.index(current._value._type + '_', i)  # end of node
    n = next_node(tre, i)  # index of next node

    while end > n and n > 0:
        markers = tre[i:n]  # children between next node and current

        # add markers to support
        if len(markers) > 0:
            if first == None:
                first = set([int(markers[0])])

            current._value._support |= set([int(m) for m in markers])

        # make child and recurse it
        if child == None:
            current._child = tree.TreeNode(PQRTreeValue())
            child = current._child
            child._brother = tree.TreeNode(PQRTreeValue())
            child = child._brother

        a, s, i = parse_tree_rec(tre, n,
                                 child)  # child's support, current index

        if current._value._first == None:
            first = s

        last = s

        current._value._support |= s

        # refind end and next node
        end = tre.index(current._value._type + '_', i)
        n = next_node(tre, i)

    markers = tre[i:end]  # children at end of node

    # add markers to support
    if len(markers) > 0:
        if first == None:
            first = set([int(markers[0])])

        last = set([int(markers[-1])])

        if current._value._type != 'Q':
            current._value._support |= set([int(m) for m in markers])

    if current._value._type == 'Q':
        current._value._allowed = first | last

    return current._value._allowed, current._value._support, end + 1
Ejemplo n.º 25
def make_PQCR_tree_from_graph(support, og):
	# add leaves
	for x in support:
		og.insert(0, c1p.OverlapComponent(bm.Row(set([x]), 'leaf', 0, [], False)))

	# create PQR-tree nodes
	nodes = [tree.TreeNode(g._support) for g in og]		# the nodes of the PQR-tree
	# for each overlap graph make a node in the PQR-tree
	for g in xrange(len(og)):
		head = og[g]._head		# the head of the current overlap graph
		# if there is only one node in the tree the component is a P node otherwise: 
		if len(og[g]._rows) > 0:		# refine to determine order or R'ness
			is_R = False		# True if node is an R-node
			p = part.Partition(head)		# partition of the current overlap graph
#			print str(p)

			for row in og[g]._rows:
				if not p.refine(row):
					is_R = True
			if is_R:
				# check if node is circC1P
				for n in xrange(g+1, len(og) - 1):
					if og[g]._support < og[n]._support:
						if n != len(og) - 1:
							nodes[g]._value = 'R'
				if nodes[g]._value != 'R':
					m = bm.BinaryMatrix()
					for row in og[g]._all_rows:
					if cc1p.check_circC1P(m):
						p_comp = part.Partition(head)
						non_c1p = []
						for row in og[g]._rows:
							if p_comp.test_refine(row._set) < 0:
						for row in non_c1p:
							if len(row._set - p_comp._support) > 0:
								p_comp.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(row._set - p_comp._support), p_comp._end)
								p_comp._support = p_comp._support | row._set
						nodes[g]._value = 'C'
						nodes[g]._child = p_comp._part
						nodes[g]._value = 'R'
					nodes[g]._value = 'R'
				nodes[g]._value = 'Q'
				nodes[g]._child = p._part
		else:		# P node
			if len(og[g]._support) == 1:
				nodes[g]._value = og[g]._support.__iter__().next()
				nodes[g]._value = 'P'
	return make_PQR_tree_from_partitions(support, nodes, og)
Ejemplo n.º 26
import tree

This project reads a CSV file and constructs a Tree-like data structure
to store relations of each "Node" created from the input data.

Place a file named "input.csv" in the same directory as the program.
Expected format - parent_id,node_id,node_name|parent_id,node_id,node_name...

#Initialize tree object
root = tree.TreeNode()

#Read input file
input_data = open('input.csv', 'r')

#Split file into rows using pipe delimiter
nodes_list = list(input_data)[0].split('|')

#Create list with lists of values
nodes_data_list = []
for node_data in nodes_list:

#Pass list of node values to insert function and print
root = root.insert_nodes(nodes_data_list)
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def test(self, row, job):
		if row._isT:				
			if self._tree == None:
#				mat = bm.BinaryMatrix()
#				for l in self._part_list[job._row]:
#				for l in self._part_list:
#					for r in l._list:
#						mat.add_row_info(r)
#					#endif
#				#endfor				
#				if mat._height > 0:
#					self._tree = c1p.make_PQR_tree(mat)
				# add leaves
#				og = [Support(set([x])) for x in self._support]
#				nodes = [tree.TreeNode(x) for x in self._support]
				nodes = []
				# add internal vertices
				for p in self._part_list:
					pcopy = p._part.copy()
					val = mc1p.PQRTreeValue()
					node = tree.TreeNode(val)
					val._support = pcopy._support
#					og.append(Support(pcopy._support))
					if pcopy._part == pcopy._end:
						val._type = 'P'
						val._type = 'Q'
						node._child = pcopy._part
				nodes = sort.sort(nodes, tree.comp_nodes)

