Ejemplo n.º 1
def shear_shear_corr(pos1,pos2,shear1,shear2,k1=None,k2=None,w1=None,w2=None,same_zshell=False,same_cell=False,unique_encounter=False,num_threads=0):

	nbins = 6
	min_sep = 0.05 # 3 arcmin
	max_sep = 3.0 # 180 arcmin
	bin_size = (max_sep-min_sep)/nbins # roughly
	bin_slop = 0.05/bin_size # 0.1 -> 0.05 # 2pt_pipeline for des used bin_slop: 0.01 here: https://github.com/des-science/2pt_pipeline/blob/master/pipeline/twopt_pipeline.yaml
	# num_threads = 5 #None #0
	logger = None

	if same_zshell and same_cell: # auto
		ra, dec = pos1 # either 1 or 2 works
		g1, g2 = shear1
		k = k1
		w = w1
		cat = treecorr.Catalog(g1=g1, g2=g2, k=k, ra=ra, dec=dec, w=w, ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees')
	elif same_zshell: # just wanted to distrubute the workload fairly for two encounters (didn't want to make one of the cores idle)
		ra1, dec1 = np.array_split(pos1[0], 2), np.array_split(pos1[1], 2) # split in half
		ra2, dec2 = np.array_split(pos2[0], 2), np.array_split(pos2[1], 2)
		g1_1st, g2_1st = np.array_split(shear1[0], 2), np.array_split(shear1[1], 2)
		g1_2nd, g2_2nd = np.array_split(shear2[0], 2), np.array_split(shear2[1], 2)
		k1 = np.array_split(k1, 2) if (k1 is not None) else [None,None]
		k2 = np.array_split(k2, 2) if (k2 is not None) else [None,None]
		w1 = np.array_split(w1, 2) if (w1 is not None) else [None,None]
		w2 = np.array_split(w2, 2) if (w2 is not None) else [None,None]
		cat1 = [treecorr.Catalog(g1=g1_1st[h], g2=g2_1st[h], k=k1[h], ra=ra1[h], dec=dec1[h], w=w1[h], ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees') for h in [0,1]]
		cat2 = [treecorr.Catalog(g1=g1_2nd[h], g2=g2_2nd[h], k=k2[h], ra=ra2[h], dec=dec2[h], w=w2[h], ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees') for h in [0,1]]
		ra1, dec1 = pos1
		ra2, dec2 = pos2
		g1_1st, g2_1st = shear1
		g1_2nd, g2_2nd = shear2
		cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(g1=g1_1st, g2=g2_1st, k=k1, ra=ra1, dec=dec1, w=w1, ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees')
		cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(g1=g1_2nd, g2=g2_2nd, k=k2, ra=ra2, dec=dec2, w=w2, ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees')

	gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=bin_slop, sep_units='degrees', logger=logger)
	if same_zshell and same_cell:
	elif same_zshell: # just wanted to distrubute the workload fairly for two encounters (didn't want to make one of the cores idle)
		if unique_encounter: # the following two counts shouldn't be doubled up cuz they're the same in both directions
		else: # in the other encounter cat1 and cat2 are switched but does not matter anyway

	if same_zshell and same_cell:
		varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat)
		varg2 = varg1
	elif same_cell:
		varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
		varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
		varg1 = np.nan
		varg2 = np.nan

	return gg, varg1, varg2
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process(self,
        """Accumulate the number of triangles of points between cat1, cat2, and cat3.

        - If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        - If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function with the
          first catalog taking two corners of the triangles. (Not implemented yet.)
        - If 3 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        All arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

        Note: For a correlation of multiple catalogs, it matters which corner of the
        triangle comes from which catalog.  The final accumulation will have
        d1 > d2 > d3 where d1 is between two points in cat2,cat3; d2 is between
        points in cat1,cat3; and d3 is between points in cat1,cat2.  To accumulate
        all the possible triangles between three catalogs, you should call this
        multiple times with the different catalogs in different positions.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the first N field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the second N field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            cat3 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the third N field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math
        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if cat3 is not None and not isinstance(cat3, list): cat3 = [cat3]

        if cat2 is None and cat3 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            varg3 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_g = %f", varg1, math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
        elif (cat2 is None) != (cat3 is None):
            raise NotImplementedError("No partial cross GGG yet.")
            assert cat2 is not None and cat3 is not None
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            varg3 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat3)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg1, math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg2, math.sqrt(varg2))
            self.logger.info("varg3 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg3, math.sqrt(varg3))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, cat3, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(varg1, varg2, varg3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise AttributeError("No catalogs provided for cat1")

        if metric is None:
            metric = treecorr.config.get(self.config, 'metric', str,
        if metric not in ['Euclidean', 'Rperp']:
            raise ValueError("Invalid metric.")

        if cat2 is None or len(cat2) == 0:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg2,
            self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(varg1, varg2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def process(self,
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
            comm (mpi4py.Comm): If running MPI, an mpi4py Comm object to communicate between
                                processes.  If used, the rank=0 process will have the final
                                computation. This only works if using patches. (default: None)
            low_mem (bool):     Whether to sacrifice a little speed to try to reduce memory usage.
                                This only works if using patches. (default: False)
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list):
            self.npatch1 = cat1._npatch
            cat1 = cat1.get_patches(low_mem=low_mem)
            if cat2 is None: self.npatch2 = self.npatch1
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2, list):
            self.npatch2 = cat2._npatch
            cat2 = cat2.get_patches(low_mem=low_mem)

        if cat2 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads, comm, low_mem)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg2,
            self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads, comm,
        self.finalize(varg1, varg2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, cat3=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Accumulate the number of triangles of points between cat1, cat2, and cat3.