				# delete overlap graphs with the same support
				i = 0		# component iterator
				while i < len(nodes) - 1:
					if nodes[i]._value._support == nodes[i + 1]._value._support:
						if nodes[i]._value._type == 'P':
							del nodes[i]
						elif nodes[i + 1]._value._type == 'P':
							del nodes[i + 1]
							i += 1
						i += 1
				# add root
				val = mc1p.PQRTreeValue()
				val._type = 'P'
				val._support = self._support
				self._tree = tree.PQRTree()
#				self._tree._head = c1p.make_PQR_tree_from_partitions(self._support, nodes, og)
				self._tree._head = mc1p.make_PQR_tree_from_parts(nodes)
#				mc1p.fix_tree_node(self._tree._head)
#				else:
#					self._tree = 0
				self._r = job._row
			if not job._rem and self._tree != 0:
#				if not any(row._set in l._list for l in self._part_list[self._r]):
#				if not any(row._set == r._set for r in x._list for x in self._part_list):
				if not self._used[job._row]:
					return False
				minimal = True
				telo_disc = []
				# check minimality
				for r in self._telo_rows:
					if r < row._set:
						minimal = False
				if minimal:
					i = 0
					# remove non minimal rows
					while i < len(self._telo_rows):
						if row._set < self._telo_rows[i]:
							mc1p.undo_check_LCA_path(self._telo_rows[i], self._tree)
							del self._telo_rows[i]
							i = i + 1

					if mc1p.check_LCA_path(row._set, self._tree):
						return True
						mc1p.undo_check_LCA_path(row._set, self._tree)
						for r in telo_disc:
							mc1p.check_LCA_path(r, self._tree)
					return False
					return True
#				if mc1p.check_LCA_path(row._set, self._tree):
#					return True
#				#endif
#				mc1p.undo_check_LCA_path(row._set, self._tree)
#				return False
#		else:
		elif not job._rem:
#			self._part_list[job._row + 1] = [c1p.PartitionTree(x._part.copy(), copy.copy(x._list)) for x in self._part_list[job._row]]
#			if not job._rem:
#				return c1p.test_row(row._set, self._part_list[job._row + 1])
#			#endif
			ret, self._mem_list[job._row] = c1p.test_row(row, self._part_list)
			self._used[self._t_copy[job._row]] = ret
			return ret
			self._used[self._t_copy[job._row]] = False
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
    left_num = count_left_subtree(root.left_child)
    right_num = count_left_subtree(root.right_child)
    root.left_num = left_num
    return left_num + right_num + 1

#            0
#          /    \
#        1        2
#      /        /   \
#    3         4     5
#  /   \
# 6     7
tree_node_list = []
for i in range(8):
tree_node_list[0].left_child = tree_node_list[1]
tree_node_list[0].right_child = tree_node_list[2]
tree_node_list[1].left_child = tree_node_list[3]
tree_node_list[2].left_child = tree_node_list[4]
tree_node_list[2].right_child = tree_node_list[5]
tree_node_list[3].left_child = tree_node_list[6]
tree_node_list[3].right_child = tree_node_list[7]
for node in tree_node_list:
    print(node.left_num, end=' ')

def find_node_max_difference(root):
    if not root:
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def refine(self, r):
        start_full = False  # True if the first interval element is full
        start = -1  # first intersecting item (-1) for unset
        end = -1  # last intersecting item (-1) for unset
        node = self._part  # iterated node
        prevNode = None  # node before iterated node (for insertion before node)
        s = r._set  # set or ones in the row

        # heuristic to refine the end of the partition
        #		if len(self._end._value[0] & s) > 0 and len(self._part._value[0] & s) == 0:
        if len(self._end._value & s) > 0 and len(self._part._value & s) == 0:
            node = self._end

            #			x = node._value[0]		# class at current node
            x = node._value
            y = s & x  # new refined class

            # find intersection of first node
            if x < s:
                #				node._value[1] = node._value[1] | set([r])
                start_full = True
            elif len(self._support & (s - x)) == 0:
                if len(s - x) > 0:
                    #					self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode([x - y, node._value[1]]), self._end)
                    self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(x - y), self._end)

                    #					self._end._value = [y, node._value[1] | set([r])]
                    self._end._value = y

                # add
                if len(s - y) > 0:
                    #					self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode([s - y, set([r])]), self._end)
                    self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(s - y), self._end)

                # update support
                self._support = self._support | s

                return True
                #				self._end._value = [x - y, node._value[1]]
                self._end._value = x - y
                #				node = tree.TreeNode([y, node._value[1] | set([r])])
                node = tree.TreeNode(y)

                self.insert_before(node, self._end)

#			s = s - node._value[0]
            s = s - node._value
            node = node._last

            # look for end of refinement
            while node != self._part and len(s) > 0:
                #				x = node._value[0]		# class at current node
                x = node._value  # class at current node
                y = s & x  # new refined class

                s = s - y

                if len(y) < len(x):
                    if len(y) > 0:
                        #						node._value = [y, node._value[1] | set([r])]
                        node._value = y