        - If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        - If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function with the
          first catalog taking two corners of the triangles. (Not implemented yet.)
        - If 3 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        All arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

        Note: For a correlation of multiple catalogs, it matters which corner of the
        triangle comes from which catalog.  The final accumulation will have
        d1 > d2 > d3 where d1 is between two points in cat2,cat3; d2 is between
        points in cat1,cat3; and d3 is between points in cat1,cat2.  To accumulate
        all the possible triangles between three catalogs, you should call this
        multiple times with the different catalogs in different positions.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the first N field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the second N field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            cat3 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the third N field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math
        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if cat3 is not None and not isinstance(cat3,list): cat3 = [cat3]

        if cat2 is None and cat3 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            varg3 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_g = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
        elif (cat2 is None) != (cat3 is None):
            raise NotImplementedError("No partial cross GGG yet.")
            assert cat2 is not None and cat3 is not None
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            varg3 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat3)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg2,math.sqrt(varg2))
            self.logger.info("varg3 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg3,math.sqrt(varg3))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1,cat2,cat3, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise AttributeError("No catalogs provided for cat1")

        if metric is None:
            metric = treecorr.config.get(self.config,'metric',str,'Euclidean')
        if metric not in ['Euclidean', 'Rperp']:
            raise ValueError("Invalid metric.")

        if cat2 is None or len(cat2) == 0:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg2,math.sqrt(varg2))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1,cat2, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the K field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]

        vark = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("vark = %f: sig_k = %f",vark,math.sqrt(vark))
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg,math.sqrt(varg))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the K field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]

        vark = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("vark = %f: sig_k = %f", vark, math.sqrt(vark))
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg,
        self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(vark, varg)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the N field.
        :param cat2:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
        :param metric:  Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are given
                        in the doc string of :class:`~treecorr.BinnedCorr2`.
                        (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                        in the config dict.)
        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]

        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg,
        self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def pos_shear_corr(pos_lens,pos_source,shear_source,k_source=None,w_lense=None,w_source=None,same_cell=False,num_threads=0):

	nbins   = 6
	min_sep = 0.05 # 3 arcmin
	max_sep = 3.0 # 180 arcmin 
	bin_size = (max_sep-min_sep)/nbins # roughly
	bin_slop = 0.05/bin_size # 0.1 -> 0.05 # 2pt_pipeline for des used bin_slop: 0.01 here: https://github.com/des-science/2pt_pipeline/blob/master/pipeline/twopt_pipeline.yaml
	logger = None

	ra_lens, dec_lens = pos_lens
	ra_source, dec_source = pos_source
	g1_source, g2_source = shear_source

	# foreground (lens)
	cat_lens = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra_lens, dec=dec_lens, w=w_lense, ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees') 
	# background (source)
	cat_source = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra_source, dec=dec_source, w=w_source, g1=g1_source, g2=g2_source, k=k_source, ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees')

	ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=bin_slop, sep_units='degrees', logger=logger)
	ng.process_cross(cat_lens,cat_source,num_threads=num_threads)  # there's no process_auto for this object

	# one shear variance per pixel per source zbin
	varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat_source) if same_cell else np.nan 

	return ng, varg
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, metric='Euclidean', num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
        :param cat2:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                        (default: None)
        :param metric:  Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:
                        - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                          For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                          distance between points on the unit sphere.
                        - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                          with distance from Earth r1,r2, if d is the normal Euclidean distance
                          and Rparallel = |r1 - r2|, then Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2.
                        (default: 'Euclidean')
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise AttributeError("No catalogs provided for cat1")

        if metric not in ['Euclidean', 'Rperp']:
            raise ValueError("Invalid metric.")

        if cat2 is None or len(cat2) == 0:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg2,math.sqrt(varg2))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1,cat2, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]

        if cat2 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg1,
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg2,
            self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(varg1, varg2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
        for that element of the correlation.

            cat1 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the first G field.
            cat2 (Catalog):     A catalog or list of catalogs for the second G field, if any.
                                (default: None)
            metric (str):       Which metric to use.  See `Metrics` for details.
                                (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
                                constructor in the config dict.)
            num_threads (int):  How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
                                (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
                                in the constructor in the config dict.)
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]

        if cat2 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg2,math.sqrt(varg2))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1,cat2, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the K field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.
                            - 'Rlens' = the projected distance perpendicular to the first point
                              in the pair (taken to be a lens) to the line of sight to the second
                              point (e.g. a lensed source galaxy).
                            - 'Arc' = the true great circle distance for spherical coordinates.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat1")
        if len(cat2) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat2")

        vark = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("vark = %f: sig_k = %f", vark, math.sqrt(vark))
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg,
        self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(vark, varg)
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the K field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.
                            - 'Rlens' = the projected distance perpendicular to the first point
                              in the pair (taken to be a lens) to the line of sight to the second
                              point (e.g. a lensed source galaxy).
                            - 'Arc' = the true great circle distance for spherical coordinates.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math

        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat1")
        if len(cat2) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat2")

        vark = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("vark = %f: sig_k = %f",vark,math.sqrt(vark))
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f",varg,math.sqrt(varg))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def process(self, cat1, cat2, metric="Euclidean", num_threads=None):
        """Compute the correlation function.

        Both arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        :param cat1:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the N field.
        :param cat2:    A catalog or list of catalogs for the G field.
        :param metric:  Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:
                        - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                          For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                          distance between points on the unit sphere.
                        - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                          with distance from Earth r1,r2, if d is the normal Euclidean distance
                          and Rparallel = |r1 - r2|, then Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2.
                        (default: 'Euclidean')
        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                        (default: None, which means to first check for a num_threads parameter
                        in self.config, then default to querying the number of cpu cores and 
                        try to use that many threads.)  Note that this won't work if the system's
                        C compiler is clang, such as on MacOS systems.
        import math


        if not isinstance(cat1, list):
            cat1 = [cat1]
        if not isinstance(cat2, list):
            cat2 = [cat2]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat1")
        if len(cat2) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat2")

        varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat2)
        self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_sn (per component) = %f", varg, math.sqrt(varg))
        self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_var():
    nobj = 5000
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)

    # First without weights
    cats = []
    allg1 = []
    allg2 = []
    allk = []
    for i in range(10):
        x = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        y = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        g1 = rng.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        g2 = rng.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        k = rng.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, k=k)
        varg = (np.sum(g1**2) + np.sum(g2**2)) / (2.*len(g1))
        vark = np.sum(k**2) / len(k)
        assert np.isclose(cat.vark, vark)
        assert np.isclose(cat.varg, varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cat), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK([cat]), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cat), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG([cat]), varg)

    allg1 = np.array(allg1)
    allg2 = np.array(allg2)
    allk = np.array(allk)
    varg = (np.sum(allg1**2) + np.sum(allg2**2)) / (2. * len(allg1))
    vark = np.sum(allk**2) / len(allk)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cats), varg)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cats), vark)

    # Now with weights
    cats = []
    allg1 = []
    allg2 = []
    allk = []
    allw = []
    for i in range(10):
        x = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        y = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        w = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        g1 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        g2 = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        k = rng.random_sample(nobj)
        cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, w=w, g1=g1, g2=g2, k=k)
        varg = np.sum(w**2 * (g1**2 + g2**2)) / np.sum(w) / 2.
        vark = np.sum(w**2 * k**2) / np.sum(w)
        assert np.isclose(cat.varg, varg)
        assert np.isclose(cat.vark, vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cat), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG([cat]), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cat), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK([cat]), vark)

    allg1 = np.array(allg1)
    allg2 = np.array(allg2)
    allk = np.array(allk)
    allw = np.array(allw)
    varg = np.sum(allw**2 * (allg1**2 + allg2**2)) / np.sum(allw) / 2.
    vark = np.sum(allw**2 * allk**2) / np.sum(allw)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cats), varg)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cats), vark)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, cat3=None, metric=None, num_threads=None):
        """Accumulate the number of triangles of points between cat1, cat2, and cat3.

        - If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        - If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function with the 
          first catalog taking two corners of the triangles. (Not implemented yet.)
        - If 3 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        All arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        Note: For a correlation of multiple catalogs, it matters which corner of the
        triangle comes from which catalog.  The final accumulation will have 
        d1 > d2 > d3 where d1 is between two points in cat2,cat3; d2 is between 
        points in cat1,cat3; and d3 is between points in cat1,cat2.  To accumulate
        all the possible triangles between three catalogs, you should call this
        multiple times with the different catalogs in different positions.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the first N field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the second N field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param cat3:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the third N field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math
        if not isinstance(cat1,list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if cat3 is not None and not isinstance(cat3,list): cat3 = [cat3]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat1")
        if cat2 is not None and len(cat2) == 0:
            cat2 = None
        if cat3 is not None and len(cat3) == 0:
            cat3 = None
        if cat2 is None and cat3 is not None:
            raise NotImplemented("No partial cross GGG yet.")
        if cat3 is None and cat2 is not None:
            raise NotImplemented("No partial cross GGG yet.")

        if cat2 is None and cat3 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            varg3 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_g = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            assert cat2 is not None and cat3 is not None
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat2)
            varg3 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat3)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg1,math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg2,math.sqrt(varg2))
            self.logger.info("varg3 = %f: sig_g = %f",varg3,math.sqrt(varg3))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1,cat2,cat3, metric, num_threads)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def compute_w(dataf, randf, config, estimator='PW1', compensated=1, nbins_rpar=30, random_oversampling=10., verbosity=1, largePi=0, **kwargs):
	dataf: paths to galaxy samples
	randf: paths to random points corresponding to galaxy samples
	config: path to config file, or dict specifying file types; column names/numbers, etc. a la TreeCorr configuration
	estimator: 'PW1', 'PW2', 'AS' or 'wgg' to specify correlation & estimator
	nbins_rpar: number of line-of-sight bins for 3D correlation function -- specify limits in config arg

	assert estimator in ['PW1', 'PW2', 'AS', 'wgg'], "for IA: estimator must be 'PW1/2' (pair_weighted 1=RDs, 2=RRs norm) or 'AS' (average shear), for clustering: 'wgg'"
	assert hasattr(dataf, '__iter__'), "dataf must be list/tuple of 2x paths; density, shapes for IA, or density1, density2 for clustering (these can be the same!)"
	assert hasattr(randf, '__iter__'), "randf must be list/tuple of 2x paths for randoms corresponding to each of dataf (these can be the same!)"
	nbins_rpar = int(nbins_rpar)
	random_oversampling = float(random_oversampling)
	verbosity = int(verbosity)
	largePi = int(largePi)