                        #						self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode([x - y, node._value[1]]), node)
                        self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(x - y), node)


                node = node._last

            # add partition to end if possible
            if (len(self._support & s) == 0 and start_full) or len(s) == 0:
                if len(s) > 0:
                    #					self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode([s, set([r])]), self._end)
                    self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(s), self._end)

                # update support
                self._support = self._support | s

                return True
                # gap found
                return False

        # find first intersection
        while node != None and len(s) > 0:
            #			x = node._value[0]		# class at current node
            x = node._value  # class at current node

            y = s & x  # new refined class

            if len(y) > 0:  # s intersects x
                start = node
                s = s - y

                if len(y) == len(x):  # x = y
                    start_full = True
#					node._value[1] = node._value[1] | set([r])
                    #					node._value[0] = x - y
                    node._value = x - y

                    # breakup partition
                    #					t = tree.TreeNode([y, node._value[1] | set([r])])
                    t = tree.TreeNode(y)

                    self.insert_after(t, node)

                    prevNode = t
                    node = t._brother


                prevNode = node
                node = node._brother


            prevNode = node
            node = node._brother

        # look for non full y's
        while node != None and len(s) > 0:
            #			x = node._value[0]		# class at current node
            x = node._value  # class at current node
            y = s & x  # new refined class

            if len(y) > 0:
                s = s - y

            if len(y) < len(x):  # y is strictly contained in x
                if len(y) > 0:
                    #					node._value[0] = x - y
                    node._value = x - y

                    # breakup partition
                    #					p = tree.TreeNode([y, node._value[1] | set([r])])
                    p = tree.TreeNode(y)

                    self.insert_before(p, node)

                    prevNode = p

                end = node

#			else:
#				node._value[1] = node._value[1] | set([r])

            prevNode = node
            node = node._brother

        if end == -1:
            end = node

        # add remainder of s onto the partition
        if len(s) > 0:
            # check if able to add to end
            if end != None:
                # check if able to add to beginning
                if start == self._part and (start_full or prevNode
                                            == self._part._brother):
                    # check that part of s doesn't appear later in the partition
                    if len(s & self._support) > 0:  # gap found
                        return False

                    if start_full:
                        # add to the begining
                        #						self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode([s, set([r])]), self._part)
                        self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(s), self._part)
                    elif prevNode == self._part._brother:
                        # switch 0th and 1st entries
                        self.swap(self._part, self._part._brother)

                        # add to the begining
                        #						self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode([s, set([r])]), self._part)
                        self.insert_before(tree.TreeNode(s), self._part)
                else:  # can't add to the begining
                    return False  # gap found
            else:  # add s to the end
                #				self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode([s, set([r])]), self._end)
                self.insert_after(tree.TreeNode(s), self._end)
            # switch the partition to the begining in this case to allow
            # overlapping partitions to add onto the begining
            if start == self._part and not start_full and prevNode == self._part._brother and self._part._brother._brother != None:
                # switch 0th and 1st entries
                self.swap(self._part, self._part._brother)

        # update support
        self._support = self._support | s

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 30
def make_mC1P(matrix):
    p = []  # list of partitions and spanning trees used
    tre = None
    i = 0  # iterator
    rows = []  # rows to remove to make C1P
    telomere = [j for j in xrange(matrix._height)]
    use = [True for j in xrange(matrix._height)]
    support = matrix.get_support()
    telo_rows = []

    # sort the matrix by weight

    # process each row
    while i < matrix._height:
        row = matrix.get_row_info(i)

        if row._isT:
            if tre == None:
                nodes = []

                # add internal vertices
                for part in p:
                    val = PQRTreeValue()
                    node = tree.TreeNode(val)

                    val._support = part._part._support

                    if part._part._part == part._part._end:
                        val._type = 'P'
                        val._type = 'Q'

                        node._child = part._part._part


                nodes = sort.sort(nodes, tree.comp_nodes)

                # delete overlap graphs with the same support
                j = 0  # component iterator

                while j < len(nodes) - 1:
                    if nodes[j]._value._support == nodes[j +
                        if nodes[j]._value._type == 'P':
                            del nodes[j]
                        elif nodes[j + 1]._value._type == 'P':
                            del nodes[j + 1]
                            j += 1
                        j += 1

                # add root
                val = PQRTreeValue()

                val._type = 'P'
                val._support = support


                tre = tree.PQRTree()

                tre._head = make_PQR_tree_from_parts(nodes)

            if use[i]:
                test_row = test_telomere_row
                #				data = tre
                data = [telo_rows, tre]
                test_row = remove_row
                data = None
            test_row = c1p.test_row
            data = p

            for j in xrange(i + 1, matrix._height):
                if matrix.get_row_info(j)._set == row._set:
                    telomere[i] = j

        yes, temp = test_row(row, data)  # true if test_row succeeds, aux

        use[telomere[i]] = yes

        if not yes:
            # remove row from matrix

        i += 1

    return rows