	if type(config) == str:
		config = treecorr.read_config(config)
	if config['file_type'] == 'ASCII':
		config['ra_col'] =  int(config['ra_col'])
		config['dec_col'] = int(config['dec_col'])
		config['r_col'] =   int(config['r_col'])
		config['g1_col'] =  int(config['g1_col'])
		config['g2_col'] =  int(config['g2_col'])
	config['verbose'] = verbosity

	if not largePi:
		Pi = np.linspace(config['min_rpar'], config['max_rpar'], nbins_rpar + 1)
		dPi = (config['max_rpar'] - config['min_rpar']) / nbins_rpar
		Pi = np.arange(config['min_rpar']*1.5, config['max_rpar']*1.5 + dPi, step=dPi, dtype=float)

	if estimator in ['PW1', 'PW2', 'AS']:
		corr = 'ng'
		gt_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		gx_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		varg_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		npair_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
	elif estimator == 'wgg':
		corr = 'nn'
		wgg_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		raise ValueError, "unsupported estimator choice"

	config_r = config.copy()
	config_r['flip_g1'] = False
	config_r['flip_g2'] = False
	data1 = treecorr.Catalog(dataf[0], config) # 1 = density/lenses
	data2 = treecorr.Catalog(dataf[1], config) # 2 = shapes
	rand1 = treecorr.Catalog(randf[0], config_r, is_rand=1)
	rand2 = treecorr.Catalog(randf[1], config_r, is_rand=1)
	f1 = data1.ntot * random_oversampling / float(rand1.ntot)
	f2 = data2.ntot * random_oversampling / float(rand2.ntot)
	rand1.w = np.array(np.random.rand(rand1.ntot) < f1, dtype=float)
	rand2.w = np.array(np.random.rand(rand2.ntot) < f2, dtype=float)
	varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(data2)

	for p in tqdm(range(len(Pi)-1), ascii=True, desc='Correlating'):

		if largePi & any(abs(Pi[p:p+2]) < config['max_rpar']):

		conf_pi = config.copy()
		conf_pi['min_rpar'] = Pi[p]
		conf_pi['max_rpar'] = Pi[p+1]

		if corr == 'ng':
			ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rg = treecorr.NGCorrelation(conf_pi)
			ng.process_cross(data1, data2)
			rg.process_cross(rand1, data2)

			if estimator == 'PW1': # RDs norm
				f = data1.ntot / rand1.w.sum()
				norm1 = rg.weight * f
				norm2 = rg.weight
			if estimator == 'PW2': # RRs norm
				RRs = get_RRs(rand1, rand2, conf_pi, **kwargs)
				f1 = data1.ntot / rand1.w.sum()
				f2 = data2.ntot / rand2.w.sum()
				norm1 = RRs * f1 * f2
				norm2 = RRs * f2
			elif estimator == 'AS': # DDs norm
				norm1 = ng.weight
				norm2 = rg.weight

			if int(compensated):
				gt_3D[p] += (ng.xi / norm1) - (rg.xi / norm2)
				gx_3D[p] += (ng.xi_im / norm1) - (rg.xi_im / norm2)
				varg_3D[p] += (varg / norm1) + (varg / norm2)
				npair_3D[p] += ng.npairs
				gt_3D[p] += ng.xi / norm1
				gx_3D[p] += ng.xi_im / norm1
				varg_3D[p] += varg / norm1
				npair_3D[p] += ng.npairs

		elif corr == 'nn':
			nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			nr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)

			if dataf[0] == dataf[1]:
				nr.process(data1, rand1)
				xi, varxi = nn.calculateXi(rr, nr)
				nn.process(data1, data2)
				rr.process(rand1, rand2)
				nr.process(data1, rand2)
				rn.process(rand1, data2)
				xi, varxi = nn.calculateXi(rr, nr, rn)

			wgg_3D[p] += xi

	if corr == 'ng':
		#gt = np.trapz(gt_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		#gx = np.trapz(gx_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		#gt = simps(gt_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		gt = np.sum(gt_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		gx = np.sum(gx_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		varg = np.sum(varg_3D, axis=0)
		npair = np.sum(npair_3D, axis=0)
		r = ng.rnom
		return r, gt, gx, varg**0.5, npair
	elif corr == 'nn':
		wgg = np.sum(wgg_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		r = nn.rnom
		return r, wgg
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def process(self,
        """Accumulate the number of triangles of points between cat1, cat2, and cat3.

        - If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
        - If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function with the 
          first catalog taking two corners of the triangles. (Not implemented yet.)
        - If 3 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function.

        All arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used 
        for that element of the correlation.

        Note: For a correlation of multiple catalogs, it matters which corner of the
        triangle comes from which catalog.  The final accumulation will have 
        d1 > d2 > d3 where d1 is between two points in cat2,cat3; d2 is between 
        points in cat1,cat3; and d3 is between points in cat1,cat2.  To accumulate
        all the possible triangles between three catalogs, you should call this
        multiple times with the different catalogs in different positions.

        :param cat1:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the first N field.
        :param cat2:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the second N field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param cat3:        A catalog or list of catalogs for the third N field, if any.
                            (default: None)
        :param metric:      Which metric to use for distance measurements.  Options are:

                            - 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points.
                              For spherical coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord
                              distance between points on the unit sphere.
                            - 'Rperp' = the perpendicular component of the distance. For two points
                              with distance from Earth `r1, r2`, if `d` is the normal Euclidean 
                              distance and :math:`Rparallel = |r1-r2|`, then we define
                              :math:`Rperp^2 = d^2 - Rparallel^2`.

                            (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor
                            in the config dict.)

        :param num_threads: How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.  
                            (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
                            the constructor in the config dict.) Note that this won't work if the 
                            system's C compiler is clang prior to version 3.7.
        import math
        if not isinstance(cat1, list): cat1 = [cat1]
        if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2, list): cat2 = [cat2]
        if cat3 is not None and not isinstance(cat3, list): cat3 = [cat3]
        if len(cat1) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No catalogs provided for cat1")
        if cat2 is not None and len(cat2) == 0:
            cat2 = None
        if cat3 is not None and len(cat3) == 0:
            cat3 = None
        if cat2 is None and cat3 is not None:
            raise NotImplemented("No partial cross GGG yet.")
        if cat3 is None and cat2 is not None:
            raise NotImplemented("No partial cross GGG yet.")

        if cat2 is None and cat3 is None:
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(cat1)
            varg2 = varg1
            varg3 = varg1
            self.logger.info("varg = %f: sig_g = %f", varg1, math.sqrt(varg1))
            self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads)
            assert cat2 is not None and cat3 is not None
            varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat1)
            varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat2)
            varg3 = treecorr.calculateVarK(cat3)
            self.logger.info("varg1 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg1, math.sqrt(varg1))
            self.logger.info("varg2 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg2, math.sqrt(varg2))
            self.logger.info("varg3 = %f: sig_g = %f", varg3, math.sqrt(varg3))
            self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, cat3, metric, num_threads)
        self.finalize(varg1, varg2, varg3)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def measure_cross_rho(tile_data, max_sep, tags=None, prefix='piff'):
    """Compute the rho statistics
    import treecorr

    ntilings = len(tile_data)
    print('len(tile_data) = ', ntilings)

    de1 = [d['obs_e1'] - d[prefix + '_e1'] for d in tile_data]
    de2 = [d['obs_e2'] - d[prefix + '_e2'] for d in tile_data]
    dt = [(d['obs_T'] - d[prefix + '_T']) / d['obs_T'] for d in tile_data]
    for k in range(len(tile_data)):
        print('k = ', k)
        print('mean de = ', np.mean(de1[k]), np.mean(de2[k]))
        print('mean dt = ', np.mean(dt[k]))

    ecats = [
                         g2=d['obs_e2']) for d in tile_data
    for cat in ecats:
        cat.name = 'ecat'
    decats = [
                         g2=de2[k]) for k, d in enumerate(tile_data)
    for cat in decats:
        cat.name = 'decat'
    dtcats = [
                         g1=d['obs_e1'] * dt[k],
                         g2=d['obs_e2'] * dt[k])
        for k, d in enumerate(tile_data)
    for cat in dtcats:
        cat.name = 'dtcat'
    if tags is not None:
        for catlist in [ecats, decats, dtcats]:
            for cat, tag in zip(catlist, tags):
                cat.name = tag + ":" + cat.name

    bin_config = dict(

        #min_sep = 2.5,
        #max_sep = 250,
        #nbins = 20,

    results = []
    for (catlist1, catlist2) in [(decats, decats), (ecats, decats),
                                 (dtcats, dtcats), (decats, dtcats),
                                 (ecats, dtcats)]:

        catnames1 = [cat.name for cat in catlist1]
        catnames2 = [cat.name for cat in catlist2]
        print('Doing correlation of %s vs %s' % (catnames1, catnames2))
        rho = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_config, verbose=2)
        # Avoid all auto correlations:
        for i in range(ntilings):
            for j in range(ntilings):
                if i == j: continue
                if catlist1 is catlist2 and i > j: continue
                print('names: ', catlist1[i].name, catlist2[j].name)
                rho.process_cross(catlist1[i], catlist2[j])
        varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist1)
        varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist2)
        rho.finalize(varg1, varg2)

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 22
def measure_cross_rho(tile_data, max_sep, tags=None, prefix='piff', lucas=False):
    """Compute the rho statistics
    import treecorr

    ntilings = len(tile_data)
    print('len(tile_data) = ',ntilings)

    q1 = [ d['obs_e1']-d[prefix+'_e1'] for d in tile_data ]
    q2 = [ d['obs_e2']-d[prefix+'_e2'] for d in tile_data ]
    dt = [ (d['obs_T']-d[prefix+'_T'])/d['obs_T'] for d in tile_data ]
    for k in range(len(tile_data)):
        print('k = ',k)
        print('mean q = ',np.mean(q1[k]),np.mean(q2[k]))
        print('mean dt = ',np.mean(dt[k]))

    ecats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg',
                               g1=d['obs_e1'], g2=d['obs_e2'])
              for d in tile_data ]
    for cat in ecats: cat.name = 'ecat'
    qcats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg',
                                g1=q1[k], g2=q2[k]) for k,d in enumerate(tile_data) ]
    for cat in qcats: cat.name = 'qcat'
    dtcats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg',
                                k=dt[k], g1=d['obs_e1']*dt[k], g2=d['obs_e2']*dt[k])
               for k,d in enumerate(tile_data) ]
    for cat in dtcats: cat.name = 'dtcat'
    if tags is not None:
        for catlist in [ ecats, qcats, dtcats]:
            for cat, tag in zip(catlist, tags):
                cat.name = tag + ":"  + cat.name

    bin_config = dict(
        sep_units = 'arcmin',
        bin_slop = 0.1,

        min_sep = 0.5,
        max_sep = max_sep,
        bin_size = 0.2,

    if lucas:
        bin_config['min_sep'] = 2.5
        bin_config['max_sep'] = 250.
        bin_config['nbins'] = 20
        del bin_config['bin_size']

    results = []
    for (catlist1, catlist2) in [ (qcats, qcats),
                                  (ecats, qcats),
                                  (dtcats, dtcats),
                                  (qcats, dtcats),
                                  (ecats, dtcats) ]:

        catnames1 = [ cat.name for cat in catlist1 ]
        catnames2 = [ cat.name for cat in catlist2 ]
        print('Doing correlation of %s vs %s'%(catnames1, catnames2))
        rho = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_config, verbose=2)
        # Avoid all auto correlations:
        for i in range(ntilings):
            for j in range(ntilings):
                if i == j: continue
                if catlist1 is catlist2 and i > j: continue
                print('names: ',catlist1[i].name,catlist2[j].name)
                rho.process_cross(catlist1[i], catlist2[j])
        varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist1)
        varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist2)
        rho.finalize(varg1, varg2)

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():

    args = parse_args()

    # Make the work directory if it does not exist yet.
    cat_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.psf_cats)
    print 'psfcats dir = ',cat_dir

    print os.path.join(cat_dir, '*_psf.fits')
    cat_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(cat_dir, '*_psf.fits')))

    min_sep = 0.5
    max_sep = 20
    bin_size = 0.3
    bin_slop = 0.1

    rho1 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                  bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=0)
    rho2 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                  bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=0)
    rho3 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                  bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=0)
    rho4 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                  bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=0)
    rho5 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                  bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=0)

    all_ra = []
    all_dec = []
    all_e1 = []
    all_e2 = []
    all_s = []

    for file in cat_files:
        print 'Processing ',file

            with pyfits.open(file) as pyf:
                data = pyf[1].data.copy()
            print 'Failed to read data from %s.  Skiping.'%file
        #print 'len(data) = ',len(data)
        #print 'shape = ',data.shape

        mask = data['flag'] == 0
        #print 'len(mask) = ',len(mask)
        #print 'nonzero(mask) = ',numpy.sum(mask)
        if mask.sum() == 0:
            print '   All objects in this file are flagged.'

        ra = data['ra'][mask]
        dec = data['dec'][mask]
        e1 = data['e1'][mask]
        e2 = data['e2'][mask]
        s = data['size'][mask]

        m_e1 = data['psf_e1'][mask]
        m_e2 = data['psf_e2'][mask]
        m_s = data['psf_size'][mask]


        de1 = e1-m_e1
        de2 = e2-m_e2
        dt = (s**2-m_s**2)/s**2

        #print 'e1 = ',e1
        #print 'e2 = ',e2
        #print 'de1 = ',de1
        #print 'de2 = ',de2
        #print 'dt = ',dt

        ecat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', g1=e1, g2=e2)
        decat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', g1=de1, g2=de2)
        dtcat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', 
                                 k=dt, g1=dt*e1, g2=dt*e2)

        ecat.name = 'ecat'
        decat.name = 'decat'
        dtcat.name = 'dtcat'

        for (cat1, cat2, rho) in [ (decat, decat, rho1),
                                   (ecat, decat, rho2),
                                   (dtcat, dtcat, rho3),
                                   (decat, dtcat, rho4),
                                   (ecat, dtcat, rho5) ]:
            #print 'Doing correlation of %s vs %s'%(cat1.name, cat2.name)

            if cat1 is cat2:
                rho.process_cross(cat1, cat2)

    ra = numpy.concatenate(all_ra)
    dec = numpy.concatenate(all_dec)
    e1 = numpy.concatenate(all_e1)
    e2 = numpy.concatenate(all_e2)
    s = numpy.concatenate(all_s)

    allcat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', g1=e1, g2=e2)
    varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(allcat)

    for rho in [ rho1, rho2, rho3, rho4, rho5 ]:
        rho.finalize(varg, varg)

    print '\nFinished processing all files'
Ejemplo n.º 24
def measure_cross_rho(tile_data, max_sep, tags=None, prefix=''):
    """Compute the rho statistics
    import treecorr

    ntilings = len(tile_data)
    print 'len(tile_data) = ',ntilings

    de1 = [ d[prefix+'e1']-d['psf_e1'] for d in tile_data ]
    de2 = [ d[prefix+'e2']-d['psf_e2'] for d in tile_data ]
    dt = [ (d[prefix+'size']**2-d['psf_size']**2)/d['size']**2 for d in tile_data ]
    for k in range(len(tile_data)):
        print 'k = ',k
        print 'mean de = ',numpy.mean(de1[k]),numpy.mean(de2[k])
        print 'mean dt = ',numpy.mean(dt[k])

    ecats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', 
                               g1=d['e1'], g2=d['e2']) 
              for d in tile_data ]
    for cat in ecats: cat.name = 'ecat'
    decats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', 
                                g1=de1[k], g2=de2[k]) for k,d in enumerate(tile_data) ]
    for cat in decats: cat.name = 'decat'
    dtcats = [ treecorr.Catalog(ra=d['ra'], dec=d['dec'], ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg', 
                                k=dt[k], g1=d['e1']*dt[k], g2=d['e2']*dt[k])
               for k,d in enumerate(tile_data) ]
    for cat in dtcats: cat.name = 'dtcat'
    if tags is not None:
        for catlist in [ ecats, decats, dtcats]:
            for cat, tag in zip(catlist, tags):
                cat.name = tag + ":"  + cat.name

    min_sep = 0.3
    bin_size = 0.2
    bin_slop = 0.3

    results = []
    for (catlist1, catlist2) in [ (decats, decats),
                                  (ecats, decats),
                                  (dtcats, dtcats),
                                  (decats, dtcats),
                                  (ecats, dtcats) ]:

        catnames1 = [ cat.name for cat in catlist1 ]
        catnames2 = [ cat.name for cat in catlist2 ]
        print 'Doing correlation of %s vs %s'%(catnames1, catnames2)
        rho = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, sep_units='arcmin',
                                     bin_size=bin_size, bin_slop=bin_slop, verbose=2)
        # Avoid all auto correlations:
        for i in range(ntilings):
            for j in range(ntilings):
                if i == j: continue
                if catlist1 is catlist2 and i > j: continue
                print 'names: ',catlist1[i].name,catlist2[j].name
                rho.process_cross(catlist1[i], catlist2[j])
        varg1 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist1)
        varg2 = treecorr.calculateVarG(catlist2)
        rho.finalize(varg1, varg2)

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_pieces():
    # Test that we can do the calculation in pieces and recombine the results

    ncats = 3
    data_cats = []

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 30000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) )-0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) )-0.5) * L
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,ncats) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,ncats) )
    w = numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) ) + 0.5
    for x,y in zip(xl,yl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dy**2)/r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dy)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=xs[:,k], y=ys[:,k], g1=g1[:,k], g2=g2[:,k], w=w[:,k],
                                     x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin') for k in range(ncats) ]
    full_source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs.flatten(), y=ys.flatten(), w=w.flatten(),
                                       g1=g1.flatten(), g2=g2.flatten(),
                                       x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')

    for k in range(ncats):
        # These could each be done on different machines in a real world application.
        ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
        # These should use process_cross, not process, since we don't want to call finalize.
        ng.process_cross(lens_cat, source_cats[k])

    full_ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    full_ng.process(lens_cat, full_source_cat)

    pieces_ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    for k in range(ncats):
        ng = pieces_ng.copy()
        pieces_ng += ng

    varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(source_cats)

    print 'max error in meanr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.meanr - full_ng.meanr),
    print '    max meanr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanr)
    print 'max error in meanlogr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.meanlogr - full_ng.meanlogr),
    print '    max meanlogr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanlogr)
    print 'max error in npairs = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.npairs - full_ng.npairs),
    print '    max npairs = ',numpy.max(full_ng.npairs)
    print 'max error in weight = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.weight - full_ng.weight),
    print '    max weight = ',numpy.max(full_ng.weight)
    print 'max error in xi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.xi - full_ng.xi),
    print '    max xi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi)
    print 'max error in xi_im = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.xi_im - full_ng.xi_im),
    print '    max xi_im = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi_im)
    print 'max error in varxi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.varxi - full_ng.varxi),
    print '    max varxi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.meanr, full_ng.meanr, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.meanlogr, full_ng.meanlogr, decimal=4)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.npairs*1.e-5, full_ng.npairs*1.e-5, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.weight*1.e-5, full_ng.weight*1.e-5, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.xi*1.e2, full_ng.xi*1.e2, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.xi_im*1.e2, full_ng.xi_im*1.e2, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.varxi*1.e6, full_ng.varxi*1.e6, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_pieces():
    # Test that we can do the calculation in pieces and recombine the results

    import time

    ncats = 3
    data_cats = []

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 30000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) )-0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) )-0.5) * L
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,ncats) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,ncats) )
    w = numpy.random.random_sample( (nsource,ncats) ) + 0.5
    for x,y in zip(xl,yl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dy**2)/r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dy)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=xs[:,k], y=ys[:,k], g1=g1[:,k], g2=g2[:,k], w=w[:,k],
                                     x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin') for k in range(ncats) ]
    full_source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs.flatten(), y=ys.flatten(), w=w.flatten(),
                                       g1=g1.flatten(), g2=g2.flatten(),
                                       x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')

    t0 = time.time()
    for k in range(ncats):
        # These could each be done on different machines in a real world application.
        ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
        # These should use process_cross, not process, since we don't want to call finalize.
        ng.process_cross(lens_cat, source_cats[k])

    pieces_ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    for k in range(ncats):
        ng = pieces_ng.copy()
        pieces_ng += ng
    varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(source_cats)
    t1 = time.time()
    print ('time for piece-wise processing (including I/O) = ',t1-t0)

    full_ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    full_ng.process(lens_cat, full_source_cat)
    t2 = time.time()
    print ('time for full processing = ',t2-t1)

    print('max error in meanr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.meanr - full_ng.meanr),)
    print('    max meanr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanr))
    print('max error in meanlogr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.meanlogr - full_ng.meanlogr),)
    print('    max meanlogr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanlogr))
    print('max error in npairs = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.npairs - full_ng.npairs),)
    print('    max npairs = ',numpy.max(full_ng.npairs))
    print('max error in weight = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.weight - full_ng.weight),)
    print('    max weight = ',numpy.max(full_ng.weight))
    print('max error in xi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.xi - full_ng.xi),)
    print('    max xi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi))
    print('max error in xi_im = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.xi_im - full_ng.xi_im),)
    print('    max xi_im = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi_im))
    print('max error in varxi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng.varxi - full_ng.varxi),)
    print('    max varxi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.meanr, full_ng.meanr, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.meanlogr, full_ng.meanlogr, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.npairs*1.e-5, full_ng.npairs*1.e-5, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.weight*1.e-5, full_ng.weight*1.e-5, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.xi*1.e1, full_ng.xi*1.e1, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.xi_im*1.e1, full_ng.xi_im*1.e1, decimal=2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng.varxi*1.e5, full_ng.varxi*1.e5, decimal=2)

    # A different way to do this can produce results that are essentially identical to the
    # full calculation.  We can use wpos = w, but set w = 0 for the items in the pieces catalogs
    # that we don't want to include.  This will force the tree to be built identically in each
    # case, but only use the subset of items in the calculation.  The sum of all these should
    # be identical to the full calculation aside from order of calculation differences.
    # However, we lose some to speed, since there are a lot more wasted calculations along the
    # way that have to be duplicated in each piece.
    w2 = [ numpy.empty(w.shape) for k in range(ncats) ]
    for k in range(ncats):
        w2[k][:,:] = 0.
        w2[k][:,k] = w[:,k]
    source_cats2 = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=xs.flatten(), y=ys.flatten(),
                                      g1=g1.flatten(), g2=g2.flatten(),
                                      wpos=w.flatten(), w=w2[k].flatten(),
                                      x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin') for k in range(ncats) ]

    t3 = time.time()
    ng2 = [ full_ng.copy() for k in range(ncats) ]
    for k in range(ncats):
        ng2[k].process_cross(lens_cat, source_cats2[k])

    pieces_ng2 = full_ng.copy()
    for k in range(ncats):
        pieces_ng2 += ng2[k]
    t4 = time.time()
    print ('time for zero-weight piece-wise processing = ',t4-t3)

    print('max error in meanr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.meanr - full_ng.meanr),)
    print('    max meanr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanr))
    print('max error in meanlogr = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.meanlogr - full_ng.meanlogr),)
    print('    max meanlogr = ',numpy.max(full_ng.meanlogr))
    print('max error in npairs = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.npairs - full_ng.npairs),)
    print('    max npairs = ',numpy.max(full_ng.npairs))
    print('max error in weight = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.weight - full_ng.weight),)
    print('    max weight = ',numpy.max(full_ng.weight))
    print('max error in xi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.xi - full_ng.xi),)
    print('    max xi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi))
    print('max error in xi_im = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.xi_im - full_ng.xi_im),)
    print('    max xi_im = ',numpy.max(full_ng.xi_im))
    print('max error in varxi = ',numpy.max(pieces_ng2.varxi - full_ng.varxi),)
    print('    max varxi = ',numpy.max(full_ng.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.meanr, full_ng.meanr, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.meanlogr, full_ng.meanlogr, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.npairs*1.e-5, full_ng.npairs*1.e-5, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.weight*1.e-5, full_ng.weight*1.e-5, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.xi*1.e1, full_ng.xi*1.e1, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.xi_im*1.e1, full_ng.xi_im*1.e1, decimal=8)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pieces_ng2.varxi*1.e5, full_ng.varxi*1.e5, decimal=8)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_var():
    nobj = 5000

    # First without weights
    cats = []
    allg1 = []
    allg2 = []
    allk = []
    for i in range(10):
        x = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        y = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        g1 = np.random.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        g2 = np.random.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        k = np.random.random_sample(nobj) - 0.5
        cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, k=k)
        varg = (np.sum(g1**2) + np.sum(g2**2)) / (2.*len(g1))
        vark = np.sum(k**2) / len(k)
        assert np.isclose(cat.vark, vark)
        assert np.isclose(cat.varg, varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cat), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK([cat]), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cat), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG([cat]), varg)

    allg1 = np.array(allg1)
    allg2 = np.array(allg2)
    allk = np.array(allk)
    varg = (np.sum(allg1**2) + np.sum(allg2**2)) / (2. * len(allg1))
    vark = np.sum(allk**2) / len(allk)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cats), varg)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cats), vark)

    # Now with weights
    cats = []
    allg1 = []
    allg2 = []
    allk = []
    allw = []
    for i in range(10):
        x = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        y = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        w = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        g1 = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        g2 = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        k = np.random.random_sample(nobj)
        cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, w=w, g1=g1, g2=g2, k=k)
        varg = np.sum(w**2 * (g1**2 + g2**2)) / np.sum(w) / 2.
        vark = np.sum(w**2 * k**2) / np.sum(w)
        assert np.isclose(cat.varg, varg)
        assert np.isclose(cat.vark, vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cat), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG([cat]), varg)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cat), vark)
        assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK([cat]), vark)

    allg1 = np.array(allg1)
    allg2 = np.array(allg2)
    allk = np.array(allk)
    allw = np.array(allw)
    varg = np.sum(allw**2 * (allg1**2 + allg2**2)) / np.sum(allw) / 2.
    vark = np.sum(allw**2 * allk**2) / np.sum(allw)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarG(cats), varg)
    assert np.isclose(treecorr.calculateVarK(cats), vark)